Module-I: SIX Month Training Module in Web Programming

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SIX Month Training Module in Web Programming


Module-II –PHP & MySql
Module III- Advanced PHP
Module IV- 1st Project
Module V- Content Management System
Module VI- 2nd Project




 Basics of HTML
 Basic text: paragraphs, line breaks, headings, strong and emphasized text.
 Changing the font size, family, and color. Plus information about using color in Web
Design and adding in special characters to your pages.
 Lists: numbered lists, bulleted lists, and definition lists.
 Images: using graphics on Web pages, uploading graphics, adding photos, making them
 Form Control
 Links: creating and using links, both internal (bookmarks) and external. Plus image maps
and how to create them.
 Tables: the basics of XHTML tables and how to create them on your Web site.
 Frames: what they are and how to build a framed Web page.
 Forms: adding interactivity to your Web pages.
 Working with Cascading Style sheets
 Working with Events
 Working with menus
 Working with Cursor

Java Script

 Introduction
 What is Java Script, Java "vs." JavaScript, JavaScript Comments
 JavaScript into an HTML page
 External JavaScript
 JavaScript Variables, JavaScript Operators
 JavaScript Decision Making & branching
 Alert Box, Confirm Box, Prompt Box
 JavaScript Functions
 JavaScript Loops
 The break and continue Statement
 JavaScript Events
 Catching Errors
 The try...catch Statement
 Insert Special Characters
 Object Oriented Programming
 Methods
 Properties
 JavaScript object
 Date
 String
 Array
 Math
 Boolean
 Events ,Event on Method,
 Window Browser Events
 Advanced JavaScript


 JQuery-Overview
 JQuery-Basics
 JQuery-Selectors
 JQuery-Attributes
 JQuery-CSS
 JQuery-Events
 JQuery-Effects
 JQuery-Plugging
 JQuery –Resources


 PHP Introduction
 PHP Basic
 How to install PHP
 Basic Syntax of PHP
 PHP Variables &Data Type
 String Handing in PHP
 Math Functions
 Date Time Function
 Utility Function
 Regular Expressions
 PHP Operators
 Decision Making & branching in PHP
 PHP Arrays
 PHP Function
 PHP Forms
 File Handing
 PHP $Get Method
 PHP $ Post Method
 Query String
 Server Method
 Request Method
 File Upload
 Form Action
 Form Based Query
 Form Validation
 Hidden Field
 Accessing database
 Manipulating database


Advanced PHP

(Object Oriented Programming+ File Handling+xml)

 Include() and Require()

 State Management Functions
 Class Definition,
 Objects
 Class Constructor
 Class Inheritance
 Abstract Class
 Destructors
 Interface
 extends
 File Handling
 final class
 Properties set &get
 static properties
 create a file , File Read, File Delete ,File Copy ,File Move,
 Directory Create Delete,
 Utility Function (for file Handing)
 Cookies
 Session Management
 Header function
 Authentication (User logins)
 Authorization (Permissions)
 XML and PHP Basics
 XML File Reader
 XML File Writer
 PHP, XML and Databases


 Introduction to MySQL
 Creating MYSQL Connection
 Relational Database Normalization
 Creating Database & Tables
 MySQL Queries
 Stoning & Manipulating Data
 Data types in SQL
 MySQL select
 Use Where
 Use wildcards
 Use the IS NULL and IS NOT NULL keywords
 Use the ORDER BY clause
 Use the TOP keyword
 Use the DISTINCT keyword
 Use aggregate functions in queries
 Group result set
 Creating database
 Viewing database
 Deleting database
 Renaming database
 Create tables
 Insert rows into tables
 Delete tables
 Altering tables
 Maintain data in a table by using
 INSERT statement
 UPDATE statement
 DELETE statement
 Local to Live server connectivity
 backup of database etc


Module V
Content Management System

Students can pick any CMS in this training - Wordpress, Joomla

Module-VI-2nd Project

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