Superflo 2000SCC
Superflo 2000SCC
Superflo 2000SCC
SUPERFLO 2000 SCC is a high-range Conforms to:
water-reducing admixture utilizing new and ASTM C 494 Types A and F
superior polycarboxylate technology for AASHTO M 194 Types A and F
concrete. It is designed to facilitate the placing CRD C 87 Types A and F
and finishing of concrete that is highly flowable All other Federal and State specifications.
and workable with greatly accelerated strength
Ultra smooth surfaces can be
ADVANTAGES: obtained using SUPERFLO 2000 SCC
• Reduces water content needed for a and proper mix design practices for
given workability (12-40%)
• Improves surface aesthetics and reduces self consolidating concrete.
bug holes
• Improves the quality of concrete by
decreasing water-cementitious ratio
• Increases high early and ultimate
strengths both compressive and flexural
• High durability and increased density
• Reduces damage caused by freezing and
• Reduces surface bleeding
• Reduces cracking, creep, and shrinkage
• Reduces segregation and increases
• Improves finishability and workability
of concrete DOSAGE RATE:
• Improves bond strength to the steel SUPERFLO 2000 SCC is recommended for
• Reduces permeability and salt use at a dose of 1 to 3 fluid ounces per 100
penetration pounds (65 to 196 mL per 100 kg) of
• Ideally suited for use in self cementitious to meet the requirements of
consolidating concrete mixes ASTM C 494 Type A water-reducing and
• No Viscosity Modifying Admixture 4 to 26 fluid ounces (260 to 1695 mL) for Type
needed for self consolidating concrete F high-range water-reducing admixture.
• Better finished surfaces than concrete When formulating mixes for self
produced with a Viscosity Modifying consolidating concrete, consult with your
Admixture local RussTech technical service
representative for an aggregate analysis. Use
of SUPERFLO 2000 SCC allows the user to
minimize cement contents while maximizing
surface appearance.
SUPERFLO 2000 SCC is compatible with
700 lbs. (415 kg) Type III cement all types Portland cement, class C and F fly ash,
Concrete temperature, 70 F (21 C) silica fume, fibers, approved air entraining, and
27-inch Slump, 5% Air content
water-reducing admixtures. SUPERFLO 2000
7.0 ozs. /cwt., steam cured
SCC can be used in white, colored, and
architectural concrete. For best results, each
EARLY COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH admixture must be introduced separately into the
PERFORMANCE concrete mix.
16 hr.
SUPERFLO 2000 SCC may freeze at
SUPERFLO 2000 SCC should be added with
the initial mixing water or incorporated with the
final water at the end of the batch sequence. It is
not unusual to experience significantly lower air
entrainment dosage requirements (50-75%)
when compared to conventional high-range
water reducers.
18 months
RussTech Inc.
“We Add the Difference”
11208 Decimal Drive Louisville, KY 40299 Phone: (502) 267-7700 Fax: (502) 267-8922