Constant Current/Constant Power Regulation Circuits For: Topswitch

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Constant Current/Constant Power

Regulation Circuits for TOPSwitch®
Design Note DN-14

Current control circuits are used to accurately control output highly accurate current control using an op amp with secondary
current of a power supply. Battery chargers are the largest bias derived from the existing output winding. All three circuits
single application for current controlled power supplies requiring share similar power stage components. The AC line voltage is
either constant-current or constant-power output characteristics. rectified and filtered by BR1 and C1. The resulting DC voltage
Motor drive applications can also require power supplies with is applied to the drain of TOPSwitch through the primary
controlled output current. winding of T1. TOPSwitch combines a high voltage power
MOSFET and control circuit in a single 3-terminal package.
This design note concentrates on three basic secondary current VR1 and D1 clamp TOPSwitch drain voltage to a safe level. C5
control circuits for TOPSwitch flyback converters. A simple, provides bypassing and frequency compensation while also
low cost circuit using a transistor current sense and regulation determining the auto-restart period during fault conditions. D3
circuit is presented first. The second circuit features highly and C4 rectify and filter the TOPSwitch bias supply (note that
accurate current control using an op amp and secondary bias D3 has a rated voltage of 200 V). C6, L2, and C7 control EMI.
winding, which can also be modified to approximate a constant For details of TOPSwitch flyback converter design, refer to
power output characteristic. The third circuit also features application notes AN-14, AN-16, AN-17, and AN-18.

D2 L1
MBR360 3 mH 7.5 V

V+ R8
100 R9
C1 VR1 220
BZY97- VR2
+ 22 µF T1
C200 Q2
400 V 6.2 V
136T 2N4403
C2 R7 C3
D1 12T 330 µF 1K 330 µF
UF4005 25 V C9 16 V
- BR1 1 µF
D3 Q1
V- 2N4401 R6
L2 0.68 R10
200V 2W 47 RTN
0.1 µF 37T C7
1 nF
33 mH
R2 250 V R1
C6 3.9K 39
250 VAC U1 C5 U2
TOP200YAI 47 µF PC817A



Figure 1. Simple, Low Cost Constant Voltage/Constant Current 7.5 V, 1A Supply Using the TOP200.

June 1996

Transistor Current Limit Circuit Performance

Figure 2 shows the measured performance of the simple, low
Figure 1 shows a 7.5 V constant voltage/constant current power cost transistor circuit. Voltage and current data taken at
supply circuit using the TOP200. The supply operates at a 85 VAC and 265 VAC are virtually identical. Q1 and Q2
nominal output voltage of 7.5 volts or controlled output current control the output current until output voltage drops to
of 1 A. This circuit can be used when low cost and simplicity are approximately 2 V. At this point, Q1 and Q2 can no longer
key factors, and an output current accuracy of +/-8% over a source sufficient optocoupler current, causing output current to
temperature range of 0-50°C can be tolerated. Due to the power become unregulated (but still limited by TOPSwitch primary
dissipated in current sense resistor R6, this current control current limit). With unregulated output current, voltage across
circuit should be used for output currents of 1A or less. For R6 increases, further decreasing effective bias voltage for the
output currents greater than 1A, or if output current accuracy current control circuit. This interaction between the current
and temperature stability are a major concern, the op amp control circuit and current sense resistor R6 is regenerative,
current control circuits shown in Figure 5 or Figure 11 should resulting in cutoff of current to optocoupler U2, forcing
be used. TOPSwitch into auto-restart. As a result, the simple, low cost
transistor circuit transitions cleanly from constant current control
Circuit Description to auto-restart at typically 2 to 2.4 volts output, depending on the
At low output currents, the supply runs in constant voltage input voltage. In auto-restart, average output current is much
mode. Output voltage is determined by the voltage drop across lower than the linearly controlled output current.
VR2 and the light emitting diode (LED) inside optocoupler U2.
Output current is sensed by R6. When the voltage drop across Analysis of Simple, Low Cost Circuit
R6 becomes sufficient to turn on Q1, R9 drops enough voltage Voltage and current control circuits and their bias supplies will
to turn on Q2, which sources current into optocoupler U2, be examined to show derivation of component values and
reducing output voltage. VR2 then no longer conducts current, circuit behavior for various operating conditions.
and the power supply enters constant current mode. R9 sets the
collector current in Q1 required to turn on Q2, and establishes Voltage Control Circuit
the operating point of Q1. R8 establishes the operating point VVR2, VLED, and the voltage drop VR1 (across R1) determine the
of Q2 and determines the gain of the current control circuit. C9 output voltage:
compensates the current control loop. R2 provides a small
preload on the primary bias winding to limit the output voltage
when the supply is unloaded. VR1 = I R1 × R1 (1)

During turn on and auto-restart, transient peak currents can

saturate Q1. R10 limits the current through the base-emitter
VO = VVR 2 + VLED + VR1 (2)
junction of Q1, while R7 prevents current from being diverted
away from R1 through the base-emitter junction of Q2 when Q1 VVR2 and VLED are the respective voltage drops across Zener
is saturated. diode VR2 and the U2 LED. IR1 is the current through R1
required to maintain output voltage regulation for a given value

of input voltage and output load current. VR2 is a 1N5234B

CONSTANT VOLTAGE Zener diode rated at 6.2 V. The U2 LED typically drops 1.2 V
at room temperature. The approximate contribution of VR1 can

6 be determined by estimating the amount of control current

required by TOPSwitch for normal duty cycle operation. IR1
CURRENT will vary with input voltage, output load current, and the current
4 transfer ratio (CTR) of optocoupler U2. From the TOPSwitch
data sheet, nominal values of control pin current IC required to
operate TOPSwitch range from 2.5 mA for maximum duty
cycle operation to 6.5 mA for minimum duty cycle operation.
AUTO RESTART If TOPSwitch is biased to the middle of this range, control pin
85 VAC current IC is 4.5 mA as shown in Equation (3).
265 VAC
2.5mA + 6.5mA
0 200 400 600 800 1000
IC = = 4.5mA (3)
Figure 2. Output Voltage vs. Output Current Characteristic for
Simple, Low Cost Transistor Circuit shown in Figure 1.

2 A

R8 R9
100 Ω 220 Ω 1.037V
Primary Bias + 0.662V
Q2 -
2N4403 R7
1K C9
4.71 mA
R1 IC2 1 µF
39 Ω 3.75 mA
U2 +
- 0.668 V

To TOPSwitch R10
Control Pin 47 Ω
4.5 mA TO R6
IC T1 0.68 Ω


Figure 3. Voltage and Currents for Simple, Low Cost Current Control Circuit.

This current is supplied to the Control pin of the TOPSwitch the target output current IOT:
from the emitter of optocoupler U2. For a given control pin
current IC, the IR1 value is calculated: VBEQ1
IOT = (5)
I R1 = (4)
CTR The VBE voltage drop of Q1 and Q2 can be estimated from
Equation (6):
IR1 is the required optocoupler input current for a given control
pin current IC and optocoupler CTR. The optocoupler shown kT I 
has a CTR range of 80% to 160%. Assume that the actual value VBE = × log e  C  (6)
of CTR is in the middle of this range, or 120%. This means that q  IS 
a current of 3.75 mA must be supplied to the input of the kT
optocoupler to bias TOPSwitch into the middle of its operating where = 0.0262V at 25°C
range. At this value of optocoupler LED current, voltage drop q
across R1 is 0.15 V, resulting in a nominal output voltage of
7.55 V according to Equation (2). IS is 4 × 10-14 amperes for a small signal silicon transistor and
loge indicates natural logarithm. IC is actually collector current
VO = VVR 2 + VLED + VR1 which is approximately equal to emitter current, especially in
the case of the high gain transistors used here. For an approximate
= 6.2V + 1.2V + 0.15V = 7.55V value for Q2 collector current IC2, assume that TOPSwitch is
biased by the current control circuit to the middle of the
Current Control Circuit nominal operating range (IC = 4.5 mA).
Q1, Q2, C9, R1, and R6 - R10 perform the current control
function. The value of R6 and the VBEQ1 voltage drop of Q1 set The current control circuit is shown in detail in Figure 3. For

6/96 3
a nominal CTR value of 120% for U2, an LED current of voltage drop of Q1 changes at a rate of approximately 2 mV/°C,
3.75 mA is required. This sets the collector current of transistor decreasing with increasing temperature.
Q2 to approximately 3.75 mA. From this value of current, one
can estimate the VBEQ2 voltage drop of Q2 using Equation (6): If the ambient temperature rises by 25°C, the value of controlled
output current IO will change by approximately 8%:

I 
× log e  C 2  = 0.0262V × log e 
kT 3.75mA 
VBEQ 2 = VBEQ1 − ( ∆T × 2 mV / °C )
 4 × 10 −14 A 
q  IS  IO =
= 0.662V (7)
0.668V − (25°C × 2 mV / °C )
= = 0.909 A
A voltage drop VR8 of 375 millivolts is required across R8 to 0.68Ω
establish the required collector current of 3.75 mA in Q2. The
voltage drop VR9 across R9 must be equal to the voltage drop For applications requiring current control that is more stable
across R8 plus the VBEQ2 drop of Q2 in order to establish the with temperature, the op amp current control circuits shown in
required value of 3.75 mA in Q2: Figure 5 or Figure 11 should be used.

VR 9 = VR8 + VBEQ 2

= 0.375V + 0.662V = 1.037V

The current required to develop 1.037 V across R9 is 4.71 mA Output Current (A) 0.4
which is also Q1 collector current IC1:
V 1.037V
IC 1 = I R 9 = R9 = = 4.71mA 0
R9 220Ω
From this value, one can estimate the VBEQ1 voltage drop of Q1
in order to establish a value for current sense resistor R6: -0.4

VBEQ1 = 0.0262V × log e 

4.71mA 
= 0.668V
 4 × 10 −14 A  0 25 50

With IOT set at 1A and the VBEQ1 obtained using Equation (6), Time (ms)
the value for R6 is found by rearranging Equation (5): Figure 4. Output Current Transient Response for Simple, Low Cost
Current Control Circuit.
VBEQ1 0.668V
R6 = = = 0.668Ω (8)
IOT 1.0 A
Current Limit Frequency Compensation
C9 provides frequency compensation for the current control
The closest standard 5% value resistor value is 0.68Ω which circuit. The value of C9 can be optimized in the circuit by
results in a typical room temperature target current IOT of: applying a stepped resistive load to the output of the supply
when operating in current control mode and examining the
IOT = = 0.982 A (9) resulting output current using a DC current probe. The
0.68Ω transient response should be well-damped, with no ringing or
oscillation. Figure 4 shows the stepped resistive load response.
Figure 2 shows measured performance which is very close to
the target value of output current. Primary Bias Supply
D3 and C4 provide a bias voltage for the primary circuit. The
Junction Temperature Effects bias winding is connected in flyback polarity. This arrangement
Variations in the junction temperature of Q1 will cause variations provides a predictable and well regulated source of voltage for
in the value of controlled output current. The base-emitter the primary control circuit. The output voltage of the bias

4 A
winding will be almost independent of input voltage and will bias voltage may be higher, due to peak charging of the primary
track the secondary output voltage according to: bias supply by the primary voltage leakage spike. The influence
of this leakage spike will be greatest at the highest output power
of the supply. This occurs when output voltage VO and output
VB = ((VO + VD 2 + ( IO × R6)) × ) − VD3 (11) current IO are both at maximum values which is also the
NS transition region from constant voltage to constant current as
shown in Figure 2. To determine the highest value of the
VB is the bias voltage, VD2 is the forward voltage drop of D2, NB primary bias supply, it should be measured in the application at
is the number of transformer bias turns, NS is the number of this operating point.
secondary turns, and VD3 is the forward voltage drop of D3. In
a current controlled power supply, the output voltage is adjusted Optocoupler Voltage Rating
by the current control circuit to maintain a constant current at It is necessary to consider the voltage stress across the output
the output. For an increased output load (lower load resistance), transistor of optocoupler U2 to make certain that the absolute
the output voltage will be adjusted to a lower value to maintain maximum voltage rating of U2 is not exceeded. The maximum
constant current. The primary bias voltage will track the output voltage VU2 across the output transistor of optocoupler U2 will
voltage, and decrease as the output load is increased. The bias be equal to the maximum bias voltage minus the TOPSwitch
winding should be sized to provide enough voltage to properly minimum Control pin voltage (5.5 V).
bias the optocoupler and TOPSwitch Control pin at the lowest
output voltage occurring just before the supply transitions from VU 2 = VBIAS − VC = 26V − 5.5V = 20.5V (14)
constant current to auto-restart. From Figure 2, this output
voltage is typically 2 V. TOPSwitch maximum Control pin A table of suitable optocouplers for use with TOPSwitch
voltage is 6.1 V. The output voltage for the primary bias designs can be found in application note AN-14. Voltage
winding should be set to accommodate the TOPSwitch control ratings of these optocouplers range from a low value of 30 V to
pin voltage, plus approximately 3 V to keep the output transistor a maximum of 90 V. The voltage stress calculated above will
of optocoupler U2 properly biased. The absolute minimum bias allow any of the optocouplers in the table to be used with
voltage available should be at least 9 V. The required voltage adequate voltage margin. When designing battery chargers
and turns ratio for the bias winding can be determined by with higher output voltages, it may be necessary to select an
rearranging Equation (11):
optocoupler with a higher output voltage rating from the table.

VB + VD3 Op amp Current Control Circuit with

NB = × NS (12)
VO + VD 2 + ( IOT × R6)
Secondary Bias Winding
In the Figure 1 example NS = 12 turns, VB = 9 V, V O = 2 V, Figure 5 shows a 15 V, 2A constant voltage/constant current
VD2 = 0.6 V, VD3 = 1 V, IOT = 0.982A, and R6 = 0.68 Ω. supply using the LM358 dual op amp for both voltage and
current control. This circuit provides higher accuracy compared
with the simple transistor circuit. Power loss is lower and
9V + 1V
NB = × 12 = 37 turns efficiency is better because smaller resistance values can be
2V + 0.6V + (0.982 A × 0.68Ω) used for sense resistor R6.
Under maximum output voltage and current conditions Circuit Description
(VO = 7.5V, IO = 0.982A), this turns ratio will result in a VB of: Output voltage is rectified and filtered by D2, C2, C3, and L1.
Output voltage is sensed by R4 and R5 and then compared by

VB =  (7.5V + 0.6V + (0.982 A × 0.68Ω)) ×  − 1V
37 op amp U4B to reference U3. The output of op amp U4B drives
 12  current through D6 and R1 into the LED of optocoupler U2 to
control TOPSwitch duty cycle. C9, R9, and R12 compensate
= 26V (13) the voltage control loop of the supply.
The above voltage is the calculated nominal value for the
primary bias voltage. In an actual application, the value of the

6/96 5

64T D4
1N4148 VBS
+ 68 µF D1
400 V BYV26C
D3 5T C11
1 µF
- D2 50 V
BAV21 BYW29-200
V- 15 V
L2 8T L1
C2 R6 C3
33 mH
C4 8T 470 µF 0.1 Ω 3.3 µH 220 µF
0.1 µF 35 V 1W 25 V
C6 1nF
0.1 µF 250 VAC
250 V Y1
D6 R7
1N4148 2.00K
2A D7 R9
R1 8 C9 10K
250 V 130 Ω 1N4148
+ 3 R4
L 1 49.9K
2 R10 0.1 µF
U4A -
N LM358 R8
4 5
24.9K +
J1 7
C5 - 6
C10 R13 VREF U4B
47 µF R3 LM358
0.1 µF 4.7K 2.5 V
DRAIN 10 V 6.8 Ω U2 R5
PC816A 3 R12 10.0K

Figure 5. High Accuracy Constant Voltage/Constant Current 15V, 2A Supply Using the TOP214.

Output current is sensed by R6 . The voltage across R6 is 16

compared by op amp U4A to the divider voltage determined by
R7, R8, and reference U3. The output of op amp U4A drives
current through D7 and R1 into the LED of optocoupler U2 to 12
control duty cycle. The current control loop is compensated by
C10 and R13. Diodes D6 and D7 “or” the op amp outputs

together, such that the op amp with the highest output voltage 8
drives optocoupler current and controls TOPSwitch duty cycle.

D4 and C11 generate bias supply VBS for the secondary control
85 VAC
265 VAC
The output voltage and output current characteristic of the op 0
0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2
amp current control circuit is shown in Figure 6 for input
voltages of 85 VAC and 265 VAC. The curves for the two
voltage extremes are almost identical. The slight difference in
output current between the two extremes of input voltage is Figure 6. Output Voltage vs. Output Current Characteristic for
High Accuracy Circuit shown in Figure 5.
caused by the increased dissipation in the TL431 reference at
high line voltage. This is caused by the increased amount of
current through U3 due to the increase in secondary bias voltage
VBS at high line AC input voltage.

6 A
Voltage Control Circuit be calculated by rearranging Equation (17):
The output voltage of the supply is determined by R4, R5, and
the reference voltage VREF of U3 according to Equation (15): VREF × R7
R8 =
IOT × R6
 R 4 + R5  (18)
V O = V REF ×   (15)
2.495V × 2.00 kΩ
 R5  = = 24.95kΩ
2 A × 0.1Ω
In normal use, a battery may be connected to a battery charger
disconnected or unplugged from AC input voltage. Total series The closest standard 1% resistor value is 24.9 kΩ.
resistance of R4 and R5 must be high enough to minimize
effective battery discharge current. However, total series Primary and Secondary Bias Supplies
resistance of R4 and R5 should not be excessively high in order D4 and C11 rectify and filter the output of a secondary bias
to avoid noise pickup. A value of 10kΩ is chosen for R5. This winding on T1 to bias the secondary control circuitry. The bias
is a compromise between the above concerns. VREF is the winding is connected in the forward polarity, so that D4
reference voltage of the U3 TL431 shunt regulator, which has conducts when TOPSwitch is on. This means that the output
a nominal value of 2.495 V. With these two values, R4 can be voltage VBS of the secondary bias winding will track the value
calculated by rearranging Equation (15): of the input DC bus voltage VIN , rather than the output voltage
VO , according to Equation (19):
R4 = × R5 (16)
 N 
VREF VBS =  VIN × BS  − VD 4 (19)
 NP 
15V − 2.495V
= × 10 kΩ = 50.1kΩ
2.495 VBS is the secondary bias voltage, VIN is the voltage of the
primary DC bus, NBS is the number of turns in the T1 secondary
The closest standard 1% resistor value for R4 is 49.9K. bias winding, NP is the number of transformer primary turns,
and VD4 is the forward voltage drop of secondary bias rectifier
Current Control Circuit D4. In op amp current control circuits, bias supplies must be
The target output current IOT is determined by VREF, R6, R7, independent of the output voltage to maintain control over
and R8 according to Equation (17): output current when the power supply output is shorted by a low
but non-zero impedance (soft short) and the output voltage is
VREF × R7 very low. If bias current were supplied from the output voltage
IOT = (17)
or from a flyback winding (proportional to output voltage), the
R6 × R8 bias voltage under shorted output conditions would be too low
for the LM358 op amp to source sufficient current through the
The value for R7 is chosen as a compromise between loading
optocoupler to control TOPSwitch duty cycle. Output current
effects on reference U3, noise pickup, and error introduced by
would become unregulated and exceed the target output current.
the input bias current of op amp U4 . A value of 2 kΩ is a good
compromise. R6 should be chosen to allow a relatively large
The value of current sense resistor R6 used for the op amp
current sense signal, but not so large that the dissipation at
constant current circuit is selected to minimize power dissipation,
maximum output current is a concern. With R6 of 0.1 Ω, for a
and is generally 4-5 times smaller than the value used for a
2A output current, the available current sense signal is 0.2 V.
transistor current control circuit. If the op amp current control
Power dissipation is 0.4W, which requires a resistor power
circuit becomes unregulated (due to insufficient bias voltage),
rating of 1 W. After values for R7 and R6 are chosen, R8 can
voltage drop across R6 is too low to cut off the optocoupler and

6/96 7
force the power supply into auto-restart. Instead, output current supply efficiency, fL is the AC line frequency, tC is the
will stabilize at some value above the target output current, conduction time of the input rectifier, and C1 is the input filter
depending on actual impedance of the soft short. When the capacitance. Assuming η is 80%, fL is 50 Hz, tc is 3mS (a typical
power supply output is shorted with zero impedance (hard value), C1 is 68 uF, VACMIN is 85 VAC, and PO is 30 W, the
short), output voltage may fall to a sufficiently low value to cut resulting value of minimum voltage is:
off the optocoupler and force the power supply into auto-restart.
This results in an output voltage/output current characteristic
as shown in Figure 7. If the current control circuit is powered
 
2 × 30 ×  
1 
from a bias source that is independent of output voltage, there − 3 × 10 −3 
  2 × 50  
is always sufficient voltage to bias the current control circuit, VMIN = (2 × 852 ) − −6
even if the output of the supply is soft or hard shorted. This 0.8 × 68 × 10
prevents the out-of-control behavior depicted in Figure 7.
= 82V

16 From this value of minimum bus voltage, the number of

secondary bias winding turns NBS can be determined by
rearranging Equation (19):

12 N P × (VBS + VD 4 )

N BS = (21)

8 In this example, NP is 64 turns, V BS is 5 V, VD4 is 1 V, and VMIN

is 82 V. The resulting bias turns are:

INSUFFICIENT 64 × (5V + 1V )
4 BIAS VOLTAGE N BS = = 4.7 ≅ 5 turns
This value can then be used to check the secondary bias voltage
0 at high line (265 VAC) using Equation (19). The peak value of
0 1 2 3 4
the DC bus voltage VMAX at high line is given by Equation (22)
where VACMAX is the maximum AC input voltage. All other
Figure 7. Constant Current Characteristic with Loss of Current values have already been determined. The maximum bias
Control at Low Output Voltage caused by Insufficient voltage is :
Secondary BiasVoltage.

At the minimum AC input voltage, secondary bias voltage VBS

VMAX = VACMAX × 2 = 265 × 2 = 375V (22)
must be high enough to bias the secondary control circuitry and
keep the output voltage and output current under control. The
LM358 op amp used for U4 has a minimum supply voltage
 N 
rating of 3 volts but is characterized only for a supply voltage VBSMAX =  VMAX × BS  − VD 4
of 5 V or above. Therefore, 5 V will be used as the minimum  NP  (23)
bias voltage. This voltage must be sustained at the lowest AC
=  375V ×  − 1 = 28.3V
input voltage, which is 85 VAC. The minimum value of DC bus 5
voltage can be calculated using the formula:  64 

 1   This voltage is within the rating of the LM358 op amp.

2 × PO ×    − tC 
  2 × fL   D3 and C4 provide a similar primary bias voltage VB for the
)− (20) optocoupler and TOPSwitch. The primary bias voltage VB is
η × C1
also supplied using a forward winding in order to maintain
output voltage and current control at low output voltage.
VMIN is the value of the DC bus voltage, VACMIN is the minimum Determining the necessary number of turns for the primary bias
AC input line voltage, PO is the output power, η is the estimated is a procedure similar to that for the secondary bias winding as

8 A
described above. The minimum voltage required at the primary TOPSwitch at the minimum CTR value for U2. The value of R1
winding is the TOPSwitch maximum Control pin voltage of can be estimated from Equation (26):
6.1 V, plus approximately 3 V to keep the optocoupler output
transistor out of saturation. Thus the minimum primary bias
voltage should be at least 9 V. Primary bias rectifier D3 has a R1 = (26)
voltage drop of 1 V. The minimum input DC bus voltage VMIN IC ( MAX )
has already been calculated as 82 V. The number of turns for
the primary bias winding can be calculated from Equation (24): From the TOPSwitch data sheet, IC(MAX) is the sum of external
bias current and dynamic control current over temperature and
is approximately 10mA. The optocoupler U2 has a minimum
N P × (VB + VD3 ) 64 × (9V + 1V )
NB = = (24)
current transfer ratio (CTR) of 80%. VBS has a minimum value
VMIN 82V of 5 V, and the VSAT of the output stage of the LM358 is typically
= 7.8 ≅ 8 3.5 V for a source current of 10mA, according to the data sheet.
VLED is typically 1.2 V, and VD7 is typically 0.65 V. This results
The maximum primary bias voltage can be determined using in a R1 value of:
Equation (19):
(3.5V − 0.65V − 1.2V ) × 0.8
R1 = = 132Ω
10 mA
 N 
VBMAX =  VMAX × B  − VD3 This is the maximum value for R1. The actual value of R1 used
 NP  is 130Ω. The minimum value of R1 depends on control loop
gain considerations. Too small a value for R1 leads to voltage
=  375V ×  − 1V = 45.9V
and current control loops that oscillate and are difficult to
 64  stabilize.

The actual voltage across the optocoupler output transistor is Voltage Loop and Current Loop Frequency Compensation
equal to the bias voltage minus the TOPSwitch minimum C9, R9, and R12 compensate the voltage control loop. The
Control pin voltage: values shown can be used as starting values for new circuits.
Stability of the control loop can be tested by applying a 25%
resistive load step to the output and observing the resulting
VU 2 = VBMAX − VC = 45.9V − 5.5V = 40.4V (25) voltage transient. The response should be well damped and free
of ringing and oscillation.
Optocoupler U2 should have a voltage rating of at least 50 volts.
Transformer leakage inductance may cause actual bias voltage C10 and R13 compensate the current control loop and the
to be slightly higher while averaging effects may cause actual values shown can be used as starting values for new circuits.
bias voltage to be slightly lower. Measure bias voltage at The value of C10 can be optimized in the circuit by applying a
extremes of input voltage (85 VAC, 265 VAC) and full range stepped resistive load to the output of the supply when operating
of output current (no load to short circuit). If VB is less than in current control mode and examining the resulting output
9 V at 85 VAC input and short circuit load current, increase current using a DC current probe. The transient response
number of bias turns. If VB is too high for optocoupler voltage should be well-damped, with no ringing or oscillation. Figure
rating at 265 VAC input, and VB is higher than 9 V at 85 VAC 4 shows a typical characteristic response for a well damped
input with short circuit load current, then the number of bias current control loop.
turns can be reduced. Otherwise, select an optocoupler with
higher voltage rating. Refer to AN-14 for a table of suitable Constant Power Control
Constant power control is attractive for charger supplies in
Optocoupler Series Resistor battery operated appliances such as portable computers,
R1, in series with the optocoupler LED, defines the current camcorders, etc., when it is desirable to simultaneously operate
available to control TOPSwitch and also helps to set the voltage the appliance and charge the internal battery. In a constant
and current control loop gains. The value for R1 is dependent power control circuit, the power supply output current increases
on LM358 op amp positive saturation voltage VSAT, forward as the output voltage of the supply decreases in a manner such
voltage VD7 of diode D7, and forward LED voltage VLED of that the product of output voltage and output current is constant.
optocoupler U2. R1 should be sized to allow full control of This allows a high rate of charge for a depleted battery with low

6/96 9
terminal voltage, tapering off to a lower rate as the battery Op Amp Power Control Circuit
reaches its fully-charged state. Lead-acid batteries can efficiently
accept a high rate of charge when in a depleted state, but the A secondary referenced constant power control circuit is shown
optimum rate of charge decreases as their terminal voltage rises in Figure 8. The circuit is a slight variant of the 15 V, 2A
to the fully charged condition. Current in excess of the optimum constant current power supply of Figure 5. Resistor R11, R12,
charge rate causes excessive battery power dissipation and and Zener diode VR2 have been added to the output current
heating. Constant power control offers a method of quickly and control circuit to allow the output current to change as a function
efficiently charging a battery, and minimizes power dissipation of output voltage. With the proper choice of values, this circuit
in the battery from the discharged state to full charge. A closely approximates a constant power function over a 2:1
constant power supply also has advantages when working with change in output voltage which is sufficient for most battery
the DC-DC converters used in the front-end of almost all charger circuits.
notebook computer power supplies. These converters are used
to efficiently generate the working voltages used inside the Circuit Description
computer from the internal battery or external power supply. The circuit approximates a constant power contour with an
Most DC-DC converters have a negative resistance input accuracy of +/-10% over a 2:1 output voltage swing using
characteristic, since for a given output power, current draw inexpensive, standard components. R6 monitors the output
increases as the input voltage decreases. This characteristic can current of the supply. VREF, R7, and R8 set the highest value of
be incompatible with conventional constant current charging output current. VR2, R11, and R12 sense the output voltage to
circuits, since the combination of a negative resistance input change the value of the output current in inverse proportion to
characteristic and a constant current source can cause abnormally the output voltage. When the output voltage drops below the
low output voltage or poor energy delivery to the battery. This Zener voltage of VR2, the circuit reverts to constant current
is not a problem with constant power control, as the current mode, with an output current equal to twice the current value at
delivery capability increases at lower output voltage. highest output voltage.

A common method of accomplishing constant power regulation In order to choose the proper component values, circuit behavior
is to use a discontinuous flyback supply. A discontinuous is defined at the inception of current control and also when
flyback converter operating with constant peak current is output voltage is at half-value or VO /2. Since the circuit is
inherently a constant power device, and can be described by operating in constant power mode, the output current at VO/2
Equation (27): should be twice the target output current IOT at full output
voltage VO . Using this requirement, the necessary circuit
behavior can be described using the two equations below:
× fS
PO = (27)
2 At nominal output voltage VO:

(VO − VVR 2 ) × K2 = (28)

where PO is the output power, LP is the primary inductance, ILIMIT
is the peak primary current limit, and fS is the switching ((VREF + ( IOT × R6 )) × K1 ) − ( IOT × R6 )
frequency. This is a simple transfer function, but variations in
primary inductance, operating frequency, and peak current
limit from supply to supply cause unacceptable variations in At VO /2:
output power. Another disadvantage is that the supply must
operate in discontinuous mode. For a given output power, a
 VO − V  × K =
discontinuous flyback circuit will operate at a higher peak
switch current than a continuous flyback circuit, with a higher
 2 VR 2
 2

power loss and lower efficiency due to increased switch ((VREF + (2 × IOT × R6 )) × K1 ) − (2 × IOT × R6 )
VO is the nominal output voltage, IOT is the target output current
If the constant power control function is moved to the secondary at nominal output voltage, VVR2 is the Zener voltage of VR2,
side of the power supply, the control is dependent only on VREF is the reference voltage of U3. K1 and K2 are defined as
output voltage, and output current becomes independent of follows:
conditions on the primary side. Thus, a secondary referenced
constant power circuit can be used with a continuous flyback R7 R11
supply with lower power loss and increased efficiency. K1 = K2 = (30)
R7 + R8 R11 + R12

10 A
Equation (28) describes the behavior of the circuit at the Using the values already chosen for the variables, K1 is :
inception of current control with VO at nominal value and
Equation (29) describes the behavior at VO/2. There are two 2 × 2 A × 0.1Ω 0.4
equations and seven variables, so some simplifying assumptions K1 = = = 0.138
need to be made in order to derive circuit values. VO and I OT are (2.495V + (2 × 2 A × 0.1Ω)) 2.895
predetermined by the power supply specification. R6 is chosen
in advance as a compromise between having an adequate Once K1 has been determined, K2 is determined by rearranging
current sense signal and limiting the power dissipation at the Equation (28) as follows:
maximum output current. A 0.1 Ω, 3 watt resistor is shown,
which limits power dissipation at 4A maximum output current
to 1.6 watts. VREF is the nominal TL431 reference value of K2 =
((VREF + ( IOT × R6 )) × K1 ) − ( IOT × R6 ) (32)
2.495 V. If VVR2 is chosen to be equal to VO /2, K1 can be easily (VO − VVR 2 )
calculated from values already known using Equation (29).
This VVR2 value provides the closest fit to a constant power
Using the above value for K1 and a value of 7.5 V for VVR2 , K2
function over the 2:1 output voltage range.
can be calculated as:
If VVR2 is equal to VO /2, then the left-hand side of the Equation
(29) is equal to zero. The right-hand side of the Equation (29) ((2.495V + (2 A × 0.1Ω)) × 0.138) − (2 A × 0.1Ω)
can be rearranged to yield a solution for K1: K2 =
(15V − 7.5V )
0.372 − 0.2
2 × IOT × R6 = = 0.0229
K1 = (31) 7.5
(VREF + (2 × IOT × R6 ))

Bias VO

R10 VR2
2.7 k Ω IN5236B
7.5 V
VREF (7.1V)

C10 3
R13 R12
100 nF 4.7 k Ω R8 7.32 kΩ
12.4 kΩ 1
2 U3
130 Ω 3 TL431CLP
1 +

1N4148 U4A
U2 1/2 LM358 R11
PC816A R7 165 Ω
2.00 kΩ

100 mΩ IO

Figure 8. Op Amp Implementation of the Constant Power Circuit.

6/96 11
Choosing R7 and R8 R11 will be equal to:
The value for R7 is chosen as a compromise between loading
effects on reference U3, noise pickup, and error introduced by R11 = K 2 × ( R11 + R12)
the input bias current of op amp U4 . A value of 2kΩ is a good (36)
compromise. If R7 is chosen to be 2kΩ, R8 can be calculated by = 0.0233 × 7.5kΩ = 175Ω
rearranging Equation (30): 174Ω is the closest standard 1% resistor value. R12 is calculated
using this value:
R7 × (1 − K1 )
R8 = (33)
K1 R12 = 7.5kΩ − R11 (37)
2 kΩ × (1 − 0.138) = 7.5kΩ − 174Ω = 7.326kΩ
= = 12.49kΩ
0.138 7.32kΩ is the closest 1% value.

The closest standard 1% resistor value is 12.4kΩ. The resulting Correcting for Zener Voltage of VR2
K1 value is : The voltage drop for Zener diodes is specified in the data sheets
at a test current IZT. Values of operating current less than this
R7 2 kΩ test current result in a Zener voltage that is less than the
K1 = = = 0.139 specified value.
R7 + R8 2 kΩ + 12.4 kΩ
This value of K1 should be used to recalculate K2: The 1N5236B Zener used for VR2 is specified at an IZT of
20mA. At a current of 1 mA, the Zener voltage is approximately
7.1 V rather than the specified value of 7.5 V. If this Zener is
((2.495V + (2 A × 0.1Ω)) × 0.139) − (2 A × 0.1Ω) used without adjusting the values in the power control circuit,
K2 =
(15V − 7.5V ) the initial output current will be lower than expected. The
actual voltage across VR2 can be measured in circuit and used
0.375 − 0.2
= = 0.0233 to provide corrected values for K2 and R11. For a VR2 voltage
7.5 of 7.1 V, the corrected value of K2 is:

Choosing R11 and R12 ((2.495V + (2 A × 0.1Ω)) × 0.139) − (2 A × 0.1Ω)

A battery may be connected to a battery charger disconnected K2 =
or unplugged from AC input voltage. Total series resistance of (15V − 7.1V )
R11 and R12 must be high enough to minimize effective battery 0.375 − 0.2
discharge current. At the same time, the current through R11 = = 0.0222
and R12 must be sufficient to bias Zener VR2. A compromise
current of 1 mA is chosen for this circuit. This will affect the If R11 and R12 total series resistance is still assumed to be
voltage drop of VR2. Assuming that the bias current of the op 7.5kΩ, the new value for R11 is:
amp U4 is negligible, the current through R11 and R12 is as
R11 = K 2 × ( R11 + R12) = 0.0222 × 7.5kΩ = 167Ω
VO − VVR 2
= 1mA (34)
R11 + R12 165Ω is a standard 1% resistor value. R12 is then calculated:

For VO of 15 V and VVR2 of 7.5 V, the sum of R11 and R12 is:
R12 = 7.5kΩ − R11 = 7.5kΩ − 165Ω = 7.34 kΩ

VO − VVR 2 7.32kΩ is the closest standard 1% resistor value.

R11 + R12 =
15V − 7.5V (35)
= = 7.5kΩ

12 A








VIN = 85 VAC
VIN = 265 VAC

0 0
0 1 2 3 4
0 4 8 12 16
Figure 9. Output Voltage vs. Output Current for Constant Power Figure 10. Comparison of Constant Power Circuit with True
Circuit Shown in Figure 8. Constant Power Characteristic.

Circuit Performance advantage of generating a secondary bias voltage without using

Actual performance of the constant power circuit is shown in a secondary bias transformer winding.
Figures 9 and 10. Figure 9 shows the output voltage and output
current characteristic for the constant power regulator at D4, R15, VR4, Q1, and C11 combine a rectifier and filter with
minimum and maximum line voltage. Output voltage and a simple, linear regulator to generate a clamped secondary bias
output current data at the two input extremes of 85 VAC and voltage VBS. D4 conducts current only when TOPSwitch is on
265 VAC are almost identical. Figure 10 shows the output (which means that rectification occurs in the “forward” mode).
power and output voltage data of the constant power regulator
compared to an ideal constant power circuit that reverts to Output voltage is determined by voltage drops across VR2, D8,
constant current below 7.5 V output. The constant power circuit and the LED inside optocoupler U2 (similar to circuit shown in
of Figure 8 approximates a true constant power characteristic Figure 1). Diode D8 blocks current in the forward direction
with an error of +/- 10%. through VR2 which may occur when the power supply output
is short circuited.
Op amp Current Limit Circuit with No
Output current is sensed by R6. Voltage across R6 is compared
Secondary Bias Winding by op amp U4 to the divider voltage determined by R7, R8, and
5.1 V Zener diode VR3. The op amp output drives current
Figure 11 shows another constant voltage/constant current
through D7 and R1 into the LED of optocoupler U2 to control
supply using an op amp for current control. A Zener diode is
duty cycle. The current control loop is compensated by C10 and
used for voltage control. This circuit also provides more
R13. (Current control is similar to the circuit shown in
accurate control over output current compared to the simple
Figure 5.)
transistor circuit. Power loss is lower and efficiency is better
because smaller resistance values can be used for sense resistor
The output voltage and output current characteristic of the op
amp control circuit is shown in Figure 12 for input voltages of
Circuit Description
85 VAC and 265 VAC. The curves for the two voltage extremes
Output voltage is rectified and filtered by D2, C2, C3, and L1.
are almost identical. Differences between 85 VAC and 265
Note that diode D2 has been inverted and moved from the dot
VAC data are minimal because the clamped secondary bias
side to the non-dot side of the secondary winding. This connection
voltage VBS results in constant dissipation in the Zener diode
has exactly the same flyback rectification and filtering effect as
VR3 over the input voltage range.
the “flyback” circuit shown in Figure 1 while offering the

6/96 13


T1 D4 R15
VR1 BAV21 8.2K Q1
BZY97-200 200V MPSAO6
C1 80 V
+ 22 µF D1 VBS
BR1 UF4005
400 V VR4
12V C11
VB D3 1N5242B 1 µF
- 50 V
BAV21 10 V
200V 8T
L2 R6 L1
C2 C3
33 mH
C4 9T D2
470 µF 0.22 Ω 3.3 µH 220 µF
0.1 µF 35 V 1/4W 25 V
C6 1nF D8
0.1 µF 250 VAC 1N4148
250 V Y1
F1 8.2 V
2A R1 D7 8
250 V 10 Ω 1N4148
+ 3
L 1
U4 - 2
N LM358 R8 1.2K
R13 C10
47 µF
100K 0.1 µF VR3
DRAIN 10 V U2 1N5993D
PC816A 5.1V

Figure 11. High Accuracy Constant Voltage/Constant Current 10V, 800 mA Supply Using the TOP201 with Doubler Diode Connection
for Secondary Bias.

Voltage Control Circuit

VVR2, VD8, VLED, and the voltage drop VR1 (across R1) determine
the output voltage. VVR2 is the typical 8.2 V voltage drop across
10 Zener diode VR2, VD8 is the 0.65 V voltage drop across
blocking diode D8, and VLED is the 1.2 V voltage drop across the
optocoupler LED. Refer back to the simple, low cost circuit
8 analysis (Equations 1-4) to determine the voltage VR1 across R1
as a function of optocoupler CTR and TOPSwitch Control pin
current IC.

VO = VVR 2 + VD8 + VLED + VR1
= 8.2V + 0.65V + 1.2V + (3.75mA × 10Ω) (38)
85 VAC
= 10.1V
265 VAC

Current Control Circuit
The target output current IOT is determined by VR3, R6, R7, and
R8 according to Equation (39):
VVR3 × R7
0 200 400 600 800 1000 IOT = (39)
IOUT (mA) R6 × R8
Figure 12. Output Voltage vs. Output Current Characteristic for
High Accuracy Circuit with Doubler Bias Shown in The value for R7 is chosen relatively high (40.2kΩ) to tailor op
Figure 11. amp frequency response. R6 should be chosen to allow a

14 A

relatively large current sense signal, but not so large that the At low input voltage, C11 charges up through Q1 to
dissipation at maximum output current is a concern. R6 is approximately D4 cathode voltage VD4, which is less than Zener
0.22Ω, resulting in an available current sense signal of 0.176 V voltage of VR4. At high input voltage, VR4 clamps the base of
for an output current of 800 mA. Power dissipation is 0.14 W Q1 to approximately 12 V to limit the maximum voltage across
requiring a resistor power rating of 0.25W. R8 can be calculated C11. Transistor Q1 has maximum collector to emitter voltage
from the above values by rearranging Equation (39): VCE at high line input voltage according to Equation (42):

VVR3 × R7 VCE = VCD 4 − (VVR 4 − VBEQ1 ) (42)

R8 = (40)
IOT × R6
With high line input voltage of 265 VAC, maximum DC bus
5.1V × 40.2 kΩ
= = 1.165 MΩ voltage VMAX was found previously (using Equation (22)) to be
800 mA × 0.22Ω 375 V. The transformer has 59 primary turns (NP) and 9
secondary turns (NS). For an output voltage VO of 10 V, Zener
diode VR4 voltage of 12 V, D4 forward voltage VD4 of 1 V, and
The closest standard 1% resistor value is 1.13MΩ.
base emitter voltage VBE1 of 0.65 V, maximum collector to
emitter voltage VCE of transistor Q1 is found from Equation (42)
Primary Bias Supply
to be:
D3 and C4 rectify the primary bias winding in the forward
direction to provide primary bias voltage VB for the optocoupler
and TOPSwitch. To calculate the number of turns for the 9
primary bias winding, refer back to the previous op amp control VCE = 10V + ( × 375V ) − 1V − 12V + 0.65V
circuit analysis (Equations 24-25). 59
= 54.8V
N P × (VB + VD3 ) 59 × (9V + 1V )
NB = = Q1 must have a collector to emitter voltage rating of at least
VMIN 82V 60 V but preferably 80 V.
= 7.2 ≅ 8T To properly bias the op amp, minimum secondary bias voltage
VBSMIN must be at least 5 V at low line input voltage with the
NB output under short circuit conditions. With low line input
VBMAX = (VMAX × ) − VD3 voltage of 85 VAC, minimum DC bus voltage VMIN was found
NP previously (using Equation (20)) to be 82 V. Zener diode VR4
8 does not clamp secondary bias voltage VBS at low line input
= (375V × ) − 1V = 49.9V voltage and output voltage VO is essentially zero under short
59 circuit conditions. VBSMIN is found from VMIN, primary turns N P,
secondary turns NS, D4 forward voltage VD4, and base to emitter
voltage VBEQ1 of Q1:

VU 2 = VBMAX − VC = 49.9V − 5.5V = 44.4V NS

The optocoupler selected for U2 must have a voltage rating of VBSMIN = (VMIN × ) − VD 4 − VBEQ1 (43)
at least 60 volts. Measure bias voltage under conditions
described for previous op amp circuit, adjust bias winding turns 9
if necessary, and determine optocoupler voltage rating. Refer = (82V × ) − 1V − 0.65V = 10.9V
to AN-14 for a table of suitable optocouplers.

Secondary Bias Supply Averaging effects or Q1 turn on time may cause actual secondary
Diode D4 has a peak cathode voltage VCD4 depending on DC bias voltage to be slightly lower. Measure bias voltage VBS at
input voltage VIN, transformer primary turns NP, secondary extremes of input voltage (85 VAC, 265 VAC) and full range
turns NS, D4 forward voltage VD4 , and output voltage V O: of output current (no load to short circuit). If VBS is less than
5 V at 85 VAC with short circuit load current, increase number
of secondary bias turns. Measure D4 cathode voltage VCD4 to
VCD 4 = VO + ( × VIN ) − VD 4 (41) verify Q1 collector-emitter voltage is within rating. If necessary,
NP select a higher voltage transistor for Q1.

6/96 15
Current Loop Frequency Compensation References
Resistor R1 must have a low value for the Zener diode voltage
control loop (using VR2) to regulate accurately. R1 also
determines the current loop DC gain which is higher than the 1. Power Integrations, AN-14, "TOPSwitch Tips, Techniques,
previous op amp circuit shown in Figure 5. R7, R8, and R13 and Troubleshooting Guide"
have been scaled higher in absolute resistance value (relative to
value of capacitor C10) to reduce bandwidth and stabilize the 2. Power Integrations, AN-16, "TOPSwitch Flyback Design
current control loop. Methodology"

3. Power Integrations, AN-17, "Flyback Transformer Design

for TOPSwitch Power Supplies"

4. Power Integrations, AN-18, "TOPSwitch Flyback

Transformer Construction Guide

Power Integrations reserves the right to make changes to its products at any time to improve reliability or manufacturability.
Power Integrations does not assume any liability arising from the use of any device or circuit described herein, nor does it
convey any license under its patent rights or the rights of others.

PI Logo and TOPSwitch are registered trademarks of Power Integrations, Inc.

©Copyright 1994, Power Integrations, Inc. 477 N. Mathilda Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94086


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16 A

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