Ecc Mtss School Leadership Team

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MTSS School Leadership Team

Agenda & Notes

February 6, 7am, Room 204

Carol Jewell Kelsey Koetje
Becky Swem Lisa VandeWaa
Kara Jones Bianca Edwards
Katie VanHaven Absent​: Pete Geerling, Libbie Drake

Roles/Responsibilities for the Meeting:

❖ Facilitator - Lisa VandeWaa
❖ Data Analyst - Bianca Edwards
❖ Minutes/notes taker - Kara Jones
❖ Time Keeper - Carol Jewell
❖ Active Participants - Becky Swem, Kelsey Koetje

SLT members will complete/work through as much of the implementation plan as we
can before the next KISD Training. Have the opportunity to add any additional additional
agenda items as needed.

Review Meeting Agenda:

1. What is our compelling WHY?
a. Create a positive and inviting environment
b. Increase time on task (more instructional time)
c. Safe environment for staff and students
d. Consistent high expectations with students, staff, families, community K-5
e. Create intrinsic motivation for children to participate
2. Complete the Organizing Your School Leadership Team for Success
a. Submit it to the DIT
b. Team meetings are set for the rest of the year. Feb 12, March 12, April 9,
May 14 at PLT
c. Updates will be given at staff meetings and/or by team leads on ERF.
d. Decisions will be made by team consensus, if there is no consensus than
Administrator will make final decision.
e. Team Member Roles - defined and set
f. Team Norms:
i. Student Centered
ii. Converse Attentively and Respectfully
iii. Listen with Optimism
iv. Assume Positive Intentions
v. Respectful Meeting Skills (avoid distractions such as cell phones,
computers, class work/lesson planning, etc)
vi. Feel Comfortable Putting Ideas on the Table
vii. Being Realistic/Honest
viii. Action Oriented (w/ follow through)
g. How are staff’s barriers for implementation going to be handled?
i. Team Leads
ii. Sydney will check to see if MIBLSI has any ideas for how to handle
these. Lisa will check with Sydney on what she finds
3. Review results from expectation survey
a. Original date to close is Friday, February 2.
b. Lisa will get expectations from GEL, maybe send to team
c. Come with acronym ideas by next meeting.
d. Sydney will ask Leela and Dave Blok to share the survey on Facebook.
4. Complete items 1-9 on the Implementation Checklist
a. Lisa and Libbie will present on February 12th to Staff.
b. Shawndryka Moore will be our parent liaison.
c. How should we communicate between MTSS team and staff?
i. 10 minute blocks at each staff meeting.
ii. Team leads at ERF
d. Staff/family/student climate survey
I. Lisa to do staff survey
Ii. Becky and Carol to do student survey
Iii. Bianca to do parents at PTC
Iii. complete and ready to analyze by next ISD mtg on Feb 15
e. Next Meeting: February 21 at 7:15am -
f. Must decide and fill out our TFI (tier fidelity inventory). ​(February 27)
g. WHY will be decided at next meeting.

Decisions and Important Details:

● Do surveys
● Create Matrix
Day 2 - Notes from the KISD
DIT = District Implementation Team
Laurie Benson (facilitator #1) Carol Jewell
Kelsey Koetje Becky Swem - AB
Lisa VandeWaa (facilitator #2) Kara Jones (Note-taker)
Bianca Edwards Katie VanHaven -AB
Libbie Drake (time-keeper) Pete Geerling - AB

Big Ideas from Day #1

Why are we doing MTSS for behavior?
Look at how ​we can change​ what we do to support our kids

Staff Meeting Discussion​ (from 2-12-18)

-Seemed like most were willing at the ECC (not at Godfrey)
-Buy-in is important
-Punishment vs. consequence (reinforce bad or good behavior)
-Need a “​support plan​” instead of a “​behavior plan​”

Why do a School-wide Behavior Matrix?

● Focus
○ School has 5 or less short expectations
● Common Language
○ Concise and positive language
● Clarification
● Foundation
Our purpose statement: A structure of reinforceable expectations for all to pursue

G​ive respect to all

O​wn Our Actions
L​ead with Integrity
D​o Our Very Best
Go for the Gold!
*Involve stakeholders (staff, parents, students) in the creation of the matrix

(#12) Involve teaching staff by giving input, teaching them that teaching behaviors is like
teaching reading and math, and create videos to help us teach all stakeholders.

(#13) Stakeholders will have a voice. We can put sticky posters up on the wall for
teachers to give ideas towards the matrix (use sticky notes), then later do the same with
the lesson plans. This gives everyone a voice and helps with buy-in and comfort level.
Put these posters up in the staff lounge for one week.
● Take all newly gathered information with stuff we created in the past (​lesson
plans​, ​aggressive matrix​, ​non-aggressive matrix​, ​behavior matrix​, videos,
flowchart​, etc.) and discuss how we want it to look now.
● Make necessary changes and additions for use in our building.
● Reteach behaviors as necessary through the year with classrooms and Tier 2
intervention groups.

(#14) Use language from True Success: grit, respect, gratitude to make lesson plans
with teachers.
● MTSS meets after data is collected to put lesson plans together with anyone who
wants to join.
● Give lesson plans and staff training during after school meetings. All staff
training on August 22nd.
● Implement the lesson plans during the first few weeks of school, as necessary
through the year, and after breaks.
● Parapro/other staff training will happen during Lisa’s March 12th professional

(#15) Complete Tier #1 of the TFI - Do this at the SLT meeting

(#16) Work with the SWIS facilitator (​Lisa​ will email Kristen Rice to figure out what to

(#17) Develop discipline referral form

● We have one already made at ECC

(#18) Deepen staff knowledge around supervision -

● PD with paras
● Practice opportunities
● Review with teachers before year starts
○ Lisa​ will talk to Pete about a PLT 10 minute time frame where she can
show video

(#19) Create a plan with staff for monitoring expectations

● Go over data at Monday PLT meetings so we can figure out where the problem
areas are and how we can cover them

Team Must-Do’s
● Stay positive when talking to staff
● Offer all staff input opportunities to help with buy-in
● Give data to staff at monthly meetings
● Celebrate successes as a staff (not individual)

February 21, 7am, Conference Room

Carol Jewell - AB Kelsey Koetje Libbie Drake - AB
Becky Swem - AB Lisa VandeWaa
Kara Jones Bianca Edwards
Katie VanHaven Pete Geerling - AB

Tiered Fidelity Inventory - Tier 1.1

Score 1
*Exists with all identified members of the team.

Action Steps:
● Encourage attendance of at least 80%

Tiered Fidelity Inventory - Tier 1.2

Score 1
*Regular meeting times, agenda, minutes, take notes, & have action plans

Action Steps:
● Funding for staff for these extra meetings
● Family survey during conferences
● Student survey needs to be done soon

Tiered Fidelity Inventory - Tier 1.3

Score 1

Action Steps:
● Create expectations sheet that we can post
● Not ready to post these expectations, but we will soon.
Tiered Fidelity Inventory - Tier 1.4
Score 0

Action Steps:
● Create lessons
● Inform staff (Prof. Dev. plan)
● TFI walk-through tool

Tiered Fidelity Inventory - Tier 1.5

Score 1

Action Steps:
● We are doing True Success, but we need to add our MTSS
● Staff Training
● Revise Behavior Management Flow Chart
● Educate parents

Tiered Fidelity Inventory - Tier 1.6

Score 1

Action Steps:
● Need administrator reports
● Staff needs to be clear on where/when to send kids to office
● Give staff the ability to step out of room when teacher feels “done”

Tiered Fidelity Inventory - Tier 1.7

Score 0

Action Steps:
● Prof Dev calendar for next year
● Informal walk-throughs

Tiered Fidelity Inventory - Tier 1.8

Score 0

Action Steps:
● Be on the same page with behavior management
● Create formal system

Tiered Fidelity Inventory - Tier 1.9

Score 0

Action Steps:
● Formal system for reporting
● Used by 90% of all teachers

Tiered Fidelity Inventory - Tier 1.10

Score 0

Action Steps:
● Revise our plan every 12 months
● Get SWIS

Tiered Fidelity Inventory - Tier 1.11

Score 0

Action Steps:
● Get input from parents every 12 months

Tiered Fidelity Inventory - Tier 1.12

Score 0

Action Steps:
● Get SWIS
● Reports able to be accessed by all

Tiered Fidelity Inventory - Tier 1.13

Score 0

Action Steps:
● Get SWIS
● Meet monthly about data
Tiered Fidelity Inventory - Tier 1.14
Score 0

Action Steps:
● Get SWIS
● Evaluate annually

Next mtg March 12 at PLT

Becky to do survey prior to mtg
Bianca to do survey at conferences
Lisa to set out dot thingy
Kara & Katie to stay awesome LOL! That shouldn’t be a problem

Day 3 @ KISD- March 6, 2018 

Present: Laurie Benson, Kelsey, Libbie, Lisa, Carol, Katie, Becky, Pete, Bianca
Absent: Kara

1. Summarize big idea slides from previous sessions:

a. Staff Buy in and expectations are critical
b. What is and what is not SWPBIS.
c. When done correctly SWPBIS will increase academic intervention time
d. Adult behavior must change in a systematic manner
e. Understanding the why
f. Use data for decision making
g. Identifying school-wide expectations
h. Monitor expected behavior
i. Examine school climate
j. Identify and define behavior expectations and teach expectations

2. Two measures for Decision Making

a. Fidelity
i. Fidelity is a threshold not a continuum
ii. Changes in student outcomes will not be evident until
implementation is to fidelity
1. Monitors SWPBIS implementation efforts
2. Identifies accomplishments
3. Identifies needs for action planning
iv. PBIS Installation checklist
1. Keep us on track -different than the TFI
v. Tier 1 Scale Score
1. Allows team to set up SMART objectives
2. Target for TIER 1 Scale Score is 70% or higher
3. Will have to do the TFI again in the fall
4. 23% right now at the ECC for Tier 1
5. SMART goal- increase our Tier 1 score to 70% by increasing
the frequency of MTSS Leadership meetings and
attendance, having clear expectations of implementation and
consistent understanding of MTSS systems and supports.
a. Delegate tasks in SLT meetings?
6. Will be looking at our TFI & SMART objectives 3 times a
vi. Communicating with your DIT
1. Share our school’s MTSS Implemention Plan with the DIT --
Libbie & Pete
2. Will share our Tier 1 score with school staff in May.
3. Invite school parapro’s and other school employees and
stakeholders to that meeting to provide content and review
our action steps and plans.

3. Adolescent Brain and development

a. Students’ brains are still developing and connections are being formed
b. How does knowing about the adolescent brain impact our implementation
i. Expectations need to be appropriate for age,
ii. Clear expectations
iii. Recognizing their brain’s limitations
c. What considerations are important regarding acknowledgment?
i. Students are impulsive
ii. They may not understand that there are consequences for their
iii. Teaching teachers to understand the brain of a child and their
d. What considerations are important regarding making corrections or
applying negative consequences?
i. Using consequences as teaching moments not punitive

4. Acknowledgment
a. The behavior you attend to the most will be the one that you see more of
in the future
b. Positive reinforcement is the presentation of something pleasant or
rewarding immediately following a behavior that makes that behavior more
likely to occur in the future.
c. 5 ways that Positive Reinforcement is used in adult lives:
i. Every 2 weeks get paid, coming to work
d. Why Positive Acknowledgment is critical when implementing SWPBIS
i. People like being praised and noticed
ii. Making connections and students thrive that way
e. Contingent vs Non Contingent acknowledgement
i. Contingent: Acknowledging students upon demonstration of school
appropriate behavior (eg. Specific, directed to a student because of
a behavior or action)
ii. Non-Contingent: giving students time and attention just because
you value them as people.
iii. ** realize that this might be the only positive interaction that the
student will have all day**
iv. Look at Guidelines for acknowledgment and acknowledgment
systems on page 268 (in Bianca’s binder)

f. What is “rewarding” for students

i. Getting students involved in the process
ii. What are they interested in?
iii. ISF Enhancement
1. 1.9 on TFI
a. Take mental health into consideration
b. Not all students find public praise rewarding
iv. Critical features Checklist: Acknowledgement system (pg. 273)
1. Create ideas/ drafts for other school staff to vote on so that
they feel like they are important in the process.
2. For March 12:
a. Discuss how and when to share expectations with
staff (Godfrey will take 10-15 minutes of every staff
meeting to talk about MTSS- is this something we
could do?)
b. Table set up at open house to describe to parents our
MTSS efforts
c. Folders that have the information on them.
d. IDEA: Teachers have their name on the green slips
already so that she is forced to find something good
on each student in her class
e. Activity 4.2 on pg 281 -creating a poster to share with
staff about exclusionary and punitive practices and
the science of behavior (Implementation plan Item
f. Checklist: Correcting behavior errors pg. 301
g. Develop a continuum of responses to behavior that
are inappropriate for school (Implementation Plan

g. Consistent Response System

i. Punishment doesn't work
ii. Taking students out of class who are disruptive just encourages
other students to do the same behavior that got the other student
iii. Punishment may appear to “work” in the short term because it
temporary removes students and provides relief to the other people
in the room
iv. Look at vicious cycle of reinforcing misbehavior (use for teaching
teachers) pg.281
1. Look at non-example response to behavior pg. 281
a. Helpful examples for staff PD’s
b. Pg. 282 - look at slide 97 to assist with teaching and
reinforcing that 80% will get it.
v. “Using Additional Consequences” pg 290
1. This is used for students that are not responding to other

5. Planning for Kick-off

a. Kick-off assembly - done first day of school in the fall - don't annually
i. Introducing school wide expectations and acknowledgment system
ii. Designated time for teaching expectations during the first day
b. Planning the last to-do’s
i. Finalize development of all components
1. Behavior matrix
2. Lesson plans
3. Acknowledgment system
4. Continuum of response
ii. Plan Kick-off assembly
iii. Order, create, gather all materials needed to kick-off and start
implementation of SWPBIS

April 9th, 3:20pm

Meet in Pete’s office

Carol Jewell - AB Kelsey Koetje
Becky Swem - AB Lisa VandeWaa
Kara Jones Bianca Edwards
Katie VanHaven - AB Pete Geerling
Libbie Drake - AB

GOLD Expectations
Chart is finished until teachers make suggestions

Rewards Discussion
*Monthly reward for anyone who does NOT have 4 orange/blue sheets in one month
-The amount of sheets can change based on teacher input
-The student should never know how many orange/blue sheets they have
*Still use the suckers with the green sheets that come up to the office
*Teachers need to give out more green sheets

Orange Sheets
*Need to have the data, so these sheets need to be given to office staff even if handled
in classroom

Next Steps​:
1. Visit a successful PBiS school
a. Ask about what is working
b. What did they try that wasn’t working?
2. Pete will be talking to PBiS rep next Monday
3. Pete will go over the PBiS GOLD expectations at Friday’s meeting 13th
a. Teachers will have optional opportunities to provide feedback
b. Lisa will be at First Aid training
May 10th, 7am, Conference Room

Carol Jewell Kelsey Koetje
Lisa VandeWaa Kara Jones
Pete Geerling Katie VanHaven

2018 - 2019 Plans for MTSS execution

*Exists with all identified members of the team.

Action Steps:
● Lesson Plans for behavior training
○ We need to work on these to help teachers have resources...
● Pete and Bianca will come up with a schedule for training at the beginning of the
● School-wide introduction of our expectation chart
○ Pete/Lisa/Bianca will have recap Break-out sessions for different areas of
the curriculum Aug 15th
■ 1 hour for each session

● Calendar of 2018-19 MTSS Celebration Assemblies
(for all students who do not get 4 orange sheets between celebrations)

○ Aug - Kick-off to MTSS (Water Day - Thurs/Aug 30th) ​Fire Truck

○ Sept 21 - (Respect - LF) ​Giant Bubble Party
○ Oct 19- (Responsibility) ​Pumpkin Rolling
○ Nov 30 - (Gratitude) ​Cookie Decorating
○ Dec 14- (Self Control) ​Decorate the teacher ​(Christmas trees)
○ Jan 11- (Grit) ​Paper Snow Ball Fight/Paper Snowflakes
○ Feb 27- (Courage) ​Sledding
○ March 22 - (Encouragement) ​Game Day
○ Apr 19- (Compassion) ​Jump Rope Contest/Tug-of-war Class Contest
○ May 17- (Integrity) ​Tape the Principal to the Wall
The whole point of PBIS is that your negative behavior is not tied to a lingering
thing ie celebrations, it is not a lingering thing (you have a consequence right
then) Your positive behavior is what earns celebrations.

May 17th, 7am, Conference Room

Bianca Edwards Lisa VandeWaa Kara Jones

Action Steps:
● Lessons need to be created for next year (take some from True Success
● Referral sheet instead of orange sheet (rubric needs to be changed)
○ Needs to be easy for Bianca to enter into SWIS

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