Delvo Stabiliser: Cement Hydration Control Admixture

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Cement hydration control admixture


DELVO STABILISER is a ready-to-use, liquid The set-retarding characteristics of DELVO
admixture for making more uniform and predictable high STABILISER aid in the production of concrete with the
performance concrete. DELVO STABILISER retards following special qualities:
the setting time by controlling the hydration of Portland
cement and facilitating operations. It can be used to Improved Superior finishing characteristics
stabilize returned plastic concrete and concrete workability for flatwork and cast surfaces.
washwater to reduce waste. Improved cohesion Reduces segregation.
DELVO STABILISER meets ASTM C 494 requirements Extended set Moderate to extended retardation
for type B and D admixtures, specifically: control depending on the dosage rate
• Increased strength - compressive and flexural used. Provides flexibility in the
• Relative resistance to damage from freezing and scheduling of placing and
thawing - well above industry standards finishing operations.
• Reduced water content required for a given Environmentally Reduced waste of washwater
workability friendly and returned concrete.
• Retarded setting time characteristics Improved slump Offsets the effects of slump loss
retention during extended delays between
FIELDS OF APPLICATION mixing and placing.
types of concrete where moderate to extended
retardation of set time and improved performance are In this evaluation, the equivalent of 227 litres of water
desired. was added with the addition of 950 ml of the DELVO
STABILISER to treat the cement, sand and stone
The admixture improves pumped concrete, shotcrete
residue on the inside of a mixer. The standard concrete
(wet mix) and conventionally placed concretes. It
wash water procedure was followed.
improves plain, reinforced, precast, prestressed,
lightweight and normal weight concrete. Reference DELVO
There are three primary applications of DELVO ASTM C150 Type 1 307 307
STABILISER: cement, kg/m3
1. Stabilisation of concrete washwater
2. Stabilisation of returned plastic concrete Slump (mm) 114 114
3. Stabilisation of freshly batched concrete for long DELVO STABILISER 0 950
hauls (ml/truck)
DELVO STABILISER can be used with Portland Concrete temperature ºC 20 22
cements meeting recognised international standards.
Ambient temperature ºC 24 25
Construction Chemicals air-entraining admixture is
recommended when concrete will be required to COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH
withstand freeze-thaw cycles. When used in
conjunction with another admixture, each admixture Concrete produced with DELVO STABILISER
must be dispensed separately into the mix. admixture will develop similar higher early (within 24
hours) and higher ultimate strengths than plain concrete
DELVO STABILISER will not initiate or promote when used within the recommended dosage range and
corrosion of reinforcing steel in concrete. This under normal, comparable curing conditions.
admixture does not contain intentionally added calcium
chloride or chloride-based ingredients. The admixture When DELVO STABILISER is used in heat-cured
will contribute less than 0.00014% (1.4 ppm) chloride concrete, the length of the preheating period should be
ions by weight of cement when used at a dosage rate of increased until the set of the concrete is achieved. The
65 ml/100kg of cement. actual heat-curing period is then reduced accordingly to
DELVO STABILISER can be used in white or coloured maintain existing production cycles without sacrificing
concrete and in architectural concrete. early or ultimate strengths.

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Example of the influence of DELVO STABILISER on APPLICATION
concrete strength development.
50 DELVO STABILISER can be added into the mixing
45 water. The addition of DELVO STABILISER to a dry
concrete mix is not recommended. A separate
dispenser and feed line must be used.

25 DELVO STABILISER is recommended for use at the

20 rate of 100 - 2,000 ml/100kg of cement for most
concrete mixes using average concrete ingredients.
Because of variations in job conditions and concrete
10 materials, dosage rates other than the recommended
5 amounts may be required. In such cases, contact your
local BASF Construction Chemicals representatives.
7 days 28 days
Setting time
DELVO STABILISER is supplied in 205L drums and by
Reference : 5.1 hours (using fresh concrete)
bulk delivery.
DELVO : 5.2 hours (using stabilised concrete)

RATE OF HARDENING DELVO STABILISER can be stored for 12 months if

stored at temperatures above 5ºC, in tightly sealed
The temperature of a concrete mix and the ambient original drums. If found to be frozen, thaw it and
temperature (forms, earth, air, etc) can affect the reconstitute by stirring.
hardening rate of concrete. At higher temperatures,
concrete hardens more rapidly which may cause PRECAUTIONS
problems with placing and finishing.
Health : DELVO STABILISER does not contain any
One of the functions of DELVO STABILISER is to hazardous substances requiring labelling.
retard the set of concrete. Within the normal dosage
It is safe for use with standard precautions followed in
range, it will generally extend the working and setting
the construction industry, such as use of hand gloves,
times of concrete containing normal Portland cement,
safety goggles, etc.
fly ash, slag, and silica fume approximately 1 hour to 5
hours compared to a plain concrete mix. This depends For detailed Health, Safety and Environmental
on job materials and temperatures, and trial mixes Recommendations, please consult and follow all
should be made under approximate job conditions to instructions in the product Material Safety Data Sheet.
determine the dosage required. 1-1-2-1106
Under washwater conditions, DELVO STABILISER can
be used to achieve normal setting times. Under long
haul or mass concrete applications, DELVO
STABILISER can be used to control the setting
characteristics of plastic concrete by extending initial
set time up to 5 hours compared to reference concrete.

The technical information and application advice given in this BASF Construction Chemicals publication are
STATEMENT OF based on the present state of our best scientific and practical knowledge. As the information herein is of a
general nature, no assumption can be made as to a product's suitability for a particular use or application and
RESPONSIBILITY no warranty as to its accuracy, reliability or completeness either expressed or implied is given other than
those required by law. The user is responsible for checking the suitability of products for their intended use.
NOTE Field service where provided does not constitute supervisory responsibility. Suggestions made by BASF
Construction Chemicals either orally or in writing may be followed, modified or rejected by the owner,
engineer or contractor since they, and not BASF Construction Chemicals, are responsible for carrying out
procedures appropriate to a specific application.

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