Piston Designs in Heavy-Duty Diesels: by Steve Scott

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Piston Designs in

Heavy-Duty Diesels

Most recently, you may encounter Various piston designs for heavy-duty diesel
various piston designs within heavy-duty engines are shown below, from left to right:
diesel engines. As engine technologies Two-piece friction welded steel, one-piece steel,
articulated and aluminum.
have evolved, the demand on internal
engine parts has also increased. While
aluminum pistons have worked well for
decades in engines with lower cylinder
pressures (approx. 1,600-1,900psi),
many have been replaced by articulated
steel crown and aluminum skirt (approx.
2,300-2,600psi), one piece steel (approx.
2,600-3,200psi), and two piece welded
piston designs (approx. 3,500psi). As a
general rule, these designs should not be
mixed within an engine.
Reusing pistons from an engine is
an option some consider, but it comes
at a risk. Determining if the piston is Piston profiles have different shapes that can only be determined with precision measurement processes.
reusable can be a challenge for a variety
of reasons: OE’s do not always publish
“reusability specifications”, ring land
gauges can be expensive (if available),
and there is no easy method to discern
if the condition of the coatings and
surface finishes on some pistons is
sufficient for further service life. Some
dimensions can be easily checked, but
the exact locations to measure can vary.
Piston profiles have different shapes that
can only be determined with precision
measurement processes. For example,
the outside diameter of the crown can be
Ovality of piston is illustrated below.
machined differently than the landings
below it, and the landing between the
rings may be machined at varying angles.
Also, most newer piston skirts are barrel
shaped, where some older designs may
have been tapered. The introduction
of steel material (crowns and pistons)
has allowed for much tighter clearances
between the piston and cylinder wall due
to far less thermal expansion compared
to aluminum.
As you might expect, with barrel
shaped piston skirts, the larger diameter
is commonly 90 degrees from the pin
axis, and midway up the skirt. Measuring
90 degrees from the pin axis avoids false
readings from the ovality shape of the

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piston skirt. This oval/elliptical shape

applies mainly on the piston skirt to
compensate for thermal expansion, along
with side load and liner distortion that
occurs when the engine is running. On
some applications, elliptical shapes can
also be applied on the first, second and/or
third lands between the rings as well.
Another area of these pistons that
has seen major revisions is the piston pin
bore. For example, on some of the steel
(bushingless) pistons, what may appear
to be a simple cylindrical machined bore
can actually have a very sophisticated
bore profile/shape. The fitment of the
pin to the connecting rod and piston is
one that machine shops and technicians
have scrutinized for years. Some piston
pin bore profiles used in later model steel
pistons have caused many to mistakenly
believe the fitment is too loose. Actually,
many of the tolerances have gotten
tighter, but unique profile designs of
piston pin bosses can provide more
lateral movement of the piston pin when
installed in only one side of the piston, Unique “Hourglass” Piston Pin Bore Profile

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results. This is especially true for some

engines that have the mid-stop liners.
Mid-stop cylinder blocks support the
upper and mid-sections of the cylinder
liner, but do not support the liner from
the mid-section down. Restrictions
(seizure) in the movement between the
piston and connecting rod assembly
can place extreme side loading force
to the liner. And, at the bottom of the
stroke where the liner is not supported,
Illustrations above show exaggerated piston pin “flex”. the lower section of the liner can break
resulting in a catastrophic failure.
such as in the case of an “hourglass” far more than what many technicians Overall, engine and piston designs
shape profile. These profiles may also expect to find when assembling the have consistently been evolving towards
be asymmetrical, meaning the smallest piston assembly. The clearance has gotten ever increasing cylinder pressures
diameter may not be in the middle of the tighter, but “the fit feels looser” has been over the past few decades. As a result,
bore, and cannot be accurately measured the topic of many calls and emails to our piston design complexity has evolved
with a bore gauge or inside micrometers. tech line. considerably, and we need to be aware of
The load from the connecting rod at the Many steel pistons do not have a the changes in operating conditions that
center of the piston pin can cause the bushing in the pin boss, and are coated
have dramatically increased demands on
pin to flex/distort. The profile allows the with highly sophisticated coatings.
the internal parts of the newer engines
piston pin to flex without scuffing or These coatings are far more than just
seizing to the piston. This is not due to a dry-lubricant, they are applied in a versus those in the past.n
a weakness of the pin, it is the result of tightly controlled environment, infusing
tremendously increased operating forces. the material on the piston to produce its
The pin material, strength, hardness, anti-friction and anti-galling properties.
and surface finishes have all evolved to The coatings and surface finishes of the
meet the pressures/demands of these later piston pin bores, as well as the surface
model engines. finish of the pin, are both critical to the
The example below is of a welded working connection between the piston
steel piston for a Caterpillar application. and connecting rod. This is why reusing
By inserting the pin approximately these types of piston designs comes at
25mm (1”) into one side of the piston a higher risk than some earlier design
Steve Scott joined the service department at IPD in
pin boss, and positioning a height gauge pistons. Something as simple as reversing 1982, working with parts, service and sales for a
on the pin, we can measure almost the direction of a pin in a used piston can variety of equipment, diesel, and natural gas engines.
1.27mm (.050”) movement by simply alter wear patterns. Any resistance that Since 2004, he has been the director of product
lifting the pin. A movement of 1.27mm leads to seizure in piston and connecting development and technical support for IPD. For more
(.050”) is not a large distance, but it’s rod connections can have catastrophic information, email sscott@ipdparts.com.

The example shown below is of a welded steel piston for a Caterpillar application. By inserting the pin approximately 25mm (1”) into one side of the piston pin boss,
and positioning a height gauge on the pin, we can measure almost 1.27mm (.050”) movement by simply lifting the pin.

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