CH 08 Solutions Practice Problems
CH 08 Solutions Practice Problems
CH 08 Solutions Practice Problems
8.1 G,263)
From Eqn. 3, we know we may write the current through the resistor as
-tu/ -ro0u/
i(t) = 10" /L = 6e '/so&ro-' .
8.2 G,267)
For/<0, l0Vappearsacrossthe4Qresistor,soadccurrentofl0l4A:2.5Aflowsthrough
the inductor (which acts as a short circuit).
For / > 0, the battery is removed so we write the simple KVL equation:
104 + v = Q where u= S*. Thus, l}i, +5+ =0, which has the characteristic equation
dt dt
l0 + 5s = 0, with solution s: -2.
Thus, we can represent the circuit with the equation iLQ) = ir(0)e"' = 2.5e4' A.
Finally, u= S9 = 5Q.5)(-2)"-'' =
8.3 @270)
(a) i(2r)
\/ t(0)
-_ e-o, =
(c) t
\/ ,(0)
'\D' = s-t/t = 0.2, so - -(,n0.2 =
8.4 G,275)
Before the switch is thrown, the 80 C) resistor is connected only by one of its terminals and
therefore may be ignored. (i 0) :
With no current flow permitted through the capacitor (it is assumed any transients have long
since died out), . We know v(0) : 50 V since the capacitor voltage cannot change in
zero time.
After the switch is thrown, the onlyremaining circuit is a simple source-free RC circuit.
v(t)=v(0)e-'/" so v(t)=50e-; :
8.5 @278)
For / > 0,10006 of the 2-A source contributes to iz. The 8-O resistor is shorted out so
Thus, i2(t)=2-iLQ)
iLG)=ir(o*)e-,/" _0.4 =0.2,
and, r=L
ir(0.)=t(0-)=1.6A n 2
so i, (
and t, (0.15) =1.244 A
8.6 (p280)
Engineering Circuit Anal)'sis, 8ft Edition Copynght @2012 McGraw-Hill, Inc. All Rights Resenred
Engineering Circuit Analysis, Eighth Edition Practice Problem Solutions
' 1850+2000//5001 100+400
= tr]
?= R* .c =ltzsott(850+2000//500)]x4xl0{
= 2.5 ms
Replacing uc (0*) in Eq. [1] with vs (l.3ms) yields v(I.3 ms) =t?=1t t25.6=
8.7 G,282)
(a) We approach problem by nodal analysis, choosing the bottom node as our reference:
-1.5v, =U++o.oozff pl
Simpliffing Eqn 2 and,noting that from Eqn 1 we know u, =1u", we can write a single
(b) Since the voltage decays, rather than grows, with time,
8.8 (p286)
(a) 3 - 0 + 0.8:
(b) l4l (0) - 0
(c) 2 sin 0.8 rr-
Engineering Circuit Anab,sis, 8ft Edition Copyright @2012 McGraw-Hill, Inc. All Rights Resenred
Engineering Circuit Analysis, Eighth Edition Practice Problem Solutions
8.e (p28e)
(b) At t:0*, the source voltage changes to 60 - 40 = 20 V. The inductor current cannot
change, so = . The current through the resistor is 6 A, so the voltage dropped
across the inductor is 20 - l0 (6) : - 40V. Thus,
(c) At t: o, the source voltage is 20 V but all transients have died out. Thus,
8.10 @2e3)
t: R./L :41200
= l/50 s
i1:201200: 0.1 A (treating inductor as a short circuit)
(c) i1(8 ms) = (note time units are NOT seconds; convert first)
Engineering Circuit Anatysis, 8ft Edition Copynght @2012 McGraw-Hill, Inc. All Rights Rese,nred
Engineering Circuit Analysis, Eiehth Edition Practice Problem Solutions
8.1 I (p295)
(a) in (01= 0
-r " ""
so ia (1.5 ms):
8.r2 (p2e8)
where x: R.qC
R.q -- 25lll00 :20 kO, so r: 100 ms
Engineering Circuit Analysis, 8ft Edition Copyright @2012 McGraw-Hill, Inc. All Rights Rese,nred
Engineering Circuit Analysis, Eighth Edition Practice Problem Solutions
8.13 (p300)
For /< 0, all voltages and currents atezero, so v(0*): v(0) = g.
For / > 0, we begin by pulling off the capacitor and performing a Th6venin transformation on
the remaining circuit, yielding a final circuit consisting of a voltage source 23.5cos3t V in series
with 14.7 C) in series with the 22 pF capacitor.
Writing a simple KVL equation, -23.5cos3t + l4.7ic r v:0 and noting that
i"" = C4 = 22xrct +, we can describe the voltage across the capacitor using
dt dt'
- 23.5cos3 t +(14.7)22x l0-5 !+u
L + 3092v = 72.67x l0-' cos 3t
Anticipating that v(t): ufit) + v,(r) with v,(t) = y"-ttr = Keaoez and
8.14 (p305)
(a) The first term charges up the inductor, governed by the circuit time constant of UR 100 :
ms. Since the second term does not activate until r :2 s, a fulI 20 time constants later, the
voltage across the resistor reaches 3 V at around t:
0.5 s and stays there until 2 s. This
results in a current which increases to 3 A. At 2 s, the second term effectively turns off the
sourco, and the inductor begins to release its stored energy. It takes roughly 5 time constants
for all of the energy to be dissipated (througfu the resistor), but since the third term does not
activate until r = 3 s, the inductor current has plurty of time to reach zero. At t:
4 s, the
process repeats.
(b) The first two terms are identical to part (a), so we expect the inductor to charge up over
approximately 500 ms, then reach a"dc" current of 3 A until r = 2 s, when the source is
removed and the inductor begins to discharge. However, the source turns on again at t = 2.1
s, only one time constant after the discharge cycle begins, so the inductor cannot fully
discharge. The fourth term does not activate until20 time constants later, so that the
inductor can fully charge again. Thus, the inductor never fully discharges with this pulse
Engineering Circuit Analysis, 8tr Edition Copyright @2012 McGraw-Hill, Inc. All Rights Resenred