Integrarea Stiinte Si Mate - Unlocked
Integrarea Stiinte Si Mate - Unlocked
Integrarea Stiinte Si Mate - Unlocked
What's In It
for Children
and Teachers
Eugenia Kemble
Burnie Bond
Randall C. Garton
What's In It
for Children
and Teachers
The Institute is very appreciative of the skillful work of Tanya S.
Wright and Susan B. Neuman, who drafted this research summary,
which is derived and adapted from a longer as-yet unpublished manu-
script by Peg Griffin and Catherine King, to whom we are also grateful.
We also wish to thank the many expert reviewers of this publication
and the drafts of the companion volume. These include Deborah Loewen-
berg Ball, W. Steven Barnett, Linda Bevilacqua, Barbara T. Bowman,
Sue Bredekamp, Joanne Carlisle, Elizabeth A. Davis, David K. Dickinson,
Linda Espinosa, Lucia French, Darion Griffin, Alice Klein, Vilma Mesa,
Kathleen Roskos, and Robert S. Siegler. These distinguished scholars
were of great help in improving the quality of the manuscripts, but bear
no responsibility for any errors or omissions in the final documents.
Last, but not least, thanks to Christina Bartolomeo and Victoria
Thomas for copyediting the manuscript.
This document was written for he Albert Shanker Institute and does not necessarily rep-
resent the views of the Institute or the members of its Board of Directors.
1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2. Oral Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3. Literacy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
4. Mathematics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
5. Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
It has been well established that early childhood is a crucial time for chil-
dren’s cognitive development.2 Less understood is that very young children are
ready—and excited—to develop skill and understanding in language and literacy,
mathematics, and science. Indeed, pre-kindergarten (pre-K) learning expe-
riences in these domains can help to build the skills, knowledge, and atti-
tudes that prepare young children for future academic success.
In the early childhood years, children are eager to under- row these achievement gaps, policymakers must either fig-
stand more about the world. Young children actively strive ure out how to drastically increase the rate of learning for
to build knowledge and to develop language to communicate poor schoolchildren to surpass that which is typical for any
about what they learn. They develop theories about how student, or—more practically—figure out how to help prevent
the world works; they learn to solve problems; and they ask this gap from opening in the first place. High-quality pre-
questions in a constant quest for information. And, when kindergarten programs are one promising avenue for reach-
provided with supportive and stimulating environments, ing this goal.7
they eagerly engage in language learning, literacy practices,
math play, and science exploration.3 Why this Publication?
The knowledge that children gain in early childhood is Many states have implemented or are moving toward
crucially important for their futures, with a quality pre-K voluntary universal pre-K, including 38 states that now have
experience helping to lay the foundation for the kinds of state-financed preschool programs for 3- and 4-year-olds.8
skills, knowledge, and behaviors that children will be These policies are in part motivated by the needs of work-
expected to master during school. This is particularly true ing families and in part by compelling research suggesting
for children growing up in poverty—many of whom lag far that strong pre-K programs can help to ameliorate academic
behind their middle-class peers in key academic areas by discrepancies at the start of elementary school.
the time they enter kindergarten.4 Indeed, the reading, math, A recent survey, for example, found that 43 states and
and attention skills that children bring to school have been the District of Columbia have adopted early learning stan-
found to be a strong predictor of their later academic suc- dards aligned with state academic standards for the ele-
cess.5 Without intervention, these early disparities tend to mentary grades, with several more in the process of
be sustained or even widen over time. (This is because most developing them.9 These documents are of varying levels
students learn at fairly equal rates when they are in school of quality, including some that are academically vacuous
and wealthier students are likely to have more opportunities and some that appear to require the inappropriate “pushing
for out-of-school learning.6) To close or significantly nar- down” of elementary school experiences into the pre-K
Oral language is arguably the most crucial area of academic focus during
the pre-kindergarten years. Oral language is the primary means by which chil-
dren gain knowledge about the world, and it is the vital foundation for children’s
literacy development.
By the time children arrive in kindergarten, most will relate to children’s literacy development. Phonological
know an average of 3000 to 5000 words.2 They will also awareness is the ability to hear and manipulate sounds in
speak in grammatically complex sentences made up of language. This understanding that the stream of oral lan-
three or more words. This language skill develops over the guage can be broken into smaller units of sound—words,
first five years of life through interactions with parents and syllables, individual sounds (phonemes)—enables chil-
teachers who model spoken language. Toddlers first use dren to map sounds onto letters when they begin formal
language to label objects and communicate basic needs, instruction in reading.4
but their knowledge of vocabulary and grammar also Vocabulary size in pre-K can predict children’s ability
grows rapidly during early childhood. Listening and speak- to comprehend texts throughout elementary school and
ing are the primary ways that pre-K children learn new into middle school.5 This is because children generally
concepts and ideas, and express their thoughts, observa- learn words in relation to the specific meanings—objects,
tions, and feelings. concepts, relationships, actions, emotions—they are meant
In pre-K, children must develop as listeners and speak- to convey. Children will not understand the words they en-
ers. Receptive (listening) language grows as children are counter in text or the meaning conveyed by them unless
exposed to completely new words or to words they al- these words are already part of their receptive vocabular-
ready know that are used in new and different ways. Pre- ies. As a result, children with large vocabularies and a rel-
K children can learn some word meanings after only one atively broad range of knowledge are in a better position
or two exposures if the word is paired with a concrete ob- to comprehend, learn from, and enjoy the books they read,
ject, an action, or a brief explanation. This type of word contributing to successful learning experiences.
learning, called fast-mapping, explains young children’s By the time children arrive in pre-K, there are vast dif-
rapid acquisition of vocabulary when they are in language- ferences in their oral language skills. One study found
rich environments.3 Children gain a more nuanced un- that by age 3, children who grew up in poverty had been
derstanding of vocabulary with each exposure. They may exposed to half as many words as their middle-class peers.
need to hear a new word several times before fully incor- This vocabulary gap remained five years later when the
porating it into their receptive vocabulary, and probably children were 9 years old.6 Limited oral language puts
many times more before using it in their expressive (speak- children growing up in poverty at a disadvantage when
ing) language. learning to read and comprehend texts. The relationship
Two key areas of oral language that should be addressed between pre-K oral language and children’s literacy de-
in pre-K are vocabulary and phonological awareness. Both velopment, as well as the social class differences in oral
• Speak in complete sentences made up of three or more words.
• Speak clearly enough to be understood by unfamiliar adults and use appropriate levels of volume, tone, and inflection.
• Participate in extended conversations and use appropriate conversational techniques (e.g., taking turns speaking, lis-
tening actively, contributing ideas).
• Use new vocabulary and grammatical construction appropriately in his/her own speech.
• Use spoken language to communicate thoughts, feelings, and needs; to describe experiences and observations; to ex-
press opinions and ideas.
• Tell stories.
• Repeat or act out familiar stories, songs, rhymes, and finger and counting games (fingerplays) in play activities.
language that are already visible at the beginning of pre- To create a language-rich classroom, pre-K teachers
K, make it imperative for pre-K teachers to emphasize in- should:9
struction in oral language in their classrooms. I Engage children in extended conversations.
Language learning builds on itself. When children are I Ask open-ended questions.
exposed to adults who talk with them regularly about a I Give explicit guidance on vocabulary, syntax, and pro-
represent and communicate their growing knowledge I Focus on the expression of ideas.
about the world, and they apply what they know to learn-
ing even more new words and concepts. Shared Reading of Challenging Books
The quantity and quality of these language interactions Reading aloud to children is one of the best ways to fa-
with adults and other children matter for children’s oral cilitate oral language and vocabulary development. Chil-
language development. Unfortunately, talk is often lacking dren need to be exposed to a broad selection of texts, but
in pre-K classrooms. A recent study found that children they also need to experience repeated readings of books so
spent almost 60 percent of their time in pre-K not in con- that they have multiple opportunities to learn new lan-
versation at all.8 These conditions are severely detrimen- guage. Thematic units, where several books on the same
tal for children’s language and literacy development—es- topic or theme are read aloud over time, can also help
pecially for those children who are unlikely to be exposed deepen and broaden children’s understanding of new
to a language-rich learning environment outside of school. words and concepts—allowing them to “get” the ideas and
Teachers should make every effort to ensure that chil- vocabulary in slightly different contexts.
dren are engaging in meaningful conversations and lan- Books expose children to several types of language that
guage use throughout the day. are foundational for academic success:
he transition to a pre-K classroom where Eng- uations.
lish is the primary language can be challenging Productive use of new language—Children begin to
for English Language Learners (ELLs) and their combine phrases they have learned and names of ob-
teachers. Unfortunately, the research in this area is not jects to make new sentences. Children will make lots of
as definitive as that for the oral language development mistakes at this age as they experiment with communi-
of native English speakers, but there is enough to sug- cating in English.
gest what good practice might be. For example, re- Children move through these stages at different
search suggests that teachers should encourage parents rates. At all stages, pre-K teachers should interact with
to continue to speak with and read stories to children children as much as possible. Teachers support chil-
in their first language at home. Continued growth in dren’s learning of English when they:16
the first language seems to facilitate children’s under- I Demonstrate using multimedia—videos, pictures,
standing about the way language works and may help concrete objects.
to speed acquisition of new concepts and vocabulary.14
I Use gestures and body language.
Children with strong first language skills apply this
I Speak slowly and enunciate clearly, without speak-
knowledge to learning English.
ELLs go through several stages of language develop- ing more loudly than normal.
ment when they attend a pre-K where English is the I Repeat information, and review and rephrase if the
primary language. One way these have been catego- child does not understand.
rized is:15 I Anticipate words that will be difficult and provide
Home language use—Children continue to use their explanations.
home language because they have not yet realized that
I Encourage peer interactions through play and small
others do not speak their language.
group activities.
Nonverbal period in the new language—Children
I Are encouraging and patient.
learn by watching and listening to the English speakers
1 8
Hart, B. and Risley, T. Meaningful Differences. Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes Dickinson, D. K., and Tabors, P. O., eds. Beginning Literacy with Lan-
Publishing,1998 (preface to 2002 edition quoted here). guage: Young Children Learning at Home and School. Baltimore, MD: Paul
2 H. Brookes, 2001.
Center for Improvement of Early Reading Achievement. Every Child a
Reader,1998. Neuman, S. How Can I Help Children Get Ready for Reading? Center for
3 Improvement of Early Reading Achievement, 2001.
Biemiller, A. “Vocabulary Development and Instruction: A Prerequisite
for School Learning.” Handbook of Early Literacy Research (Vol 2). Dick- Whitehurst, G., Arnold, D., Epsteing, J., Angell, A., Smith, M., and Fischel,
inson, D. K., and Neuman, S. B., eds. New York: Guilford Press, 2006. J. “A Picture Book Reading Intervention in Day Care and Home for Chil-
4 dren From Low-Income Families.” Developmental Psychology, 30, 1994:
National Research Council. Snow, C., Burns, M. S., and Griffin, P., eds.
Preventing Reading Difficulties in Young Children. Washington, D.C.: Na-
tional Academy of Sciences, 1998. Martin, Jr., B. and Carle, E. Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?
5 New York: Harcourt Brace & Company, 1967.
Chall, J. S., Jacobs, V. A., and Baldwin, L. E. The Reading Crisis: Why Poor
Children Fall Behind. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1990. Goswami, U. “Early Phonological Development and the Acquisition of
Literacy.” Handbook of Early Literacy Research. Neuman, S. B., and Dick-
Dickinson, D.K., Anastasopoulos, L., McCabe, Peisner-Geinber, E.S., and
inson, D. K., eds. New York: Guildford Press, 2002.
Poe, M.D. “The Comprehensive Language Approach to Early Literacy:
The Interrelationships Among Vocabulary, Phonological Sensitivity, and Neuman, S. B., Roskos, K., Wright, T. S., and Lenhart, L. Nurturing
Print Knowledge Among Preschool-aged Children.” Journal of Educa- Knowledge: Building a Foundation for School Success by Linking Early Lit-
tional Psychology, 95(3), 2003: 465-481. eracy to Math, Science, Art, and Social Studies. New York: Scholastic. 2007.
NICDH Early Child Care Research Network. “Pathways to Reading: Tabors, P. O., and Snow, C. E. “Young Bilingual Children and Early Lit-
The Role of Oral Language in the Transition to Reading.” Developmental eracy Development.” Handbook of Early Literacy Research. Neuman, S. B.,
Psychology, 41(2), 2005: 428-442. and Dickinson, D. K., eds. New York: Guildford Press, 2002.
6 15
Hart, B. and Risley, T.R. “The Early Catastrophe: The 30 Million Word Tabors, P. O., and Snow, C. E.
Gap by Age 3.” American Educator, Spring 2003. 16
Neuman, S. B., Copple, C. and Bredekamp, S. Learning To Read and
Based on state standards for oral language. See Write: Developmentally Appropriate Practices for Young Children. Wash-
dards/domain.php?DomainID=1 for a complete list of states that implement ington: National Association for the Education of Young Children, 2000.
standards in this domain.
The pre-K years are an important time for children’s literacy growth. Chil-
dren who are engaged in meaningful, knowledge-building experiences with
print gain the foundational skills for becoming skilled readers and writers.
Literacy development begins at birth and is encouraged help them comprehend books.3 They must learn how to
through children’s participation with adults in literacy activ- hear and manipulate the sounds in oral language (phono-
ities. Early experiences have lasting effects as children logical awareness) and to name and recognize letters of the
develop the attitudes, knowledge and skills that prepare alphabet. Eventually, children must put it all together by
them to become readers and writers.2 Most importantly, matching sounds with letters of the alphabet. Also, children
children should develop the belief that reading and writ- should gain an understanding of the conventions of print,
ing are useful and enjoyable. Pre-K children demonstrate such as how to turn pages and which direction to read.
this positive attitude when they ask adults to reread favorite There are vast differences in children’s early literacy
books and when they imitate adult reading and writing experiences. Children who grow up in poverty have fewer
behaviors. experiences with print in their homes, as well as fewer avail-
In addition to motivation, children need a solid oral lan- able print resources in their neighborhoods.4 One estimate
guage foundation and an understanding of the alphabetic suggests that children from typical middle-class families
code (including phonological awareness and alphabet knowl- experience 1,000 hours of book-reading before entering first
edge), as well as print awareness. Children must develop a grade, while children from low-income families may only
rich vocabulary and a variety of background knowledge to experience 25 hours.5
Pre-K teachers can help children gain an understanding to each word as it is read aloud.
of the alphabetic principle through phonological awareness I Model phonetic (invented) spelling during shared writ-
that this message is consistent and unchanging over time. I Where to find the title and author of a book.
Children learn that reading is valuable and enjoyable as they I Where to begin reading.
listen to and discuss books. Teachers must schedule times to I How to turns pages correctly.
read to children individually and in small groups, as young I Directionality (a line of text is read from left to right, then
children are better at focusing and engaging in discussion in down to the left of the line below).
Information Books • Introduce and explain new vocabulary related to the topic.
• Discuss new concepts and ideas.
• Model “looking up” the answer to children’s questions.
mall or whole group opportunities to
in their classroom environment. ences are tied to interesting and
sing, chant or “read” along as an adult
The experience of being sur- engaging study of topics in math,
reads a familiar book can be particu-
rounded by print leads children science, social studies, and the
larly helpful for English Language Learners.
to understand that print carries arts. Curricula should provide
These situations are fun-filled and non-
meaning and that it is practically opportunities to learn about print
threatening, as ELL children can choose to
useful. In print-rich classrooms, while children are engaged in
practice English language as part of the
children demonstrate this under- learning new concepts and infor-
group. Rereading big books or rhyming
standing by attempting to read mation.
books until children have memorized the
and write during their play. These words helps ELL students to become active
“pretend” efforts should be Developmentally Appropriate
participants in classroom literacy experi-
encouraged, as they demonstrate Literacy Practices
children’s interest in and engage- Curricula that focus on drilling
Children learn best in welcoming and
ment with print. children in isolated skills are not
accepting environments. Teachers should
A literacy-rich environment suitable or effective for pre-K chil-
ensure that the classroom library contains
includes: 10 dren—but curricula that sideline
books that positively reflect all children’s
I A dedicated reading area or li- literacy experiences until ele-
identity, home language, and culture, and
brary with books stored in an mentary school are also inappro-
that shared reading experiences regularly
orderly and inviting way. priate, because they limit
make use of these books.
I Books in a variety of genres children’s opportunities to
and formats (e.g., fiction, non- develop key foundational under-
fiction, alphabet books, big books). standings. Instead, developmentally appropriate curricula
I Books related to curriculum themes or topics that chil- build on children’s prior learning to provide meaningful,
dren are studying. engaging, and knowledge-building experiences with print.12
I A dedicated writing area that includes a variety of papers That is, a useful curriculum will help teachers structure
and writing tools. children’s learning of the alphabet, the conventions of print,
I Books and writing materials throughout the classroom a broad vocabulary, and all of the other elements addressed
(e.g., science books in the science area, paper and crayons in these pages in an age-appropriate fashion.
in the dramatic play area).
I The alphabet displayed and visible at children’s eye view, Scope and Sequence
with children having access to alphabet toys and manip- A scope and sequence provides teachers with information
ulatives (e.g., alphabet puzzles, magnetic letters). about which areas are covered and in what order instruction
I Functional signs that are visible around the classroom should occur. Instruction should build from the simple to the
(e.g., the class schedule, labels for toy storage, names on more challenging over the school year (e.g., phonological
cubbies). awareness activities may start with rhyme, then move to
• Sort and classify objects.
• Predict what comes next when patterns are extended.
• Recognize, duplicate, and extend simple patterns.
• Recognize shapes.
• Describe how shapes are alike and different.
• Match and sort shapes.
• Use words that identify where things are in space (near, far).
• Use positional words to describe the location of objects (inside, underneath).
• Experience, compare, and use language related to time.
• Use terms to compare the attributes of objects (longer, shorter, heavier).
• Order a set of objects according to size, weight, and length.
• Use tools to measure objects.
Data Analysis/Collection
• Collect, organize, and describe data.
• Use terms to compare attributes of objects (bigger, smaller, lighter).
• Order a set of objects according to size, weight, or length.
• Solve problems that involve collecting and analyzing data.
athematics is deeply rooted in language and commu- make progress.
nication. English Language Learners (ELLs) may
struggle with mathematics tasks because they do not
understand the teacher’s explanation of the activity. ELL chil-
dren may not be able to ask for help or feel comfortable asking
for help, which can lead to disengaged or frustrated behavior. In pre-K, children should develop new mathe-
Pre-K teachers should be aware that these difficulties are likely matics knowledge and skills in five key areas:
to occur, and should actively work to engage ELLs in mathe- number, patterns, geometry, measurement, and
matics activities. Pre-K teachers help ELLs to learn mathemat- data analysis. Pre-K teachers promote children’s
ics when they: mathematics learning when they provide prob-
I Actively teach mathematics vocabulary. Review words often. lem-solving opportunities; teach mathematics
I Provide concrete examples when possible. vocabulary; provide opportunities for structured
I Provide repeated demonstrations. Make sure to show, as well and free play with mathematics manipulatives;
as tell, what to do. and when they integrate mathematics into every-
I Facilitate hands-on mathematics activities in small groups so day experiences and content area studies. A high-
that ELLs feel more comfortable participating. quality mathematics curriculum can help teachers
I If possible, find a bilingual volunteer or aide who can provide to structure and plan appropriate mathematics
ELLs with assistance, explanations, and translations in the experiences. The goal is to guide children through
child’s first language during planned mathematics activities. a series of engaging mathematics activities that
I Encourage and praise children for their participation. strengthen their knowledge of key concepts and
build mathematics thinking processes.
1 6
National Research Council. Bowman, B.T., Donovan, M.S., and Burns, Arnold, D. H., and Doctoroff, G. L. “The Early Education of Socioeco-
M.S., eds. Eager to Learn: Educating Our Preschoolers. Washington, D.C.: nomically Disadvantaged Children.” Annual Review of Psychology, 54, 2003:
National Academies Press, 2001. 517-545.
Clements, D. H., Sarama, J., and DiBiase, A. M. eds. Engaging Young Chil- Stevenson, H., Lee, S. S., and Stigler, J. “The Mathematics Achievement
dren in Mathematics: Standards for Early Childhood Mathematics Education. of Chinese, Japanese, and American Children.” Science, 56, 1986: 693-699.
Lawrence Erlbaum: Mawah, NJ, 2004. 8
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2000; National Council of
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Early Learning Standards Teachers of Mathematics, 2006.
in Mathematics. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 9
National Association for the Education of Young Children/National
2000. Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2002.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Curriculum Focal Points 10
Neuman, S. B., Roskos, K., Wright, T. S., and Lenhart, L. Nurturing Knowl-
for Prekindergarten Through Grade 8 Mathematics: A Quest For Coherence. edge: Building a Foundation for School Success by Linking Early Literacy to
Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2006. Math, Science, Art, and Social Studies. New York: Scholastic, 2007.
National Association for the Education of Young Children/National 11
National Association for the Education of Young Children/National
Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Early Childhood Mathematics: Prom- Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2002.
ising Good Beginnings. Washington, D.C.: National Association for the Edu- 12
cation of Young Children, 2002. Clements, D. H., Sarama, J., and DiBiase, A. M., 2004.
Duncan, G. J., Dowsett, C. J., Claessens, A., Magnuson, K., Huston, A.
C, Kebanov, P., et al. “School Readiness and Later Achievement.” Develop-
mental Psychology, 43, 2007: 1428-1446.
Life Science
• Identify features of plants and animals that help them live in different habitats.
• Show an understanding that plants and animals need water and food.
• Know that living things go through life cycles (e.g., growth, change).
• Name some human body parts and know their function.
• Recognize the difference between living organisms and non-living objects.
• Recognize that people have unique features, but are alike in many ways.
• Know that people need food, exercise, and rest to stay healthy.
Earth Science
• Recognize that some events in nature have a repeating pattern (e.g., seasons of the year).
• Know different types of weather and that weather changes over seasons.
• Show respect for the environment.
• Know vocabulary to describe major features of the sky (e.g. clouds, moon) and earth (e.g., mountain, river).
• Know that materials can be reused or recycled.
Scientific Inquiry
• Show interest in investigating phenomena.
• Use the senses to make observations.
• Begin to systematically compile, classify, and order collected information.
• Make predictions based on previous experience and background knowledge.
• Participate in simple investigations to test observations, discuss and draw conclusions, and make generalizations.
• Use tools to gather information (e.g., magnifying lens, eyedropper, camera).
• Develop explanations for observations.
• Name, record, and share information with others either orally or in written form (i.e., uses pictures and developmental writing).
advance their ideas than simply being told new informa- ching goal is to engage pre-K children in building their sci-
tion.5 entific knowledge while actively using the methodologies of
For example, in a pre-K classroom where children are this discipline.
learning about plants, one question could be, What do plants
need to grow? A child may suggest that plants need light to Process of Scientific Inquiry6
grow, or the class may read a book that provides this infor- I Exhibit curiosity, define questions from current knowl-
Children might place one plant to grow on a windowsill and I Plan and conduct simple investigations.
one plant in the closet. As children predict what will happen, I Gather evidence from observation.
observe, gather and record information, and discuss and I Explain based on evidence.
track the progress of their plants, they learn both scientific I Consider other explanations.
content (what plants need to grow) as well as the practices I Communicate explanation.
he vocabulary of science can present a huge difficulty for
observations, and engage children in conversa-
English Language Learners (ELLs) because there are
tions using science vocabulary.
content-specific terms for students to learn that may not
Science investigations provide an opportunity
be used in everyday speech.
to bring informational texts into daily use in the
In addition to teaching vocabulary words during science
pre-K classroom. Research demonstrates that
investigations and shared book reading, pre-K teachers can
shared reading and discussion of information
help ELLs by using picture cards to introduce and reinforce key
books has many benefits for pre-K children, but
vocabulary words that are relevant to the topic that the class is
this genre is often underutilized in early child-
investigating. While picture cards are especially useful to ELLs,
hood classrooms.9 Reading books about content
all children in the class will enjoy participating in picture card
supports background knowledge and vocabulary
games that reinforce vocabulary that is related to the science
development, and teaches children that books
are a useful place to obtain and communicate
Picture cards can be placed on a wall in the whole-group
information. When reading informative, nonfic-
meeting area, and children in the class can take turns pointing
tion books, teachers should:
I Point out features that are particular to this
while the group calls out the word for each picture. Picture
cards can also be copied and stapled into small books for chil-
type of text, such as labeled pictures and dia-
dren to keep so that ELLs can practice their new English words
I Demonstrate reading to “look up” an answer
by “reading” the pictures at home and at school.
to a specific question rather than always read-
ing the book from beginning to end. tures mentioned in the previous chapters, the following
I Explain new vocabulary and concepts in simple language aspects are particularly important in high-quality science
that children can understand. curricula.
I Engage in repeated readings of the same book to rein-
Selected Read-Aloud Texts for Teaching Science10 In-depth Studies of Key Concepts
• My Five Senses by Aliki (HarperCollins, 1989)—human Children gain deeper knowledge when they have a vari-
body. ety of experiences that relate to the same concept. For exam-
ple, a unit on biological change and life cycles could include
• How a Seed Grows by Helen J. Jordon (Harper Trophy,
examining how plants grow and change, the life cycle of a
butterfly, and a study of what humans need to grow and
• The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle (Philomel, survive.12 This kind of study enables children to build on
1969)—life-cycles. their knowledge and to make connections among the sci-
• What Do You Do with a Tail Like This? by Steve Jenkins ence concepts that they are learning.
and Robin Page (Houghton Mifflin, 2003)—animal
body parts. Focus on Practices and Content
• Dinosaur Bones by Bob Barner (Chronicle Books, 2001)— Science literacy includes a knowledge of the practices of
dinosaurs. scientific inquiry as well as knowledge of science concepts
• Your Big Backyard Magazine (National Wildlife Federa- and ideas. A pre-K science curriculum should integrate
tion)—science magazine for children ages 3-7. these aspects of science literacy by building children’s knowl-
edge through guided participation in scientific inquiry.
National Research Council. Michaels, S., Shouse, A. and Schweingru- for Teaching and Learning. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press,
ber, H. Ready, Set, Science! Putting Research to Work in K-8 Science Class- 2000.
rooms. Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press, 2007. 7
Neuman, S. B., Roskos, K., Wright, T. S., and Lenhart, L. Nurturing Knowl-
Hirsch, E. D. “Building knowledge: The case for bringing content into the edge: Building a Foundation for School Success by Linking Early Literacy to
language arts block and for a knowledge-rich curriculum core for all chil- Math, Science, Art, and Social Studies. New York: Scholastic, 2007.
dren.” American Educator, Spring, 2006: 8-29. 8
French, L.
Gelman, R., Brenneman, K. “Science Learning Pathways for Young Chil- Neuman, S. B., Roskos, K., Wright, T. S., and Lenhart, L.
dren.” Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 19, 2004: 150-158.
4 Duke, N. K. “Reading to Learn from the Very Beginning: Information
American Association for the Advancement of Science. Benchmarks for Books in Early Childhood.” Young Children, 2003. http://www.journal.
Science Literacy. New York: Oxford University Press, 1993.
Also see for a com- 10
Neuman, S. B., Roskos, K., Wright, T. S., and Lenhart, L.
plete list of states that implement standards in this domain.
5 American Association for the Advancement of Science.
French, L. “Science as the Center of a Coherent, Integrated Early Child-
hood Curriculum.” Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 19, 2004: 138-149. National Research Council. National Science Education Standards. Wash-
6 ington, D.C.: National Academy Press, 1996.
Center for Science, Mathematics, and Engineering, National Research
Council. Inquiry and the National Science Education Standards: A Guide Gelman and Brenneman.