Chapter 12
Chapter 12
Chapter 12
Activity-Based Costing
After studying this chapter, you should be able to:
1. Discuss the limitations of using only unit-based drivers to assign costs.
2. Provide a detailed description of activity-based product costing.
3. Describe how homogeneous cost pools can be used to reduce the number of activity rates.
4. Describe activity-based system concepts including an ABC relational database and ABC soft-
This chapter explains how activity-based costing systems produce more accurate product cost
information than traditional costing systems that use unit-based drivers. Potential users of ABC
systems are those companies that produce multiple products, have high degree of product diversi-
ty, and have a significant percentage of nonunit-level overhead costs. This chapter also outlines
the essential steps in designing an ABC system in order for it to be implemented successfully. The
chapter concludes by describing an ABC relational database and ABC software.
I. Unit-Based Product Costing Learning Objective #1
246 Chapter 12
Review textbook Exhibits 12-3 and 12-4, which show product unit cost
computations using plantwide rates and departmental rates, respectively.
A. An activity-based costing (ABC) system first assigns costs to activities and then trac-
es costs from activities to products.
1. ABC assumes that activities consume resources, and products and other cost
objects consume activities.
2. ABC cost assignment is made possible through the identification of activities, their
costs, and the use of cost drivers. Thus, it better reflects the pattern of overhead
consumption and is more accurate than functional-based costing.
An activity dictionary lists the activities in an organization along with desired at-
3. To classify an activity means to recognize the difference between it and other activ-
ities for different purposes.
a. For product costing purposes, activities can be classified as primary or second-
(1) A primary activity is consumed by a final cost object (e.g., a product or
(2) A secondary activity is consumed by intermediate cost objects (e.g., prima-
ry activities, materials, or other secondary activities).
b. Many other useful activity classifications exist. For example, activities can be
classified as value-added or nonvalue-added, as quality-related or environmental-
4. Methods to be used to gather activity information include interviews, surveys, and
Step 4: Identify cost objects and specify the amount of each activity consumed by specif-
ic cost objects.
1. Costs can be assigned to products or other cost objects in proportion to their usage
of the activity by:
a. Identifying the cost objects.
b. Measuring the demand that cost objects place on the activities.
2. Activity drivers measure the demands that cost objects place on activities.
3. Most ABC system designs choose between two types of activity drivers:
a. Transaction drivers measure the number of times an activity is performed.
Examples: Number of treatments, number of requests
b. Duration drivers measure the time it takes to perform an activity.
Duration drivers should be used when the time required to perform an activi-
ty varies from transaction to transaction.
Examples: Hours of hygienic care, monitoring hours
4. A bill of activities can be created to specify the product, expected product quantity,
activities, and amount of each activity expected to be consumed by each product.
Review textbook Exhibit 12-14, which provides an example of a bill of activity for a cardiology
ward. It includes activities, activity drivers, and types of services that consume activities.
Review textbook Exhibit 12-15, which illustrates the final assignment of costs to cost objects.
In the final stage of ABC, homogeneous cost pools can be used to reduce the number of ac-
tivity rates because fewer rates may
Produce more readable and manageable product cost reports.
250 Chapter 12
Reduce the perceived complexity of an ABC system and increase its likelihood of
managerial acceptance.
Increase the accuracy of cost assignments.
A. Activity Classification: The Key for Reducing the Number of Rates
1. Activities can be grouped in homogeneous sets if
a. They are logically related, and
b. They have the same consumption ratios for all products.
2. A homogenous cost pool is the collection of overhead costs associated with a set
of activities that has the same process, the same activity level, and can use the same
driver to assign cost to products.
The pool rate is the cost per unit of the chosen activity driver that can be comput-
ed as:
Homogeneou s pool costs
Pool rate =
Activity driver ’s practical capacity
3. Attributes that are useful for grouping activities into homogeneous cost pools in-
clude process, activity-level, and activity-driver classifications.
a. Using process classification to create homogeneous cost pools.
(1) A process is a series of activities that are linked to perform a specific ob-
(2) The key to grouping activities is the notion of sharing a common objec-
tive or purpose.
(3) Example: The procurement process’ common objective is to obtain
parts for production. Activities that can be linked together include purchas-
ing, receiving, and paying suppliers.
Review textbook Exhibit 12-20, which provides an example of an activity relational table.
Review textbook Exhibit 12-22, which provides an example of a product relational table.
a. ERP systems are a major source of data for the ABC model by providing much
of the input data, including resource drivers, activity drivers, and resource costs.
b. ABC supports the ERP system as the operational control system by:
Supplying accurate costs for products, customers, activities, and processes.
Sending signals for directing continuous improvement efforts.
Providing key information to support tactical and strategic decisions.
254 Chapter 12
1. The costing system that first traces costs to activities and then traces costs from activi-
ties to products is a(n) ____________________________________________.
5. The listing of the activities performed within the organization is the ____________
6. Factors that measure the demand placed on overhead activities by individual products are
called ________________________.
7. The data structure that uses a table to represent the logical connections of a database is
called a(n) ______________________________.
10. Activities that are performed each time a unit is produced are __________________.
11. A(n) ___________ is a series of activities that are linked to perform a specific objective.
Activity-Based Costing 255
12. If the collection of overhead costs associated with activities has the same process, the same
level, and can use the same driver to assign costs to products, it is a(n) ________
14. The collected data sets that are organized and interrelated for use by an organization’s
activity-based costing information system is the _________________________.
15. The homogeneous pool costs divided by the activity driver’s practical capacity is the
17. The attribute that uniquely identifies each row of data in a table is the ____________________
________; two or more needed to uniquely identify a record are ____________________
Complete each of the following statements by circling the letter of the best answer.
1. The activities that are performed each time a batch is produced are:
a. batch-level activities.
b. facility-level activities.
c. process-level activities.
d. product-level activities.
e. unit-level activities.
2. In a functional-based cost accounting system, which of the following activity drivers is used to
assign fixed overhead costs to products?
a. batch-level activities
b. facility-level activities
c. process-level activities
d. product-level activities
e. unit-level activities
256 Chapter 12
3. In a “pure” ABC system, which of the following would not be assigned to products?
a. batch-level activities
b. facility-level activities
c. process-level activities
d. product-level activities
e. unit-level activities
10. Which of the following statements is incorrect regarding ABC and service industries?
a. Since service organizations do not have inventories, product costing (and thus ABC) will
not be necessary.
b. The output is more easily defined for a service organization than for a manufactur-
ing organization.
c. Activities in a service organization tend to be more standardized than activities in a manu-
facturing organization.
d. Since the output of a service organization is consumed when produced, there will be no
batch-level activities.
e. None of the above statements are correct.
XYZ Company has identified the following overhead activities, costs, and activity drivers for the
coming year:
Activity Expected Cost Activity Driver Activity Capacity
Material-handling costs ......... $45,000 Number of moves ................ 450
Machine costs ....................... 80,000 Machine hours .................... 20,000
Order costs ........................... 15,000 Number of orders ................ 750
Receiving costs ..................... 30,000 Number of parts .................. 50,000
Setup costs ........................... 50,000 Number of setups................ 250
Assume that each activity corresponds to a process. XYZ’s normal activity is 5,000 direct labor
hours. The following two jobs were completed during March:
Job X-1 Job Y-4
Direct materials .................................... $1,500 $2,000
Direct labor ($15 per hour) ................... $750 $750
Units completed ................................... 200 200
Number of moves ................................ 3 6
Machine hours ..................................... 125 75
Number of orders ................................. 3 12
Number of parts ................................... 200 800
Number of setups ................................ 1 4
1. Determine the unit cost for each job using direct labor hours to apply overhead.
Activity-Based Costing 259
EXERCISE 1 (Continued)
2. Determine the unit cost for each job using the activity drivers to apply overhead.
Classify the following activities as unit-level, batch-level, product-level, or facility-level.
1. Marketing a product
2. Paying rent
3. Drilling a hole
4. Lighting the factory
5. Running the machines
6. Moving a batch
7. Engineering a product
8. Inspecting a machined part when it is completed
9. Ordering a purchased part
10. Setting up a machine
11. Using janitorial services
12. Paying insurance
Acme Enterprises is a custom manufacturer of specialty circuit boards. The boards are produced
in batches in a single manufacturing facility. Each board requires an engineer to prepare the spec-
ifications and schematic drawings. Once this design is complete, the equipment is set up for the
batch production. As each batch is completed, a sample of the units is inspected for quality and
tolerances. Costs have been assigned as follows:
Engineering............................... $75,000
Setups ...................................... 60,000
Labor ........................................ 50,000
Inspection ................................. 75,000
Factory lease ............................ 30,000
Factory utilities .......................... 12,000
The following activity drivers have been identified and their capacities determined:
Activity Driver Practical Capacity
Labor hours............................... 5,000
Setup hours .............................. 2,000
Engineering hours ..................... 2,500
Inspection hours ....................... 6,000
Machine hours .......................... 10,000
The cost of the facility-level activities are assigned using machine hours.
Activity-Based Costing 261
EXERCISE 3 (Continued)
1. Identify each activity as unit-level, batch-level, product-level, or facility-level.
2. Create homogeneous cost pools. Identify the activities that belong to each pool and the activi-
ty driver that will be used for computing pool rates. (Use machine hours as the activity driver
for the factory lease and factory utilities cost pools.)
3. Compute the pool rate for each pool you have identified in Requirement 2.
262 Chapter 12
Alcatraz Company makes two models of an antitheft device. The portable model is relatively small
and is primarily for use in automobiles. The standard model is much larger and is designed
for houses and buildings. The Fabricating Department cuts, bends, and welds sheet metal to pro-
duce the external box of the device. The box is also painted in this department. The Assembly
Department uses purchased parts to produce the internal workings and fits them into the prepared
metal boxes.
Alcatraz has conducted a special study to determine if an activity-based costing system would be
beneficial in determining the costs of the two products. The Fabricating Department is a more com-
plex department than the Assembly Department and has been chosen for a pilot test of an ABC
system. The following activities have been identified, along with their associated costs:
Depreciation......................................... $250,000
Factory lease ....................................... 125,000
Inspection ............................................ 75,000
Factory maintenance ........................... 150,000
Materials handling ................................ 100,000
Power .................................................. 50,000
Product engineering changes .............. 25,000
Setups ................................................. 125,000
Department manager salaries .............. 60,000
The analysts have identified the following potential activity drivers and the capacity of each:
Portable Standard
Direct labor ($10 per hour) .................. $75,000 $90,000
Machine hours ..................................... 4,000 6,000
Materials .............................................. $450,000 $650,000
Number of moves ................................ 1,500 1,500
Number of products ............................. 1 1
Number of setups ................................ 150 350
Units produced..................................... 15,000 17,500
1. Classify each activity according to activity level and identify an appropriate driver for each.
Activity-Based Costing 263
EXERCISE 4 (Continued)
2. Create homogeneous cost pools and calculate pool rates. (Use the number of setups as the
activity driver for both inspection and setups costs. Machine hours serve as the activity driver
for depreciation, factory lease, factory maintenance, and department manager salaries.)
3. Use the pool rates to compute per unit overhead costs for the two products.
264 Chapter 12
1. a 4. c 7. b 10. e
2. e 5. d 8. a 11. a
3. b 6. e 9. d 12. e
EXERCISE 1 (XYZ Company)
1. Total overhead = $45,000 + $80,000 + $15,000 + $30,000 + $50,000 = $220,000 / 5,000 DL hours = $44 per DL
Job X-1 Job Y-4
Materials ..................... $1,500 $2,000
Labor........................... 750 750
Overhead .................... 2,200 (50 × $44) 2,200 (50 × $44)
Total ............................ $4,450 $4,950
Divided by units........... ÷ 200 ÷ 200
Per unit ....................... $22.25 $24.75
2. Materials handling $45,000 / 450 = $100 per move
Machine time $80,000 / 20,000 = $4 per machine hour
Ordering $15,000 / 750 = $20 per order
Receiving $30,000 / 50,000 = $0.60 per part
Setup $50,000 / 250 = $200 per setup
Job X-1 Job Y-4
Materials ..................... $1,500 $2,000
Direct labor ................. 750 750
Moves ......................... 300 (3 × $100) 600 (6 × $100)
Machine ...................... 500 (125 × $4) 300 (75 × $4)
Orders ......................... 60 (3 × $20) 240 (12 × $20)
Parts ........................... 120 (200 × $0.60) 480 (800 × $0.60)
Setups......................... 200 (1 × $200) 800 (4 × $200)
Total ............................ $3,430 $5,170
Divided by units........... ÷ 200 ÷ 200
Per unit ....................... $17.15 $25.85
3. Costs determined using the activity drivers are more accurate. The consumption ratios of the resources differ great-
ly between the two products. The direct labor approach to apply overhead implicitly assumes the two products con-
sume the overhead resources in the same pattern as direct labor (50%-50%).
2.–3. At most, there will be five cost pools. It is possible that the three batch-level activities could be combined into a
single pool. If this were the case, the driver could be setup hours, engineering hours, or inspection hours.
Pool Activity Driver Rate
1 Engineering Engineering hours $30.00 ($75,000 / 2,500)
2 Setups Setup hours 30.00 ($60,000 / 2,000)
3 Inspection Inspection hours 12.50 ($75,000 / 6,000)
4 Labor Labor hours 10.00 ($50,000 / 5,000)
5 Lease and utilities Machine hours 4.20 [($30,000 + $12,000) / 10,000]