As Close As You Dare - Africa
As Close As You Dare - Africa
As Close As You Dare - Africa
I mmerse yourself in the danger,
beauty and humor of being in wild
and remote Africa. Becci Crowe - art-
President’s Message: ist, documentary filmmaker and world
The Strength of Community — 2 traveler - engages and entertains as she
takes you on an extraordinary journey
EAS Office Hours into the African bush. Specializing in
and Directions — 3 wildlife and tribal portrait art, Becci's
desire to study her subjects in their
Program Night Membership natural world has lead to many exciting
Campaign — 4 moments and the creation of a docu-
mentary now broadcasting on PBS sta-
Field Trips — 6
tions nationwide. Join Becci as she
Bird of the Month — 7
takes you on a remarkable African bus
adventure through her video, photos,
Tribute: Parky Forrester — 8 stories, and art!
A strong advocate for educational pro-
Audubon BirdLoop — 9 grams that explore and strive to pre-
serve wildlife and world cultures, Becci
Fall Birding Course: Birds of the
Puget Sound Area — 10
dedicates time to present programs on
her travel, art, and wildlife experiences
the African bush. Come at 6:30 for the
Summer Camp Report — 11 in Alaska, Antarctica, The Amazon,
social hour. Enjoy a brief monthly
Argentina, Costa Rica, China, Tanza-
meeting and refreshments from 7:00 to
nia, Botswana, Kenya, Zimbabwe, and
7:45, followed by her presentation.
Namibia. Her artwork hangs in private
and corporate collections and has been The social hour, meeting, and presenta-
exhibited at juried shows nationwide. tion are free and open to the public.
Wanting to live and work as close to Invite a friend or anyone who is inter-
nature as possible, Becci’s home studio ested in seeing wildlife and tribal art or
Directions to EAS HQ in Washington State has been desig- African bush adventures.
Northlake Unitarian Universalist Church, nated by the National Wildlife Federa-
308 4th Ave. S. (corner of 4th Ave. S. and Directions to “EAS HQ,” the location
State). Take I-405 exit 18 (NE 85th, Kirk- tion as a Certified Backyard Wildlife
land). Drive west on Central Way to 3rd
of this program, are on the lower left
St. (stoplight). Turn left (south) on 3rd St. corner of this page.
and follow it as it bears left and changes Please join us Thursday, October 23
name to State St. Turn left on 4th Ave S.
for Becci’s stimulating talk and video
TAKE THE BUS! Routes 540, 230 and
255 serve State Street in Kirkland. chronicling her extraordinary return to
When two people you have invited or welcomed join We need YOU to help us grow. Call a friend and bring
EAS, you win a T-shirt or Hat! them with you on Thursday, October 23.