Exp 4

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4 Determination the Viscosity of Liquids


The viscosity of liquid is a resistance to flow of a liquid. All liquids

appear resistance to flow change from liquid to another, the water faster flow

than glycerin, subsequently the viscosity of water less than glycerin at same

temperature. Viscosity occurs as a result of contact liquid layers with each

other. The viscosity is measuring by Ostwald viscometer.

Relative Viscosity is the ratio of the absolute viscosity of the fluid on the

viscosity of water at a certain temperature.……..>>>>>>>>>>>>>. .

The viscosity coefficient is force (dyne) necessary to move the layer of liquid

1 cm2 in speed 1 cm/sec on another layer of liquid and the distance between

them is 1cm.

Equation the Poisellieh :

πr 4 f
For two liquids:

η1 f1 t1
η2 f2 t 2


is constant


f = gdh

η1 t1 d1
∴ =
η2 t 2 d2

η1 is viscosity of liquid 1.

η2 is viscosity of liquid 2.

t1 flow time of liquid 1.

𝑡2 𝑓𝑙𝑜𝑤 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑙𝑖𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑑 2.

d1 density of liquid 1.

𝑑2 𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑜𝑓 𝑙𝑖𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑑 2.

The factors effect on the viscosity:

1. Effect of Temperature: the temperature of the liquid fluid increases its

viscosity decreases. In gases its opposite, the viscosity of the gases

fluids increases as the temperature of the gas increases.

2. Molecular weight: the molecular weight of the liquid increases its

viscosity increases.

3. Pressure: when increase the pressure on liquids, the viscosity increase

because increase the attraction force between the molecules of liquid.

Chemicals and materials:

1- Ethanol

2- Glycerin

3- Di water

4- Baker

5- Ostawld viscometer

6- Pipet


1. Clean the viscometer by the water and ethanol and dry it.

2. Put a certain amount of liquid in the large bulge viscometer and pull it

by pipette until the small bulge is full.

3. Put viscometer vertically in the water bath at the desired temperature.

4. Let the liquid to flow through the capillary tube with run time when

the liquid reaches the mark shown on the viscometer and then stopped

time when the liquid reaches the bottom mark.

5. Repeat the experiment and record the results (take average of results).

6. Repeat the experiment to other liquids.

7. Change the temperature and calculate the viscosity.


Calculate the viscosity by the relationships:

η1 t1 d1
η2 t 2 d2

η1 is viscosity of liquid 1.

η2 is viscosity of water 0.891 poise.

t1 flow time of liquid 1.

t 2 flow time of water.

d1 density of liquid 1.

d2 density of water 0.997 g/cm3 .

Can be calculate the Relative Viscosity by the relationships:

Liquid 1: ethanol (density of ethanol = 0.789 g/cm3)

Temperature Time (Sec.) Average time Viscosity Relative Viscosity

(C ) (poise)
Liquid 2: glycerin (density of glycerin = 1.261 g/cm3)

Ostwald Viscometer


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