MS Sylabus 2014 PDF
MS Sylabus 2014 PDF
MS Sylabus 2014 PDF
M.S/M.Phil (Physics) Semester/Term System
Effective from the Academic Session 2014 onward
SNo. Course Course Title Credit Marks
Code Hours
1 Phy-501 Research Methodology 3 100
2 Phy-502 Mathematical Methods of Physics 3 100
3 Phy-503 Electromagnetic Theory 3 100
4 Phy-504 Self-Organized Nanostructures 3 100
5 Phy-505 Microelectronics Fabrication Technology 3 100
6 Phy-506 Sensing and Actuation 3 100
7 Phy-507 Signals and System Analysis 3 100
8 Phy-508 Telecommunication networks 3 100
9 Phy-509 Experimental Techniques 3 100
10 Phy-510 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 3 100
SNo. Course Course Title Credit Marks
Code Hours
1 Phy-601 Solid State Physics 3 100
2 Phy-602 Semiconductor Physics 3 100
3 Phy-603 Computational Physics 3 100
4 Phy-604 Advanced Quantum Mechanics 3 100
5 Phy-605 Medical Physics 3 100
6 Phy-606 Methods and Techniques of Experimental Physics 3 100
7 Phy-607 Surface Physics 3 100
8 Phy-608 Optical Fiber Communication 3 100
9 Phy-609 Cellular mobile system 3 100
10 Phy-610 Renewable Energy Resources 3 100
11 Phy-611 Digital and Analog Circuit Design 3 100
12 Phy-612 Digital Integrated Circuit Design 3 100
13 Phy-613 Plasma Physics-I 3 100
14 Phy-614 Template Assisted Synthesis 3 100
15 Phy-615 Microcontroller 3 100
1. C. R. Rathori, Research Methodology and Techniques, Cambridge University Press, 2001
2. Ranjit Kumar, Resarch Methodology: A step by step Guide for Beginners, Addison Wisely,
3. Alan Agrest, An application to Categorical Analysis, John Wiley and Sons, 1996
4. R. B. Burns, Introduction to Research Methods, McGraw Hill, 2000
5. C. H. Hart, Doing A Literature Review, Cambridge University Press, 1996
1. M. I. Boas, Mathematical Methods in the Physical Science, publisher Kay Pace, 2006
2. E. Krevzig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, John Wiley and Sons, 2006
3. G. B Arfken & H. I. Weber, Mathematical Methods for Physics, Elsevier Academic Press, 2005
4. P. K. Chattopdhya, Mathematical Physics, N C Age Intl., 1990
1. Review: Coulomb‟s law, electric field, Gauss‟s law, scalar potential surface charge distributions of
charges and dipoles, Poison‟s and Laplace equations, Biot and Sarvat law, Ampere‟s law, vector
potential, magnetic induction in a circular loop of current, Faraday‟s law of induction, energy in
magnetic field, Maxwell‟s equation, gauge transformations, Green‟s function, independent wave
equations, initial value problems; Kirchoff‟s integral representation, Pointing theorem, conservation
laws, microscopic equation
2. Wave guides and Resonant cavities: Fields at the surface of and within a conductor, cylindrical
cavities and wave guides, modes in a rectangular guide, energy flow and attention in wave guides,
general angular and frequency distribution of radiation from accelerated charges, frequency spectrum
from relativistic charge particles in an simultaneously circular orbit, synchliro radiation, Thomson
scattering by quasi free charges
3. Simple Radiation Systems and Diffraction: Field and radiation of a localized source, oscillating
dielectric dipole, magnetic dipole and quadruple field, centre fed antenna, Kirchoff‟s integral for
integration, vector equivalent of Krichoff‟s integral, Babinef‟s principle, diffraction by circular
aperture and by small apertures, scattering by a conduction sphere an short wavelength
1. D Jackson, Classical Electrodynamics, John Wiley and Sons, 2007
2. D J Griffiths, Introduction to Electrodynamics, Prentice Hall, 2009
3. H C Ohanion, Classical Electrodynamics, Aliyan and Bacon Inc., Massachusetts, 1988
4. P L Lorian and D R Corson, Electromangnetic Fields and Waves, W H Freeman & Co.,1978
5. E O George, Introduction to Electrodynamics Theory, Courier Douer publication, 2003
1. Richard C. Alkire, Yury Gogotsi, Patrice Simon, Ali Eftekhari, “Nanostructured Materials in
Electrochemistry” WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 2008
2. Hadis Morkoç and Ümit Özgür “Zinc Oxide: Fundamentals, Materials and Device
Technology”, WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 2009
3. Dirk M. Guldi and Nazario Martín “Carbon Nanotubes and Related Structures Synthesis,
Characterization, Functionalization, and Applications”, WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co.
KGaA, 2010
1. Semiconductor Processing Technology: An Introduction to Microelectronic Fabrication,
Roadmap of semiconductor manufacturing, Semiconductor Materials and Process, Crystal Growth
and Wafer Preparation, Contamination Control
2. Overview of Wafer Fabrication: Phase Diagrams and Solid Solubility, Basic Wafer Fabrication
Operations, Hot Processing and Ion Implantation, Construction of a Semiconductor Circuit, Chip
Terminology, Process Yields
3. Principles of Microelectronics Fabrication: Oxidation, Rapid Thermal Processing,
4. Photolithographic Processes: Optical Lithography, Photoresists, Non optical Lithographic
5. Processing of thin films: Vacuum Science and Plasmas, Etching, Physical Deposition,
Evaporation and Sputtering, Chemical Vapor Deposition, Epitaxial Growth, Device Isolation,
Contacts, and Metallization, Fundamentals of MEMS
6. Overview of Wafer Fabrication: The Business of Wafer Fabrication, Semiconductor Devices and
IC Formation, Integrated Circuit Types, Chip Packaging
1. S. A. Campbell:The Science and Engineering of Microelectronics Fabrication, Oxford
University Press, Second Edition, 2000 (ISBN: 0195136055)
2. P. V. Zant: Microchip Fabrication: A Practical Guide to Semiconductor Processing, 3rd
Edition, Semiconductor Services, 2000 (ISBN: 0071356363)
3. S. M. Sze, Physics of Semiconductor Devices, 3rd Edition, John Wiley & Sons, (2007)
1. Brindley, Sensors and Transducers, Heinemann Newnes, 1989.
2. J. W. Dally, W. F. Riley, and K.G. Mcconnell: Instrumentation for Engineering Measurements,
2nd edition, John Wiley & Sons Inc., 1993.
3. E. O. Doebelin: Measurement Systems Application and Design, 4th edition, McGraw-Hill, 1998.
4. P. Hauptmann: Sensors, Principles & Application, Prentice Hall, 1993.
5. J.L. Jones and A.M. Flynn: Mobile Robots, Inspiration to Implementation, AK Peters, 1999.
1. Review of Mathematical Concepts: Functions, limits, differentiation and integration (graphical),
complex variables, continuous time signals, categories of system and signals, signal representation,
symmetry and signal space concepts, Fourier transformation and their properties, singularity functions
and their properties, unit step functions, delta functions and finite train of delta functions
2. Time Frequency Occupancy of Signals: Bandwidth, continuous time system (linear time
invariant system), frequency domain approach, filters, frequency domain system analysis on a
nutshell, time domain approach, relationship of impulse response to step response, pulse
approximation method for determining as impulse response, combination of systems
3. Distortion System: Ideal low pass filter, nonlinear systems, time varying systems, modulation
systems, amplitude modulation, phase modulation, frequency modulation, multiplexing schemes, time
division multiplexing, sampling their z-transform (solution of different equations) impulse response
sequences and discrete convolution, finding the impulse response sequence (direct iteration and Z-
transform) discrete Fourier transform, relationship to convolution, digital filters, types of digital
filters and design methods, Hilbert transform, envelope and phase of band pass signals, filtering,
single sideband modulation, complex envelope, envelope correlation and spectrum matters
1. General D C ain, Fundamental of Signal and System Analysis, Notes University of Westminster,
2. E Kretsig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Willy N Y, 1992
3. Olmsted J M, Advanced Calculus, Appleton Century Clifts, 1961
4. Asteline JA, Transform Methods in Linear System Analysis, McGraw Hill, NY, 1989
5. Fredrick D K and Carlson, Linear Systems on Communication and Control, Wiley, 1971
1. R. L. Freeman: Networks and Telecommunications, John Wiley & Sons, 1991
2. M.P. Clark: Fundamentals of Telecommunication Networks, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1994
3. James F. Kurose and Keith W. Ross, Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach, Fifth
Edition, 2009.
1. R. W. Cahn, P. Hassen & E. K. Krampers, Material Science & Technology: A Comprehensive
Treatment, 2001
2. B.D. Culliy, Elements of X-Rays Diffraction, Addison Wisely Academic Press, 1998
3. R.L.Hovitz & V A Johnson, Methods of Experimental Physics, Academic Press, 1999
4. D. William, Methods of Experimental Physics, McGraw Hill, 2002
1. Neil W Asheroft and David M, Solid State Physics, Saunders College Publishing
2. James Zyman, Principles of the Theory of Solids, Cambridge University Press
3. R E. Peierls, The Quantum Theory of Solids, Oxford Press
4. J M Ziman, Principles of the Theory of Solids, Cambridge University Press
5. P T Landsburg, Solid State Theory, John Wiley and Sons,
6. C Kittle, Quantum Theory of Solids, John Wiley and Sons,
7. M Jones and N H March, Theoretical Solid States Physics, Wiley Inter Science
1. H E Telly and D G Daugherty, Physical Principles of Semiconductor Devices, Lowa State
University Press,
2. K G Niclos and E V Vernon, Transistor of Physics, Chapman and Hall Limited,
3. S M Sze, Physics of Semiconductor Devices, John Wiley and Sons
1. I.C.F. Gerald & P.O. Wheatley „Applied Numerical Analysis‟ 7/e Pearson Education 2004
2. S.C. Chapra and R.P. Canale „Numerical Methods for Engineers with Software and
Programming Applications‟ McGraw-Hill (2002)
3. J.H. Mathews „Numerical Methods for Mathematics, Science and Engineering‟ 2/e Prentice
Hall (1992)
4. B.S. Grewal „Numerical Methods in Engineering and Science‟ 7/e Khanna Publishers, Delhi
5. J. Mehdi, Statistical Methods, New Age International Publications, 2006
6. G Shankar Rao, Numerical Analysis, New Age International Publications, 2010
Scattering Theory: Scattering amplitude and cross section, Lipman Schwinger equation, Born
approximation, optical theorem partial wave decomposition, phase shifts, analytical properties of the
scattering matrix, inelastic scattering and reactions
WKB Approximation: Connection formula, Bohr Summerfield quantization, application to
scattering, motion in External Electromagnetic Field: Gauge invariance, uniform magnetic field,
Landau levels, Aharonov Bolm effect, electric field
Time Dependent Problems: Time dependent perturbation theory, sudden and adiabatic
approximation, golden rules, Berry phase, level crossing, Born Openheimer approximation
Many Body Systems: Identical Particles, second quantization of bosons and fermions, field
operators, Fermi gas, Hertee Fock and Thomas Fermi methods, and particle whole formalization
Quantization of the Electromagnetic Field and its Interaction with Matter: Field in quantum
mechanics, the elastic string, Hamiltonian quantization of the electromagnetic field, emission and
absorption of radiation, multi pole expansion, select rule
Quantum Information: Quantum bits, Bell states, quantum gates, entanglement and teleportation,
quantum computation and cryptography
1. S Gastorowics, Quantum Physics, John Wiley and Sons, 2003
2. B H Bransden and C J Joachain, Quantum Mechanics, 2000
3. P W Aitkans and R S Freidman, Molecular Quantum Mechanics, 1997
4. G L Squires, Problems in Quantum Mechanics, 1995
1. Harman C, Introduction to Health Physics, McGraw Hill, N Y, 1996
2. D I William, Radiotherapy physics, Oxford University Press, N York
3. Peter Armstrong, Diagnostic Imaging, Black well Science limited, Oxford
4. J R Greening, Fundamentals of Radiation Dormitory, Adam Hilger Ltd, Oxford, 2001
5. G A Edmin and Heinemann, Physics of Medical Imaging, McGraw Hill, 2002
1. R L Horovitz and V A Johnson, Methods of Experimental Physics, Academic Press
2. D William. Methods of Experimental Physics, Academic Press
3. J Yarwood, High Vacuum Techniques, Chapman Hall
1. An Introduction to Surfaces: what is a surface? The energetic and thermodynamics of creating a
surface, introduction to surface physics, surface energies and Wulff Theorem
2. Studying Surfaces: what is UHV? Do we need UHV to study surfaces? Kinetic theory of gases,
concept of vacuum and standard vacuum hardware components, comparison of different types of
pumps with measurement of vacuum pressure, preparing a clean surface
3. Surface Structures and Reconstructions: Lattice concept, 3D crystal structures, 2D surface
structures, specific types of sface fcc, hcp, bcc and stepped surface and a discussion of their relative
energies, More complex deconstruction, stability, growth mechanisms, adsorption, de-absorption and
experimental probes of surface structures such a LEED and RHEED, the structure of semiconductor
surfaces, the surface structures of very small metal particles
4. Adsorption, Desorption Bonding, Catalysis and Growth Processes: Adsorption mechanism and
kinetics chemisorptions vs physiorption, the kinetics of adsorption, potential energy curves and
adsorption energetic, Adsorption mechanisms and kinetics for low coverage Longmuir Isotherms,
derivation, adsorbents phase diagrams and phase transitions
5. The Structure of Adsorbate Layers: Experimental probes of surface structure such as LEED and
RHEED Growth processes, vibrational spectroscopy, catalysis, Desorption
The Electronics and magnetic Structure of Surfaces: Band theory, free electron theories and the work
function, the electronic structure of semiconductor surfaces, electron emission processes, magnetic
processes at surfaces
6. Electron-Surface Interactions: Electron diffraction and quasi-elastic scattering, comparison of
particle scattering techniques, electron spectroscopes, discussion of the merits of different types of
electron energy analyzers and electron detector, signal processing and spectral analysis, theory and
practice3 of Auger electron spectroscopy, quantification of Auger spectra, Auger depth, profiling
7. Atomtion Surface Interactions: Comparison of particle scattering techniques, an introduction to
the theory and practice of SIMS, SIMS imaging and depth profiling, Auger depth profiling, theory
and practice of Rutherford, back scattering
8. Surface Microcopy: Classification of microscopy techniques, basic concepts in surface imaging
and localized spectroscopy, images XPS, optical microscopy, STEM, SEM, SPM, An introduction to
the theory and practice of scanning tunneling microscopy, scanning probe microscopy techniques,
atomic force microscopy
1. D.P. Woodruff and T.A. Delchar "Modern Techniques of Surface Science”, Second
Edition,Cambridge Univ. Press, (1994).
2. A. Zangwill "Physics at Surfaces," Cambridge Univ. Press, (1988).
3. M. Prutton, Introduction to Surface Physics, Oxford University Press (1994).
4. T. A. Delchar, Vacuum Physics and Techniques, Chapman and Hall (1993).
5. G. Ertl and J. Küppers,. Low Energy Electrons and Surface Chemistry, Weinheim,
Germany (1985).
6. M. A. Van Hove, W.H. Weinberg, C.-M. Chan, Low-Energy Electron Diffraction :
Experiment, Theory, and Surface Structure Determination, Springer-Verlag, Berlin,
7. G. A. Somorjai, Introduction to Surface Chemistry and Catalysis, Wiley, New York
1. Joh Gover, Optical Communication System, Prentice Hall, 1996
2. W V Elten and J V der Plantts, Fundamentals of Optical Fiber Communication, Prentice Hall,
3. D Baily and E Wright, Fiber Optics, Elsevier, 2003
4. W S Chang, Principles of Laser and Optics, Cambridge University Press, 2007
5. S C Gulta, Optical Fiber Communication and its Application, Prentice Hall, 2003
1. Introduction to Cellular Mobile Radio Background and History: Conventional Mobile Radio
Versus Cellular Mobile Radio, Features of Cellular Radio, Digital Cellular Radio, Trends in the Use
of Cellular Services
2. The Mobile Radio Environment: Lowpass Equivalent Representation: Band pass Signals and
Linear Bandpass Systems, Multipath Propagation: Path Loss, Doppler Effect, Rayleigh Fading and
Rician Fading, Statistics of Slow and Fast Fading, Classification of Channels: Time Dispersion and
Frequency-Selective, Fading, Frequency Dispersion and Time-Selective Fading , Mathematical
Modeling of Fading Multipath Channels: Bello Functions, Description of Random Time-Variant
Channels, Discrete-Time Representation of Channels, Computational Channel Models: Gaussian,
Rayleigh, Rician and Wideband Channel, Diversity Schemes: Space, Frequency, Polarization, Field
Component, Angle, Time and Multipath Diversity, Combining Techniques: Selective, Switched,
Maximal-Ratio, Equal-Gain and Baseband Combining
3. Co-channel and Adjacent Channel Interference: Noise-Limited Interference-Limited
Environments, Cochannel Interference, Adjacent Channel Interference, Near-End-To-Far-End Ratio,
Cellular Traffic (Channel Assignment, Capacity of Cellular Systems, Trunking Theory, Components
of Cellular Systems,Handover)
4. Analog FDMA Systems and the Analog Cellular Environment: Analog Modulation: Frequency
Modulation, Transmission bandwidth, Signal-to-Noise Ratio, Capture Effect, Effect of Multipath
Fading, Modulators and Demodulators for FM, Fading Channel Issues in Analog Systems, AMPS:
Network Aspects, Control Channels, Supervision, Call Origination and Receipt, Handover, Call
Termination, Power Control, The NMT-900 System: Control Channels, Call Origination and Receipt,
Handover and Location Updating, Security, NMT Mobile Station
5. Digital TDMA Systems and Digital Modulation: The Digital Cellular Environment, Intersymbol
Interference and Nyquist Filter, Nonlinear Distortion: AM/AM and AM/PM conversion, Fading
Channel Issues in Digital Systems, Linear Modulation Nonlinear Modulation Methods: Continuous
Phase Modulation, Digital Phase Modulation and Digital Frequency Modulation, Actual Modulations
Used in Mobile Communications: Gaussian Minimum Shift, Keying and p/4-Shifted Differential
Quadrature Phase Shift Keying, Receiver Structures: Coherent, Differential, and Noncoherent
Detection, Detection in Presence of Frequency-Flat or Frequency-Selective Fading, Bit Error Rates:
Gaussian Noise and Rayleigh Fading Environment , Channel Equalization: Zero-Forcing Equalizer,
Discrete-Time Wiener Filter, Adaptive Linear Equalizer, Decision-Feedback Equalizer Carrier,
Symbol and Frame Synchronization, Capacity Analysis of Multiple Access Methods, 3rd Generation
CDMA Systems, 4th Generation Mobile Systems
1. T. S. Rappaport, Wireless Communications: Principles and Practice, Prentice Hall, 1996
2. William C.Y. Lee, "Wireless and Cellular Telecommunications”, Third Edition, 2005.
3. Krzysztof Wesolowski, “ Mobile Communication Systems”, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2002
1. Nelson Jimmy, Physics of Solar Cells, Imperial College Press, 2003
2. Rolf Brenold, Thin film Crystalline Silicon solar cells: Physics and Technology, Publisher,
Willey 2003
3. Manfred Grathwhol „World Energy Supply: Resources, Technologies and Prospective‟ Walter
deGruyter Berlin (1982)
4. J.W. Twidell and A.D. Weir „Renewable Energy Resources‟ E & F.N. Spon Ltd, London. (1986
5. M Iqbal „An introduction to Solar Radiation‟ Academic Press, Canada. (1983)
1. D.L. Schilling, C. Belove: Electronic Circuits – Discrete and Integrated, McGraw-Hill, 1989.
2. R. Jaeger and T. Blalock, Microelectronic Circuit Design , (3rd Edition) 2007
3. J. Allison: Electronic Engineering Semiconductors and Devices, McGraw-Hill, 1990.
4. R. Boylestad, L. Nashelsky: Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, 9th Edition, Prentice-Hall,
1. J. M. Rabaey, Digital Integrated Circuits - A Design Perspective, 2nd Ed., Prentice-Hall, 2002
2. N. Weste and K. Eshraghian, Principles of CMOS VLSI Design - A Systems Perspective,
Prentice-Hall, 1993
1. R. J. Goldston and P. H. Rutherford, “Introduction to Plasma Physics”, publisher: IoP, Bristol
and Philadelphia; 1st edition, (1995).
2. N. A. Krall and A. W. Trivelpiece, “ Principles of Plasma Physics” McGraw-Hill Book
Company, New York; 1st edition, (1973).
1. Richard C. Alkire, Yury Gogotsi, “Nanostructured Materials in Electrochemistry” Patrice
Simon, Ali Eftekhari, WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. 2008
2. Hadis Morkoç and Ümit Özgür “Zinc Oxide: Fundamentals, Materials and Device
Technology”, WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 2009
3. Dirk M. Guldi and Nazario Martín “Carbon Nanotubes and Related Structures Synthesis,
Characterization, Functionalization, and Applications”, WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co.
KGaA, 2010
1. Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Rolin D. McKinlay, and Danny Causey, “The PIC Microcontroller and
Embedded systems – Using Assembly and C for PIC18,” Prentice Hall, 2007
2. Tim Wilmshurst “Designing Embedded Systems with PIC Microcontrollers: Principles and
Applications Paperback”, Second Edition, ELSEVIER, 2010