Weekly Assessment/ Test: Magsaysay Elementary School Leonard Q. Plaza

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Teacher LEONARD Q. PLAZA Learning Area Mathematics

Date/Time NOVEMBER 21-25 , 2016 Quarter Third
Daily Lesson Log 8:50 – 9:50 AM / 2:20 – 3:20 PM

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

A. Content Standards
B. Performance Standards
C. Learning
Solve word problems involving
inverse proportion
Give the meaning of the elements
(rate, base, percentage) used in
Find the percentage when the rate
and base are given
Find the rate or percent when the
percentage and base are given WEEKLY
Write or set up an inverse
proportion correctly
percent problems
Write the data for rate and base
using Techan’s triangle
1. Write the data for percentage and
base using Techan’s Triangle
Determine the percentage, rate, or 2. Write an equation or proportion to
solve problems
base in a given problem or
Write the formula to find rate,
base, and percentage correctly
II. CONTENT Solving word problems involving Giving the meaning of percentage Finding the percentage when the Finding the rate when the percentage
inverse proportion (P), rate/percent (R), or rate and base are given and base are given
base used in solving percentage Writing the data for rate and base 2. Writing an equation or proportion in
problems in the Techan’s Triangle solving problems
2. Identifying PRB in a problem, Writing an equation or preparation 3. Writing the data for rate and base
statement or equation. in solving problems in the Techan’s Triangle
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guides BEC PELC II.K.2.2.3 PELC II.L.1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and 2 BEC PELC II L 3.2.1 and 3.1 BEC PELC II.L.3.2.2 and 3.1
2. Learner’s Material
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Reference Mathematics Workbook Mathematics Workbook Mathematics Workbook Mathematics Workbook
from Learning Resource
B. Other Learning Resources Powerpoint presentation Powerpoint presentation Powerpoint presentation Powerpoint presentation
A. Reviewing previous lesson Have a drill on finding the missing Drill on renaming fractions to decimal. Drill Drill
or presenting the new term in a proportion. Checking of Assignment Checking of Assignment Checking of Assignment
lesson Checking of Assignment
B. Establishing a purpose for Ask the pupils if they have visited some When do you celebrate your birthday? Ask the pupils about their target/aim in Ask the pairs of pupils on how they
the lesson of the places that care for the physically What did you do during your birthday? answering a 20-item test. “What’s your use their school supplies. Sample:
handicapped, aged, orphans, etc. target “Do you use the
Discuss the importance of these places, score in a 20-item test? What passing front and back pages of your
and the value of grade is it?” (75%, 80%, 90%, or notebook? Why?”
helping our less fortunate brothers.
100%). The pupils have the freedom to
C. Presenting Present the problem opener. On her birthday, Carla received Pablo listens very well to the Jethro’s teacher tells them to use
examples/instances of the 1,500 from her ninangs. With her teacher during the discussion of bond paper of 5 or less for their
new lesson I have enough money for a vacation money, she spent 40% for a the lesson. When they Math project. If
of 12 days if I spend 500 a day. For blouse, and saved the rest. How were given a 5-item test his grade Jethro uses 3 sheets, what
how much was used in buying a was 80%. How many correct percent of the sheets of bond
many days will my money last if I blouse? answers did Pablo get? paper does he use?
decide to spend only 400 a day.
D. Discussing new concepts Discuss the lesson through the Ask the pupils the following: Discuss the lesson through the Discuss the lesson through the
and practicing new skill #1 problem presented. a) Who received money from her problem presented. problem presented.
b) Why did her ninang give her money?
c) How much did she receive from her
d) What did she do with her money?
e) If you were Carla, will you do the
same? Why?
2) Have the pupils analyze the problems
by answering the
E. Discussing new concepts Give another example. Give another example. Give another example. Give another example.
and practicing new skill #2 Group activity. Group activity. Group activity.
F. Developing mastery (Leads Pupils may solve these problems Identify the rate, base, and Solve for the percentage.
to Formative Assessment) individually then they can discuss percentage by completing the a. 36% of 95 is N.
these with their partners. table. b. 48% of 290 is what number?
Analyze and solve the problems: Rate Base Percentage c. N is 20% of 8?
1) If 4 farmers can plow a 3-hectare 1) 6 is 25% of 24 d. What is 20% of 8?
land in 6 days, how long will 8 2) 20% of 15 is 3 e. 60% of 80 is _____.
farmers do it? 3) 500 is 8
2) Twelve painters can paint a 5 % of 800
building in 10 days. How many 4) 125% of 60 is 75
painters are needed to paint 5) 1,400 is 275% P3,850
it in 6 days? 6) 12 ½% of 48 is 6
7) 17 is 33 1/3% of 51
8) 30 is 50% of 60
9) 60 is 20% of 300
10) 0.5% of 2,000 is 10

G. Finding practical Analyze then solve the problems. Read and answer the following a. There are 40 pupils in a class. Solve the problem.
applications of concepts 1) If 8 men can build a house in 90 days, problems: Seventy-five percent of them are a) Ricardo got 90% of a 20-item
and skills in daily living in how many days can 20 men working 1) Mrs. Licardo opened an account in present. How many are test in Math. How many items
under the South Leas Bank. She puts a principal present? How many are absent? did he answer correctly?
same conditions as the 8 men build the amount of b. Rhoda’s allowance for the day is b) In a school of 680 Grade 6
house? 15,000 that will earn an interest of 150 250. She spends 80% of it and saves pupils, 646 graduated. What
after a month at a rate of 1% monthly. the rest. How percent of the Grade 6 pupils
2) A carpenter working 8 hours a day a) What are the given data in the much does she spend? How much graduated? How many did not
could finish a piece of work in 6 days. problem? does she save? graduate?
How many days b) Which of the data is the base? rate? c) One stormy day, 12 pupils of
could he finish a similar piece of work by percentage? Mrs. Loyola were absent. If
working 10 hours a day? there are 50 pupils in the class,
what percent of the class is
absent? present?
H. Making generalizations and What is an inverse proportion? What is the meaning of percentage? How do you find the percentage How do you find the ratio or
abstractions about the How does it differ from a direct rate? base? How do you determine when the rate and base are given? percent when the base and
lesson proportion? the base in a given problem? the percentage are given?
How do we set up an inverse rate? and the percentage? C. Application
I. Evaluating learning Set the following proportions and Encircle the letter of the correct Answer the following: Answer the following:
solve. answers. 1. What is 25% of 4? 9. _____ is 1) ___% of 10 = 2.
1) A stock of food is enough to feed 1) When one finds what 10% of 1,000,000. 2) N% of 28 is 14.
50 persons for 14 days. How many percent one number is of 1. What is 25% of 4? 3) What percent of 20 is 5?
days will the food last if 20 another, he looks for the 2. N is 50% of 2. 4) 4 is what percent of 20?
more persons will be added? ___. 3. 200% of 3 is what number? 5) 18 is N% of 30.
2) Four equal pumps can fill a tank in a) base 4. 75% of 12 is _____. 6) ___% of 80 = 20.
42 minutes. How long will 6 pumps b) percentage 5. 60% of 30 is N. 7) N% of 180 is 35.
of the same kind fill the c) rate 6. 30% of 600 is what number? 8) what percent of 800 is
tank? d) ratio 7. 230% of 90 is N. 400?
3) If 3 farmers can plow a field in 4 2) Finding a number when a 8. 150% of 400 is ______. 9) 7.5 is what percent of
days, how long will 6 farmers do it? percent of it is known 9. _____ is 10% of 1,000,000. 30?
4) Five sewers can finish 200 means solving for the ___. 10. What number is 1% of 1,000. 10)
children’s dresses in 8 days. How a) base 18 is N% of 24.
many days will it take 10 sewers to b) percentage
finish the same number of children’s c) proportion
dresses? d) ratio
3) 16 is 25% of 64.
The percentage in the problem
is ___.
a) 16
b) 25%
c) 64
d) 41
J. Additional activities for Solve these problems. Identify the R, B, and P in the following Complete the table. Solve.
application or remediation 1) Four teachers can finish interviewing statements: Base Rate Percentage 1) What percent of 8 is 64?
100 applicants for the school entrance 1. 180% of 200 is 360 1 30 10% 2) 7 is what percent of 35?
examination in 5 2. 35% of 90 is 31.5 2 50 60% 3) 63 is N% of 252.
days. If the interview period is to be 3. 100 is 4% of 2,500 3 60 30% 4) ___% of 9 = 45.
finished in 2 days only, how many 4. 51 children, 66 2/3% of them are 4 180 150% 5) N% of 875 is 210.
teachers should there be? boys, 34 are boys 5 200 75% 6) 657 is N% of 876.
5. 16 is 20% of 80 6 700 65% 7) ___% of 250 = 245.
2) Sixty boxes are needed to pack 720 7 900 8%
brownies in batches of 12. How many 8 1260 33%
boxes are needed if 9 6000 2%
the brownies are packed in batches of 10 10 000 25%


A. No. of learners who earned
80% on the formative
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other

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