D6R Series II: Track-Type Tractor
D6R Series II: Track-Type Tractor
D6R Series II: Track-Type Tractor
Series II
Track-Type Tractor
Operator’s Station Work Tools Structure
✔ The comfortable operator’s station Caterpillar offers a variety of work tools Mainframe is heavy, strong and durable.
provides excellent viewing area to to equip your D6R II with the versatility Strong case, steel castings and reinforced
the blade and rear of the machine needed to accomplish the job quickly frame rails provide durable support to
for maximum operator productivity. and efficiently. pg. 10 the undercarriage, elevated final drives
Controls are low-effort and easy and other integral frame components.
to reach. pg. 8 pg. 12
✔ New Feature
The C9 engine, matched with the torque divider and field proven power shift transmission,
provides years of dependable service.
Advanced Modular Cooling System (AMOCS)
AMOCS utilizes an exclusive two pass cooling system and increased cooling surface area
to provide significantly more cooling efficiency than conventional systems.
Drive Train
Get maximum power to the ground with the efficiency and reliability you expect from
Caterpillar machines.
Operating Efficiency and Driveline
Reliability. The D6R II torque divider
attains the best combination of
operating efficiency and driveline
reliability. It reduces dozing shock
loads to the transmission and final
drives by acting as a hydrodynamic
component between the engine and
Finger Tip Control. The D6R II with
Finger Tip Control features low effort
finger tip levers for steering and touch
shift buttons for upshift and downshift.
The steering clutches and brakes are
fade resistant and adjustment free.
Multi-disk, oil-cooled steering
clutches are hydraulically applied and
electronically controlled. Brakes are
applied by springs and hydraulically
released for safe, reliable braking
Differential Steering. A D6R II equipped
with differential steering maintains
power to both tracks while turning.
The tractor turns when one track speeds
Auto-Shift/Auto-Kickdown. Auto-shift
up and the other slows down an equal
allows the operator to pre-select a
amount. The operator can steer and
forward and reverse gear for easy,
control the transmission simultaneously
efficient directional changes. Auto-shift
which can reduce cycle times in some
settings include first forward to second
applications. The differential steering
reverse, second forward to second
tiller bar has touch shift buttons for
reverse and second forward to first
upshifts and downshifts. The tiller bar
reverse. Auto-kickdown allows
itself is easily rotated forward or reverse
the transmission to automatically
to change the respective tractor direction.
downshift when significant load
The tiller bar is moved forward to steer
increases are detected.
the tractor to the left and pulled back
to go right. Low tiller bar efforts assure Load Compensating Shifting.
operator comfort during long shifts. Automatically adjusts the clutch
Large blade loads can be maneuvered engagement timing according to load
around buildings, bridge abutments, Elevated Final Drive. Isolates final factor, resulting in improved tractor
trees, or other obstacles. Steering drives from ground and work tool performance and operator comfort
modulation is also optimized for precise induced impact loads for extended during speed changes. Load compensating
control in these applications. Greater power train life. shifting reduces the amount of energy
load capacity, power and speed control Thick, Large Diameter Plates and dissipated through the clutches to help
are possible in soft underfoot conditions Clutch Disks. Provides higher torque extend transmission component life.
and on steep slopes because both tracks capacity and increased service life.
are powered during turns.
Operator’s Station
The D6R Series II operator station is designed for comfort and ease of operation.
Cab. Isolation-mounted, pressurized Dash. An informed operator is a
cab reduces noise and vibration for productive operator. With a newly
operator comfort. designed instrument panel, the operator
will be kept informed of machine system
Clear Working View. Operator has an
information. Easy to read analog gauges
excellent view to the blade and rear
and a warning lamp keeps the operator
of the machine for maximum operator
aware of any action that is needed.
productivity. The tapered hood gives
New foot pads adjacent to the dash
the operator a clear line of sight to the
help the operator stay comfortable and
front work area. The low rear window
confident during slope applications.
lets the operator see the ripper tip.
The large single-pane door windows Caterpillar Monitoring System.
allow the operator to see both ends Provides the operator instant feedback
of the blade. on the machine conditions and records
performance data to help diagnose
Interior Amenities. The D6R II Work Tool Controls. The D6R II features
problems. Caterpillar Monitoring
operator’s station interior storage ergonomically designed blade and
System includes the following gauges
and amenities include: ripper controls with low effort pilot
and readouts:
• Storage area behind seat for operated hydraulics for added operator
• Fuel level gauge. comfort, easy operation and precise
first aid kit.
• Hydraulic oil temperature gauge. work tool control. When equipped with
• Lunchbox tie-downs. a PAT blade, the blade control allows
• Engine coolant temperature gauge. simultaneous six way control of the
• Cup holder and ashtray.
• Power train oil temperature gauge. blade with a thumb rocker control to
• Standard 24 to 12-volt converter. adjust blade angle.
• Engine oil pressure indicator.
• Two 12-volt plug-in receptacles Work Tool Lock-out. The lock-out valve
behind seat. • Engine speed digital readout. prevents inadvertent operation of the
• Perimeter-mounted headliner with • Transmission gear indicator. hydraulic work tool attachments.
integral pre-wired radio mount, Throttle Rocker Switch. A rocker
Electronic Steering and Transmission
speakers and antenna. switch control activates high or low idle
Control. The D6R II offers standard
• Steep slope foot pads. Finger Tip Control (FTC) or optional with a touch of a finger. A decelerator
differential steering. Both steering pedal gives the operator full control of
• Storage compartment for engine speed when the rocker switch is
methods deliver the maneuverability
personal items. in the high idle position.
and control operators need to match
• Adjustable armrests. to operating conditions. Touch shift Caterpillar Comfort Series Seat.
buttons on the steering control shifts The D6R II features the new Cat
• Padded consoles for side slope
the electronically controlled powershift Comfort Series Seat for increased
transmission. Both steering systems operator comfort and reduced operator
• Sliding windows. allow simultaneous, one-hand steering fatigue. The seat is fully adjustable and
and transmission control. designed for comfort and support.
Power Converter. D6R II features a
10-amp, 12-volt power converter for The seat and back cushions are thicker
the easy use of: and designed to reduce pressure on the
lower back and thighs while allowing
• FM, AM or CB radios. unrestricted arm and leg movement.
• Communication radios.
• Wireless phones.
• Laptop computers.
Work Tools
Cat D6R Series II work tools are designed to provide flexibility to match the machine to the job.
• Single lever control actuates both
clutch and brake functions to
improve operator efficiency.
• Input clutches on PTO shaft reduce
engine horsepower losses, provide
fuel efficiency and economy.
• Clutch engagement and brake
release are automatically
synchronized for smooth operation.
• Winch components can be serviced
with winch mounted on tractor.
Multi-Shank Ripper. The multi-shank Forestry Sweeps. In applications where Rear Counterweight. Rear counterweights
parallelogram ripper lets you choose tree limbs can damage a machine, may be needed to optimize balance for
one, two or three shanks depending optional forestry sweeps are available backing up steep slopes or increasing
on job conditions. Curved or straight to protect your investment. Sweeps help performance in heavy dozing
ripper shanks are available. shield intake air cleaners, exhaust stack, applications. Recommended if other
cab windows and lights from damage. rear attachment is not specified.
Drawbar. The D6R II can be equipped
with a drawbar for pulling work tools
such as:
• Disks.
• Compactors.
• Chopper wheels.
• Retrieving other equipment.
Engineered and built to give solid support in the most demanding work.
The Caterpillar elevated sprocket undercarriage arrangements allow optimized balance for
the best possible performance in each application.
Simplified service means more productive uptime.
Total Customer Support
Unmatched in the industry!
Engine – Standard Weights
Multi-Shank Ripper
1F Drawbar Pull
250 vs.
Drawbar Pull
Ground Speed
150 STD
100 2F
10 3F
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 mph
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 km/h
Includes lubricants, coolant, ROPS canopy, hydraulic controls, standard track and 10% fuel.
Finger Tip Control 14 706 kg 32,426 lb 15 092 kg 33,278 lb 17 114 kg 37,736 lb
Differential Steering 15 006 kg 33,087 lb 15 392 kg 33,939 lb 16 043 kg 35,374 lb 17 414 kg 38,398 lb
Includes lubricants, coolant, hydraulic controls, full fuel tank, SU blade with tilt cylinder, standard track and operator.
Bulldozer Specifications
* Includes push arms, blade, blade tilt cylinder(s), cutting edges and miscellaneous hardware components
** PAT blade only
1 4 6
2 5
Tractor Dimensions
1 Track gauge 1880 mm 74 in 1880 mm 74 in 2030 mm 80 in 2225 mm 88 in
2 Width of tractor
Over trunnions 2640 mm 8 ft 8 in 2640 mm 8 ft 8 in 2950 mm 9 ft 8 in 3428 mm 8 ft 8 in
Without trunnions (std. track) 2440 mm 8 ft 0 in 2440 mm 8 ft 0 in 2740 mm 9 ft 0 in 140 mm 10 ft 4 in
3 Machine height from tip of grouser:
Stack 3143 mm 10 ft 4 in 3143 mm 10 ft 4 in 3143 mm 10 ft 4 in 3193 mm 10 ft 6 in
ROPS 3195 mm 10 ft 6 in 3195 mm 10 ft 6 in 3195 mm 10 ft 6 in 3245 mm 10 ft 8 in
4 Length of track on ground 2610 mm 8 ft 7 in 2821 mm 9 ft 3 in 2821 mm 9 ft 3 in 3243 mm 10 ft 8 in
5 Length of basic tractor 3860 mm 12 ft 8 in 3860 mm 12 ft 8 in 3860 mm 12 ft 8 in 4247 mm 13 ft 11 in
With following attachments add:
Drawbar 217 mm 8.5 in 217 mm 8.5 in 217 mm 8.5 in 251 mm 9.9 in
Ripper Multi-Shank
(tip at ground line) 1403 mm 4 ft 7 in 1403 mm 4 ft 7 in 1403 mm 4 ft 7 in — —
Winch 517 mm 1 ft 8 in 517 mm 1 ft 8 in 517 mm 1 ft 8 in 397 mm 1 ft 4 in
S Blade 1043 mm 3 ft 5 in — — — — 1218 mm 4 ft 0 in
SU Blade 1235 mm 4 ft 1 in 1472 mm 4 ft 10 in 1472 mm 4 ft 10 in — —
A Blade 1147 mm 3 ft 9 in 1349 mm 4 ft 5 in 1349 mm 4 ft 5 in — —
PAT Blade — — 1412 mm 4 ft 8 in 1412 mm 4 ft 8 in 1718 mm 5 ft 8 in
6 Height of grouser 65 mm 2.6 in 65 mm 2.6 in 65 mm 2.6 in 65 mm 2.6 in
7 Ground clearance 383 mm 1 ft 3 in 383 mm 1 ft 3 in 383 mm 1 ft 3 in 433 mm 1 ft 5 in
Track pitch 203 mm 8.0 in 203 mm 8.0 in 203 mm 8.0 in 203 mm 8.0 in
Number of shoes per side 39 41 41 45
Number of rollers per side 6 7 7 8
Standard shoe 560 mm 22 in 560 mm 22 in 760 mm 30 in 915 mm 36 in
Ground contact area
(std. track) 2.92 m2 4531 in2 3.16 m2 4897 in2 4.30 m2 6664 in2 5.93 m2 9199 in2
Ground pressure 0.627 8.92 0.607 8.64 0.462 6.57 0.349 4.96
kg/cm2 psi kg/cm2 psi kg/cm2 psi kg/cm2 psi
8 Drawbar height 576 mm 1 ft 11 in 576 mm 1 ft 11 in 576 mm 1 ft 11 in 626 mm 2 ft 1 in
From ground face of shoe 511 mm 1 ft 8 in 511 mm 1 ft 8 in 511 mm 1 ft 8 in 561 mm 1 ft 10 in
Electrical Undercarriage
Alternator, 70-amp brushless Adjuster, hydraulic track
Alarm, backup Guards, end track guiding
Batteries, two maintenance free 12V (24V system) Idlers, lifetime lubricated
Converter, 12V, 10 amp with 2 power outlets Rollers, lifetime lubricated track
Connector, diagnostic Carrier rollers (XL, XW and LGP models)
Connectors, Deutsch Heavy Duty Track with moderate service shoes
Horn, forward warning Other Standard Equipment
Starting receptacle Pilot operated hydraulic controls with control deactivation
Operator Environment Drains, ecology (engine oil, coolant, hydraulic oil, fuel tank,
Armrest, adjustable sediment, power train case)
Canopy, ROPS/FOPS Guards, hinged bottom
Hour meter, electronic Towing device
Caterpillar Monitoring System Hydraulic, load sensing, two-valve system for
with coolant temperature, power train oil, hydraulic oil bulldozer control
and fuel gauge, tachometer, odometer, gear indicator and Radiator doors, louvered, hinged
diagnostic functions S·O·S sampling ports
Mirror, rearview Differential Steering or Finger Tip Control with touch shift
Pedal, decelerator Vandalism protection (eight caplocks)
Foot pads, dash
Seat, vinyl suspension
Seat belt, retractable 76 mm (3 in.)
Throttle, electronic
Power Train
Caterpillar C9 diesel electronic turbocharged and
aftercooled engine with flexible fuel system
Advanced Modular Cooling System (AMOCS)
Coolant, extended life
Fan, blower
Final drives, three planetary gears
Fuel priming pump
Muffler with mitered stack
Air cleaner, precleaner with stratta tube dust ejector
Air cleaner service indicator, electric
Starting aid, air inlet heater
Starting aid, ether
Shifting features, automatic
Torque divider
Transmission, powershift (3F/3R)
with electronic clutch pressure control
Water separator
kg lb kg lb
Bulldozers (see page 19 for weights) Undercarriage:
Electrical: STD 510 mm (20 in) ES HD 177 390
Alternator, 75 AMP 13 29 STD 560 mm (22 in) ES HD 195 430
Alternator, 100 AMP 14 31 STD 610 mm (24 in) MS HD 106 234
Converter, 12V, 20A 1 2 STD 610 mm (24 in) MS RBT 106 234
Lights (4) 13 29 XL 510 mm (20 in) ES HD 186 410
Lights (6) 32 71 XL 560 mm (22 in) ES HD 204 450
Lights (8) 33 73 XL 610 mm (24 in) MS HD 112 247
Lights (10) 64 141 XL 610 mm (24 in) MS RBT 112 247
Lights (6-Waste) 32 71 XW 660 mm (26 in) MS HD –204 –450
Product Link 3 7 XW 710 mm (28 in) MS HD –186 –410
Guards: XW 760 mm (30 in) ES HD 220 485
Guard, crankcase (HD) 67 148 XW 760 mm (30 in) ES RBT 220 485
Guard, crankcase (ES) 130 287 LGP 760 mm (30 in) MS/HD –446 –984
Guard, fuel tank (not for use w/RIP) 102 225 LGP 760 mm (30 in) MS/RBT –518 –1143
Guard, fuel tank (for use w/RIP) 108 238 LGP 915 mm (36 in) MS/RBT — —
Guard, precleaner 11 24 LGP 1000 mm (39 in) self cleaning HD 20 44
Guard, radiator, bottom (HD) 13 29 Carrier rollers for Standard tractor 156 344
Guard, rear (HD) 45 99 Ripper:
Guard, radiator (hinged HD) 38 84 Ripper, multi-shank 1634 3603
Guard, radiator (hinged HD) punched 19 42 Hydraulics, ripper 46 101
Screen, rear 60 132 Tooth, curved 74 163
Screen, rear (ROPS A/C) 71 157 Tooth, 1 straight –9 –20
Striker bars, front — — Teeth, 2 straight 56 123
Striker bars, rear — — Teeth, 3 straight 121 267
Sweeps 356 785 Starting Aids:
Track Guiding Guards, Moderate Service: Batteries, HD 33 73
STD 62 137 Heater, engine coolant 1 2
XL & XW 51 112 Winch:
LGP 51 112 Winch Arrangement 1156 2549
Track Roller Guards; Full Length: Installation Arrangement 14 31
STD 214 472 Rollers, 3 fairlead 304 670
XL & XW 243 536 Rollers, 4 fairlead 325 717
LGP 216 476 Other Attachments:
Operator Environment: Counterweight 345 760
Air conditioner (ROPS) 277 611 Counterweight additional 222 490
Air conditioner (Hood) 50 110 Drawbar, rigid – long (All) 116 256
Armrest, electric adjustable — — Drawbar, rigid – short (STD & XL) 107 236
Cab 489 1078 Enclosure, engine, H.D. 70 154
Glass, Ultra-Strength 40 51 113 Sound suppression (STD) — —
Handles, heavy duty — — Sound suppression (XL, XW & LGP) — —
Seat, air suspension cloth 1.5 3 Hook, front pull 7 16
Seat, vinyl — — Winch control 53 117
Precleaner with prescreener — — Field Installed Attachments:
Omission, ROPS Canopy –391 –862 Radio/cassette 1 2
Power Train: Tool kit 5 10
Drains, ecology 3 7
• Waste Handling Arrangements are available from the
Fan, ejector — — factory. Contact Custom Products for availability.
Fan, reversible –9 –20
Grid, radiator core protection 27 60 ES=Extreme service shoes MS=Moderate service shoes
Fast oil change system 9 20 HD=Heavy-duty link track RBT=Rotating bushing track
Cooler, power train oil — —
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