Mathematics and Science in Preschool: Policy and Practice
Mathematics and Science in Preschool: Policy and Practice
Mathematics and Science in Preschool: Policy and Practice
likely to pay off with increased achievement, literacy, and work skills in these critical
areas. 1 This report addresses the development of mathematics and science understanding
these domains, identifies areas that require further study, and outlines recommendations
What We Know:
programs are emerging. Almost every state has developed mathematics and
Policy Recommendations:
expectations for early mathematics and science are research based and must
outline expectations that are attainable and appropriate for preschool learners.
• Early education policies should define mathematics as more than counting and
number, and science should be treated as more than learning lists of facts.
math and science content and to provide experiences integrating this content into
• Appropriate accountability systems that focus on the classroom, the teacher, and
the child must be built to support high-quality early mathematics and science
• Mathematics and science learning should be integrated with each other and with
mathematical and scientific concepts. They count steps as they walk up stairs, create
patterns with different colored materials, build towers with blocks, and comment that one
tower is taller than the other.2 They question where cow babies come from, observe that
people have different color eyes, and generate explanations for this difference.3 These
for learning as children continue toward more formal understandings. Although mature
When they consider mathematics in preschool, many people (and many preschool
teachers) think of learning to count and identify numbers, but young children also possess
Most preschoolers count verbally, which serves as an explicit sign to adults of the
child’s burgeoning number skills. However, research suggests that children have a basic
objects verbally. Without counting, they can match up two sets of items or point to items
in a collection, labeling each with a number, even if it is not the correct number.
Evidence also suggests that they can make a matching collection for one that is not
visible but is mentally represented. For example, a toddler who retrieves two dog treats
for two pets in another room is saying, in effect, “This [one] is for [the first dog], and this
[one] is for [the second dog].”4 Such intuitive understandings and everyday applications
of knowledge may help lay the groundwork for later understandings of numerical
Young children also enjoy exploring spatial positions and relationships and
properties of geometric shapes.5 Understanding how one’s body moves in space and
learning how to manipulate objects and shapes in space are important cognitive
through their classroom and outdoor spaces and by manipulating toys such as puzzles and
measurement, long before they know how to use standard measurement tools, when they
begin to notice differences in the height, weight, and length of various objects.
Along with curriculum focal points on number and operations, geometry, and
algebra and data analysis as important, connected content areas. NCTM7 defines algebra
simply as a way of thinking and reasoning about relationships. This means that children
making their own patterns, arranging objects according to a rule, or calling attention to
patterns they observe in the environment.8 The object attributes that children attend to, as
part of their emerging geometry and measurement skills, are foundational for data
analysis as well.9 Children’s propensity to collect and sort items by their attributes is a
key component of the ability to represent, analyze, and interpret mathematical data.10
Children entering kindergarten already have a great deal of knowledge about the
natural world, including understandings of cause and effect; some of the differences
between animate and inanimate objects; ways in which people’s beliefs, goals, and
desires affect behavior; and substances and their properties. These knowledge domains
include concepts related to physics, biology, psychology, and chemistry (see Duschl,
Preschoolers know quite a bit about the differences between animate and inanimate
objects and the kinds of changes and states they take.12 When shown photographs of
novel objects, they accurately predict that animates can move by themselves but
inanimates cannot13 and that the insides of an unfamiliar machine are different from those
things on a number of critical features. They seem aware that animals and plants can
grow and heal but that artifacts cannot, and they understand some aspects of the life cycle
of plants and animals.15 Preschoolers can also correctly name germs as causes of illness,
and know that germs can transmit disease through physical contact, even though germs
are invisible.16 With educational intervention, they can form a beginning notion of genes
and inheritance.17
The foregoing examples illustrate that preschool children can think abstractly
about various scientific concepts. They also possess dispositions and thinking skills that
support later, more sophisticated, scientific reasoning. For example, preschoolers are
toy, and the mechanism that causes the doll to spring from the box is clear, children stop
playing with the jack-in-the-box as soon as a new toy is presented. When it is unclear
exactly how the first toy works, they continue to explore it, even when a new toy is
young children show specific scientific reasoning skills. Older preschoolers are able to
interpret simple data patterns and show some understanding of how different patterns
support different conclusions.20 Often, though, children this age use sophisticated
reasoning without being aware that they are doing so and without being able to describe
their reasoning.21 Like all learners, children’s use of logical thinking is constrained by
their knowledge of, and experience with, the conceptual domain they are reasoning about;
whether the problem being posed makes sense to them; and whether they are comfortable
Children have very positive attitudes toward mathematics and science during the
preschool years, and opportunities to use mathematics and logical thinking to solve
future success in and out of school and should be preserved by providing appropriate
readiness which, in turn, impacts later achievement. A recent analysis of the links
between school readiness indicators and school achievement in six large-scale studies
revealed a strong correlation between mathematics skills at school entry and later
The research base in early mathematics and science can be leveraged to design
appropriate learning experiences, build further understandings, and prepare children for
the mathematics and science they will encounter in school. However, work remains to
development can best be supported for diverse learners, and to identify the links between
early knowledge and skills and later school achievement. The importance of identifying
learning trajectories or pathways in math and science domains has been acknowledged in
the current educational literature,24 and progress is being made, especially in the field of
experiences and skills for school readiness and later achievement, we already know that
early math and science experiences matter because they can support language and
literacy development, independent of any effect on later math and science achievement.
children to a variety of new words in meaningful contexts. The practices of math and
science are described using verbs such as observe, predict, estimate, sort, experiment, and
so on. As children engage in these practices, they learn new nouns to label what they are
attributes—sticky, dirty, roundish, pointy, more than, and less than. Research suggests
Conversations about objects that are not present or events in the past or future
support the development of abstract reasoning and are related to literacy skills.28 Such
conversations often occur in the context of a science activity when children make
predictions and plan explorations.29 Children who are asked, “What should we do to find
out?” must use language to describe a plan for the future. When they are asked, “What
will happen if…?” or “Why do you think seeds need water to sprout?,” they are required
to reason and talk about objects, events, and changes that they have not yet experienced.30
Similarly, explaining results and their causes supports the use of complex grammatical
science content knowledge and their developing language skills mutually reinforce each
other.31 Encouraging children to talk about their observations, thoughts, and reasoning as
part of mathematical and scientific play helps them develop not just their facility with the
language of mathematics, but also more general communication skills and their
Math and science explorations can be used to support literacy development. The
content of fiction and nonfiction books can be scientific or mathematical and can serve as
the basis for extended conversations between children and adults around key science and
math content and ideas.33 When teachers create science charts to record children’s
observations, predictions, and explanations of results, they illustrate the links between
spoken and written language and support growing print concepts. Producing simple
graphs, recording numerical data on charts, and documenting how math problems were
solved encourages children to use numerals or other symbols that represent number.
Science journals can also be successfully incorporated into preschool activities as tools
for supporting the growth of both science and literacy skills. A rich language interaction
occurs as children watch their ideas and words translated into print as a teacher
transcribes what children have to say about their entry. Recording in journals also
provides opportunities for children to practice their own growing printing and spelling
Critical Issues
children. For mathematics especially, we have evidence that early skills are associated
with positive school achievement in both mathematics and literacy. The case for early
science is less well developed, in part because the particular thinking skills associated
with science can be applied to just about any content, making it less clear which skills
and content are uniquely scientific.35 Nevertheless, science joins mathematics and
literacy as a domain that early education experts and policymakers believe is foundational
for future learning. Further issues addressed in this brief include: 1) the development of
In 2002, the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)
and NCTM issued a joint statement to “affirm that high-quality, challenging, and
professionals who teach young children and describes ways in which institutions,
classrooms. Many of these recommendations are incorporated into this brief. At this
time, parallel documents have not been developed for early science education.37 Head
Start also includes math and science among the eight developmental domains in their
Child Outcomes Framework.38 Further, the 2007 reauthorization of the Head Start Act39
adds mathematics, science, and approaches to learning as areas that teachers should
Most U.S. states have developed and published at least one set of early learning
standards and/or learning expectations that describe what children should know and be
able to do when they enter kindergarten. Used as intended, these standards can support
skills children should have, guidance to administrators and teachers as they design or
choose curricular experiences for young learners, and benchmarks for educators to assess
the quality of their offerings. Standards can also support continuity between the skills
children attain during preschool and the ones they will need to succeed in school.40
Experts in early mathematics agree that standards should be research based and
should focus on “big” ideas, including numbers and operations, geometry and spatial
numbers, operations, and geometry and spatial relations, but the specific indicators or
goals for these topics vary greatly from state to state. Algebraic thinking and data
science standards has been published, but expectations for science are included in most
state learning outcomes. At the K-8 level, science educators and policymakers are calling
for learning expectations that focus on the big ideas of science;43 this is also a reasonable
goal for preschool expectations. However, until research identifies the key science
process skills and content that predict improved school readiness and outcomes, it is
likely that the specific performance indicators will continue to be inconsistent from state
to state.
2. Curriculum and Classroom Practices: More Than Counting on the Calendar and
mathematics, it provides experiences that not only encourage thinking and reasoning
about numbers but support investigations into size, quantity, properties of objects,
experiences with materials and through intentional interactions by their teachers to extend
constructing with blocks, playing board and card games, and engaging in dramatic play,
music, and art.45 By providing children with an environment that is mathematically rich,
teachers lay the foundation for their students' future success at learning school
learn key content and practices of science by providing opportunities to observe, explore,
experiment with, question, and discuss a range of scientific phenomena.47 Children learn
when questions and reasoning are encouraged when they explore the world around them.
By providing these opportunities, teachers help children hone their thinking skills and to
Mathematics and science are part of many widely used, comprehensive curricula.
A number of curricula are strengthening their offerings in these domains. HighScope has
developed Numbers Plus, which is aligned with NCTM standards and focuses on number,
indicators and instructional strategies for science and technology are included in the
support instruction in number, geometry, data, patterns, and measurement,51 and they also
have augmented science (and social studies) offerings with Study Starters. These
volumes are guides for teachers designed to help them identify children’s questions and
science (as well as other domains) are mutually supporting. Teachers who design and
implement classroom experiences should integrate mathematics and science with each
other and with other activities. Learning experiences that cut across curricular areas are
important for children’s conceptual development but are also practically important as
teachers design activities to support multiple learning goals in a very full curriculum.52
mathematics and science exist, although many have not been evaluated empirically.53 A
recent special issue of Early Childhood Research Quarterly54 featured a number of these
approaches to mathematics and science learning. Although the programs vary in the
extent to which they have been studied empirically, each is based on the research
literature on young children's learning. Further, most have been used with learners from
low-income populations. Identifying learning supports for these children who often
Despite the existence of standards and some curricular supports for incorporating
math and science into early education, very few math and science experiences are
available in classrooms56 and what little does occur is rarely of high quality.57 Even when
preschool teachers agree that mathematics is important and believe that they are exposing
colleagues58 report just three examples of planned math activities and only 12 examples
concepts (over, under, inside) rather than operations, patterns, or even shape concepts.
For science, teachers spend little time engaged in either planned or spontaneous science-
relevant activities60and the science area is one of the least likely centers to be visited by
need for valid and reliable ways to assess programs’ effectiveness for enhancing student
learning.62 In the upper grades, group-administered testing is the norm; however, this is
not recommended, nor perhaps even possible, with preliterate, preschool children.63 One
move has been to develop performance-based assessment tools that rely on systematic
assessments exist or are being developed. These include the Child Math Assessment
(CMA),65 the Early Mathematics Assessment System (EMAS),66 and the Research-Based
direct assessment of preschool science that assesses a wide range of content knowledge
children’s interests, strengths, and needs. Once identified, the teacher can plan learning
experiences that build on and extend strengths and address learners’ needs. The
forms of evidence for particular skills or learning indicators. These include observations
accurate and complete learning assessments depend on teachers understanding the range
of learning indicators to which they should attend. Without this awareness, there is some
danger of falling back on familiar, easily recognized skills as evidence for children’s
learning. Just as knowing the alphabet is only one small piece of literacy, we must be
careful that children’s rote memorization of the count list or science facts is not taken as
evidence for mathematical or scientific understanding. Certainly counting and facts are
critical to knowledge in these domains, but they are only pieces, not the whole picture.
Although there is reasonable concern that assessments can narrow what teachers
teach, 70 for math and science, which are often overlooked in the preschool classroom,
well designed, comprehensive assessment tools can support and expand the learning
activities offered by teachers. Assessments that identify the knowledge and skills
preschoolers learn across mathematics and science domains, describe expected learning
trajectories and ranges for these, and provide illustrative examples of what children are
capable of achieving can lead to more intentional instruction and expanded learning
Although math and science learning materials on their own may provide learning
opportunities for young children, it is important for teachers to have a deep knowledge
base regarding the development of children’s mathematical (and science) thinking and
identify moments when math and science learning is taking place, to assess what an
individual child knows or needs to know about a particular concept, and to plan for future
instruction. Recent studies have also demonstrated a direct link between teacher behavior
and children's math learning. Specifically, the amount of math-related talk a teacher
engages in is correlated with the growth of students’ mathematical knowledge over the
school year.72 Unfortunately, very little time is dedicated to mathematics talk. Even
when there is math-related conversation, it rarely lasts longer than a minute and is
Although little research has addressed the actual math and science competencies
of early childhood educators, we know that many consider these subjects to be difficult to
teach.74 This is not surprising because teachers traditionally have not been prepared to
review of requirements for pre-service, early childhood teachers in New Jersey reveals
that their teacher preparation programs require relatively little coursework in math and
science and that science was very unlikely to be linked to a practicum experience.76 The
hours of in-service training per year.77 Decisions regarding content tend to be determined
locally which means that there is no guarantee that teachers will receive training in
these often do not provide the kind of experience necessary to bring about meaningful
move beyond one-day workshops and into models that allow teachers to explore deeply
the content and pedagogy of science and mathematics.78 Programs that focus on
learn math and how their curriculum and teaching approaches can further this
development.79 An innovative program that encouraged both pre- and in-service teachers
to study and reflect on their own teaching and children’s mathematical and scientific
activities beyond teaching shapes and counting sequences. More importantly, teacher
5. Home-School Connections
Like many teachers, parents report trying to help their children learn math, but
they feel less capable to support early math than they do literacy. Many of the
recommendations one would make to improve early math and science teaching apply
equally to improving the home environment’s learning supports. These include educating
parents about the importance of early math, providing concrete examples of the ways
preschoolers learn math, and providing ways to leverage and increase children’s natural
materials; this kind of approach does not educate parents and is particularly ineffective
with families most in need of assistance and support.82 True support requires personal
interactions and special training with families that reinforce their critical role in their
child’s learning and provide clear strategies for supporting it. A successful parent
education program designed by Starkey and Klein83 met the criteria of sustained learning
experiences for parents and addressed a range of mathematical topics with specific
activity ideas. Experienced teachers modeled activities and directly supported parents’
efforts to engage with their children. Parents were very interested in supporting their
children’s mathematical learning once provided with strategies for doing so. Most
A number of authors suggest that professional development for early math and
science should provide teachers with strategies to involve and inform parents, and there is
some evidence of success on this front.84 As noted by Cannon and Ginsburg,85 preschool
teachers often share parents' lack of knowledge about supporting early math learning. For
this reason, effective professional development becomes even more important if teachers,
in addition to supporting children’s math and science learning directly, are also doing so
and scientific readiness of young children is a critical educational goal. Some progress
has been made in meeting this challenge. A rich research base identifies the wide range
particular skills,86 and this work is well underway in early mathematics.87 Recognition of
the importance of early math and science is evidenced by the fact that standards for early
mathematics and science learning are in place in almost every state. A number of widely
used preschool curricula are strengthening their offerings in mathematics and, to a lesser
extent, science. True research-based curricula for early math have been developed and
continue to be tested for effectiveness. Early science programs also exist and some are
being evaluated for effects on learning outcomes. The need to assess young children’s
learning in authentic and appropriate ways has been acknowledged, and new tools are
have been described, and some effective professional development models for early
mathematics and science have been identified. Parental involvement is also essential to
early mathematical and scientific development, just as it is for language and literacy.
will require a great deal of effort, time and funding; however, progress is being made and
we are cautiously optimistic that it will continue. We note that just a decade ago, authors
to quality preschool education and recommended that this be a top funding priority. Ten
years later, access to prekindergarten has never been greater, with more than 2 million 3-
programs in the 2007-2008 academic year.89 While acknowledging that deep challenges
exist to improve the mathematics and science education of preschool children, the
evidence presented in this brief provides some clear directions for change. Lessons
learned from the language and literacy domains can also guide efforts in early math and
and parent education exist. These can serve as models for larger scale efforts to improve
practice in the preschool classroom, increase teacher knowledge, develop strong home-
school connections, and ultimately prepare young learners for future success in
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