CBCS Handbook 21-5-115

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Post Graduate Programs

Handbook (Updated Version)

Prepared by
Professor Vilas Kharat Dr. V. B. Gaikwad

The world of today is full of competition in each and

every field. In order to cop-up with the needs of the time it
has become necessary to prepare ourselves in tune with the
norms and practices accepted and implemented across the
globe. As such, one of the important aspects is to add a
value to a postgraduate degree by imparting a knowledge
based and hands-on experience training to the students.
This very aspect demands the choice based credit system
for the PG programs. The Credit System (CS) not only
nurtures a student to put his best efforts for touching the
heights of excellent education based knowledge but also
allows to carry the credits earned form one University to
the other in India and abroad as well. In fact, there are
as many aspects that are of great importance in the CS
but CONTINUOUS ASSESSMNET is the backbone
and so it has to be handled with care so as to visualize a
student with potential for excellence. Our University has
jumped into this well of 21st century education with a firm
footing of CS from the academic year 2013-14. I am
confident that the teachers involved in the implementation
part would shoulder the responsibility & add values to it.
This handbook of CS is prepared to facilitate the
aims and objectives of the system and the teachers as well
as students would testimony the lucidity and essence of it.

Dr. W. N. Gade

In pursuance of the decision to implement

Credit System at the Post Graduate level and
ensure continuous assessment, the SPPU has
decided to incorporate the Credit System
(CS) under Semester Pattern in all its
affiliated colleges and recognized institutions
where postgraduate programs are conducted.

The Hon. Vice-Chancellor and the

authorities of University of Pune, namely, the
members of the Management Council, the
Deans of Faculties, the Members of the
Academic Council, and the chairmen of the
board of studies are the pillars in shaping the
system for the cause of the benefit to the

Of course, all the teachers are committed

to handle the credit system for the better and
result oriented output in the enhancement of
knowledge level of each and every student.

Down the line of 2/3 years, the

University is keen to inculcate the system and
observe the overall development of its students.

1. General administration
2. Conduct of the Credit System
3. Examination Rules
4. Assessment and Grade point average
5. Modus Operandi of Evaluation under
Credit System- 2 years programs
6. Modus Operandi of Evaluation under
Credit System- 3 years programs
1. General administration

1.1 These rules and regulations shall be applicable

for the conduct of CS initially for 3 years from
the A.Y. 2013-14 and will not be applicable to
the students admitted prior to A.Y. 2013-14.

1.2 In the academic year 2015-16, Hon. Vice

Chancellor will appoint a committee to review
the system and revise these guidelines and rules.

1.3 CS Coordination Committee.

1. Director, BCUD – Chairman

2. Deans of faculties - Members
3. HoD s from Campus(02) - Members
4. Professors from Campus(02) - Members

This Committee shall take all decisions arising

pertain to these rules and the implementation of CS.
2. Conduct of the Credit System
2.1 The Post-Graduate Degree will be awarded to
those students who earn the minimum number of
credits as follows:

Name of the Faculty Total Average credits

credits per semester
Science, Engineering, Pharmacy, 100 25
Management, Technology
Arts & Fine Arts, Social Sciences, 64 16
Commerce, Law, Education*, Physical
(* - will be as per the directives of Education Council)

• In a case, where the PG program duration is of

one year, such a program shall consist of
minimum 40 credits.
• Except the credits for practical courses,
wherever applicable, a student can register for
less number of courses in a semester subject to
the condition that such a student will have to
complete the degree in a maximum of four
(five) years for 2 years (3 years) program.
This facility will be available subject to the
availability of concerned courses in a given
semester and with a maximum variation of 25
% credits (in case of fresh credits) per
2.2 The proportion of Laboratory courses shall be around
40 % of the total credits of a PG program. Project work,
if included, shall consist of NOT more than 10 % of the
total number credits for PG programs in Science,
Engineering, Technology, Management, Pharmacy and
05 % of the total number of credits for other PG

2.3 One credit will be equivalent to 15 clock hours of

teacher-student classroom contact in a semester. There
will be no mid-way change allowed from Credit System
to Non-credit (external) System or vice versa.

2.4 A post graduate teacher in a subject shall be

affiliated to only ONE post graduate center at any given
time and for only one subject.

2.5 For the routine conduct of the CS in a PG

Department on the campus of SPPU, HoD will be the
Chairperson and the teachers (employees of SPPU) in
the Department will be the members.

While for a PG Department in colleges/institutes, Dean

of the concerned faculty shall be the Chairperson and the
constitution of faculty wise committee shall be as
1. Dean of the Faculty – Chairman
2. Two HoD’s of the Post Graduate centers from
the respective faculty nominated by the Hon.
Vice Chancellor
3. One HoD/Professor/Subject expert from the
Post Graduate Department of the University
Campus nominated by the Hon. Vice
4. Director, BCUD - Coordinator

2.6 Among the minimum number of credits to be earned

by a student to complete a Post Graduate Degree
program (100/64 credits), the student will have to earn
minimum 75% credits from the parent Department
(subject) and the remaining up to 25 % credits could be
earned from the parent Department (subject) or any
subject/s of any faculty conducted at other PG
Department/ PG Center. In any case, a student will have
to earn compulsory credits from the parent Department
(subject) over and above.
3. Examination Rules
3.1 Assessment shall consist of CA-Continuous
assessment and ESE(ETE)-End of Semester(Term)
Examination with an equal weightage of 50%.
3.2 The concerned teacher is responsible for conduct
and evaluation towards CA and shall announce at the
beginning of the course about the mechanisms under
which CA would take place. However, the ESE (ETE)
shall cover the entire syllabus prescribed for that course.
3.3 The CA towards 50% marks will be a continuous
activity and at least two written tests (for 60-80% marks
out of CA marks) must be conducted in addition to at
least two following mechanisms (for 20-40% marks out
of CA marks) for a full course of 4/5 credits.
Journal/Lecture/Library notes, Short Quizzes, Seminar
presentation, Assignments, Extension Work, An Open Book Test
(book to be decided by the concerned teacher), Mini Research
Project by an individual student or a group of students
A teacher may devise a mechanism other than
written test in addition to above in order to flourish the
course contents.
a) It is mandatory for a teacher to hand over the assessed
answer sheets to the respective students well before the
commencement of the ESE (ETE).
b) It is also mandatory to declare the score gained by all
the students in a course towards CA on the notice board
duly signed by the concerned teacher of the course and
the HoD/Principal/Director.
3.4 ESE (ETE) for the remaining 50% marks will be
conducted by SPPU.

3.5 A student has to obtain 40 % marks taken

together of CA and ESE (ETE) with a minimum
of 30% in each of these separately.

3.6 A student will have to obtain a minimum

aggregate of 40% marks in each course to be
counted for the minimum number of credits
required for the completion of the program.

3.7 If a student misses an internal assessment

examination he/she will have a second chance
with the endorsement of the
HoD/Principal/Director in consultation with the
concerned teacher. Such a second chance shall
not be the right of the student.

3.8 a) If a student is declared as “PASS” in a course

(Grade other than F), then the student cannot
choose/reappear that course unless appearing
ESE (ETE) only.
CA is not available for a course in which
the student has been declared as “PASS”.
b) If a student is declared as “FAIL” (Grade F) in
a course, then the student is allowed to choose
such a course, with CA and ESE (ETE) both,
only in a semester in which the course is
conducted, irrespective of the previous score in
Otherwise, the student may appear only
for ESE (ETE) in that course in any of the
following/forthcoming semester, provided that
the student has scored at least 15% of the total
100% (or 30% of the 50% of the total marks) in
X = 100%
CA score ESE/ ETE CA+ Result
≥15% of X ≥15% of X ≥40% of X PASS/Earned Credits
with Grade
≥15% of X ≥15% of X <40% of X FAIL/No Credits Earned

Y = Course,
Odd-Sem = First Half/Semester of an Academic Year
Even-Sem = Second Half/Semester of an Academic Year
Semester Status Future scope for improvement in Y
in which Y of the Y
is for a
conducted student
FAIL The student can appear for ESE (ETE) in
any subsequent semester, provided the
student has scored≥15% of X.
The student can choose/register Y with
CA and ESE (ETE) both in an Odd-Sem.
FAIL The student can appear for ESE (ETE) in
any subsequent semester, provided the
student has scored≥15% of X.
The student can choose/register Y with
CA and ESE (ETE) both in an Even-
c) In case of 3.8(b), the maximum duration
available to register/reappear for a course will be as
# 2 years PG Program – Up to 4 (four) years
(i.e. if a student is registered/admitted for first
semester in 2013-14, then the student is
allowed to register/reappear up to second
semester in 2016-17)
# 3 years PG Program – Up to 5 (five) years
(i.e. if a student is registered/admitted for first
semester in 2013-14, then the student is
allowed to register/reappear up to second
semester in 2017-18)

d) In the case of 3.8(b), the number of attempts

(excluding registered for first time) available to
register/reappear for the course would be 3(three) only,
subject to 3.8(c).
e) In an exceptional case, if there are sufficient
number of students who wish to register for a course for
CA and ESE (ETE) both in which they are failed, then
such a course can be conducted in the immediate
following semester only, in addition to the courses
conducted in that semester. However, there cannot be
more than two such courses at a time in that semester.

3.9 The student will be finally declared as failed if

the minimum numbers of credits are not earned
within a total period of Four and Five years
respectively for 2 years PG Program and 3 years
PG Program. After that, such a student will have
to seek fresh admission as per the admission rules
prevailing at that time.

3.10 A student cannot register for the third/fourth

semester, if she/he fails to complete 50% credits
of the total credits expected to be ordinarily
completed within two semesters.

3.11 There shall be a revaluation of the answer scripts

of ESE (ETE) as per Ordinance No.134 A & B,
but not of CA.

3.12 While marks will be given for all examinations,

they will be converted into grades. The Semester
End Grade sheets will be generated by using
marks and grades and the final grade sheets and
transcripts shall have grade points average and
total percentage of marks (up to two decimal
points). The final grade sheet will also indicate
the PG Department/Center to which the candidate
is registered.
4. Assessment and Grade Point Average

4.1 The system of evaluation will be as follows: Each

CA and ESE (ETE) will be evaluated in terms of
marks. The marks for CA and ESE (ETE) will be
added to convert into a grade and later a grade point
average. There is no grade independently for CA or

4.2 Result of a student will be declared for each semester

after the ESE (ETE) only.

4.3 The student will get a Grade Sheet with total grades
earned and a Grade Point Average, after earning the
minimum number of credits towards the completion
of a PG program (subject to 3.9).

4.4 Marks/Grade/Grade Point w.e.f. AY 2015-16

(10 Point Scale):
Marks Grade Grade Point
80-100 O: Outstanding 10
70-79 A+: Excellent 9
60-69 A: Very Good 8
55-59 B+: Good 7
50-54 B: Above Average 6
45-49 C: Average 5
40-44 P: Pass 4
0-39 F: Fail 0
- Ab: Absent 0
Following will be applicable for all those who are admitted
before the AY 2015-16 till they complete the PG program
(subject to 3.9).

Marks Grade Grade Point

100 to 75 O: Outstanding 06
74 to 65 A: Very Good 05
64 to 55 B: Good 04
54 to 50 C: Average 03
49 to 45 D: Satisfactory 02
44 to 40 E: Pass 01
39 to 0 F: Fail 00

4.5 Final Grade w.e.f. the AY 2015-16 (10 Point Scale):

Grade Point
09.00 – 10.00 O
08.50 – 09.00 A+
07.50 – 08.49 A
06.50 – 07.49 B+
05.50 – 06.49 B
04.25 – 05.49 C
04.00 – 04.24 P
00.00 – 03.99 F
Remark: B+ is equivalent to 55% marks and B is
equivalent to 50% marks.
Following will be applicable for all those who are admitted
before the AY 2015-16 till they complete the PG program
(subject to 3.9).

Grade Point
05.00-6.00 O
04.50-04.99 A
03.50-04.49 B
02.50-03.49 C
01.50-02.49 D
00.50-01.49 E
00.00-00.49 F

4.7 ‘B’ Grade is equivalent to atleast 55% of the

marks as per circular No.UGC- 1298/[4619]UNI-
4 dated December 11, 1999. (Not applicable for
10 point scale)

4.8 A seven point grade system [guided by the

Government of Maharashtra Resolution No.
NGV-1298/[4619]/UNI.4 dt. December 11, 1999
and the University regulations] will he followed
uniformly for Science, Arts, Mental, Moral and
Social Sciences. The corresponding grade table is
detailed in II.14 above.(not appplicale for 10
point scale)

4.9 If the GPA is higher than the indicated upper

limit in the three decimal digit, then higher final
grade will be awarded (e.g. a student getting
GPA of 4.492 may be awarded ‘A’ grade). (Not
applicable for 10 point scale)

4.10 There will be only final compilation and

moderation at GPA (Final) level done at the
Department. While declaring the result, the
existing relevant ordinances are applicable. There
is also a provision for verification and
revaluation, subject to the applicable rules at that
point of time.

4.11 For grade improvement, 2 year program student

will have to reappear for ESE (ETE) only in the
courses comprising a minimum of 30 credits in
case of Science, Engineering, Technology,
Management and Pharmacy; 20 credits for other
faculties and 12 credits in case of one year degree
program. These courses will be from the parent
Department only in which the student has earned
the credits. A student can opt for the Grade
Improvement Program only after the declaration
of earning minimum number of credits and
completion of the PG Program (subject to 3.9)
within the period of two years from the
completion of program.

4.12 The formula for GPA will be based on Weighted

Average. The final GPA will not be printed
unless a student passes courses for the minimum
100 credits, 80 credits or 64 credits as the case
may be.
4.13 The description for the grades is as follows:

O: Outstanding: Excellent analysis of the topic, (80%

and above)

Accurate knowledge of the primary material, wide range

of reading, logical development of ideas, originality in
approaching the subject, Neat and systematic
organization of content, elegant and lucid style;

A+ : Excellent : Excellent analysis of the topic (70 to

79%) Accurate knowledge of the primary material,
acquaintance with seminal publications, logical
development of ideas, Neat and systematic organization
of content, effective and clear expression;

A: Very Good: Good analysis and treatment of the topic

(60 to 69%) Almost accurate knowledge of the primary
material, acquaintance with seminal publications,
logical development of ideas, Fair and systematic
organization of content, effective and clear expression;

B+: Good: Good analysis and treatment of the topic (55

to 59%)
Basic knowledge of the primary material, logical
development of ideas, Neat and systematic
organization of content, effective and clear expression;
B: Above Average: Some important points covered (50
to 54%)

Basic knowledge of the primary material, logical

development of ideas, Neat and systematic
organization of content, good language or expression;

C: Average: Some points discussed (45 to 49%)

Basic knowledge of the primary material, some

organization, acceptable language or expression;

P: Pass: Any two of the above (40 to 44%)

F: Fail: None of the above (0 to 39%)

4.14 One credit is equivalent to 20-25 marks for

evaluation purpose.
4.15 There will be an evaluation of each course by
students at the end of every semester. (Sample
format enclosed for course evaluation by students)
Relevant circulars from which these rules are compiled
and modified
· 187/2001 (12-7-2001) for both M. A. and M. Sc.
· 168/2002 (14-6-2002) & CBH/5422 of 29-8-2002 in
continuation of 168/2002 for Social sciences and
· 125/2004 (22-3-2004) addition to 168of 2002
· 296/ 2006 (5-8-2006) for all departments
5. Modus Operandi of Evaluation under
Credit System- 2 years programs
5.1 Each regular student will normally appear for all
the 25% credits in a semester out of the minimum
number of credits required to obtain a degree.

5.2 A student who wishes to register to the third

/fourth semester should have gained at least 50%
credits out of the total number of credits offered at
the first and second semester of the first year.

5.3 Evaluation of each credit will be in two parts,

namely CA and ESE (ETE).

5.4 A course may be of 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 credits.

5.5 The evaluation of a course means the evaluation

of total number of credits of that course. As such,
all the credits taken together of a particular course
will be evaluated in two parts CA and ESE (ETE).

5.6 Weightage for CA would be 50% and for ESE

(ETE) would be 50%.

5.7 A course will be evaluated in the form of 50 marks

for CA and 50 marks for ESE (ETE).

5.8 A student will gain all the credits of a course after

having obtained minimum 40 marks from
CA(minimum 15 out of 50) and ESE (ETE)
(minimum 15 out of 50) taken together and will get
the respective grade and grade points in the
respective course. Otherwise, a student will get
grade F (Fail) in that respective course and will
not gain any credits or grade points towards that

5.9 CA: The teacher would evaluate a student

towards a course through interaction throughout
the semester which would include one or more
(but not less than 4 including compulsory written
test/s) of the following mechanisms with their
maximum weightage out of 50 marks and this
essentially enables the teacher to get positive
feedback about a student's overall
understanding/ability and in nutshell enhances the
teaching-learning process.
a. Written test – Max 2 with not more than 15
marks for each
b. Assignment – Max 2 with not more than 5
marks for each
c. Seminar presentation – 5 marks (not for all
the students)
d. Group discussion – 5 marks (not for all the
e. Extension work – 5 marks (not for all the
f. An open book test – 10 marks ( to be
conducted in a classroom for not more than
3 questions)
g. Report/Note on research paper/s or study
tours – 5 marks (not for all the students and
to be presented in the respective class)
• A teacher may propose any other mean
towards CA (other than written test) that
may suit for a particular course and
implement only after the approval of the
Departmental Committee constituted and
approved by the HoD/Principal/Director.

5.10 If a student could not attend the CA written test

due to some unavoidable reasons then the
teacher may consider a request for retest in
writing with furnishing the reason of absence.

5.11 If a student failed to gain the credits of any

course (declared F grade in that course) then the
student can reattempt the course with CA (if the
course is conducted in that semester) and ESE
(ETE) both or with ESE (ETE) only (if one has
scored 15 in CA) in the subsequent ESEs(ETEs)
(max. two such attempts) within a period of 4
years (5 for 3 years programs) from the date of
admission for the first semester.(subject to 3.9)

5.12 In case a student failed to earn the minimum

number of credits required for obtaining a degree
within the stipulated period of 4 years (5 years for
3 years programs) then such a student will be
declared INCOMPLETE EXIT and in such a case
the student can seek a fresh admission as per the
admission rules prevailing at that time.

5.13 The policies and procedures determined by

the SPPU from time to time will be followed for the
conduct of examinations and declaration of the
result of a candidate.

5.14 ESE (ETE): Each credit will be evaluated for a

maximum period of 45 minutes. The following
would be an outline for setting the question paper
for ESE(ETE).

Credits Duration Questions to be Number of Marks for

attempted Subquestions subquestions
1 45 min 1 out of 2 3 4+3+3 or
(for 2 questions) 5+3+2 or
2 90 min 3 out of 5 3 4+3+3 or
(for 3 questions) 5+3+2 or
2 5+5
(for 2 questions)
3 150 4 out of 6 2 4+3+3 or
min (for 4 questions) 5+3+2 or
2 5+5
(for 2 questions)
4/5 180 5 out of 8 3 4+3+3 or
min (for 6 questions) 5+3+2 or
2 5+5
(for 2 questions)
Note: A question paper for PG program course of 3/4/5
credits under any Faculty other than Science,
Engineering, Technology, Management and Pharmacy
may contain a question of 10 marks(1 out of 2) without
a subquestion.
a. The duration for the conduct of ESE(ETE) of a
practical course would be same as stipulated
in 5.13.
b. The outline of the distribution of maximum
marks for various aspects/mechanisms
towards CA is as follows:
• Journal – 10 marks
• Viva-voce at the time of submission of each
practical – 20 marks
• Group discussion of 5/6 students for testing the
understanding level of a student – 10 marks
• Attendance – 5 marks
• Additional practical work of indisciplinary
approach – 5 marks
c. At least three experiments should be asked for
the full course of 4/5 credits and at least two
for 2/3 credits.
d. Certified Journal would be compulsory to
appear for the ESE (ETE) practical course.
e. There shall be two experts from the parent
Department and two examiners (one of which
will be external) per batch.

5.16 If a student failed to obtain a grade other than

F in a course then such a course will not be taken
into account for calculating GPA and overall
grade. In fact, all the courses in which a student
has passed will be taken into account for
calculating the GPA and overall grade.
6 Modus Operandi of Evaluation under
Credit System- 3 years programs
MCA/MSc-Tech(IMCA)/3-year Programs:

1.0 All the points other than 5.1 and 5.2 above are
applicable to these programs also.

6.1 Each regular student will normally appear for all

the 25 credits in a semester. (For the program of
150 credits in Six semesters)

6.2 A student who wishes to register to the third

semester/fourth semester should have gained at
least 25 credits. (In case 50 credits offered per

6.3 A student will be considered to have “Completed”

the Internship/Industrial Training upon the
submission of certificate of completion, duly
signed and sealed, from the Organization where
the candidate worked during the Internship period.
In case a student failed to submit the required
certificate of completion duly signed by
mentor/Organization then the student will be
considered to have “Not Completed” the required
internship/industrial training at the time of the
declaration of the result. And hence such student
will have to undergo the complete training.

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