Arcadia It Institute
Arcadia It Institute
Arcadia It Institute
1 Draft
Course Title Professional Diploma in Wed Applications Development (Laravel
Pre-requisite CSE/Science Graduate/04 Years ICT Diploma/ Non Graduate with 03 Years Related
Course Fee 20,000/-
Hours 125 X 4 = 500
Course Basic concept familiarization of Web Design and Laravel Framework
Objectives Industry standards of development in Laravel Framework
Participants will be trained on real life issues and latest tools
Training will be provided by experienced trainers with long industry experience
During the training, trainees will be given a real-life project work
Performance and learning activities for each of the trainees will be assessed
throughout the program.
Course outline Sub Course Titles
Web Design (HTML,CSS, JS)
2 Draft
How to and Where to CSS code, Comments in CSS, Converting
Style Attribute to CSS
ID Selector, Class Selector, Child Class, Grouping Selector, Multi
Stylesheet, Link Stylesheet
Background Image, Background Repeat, Background Position,
Background Color
Padding, Margin, List, Font, Link, and Table using CSS
CSS Combinators – Child Selector, Descendent Selector,
Adjacent Selector; Target Selector
Dimension, Media Screen, Responsive Design
Cursor, Custom Font (from External and Internal Source)
Designing with Advanced CSS and Basic CSS3
Border in CSS, Box Shadow, Opacity, Horizontal Alignment,
Background Image Handling
White Space, Float, Clear Tag, Columns, Visibility, Animation,
Animation Moves
Table in CSS, Position in CSS
An example Dropdown Menu using CSS
Outline, Menu Example 1 and 2, CSS for Print Screen,
Transform, Border-box Designing Button using CSS
Designing more Advanced with CSS3
Designing Search Box and Text Fields using CSS3, Border
Image, Background Image, Background Color, Gradient, Text
Shadow, Word Break, Rotate, Rotate X, Rotate Y, Content
Position, Counter, Transform, Animation, Button in CSS3,
Columns, Filter Designing Layout using CSS, Understanding the
Concept of Template and Theme.
3 Draft
Functions(User-defined functions, Function arguments
Returning values , Variable functions )
String Manipulation, Arrays and array Functions
My SQL database
4 Draft
Process flow, Activity diagram etc.
Database schema design; introduce DB objects and using areas
with how and why etc.
Create project with layered and tired technologies, unit testing
and integration with version control system through bit bucket.
Quality assurance and software testing process and how from
developers point of view.
Bug life cycle and project deployment with maintenance etc.
Search Engine Optimizations (SEO) 16
Soft Skill
Communication Skills & Corporate Etiquette
Communication Skills, Corporate Etiquette
ICT Knowledge & Social Media 20
ICT Knowledge, Social Media
Interview Skills
Interview Skills, Self Development, Self Development
Sub-Total 210
Total 500
Using Tools Note Pad++, netbeans etc, Visual Studio 2013, SQL server 2014 etc (As per Requirements)
Target Government and Private Organizations
5 Draft