Generator Ratings

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Onsite power systems perform at maximum capability only when its
generator sets are sized to the appropriate load for an application.

Proper specification of a power system in accordance with a generator set’s

ratings and the specific application will ensure the required performance over
the lifespan of the generator set, providing maximum value to the customer.
Ratings such as total power output, running time, load factors and emissions
regulations must be defined for every installation. In addition, while all
manufacturers comply with most industry basic standards, some rate their
generator sets in ways that require careful consideration.

There are four types of ratings that must be This array of ratings and standards can
considered when specifying a generator set for complicate the selection of the most appropriate
an application: generator set for a given application. This paper
will review the various ratings available from
// Industry standard ratings manufacturers and provide a guide to specifying
ISO-8528-1:2005 is an industry standard that the best power system solution.
defines the performance parameters required
in various onsite power applications. INDUSTRY STANDARD RATINGS
// Manufacturers’ ratings ISO-8528-1:2005 defines basic generator set
Certain manufacturers have ratings that exceed rating categories based on four operational
ISO-8528-1:2005 standards or take exception to categories: Emergency Standby Power (ESP),
certain operating parameters. Prime Power (PRP), Limited-Time Running Prime
(LTP) and Continuous Power (COP). In each
// Governmental emissions ratings category, a generator set’s rating is determined by
For example, the U.S. Environmental Protection maximum allowable power output in relation to
Agency (EPA) has environmental ratings and running time and the load profile. Misapplication
regulations for generator sets that vary by of the ratings can jeopardize longevity of the
drive engine horsepower and application. generator set, void manufacturers’ warranties
or in rare instances risk catastrophic failure.
// Custom industry ratings
Various organizations and industry segments
have created custom ratings to fit particular
operational needs.

©2017/ // / MTU Onsite Energy


Here is a detailed look at each operational rating Prime Power (PRP) Limited-Time Running Prime (LTP)
category as defined in the standard. Generator sets rated for prime power are Generator sets rated for limited-time running
designed for supplying electric power in lieu of prime are typically designed for supplying
Emergency Standby Power (ESP) commercially purchased power from a utility. electric power to utility as part of a financial
The emergency standby rating is the most This type of generator set supplies power for arrangement. LTP applications include load
commonly applied rating and represents the temporary use, as well as applications that are management, peak shaving, interruptible rate,
maximum amount of power that a generator set typically remote from a utility grid, such as load curtailment and cogeneration.
is capable of delivering. An ESP generator set wilderness outposts, remote mining, quarrying
is normally used to supply emergency power or petroleum exploration operations. // 
ISO-8528-1 states that a LTP-rated generator
to a facility in the event of a utility outage until set must provide power for up to 500 hours
power is restored. // ISO-8528-1
states that a PRP-rated generator per year with the maintenance intervals and
set must provide power for an unlimited procedures being carried out as prescribed by
// ISO-8528-1 states that an ESP-rated generator number of hours per year under the agreed the manufacturers.
set must provide power for the duration of operating conditions with the maintenance
// The
LTP rating dictates no requirement for
the outage, with maintenance intervals and intervals and procedures being carried out as
procedures being carried out as prescribed prescribed by the manufacturers. overload capacity.
by the manufacturers. The ISO standard gives
//  // ISO-8528-1 allows the 24-hour average load
no limit to run time in the event of a utility Because the PRP rating is less than the ESP
rating, overload capacity is typically available factor to be up to the full LTP rating.
power outage. Because the ESP rating is the
maximum amount of power that the generator for the PRP rating. This is commonly used for
Continuous Power (COP)
set is capable of delivering, no overload electrical regulation purposes, but not dictated
The continuous power rating is used for
capacity is available for the ESP rating. ISO- by the ISO standard.
applications without a source for utility power,
8528-1 limits the 24-hour average load factor relying upon the generator set to supply a
ISO-8528-1 limits the 24-hour average load
to 70 percent of the nameplate ESP rating. constant load for an unlimited number of hours
factor to 70 percent of the nameplate PRP
However, an individual engine manufacturer annually. These applications, such as remote
rating. Similar to the ESP rating, an individual
can authorize a higher 24-hour average load power stations, typically use multiple generator
engine manufacturer can authorize a higher
factor at its discretion. sets to achieve a constant load, which is also
24-hour average load factor at its discretion.
known in the industry as a “baseload power
For example, all MTU engines in MTU Onsite
station.” The base load is the minimum amount
Energy’s ESP-rated generator sets are approved
of power that a utility must make available to
for an 85 percent 24-hour average load factor.
meet its customers’ demands for power.
This higher load factor increases the 24-hour
average available generator capacity by 15
// ISO-8528-1 states that a COP-rated generator
percent over the ISO standard. The increased
set must provide power for an unlimited
load factor can reduce the size or quantity of
number of hours per year under the agreed
generators, which minimizes the total cost of
operating conditions with the maintenance
intervals and procedures being carried out
as prescribed by the manufacturers.

// No overload is dictated by the ISO standard.

// Similarto the LTP rating, ISO-8528-1 allows

the 24-hour average load factor to be up to
the full COP rating, or 100%, unless otherwise
agreed by the manufacturer.

©2017/ // / MTU Onsite Energy



3,100 kW 3,000 kW

100 kW 100 kW


AC motor AC motor
Power not

Generator set Scope of Supply Generator set Scope of Supply

Example 1. Generator set with electronically driven cooling fan Example 1. Generator set with electronically driven cooling fan

3,000 kW

When comparing various generator sets,

it is important to evaluate them based on
net power output.

Generator set Scope of Supply

Example 2. Generator set with mechanically driven cooling fan

MANUFACTURERS’ RATINGS Without the cooling fan power draw, the Load Factor
generator set’s power rating is derived from the Load factor is commonly misunderstood in
Some manufacturers deviate from the ISO gross power output since some of the published the industry, since generator sets are
8525-1 ratings in order to best fit their customer power output will have to be used by the commonly known as their maximum
requirements, performance capabilities or generator set to sustain its own operation. If the application (nameplate) rating. As generator
maintenance schedules. Four of the most cooling package’s fan power draw is subtracted set technology progressed, the equipment
common confusion points are net power versus from the generator set’s output, this rating is was required to run harder than in the past.
gross power output, overload capability, load considered the net power output. This can be Generator manufacturers used the average
factor and maximum run time allowed. thought of in terms of a salary, where gross pay load factor as described by ISO-8528 as a
is the amount prior to tax withholdings, and key assumption to establish their
Gross Power Output versus Net Power Output net pay is the “take-home” amount after taxes. maintenance schedules.
Most generator manufacturers offer remote- When comparing genset ratings, it is important
cooled generator set versions designed to allow to evaluate them based on the complete system When comparing products with different
a third party to supply the cooling package. power output. published load factors, it’s important to consider
This gives the system designer more flexibility some of the advantages of a generator set with
as it allows for the cooling package to be Overload Capability a higher published load factor. In the past, a
mounted remotely in a different location than Historically, the PRP generator set output was simple, single-step, generator set loading
the generator set, which can be beneficial for less than the ESP rating, and this would allow method was often used. It typically had the
some installations. Since a third party provides an overload capability to be utilized. For PRP- highest power requirement for the generator
the cooling package, the cooling fan power draw rated units, this is commonly advertised as the set, and consequently the generator set size
is often not considered as part of the complete 10% overload capability for some amount of was dictated by this rating. This is known as
system’s power output. time. For MTU powered generator sets, the your “starting power requirement.” In these
10% overload is available for one hour out of system designs, the average power requirement
every 12 hours, up to 87 hours per year. Other of the generator set after the initial loading
generator set manufacturers state that this (called the “running power requirement”) was
one-hour overload can only be used up to typically 40-60% of the nameplate rating which
25 hours per year. follows the 70% guideline from ISO-8528.

©2017/ // / MTU Onsite Energy



Scenario 1. 550 kW generator set, 50% Load Factor, Scenario 2. 400 kW generator set, 69% Load Factor, Scenario 3. 350 kW generator set, 79% Load Factor,
25 HP motors (6) started across the line with 150 kW 25 HP motors (6) and 150 kW resistive loads started 25 HP motors (6) soft-started with 150 kW resistive
resistive loads, all in one step. in separate steps. loads in same step.
525 kW

600 600 600

Unit rating 550 kW

375 kW
500 500 500
Unit rating 400 kW
400 70% average Load Factor 400 400
70% average Load Factor Unit rating 350 kW
300 300 300
70% average Load Factor
275 kW

275 kW

275 kW
200 200 200

100 100 100

0 0 0

time time time

In comparison, today’s more complex, multiple This can be another source of confusion, as In contrast, generator sets used in PRP or
step, soft-loading methods are often preferred by some customers are concerned with exceeding COP applications have a more conservative
electrical engineers. These methods effectively the limit in the event of a utility outage. In this outputrating compared to the ESP rating, which
reduce the starting power requirement, which case, some manufacturers’ may have an alarm or allows for an extended TBO. With the typical
often reduces the maximum power output forced shut down, but a MTU-powered generator usage of a PRP- or COP-rated generator set
required of the generator set and results in a set will continue to produce power without running many more hours in a year than ESP,
better system cost since a smaller generator set issue. The only repercussion of this action will the higher TBO is a significant benefit to the
can be utilized. By using the smaller generator be executing the standard maintenance program users of these applications by extending their
set in the same system, the same running quicker due to increased usage. maintenance schedules and decreasing product
power requirement exists and is now a higher lifecycle costs.
percentage of the nameplate rating, often There is an inverse relationship between type
resulting in a 75-85% load factor. In conclusion, of application and the estimated time before
a higher average load factor allows electrical overhaul (TBO) of a generator set. In general,
engineers to take advantage of today’s more ESP-rated equipment have a higher power
advanced loading methods. This results in output than the same equipment with a PRP or
smaller generator sets, which run at a higher COP rating, and because of this the ESP-rated
average load factor, with a lower total cost equipment also has the shortest TBO. This
of ownership. generally applies to an ESP application as they
are typically used less than 500 hours per year.
Maximum Run Time
Although the ISO-8528 standard provides a TYPICAL ENGINE TIME BETWEEN OVERHAUL CURVE
guideline for the ESP maximum run time per
year under test conditions, it does not state any
run time limits in the event of a utility outage.
As this is rather ambiguous, most generator
Power Output ( increasing > )

set manufacturers have declared their own

expected maximum annual run time, based
on typical experience from the field. MTU- Running
powered generator sets have a 500-hour annual Time Prime
recommendation, while many manufacturers Continuous

have a 50-200 hour limit.

TBO ( increasing > )

©2017/ // / MTU Onsite Energy


Some generator set manufacturers will share Non-emergency Engines Mobile Engines
their time before overhaul information, where A non-emergency engine is any engine that Nonstationary or mobile generator sets fall into
others will not and rather rely on regularly doesn’t meet the emergency engine category. the same requirements of the non-emergency
scheduled inspection of the equipment’s Examples include a generator set used before a engines. There is one exception to this
condition. However, if the TBO is not known storm hits while utility is available, or a genset rule—the Transition Program for Equipment
when comparing ratings from different located in a remote location where no utility Manufacturers (TPEM). The TPEM allows for
manufacturers, it’s an incomplete comparison. power is available. mobile generator set manufacturers to use the
One could end up purchasing a generator set previously accepted mobile genset engine tier
with an increased load factor to compete with // Non-Emergency Diesel Engines must meet requirement for new equipment, in a limited
another manufacturer’s rating, without ever Tier 4 emission standards quantity for a limited time period. This is
knowing the consequence of a decreased TBO often also referred to as the “mobile flexibility”
// Anyengine that exceeds the operating
which results in a higher cost of ownership provision, which MTU Onsite Energy uses.
limitations placed on emergency engines
over the lifespan of the product. MTU-powered
generator sets publish the TBO in the // Can
Lastly, while these requirements refer
be used to supply power as part of a
maintenance manual for every rating. financial arrangement; including revenue- to national EPA standards, be aware that
generating utility programs. local jurisdictions — identified by EPA as
GOVERNMENTAL EMISSIONS nonattainment areas — may impose stricter
mobile genset must meet non-emergency emissions regulations on all types of
requirements generating systems.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
emissions rating is an important rating that
impacts diesel generator sets used in the USA.
The EPA began to enforce limits on off-road
engines use in generator sets in 2006 and
began phasing in regulations by tier levels
and engine type. It’s useful to be aware of the
differences between stationary emergency,
stationary non-emergency, and mobile generator
set engines.


An emergency engine can be used without time kW(HP) 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
limit, during an emergency power outage only, kW(HP)<8(11) — Used only in emergency situations when normal
with a few exceptions. 8(11)≤kW(HP)<19(25) power source is interrupted
19(25)≤kW(HP)<37(50) — Exceptions are up to 100 hours annually of
// 100
hours of operation are allowed for non- 37(50)≤kW(HP)<56(75) maintenance and testing
emergency use via maintenance and testing. 75(100)≤kW(HP)<130(175)
Emergency-classified diesel engines must only 225(300)≤kW(HP)<450(600)

meet Tier 2, 3, and 4-interim (4i) standards, 450(600)≤kW(HP)≤560(750)

depending on the maximum power of the 560(750)<kW(HP)≤2238(3000)

engine. There is no federal regulation in place
Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4i
currently that requires a more stringent
requirement in the future, so at this time the
requirement is indefinite.

©2017/ // / MTU Onsite Energy



Continuous Standby
A mission-critical organization called The Acceptable MTU Onsite Energy ESP-rated generator set taking into ESP rated generator set taking into
Uptime Institute has set design standards for rating consideration site conditions. consideration site conditions and
load profile.
data centers to ensure data safety. As generator
sets are often a critical piece of the data center’s Method for approval No approval necessary. Contact your MTU Onsite Energy
design, the organization has developed representative for a letter to comply
with Uptime’s requirements.
regulations that apply to generator sets. One of
these regulations defines acceptable generator
set ratings for different levels or tiers (not to be
confused with exhaust emission tiers) for data
centers. One of the most often misunderstood
attributes is the “Manufacturer’s Runtime Since so many manufacturers have different CONCLUSION
Limitation.” ratings, The Uptime Institute often requires
letters from the manufacturer that prove the Generator set ratings can be broken down
The Uptime Institute states that generator sets supplied unit meets the uptime requirements. into Industry Standard ratings, Governmental
for tier 3 or 4 data centers shall not have a When a special letter is needed, please work Emissions ratings and Custom Industry ratings.
limitation on the consecutive hours of operation with your MTU Onsite Energy representative. The proper understanding of the standards will
when loaded to “N” demand, and generator sets MTU Onsite Energy has a wide range of ensure the best rating selection for the purpose
that do have a limit on consecutive hours of generator sets that meet The Uptime the generator set serves, which is the basic
operation are only suitable for tier 1 or 2 data Institute’s requirements. foundation to customer satisfaction.
centers. From this statement, data center
designers frequently believe they must request
a PRP- or COP-rated generator set to adhere to
the “no runtime limitation” section.

MTU Onsite Energy

Part of the Rolls-Royce Group

MTU Onsite Energy is part of the Rolls-Royce Group. It provides diesel and
gas-based power system solutions: from mission-critical to standby power
to continuous power, heating and cooling. MTU Onsite Energy power systems
are based on diesel engines with up to 3,250 kilowatts power output (kWe)
and gas engines up to 2,530 kWe.

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