Index/ Instructor's Evaluation of Experiment Reports
Index/ Instructor's Evaluation of Experiment Reports
Index/ Instructor's Evaluation of Experiment Reports
1. Do not run the motor at low voltage i.e. less than 180 volts.
2. Do not increase the speed at once.
3. Damper is always in perpendicular direction.
4. A motor bolts is properly tightly with weight.
5. A beam is proper tight in bearing with bolt.
6. Always keep the apparatus free from dust.
Experiment No.-2
1. Time period actual
Tactual = t/n sec
2. Actual radius of gyration, kact
Tactual = 2π√ {kact2+ (og) 2 /g*(og)}
3. Theoretical radius of gyration, ktheo
Ktheo = l/2√3
Observation & calculation table: L cm. Og No. Of Time Tact Kact Ktheo
Osc. N for
Kact = radius of gyration about cg in cm.
Ktheo = radius of gyration about cg in cm.
L = length of suspended pendulum.
N = no. Of oscillations.
Og = distance of c.g. of the rod from support.
Ttheo = theoretical periodic time in sec.
Tact = actual time period.
T = time required for 10 oscillations.
Experiment No. - 3
Aim: To determine the radius of gyration of trifilar suspension.
Equipments: Trifilar suspension.
Introduction: Trifilar suspension is a disc of mass m (weight w) suspended by three vertical
cords, each of length l, from a fixed support. Each cord is symmetrically attached to the disc at
the same distance r from the mass of the disc.
Figure: Trifiller suspension
Theory: the discs is now turned through a small angle its vertical axis, the cords becomes
inclined. One being released the disc will perform oscillations about the vertical axis. At any
Let: ѳ = angular displacement of the disc
F = tension in each cord =w/3
Inertia torque = i × ѳ
Restoring torque = 3 × horizontal component forces of each string × r
Inertia torque = restoring torque
Description: a uniform circular disc is suspended from the pendulum support frame by three
parallel cords. Top ends of the cords pass through the three small chucks fitted at the top. Other
ends aresecuered in the trifieler disc. It is possible to adjust the length of the chord by loosening
the chucks.
Utilities required:
Floor area required: .5 m × .5 m
1. Allow the disc to oscillate about the vertical axis passing through centre
2. Measure the oscillation with time.
3. Repeat the experiment for different lengths & different radius.
Observation & calculation:
T= t/n, sec
F= 1/t , sec-1
K = 1/2πf × ∫gr2/l,
R = radius
N = number of oscillation.
T = time for n oscillation, sec.
T = time period of oscillation, sec
F = frequency of oscillation, sec-1
L = length of the cord, m
K = radius of gyration, m
Precautions & maintenance instructions:
1. Tight the drill chucks properly.
2. Length of each cord should be equal.
Experiment No.- 4
AIM: To determine the radius of gyration of given bar using bi-filler suspension.
Apparatus Used: Bifiller suspension rod.
Description: A uniform rectangular section bar is suspended from the pendulum support frame
by two parallel cords. Top ends of the cords pass through the two small chucks fitted at the top.
Other ends are secured in the bi-filler bar. It is possible to adjust the length of the cord by
loosening the chucks.
The suspension may be used to determine the radius of gyration of any body. In this case, the
body under investigation is bolted to the center. Radius of gyration of the combined bar and body
is then determined.
1 actual time period Tact = t/n sec
2 actual radius of gyration , k act from equation Tact = 2π*kact/a* √l/g
3 theoretical radius of gyration Ktheo = l/2√3
Observation & calculation table:
S . No. L cm A cm No. Of Time for Tact Kact Ktheo
social n social
2a = distance between the two string, g = acceleration due to gravity
Kact= actual radius of gyration of bi- filler suspension
Ktheo= theoretical radius of gyration of bi-filler suspension
L = length of suspended string
N = nos. Of oscillation, n = number of oscillations
Experiment No.-5
B=width of beam
E= modulus of elasticity of beam material
Fl= frequency of beam
Fb= natural frequency of beam
Fact=actual frequency
G=acceleration due to gravity..
H=thickness of beam
I=moment of inertia
L=length of the beam
N=number of oscillations
T=time taken for n oscillation
Tact=actual time period
W=weight of beam per unit length
W=central load of the beam, or weight attached.
Experiment No. - 6
Aim: To study the pressure profile of lubricating conditions of load and speed.
Equipments: Journal bearing apparatus.
Introduction: This apparatus helps to demonstrate and study the effect of important variables
such as speed, viscosity and load, on the pressure distribution in a journal bearing.
The portion of a shaft, which revolves in a bearing and is subjected to load at right angle to the
axis of shaft, known as journal. The whole unit consisting of journal and its supporting part is a
bearing. The whole arrangement is known as journal bearing.
The apparatus consists of a m.s. bearing mounted freely on a steel journal shaft. This journal
shaft is coupled to a d.c. motor. Speed regulator is provided with the setup to control the speed of
journal shaft. The journal bearing has compound pressure gauge measure pressure at different
points. The weight is hanged on the centre of the bearing. On oil inlet mounted on journal to
supply lubricating oil. One valve is also provided to release the trap air.
An oil reservoir accompanies the setup to store the sufficient oil foe experimrnt.this reservoir is
supplies oil to the bearing.
1. Fill 2 lts lubricating oil in feed tank
2. Release the oil from the supply tube and journal with help of ball valve.
3. Check that some oil leakage is there for cooling.
4. Set the speed with help of dimmer stat and let the journal run for about 5 min to achieve the
steady state.
5. Add the required loads and keep it horizontal position.
6. Note the rpm of the journal shaft.
7. Note pressure readings at different peripheral positions (after 100 or 150). Rotation of the
journal, with the help compound pressure gauge.
8. After each reading, release pressure and take the next reading.
9. Repeat the experiment for the various speeds and loads.
10. After the test is over set dimmer to zero position and switch off main supply.
Observation & calculation:
W2 = ----------kg.
N = -------rpm
Observation table: Ѳ P, kg/cm2
AIM: To determine the natural frequency of undamped torsional vibration of a single rotor shaft
When the particles of the shaft or disc move in a circle about the axis of the shaft, then the
vibrations are known as torsional vibrations. The shaft is twisted and untwisted alternatively and
the torsional shear stresses are induced in the shaft. Since there is no damping in the system these
are undamped vibrations. Also there is no external force is acting on the body after giving an
initial angular displacement then the body is said to be under free or natural vibrations. Hence the
given system is an undamped free torsional vibratory system.
Shaft diameter, d = 3 mm Diameter of disc, D = 225 mm Weight of the
10 2
disc, W = 2.795 kg Modulus of rigidity for shaft, C = 7.848 * 10 N/m
1. Fix the brackets at convinent position along the lower beam.
2. Grip one end of the shaft at the bracket by chuck.
3. Fix the rotor on the other end of the shaft.
4. Twist the rotor through some angle and release.
5. Note down the time required for 10 to 20 oscillations.
6. Repeat the procedure for different length of the shaft.
4 2
Polar moment of inertia of shaft = Π * d / 32 Moment of inertia of disc, I = (W/g)*(D /8)
1. Torsional stiffness Kt
Kt=(G*I )/L
AIM: To Study The Free Vibration Of Two Rotor System And To Determine The Natural
Frequency Of Vibration Theoretically & Experimentally.
In this experiment two discs having different mass moments of inertia are clamped one at
each of the shaft by means of collect and chucks. Attaching the cross lever weights
can changed Mass moment of inertia of an disc. Both discs are free to oscillate in ball
bearing. This provides negligible damping during experiment.
. Fix two discs to the shaft and fit the shaft in bearing.
. Deflect the disc in opposite direction by hand and release.
. Note down the required for particular number of oscillations.
. Fit the cross arm to one of the discs says B and again notr down the time.
. Repeat the procedure with different equal masses attached to the ends of cross arm and
note down the time.
Standard Data
G = modulusof rigidity of shaft = 0.8*106Kg/cm2
IA = M.I of disc A
IB = M.I of disc B
d = shaft dia
Sr. No. Ia kg cm2 Ia kg cm2 T Theo sec. F Theo hz T exit sec. F exit sec.
OBJECTIVE: To Determine The Undamped Free Vibration Of Equivalent Spring Mass System.
The equipment is designed to study free damped and undamped vibration. It consists of
M.S rectangular beam supported at one end by a tunion pivoted in ball bearing. The bearing
housing is fixed to the side member of the frame. The other end of beam is supported by the
lower end of helical spring, upper end of the spring is attached to screw, which engage with
screwed hand wheel. The screw can be adjusted vertically in any convenient position and can
be clamped with the help of lock nut.
The exciter unit can be mounted at any position along the beam. Additional known weights
may be added to the weight platform under side exciter .
. Support one end of beam in the slot of trunion and clamp it by means of screw.
. Attached the other end of the beam to lower end of spring.
. Adjust the screw to which the spring is attached with the help of hand wheel such that beam
is horizontal is position .
. Weight the exciter assembly along with discs, bearing and weights platform.
. Clamp the assembly at any convenient position.
. Measure the distance L1 of the assembly from pivot. Allow system to vibrate freely.
. Measure the time for any 10 oscillation and periodic time and natural frequency of vibration.
. Repeat the experiment by varying L1 and also putting different weights on platform.
Standard Data
W = 18.5kg.
w = 0.5kg and 1.0kg(one each)
k = 5kg/cm
L = 93.5 cm.
g = 9.81 m / sec2
3). m = W+w/g
Experiment No. – 10
AIM: To determine the frequency of damped force vibration of a spring mass system.
APPARATUS: Spring mass system, damper, exciter unit, voltage regulator and strip-chart
The vibration that the system executes under damping system is known as damped vibrations.
In general all the physical systems are associated with one or the other type of damping. In
certain cases amount of damping may be small in other case large. In damped vibrations there is
a reduction in amplitude over every cycle of vibration. This is due to the fact that a certain
amount of energy possessed by the vibrating system is always dissipated in overcoming
frictional resistances to the motion. The rate at which the amplitude of vibration decays depends
upon the type and amount of damping in the system. Damped vibrations can be free vibrations
or forced vibrations. Shock absorber is an example of damped vibration. Mainly the following
two aspects are important while studying damped free vibrations:
1. The frequency of damped free vibrations and
2. The rate of decay.
1. Connect the exciter to D.C. motor.
2. Start the motor and allow he system to vibrate.
3. Wait for 3 to 5 minuets for the amplitude to build for particular forcing frequency.
4. Adjust the position of strip-chart recorder. Take the record of amplitude Vs time on the strip-
5. Take record by changing forcing frequency.
6. Repeat the experiment for different damping. Damping can be changed adjusting the position
of the exciter.
7. Plot the graph of amplitude Vs frequency for each damping condition.
Sr. No. Number of oscillations, Time required for Periodic Forcing Amplitude,
n n oscillations, t Time, T frequency, mm
f = 1/T
1. From the graph it can be observed that the amplitude of vibration decreases with time.
2. Amplitude of vibration is less with damped system as compared to undamped system.