Rev Saraca Indica
Rev Saraca Indica
Rev Saraca Indica
Saraca indica is an important indigenous plant with lots of traditional importance belonging to the family caesalpinaceae. These are the wonderful herb that
claims to cure several diseases according to ayurvedic medicine. It mainly contains glycosides, tannin, saponin, flavonoids, and sterol. It posseses various
activities such as analgesic, antipyretic, fungitoxic, anthelmintic, antidiabetic, larvicidal activity, antimicrobial activity, CNS depressant activity, Antiulcer
activity, anti-inflammatory activity etc. This review contains pharmacognostic study of various parts of plant, phytochemical constituents and pharmacological
activities of various parts of plant.
Keyword: Glycosides, larvicidal, Tannin.
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axillary panicles, bract small, deciduous, calyx petaloid. Extractive Values
Seeds are 4-8, ellipsoid-oblong and compacted. 2, 6, 7, 8 Alcohol soluble extractive value
Phytochemistry 5 gm of the air dried coarsely powdered drug was macerate
The phytochemistry study show in the bark of plant presence with 100 ml of alcohol of the specified strength in a closed
of epicatechin, catechin, procyanidin p2 , 11 – flask for 24 hour. Shaking frequently during 6 hour and
deoxyprocyanidin B , leucocyanidin etc .The flower part of allowed to stand for 18 hour. Filter rapidly and evaporate 25
plant contain oleic,linoleic,palmitic and stearic acids,P- ml of the filtrate to dryness in tarred flat bottomed shallow
sitosterol,quercetin,kaemferol-3-O-P-D-glucoside, quercetin- dish and dry at 105°C to constant weight and weigh.
3-o-P-D-3-o-P-D-glucoside,apigenin-7-o-P-D-glucoside, Water soluble extractive value
Pelargonidin-3,5-diglucoside, cyaniding -3 etc.9 Catechin is 5 gm of the air dried coarsely powdered drug was macerate
the well-known flavonoids found in the stem bark of saraca with 100 ml of distilled water in a closed flask for 24 hour.
indica identified by the HPTLC.10 Seeds and pods contains Shaking frequently during 6 hour and allowed to stand for 18
oleic ,linoleic, palmitic ,stearic, catechol, epicatechol and hour. Filter rapidly and evaporate 25 ml of the filtrate to
leucocyandin. Leaves and stem found to contain quercetin, dryness in tarred flat bottomed shallow dish and dry at 105°C
quercetin -3-o-alpha-l-rhamnoside, kaempferol 3-o-alpha-L- to constant weight and weigh.
rhamnoside, ceryl alcohol and beta-sitosterol.11, 12 Foaming Index
Foreign Matter 1 gm coarse powder was weighted and transferred to a 500
The 50 gm sample was spread in a thin layer, and the pieces ml conical flask containing 100 ml of water. It was
of foreign matters were sorted out by visual inspection. The maintained at moderate boiling for 30 minute. It was cool and
powder of foreign matter was sifted through a 250 micron filtered in to a 100 ml volumetric flask. Volume was diluted
sieve. All portions of the foreign matter were pooled and by adding sufficient amount of water. The decoction was
weighed. poured in to 10 Stoppard test tubes in successive portion of 1
Loss on Drying ml, 2 ml, 3 ml-etc. Upto 10 ml and the volume of liquid in
10 gm of the drug was weighted in a tarred evaporating dish. each test tubes was adjusted to 10 ml with water. The tubes
It was dried at 105°C for 5 hours and weighed. The drying were Stoppard and they were shaken in a lengthwise motion
and weighing was continue at 1 hour interval until difference for 15 seconds, two shake per second. They were allowed
two successive weighing correspond not more than 0.25%. stand for 15 minutes and the height of foam was measured.
Ash Values Crude Fiber
Total ash value 2 gm of powder drug was taken in a beaker, add 50 ml of
About 3 gm accurately weighed powdered drug was 10% v/v nitric acid. Heated to boil with constant stirring (till
incinerated in a silica dish at a temperature not exceeding about 30 second after boiling start). Strain through fine cotton
4500C until free from carbon. It was then cooled and cloth on buchner funnel and residue was washed with boiling
weighed. The % w/w of ash with reference to the air-dried water. Transfer the residue from cloth to a beaker and 50 ml
drug was calculated. of 2.5% v/v Sodium hydroxide solution was added and heat
Acid insoluble ash value to boil, maintain at boiling point for 30 second with constant
To the crucible containing the total ash was added 25 ml of stirring. Strain and washed the residue with hot water,
hydrochloric acid. The crucible was then covered with a transfer in cleaned & dried crucible for quantitative
watch-glass and the mixture was boiled gently for 5 minutes. determination. Weigh the residue and percentage of crude
The watch-glass was rinsed with 5 ml of hot water and this fiber was determined.13, 14, 15, 16
liquid was added in to the crucible. The insoluble matter was Phytochemical screening
collected on an ash less filter-paper and washed with hot Subsequent chemical test were performed for testing different
water until the filtrate was neutral. The filter-paper contain chemical groups nearby in both the extract.
the insoluble matter was transferred to the original crucible, Alkaloids
dried on a hot plate and ignite to constant weight. The residue Mayer’s test: To 2-3 ml of the extract, few drops of Mayer’s
was allowed to cool in a desiccators for 30 minutes and then reagent (1.36 gm of mercuric chloride and 5 gm of potassium
weighed. iodide in 100 ml of water) were added. Formation of cream
Water soluble ash value color precipitate indicates presence of alkaloids.
Total ash obtained was boiled for 5 minute with 25 ml of Amino acids
water. Insoluble matter was collected in a crucible or an ash Million’s test: To 2 ml of test extract about 2 ml of million’s
less filter paper. Washed with hot water and ignite for 15 reagent (mercury nitrate) was added white precipitate
minute at temperature not exceeding 450°C. Weight of indicating the presence of amino acid.
insoluble matter was subtracted from the weight of the ash, Carbohydrate
the difference in weight was representing the water soluble Molish Test: To 2 ml of test extract, at first few drop of
ash. Percentage of water soluble was calculated with alcoholic α-naphthol were added, then through side of test
reference to the air dried drug. tube few drops of concentrated sulphuric acid are mixed with
Sulphated ash value it. Purple or violet color ring appeared at the junction indicate
1 gm of substances was taken in an accurately weighed the presence of carbohydrates.
crucible, ignited gently at first until a substance is thoroughly Flavonoids
charred. Cooled and the residue was moistened with 1 ml of Alkaline reagent test: To 2 ml of test extract few ml of
sulphuric acid, heat gently until white fumes was no longer sodium hydroxide solution were added. At first intense
evolved and ignite at 8000C until black particle were yellow color at formed which was consequently turned to
disappeared. Allowed the crucible to cool, few drops of colorless, on addition of few drops of dilute acid indicate the
sulphuric acid were added and heat. Ignite as before, allowed presence of flavonoids.
to cool and weigh. Operation was repeated until two
successive weighing was not differing by more than 0.5 mg.
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Glycosides subtilis were no remarkable. So it may be concluded that both
Brontrager’s Test: The test extract was boiled with 1 ml of the extract, even at low conc.possess antibacterial activity.20,
the sulphuric acid in a test tube for 5 min. While hot, it was Saraca indica also evoked strong bactericidal activity
filtered and then cooled. Shaking of the mixture was done against V.cholerae and A. hydrophila with MBC ranging
with equal volume of chloroform. Two layer of solution were from 1-5 mg/ml.22
formed. The lower layers of chloroform were separated. Then Anthelmintic activity
that layer was stunned with half of its volume of dilute Saraca indica leaves extract has been used for anthelmintic
ammonia. Production of the rose pink to red color suggested activity, for this we used both maceration and soxhelet
the presence of glycoside. method of extraction by using solvent like ethanol and
Saponin methanol. Each extract was tested for its anthelmintic activity
Froth formation test: To mililitre of extract was shaken by standard method. The suspension of both the extract
dynamically with water in a test tube. Formation of constant obtained from the maceration and soxhlet method, was
froth indicated the presence of saponins. prepared in DMSO to obtain 1,2.5 and 5% conc. of the
Tannins standard anthelmintic drug like Piperazine citrate (as positive
Gelatin test: To 2 ml of extract,1% gelatin solution control) were also prepared as negative controls. Two
containing 10% sodium chloride was added. Creation of mililitre of each conc. of both methanolic and ethanoli
precipitate suggested the presence of tannins. fractions and Piperazine citrate were diluted to 10 ml
Protein independently with normal saline and pour into petridishes.
Warming test: 2 ml of extract was heated in a boiling water Nine group of approx. equal extent of earthworms, consisting
bath. Protein was coagulated due to heating. of six in number in each group were released into each
Steroids and Triterpinoids petridish. Found that the ethanolic as well as methanolic
Salkowaski Test: The test extract was treating with few extract were tougher than the positive control as much as
drops of concentrated sulphuric acid. Red color at lower layer anthelmintic property. Glycosides, alkaloids, tannin,
indicate existence of steroid, whereas formation of yellow flavonoids and terpenoids seems to be the accountable
colored at the lower layer suggested the presence of phytochemical constituent for signifying anthelmintic
triterpinoids.17 activities of ethanolic and methanolic extracts.23, 24
Pharmacological activity of Saraca indica Analgesic activity
Antibacterial Activity Saraca indica leaves extracts are accountable for analgesic
The flowers and flower buds of Saraca indica extract was activity. All the leaf extracts like petroleum ether,
reported antimicrobial activity against enterobacteria. This chloroform, methanol and water were investigated for
antibacterial activity of water soluble fraction was determined phytoconstituents like sterols, glycosides, saponins,
by minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) method. carbohydrates, alkaloids, flavonoids, tannin, protein etc. The
(Antibacterial activity of flower). 18 Saraca indica stem bark analgesic activity of above extracts was evaluated by using
also show antimicrobial activity against standard strains of tail immersion method and formalin induced pain method in
Staphylococcus aureus, E.coli, Salmonella typhimurium etc.19 albino mice. Analgesic activity of petroleum ether (PSI),
Saraca indica leaves extracts are subjected to antibacterial chloroform (CSI), Methanol (MSI) and water (WSI) extracts
activity. In order to determine the antibacterial activity of the were investigated at a dose of 200 and 400 mg/kg. Extract
ethanoli and methanolic extracts of Saraca indica, the create dose dependent analgesic activity. Methanol extract at
nutrient agar well diffusion method, as described by a dose of 400mg/kg produced highest activity. MSI produced
schillenger and luke (1989), was performed. In this method 52.64 and 43.30% inhibition of formalin induced pain
the diameter of the zones of inhibition n each case were response in first and second phase respectively, whereas
calculated. The ethanolic and water extract of bark of saraca standard drug pentazocine (10 mg/kg) produced 61.3 and
indica are efficient in vitro against of Staphylococcuc aureus, 52.38% pain response inhibition.25 Formalin test is one of the
Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Proteus vulgaris. In addition, principal analgesic model to compare with clinical pain. In
some other researchers have also indicated that ethanolic and the early phase of formalin test pain arise due to the direct
water extract of the leaves of the plant illustrate antibacterial stimulation of the sensory nerve fibers by formalin while in
activity just against Escherichia coli. Morever,the methanolic the late phase pain was due to inflammatory mediators, like
and water extract of the leaves are valuable against Baccilus histamine, Prostaglandins, serotonin and bradykinins.
subtilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella typhimurium. Antidiabetic activity
Both the ethanolic and methanoli extracts were used at 100 Diabetes mellitus is an ailment common in all parts of the
µg/ ml and 200µg/ml for in vitro antibacterial activity. The world. The use of insulin and control achieved over the
largest zone of inhibition was produced when ethanolic ailment are of relatively recent origin when one takes into
extract (100 µg/ml and 200 µg/ml) was used in opposition to account the long history of this disease. For ethnobotanical
Escherichia coli, zone was used least in case of survey of the plants various plants are used for management
Staphylococcus aureus. However methanolic extract of diabetes. Dried flower powder of the plant Saraca Indica
(100µg/ml and 200µg/ml) gave maximum zone of inhibition is taken with milk or honey and bark decoction is taken twice
in opposition to Staphylococcus aureus and it was minimum a day for the treatment of diabetes.26
in case of Bacillus subtilis. CNS depressant activity
Chloramphenicol was initiate to produce maximum and Saraca indica leaves possessed CNS depressant activity. The
minimum zones of inhibition against Staphylococcus aureus leaves of saraca indica extracted successively with petroleum
and Bacillus subtilus, respectively. Although our extracts ether, chloroform, methanol, and water respectively
were substandard to the positive control (chloramphenicol) as depending upon their polarity. CNS depressant activity was
much as zones of inhibition were concerned, the difference evaluate using penobarbitone induced sleeping time and by
between the zones of inhibition produced by the positive formative locomotor activity using actophotometer.
control and the extract in opposition to E .coli and Baccilus Methanolic extract of Saraca indica leaves (400 mg/kg)
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produced highest activity as it extensively reduced the onset for each concentration. The test containers were held at 27±2
and prolonged of sleep duration induced by pentobarbitone. ºc, 80-90 % relative humidity and a photoperiod of 12 h dark.
Effects of MSI and WSI at a dose of 400mg/kg are After 24 h exposure, larval mortality was recorded. For slow
comparable with the effect produced by standard drug acting insecticides, 48 h reading was recorded. The
chlorpromazine. But CSI (200 mg/kg) and PSI(200 and 400 experiments were repeated twice.36 The pet ether extract of
mg/kg) did not produce significant decrease in onset of action leaves of S.indica showed larvicidal activity with LC50 and
and increase in duration of action. Extracts of Saraca indica LC90 values of 228.9 and 458.3 ppm respectively. The
significantly decreased the locomotor activity in mice by chloroform extract of the bark of S.indica also show
67.33%.Thus we concluded that Saraca indica leaf possess larvicidal activity with LC50 and LC90 values of 291.5 and
CNS depressant activity.27 499.3 ppm respectively. 37
Antiulcer activity Shigellocidal activity
Saraca indica plant possesses the antiulcer activity. The The shigellocidal action was observed in extract of Saraca
aqueous suspension of Saraca indica flower used against the indica. These activity was detect via disc diffusion assay and
gastric ulcer in albino rats. The major constituents of Saraca TLC bioautography.38 In disc diffusion method 10µl of plant
indica flowers contain saracacin, saracadin, waxy substance, extract (conc. 50 mg/ml) was saturated by sterile filter paper
fatty acids and flavonoids etc.28 The effect of aqueous discs(5 mm in diameter).Which were impregnated with 10µl
suspension of Saraca indica flower was investigated in of plant extract placed on the surface of the medium and
albino rats to estimate the antiulcer activity by using two incubated at 37ºc for 24 24 h. The evaluation of antibacterial
models, i.e., pyloric ligation and aspirin induced gastric ulcer. activity was based on the dimension of diameter of inhibition
Both of these method the ulcer index and percentage zone formed around the disc.39 In TLC analysis- The plant
inhibition of ulceration is calculated after dosing. These extract were useful at 2.5 cm from the base of TLC plate
parameters taken to assess antiulcer activity were free and prepared using silica gel-G. After drying, the TLC plates
total acidity and ulcer index.29, 30 Saraca indica flower were developed with ethyl acetate: methanol: water (81:11:8)
aqueous suspension treatment significantly reduced basal as the developing solvent and were run in duplicate. One set
gastric secretion and prevented the occurrence of AGML was used as the reference chromatogram and other set was
(acute gastric mucosal lesions) in pylorus ligated rats and used for bioautography. The TLC plates were developed by
thus, supporting the hypothesis of “no acid no ulcer’’31 In using spray reagent sulphuric acid/anisaldehyde, which were
conclusion, Saraca indica flower suspension exhibits an then heated at 110ºc. For 5-10 min and visualize under visible
antiulcer potential activity through at least one or more and u.v light at 254 and 366 nm.40 Conclusion of that those
possible mechanism including inhibition of basal gastric plant show high MIC standards may be an sign of low
secretion, stimulation of mucus secretion and endogenous efficacy of crude extract of plant, whereas plant show low
gastric mucosal prostaglandin synthesis. MIC exacting in ethanol acetone extracts, could be a superior
Anti-inflammatory activity supply of bioactive components with antimicrobial potency.
The ethanolic extracts of Saraca indica leaves find out the Uterine tonic activity
anti-inflammatory activity. These plants consist of beneficial Saraca indica is outstanding in ayurvedic medicine for its use
chemical constituents, which help in treating various disease as a stimulant to the endometrium and ovarian tissue. The
and disorders. The lack of potent analgesic and anti- oestrogenic effect of U-3107 (1gm/kg p.o) was considered in
inflammatory drugs now actually in use encouraged the normal and ovariectomised rats. U-3107 was administered as
present study, in which Saraca indica had been selected for an aqueous suspension for a period of 21 days. U-307
their reported biological activities in indigenous system of management in ovariectomized rats did not show any expand
medicine.32 The leaves of Saraca indica determined the anti- in uterine weight. U-3107 holds oestrogenic activity only in
inflammatory activity and brine shrimps lethality test. the presence of functional ovary and is devoid of any
Diclofenac in the dose of 10 mg/kg was used as standard drug progestational activity. U-3107 (Eve Care) is a herbal
for anti-inflammatory activity. The brine shrimp assay is very preparation formulated by the Himalaya drug co. Bangalore
useful for the isolation of biogenic compounds from plant with different plant extract which are useful in a variety of
extracts. Carageenan induced paw edema in animals is the menstrual disorders such as puberty, menorrhagia,
most suitable test procedure to screen anti-inflammatory dysmenorrhoea, premenstrual syndrome, abnormal bleeding
activity. Anti-inflammatory activity of ethanolic extract of and threatened abortion.41
Saraca indica reduced the paw edema significantly (P<0.01). CONCLUSION
The plant extract at the dose of 200 mg/kg showed significant Saraca indica is one of the extensively used medicinal plants
anti-inflammatory activity. It caused 56.95% inhibition in in Ayurveda. It is one of the universal plant having medicinal
increase in paw volume, though of a short duration and activities. Ashokarishta is the reliable and ancient source of
intensity, as compared to that of 10 mg/kg Diclofenac.33, 34 medicine used to treat gynecological disorders like
Larvicidal activity menorrhagia. This versatile plant is the source of various
Saraca indica, the pet ether extract of the leaves and the types of compound which are useful for various
cholororm extract of the bark were effective against the pharmacological activity such as antimicrobial activity,
larvae of C.quinquefasciatus with respective LC50 values. anthelmintic activity, analgesic activity, CNS depressant
228.9 and 291.5 ppm.35 The larvicidal bioassay follow the activity, antiulcer activity, antinflammatory activity,
WHO standard protocols. For experimental treatment, 1ml of larvicidal activity, antidiabetic, shigellocidal activity, uterine
plant extract dissolved in absolute ethanol was added to 99 tonic activity etc. As the global scenario is now altering
ml of distilled water in a 150 ml disposable wax coated paper towards the use of nontoxic plant product having
cup, which was shaken lightly to ensure a homogenous test conventional medicine use, development of recent drug from
solution. Then 25 early fourth-instar larvae of vector Saraca indica should be emphasized for the manages of
mosquitoes were transfer to each cup. Each experiment was different diseases.
performing in four replicates with a final total of 100 larvae
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