Kim Lighting Poles & Ballasts Brochure 1976
Kim Lighting Poles & Ballasts Brochure 1976
Kim Lighting Poles & Ballasts Brochure 1976
Environmenta L ghting
The Kim Hinged Pole Patent Pend in g
Featu res
Ballast Features
Conslruclion A shaft of round extruded aluminum tubing, al oy 6063-T5
flares into a one-piece castaluminum base with integral mount ng lugs The
shaft s welded to the cast base and then ground and polished, caus ng the
entire assembly to appear as a one-p ece sculptured form. A hand hole s
furnished, enclosed by a flush mounted cover that blends inconsp cuously w th
the base coniou r.
Tenon-Pole Fitter (For tenon poles only) For reasons of appearance, a cast
alu mln um tenon can be furnished using an internal expansion wedge gr p and
secured by a single center bolt. There shall be no visib e tenon mount
Ballasl Mounted in pole. h gh power factor for 20'F. starting. Ballast shall
be securely fastened to the tenon-pole fitter, and shall be equlpped w th anti-
v brat on snubbers to prevenl contact wlth the pole nner wail.
Grounding-One No. 10 pressure ug in base.
Finish The entire pole is satln polished and then f nished with a baked-on
melamine rnodified acrylic enarnel, applied over mil spec 15328 ac d wash
pr rner. Natura alu m inu m and anod zed finishes are not avaiLable on th s pole.
Anchorage Pole shall be furnished with iour (4) hot dipped ga vanized L hook
anchor bolts and a rjg d pressed board temp ate. Bolts shall have rolled
threads and each shall be provided w th one (1) nut, one (1) washer and a z nc
electro-p ated evel nq shim.
Strenqth Factor The pole strength factor must be equalto or greater than the
in;rre strenqth factor. L sted pole strength factors are for 85 IVIPH steady
lu m
wlnds or 1 10 N.4 PH g usting win ds. For conversion factors to other wind
velocities, see the nside back cover of this cata og.
Cat. No. Description
Baked Ename s
BL-E Black
DB-E Dark Bronze (resem bles
313 Duranod ici!) in color)
MB-E l\,4edium Bronze (resernbles
312 Duranod co ln color)
Ordering lnlormalion
T n pok ballast satlages ava ab e
lsce 820 l2 rnd 13)
lYlo u nl Strenqth Shafi Thick
PB8 3125
*8' P88.34083 314" 105 083
/01 I00
71]r 100
PB10,31 .125 75r t00i I /51250 /0r l0rl
.r o'1813 3133,
3" r!2 3' .188 75i 100i175i250 i0i 100
l'1 El
.r q' 97 3" t5i 100r 175i 250 /0i r 00
!E1X llfli, 31!"
Cata oq No Descr ption
Natura (standard)
SA-P Salrn Po sh (8lack lenon)
Baked Enamels (extra cost)
gL.E Black
DB.E Dark Bronze (resembles
3l3 Duranod co in color)
MB-E Med um Bronze (resemb es
31 2 Duranodici' in color)
Anodized (exlra cosl)
BL.A Black
D B-A Dark Bronze
M B-A lvl ed um Bronze
Conskuclion Pole sha be round. non lapered exvuded a um num. a oy
6063 T5. fu ly welded to a fixed or opt onaL hrnged casl a uminum base. Each pole
s hall be furnisfred \ryitfr a h and ho e comp ele wilh a cover secured by counlersunk
starn ess sleel screws. Base cover sha be lwo p ece cast a um num
Tenon pole Filler Conslructed ol casi alum num. il shal be fig d y mounled
to the po ev aan internalexpans on wedge gr p and secured wlh as ngle
concea ed center bo t Tenon sha provide sp ce access and shall have no
v sible mo!ntrng hardware.
Aallast lMounled n pole. h gh power faclor lor 20 F. start ng Ballast sha be
securely fastened lo lhe pole filter, and sha be equ pped w th an1 -v bralron
snubbers to prevenl contact willr lhe po e in ner wa L
Grounding One No. 10 pressure ug rn base.
Finish The enlire po e is salin polrshed and then i nrshed wrlh a baked on
me arnine modilied acry c enamel applied over mil spec 15328 acrd wash pr mer
Opl onal anod zed I n shes are available in accordance w lh Archrteciural Class I
Anchorage Po es sha lurn shed w th lour (4) hol drpped galvan zed L hook
anchor bo ts and a rig d pressed board tenrplate Bolls shal hav€ rol ed threads
and each shal be provided wrlh one (l ) nu1. one (1) \ryasher and a zinc e eclro
plated eve ing shim
*8' psnr
3l's 083
/0r I00
PBST-5125 t 01l
16T.34083 /01r 00
75r l00r l/5i 250 70r 100
lo i816T.34188 71 100 t75 250 i0,100
BL-A B ack
DB-A Dark Bronze
MB-A Medrum Bronze
gtrEl Conslruclion Pole shal be square, non-tapered extruded alum num. al oy
6063 y welded lo a fixed or opl olral h nged cast aluminum base. Each pole
sha I be furn shed w th a hand hole complete with a cover secured by countersunk
/l@A zir sta nless steel screws. Base cover shal be two piece casl alumrnum.
Tenon Pole Fitler Constructed of casi alurninum, it shall be r O dly mounted
lo the pole via an inlerna expans on wedge grip, and secured w th a single
concealed center boli Tenon shall provide spl ce access and shall have no visrb e
mountrnq hardware.
Bolt drcle Ballast-Mountedinpole,hghpowerfactorior 20 F. slarting. 8a last shall be
'/ securely faslened to the pole iilter, and shall be equ pped w th ant -v bration
snubbers to prevent contact w th the pole inner wall.
I Flrlur€ mount
Grounding-One No. 10 pressure lug in base.
Finish-The enlire pole is clear anodrzed and then lin shed w th a baked-on
SplceTenon | ' aiameter melam ne modil ed acryl c enamel, app ied over m lspec 15328 acid wash pr mer.
Opt ona color anodized fin shes are available in accordance with Archilectural
Class I speciiicalions.
Ancho.age Poles shall be furnished wilh lour (4) hot d pped galvan zed L hook
anchor bo ts and a rigid pressed board temp ate. Eolts shall have rolled lhreads
and each shall be provided wiih one (1) nut, one (1)washer and a zinc e ectro
plated eve ing sh m.
P014T3125 79 3" sq
+tl{t, Pl14l-4125 t5\ 4sq 70i 100
Pol4T-5125 l4l 5sq /0i 100/ 150/ 254
70i 100/ 150/
.125 75/ I00i l 70/ 100
P016T.4125 133 4" 125 /5/ t00t 175/250 70i 100
16' Por6r.418g 4" 188 75r 1001I75i250 70i100
2t0 sq. .125 75i 100i 1751250 70/ 100/ I50/ 250
6" 188
144 4 sq. 188 75/ 100i 175/250 70i r 00
zo' iBiSlll?l 165 5" sq 125
258 5" sq 188
75r l00r 175/250
75,100/r/5 250
70/ l 00i 150 / 2s0
latl 00i 1501 250
70rl 250
Slrength Faclor-Pole strength iaclor musl be equal to or grealer than the
um na re strength laclor. Listed po e slrenglh laciors are for 85 [,4PH sieady or 1 10
MPH gusling w nds For conversion factors to oiher wind veloc ties, see the ns de
back cover oi lh s cataloo.
Cata og No Descriplion
Baked Enamel (standard)
BL.E Black
DB.E Dark Bronze (resembles 313 Duranodic" in color)
M B.E Mediurn Bronze (resernbles 312 Duranod cn in co or)
Anod zed (extra cost)
BL.A Black
D B"A Dark Bronze
MB.A Medi!rn Bronze
Anchor Boll Data
ro' lBl33133l
i;; 39's"
toLr * 10' 302
P8i0.5125.4 5" .125
allns 467
P810,5188.4 5" r88
t4 PBI2-sIBB-4 )47 5
ff ffi
t83 5'
.l2 r
p lus
16' PBr6T.5roB 5 3oo .188
top ln-pole ballast wattages avaj able for
center post top flxt!re (See B20 12 and 13 )
Same base and anchor bolt Halide
d etail as at left
1 B8
potq-qtzs.t 165 4" sq. .125
PD14-4188-l 225 4" sq. .188
PD16-4125.1 i38 4" sq. .125
16'P016.4r88-1 1!0 4" sq. .188
PD16-5188-1 338 5" sq. .188
T,,!o PD10-3125.2 124 3" sq. .125 .J
*10'poto+tzsz 4,' 1?5
JiP PD10-4188,2
321 4"
sq. 188
P012.3125.2 9! 3" sq. .r25
P012.4125-2 192 4" sq. .r25
PD12 41982 ?6) 4" sq. .r 88
P012-5188-2 461 5" sq. .l88
*14' PD14 4125-2 I61 4" sq. .125
potq-qtaa-z 221 4" sq. .188
PD14 5188-2 390 5" sq. .188
PDt 6-4188"2 i90 sq. .188
16'P016.5r88,2 338 sq. .188
P016.6188-2 499
Folr $! PD10-4125,4 4" sq. .125
*10'PDlo-4rBB-4 4" sq.
:i" a$ PD10-5188.4 5" sq
PD12.4125 4 192 4" sq. .125
r P012-4188.4
Pol2 5i BB-4
sq. .188
PD12-6188-4 679 6" sq. .188
P0l4-4188-4 221 4" sq. 188
t q' iBifi3l88:X
li sq.
P0t 6,4188-4 .188
t o' iBiS:3133X
P0l6 66250-4 .250
PDl2T 4188-s 4" sq. .188
12' PDr2T-s1Ba s 5" sq. .188
PD12T-6188-5 6" sq. .l BB
;m .-Lt-
Same base and anchor
bolt detail as at left Strength Factor Pole strength factor must be equal to or
greater than the lu mlna re strength factor. Llsted pole
strength factors are for 85 l\,4 PH steady or 110 N,4PH
gusting w nds. For conversion factors to other wind
veloclties. see inside back cover of this catalog.
Construction Pole shall be square, non-tapered inside the pole top. The splice box shall be enclosed by an
extruded aluminum alloy 6063-T5, f ully welded to a fixed aluminu.n cap, and allballasts are provided with anti-
or optional hinged cast alum in um base. For each vibration snubbers to prevent contact with the pole inner
luminaire. an extruded aluminum cleat shall be welded wall.
to the pole to support each arm mount. Base cover shall Wiring Poles are partially pre-wired at each arm location
be two-piece cast alum in u m and pole shall be furnished with leads and quick disconnect plugs for mating with
with a hand hole complete with cover secured by matching plugs in the arms.
countersunk stainless steel screws.
Grounding-One No. l0 pressure lug in base.
Tenon Pole Fitter (For f ive (5) lum inaire assem bly
only) Constructed of cast aluminum, lt shall be rigidly Finish The entire pole is clear anodized and then
t finished with a baked-on melamine modified acrylic
mounted to the pole top via an internal expansion wedge
I grip, and secured with a single concealed center bolt. enamel, applied over milspec 1532B acid wash primer.
Tenon shall provide splice access for the center lum inaire Anchorage-Poles shall be furnished with four (4) hot
only, and shall have no visible mounting hardware. dipped galvanized L hook anchor bolts and a rigid
Ballast For all catalog numbers except 85, a ballast shall pressed board templaie. Bolts shall have rolled threads
be mounted in the pole for the center luminaire only. and each shall be provided with one (1) nut, one (1)
Ballasts for catalog number 85 Square Cylinder fixtures washer and a zinc electro-plated levelino sh im.
shall be securely iastened to a cast aluminum splice box
Catalog No. Description
Baked Enamel (standard)
BL-E B lack
DB.E Dark Bronze (resem bles
313 Duranodicc' in coior)
MB-E lvledium Bronze (resembles
31 2 Duranodic.r in color)
Bolt circle
diameter ah" 11" 11" 121/2" 141/2"
Anchor bolt
projection 21/2" 21/z'' 23/i ' 2%' ' 3''
Base size 9" sq. 10" sq. 11" sq. 12" sq. 14" sq.
Cond u t opening
(d a) 21,t2" 3" 4" 4"
H inged base
cond u it
projection ,Aa" 7/a"
Conslruclion Shall shal be dlrect b!rial lype iabrrcaied from struclura lam naled
Do_rd,F o sou r'.P|e oot6. dt oa p d\ru 6 l ,drao r " 0 b..opl(o.qoio-
oneio oe' 'lo p o.e5 lr""r-r-r, dr'o-ot o AWPA
Sl"no"ro. 8bo d'..:illrp -1 'd^ la rllpnol a'a^a
twenty year warranty irom dal€ oi p!rchase againsl ia l!re to carrv des gn loads due
to decay
or nsect altack
s;clions Shal be reclangllar f al s ded or l_1" secl on wilh one groove on each
Tenon Pole Filter Conslructed ofcast alumin!m, I shalbe rgdv mounted lothe
l+r:3" pol-. dl lh ldg , p^< dno sn" o a",e o s I ng "-d ,o .e "' e
rin'sh Coo"^ oieo \4o' aPna,k,',o'a\oidbero roohoapdo s|id'd
I I Firrure mounr s des A nalLrra !nsta ned iin sh s a so available ior lobsile sta nrng onlv For frxtlres
,oe... ,- < <oa.r',eo. tp o bF s pd'n i -ar.h q o".pd e-"n r
^h€re "no I -re l. \n, loelil ed. lelo ^r
v\he'e a-o i I \ 5ro. -pld I .lu a .o-po P r'
^r ^
be Dark Bronz€ Baked En;me (DB-E)
Ordering lnlormation
Po r Strefglh Shalt Tota Blr a Racewal Rrerav
l",or' E. l"Pr D'o /'
8' Pw8t.3x34 3'r3t's" 106 26" 16' l'sq
10' 26- 16" l"sq
12' 16"
14'9" Pwr5r.45x5
20' 50"
Dot". rF qh ' oo g'polarlld lhe ur '" -
' Strenath Factor ",ror u\'boaq-d
q. litn o, fo o \'r:on'd'lot'Ioolhe po r" soo -soebd ''o o'oi L !
Add sufl xes to pole catalog n!mber
Qross Seclions Suriace Treatrne.l
s Standard f al SM Smoolh D aned
93 082 080
75 watt
Mercury Vapot 93 0.4r 0 40
Ordering Example
{ + {+
S pecif ications
Construction-Shaft shall be direct burial type, fabricated frorn
structural laminated Douglas Flr or Southern Pine. Pole shall be pressure
treated with 0.5 lbs. pentachlorophenol per cubic foot by the Cellono
process. Treatment shall conform to AWPA Standard C28-69. Shaft shall
be lurn shed with an internaL raceway and the top shall be covered by an
aluminum cap. Pole shall carry a twenty year warranty frorn date of
purchase against failure to carry design loads due to decay or insect
Arm Mounts Extruded alurninur. cleats welded to aluminum plates
shall be furnished for field mounting to the pole shaft. Plates shall be
finished to match the luminaire arms and when installed, the arms shall
cover and conceal the cleats.
Cross Sections-Shall be rectangular llat sided in all shaft sizes. An "H"
section is available for 4111' x 5" shaft sizes only.
Finish-GoLden Pine or Mocha Pine stains are available f or smooth
planed or striated sides. A natural unstained flnish is also available for
jobsite staining only.
Ordering lnformation
Race Race-
Arm Pole Strength Sh!ft Total Burial way way
Afiangement Height Cztalog No. Factor Slze Length Delth DeDth Size
0n€ 10' Ptllo.3x34.i 122 3"x33/a" 12'6"2'6" 1'6" 1" sq.
12' Pwi2.3x4i.r 149 3"x41/a" 15'9"3'9" l'6" 1" sq.
14'9" pwts-qsxsl zst 4Y2" t5" I9'9"5'0" 2'A" 3it"x2\4"
10' Pwlo-4lxl-z 477 41/2"x5" 12'6"2'6" l'6" 3/4"\214"
ii;:ffi 12' P.w12.4sxs.2 37i, 4Y,"x5" 15'9" 39 16 \t' t2
14'9" pwts.qsxs.z zat 4Yz"x5" 19'9" 5'0" 2'A" 1i"y2r/4''
* Slrength Factor-Pole strength factor must be eq ual to or greater than
the luminaire strength factor. Listed pole strength factors are for 85 l\,4pH
steady or '1 10 Nl PH gusting winds. For conversion factors to other wind
veloclties, see inside back cover of the cataloo
Add suffixes to pole catalog number
Cross Sections Surface Treatment Stains
S Standard flat SM Smooth planed G Golden Pine. Light
sided staln slrnilar to
oak flooring color
Ordering Example
oor'" ,"'"'-"{'u--'
+ ++
Mercuryvapor y;iltY*
For Line Line Operaiing Starting
Type Watts N,4ounting Volts Cat. No. Watts Amps Amps
cwA-HPF tr& 75 -3"O.D. 12O BMV-200 95 0.82 0.75
Posl-Lrne I
or 2oB BMV-201 95 0.48 0.45
3" sq z4o BMV-202 95 0.41
I 0.36
ffi 277 BMv-203 95 0.35
cwA-HPF e 100 -3" o.D. 120 BMV-210 122 1.10 0.85
| 3i"o 277
3,3 SHy.ill 123 33i
BMV-213 122 0.50
5 0.40
cwA-HPF E 175 '3" O.D. 120 BMV-220 215 1.80 1.s0
t'osl-Lrne I
or 2oB BMV-221 215 1.05 1.oo
3" sq' 240 BMv-222 21s 0.90
I 0.85
fr 277 BMV-223 215 0.80
cwA-HPF tr8 25O -3" O.D. 12O BMV-230 300 2.60 1.80
| 3i"o i2:, BHY:lll IBB ll3
BMV-233 3oo 1.15
E 277 o.8o
CWA-HPF Constant Wattage Autotransformer, high power C
factor (90% or better), 20'F. starting.
CWA-HPF Constant Wattage Autotransformer, high power
factor (90% or better), 20'F. starting.
HR-HPF High Reactance, high power factor (90% or
better), 20'F.starting.
LAG-HPF Lag Circuit, high power factor (90% or better),
20"F. starting.
18" d a.
These random pole and luminaire comb nations wilL aid n selecting
5" O.D. the desired pole height proportional to the lum naire size.
lf proportions are critcal, your own scale drawings should be
constructed to assure personal satisfactlon.
18" dia.
22" d a.
18" x 34"
4" sq. Ellipsold
18" d a.
18" dia. 16" sq 3%" O.D.
WTC Cube Pole 29'da.
Trad tionai
Lum na re
3" sq. Po e 14,, x 26" 8 sq.
lx;:' (\.
Cy nder
Proportion Aid For Multiple Fixtures
These randorn po e and lurnina re comb nations wil ad in seLectng
the desired pole height proportional to the lumina re size.
f proportions are critical, your own scale drawings should be
constructed to assure personal satisfact on.
22 d a. Spheres
20 sq. Cubes
18'd a.
20'Arrns Spheres
5 0 D.
x I8" Rlsers
18" d a.
5" O.D
Wind Map Pole Strength Factor
Pole strength factor conversions To convert any pole strength factor frorn the standard 85 m.p.h.
steady wind capacity to one that more closely conforms to the jobsite
locat on, use the above wind map and the following chart:
'l 20 m.p.h. 0.48
'Standard 1.3 gust factor used.