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Professional Diploma in Wed Applications Development (Laravel Framework) ....................................2

1 Draft
Course Title Professional Diploma in Wed Applications Development (Laravel
Pre-requisite CSE/Science Graduate/04 Years ICT Diploma/ Non Graduate with 03 Years Related
Course Fee 20,000/-
Hours 125 X 4 = 500
Course  Basic concept familiarization of Web Design and Laravel Framework
Objectives  Industry standards of development in Laravel Framework
 Participants will be trained on real life issues and latest tools
 Training will be provided by experienced trainers with long industry experience
 During the training, trainees will be given a real-life project work
 Performance and learning activities for each of the trainees will be assessed
throughout the program.
Course outline Sub Course Titles
Web Design (HTML,CSS, JS)

 Practicing the Basics of HTML and HTML Pages

 Comments, Starting HTML Page, Head, Style, Script, Body
 Meta Tag, Meta Attributes, Keywords, Description, Author, Page
 Paragraph, Heading, Division, Section, Article
 Header, Footer, Main, Aside
 Span, Cite, Address, Abbreviation, Details, Summary
 Bold, Underline, Italic, Small, Strong, Subscript, Superscript
 Delete, Mark, Code, Block Quote, Quotation
Practicing Advanced HTML and Basic HTML5
 Font, Font Size, Font Color, Font Face
 HTML Entities – Registered Trademark, Copyright, Euro, Space,
Cent, Pound
 Symbol – Summation, Elements Of, Not Elements Of, Empty,
Differential Sign
 URL Anchor, Mail Anchor, Call Anchor, Target
First  Navigation Tag, Purpose of Navigation Tag
 Image, Image Source, Alternate Attribute, Height and Width, 140
 Description List, Define Terms, Define Details, Ordered List,
Unordered List, List Item
Practicing More HTML5 and Designing Pages
 iFrame, iFrame Target, Sandbox Attribute, Load iFrame on Click
 Audio, Video, Source, Media Type, Preload, Stream YouTube
Video using iFrame
 Base URL, Bidirectional Override, Preformatted Text, Data List,
 Level, Result, Access Key, Editable Attribute, Downloadable
 Table, Table Row, Table Data, Table Head, Table Body, Table
Foot, Style Attribute, Border
 HTML Form, Input Types, Get and Post Method, Button Tag,
Button Attributes
 Designing Website Layout using HTML

3. CSS and CSS3

 Practicing Basic CSS Codes

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 How to and Where to CSS code, Comments in CSS, Converting
Style Attribute to CSS
 ID Selector, Class Selector, Child Class, Grouping Selector, Multi
Stylesheet, Link Stylesheet
 Background Image, Background Repeat, Background Position,
Background Color
 Padding, Margin, List, Font, Link, and Table using CSS
 CSS Combinators – Child Selector, Descendent Selector,
Adjacent Selector; Target Selector
 Dimension, Media Screen, Responsive Design
 Cursor, Custom Font (from External and Internal Source)
Designing with Advanced CSS and Basic CSS3
 Border in CSS, Box Shadow, Opacity, Horizontal Alignment,
Background Image Handling
 White Space, Float, Clear Tag, Columns, Visibility, Animation,
Animation Moves
 Table in CSS, Position in CSS
 An example Dropdown Menu using CSS
 Outline, Menu Example 1 and 2, CSS for Print Screen,
Transform, Border-box Designing Button using CSS
Designing more Advanced with CSS3
Designing Search Box and Text Fields using CSS3, Border
Image, Background Image, Background Color, Gradient, Text
Shadow, Word Break, Rotate, Rotate X, Rotate Y, Content
Position, Counter, Transform, Animation, Button in CSS3,
Columns, Filter Designing Layout using CSS, Understanding the
Concept of Template and Theme.


 Writing JavaScript Code, Comments, Simple Variable, Variable

JS Operators, Simple Function, Parameter, Arguments, If Else
Statement, Handling Multiple Condition, Conditional Operators,
Get Element By ID, Get Element By Tag Name, Get Element By
Class, Switch Case, For Loop, EVAL Function
Advanced JavaScript, ParseInt, ParseFloat, ParseString, This
 Class and Object, Advanced Class and Object, Handling String,
Handling Number Handling Math, Handling Math
Handling Array.
 Examples on JavaScript
 Example – Form Validation, Advanced Form Validation, JSON
Format, Auto Select, Confirm Function, Image Slider, Popup
 Example - Printing Option Creation, Random URL, Blur,
Creating Dynamic Dropdown Menu.
Basic PHP
 What is Server-Side Scripting?
 Introduction to PHP
 Open Source Technology + Using AMP (Apache, MySQL, PHP)
 PHP-Syntax, Variables , Types, Constants, Operators
 Control Structures (if , else , elseif , while , do-while
 for , foreach ,break ,continue , switch ,declare
 return ,require ,include ,require_once ,include_once)

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 Functions(User-defined functions, Function arguments
 Returning values , Variable functions )
 String Manipulation, Arrays and array Functions
My SQL database

 Introduction to Databases and MySQL Database

 Introduction to PhpMyAdmin
 Database Administration using PhpMyAdmin
 Making Database using PHP, Making Table using PHP
 MySQL Data Types, MySQL Synax Orders
 InsertData to MySQL database using PHP Functions
 Display Data from MySQL database using PHP; Functions;
 Update data to MySQL using PHP function;
 Delete data from MySQL using PHP function;
Sub-Total 140
Basic Object Oriented Programming Concepts, Solid introduction to the
C# programming language. One can learn the fundamentals of C# through
lessons using the Microsoft .NET framework. The course will introduce
students to some of the common features within Microsoft Visual Studio.
Some of the outlines are as below:
 Primary and Complex Types, Classes, Members, and Properties
 Arrays and Collections , Handling Errors
Some of the advanced features and common practices using C#. C# is
Second extremely readable, maintainable, and extremely powerful when the
Term developer takes advantage of everything the language has to offer. Some of
the concepts covered in this course include:
 Interfaces, generics, extension methods, Tracing, Security
Caching LINQ, events, delegates, and Lambdas, asynchronous
Entity Framework from designing models, writing data access code and
integrating Entity Framework into your software solutions. Topics include:
 Getting to know Visual Studio 2012, Overview of the entity
framework model first modeling, Code first modeling
 Interacting with your data model, Using EF in your solutions
Sub-Total 150
 Laravel-5 Installation, Initial Setup
 Your First View and Route, View Data and Blade
 Routing to Controllers, Layout Files
Third  How to Manage Your CSS and JS, Fetching Data 100
Term  Defining Relationships With Eloquent, Forms
 Updating Records and Eager Loading, Validation and More
 Authenticate Your Users, Understanding Middleware
 Flashing to the Session, Automatic Resolution and the Service
Container, Bootstrapping With Service Providers
Project Work
 Customer requirements analysis and communication with all the
stakeholders, how to select technology etc. 74
 Introduce with OOD, Design patterns as required and different
UML diagrams. Like- Class diagram, Object diagram, Sequence

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 Process flow, Activity diagram etc.
 Database schema design; introduce DB objects and using areas
with how and why etc.
 Create project with layered and tired technologies, unit testing
and integration with version control system through bit bucket.
 Quality assurance and software testing process and how from
developers point of view.
 Bug life cycle and project deployment with maintenance etc.
Search Engine Optimizations (SEO) 16
Soft Skill
 Communication Skills & Corporate Etiquette
 Communication Skills, Corporate Etiquette
 ICT Knowledge & Social Media 20
 ICT Knowledge, Social Media
 Interview Skills
 Interview Skills, Self Development, Self Development
Sub-Total 210

Total 500
Using Tools Note Pad++, netbeans etc, Visual Studio 2013, SQL server 2014 etc (As per Requirements)
Target Government and Private Organizations

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