Songbirds From The South
Songbirds From The South
Songbirds From The South
C ome one, come all! Join us for
our special Birdathon promotion
night. We are pleased to have David
President’s Message: Drummond, Merlin Falcon Founda-
April Showers Bring tion President and Wildlife Biologist,
Earth Day — 2 join us with a special program on
ELWAS Office Hours
and Directions — 3 David’s presentation will include bird- Wilson’s Warbler — by Gary Luhm
Volunteer Opportunities — 3 songs, an overview of bird migration,
field ID, and habitat associations of
New ELWAS Leaders — 3 volving people in this raptors conser-
songbird families including: Flycatch-
vation stewardship." He is in cur-
Spring Plant Sale — 4 ers, Vireos, Thrushes, Warblers,
rently in the beginning stages of a na-
Help Send Kids to Camp — 5 Swifts and Swallow families. He con-
tional Merlin book manuscript for
cludes with how we can help these
Conservation Report — 5 publication of citizen-scientist study
"jewels of the bird world" to survive
Field Trips — 6 on their energetic island hopping path
Bird of Month — 7
as they migrate north in the spring. Please join us Thursday, April 24,
David will also bring his Merlin Fal- for this inspiring and lively program
Birdathon 2008 — 8 con Foundation education exhibit so that both educates and motivates peo-
Movie Night — 9 that people are aware that songbirds in ple’s involvement. Come at 6:30 for
riparian/upland habitats are part of the social hour. Enjoy a brief monthly
Marymoor Bird Loop — 9
Merlin ecology too. meeting and refreshments from 7:00
Local Heroes — 10 to 7:45, followed by David’s excellent
David has been a professional biolo-
Conservation Corner : presentation.
gist, naturalist and educator in Wash-
Raptor Killings — 11 ington State since 1974. He also leads The social hour, meeting, and presen-
bird and wildlife tours on land and tation are free and open to the pub-
cruise ships around the world. It is his lic. Invite a friend or anyone who
delight to share with people and help wants to know more about songbirds,
Directions to ELWAS HQ catalyze their nature awareness! bird migration, or Birdathon.
Northlake Unitarian Universalist Church,
308 4th Ave. S. (corner of 4th Ave. S. and Mr. Drummond is principal investiga- Directions to ELWAS office / North-
State). Take I-405 exit 18 (NE 85th, Kirk- tor on the Coastal Forest Merlin Pro- lake Unitarian Universalist Church are
land). Drive west on Central Way to 3rd
St. (stoplight). Turn left (south) on 3rd St. ject in its 25th year, supported by the on this page (lower left).
and follow it as it bears left and changes Merlin Falcon Foundation 501(C)
name to State St. Turn left on 4th Ave S.
(3). Their mission is, "to investigate
TAKE THE BUS! Routes 540, 230 and
255 serve State Street in Kirkland. Merlin life history and educate by in-
We’re moving!
Well, technically, not yet. Maybe that So here are some of the things we will be Storage space – all that stuff we keep
should be rephrased as “We’re looking.” looking for in this quest: accumulating needs to go somewhere!
Our chapter offices have been housed in Location &Visibility – our location Other considerations – the condition of
the Northlake Unitarian Church for sev- needs to be easy to find, and where we the space is important. We are willing to
eral years now, and our circumstances can put up a sign. In or near a natural area do some labor, but don’t want to spend
have continued to evolve. On one hand, would be ideal (but admittedly rare!). our funds on materials or big upgrades. It
our chapter and its activities continue to Compatible neighbors and landlord, suffi- needs to be a safe, pleasant place for our
grow, and all those activities seem to re- cient parking and access to public transit volunteers and staff to work.
quire more space and more stuff! On the are also important.
A tall order? Yes it is. But the purpose of
other hand, we are closing our store and
Cost – it would be nice to save some looking is to improve, so we plan on
will need to reconfigure our space.
money on our rent which is one of our evaluating this potential move very care-
All this change got us thinking about what biggest expenses. fully. If you have any ideas, contact Jan at
we really needed in an office space, and the office. And thanks for keeping us in
Size – we need a minimum of about 400
we decided to keep our eyes open to op- mind!
sq. feet of office space. Additional space
portunities that might be out there in our
for work parties and board meetings
communities. And since you are all part of
would be a bonus.
our community, we are asking you to keep
your eyes open as well.
Conservation Report
Evergreen Cities interested in working with the Chapter on change.
Renamed to Evergreen Communities dur- this legislation, please contact our office.
After a lengthy discussion by the Parks
ing the legislative process, this bill passed
Juanita Bay Park name change. Board, they did finally vote to change the
both the State House and Senate, with a
In mid-March the Kirkland Parks Board name, but were unable to reach consensus
strong majority. This bill will provide
took up our proposal to change the name on what the name should be. A couple of
seed money to local cities and counties
of Juanita Bay Park to Juanita Bay Wild- different options were presented, but they
that wish to inventory and plan for tree
life Refuge, or something similar, to de- were unable to reach consensus on any of
cover for the area within their respective
note it from Juanita Beach Park and re- those either. Eventually, they voted to
jurisdictions. At this point, we’re not sure
flecting its wild nature. The record shows table the issue.
how much funding will ultimately be in-
overwhelming support from Kirkland resi-
cluded. Some of the issues of concern were that
dents and others (thank you to ALL who
the term "wildlife refuge" connotes some-
Our goal is to have Kirkland, Redmond sent letters and e-mails) and several EL-
thing much more restrictive and regulated
and Bellevue each sign-on as Evergreen WAS members attended and testified in
than what currently exists at the park, or
Communities. The first step is to meet favor of the name change. There was one
that changing the name might set the stage
with Audubon Washington staff to draft a person who testified against the name
for future restriction and regulation.
plan for approaching each city. If you are change, fearing the park usage would also
Ella Elman, field ecologist, and Glenn Eades, work party coordinator, planning Mary-
moor Bird Loop work parties for 2008
Local Heroes dro. We’ll see tremendous job growth as most here, and the political will is evolv-
these industries ramp up. ing rapidly. We can do this without loss of
(Continued from page 10)
standard of living while creating millions
It will take time to make a dent with re-
least-cost source, after conservation of jobs. We need especially to design
newables in the electric grid, but an excit-
(efficiency). And it’s not just wind. The smarter communities, but for now, simple
ing thing about this is how developing
outlook for solar electric is astonishing. life-style and efficiency improvements are
nations will eventually benefit, potentially
For example, a company named Nanoso- a start. Things like riding a bike for er-
“lifting all boats”. Cheap solar and other
lar just started production at a new manu- rands, consolidating car trips, weatheriz-
renewables will mean giant, centralized
facturing plant in San Jose, CA, where ing homes. Dump that second refrigerator,
power plants and massive transmission
thin-film photovoltaics are sprayed on a and purchase efficient appliances (and
systems can be circumvented with smart
substrate and rolled out like in a printing especially cars) when they’re due for re-
development, while helping solve the
press in mile-long sheets. Commercial placement. Be sure to car-pool on birding
problem of bringing the third world into
customers have already bought all of trips. Or how about birding locally by
the modern one without destroying the
Nanosolar’s 2008 production. And get foot, bike or kayak? As Diamond con-
this, they claim they can produce electric- cludes, “The world has serious consump-
ity at .66¢/watt, and can sell panels We have a long way to go in areas like tion problems, but we can solve them if
at .99¢/watt. That’s a game-changer. transportation, building design and sus- we choose to do so.”
That’s cheaper than anything but old hy- tainability. The technology is here, or al-
— Gary Luhm