MARCH 2007
This paper is for public consultation purposes only. It has not been approved for
any other purpose by the IOSCO Technical Committee or any of its members.
How to Submit Comments
Comments may be submitted by one of three methods at the latest on 21 June 2007. To
help us process and review your comments more efficiently, please use only one method.
1. E-mail
2. Fax
Send a fax to the attention of Ms. Pamela Vulpes, using the following fax number:
34 (91) 555 93 68.
3. Post
Your letter should indicate prominently that it is a public comment on “Principles for the
Valuation of Hedge Fund Portfolios”.
Table of Contents
I. Executive Summary
II. Introduction
2. The policies should identify the methodologies that will be used for valuing all of
the financial instruments held or employed by the hedge fund.
5. The Governing Body should seek to ensure that an appropriately high level of
independence is brought to bear in the application of the policies and procedures
and whenever they are reviewed
6. The policies should seek to ensure that an appropriate level of independent review
is undertaken of the individual values that are generated by the policies and
procedures and in particular of any valuation that is influenced by the Manager.
7. A hedge fund’s policies and procedures should describe the process for handling
and documenting price overrides, including the review of price overrides by an
Independent Party.
8. The Governing Body should conduct initial and periodic due diligence on third
parties that are appointed to perform valuation services.
9. The arrangements in place for the valuation of the hedge fund’s investment
portfolio should be transparent to investors.
Appendix A. Contributors
Appendix B. Bibliography
I. Executive Summary
This paper is focused on principles for valuing the investment portfolios of hedge
funds and the challenges that arise when valuing illiquid or complex financial
instruments. The principles are designed to mitigate the structural and operational
conflicts of interest that may arise between the interests of the hedge fund manager and
the interests of the hedge fund. Hedge funds may use significant leverage in their
investment strategies, the impact of which increases the importance of establishing
appropriate valuations of a hedge fund's financial instruments.
While preparing this paper IOSCO has worked closely with a group of industry
experts to gain practical insight from experienced hedge fund investors, hedge fund
managers and firms that provide professional services to hedge funds. We are publishing
this paper to solicit public comments.
The chief aim of the principles is to seek to ensure that the hedge fund’s financial
instruments are appropriately valued and, in particular, that these values are not distorted
to the disadvantage of fund investors. This paper identifies the implementation of
comprehensive policies and procedures for valuation of hedge fund portfolios as a central
principle. It recommends general principles that should guide the governing body and its
manager in developing and implementing such policies and procedures. The paper also
emphasizes that these policies and procedures should be consistently applied. In
addition, it stresses the goals of independent oversight in the establishment and
application of the policies and procedures in order to mitigate the conflicts of interests
that managers face. IOSCO believes that investors will ultimately benefit if hedge funds
follow these principles.
Investors need to be vigilant with respect to any hedge fund that does not exhibit
these principles throughout all aspects of its valuation process. Investors should satisfy
themselves that the management and governance culture promotes the application of the
principles to the extent practicable. While the adoption and compliance with these
principles should benefit investors, the measures themselves will not reduce the need for
investors to conduct appropriate initial and on going due diligence with respect to their
interests in hedge funds.
The principles apply to all hedge fund structures, but IOSCO recognizes that
hedge funds are varied in their size, structures and operations. The governing body of
each hedge fund should take into consideration the nature of the fund's structure and
operations when seeking to apply the principles.
The goal of the principles is to promote, among other things, the consistent
application of a set of valuation policies and procedures in the valuation of a hedge fund
portfolio, and independence in, and transparency of, this valuation process. The
principles are applicable across a wide range of jurisdictions as well as a number of
different hedge fund and service provider structures and in all cases are relevant to the
interests of investors.
II. Introduction
The chief aim of the principles is to seek to ensure that the hedge fund’s financial
instruments are appropriately valued and, in particular, that these values are not distorted
to the disadvantage of fund investors.3 This paper identifies the implementation of
comprehensive policies and procedures for valuation of hedge fund portfolios as a central
principle. It recommends general principles that should guide the 'Governing Body'4 and
its manager (the “Manager”) in developing and implementing such policies and
procedures. The paper also emphasizes that these policies and procedures should be
consistently applied. In addition, it stresses the goals of independent oversight in the
establishment and application of the policies and procedures in order to mitigate the
conflicts of interests that Managers face. IOSCO believes that investors will ultimately
benefit if hedge funds follow these principles.
1In its meeting on 7 February 2006, the IOSCO Technical Committee approved the mandate
proposed by SC5 regarding hedge fund portfolio valuation.
2 'Policies' refer to the high level valuation policies and 'procedures' refers to the pricing
procedures which outline the detailed processes by which prices are obtained for valuing the
financial instruments of an investment portfolio.
3 IOSCO recognizes the diversity and complexity of the financial instruments that hedge
funds hold or employ in pursuing their investment strategies. IOSCO utilizes the term
'financial instrument' (instead of 'asset') to focus the paper and principles on the valuation of,
among other things, assets, liabilities, conditional obligations, contracts for differences,
financial contracts and hedges.
4 The Governing Body may also be known as the “Board of Directors” or the “General
Partner,” depending on the jurisdiction of the hedge fund. See section III.E. for further
that builds upon the very substantial analytical and practical work that has been done in
this area by industry associations, academics and market participants.5
5 See the extensive Bibliography, which SC5 has drawn upon in its work.
III. Drivers of IOSCO’s Focus on Hedge Fund Portfolio Valuation
The wider context of this work and an important part of the impetus for this paper
is the growth of hedge funds over the past decade, the number of which has grown six
fold over this time period. With investor capital currently in the order of $1.5 trillion, and
the use of leverage applied to that capital when making investments, hedge funds play an
increasingly important role in global capital markets. Hedge funds provide substantial
liquidity in all asset classes throughout the world.
The growing influence and importance of hedge funds in global financial markets
brings with it challenges and risks. Important among these is the difficulty in valuing
complex, illiquid financial instruments. The valuation of certain hedge fund portfolios is
inherently difficult because of the nature of the investment strategies that many funds
pursue and the financial instruments that underlie them. In some instances, reliable
market information about precise values for certain types of financial instruments is not
readily available (e.g., distressed securities and over-the-counter structured notes). These
types of instruments can be difficult to value for a variety of reasons, including lack of a
liquid market, the use of valuation models that rely on imperfect data and/or are
dependent on the occurrence of a future event (the probability of which may be difficult
to estimate).
In particular, hedge fund investors, which may include registered collective
investment schemes ("CIS") in some IOSCO member jurisdictions (e.g., registered funds
of hedge funds), purchase and redeem fund shares based on the valuations of the funds’
financial instruments. These same investors make decisions to remain invested in the
fund, purchase or sell shares in the fund or re-weight their exposures to other asset classes
/ fund managers based, in part, on the fund’s performance. A hedge fund calculates that
performance based upon changes in its NAV which are driven primarily by changes in
the value of its portfolio. In addition, the Manager often charges the fund an advisory fee
and/or a performance fee based, respectively, on the amount of assets under management
and the capital appreciation of the fund’s NAV.
In many cases involving complex or illiquid financial instruments that are hard to
value, the Manager may in practice be the most reliable or indeed the only source of
information about pricing for a particular financial instrument. Further, the Manager may
design and implement the policies and procedures relating to valuation of the fund's
investment portfolio. Although the Governing Body of the hedge fund will be ultimately
responsible for the policies and procedures relating to the valuation of the investment
portfolio, in practice the Manager will exercise a great deal of day-to-day control and
influence over the process.6
Potential conflicts of interest arise, however, for a Manager who takes an active
role in the valuation process. For example the Manager very often receives an advisory
and/or performance fee that is based on the value of fund’s portfolio. In addition, the
Manager has a significant interest in the ongoing success of the fund and the
understandable desire to optimize performance and hence the flow of investment
attracted to the fund and/or retained within it. A period of performance that does not meet
investor expectations could negatively impact the perceived desirability of the fund and
the view taken of it by its investors. The Manager may have both the incentive and the
ability to influence the valuation of the financial instruments in the portfolio in ways that
do not reflect their value.
These conflicts of interests and structural concerns are magnified when the hedge
fund invests in difficult-to-value instruments. Other instruments, such as liquid exchange-
6 In some jurisdictions, as discussed below, the Governing Body may be the Manager.
traded instruments, or instruments for which valuation inputs are readily observable and
verifiable, present less room for manipulation because the resulting values can easily be
verified through sources that are independent of the Manager (e.g., through a securities
exchange).7 In addition to the conflicts arising from the Manager’s role, the common use
by hedge funds of significant leverage can exacerbate the impact of valuation errors.
Hedge fund structures vary significantly depending on the laws of the jurisdiction
in which they are organized. Despite the differences, conflicts of interest are inherent in
hedge funds in connection with the valuation of the financial instruments that hedge
funds hold or employ. In particular, conflicts of interest exist between the interests of the
Manager and the interests of the hedge fund and its investors. Examples of the structures
of hedge funds in different jurisdictions illustrate the inherent conflicts of interest that can
arise. As explained below, the identity of the Governing Body will vary depending on
the jurisdiction in which the hedge fund is established.
7 The paper does not address certain issues faced by hedge funds that relate indirectly to
portfolio valuation, including but not limited to, timely disclosure of the fund’s NAV,
valuation of the hedge fund portfolio as a whole (as opposed to valuation of particular
financial instruments), valuation of investments in other funds held by a fund of hedge
funds, and compliance with applicable accounting principles. It was determined that these
issues were beyond the scope of the paper and could possibly be addressed in later papers.
In other jurisdictions, the hedge fund Manager may serve as the Governing Body
of a hedge fund. For example, many Managers have organized hedge funds under the
laws of a particular state of the United States, typically as a limited partnership or a
limited liability company. Often the Manager (which may have been organized in the
United States or another jurisdiction) or an entity affiliated or associated with the
Manager will serve as the general partner for the limited partnership or the managing
member for the limited liability company. The general partner or managing member also
may direct the investment decisions of the hedge fund or hire third-parties to conduct, or
assist with, the management of the hedge fund’s portfolio. Under applicable US state
law, the general partner of a limited partnership and the managing member of a limited
liability company generally have the responsibility to serve as the Governing Body of a
hedge fund. Therefore, the Manager may itself act as the Governing Body of the fund
because the Manager serves as its general partner or managing member.
Other than the company and limited partnership structures mentioned above,
some offshore hedge funds may be structured in the form of unit trusts. Trustees of
hedge funds are usually appointed to hold and safeguard the fund’s assets and have duties
to act in good faith for the benefit of unit holders and must administer the hedge funds in
accordance with the terms, conditions and powers stated in trust deeds and implied by
law. While technically or legally the Manager may be appointed by the trustee to
manage the funds pursuant to the trust deed, in practice, it is not uncommon that the
trustee is selected by the Manager. The Manager may be empowered under the trust deed
to remove the trustee without unit holders’ consent. Furthermore, in the absence of any
legal or regulatory requirement on the independence of the trustee, the trustee and the
Manager may belong to the same financial group. The Managers may control the
operations of the hedge funds, despite the fact that the trustees are serving as the
Governing Body of the hedge funds to oversee the activities of the Managers.
IV. Scope of Application of the Principles
The principles apply to all hedge fund structures, but IOSCO recognizes that
hedge funds are varied in their size, structures and operations. The Governing Body of
each hedge fund should take into consideration the nature of the fund's structure and
operations when seeking to apply the principles.
The challenges of valuing complex and illiquid instruments arise in many hedge
funds, wherever located, and however structured. Moreover, conflicts of interest of one
type or another arise in the case of all hedge funds, wherever located and however
structured. The principles set forth in this paper are designed to assist hedge funds in
valuing their portfolios so as to reduce the structural and operational conflicts of interest
that may arise and help ensure that valuations are robust and appropriate.
Listed below in italics are nine principles for valuing the financial instruments
that are held or employed by hedge funds. Each principle is followed by explanatory
V. The Nine Principles
The Governing Body should ensure that written policies and procedures are
established which seek to ensure integrity in the valuation process. In practice, the
Manager may be heavily involved in formulating the policies and procedures on behalf of
the Governing Body. The documented policies and procedures will generally set out the
obligations, roles and responsibilities of the various parties and personnel who are
involved in the valuation process. Given that hedge funds have varied structures and
investment strategies, it is important that appropriate policies and procedures are adopted
in each case.
2. The policies should identify the methodologies that will be used for valuing all of
the financial instruments held or employed by the hedge fund.
The policies should set out the methodology to be used for each financial
instrument, which include inputs, models and the selection criteria for pricing and market
data sources. It should specify a framework applicable to both current and, where
practicable, future instrument types in which the hedge fund anticipates investing. For
example, the policies should consider what constitutes an acceptable input,
acknowledging that prices should, whenever possible and appropriate, be obtained from
independent sources. As another example, the policies should address cut-off times when
securities are traded in multiple time zones. In any case, there should be a validation
procedure which governs how a single source or non-independent source may be
If a model is used to value a financial instrument, the model and the variable
inputs should be explained and justified in the valuation policy and procedures.
Underlying data and assumptions used in model-based valuations, in addition to the
rationale for using them, should be appropriately documented (preferably
contemporaneously) to facilitate later review. The policy should specify how the model
and its inputs will be checked for appropriateness.
The policies and procedures should address how the valuation of financial
instruments will be undertaken in case an instrument falls outside of the scope of the
existing valuation policy. For instance, the person that values a newly purchased
financial instrument by a hedge fund should document his or her reasons for using a
particular valuation method. In addition, an independent party (as defined below) could
provide an ex-post review of the valuation method concurrent with the amendment of the
existing policies to account for the ‘new’ financial instruments.
The persons who value the financial instruments should apply the policies and
procedures and the designated methodologies consistently. The Governing Body and the
Manager should make sure that consistent application of the policies occurs. The policies
and procedures should outline a mechanism which enables the monitoring of whether the
party or person who has responsibility for valuing financial instruments is following the
policies and procedures. The principle of consistency requires that the policies and
procedures, and the designated methodologies, should generally be:
• applied to all financial instruments within a fund that share similar economic
• applied across all hedge funds that have the same Manager, taking time zone and
trading strategies into account; and
• applied over time unless circumstances arise that suggest that the policy requires
updating; in particular, valuation sources and rules should remain consistent over
The desirability of consistent application over time of the policies and procedures
should be balanced with a periodic review of, and appropriate changes to, the policies and
procedures. The Governing Body and/or the Manager should review the appropriateness
of the policies and procedures in light of the nature of the fund’s investment strategies.
The policies should allow for a review and change of methodologies periodically and
after any event that calls into question the validity or utility of the policies and procedures
(e.g., when market events call into question whether a particular pricing methodology
continues to be appropriate). This recognizes that hedge funds operate within a dynamic
environment in which the trading parameters, strategies and products change over time.
The policies should outline how a change to the valuation policy, including a
methodology, can be effected and in what circumstances this is appropriate.
Recommendations for changes to the policies should be made to the Governing Body
which should review and approve any changes.
The policies and procedures should be reviewed prior to the fund’s engagement
with a new investment strategy or financial instrument to determine whether the existing
policies and procedures sufficiently address the new types of strategies or investments.
5. The Governing Body should seek to ensure that an appropriately high level of
independence is brought to bear in the application of the policies and procedures
and whenever they are reviewed.
Independence should be embedded into the processes adopted for valuation and
within any party appointed to undertake valuation responsibilities. The Governing Body
should ensure that the parties involved in the valuation process have an appropriate level
of experience, competence and that an appropriate degree of independence exists within
the valuation process (as explained in greater detail below)8
The effectiveness of the valuation process is correlated with the level of the
involved parties’ experience and understanding of the valuation of the financial
instruments in which the hedge fund invests, and the investment strategies adopted. It is
therefore important that the Governing Body manage the trade off between achieving the
benefit of independence yet ensuring appropriate experience and competence is present in
the parties involved and is brought to bear in the valuation process.
Independence may be achieved by using inter alia (i) third-party pricing services,
(ii) independent reporting lines within the Manager, and/or (iii) a valuation committee.
8 The Governing Body may not be independent of the Manager, in the case of hedge funds
that are organized in certain jurisdictions, such as the United States. The Governing Body
nevertheless has fiduciary responsibilities to the hedge fund and should seek to increase
independence in the valuation process, to the extent practicable. In addition, non-
independent entities of the hedge fund (e.g., the Manager) may be involved in providing
valuations for the hedge fund.
instruments of a hedge fund can help to mitigate conflicts of interest in valuation.
The Governing Body could engage a party (e.g., Administrator or Valuation
Agent) that would provide an appropriate degree of independence and mitigate the
influence of the Manager in valuation. The involvement of external parties could
balance the influence of the Manager and its personnel. The role of the third party
may vary from involvement in the approval and review of the policies and
procedures, and/or in the determination of particular valuations.
In addressing the need for greater independence in valuation for a particular hedge
fund, the Governing Body should consider the relationship of the parties involved in
valuation with other parties involved in the fund’s operations (e.g., the relationship
between the Manager and any Valuation Agent, or the relationship between the personnel
of a Manager who are responsible for valuation and the front-office personnel who make
the investment decisions), the investment strategy of the fund, the extent of readily
available independent prices/inputs for the investment portfolio and the relevant
experience of the party.
6. The policies should seek to ensure that an appropriate level of independent review
is undertaken of the individual values that are generated by the policies and
procedures and, in particular, of any valuation that is influenced by the Manager.
There should be a review process for individual values generated by the policies
and procedures to ensure their appropriateness. Some specific cases in which the risk of
inappropriate pricing may be greater include:
It is recognized that the experience and expertise to value complex and illiquid
instruments in an appropriate manner may rest with a limited number of individuals. In
these situations it may be more difficult or not possible to find an independent pricing
service or source with sufficient expertise to provide pricing for such financial
instruments. For example, the counterparty of a derivative contract is often utilized as the
primary (or only) pricing provider for the instrument. Sourcing prices from such a
provider may, however, present a conflict of interest for the price provider, as the price it
furnishes may be influenced by its expectation of trading the instrument with the client or
in the market place. The furnished price could lead to an overstated or understated price
because the counterparty may hold either a position which is in the same or opposite
direction to that of the hedge fund.
The policies and procedures should include sufficient controls to ensure that an
appropriate degree of objectivity is brought to bear in considering values that are obtained
from external sources, such as counterparties and potential counterparties. That
objectivity may be achieved through involvement of the independent party. Effective
practice would involve sufficient and appropriate checks on the reasonableness of such
values and reviewing material exceptions (that is, material deviations from values that
have been previously provided). Such checks could include, for example:
• a comparison with prices generated by a third party (e.g. comparison of
prices generated by a Manager versus those generated by a valuation
• highlighting and researching any differences that appear unusual and/or
that vary by valuation threshold established for the type of financial
• testing for stale prices or implied parameters (e.g., spreads, volatilities);
• a comparison against the prices of any related financial instruments and /
or their hedges; and
• review of the inputs used in model based pricing.
7. A hedge fund’s policies and procedures should describe the process for handling
and documenting price overrides, including the review of price overrides by an
Independent Party.
A price override (or deviation) is the rejection of a value for a financial instrument
that was determined according to the policies and procedures of the hedge fund. In
certain exceptional circumstances, the value of a financial instrument determined in
accordance with the fund’s policies and procedures may not be appropriate. The
Manager, Valuation Agent or other party involved in the pricing process may therefore
propose an override to that value and use another.
In all cases, the procedures for price overrides should encompass a requirement
for reporting to, and an appropriate level of review by, the independent party as soon as
practicable. The detail of, and reasons for, each override should be documented
contemporaneously with the override including any evidence supporting the case for the
proposed override. A price override should not be used until the review has taken place.
Such a report, prepared regularly, could be one of the mechanisms by which the
independent party satisfies itself that consistent application of the policies and procedures
is taking place.
Where overrides have occurred, any other financial instruments in the fund that
are related to the overridden instrument should be reviewed to assess whether any
additional adjustments are also required. The repeated use of overrides for a particular
financial instrument should trigger, under the policies, a review of the policy and/or
8. The Governing Body should conduct initial and periodic due diligence on third
parties that are appointed to perform valuation services.
The Governing Body typically appoints third parties to perform valuation services
for the hedge fund. Such third parties could include, among others, a Manager, an
administrator or valuation agent. When the Governing Body decides to appoint a
third-party, suitable due diligence should be conducted to determine that the service
provider has and maintains appropriate systems and controls and a sufficient complement
of personnel with an appropriate level of knowledge, experience and training
commensurate with the hedge fund’s valuation needs. The Governing Body should
consider applying, where appropriate, Principles 1 and 2 from section III of IOSCO
'Principles on outsourcing'.9
9. The arrangements in place for the valuation of the hedge fund’s investment
portfolio should be transparent to investors.
• The valuation policies of a hedge fund and material changes to the policies
(accompanied by, as appropriate, an explanation and quantification of the effect of
such a change);
• A description of the roles, skills and experience of all of the parties that are
involved in the valuation of the financial instruments of the hedge fund;
• A description of any material conflicts of interest associated with the parties who
are valuing the fund’s financial instruments;
• The hedge fund’s responses to investor questionnaires or any other requests for
information about valuation issues; and
• Information about the nature and degree of any contracted pricing services.
The goal of the principles is to promote, among other things, the consistent
application of a set of valuation policies and procedures in the valuation of a hedge fund
portfolio, and independence in, and transparency of, this valuation process. The
principles are applicable across a wide range of jurisdictions as well as a number of
different hedge fund and service provider structures and in all cases are relevant to the
interests of investors.
Investors need to be vigilant with respect to any hedge fund that does not exhibit
these principles throughout all aspects of its valuation process. Investors should satisfy
themselves that the management and governance culture promotes the application of the
principles to the extent practicable. While the adoption and compliance with these
principles should benefit investors, the measures themselves will not reduce the need for
investors to conduct appropriate initial and ongoing due diligence with respect to their
interests in hedge funds.
IOSCO seeks comments from the public, including investors and Managers,
governing bodies, hedge fund counterparties and service providers on all aspects of this
paper. IOSCO specifically seeks comments by 21 June 2007 on:
6. Are there additional principles that would benefit hedge fund investors?
SC5 will carefully consider all comments and will revise the paper as appropriate.
A final paper is expected to be published by IOSCO in the Autumn of 2007.
Appendix A. Contributors to the Report
Dan Waters
Jorge Vergara
Senior Economist
William Douglas Simon Gregory Ken Marlin
Executive Director Head of EMEA & Asia compliance Chief Compliance Officer
Goldman Sachs International Ivy Asset Management Ivy Asset Management
Appendix B. Bibliography
Chronological order
Risk standards for institutional investment managers and institutional investors, Risk
Standards Working Group, RWSG (1996)
Valuation issues and operational risk in hedge funds, Capco, (Dec 2003)
The management of hedge funds' operational risks, Jean-Rene Giraud, Edhec (April
Valuation concepts for investment companies and financial institutions and their
stakeholders, International Association of Financial Engineers, IAFE (June 2004)
Asset Manager Code of Professional conduct, CFA Centre for financial market integrity
(Nov 2004)
International private equity and venture capital valuation guidelines, (Jan 2005),
Asset Pricing and Fund Valuation Practices in the Hedge Fund Industry, Alternative
Investment Management Association, (AIMA) (April 2005)
CFTC roundtable discussions relating to the commodity pool industry and operators
(April 2005)
Discussion Paper 05/4, Hedge Funds: A discussion of risk and regulatory engagement,
FSA (June 2005)
Credit Derivatives: CDOs and Structured Credit Products, Satyajit Das, John Wiley &
Sons, (2005 3rd edition) ISBN 0470-821590, 850 pages
Mitigating hedge funds' operational risks, Benefits and limitations of managed account
platforms, EDHEC (June 2005)
Sound practice for hedge fund managers, Managed Funds Association, MFA (Aug 2005)
The international convergence of capital management and capital standards. BIS (Nov
Valuation of the trading book, paragraphs 684-701, valuation paragraph 778(ii) of Basel
Warren Buffett, Finance and financial products, pages 10-11, Berkshire Hathaway
Annual Report (Mar 2006)
Testimony of James Chanos to US Senate sub committee hearing on the hedge fund
industry, pages 14-18 Valuation; Performance reporting (May 2006)
Fair value measurements, Financial Accounting Standards Board, FAS157 (Sept 2006)
The Regulatory Environment For Hedge Funds, A Survey And Comparison - Final
Report, Report of the Technical Committee of IOSCO (Nov 2006)