Ecc Mtss School Leadership Team
Ecc Mtss School Leadership Team
Ecc Mtss School Leadership Team
Carol Jewell Kelsey Koetje
Becky Swem Lisa VandeWaa
Kara Jones Bianca Edwards
Katie VanHaven Absent: Pete Geerling, Libbie Drake
SLT members will complete/work through as much of the implementation plan as we
can before the next KISD Training. Have the opportunity to add any additional additional
agenda items as needed.
● Do surveys
● Create Matrix
Day 2 - Notes from the KISD
DIT = District Implementation Team
Laurie Benson (facilitator #1) Carol Jewell
Kelsey Koetje Becky Swem - AB
Lisa VandeWaa (facilitator #2) Kara Jones (Note-taker)
Bianca Edwards Katie VanHaven -AB
Libbie Drake (time-keeper) Pete Geerling - AB
(#12) Involve teaching staff by giving input, teaching them that teaching behaviors is like
teaching reading and math, and create videos to help us teach all stakeholders.
(#13) Stakeholders will have a voice. We can put sticky posters up on the wall for
teachers to give ideas towards the matrix (use sticky notes), then later do the same with
the lesson plans. This gives everyone a voice and helps with buy-in and comfort level.
Put these posters up in the staff lounge for one week.
● Take all newly gathered information with stuff we created in the past (lesson
plans, aggressive matrix, non-aggressive matrix, behavior matrix, videos,
flowchart, etc.) and discuss how we want it to look now.
● Make necessary changes and additions for use in our building.
● Reteach behaviors as necessary through the year with classrooms and Tier 2
intervention groups.
(#14) Use language from True Success: grit, respect, gratitude to make lesson plans
with teachers.
● MTSS meets after data is collected to put lesson plans together with anyone who
wants to join.
● Give lesson plans and staff training during after school meetings. All staff
training on August 22nd.
● Implement the lesson plans during the first few weeks of school, as necessary
through the year, and after breaks.
● Parapro/other staff training will happen during Lisa’s March 12th professional
(#16) Work with the SWIS facilitator (Lisa will email Kristen Rice to figure out what to
Team Must-Do’s
● Stay positive when talking to staff
● Offer all staff input opportunities to help with buy-in
● Give data to staff at monthly meetings
● Celebrate successes as a staff (not individual)
February 21, 7am, Conference Room
Carol Jewell - AB Kelsey Koetje Libbie Drake - AB
Becky Swem - AB Lisa VandeWaa
Kara Jones Bianca Edwards
Katie VanHaven Pete Geerling - AB
Action Steps:
● Encourage attendance of at least 80%
Action Steps:
● Funding for staff for these extra meetings
● Family survey during conferences
● Student survey needs to be done soon
Action Steps:
● Create expectations sheet that we can post
● Not ready to post these expectations, but we will soon.
Tiered Fidelity Inventory - Tier 1.4
Score 0
Action Steps:
● Create lessons
● Inform staff (Prof. Dev. plan)
● TFI walk-through tool
Action Steps:
● We are doing True Success, but we need to add our MTSS
● Staff Training
● Revise Behavior Management Flow Chart
● Educate parents
Action Steps:
● Need administrator reports
● Staff needs to be clear on where/when to send kids to office
● Give staff the ability to step out of room when teacher feels “done”
Action Steps:
● Prof Dev calendar for next year
● Informal walk-throughs
Action Steps:
● Be on the same page with behavior management
● Create formal system
Action Steps:
● Formal system for reporting
● Used by 90% of all teachers
Action Steps:
● Revise our plan every 12 months
● Get SWIS
Action Steps:
● Get input from parents every 12 months
Action Steps:
● Get SWIS
● Reports able to be accessed by all
Action Steps:
● Get SWIS
● Meet monthly about data
Tiered Fidelity Inventory - Tier 1.14
Score 0
Action Steps:
● Get SWIS
● Evaluate annually
4. Acknowledgment
a. The behavior you attend to the most will be the one that you see more of
in the future
b. Positive reinforcement is the presentation of something pleasant or
rewarding immediately following a behavior that makes that behavior more
likely to occur in the future.
c. 5 ways that Positive Reinforcement is used in adult lives:
i. Every 2 weeks get paid, coming to work
d. Why Positive Acknowledgment is critical when implementing SWPBIS
i. People like being praised and noticed
ii. Making connections and students thrive that way
e. Contingent vs Non Contingent acknowledgement
i. Contingent: Acknowledging students upon demonstration of school
appropriate behavior (eg. Specific, directed to a student because of
a behavior or action)
ii. Non-Contingent: giving students time and attention just because
you value them as people.
iii. ** realize that this might be the only positive interaction that the
student will have all day**
iv. Look at Guidelines for acknowledgment and acknowledgment
systems on page 268 (in Bianca’s binder)
Carol Jewell - AB Kelsey Koetje
Becky Swem - AB Lisa VandeWaa
Kara Jones Bianca Edwards
Katie VanHaven - AB Pete Geerling
Libbie Drake - AB
GOLD Expectations
Chart is finished until teachers make suggestions
Rewards Discussion
*Monthly reward for anyone who does NOT have 4 orange/blue sheets in one month
-The amount of sheets can change based on teacher input
-The student should never know how many orange/blue sheets they have
*Still use the suckers with the green sheets that come up to the office
*Teachers need to give out more green sheets
Orange Sheets
*Need to have the data, so these sheets need to be given to office staff even if handled
in classroom
Next Steps:
1. Visit a successful PBiS school
a. Ask about what is working
b. What did they try that wasn’t working?
2. Pete will be talking to PBiS rep next Monday
3. Pete will go over the PBiS GOLD expectations at Friday’s meeting 13th
a. Teachers will have optional opportunities to provide feedback
b. Lisa will be at First Aid training
May 10th, 7am, Conference Room
Carol Jewell Kelsey Koetje
Lisa VandeWaa Kara Jones
Pete Geerling Katie VanHaven
Action Steps:
● Lesson Plans for behavior training
○ We need to work on these to help teachers have resources...
● Pete and Bianca will come up with a schedule for training at the beginning of the
● School-wide introduction of our expectation chart
○ Pete/Lisa/Bianca will have recap Break-out sessions for different areas of
the curriculum Aug 15th
■ 1 hour for each session
● Calendar of 2018-19 MTSS Celebration Assemblies
(for all students who do not get 4 orange sheets between celebrations)
Bianca Edwards Lisa VandeWaa Kara Jones
Action Steps:
● Lessons need to be created for next year (take some from True Success
● Referral sheet instead of orange sheet (rubric needs to be changed)
○ Needs to be easy for Bianca to enter into SWIS