Tintura Hisbiscus PDF
Tintura Hisbiscus PDF
Tintura Hisbiscus PDF
standardized extract has shown effective oxidation and anti-hyperlipidemia in COX-1 enzyme inhibition than COX-2
blood pressure lowering activity in fructose and cholesterol-fed rats was inhibition45.
hypertensive humans. A recent double demonstrated38. It revealed that the extract
blind, reference-controlled trial reduced the level of LDL and the ratio of Anticancer
demonstrated significant reduction in LDL-cholesterol to HDL-cholesterol. Anthocyanins can cause cancer
blood pressure in the hibiscus group when Consumption of dried calyx ethanol cell apoptosis, especially in HL-60 cells46.
compared with lisinopril30. extract reduces lipid profile in rats 39. Anti-oxidative activity of anthocyanins was
Hypocholesterolemic and antioxidant evaluated by their effects on LDL oxidation
Hepatoprotective effects of aqueous extracts in in cell free system and anti-apoptotic
Protective effects of dried flower hypercholesterolemic rats is also abilities in RAW264.7 cells47. The study
extracts against oxidative stress in rat reported 40 . Antioxidant effects of the showed that anthocyanins of this plant
primary hepatocytes were demonstrated31. aqueous extracts of dried calyx using rat may be used to inhibit LDL oxidation and
Protocatechuic acid, a simple low density lipoprotein was investigated oxLDL-mediated macrophage apoptosis,
phenolic compound isolated from and the study demonstrated protective serving as a chemopreventive agent.
H. sabdariffa showed protective effects effect of roselle on LDL oxidation 41. Inhibitory effect of protocatechuic acid on
against cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of Biochemical dynamics and tumour promotion in mouse skin
hepatocytes induced by t-BHP. One of hypocholesterolemic action of the plant demonstrated that protocatechuic acid
mechanisms may be associated with its demonstrated that its administration possesses potential as a cancer
property of scavenging free radicals32. induces significant decrease in the activity chemopreventive agent against tumour
The extract of its petals protected of serum GOT, GPT, alkaline and acid promotion48.
rats against cadmium induced liver, phosphatase as well as total serum protein.
prostate and testis lipoperoxidation33. The These values nearly returned to the initial Other activities
extract offers hepatoprotection by levels after 9 weeks of administration42. Delphinidin 3-sambubioside, a
influencing the levels of lipid peroxidation Aqueous extracts of the petals of anthocyanin isolated from the dried
products and liver marker enzymes in red and green plant decreases total plasma calyces of H. sabdariffa can induce a
experimental hyperammonemia and this concentrations in rats indicating dose-dependent apoptosis in human
could be due to the free radical scavenging cardiovascular protective effects43. leukemia cells (HL-60) as characterized
property of natural antioxidants present by cell morphology, DNA fragmentation,
in the plant34. Antioxidant activity activation of caspase 3, 8 and 9, and
The protective effect of aqueous The antioxidant and free radical inactivation of poly(ADP) ribose
extract and anthocyanins on paracetamol-scavenging effects of two fractions of the polymerase 49. Ethanol and aqueous
induced hepatoxicity in rats has also ethanol extract (chloroform soluble extracts of its calyces possess antipyretic
been reported35. Aqueous-ethanol (1:1) fraction and ethyl acetate soluble fraction) activity in experimental animals50.
extract of the calyx showed a significant
obtained from its dried flowers were Ethanol extract of the plant
investigated44 and found that both the
decrease in the level of lipid peroxidation reduces the extent of cisplatin-induced
in carbon tetrachloride induced liver fractions scavenge hydrogen peroxide sperm abnormality and enhanced sperm
damage36. However, a study showed that (79-94%) at the dose of 500µg. Similarly, motility in rats51. Inhibition of intestinal
prolonged usage of aqueous-methanol extract
the extracts showed inhibitory (70-80%) motility by methanol extract in rats showed
of the calyces could cause liver injury37.
effects on superoxide anions radicals a significant dose dependent relaxant effect
(O2-) at a dose of 1000µg. The antioxidant on rat ileal strip comparable to the effect
Antihyperlipidemic activities of three varieties using liposome shown by nifedipin and papaverine as
Inhibitory effects of the plant system have also been reported. Methanol reference compounds52. Investigation of
extract on low-density lipoprotein and ethyl acetate extracts showed higher the antispasmodic potential revealed that
aqueous extract of calyces inhibited the crude hydroalcoholic extract showed an for his cooperation and for providing the
tone of various isolated muscle appreciable enzyme-inhibiting activity required institutional facilities.
preparations53. towards the angiotensin I converting
Effect of zobo drink enzyme, attributable to flavones, but weak References
(H. sabdariffa water extract) on the inhibiting activities towards elastase, 1. Gautam RD, Sorrel– A lesser-known source
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results showed no statistically significant gossypetin isolated from H. sabdariffa 2. Leung AY and Foster S, Encyclopedia of
changes in the absorption parameters was carried out and results revealed that Common Natural Ingredients used in Food,
t1/2a, Ka, Tmax, Cmax and AUC0-alpha after the the activity may be due to polyphenolic Drugs and Cosmetics, 2nd ed, John Wiley and
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Investigation of the anti- Investigation on nootropic acitivity of its
3. Julia F, Roselle, In: Fruits of warm climates,
inflammatory activity showed that its calyces in mice indicated that the extract edited by Morton J, Miami, 1987, 281-286
extract had no effect on rat paw edema of calyces might prove to be useful (also available on http://
but had an inhibitory effect on yeast memory restorative agent in the treatment www.hort.purdue.edu/newcrop/morton/
induced pyrexia and a significant effect of dementia seen in elderly which may be roselle.html).
on the hot plate reaction time 55 . due to its anti-acetylcholinesterase
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Polysaccharides from its flowers can property61. The haemostatic effect of the (www.hort.purdue.edu/new crop).
stimulate proliferation and differentiation leaves was evaluated to confirm its
of Human Keratinocytes56. The study also traditional use to arrest bleeding. The 5. McCaleb S, Evelyn L and Krista M, The
showed that raw polysaccharides and all extract enhanced coagulation of blood, Encyclopedia of popular herbs, Prima
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ineffective. Neuropharmacological effects Tea made from dry roselle calyces
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remarkable dose dependent decrease in related to urinary stone risk factors. The 8. Chopra RN, Nayar SL and Chopra IC, Glossary
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increased the duration of pentobarbital tea in human63. Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi,
induced sleep in rats57. 1986.
Anticlastogenic effects of aqueous Conclusion 9. Manandhar NP, Plants and People of Nepal,
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mice were studied58. The results showed pharmacological studies support its
that administration of a crude extract led traditional uses and may prove to be useful 10. Crane, JC, Roselle — a potentially important
to a significant reduction of micronuclei plant fiber, Econ Bot, 1949, 3, 89-103.
for clinical evaluation and development
in polychromatic erythrocytes and of commercial drugs. Introduction and 11. Duke JA, The quest for tolerant germplasm,
combination of H. sabdariffa and commercial cultivation of its varieties in In: ASA Special Symposium 32, Crop
sodium arsenite reduced significantly the India is also recommended. tolerance to suboptimal land conditions, Am
frequencies of micronucleated PCEs Soc Agron, Madison, 1978, 1-61.
induced by sodium arsenite. Studies on Acknowledgements 12. Duke JA, Ecosystematic data on economic
in vitro enzyme inhibitory and in vivo Authors are thankful to the plants, Quart J Crude Drug Res, 1979,
cardioprotective activities revealed that a Chairman of the Institute, Mr. Parveen Garg 17(3-4), 91-110.