The Healing Brain - The Reader's Digest
The Healing Brain - The Reader's Digest
The Healing Brain - The Reader's Digest
In practice, the region of the brain that
controls food intake is frequently overridden
In a developing foetus, up to a
by conscious desires for food created by
quarter of a million brain cells are
social and other pressures. But left alone, the
produced every minute. After birth,
brain provokes hunger only when glucose
rapid growth continues. By the levels fall below the optimum level. In this
time a child is two years old,
situation, a person's weight would vary
its brain is nearly as big
less than 5 per cent during their
as an adult's.
entire adult life.
By doing this, the brain keeps track of where
the body begins and ends, and enables it to
maintain balance and carry out automatic, as Giving birth is painful - so much so that many
well as deliberate, movements. Most of this women vow they will never put themselves
input is registered unconsciously, but if through it again. Yet most do. One reason is
it is cut off - by brain injury or that the memory of the pain is partly wiped
sensory deprivation - the out by the hormone oxytocin - leaving
body collapses. only an intellectual (rather than
emotional) recollection of how
bad the pain was.
The brain is so sensitive to its
environment that even identical
twins have visible differences in
brain structure by the time they are
born. These are caused by the
minute differences in nutrients
and sensory stimuli that each
foetus experiences.
••••• ••
It seems obviou that every person ha a mind and a body, and that the brain
is the place where all the activity that we call thinking occurs. But what
e actly is the relationship between these three vital parts of ourselve - mind,
brain and body?Thi may eem a imple que tion, but it i one that ha
puzzled thinker through the age , and they have ome up with a
variety of different an wers. What i clear today, however, i
that th interaction between mind· and body i an impor
tant key to maintaining good health.
The idea that mind and body are intrin icaUy linked
and therefore cannot be treated eparately ha a long
hi tory in healing. In ancient Greece, for e ample,
people who were phy ically ill or emotionally trou
bled would vi it one of the temple of the healing
god A clepiu . Here, far removed from the tre
of daily life they would enjoy mu ic, drama and
philo ophical di u ion and focu on diet, fitne
and elf-examination to revive both mind and body.
In the epic poems of Homer, emotion was always located in the body. recognise a distinction between the
composed in the 8th century BC, the A gasp or pounding heart was a feeling. symbols used and the ideas they
mind hardly gets a mention. Homer's As in other cultures without a represented. This distinction could be
characters do not 'think' or make tradition of writing, Homer's ancient applied to spoken words, too, and
decisions. Instead, they are instructed contemporaries did not recognise the writing and speech became understood
by voices ('my heart told me ... '), driven difference between a thought and the as expressing pre-existing thoughts. In
by inner tensions, or coerced by a god. words that utter it. Mind and body were effect, 'the mind' was invented by the
Emotions are also described very thus one and the same to them. ancient Greeks as a place in which
differently from today: rather than However, as written language people kept their thoughts, intentions
being something in the mind, an developed, later generations came to and desires before e,cpressing them.
could not deny that the two ub tance intera ted with each other, THE DOCTOR-PATIENT
ommenting that 'I am not merely pre ent in my b dy a a ailor in RELATIONSHIP
a hip, but I am very do ely united and a it were intermingled with In hospital, patients may be
surrounded by a frightening array
it . But thi revealed the main problem with duali m: if body and mind
of monitors, tubes and charts, and
are fundamentally different, how can they interact or affe t ea h other?
find themselves being spoken about
And what make it po ible for our mind to intera t with the phy ical rather than to, while experts debate
world around u ? their medical condition. This picture
De cartes never fully unravelled the intermingling' of mind and body. reflects the influence of dualism on
Indeed, the 'mind-body problem' ha ontinued to intrigue philo opher healthcare: until recently, the
treatment of the body dominated,
ever ince. Neverthele , the phil ophical separation of mind and body
while the patient's feelings were
emed t b the best theory available, and became very influential
seen as unimportant. But this is
throughout We t rn thought. Like De carte , hri tianity ha often ug now changing, with the growing
ge ted the eparation of mind and bod (and the inferiority of the latter), awareness that the patient's mind
encouraging followers t purify their oul by winning control over their is important to the recovery
bodily impul es. In th ontext of religion, dualism remain popular today process. Acquiring an interactive
bedside manner that respects the
- perhap becau e it can provide a ba i for belief in life after death in the
patient as an individual, rather than
face of phy ical mortality,ju t a De cartes believed that after the body die
just a set of symptoms, has
the mind continue to exi t. become an important aspect of a
Meanwhile, alongsid the cientific advance of I aa ewton and hi doctor's training.
contemporarie Western medical ien e wa rapidly developing it
kn wledge of the human body along dualistic principle , analy ing it
much as a ma hine and focu ing on i eparate parts.
Drawing on alternatives
Ea tern healing y tern uch a ayurvedic medicine have always a urned
the interaction of mind and body. Ayurveda empha ise that everyone ha
elf-healing potential, facilitated by factor uch a good elf-esteem, a
reali tic under tanding of one's own nature, and the de ire and will to be
well, which encourag a healthy diet and lifestyle, a well as other elf- are
techniques uch a mas age and meditation.
Complem ntary and alternative medicine (CAM) ha become
increasingly popular in the We tern world, po ibly becau e of a
"Health is ... a state of
greater general anxiety about heaJth aero ociety. AM complete physical, mental
therapie u h a o teopathy, chiropractic and herbal medicine have
often fulfilled an important function in providing help and and social well-being,
comfort to people who have not found effective treatment in con and not merely the absence
ventional medicine. The potentially damaging ide-effect
of ome potent drugs ha al o led people to turn to alternative of disease or infirmity."
m dicine treatments.
World Health Organisation
Many We tern medical cientists and practitioner n w believe
that the focu on te hnological approache , including the u e f
drugs and ur ery, needs to be balanced by more attention to the individual
as a whole and the role of the mind in health. In the UK, ome medical
chool now give tuden ba ic information on complementary medicine,
and ome complementary therapie ar available in doctor ' surg ri .
omplementary medicine are bringing We tern and a tern healing
y tern together, pointing towards a more holi tic approach to medicine
for the future.
pro aches
While 'Western medicine excels in treating acute problents, the
holistic approach, long favoured in Eastern healing traditions, ainis
to prevent problems before they cause illness. Holisti t
focuses on the whole person, including Ii
Eastern healing practices and complem
therapies have a long anecdo
benefits. There has
Ayurvedic medicine
This traditional Indian medical system has always recognised the power
of the mind to heal. Diseases are believed to begin with imbalances in
bodily energy, which create a chain effect of mental stress, unhealthy
living and further ill health. These can be corrected by techniques that
combine mental and physical practices.
Ayurvedic treatment includes diet and lifestyle changes, massage with
oils, herbal remedies and therapies to promote internal cleansing and the
removal of toxic waste. Breathing exercises and body postures derived
from yoga aim to improve physical health,
while meditation is considered essential
to healing and disease prevention.
Western developments
Eastern medicine has influenced
several holistic practices in the West.
Autogenic training, sometimes referred
to as Western yoga, is a system of
relaxation exercises that increases control
over physiological processes. It is
particularly useful in chronic
illnesses, such as high blood
pressure. Other therapies
include Alexander technique;
Bach flower remedies; and
biofeedback (see page 110),
which improves health by
teaching people to respond
to signals from the body.
For much of history, the brain has been seen as a mysterious 'black
box': the only clue to what went on inside was what came out of it.
During the 20th century, a variety of approaches were used to explore
how the mind functions. Today, brain imaging techniques are bringing
us tantalisingly close to seeing the workings of the mind in action.
Mind theories
Another rea on for th fall of phrenology wa that by 1900, igmund
Freud had <level ped a far mor oph.i ticated method of tudying the
mind - p ychoanaly i . Freud focu d on bringing uppres ed onflicts
and fear to the patient's con ciousne . With its mpha i on uncon ciou
motivation, the method caught the public imagination and fc r nearly half
a entury it wa generally thought to offer the learest modd of the work
ing of the human mind. Unlike phrenology, p ychoanaly i al o offered
the pro pect of therapy to cure problem
Freud' uc e en ura ed other to seek an explanation of mind
through sy tematic intro pection. However, people' ability to report accu
rately , nd on i tend on their own perception proved di appointing.
ne 'intro pectioni t laboratory' reported, for example, that pe pie uld
hav · 12 000 en u, I experien e ; an ther )aimed that it wa 44
P ychologi ts became embarra ed by their confu ing findings, and ught
to put their work on a m re ientific footing.
Behaviourism wa a reaction co the pitfall of p ychoanalysis and intro-
pe tion. The behavi uri t regarded the mind a an input-output
machine: in went a stimulu and out came behaviour. ln de ribing th
relation hip between timulu and behaviour, they ignored anything
that wa not ob er vable or measurable. he beha iouri t ra
reached it peak in the 1920s, around the time that early 0111-
puter were being developed. cienti ts ould ee how the e
worked: the machine was programmed with a few rules and
Reading the brain
then fc d bit f .information, whi h the omputer manipulated Phrenology aimed to give clues
a ording t the rule . It wa plausible to a ume that the mind to personality by reading the
function d in a irnilar way. bumps on people's skulls.
In the 1950 and 60s, cognitive p ychology took the behaviouri t A head map showing
prin iple a tep further by empha i ing internal m ntal pr ce the supposed location
of characteristics was
uch a deci ion-making, thinking and language. ognitive p y
used in conjunction
chologi t were concerned with the rule the brain u e to with measuring devices,
interpret information, but not with the nature of the brain it If. like the one above from
While the appr ach made valuable advance in the tudy of the the 1920s.
In 1935, E1as Moniz, a Lisbon neurolo&ist, heard a leucotomy- and, later, the more extensive frontal
lecture by two Harvard researchers who reported lobotomy - were so popular that during the 1940s at
chan&in& an anxious, hyperactive chimpanzee into least 20,000 people were treated in the USA alone.
a seemin&fy serene animal by cuttin& the Only decades later did the drawbacks become clear,
connections between the front and back of its and these operations were eventually discarded in
brain. Without waiting for the lecture to end, he favour of new drugs.
rushed back to his hospital and persuaded one of Moniz, meanwhile, had to give up work when he
the surgeons there to try this surgery on some was shot by one of his own leucotomy patients. If he
human patients. The results were profound: people had not been so impatient in 1935, he might have
who had been crippled by obsessions, anxiety and avoided this fate: the part of the lecture he didn't
agitation became instantly calm. wait for reported a second experiment in which,
Moniz's work prompted surgeons throughout the rather than becoming calm after the operation, the
Egas Moniz world to perform similar operations. frontal chimp became inexplicably aggressive.
Modern imaging techniques can reveal brain activity as well as structure. They
allow doctors and scientists to observe the complex functioning of different
regions of the brain, and to diagnose where damage has occurred. Some methods
use X-rays, some measure brain activity, while others record brainwaves.
CT produces detailed cross-sectional EEG measures brainwaves - the electrical PET scans evaluate the amount of
images of the brain. The CT scanner sends activity created when large numbers of metabolic activity in brain tissue. The
out an X-ray beam as it rotates around the neurons fire. Each of the eight patterns patient is injected with a radioactive
body, and uses its internal computer to above represents activity in a different part substance that is absorbed into active
create a nigh-quality image. CT scans can of the brain. EEG is used to study changes in cells. The radioactivity detected produces
reveal tumours and other abnormalities. brain activity, for ex.ample in epilepsy. an image of active brain areas.
MEG, like EEG, measures brainwaves, but it MRI scans use magnets and radiowaves to fMRI measures tile amount of oxygen in
does so by picking up tile tiny magnetic create brain images. The technique is different brain areas, which indicates the
pulses produced along with the brain's radiation-free and one of the safest imaging level of activity. Several pictures are taken
electrical activity.It is a faster scanning methods available.It is used for imaging every second, so that over time a 'film' of
technique than PET or MRI. the spinal cord as well as the brain. the brain's activity is created.
Look at a collection of family photographs, and you can see the influence of genes in
shared physical characteristics such as eye colour and the shape of facial features.
Genes are also a known factor in certain illnesses, including heart disease and some
cancers. But when it comes to personality and behaviour, the role played by our genetic
inheritance is rather more difficult to unravel.
Gene are found in idc the nu lcu of e ery cell. They are the et f in tructi ns for making
enzyme - the pr tein that enable ell to function proper! . Although human mo tly inherit
the ame ba i et f genes, the human genome, there are mall variation in the tru ture of
each gen .These inherited variations can re ult in c n iderable diffcren c in the way the brain
of different individual function, be au e pe ifi enzymes are ne ded fi r the production f
neurotran mitters (me eng r m I cule by which brain cell communi ate).
Inheriting characte"ristics
While per onality i hap d by many differ
,,, ent influence through life, the biological
component of per onality - known a
temperament - i pre ent fr m birth, and o is
likely to be influenced by gene . [f you have children,
you probably find that th y eem to develop unique
per onalitie from a very early age, de pite growing up
in a very similar environment. Bue how much of an
adult' per onality i determined by the gene ?
Phy ical hara teri tic , u h a eye c l ur, are
ea h determined by everal g ne , and the ame i
tru of per onality characteristic . o it i not
simply a matter of inheriting a ingle gene 'for'
a particular hara teri tic. In addition, for
behavioural characteri tic , environmental fac
tor uch a parenting education, life tyle and
diet will probably
have at lea t a
trong an influ FACT: The Human
Handing down genes
Genes - made up of the
ence a genetic inheritance. For exampl , a
p rson who inherits gene that make them
Genome Project has
DNA 'double helix' - play usceptible to depre ion may indeed established that a
a major role in
determining personality
become depre ed, but the influence f a human being has
table family and fri nd , a g od education and
and health.
a fulfilling career may well protect the per on. only around 30,000
imilarly, someone who inherits genes that pre- genes about the
dispo e them to anti ocial behaviour might get
into tr uble in an environment with opportunitie
same number
for crime, but might not in another environment as a mouse.
.,,,, ..,,..,,., ,,..., do"" ...
• Are there similarities in how members such factors, rather thin genes. But if
of your family dell with problems? Do you can see tendencies that seem to
,_,,, ...,n" ... .....,.,,,.,.
•• mlly1,., ,...,,,., .. ,,,..,
..,,.,.., ,...,.,,,.,.,,,,.
they become Sllf-critical or depr1111d, emerge In different generations Ind
or instead blame drcumstanc:es Ind not branches of the family, there is I good
talaa things personally? c:hlnc:e that these hive I strong genetic
• Do you hive similar Interests? For component.
.,.,,,.,,, ---- ... foUoftl6:
example, if your mother always
• Do you shire c:ertain mind-sets as I
followed fashion, do you find that you
family? For example. If your parents do too?
never enjoyed going abroad, do you find • Are there any striking - Ind
that you tend to get homesick when seemingly IMxplicable - coincidences
you're I long WIY from home? such IS JOU Ind I sibling both manytng
• Do you shire I similw degree of I partner with the same OCQIPIIIOn?
extroversion or Introversion - do you Of course, there's no sa,tna 1n1
enjoy talking to people you don't know similarities .... not due to shlrtng
well or do you try to Mid It? I similw upbr'u,ging or other
born with gene that make you u ceptible to tre for
HlircolN' 89 22
example, you might take thi into account when
95 87
choo ing a career.The thing to r member is that whiJe
Breast CIIICII' 6 3
gene may have a powerful influence on behaviour Mild lllrning dlslbility 94 47
and health, they re by no mean th whol tory - Schlmplnnll 48 13
lifestyle and environment are just a important.
BRAIN AND 8001) ..
e readily associate the mind and brain with
intelligence because we use our brains to
learn new facts and to draw conclusions.
However, the brain is very much more than a tool for
thinking - it is the command centre of the body, and in
this role it strongly influences our health and well-being.
The brain is the control centre of the nervous system, a network that
stretches to the tips of the toes and into every organ of the body. This
system allows continuous, two-way communication between brain and
body: anything that occurs in one inevitably affects the other.
The brain exists primarily to support the body.just like any other organ
uch a the liver or the heart. Thi primary function is often ob cured,
however, by the brain's dazzling capacity to generate omething that at
first glance eems to be guite removed from the body - the con ciou
mind. Yet even consciousness depends on, and serves, the body. ights,
ound , en ations, thought and emotion are the con ciou ly experi
nced elements of a va t and mainly unconsciou y tern that keep the
body functioning and nables us to adapt to our environment. While each
part of the brain ha a pecific function, none work alone.
Corpus callosum
A bind of tlaut llllt
linlcs the two
_,_. --
'Tast91' Incoming
l.a,sdowll ........
SIIISOfY � for ilfonnltion ID the n stores Pll'10IIII and
lhrutlning contM, appropi1111 pert of importlnt IIIIIIIOriel
The seat of conscious Contains 'body maps'
Slllding 'llglt or flWlt' cortex. n 11so dncts and sllullts ollllrs to
ffllSSIIIIS to the body llllfltlon and mocMn
ideas - it draws that respond to
penllllllllt ROrllll
and alerting ... of Illa IIWlls of ewareness. places in tlle tOl'lmi.
images and memories sensory information,
cortex connected witll
together to form and control movement
fem; anger and sadness.
thoughts and plans. and orientation.
links the medulla will! the
tlalamus. NeM! tracts
linking the spinal cord
pass lllrough here.
Enjoyment or terror?
During a roller coaster ride,
more emotional right hemi
of the brain may transmit
feelings of fear, which the le
hemisphere interprets as
excitement, because
analytically it knows that
you're perfectly safe.
a picture, the right hemisphere will tend to interpret
the content in an intuitive way - the colours may When you look at a picture in a book do you
provoke a feeling not expressed in words. By read the caption before you study the
contrast, the left hemisphere will recognise the image?
colours as 'red', 'blue' and so on, but will not be so
Are you better at faces than names?
moved by them emotionally. Normally, the right
hemisphere will transmit its feeling about the
Do you like to complete one task before
picture to the left hemisphere, which then
going on to the next?
incorporates this information into its own view,
before turning the overall perception into words.
However, the left hemisphere may misinterpret •, Score:
what the right tells it, as the information received For questions 1, 2, 4, 7 and 9, give yourself an 'R' for any yes
will be interpreted according to how the left answers and an 'L' for any no answers. For questions 3, 5, 6, 8
hemisphere sees the situation. If the left and 10, give yourself an 'L' for any yes answers and an 'R' for any
hemisphere is not aware of a threat, for example , no answers. Now add up your total number of Ls and Rs. More Rs
it may report 'fear' messages from the right than Ls overall suggests that you tend toward right-hemisphere
isphere as 'excitement' instead. The two thinking, while more Ls than Rs suggests left-hemisphere
• pheres work together to make the best
ents about the threats and opportunities
• •f
. dominance. Most people have a mixture of both left and
right styles of thinking.
front the person.
.- l' -�. ,.. .... . -.'=; .... ' . . .
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.. '
...; ;.ll, �.. \
, '. II ' ; . I
. - I
I \
The body has two major message networks - the nervous system and
the endocrine system - which provide the main links between the
brain and body. Understanding how these systems work is a key to
understanding how the mind affects the health of the body.
The n rvou y t m, with its ontrol entre, the br in, pr duce all our
con ciou acts and th ughts, a well a maintaining our uncon ci u body
operation . It keep the heart b ating and the dige tion fun tioning, it
prompt u to breathe, le p, wake and eat, it enables us to walk and it
brings u ight , sounds and en ations. The endocrine y tern distribute
the body' hormones, controlled by the hypothalamu and the pituitar
gland at the ba e of the brain, with far-reaching effe t on our health.
and pituitary
other neurons
Dendrite Neurotransmitters
Extension of nerve cell Convey signals across the
body; receives signals synaptic gap to another
from other nerve cells nerve cell
The brain is constantly receiving information about conditions both
inside and outside the body. It interprets and uses this information to
maintain a stable environment inside the body, despite changes
outside. This complex process - known as homeostasis - is essential
for survival and for keeping the body's tissues in working order.
The human body, ju t like plants or bacteria, can only thrive in certain
condition . Our ba ic survival requirements are a minimum of warmth,
oxy gen, water and food, but w al o hav 1 s obvious need : mental tim
ulation, attachment to others, amusement and novelty. Deny us the ha ics
and we will soon die; take away the other needs and our health - mental Mothers and babies trigger
and phy ical - wilJ be eriou ly undermined. behaviour in each other that helps
them to bond. For example, an
Homeostasis - keeping the body stable infant's crying prompts his mother
to pick him up. The baby will then
However benign our environment, it doe not give u the things we need
probably quieten down, open his
at precisely the tim we need them. For example, we cannot immediately eyes and follow her movements.
match our energy output, calorie by calorie, to the food we eat, or replace When she touches the baby's
every drop of weat we lo e with a ip of water. Nor can we en ure that cheek, he is likely to tum his head,
we are alway in an environment that i a comfortabl temperature. looking for her nipple. Breast
Homeosta i ensures that the body' need are met - that we maintain a feeding itself strengthens the
bonding process.
tore of nutrien to fuel action; that ell retain water even when none i
Babies are born with a well
available from outside; and that core body temperature remain at an opti developed homeostasis mechanism
mum level, de pite xternal fluctuations. already in place. A normal newborn
Homeosta i is a whole-body mechanism that work by the influence baby, placed naked on her mother's
of automatic proces es within certain organ and the controlling influen e chest and simply covered with a
of con ciou and uncon cious areas of the brain. It combine information blanket, will maintain her body
temperature just as efficiently as a
from th en es - the ight of water, ay - with self-generated knowledge,
baby in a high-tech incubator.
Homeostasis, bonding and other
Accustomed to the cold Until the 20th century, the native people of survival mechanisms probably
Tierra del Fuego, at the southernmost tip of South America, lived almost evolved millions of years ago,
entirely without clothes, despite being in a climate described during much more dangerous
as 'cold and inhospitable' by the naturalist Charles Darwin, times, to help the human infant's
who travelled there in 1832. This is a striking example of chances of survival.
homeostasis in operation, enabling the human body to
adapt to adverse conditions.
Pain is one of our most useful survival mechanisms. What you
feel as pain, however, does not necessarily match up with what
is happening to your body, because pain is - like everything we
experience - 'all in the mind'.
ometime , stubbing your toe lightly on a chair can make you cry out
in pain, while at other tim you can take a much harder knock and
barely notic . When w are very busy or excited, even evere phy i-
cal injuries may go unnoticed - in fact,ju t occupying your elf with
some mental ta k or inking into a plea ant daydream an redu e
pajn c n iderably.
The reason you don't noti e pain when you are occupied i becau e
y u have to pay attention to information oming in from the en e in Cingulate
order to b consciou of it. Pain ignal from nerve in the kin joints and
muscle enter the brain and are regi tered in the brain's 'body map' - cortex
the somato en ory cortex. But this do not automatically produce the
experience of pain. For thi to happen, another part of the brain mu t
bring the ignals to consciou ne by directing attention to them. he area
Spinal cord
re ponsible i th frontal ection of th cingulate cortex, which lie in the
deep groove between the brain' two hemisphere .
This acts a a witch, dire ting attention either
to the outside world or to what is happening
within the body. When it i activated we
become conscious of information - such
a pain - in the omato en ory ortex;
when it is 'off' we are completely
absorbed in whatever i happening in
the world around u
Neuropathic pain
ometime we experience pain even
when there are no pain signal coming in.
This type of pain, known a neuropathic pain,
i 'all in the mind' - but it i not imaginary.
James is one of a handful of children the time he was two, he had broken
who do not have the capacity to feel both legs, fractured his skull and burnt
pain. The cause of the condition his arm severely. Once, he dislocated
remains mysterious - it may be due his wrist and I didn't know about it
to failure of the pain receptors, or a until I put him to bed and he
'disconnection' in the brain system complained that he couldn't cuddle his
that brings pain to consciousness. His teddy. And because he doesn't feel pain
mother, Ruth, fights a constant battle himself, he finds it difficult to
to keep him out of danger: understand that other children do -
•Jim is very bright, and as sensible so he tends to play roughly with them.
as any four-year-old. But I can't take my 'The doctors can't do anything about
eye off him for a moment because he it, so I just have to watch his every
has no natural physical fear - he has move and keep explaining to him that
never learnt that putting his hand in the he must take care. I hope as he gets
fire will bum him or that tumbling older, he will develop a better sense of
downstairs may not be a good idea. By danger.'
Differing responses
The two components of sexual desire are
typically more separate in men than in
women. When men experience 'pure lust', a
"There are two tragedies in life. primitive brain area called the claustrum is
activated, whereas romantic interest results
One is not to get your heart's d ire. in more diffuse brain activation that takes
place in parts of the cortex. In women,
The other to get it." George Bernard Shaw sexual desire is typically of this more
diffuse kind, and this is more integrated
with the basic urge.
Our bodies are subject to hourly, daily and even longer natural rhythm
cycles. These rhythms dictate when we are most vulnerable to illness,
when a baby is most likely to be conceived and born, and how we
respond to drugs. Developments in our understanding of the body's
daily rhythm - the circadian cycle - have suggested new possibilities
for improving health by getting in tune with our natural body clock.
All bodily functions vary over time in a rhythmi fa hion. ome regular
b dy rhythm , uch a the beating of the heart and the firing of neuron
in the brain, have cy le of le than a e ond. th r are much longer: for
example, there i a yearly y le in e ual a tivity whi h leads to more
babie being born in late ummer than at any other time. indeed, in the
U A, government tati tic how that over the la t year , more babie
Animal routines The migration of birds is
were born in Au u t than in any other month.· It i thought that th
determined by the seasonal rhythms that
affect all animals. Humans are less influenced in rea ed exual activity in late autumn is due to men having higher
by seasons, but our internal body clock te tosterone level then. o-one i quite ure why this is, although it may
regulates our daily cycle of activity. be link d to the hanging amount of d ylight. ea anal ycle are mo t
food is repeatedly paired with a neutral stimulus (like the bell in relmad.
lly .,.
Pavlov's experiment), a response to the neutral stimulus will eventually perform any violent ICIS
result. Pavlov went on to explore in detail the characteristics of bec:luN ha becomes paralysed
by sickness whenever he tries
classical conditioning, experimenting with varying time intervals and - he has c:onclitloned
different types of stimuli. against violence.
While the story is ftctional,
a lov's le c a similar aversion technique
based on Pavlovian conditioning
Pavlov's ideas have stood the test of time and his approach to the is sometimes used In real life in
study of behaviour has been hugely influential, setting the new science an attempt to alter some types
of psychology on the road to an increasingly 'objective' approach, of Inappropriate behaviour.
rather than relying on speculation about hidden mental
processes or people's subjective reports of their own
experiences. His ideas have played an important role in
helping us to understand many aspects of human
behaviour. While most forms of thinking involve complex
brain processes, such as language and reasoning, our
brains and bodies are also working together at an
unconscious level all the time. Sometimes this process
can allow habits, anxieties and even physical problems
whose origins seem hidden to develop, and Pavlov's work
has provided insights into why this happens.
Psychological techniques developed from classical
conditioning have been used to treat disorders such as
depression, anxiety and phobias. Exposure therapy, where
the patient learns to live through the unpleasant feelings
associated with the confrontation with a phobic object or
situation, has been shown to be highly successful.
Whenever your mouth waters at the mention ·Of chocolate, or you find yourself working
harder after a few words of praise, you are demonstrating conditioned responses in the way
you ,react to the world. learning by simple association, or 'conditioning', was once thought
by psychologists to be the mechanism that explained most human behaviour. Now, however,
we know that human responses are more comp1ex.
We may n t feel that we have much in conunon with Ivan Pavlov' dogs,
l�CUSON which became conditioned to a ociate fc d with th ound of a bell, but
we all have our own learned respon es to our environment that produce
REWARD VERSUS certain bodily reaction and behaviour . A lot of conditioning in human
PUNISHMENT happens unconsciously and involves a pects of memory that we cannot
Behavioural psychologists have verbally de cribed.
studied the way praise, punishment
and attention affect behaviour and
can be used to modify it. Disruptive
Conditioning through experience
behaviour in children is often a way Mo t people have had the experience of being sick after eating omething
of seeking attention - and parents unplea ant - perhap a u pect mu el in a plate f moul maruuere or
can be taught to tackle the something fatty or green forced on them in childhood - and then had
problem by ignoring (that is, recurrent feelings of queasiness when exposed to that food again. Human ,
withdrawing attention from) the a well as other animal , can form a strong unconscious link between en-
worst behaviour and rewarding all
ory characteristics, uch a the smell and taste of a particular food, and the
reasonable behaviour. These tactics
often produce results in a very phy ical con equences of eating it - especially if that con equence i to feel
short time. Punishment may seem ick, and the food ha an unu uaJ or novel flavour. The m re t whiff of th
a more obvious option, but reward offending food an bring back a wave of nausea that it i almo t impo i
has been shown to be a much more ble to over ome by consciou effort.
powerful conditioner. Now known a conditioned taste aversion, thi kind of re ponse prob
Similarly, if people with minor
ably developed in mankind's early evolution a a way of avoiding eating
health symptoms are 'rewarded'
with too much attention or foods such as berries and fungi that might be poi onous. The body and
sympathy, they can become more brain are so strongly 'programmed' to respond in this way that condi
prone to repeated symptoms and ill tioned taste aver ion can be triggered even when the bout of ilJne s ha no
health generally. Indeed, doctors actual connection to the food.This can have unforeseen con equence . For
are not always brief just because example, chemotherapy treatments tend to be followed by unplea ant
they are pressed for time.
attacks of nausea and sickness. After a number of treatments, som cancer
patients begin to experience these symptoms simply by entering the treat
ment room. h.iJdren have sometime been given ice-cream to cheer them
up before chemotherapy e sion - with the unfortunate result that they
become conditioned to feel nauseous in re ponse to ice-cream and it
cea e to be a tr at.
Similarly, our emotional re pon e to things, people and place are con
ditioned by previou experience . After being tung by a wa p, omeone
might become fearful at the mere ight of a wa p or bee; conversely, if the
sting wa le s painful than previously imagined, the experience might
Jes en the fear. Likewise, someone who has had painful dental treatment
may begin to feel anxiety a soon a they et foot in a dental urgery -
a respon e that can dimini h if they find a dentist they trust.Anyone trying
to give up smoking may have a much trouble trying to break free from
the conditioned re pon e of making in certain ituation as they
hav b acing th phy ical addiction.
these 'habits' are unconscious, so the first
step to changing th�m is to discover what
they are. Of course, some habits become a
recurring cycle: if you avoid talking to
people at parties because you view
yourself as a poor conversationalist,
so when you do
Habits can catch us unawares - we notice our own
pattern of behaviour after, rather than during, the event. One .
. .
·?J :rt'.
,:� ., -· ...
way to be more conscious of habitual responses, and more likely
Does every day seem to follow the same
to put energy into changing them, is to cultivate the 'habit' of
stale pattern? Are you stuck in a rut? A
flagging them as they happen. Use physical 'props' to help bring
'habit audit' can give you a clearer picture of
invisible habits to the foreground of your attention. For example, if
your habits and their consequences for your
you want to cut down on smoking, resolve to put on a glove every
life. Keeping a diary is immensely valuable for
time you pick up a cigarette for a few days. The act of doing this
this. But you may also find it helpful to observe
will make your habit seem more of an aberration and give you
other people's lifestyles. Look closely and open
time to change your mind. Even if you opt to break your
mindedly at the ways in which others carry
resolve, you will remember this transgression against
themselves in different situations - doing the
your self-imposed rule. And this in turn will
shopping, playing with their children, and so on.
highlight your behaviour and make you
Admit that your own life is not a fixed norm from
more eager to change it.
which everyone else is deviating: it is merely one
variation among many. Learn from other people.
Try their behaviour patterns for a change,
instead of your own. You may find
unexpected rewards.
• •
immune system with another substance and u e the learned
e e ., response to achieve beneficial effects u ing lower drug doses. In
a later experiment they did just that. A woman with lupu , an
0 immune di order that damages joints, skin and internal organ , at
fir t took all her do e of medicine together with cod-liver oil and
Q � •
ro e p rfume. ver a 12-month period, he came to need only half
as many do es of medication as expected if the do were alternated
with cod-liver oil and perfume; he continued this regime for five
Mind and the years, and her condition improved.
immune system
Emotions, moods and
thoughts can have a
Influencing immunity
physical effect on the ot o long ago, thi phenomenon would have eemed baflling becau e
brain, in turn affecting the immune y tern and the nervou y tern were thought to be quite ep
the body's response to arate. Immunology wa ba ed on cell and molecule fighting invading
stress and illness. organi ms and the idea that these apparently automatic chemical proce e
could be learned eemed absurd.
When you feel a cold coming on, the also benefit the immune system by
two things you are least likely to feel raising levels of the 'attachment'
like are having a good laugh and getting hormone, oxytocin. This hormone is
romantic with your partner. But it may produced when people show affection
be well worth making the effort as both (as well as during orgasm), and it is the
these activities can help to ward off foundation of the mother-child bond.
infections by boosting the activity of Babies who do not get enough physical
your immune system. affection in the weeks after birth fail to
Laughter works by reducing the produce normal amounts of oxytocin,
levels of stress hormones in the blood, and that may be one reason why they
which slow down the immune cells tend not to thrive and
responsible for searching out and succumb more easily
destroying viruses. Having a cuddle may to infections.
The immune system •anny' has an important battalion of natural killer (NK) cells, whose role is to search
out and destroy mutant or alien cells. NK cells are activated as part of a sequence of hormonal and chemical
changes triggered by injury or disease. The 'alarm signal' that gets them working is a sudden rise in the
stress hormone cortisol.
If cortisol levels stay high, however, the NK cells become
depleted and are no longer so effective. A study of women
with breast cancer found that those whose cortisol
levels remained at a high level survived, on
average, for three years after diagnosis,
while those whose cortisol levels rose and fell
in a normal way survived over a year longer.
The women with high cortisol levels were also
found to have fewer NK cells. Helping to keep
stress - and cortisol - down to normal
levels may be one reason why relaxation
techniques can help cancer patients.
Cancer cell
peculation on the influence that personality and
attitude can have on health crops up regularly
in the media. But what are the facts behind the
stories? Does stress inevitably make people ill? Are
happy, fun-loving people less likely to suffer illness?
Are some people condemned to ill health simply
through personality? And is it possible to beat an
illness through positive thinking?
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earch has shown that psychological factors play an
portant role in many diseases, from heart problems to
ching a cold. Your physical health is often dependent
your state of mind. And this, in turn, is influenced - at
st in part - by your personality.
Although they had been extremely close resumed his heavy work schedule, but
when they were young, brothers Martin six months • he was back in hospital.
and Bill could not have had more This time, the a>nsultant warned that he
different personalities. Martin, 46, was a would have to stop driving himself so
sales director - ambitious, driven and herd, or he would be dead by 50. With
iffll)ltient He was an exercise fanatic, difficulty, and with reminders from Bill
careful with his diet and a IIOlrsmolaer. and others around him, Martin heeded
Bill, 44, was a taac:her. He had WOl1ced the wa"*'II, and made some major
at the same school tor 15 ,ears and changes to his lifestyle.
unlile many colleagues, coped easily
with his wortdoad. At weelaends, he wsit
fishing or Wllldng. He,.d a drink,
kMld food and was a bit owerweight - he
even indulged In the odd c:iglr.
Despite their diftnnces, they got on
well, so Bill was de'lastated when his 'flt'
brother WIS rushed to hospital attar a
heart attack. Martin recovered and
yet again, and commented that it wa odd the way the patient would sit
on the edge f their eats, lutching at the armr ts - a if they were anx TRY IT YOURSELF
ious to be off a soon a po ible. o wonder the ats kept wearing down
in the ame place.This throwaway remark about the unu ual behaviour of COPING WITH 'TYPE A'
their patien led Friedman and Ro enman to uncover the link between a BEHAVIOUR
restle per onality and heart problem . If you recognise yourself as a type
However, the typ A p r onabty i compo ed of everal different trai . A personality, don't assume you are
going to get heart disease. While
T here i no general agreement on which type of personality i mo t su -
you caMOt expect to transform
ceptible to heart disea e, but ome intere ting tudie hav b en done in
yourself Into a type B, you can at
recent year .A group of m n and women were given a fru tracing anagram least modify your behaviour to
puzzle to olve. W hen doing th puzzle, tho e who had admitted in a que - improve your health and reduce
tionnaire to being more ho tile and u piciou howed much higher ri e your chances of suffering a stress·
in blood pressure than their more tru ting peer . We all know people who induced condition.
get worked up over things that other take ea ily in their stride, and evi • The first tip is to choose your
dence ugge t that reactivity in respon e to tressors may be ignificant in battles carefully and stop trying to
th development f hyperten ion - a major ri k factor for heart di ea exert control over minor upsets or
events that are beyond your ability
to change. If you have been given a
'Type C' personalities parking tidcet, for example, just
After h art di ea , cane r is the leading cau e of death in the developed aaiept it gracefully rather than
world. But doe your personality affect your chances of getting cancer? raging or fuming about your bad
There i some evidenc to ugge t that it might, although the link i not luck. Is it really more important
nearly a strong a that between personality typ and heart di ea e. Some than your blood pressure?
p ychologi ts have defined a 'type C' (cancer-prone) per onality, which • Second, if you are an enervetic,
may be characterised as omeone who re ponds to stres with depre ion drt¥ln person, find some -, of
and hopele ne , and mute their negative emotion . Type C are al o letting off steam that is easier on
your cardiovascular system. "hieing
introverted, re pectful, eager to plea e, conforming and compliant.
part in sport. exercise or regular
owever, th tudie that have been done have not taken into account meditation are all beneficial ways
how per onality might affect life tyle - for example, wheth r a type C of calming yourself down. However
per on i more likely to rqoke, for example, which would increase the busy you think you are, it is worth
chance of developing cancer. spending time on whichever
On the other hand there i evidence to ugge t that your per onality relaxation technique wortcs for you,
for the sake of your long-term
type can affect the chances of surviving cancer. Tho e ufferer who deal
mental and physical health.
with the di ease either with a 'fighting pirit' or denial s em to do better
than tho e, like the type per onality, who accept their fate pa sively.
David piegel of tanford Univer ity in the USA di covered that cancer
patients who joined a upport group that fo tered the fighting pirit sur
vived, on average, 18 month longer than tho e not in uch a group.
However, not only i the data o far incondu ive, there ar al o pitfall
in over-empha i ing the influence of per onality on di ea e. Taken to
extreme, it could re ult in patient feeling they were to blame for their ill
ne , producing feelin of guilt which would only add to their problem .
If per onality type do influ nee di ea e ri k, then it probably occur
through a weakening of the immune sy tern via tr . Thi could under
mine the body' defenc and in turn make omeone more vulnerable to
infection. How ver, much re earch till n ed to be done before the influ
ence of per onality on phy ical health is fully under tood.
Do you know what sort of person you are? Our personalities
are extremely complex, with many layers and aspects.
However, the British psychologist Hans Eysenck identified
three major personality dimensions. Use this three-part
questionnaire to find out which you are.
Personality is a collection of individual and
relatively enduring patterns of behaviour and
interaction with others. Our temperamental and
personality characteristics are what make each
of us unique. Over a period of several decades,
Eysenck developed a model in which he
described three main personality dimensions:
introversion-extroversion, emotional-stable,
and tough-tender. Eysenck saw each of these
as a scale on which most people would score
somewhere between two extremes, and his
three-part model is still commonly used today.
• Although your personality tends to remain stable
over time, you can change your lifestyle and also
alter your behaviour to some degree. An understanding
of your personality type could help you to identify
particular lifestyle and behaviour tendencies
that may have a negative impact on your health.
To discover where you are placed on
Eysenck's three personality dimensions, complete
the three questionnaires on this page. Then turn
to the next page to find out how you scored
and what implications this may have for your
health. With determination, you may be able to
use this awareness to modify your behaviour
• Do ,au need 1D ma I lot of
and improve your mental and physical well-being.
Sllf-cantral 1D aut of One highly revealing way of using the
trouble? questionnaire is to complete it yourself
first, and then have someone
I Ant ,au .... c:Mdlll 1D
who knows you very well to fill it
in on your behalf. The differences
thrown up can be quite interesting.
Write your answers on separate
sheets of paper so that your friend's
answers are not influenced by your own.
Give yourself one point for each 'yes' to questions 1, 3, 4, 8 and 9 Extroverts typically show the following traits: activity,
and one point for each •no• to questions 2, 5, 6, 7 and 10. sociability, risk-taking behaviour, impulsiveness, expressiveness,
lack of reflection and lack of responsibility.
A score of 8-10, means that you are outgoing, sociable, active and Introverts, by contrast, exhibit more or less the opposite of all
impulsive - an extrovert. the extrovert's traits to a greater or lesser degree. They are thus
more likely to be cautious and reflective, to be reliable, to
If you scored l-7 you are an ambivert, which means that you have persevere, to be interested in solitary pursuits and to prefer their
some of the characteristics of each type, extrovert and introvert. own company. Extrovert people may be happier and more fun to be
with, but introverts tend to be more independent and reliable.
A score of 0-2 means that you are quiet, controlled, thoughtful and
responsible - in other words, a classic introvert.
Giwe JQll'l8lf one point for each .,_. to questions 1. 2, 6.1 and 9 Stability makes a person content and generally easy to get along
and one point for each 'Ao' lo questions 3, 4, S. 8 and 10. with. However, emotional people are often more exciting, creative
and artistic than stable people, and U. are more likely to
A san of �1011111111 lhlt you are � emotional and indined sympathise with the problems of others.
to be ..... te.ful, gull-ridden and generally hamed by life. Emotionaly unstable people are more likely to have personality
traits such as low self-esteem, depression, anxiety, obsessiveness,
A art of W iJldlcllls flirty aver111111110tion1111y. You n lack of autonomy, hypochondria and feelings of guilt People of this
1'1111111111111 WII ..... llllt not COlnpleteiJ Immune to IIICiely. type are sometimes thought by psychologists to be more at risk
of succumbing to physical and mental Illness.
A san of 0-211111111 lhlt you .. U111111111J lllble,
COllldlM, secure and untroubled by MAii.
Extroverts may need more balance and moderation in Introverted people are generally shy and often have less
their lifestyles. They should be sure to get enough sleeo and well-developed social skills. They may benefit from some form
eat healthily. There may be a tendency to drink in excess. and of social-skills counselling to help them overcome any tendency
indulge in too much partying and risk-taking behaviour. to excessive shyness. Introverts who live on their own should
Reining in such tendencies could benefit mental and be careful not to neglect their own physical and emotional
physical health. needs. in particular by maintaining important social
contact with family and friends.
,,_,,_ 11• ..,,,,,,., OCt:1111 ..,...,, l. Sit in a chair, with one friend sitting in nose is, but has shifted location to
Ille lnhl ',ro/M:u' • INl"'6 on IO • another chair in front of you, facing in where your finger is stroking your
,,,.,, ,,,., " not .... Whll the same direction, and the second friend friend's nose in front of you. You have
,,,. ,,.,, Ill • t:Ollfll• of standing on your right. 'created' a phantom body part!
,,,.,,,,, - • ,.. llllnlllel 2. The standing friend should now take
Conflicting signals
your right index finger in their right hand,
The illusion arises because the brain is
and use it to stroke and tap the nose of
faced with two conflicting streams of
the seated friend in front.
information. The hand says that it is
3. At the same time, the standing friend stroking a nose some distance in front,
must use their own left index finger but the nose, confinning that it is being
to tap and stroke your nose, in stroked, feels that it is happening in the
precise synchrony with the usual place - on your face. The brain
stroking and tapping using has to interpret this information in a
your finger of the person in way that makes sense. Both messages
front of you. cannot be right so it chooses between
4. Close your eyes and relax. them. Messages from the hands are
After about 30 or 40 more credible because the fingers have
seconds you will find that far more neurons associated with them.
the feeling of tapping and So the brain chooses the information
stroking no longer comes given by the finger - that the nose is
from where your way out in front.
Expectations of pain
Another way that feelings may be produced without obviou cau e i
through e ::pectation. uppo e, for in tance, that your mother uffered from
rheumati m, and as a child you frequently aw her win e when he moved
her knee. Furthermore, you heard that thi type of rheumati m i heredi
tary. Now uppo e in middle age, when nearly veryon tar t get ome
joint pain, you fc el a light pain in your knee. Mo t people would di mi
it a normal wear and tear, but your fir t thought i likely to be that thi i
what your mother had. rom that moment y u are I oking ut for the
next pain, and any sensation in the knee, however light, g immediate
attention.Attention i known to amplify fee)jn - it make the brain cells
as ociated with the en ation fire more trongly - o what might have be n
a mall twinge can become a earing pain.You may have preci ely the ame
degree of wear in your kne a omeone el e, but your brain reacts more
trongly to it becau e of your expectation . Digital diagnosis Computers can be more
imilarly, people can become s n iti cd to body ignal .A per on who accurate than doctors at diagnosis - perhaps
on tantly looking out at th world, rather than inward , i le likely to because they are not misled by their own
prejudices. In one study in a hospital
pay attention to the ince ant buzz of information that th body nd to
emergency department, the patients'
the brain. mall p in are overlooked, and becau e they are not noticed, the symptoms were fed into a computer, which
brain cell that regi ter them d not b come nsiti d. ln contra t, ome then made the right diagnosis in 91 per cent
one who monitor body ignal very clo ely will notice every little of cases; the casualty doctors, by contrast,
en ation, and th brain will rea t 111 re trongly to any adverse sign al. were right in only 45 per cent of cases.
he simple belief that you have a ondition can trigger a tual change
in the body that may produce sign of the illne . Ju t thinking that your
blood pr ure i rising can cau e th blood ve el to on trict, o that
An illness is the same illness In Britain, for example, patients usually be attributed to spasmophilia -
wherever you are, right? Wrong. complaining of breathlessness, spontaneous muscle contractions
Doctors as well as patients tend to fit diuiness, tiredness and feelings of brought on by magnesium deficiency.
signs and symptoms of illness into a panic would probably be diagnosed with In Germany, the diagnosis would most
disease pattern they are familiar with hyperventilation, a condition in which likely be vasovegetative syndrome,
and expect to see - and expectations blood alkalinity rises as carbon dioxide caused by a nervous system imbalance,
differ according to training and is reduced through over-breathing. In while in the United States doctors
speciality. France the same symptoms would more would probably pronounce 'burn-out'.
P E R S O N A L I TY A N D H E A LT H 67
(JR€4tl l;Lve4
Hysteria In the 19th century, hysteria was
a common diagnosis, describing a
condition in ivhich psychological
problems were transformed into dramatic physical symptoms. These
curious and debilitating effects are still studied by doctors.
The ancient Greeks thought became central to his theory of
that the womb (husterus) was psychoanalysis. He concluded
a free-floating organ that could that hysteria was caused by
move around the body creating repressed sexual desires and
problems - any mysterious conflicts that were converted
ailments in women were into physical symptoms.
therefore ascribed to 'hysteria'.
Although the notion of a Hysteria today -
wandering womb disappeared, conversion disorder
that of hysteria did not. In the The term hysteria is rarely used
19th century, the condition was by doctors now; in everyday
held responsible for a host of Hysteria demonstrated Jean-Martin Charcot usage, it usually just means a
symptoms in women, including (1825-93) held public performances where patients display of melodramatic
emotional fits, numbness, would demonstrate the clinical patterns of hysteria. emotion. However, the 19th
weakness, sensory dysfunction century idea lives on in a set of
and fainting. conditions known as conversion
A Parisian neurologist, Jean-Martin Charcot, disorders. These are no longer thought to be
studied hundreds of 'hysterical' patients and primarily sexual in origin, or limited to women, but
described how they went through four phases: Freud's basic idea - of physical symptoms caused by
physical rigidity, muscular spasms, emotional unconscious conflict or pain - remains fundamental.
outbursts and delirium. He discovered that he could Conversion disorder is defined as the appearance
induce these states in some of his patients, and held of symptoms, usually affecting movement or the
demonstrations in which women were taken through senses, which cannot be explained by physical
the phases, then miraculously cured. Sigmund Freud disease and are judged to be associated with some
was fascinated by Charcot's work, and hysteria kind of psychological stress. Patients have no
Root cau e
The symptoms of conversion disorder are not
imagined; they occur because the brain functions
abnormally. A brain scan of a woman who was
unable to move her left side revealed that when she
was asked to lift her left leg, the brain area that
plans action became active, showing that she
intended to make the movement, but this
instruction was not transmitted to the
neighbouring motor cortex, which tells the
muscles to move.
The only data available to the conscious mind
in such cases is that it is trying to move but
can't. Not surprisingly, most patients
erroneously conclude that there is
something wrong with their limbs.
Fifty year ago, one of the mo t commonly pre cribed treatment in general medi
cine wa a ticky, bright pink, trong- melling mixture call d a pecial tonic'. Family
doctor handed out thi my teriou uh tance with grave in truction about exactly
how and when it hould be taken, and encouraged patients to believe that it had
powerful healing propertie . In fact, the tonic was little more than coloured yrup
with no direct curative power . Yet the doctors were till being truthful
when they implied that it could heal. Patients who believed in the special
tonic usually showed improvement and reported fee�ng better.
Thi placebo effect ha been ob erved in e medicine began. Indeed, until the
arly 20th century, mo t pills and potions worked in thi indirect way. The word
'placebo' i derived from the Latin 'I hall plea e' - an acknowledgement, probably,
that placebos were often employed by doctor to 'plea e' their patients.
Drugs are tested against a placebo in placebo, and have the option of refusing If it Is a pill thlt is
order to establish how much of I to continue. being tested, for
treatment's eftlc:tiVWIISS (and side Trials work by dividing I number of example, the placebo
effects) Is due to patient expectation, patients with similw symptoms into two will look identical to
and how much Is attributable to the groups. One group is given I placebo the Niii drug. pill
drug's direct medicinal effect. These for a set period while the other Is given will carry I code
experimen1s n known as 'rlndomlsed the trea1menl for ldentHlc:8tlon
controlled trills' (RCTs), and only In order to enue tlllt patients do and only It the end
treltments thlt show I benefit in these not know which treatment they are of the trial will the
experiments CIII be liclnled. It Is receiving, where posstble the trflls are alloc:ltion of pills to padtnts be
essentill thlt patients do not know 'double-blind' - thlt Is, the doctor l"IV9lled to show who rec:ei¥acl
whether they are taldnG the real trill administering the drugs does not know which treltments. The
drug or I plecebo. Pltients who ISlfN whether the patient Is taking the Niii results can then be
to tllca part in trills n Informed In thing or not This i,ments the doctor analysed and the efflc:lc:y
lclvlnce tfllt they ffllY be given I from unwittingly Influencing the patient of the drug 1s1•11d.
Ruth Mdlrfde. an elderty woman with to be put bllck on the old ones. My
chronic � (indigestion), hid doctor explained that the new ones
first-hand lll*ienCe of how were iclentic:al IIICIPt that they
expectations CIR influence I drug's were celled by the generic name
effac:t when her regular prescription instud of the brand name, Incl
WIS changed. were made by I different company.
'A year ego my doctor switched my He showed me the book with all
pils.The new ones were celled the drug names in Incl I S1W he
something else Ind loollad dlflerwlt. As WIS telling me the truth. I know it
soon IS I started them my symptoms sounds funny, but the next day they
came beck, so I went bllck Ind lslled started to work ...•
chr at found that those who felt th y had been treated ympathetically
re over ·d more quickly. A do e of sympathy had generally more effe c, it FACT FILE
eem , than a course of antibiotic .
ome omplementary therapies depend on the placebo effe t for their THE POWER OF
effi acy, but it i difficult to te t chi be au e a placebo elem nt i usually SUGGESTION
built int mplementary treatments. A consultation with a complemen Three facts about placebos:
tary therapi t will often involve taking a detailed patient hi tory and • Placebos work best for pain
listening carefully to the patient. It may al involve 'hands-on treatment, relief, migraine, rheumatic pain
like aromatherap , massage or b d manipulation. Th e element are and sea-sickness.
• Eighty per cent of experienced
almo t ertain to ha e a placebo effect, but if you rem ve th m ther may
doctors use placebos, but only
be little f th therapy left to a e .Thi i why it can be difficult (although 16 per cent of junior doctors say
not impo ible) t te t mplementary treatment u ing rig rou they would use one.
ientific mea ure . • Studies show that victims of
industrial accidents recover
The brain-body response twice as quickly when their
employers formally acknowledge
The pla cbo effect i brought about by the a ti ation of different physio
their injuries.
I gi al mechanism in the body. Pain an be relieved by the relea e f
natural endorphin - morphine-like ub tan e in the brain. he relief of
a pr blem u h a on tipation or irritable bowel yndr me may be du to
ner ou y tern me hani ms that r lax the smooth muscle of the inte tine.
Infection , and p ibly cv n tumour , may be reduced by the brain acti
vatin immune ystem re pon e .
However, alth ugh phy i I gicall based the placebo effect i ubject to
learning and modification. If, for e ample, y u ha e learned to a sociate
pain reli f ith taking a small white pill, that a ociati n al n can bring
about pain relief whenever you take a imilar white pill - regardless of
what it contain . A I ng a you believe it i the painkiller, it an have ,
curative effe t. I 11 on experiment, p ople were given a lozenge that pro
duced heart palpitation . When they were later given an inert but
identical-I oking loz nge, their h art rate in reased to the ame
e tent a with the a ti e ub tan e. The placebo effect is thu not
alv ays benign, but tend to pr du the
effect that the patient expect the treat
mem t have, which may include
unplea ant ide dfe ts. Indeed, the
high level of idc effe ts reported
by man people taking a pla bo
Colour matters Placebo studies have
ha prompted ome re carch ·r to
shown that pink or red pills produce a
que tion the general a umpti n stimulant effect while blue pills have a
that placebo are harm le . tranquillising effect - even if they both
Pia ebo , then rel heavily contain the same inert substance.
on the patient's e rpectation of
the treatment's effectiven
he body imply 'd e what i
expected f it' - whatever that
i in each ca e.
Your view of the world and what happens to you is coloured by the way that you think.
People who are negative thinkers may be more realistic than positive thinkers on some
issues, but negative thinking can lead to an unnecessarily gloomy view of life. And when
it comes to health, it seems there may be health benefits in adopting a more positive way
of thinking.
Events, even tres fol one , are mo tly neutral in them elve - it i how we
think about them that affects the way we re pond. A job may force
som one to move away from a place where he or she i happy, but the
change may offer the chance to get to know a
new area and make new friend . f course, find
ing a po itive a pect in traumatic ir um tance ,
"People are disturbed,
such a bereavement, i difficult, but there are till not by events, but by the
difference in the way p ople c pe. A negative
thinker i mor lik ly to tay marooned in grief, v·ew they take of them."
guilt and anger, while a po itive thinker will even Epictetus.
tually b able to move on and be thankful for ancient Greek philosopher
happy memories.
Healthy attitudes
The way people per eive everyday events i affected by their thinking
tyle. For e ·ample, if a friend doe not call when pr mi ed, negative
thinker will a ume that they have done something wrong and that the
friend is angry with th m; po itive thinker , in contrast, will probably
Ari you • neptin or• positive • Is your thinking global or • Is your thinking internal or
thinker? To find out. .,,... your specific? external?
rnpon,n In thtl followin, 1iluation1. Your bank statement arrives and you You have been told that you did not get
realise that you are unexpectedly a promotion you applied for - instead,
• Is your thinking fixed or
overdrawn and have been charged by the company have hired an outside
the bank. Do you think, 'I can't believe candidate. Do you respond by thinking,
You have had an argument with
this has happened to me - it's so unfair. 'I wasn't good enough to get that job',
someone you are close to and just
I seem to get everything wrong'. Or, do or do you think, 'I always thought they
discovered that they were right all
you think, 'Well, finances never were would bring in someone new'?
along. Do you think 'I always get it Internal thinkers tend to blame
my strong point. I'll have to be more
wrong' or 'Well, I made a mess of that, careful in the future.' themselves when things go wrong,
but everyone is wrong sometimes'? A negative thinker will tend to take a while external thinkers accept setbacks
The first response is negative, global view and assume that if they get as being outside their control. So, to
reflecting a rigid mindset. The second is one thing wrong, tlTen they always get enhance your positive thinking, try to
more positive as it acknowledges that everything wrong. In contrast, a more see events as changeable, not fixed;
each situation is different and that positive thinker will realise the specific specific rather than global; and external
responses can change accordingly. nature of any failing. rather than internal.
ume that the friend i bu y or will ring when
they get the hance.
n a more eriou level, the way you perceive
potential threat govern your tress re pon e,
which in turn can affect your health. o doe th.i
mean that negative thinking can make you ill?
There i no overwhelming evidence for thi , but it
doe eem that a person' thinking tyle may play
me part in their tate of health. ondition such
a arthriti , a thma, h ada he and heart di ea e
can all be affc ted by state f mind.
A positive outlook eem to help peopl to
cope better with serious illne e . For e ample,
p ychologi t have found that men who had oro
nary bypa urgery recovered more quickly if
they had a po itive, rather than negative, outlook
n the ituati n. Th y r turned to normal life more quickly, and when Breaking down It may feel like letting off
a ked ab ut their quality of life ix month on, were till doing well. steam, but reacting with hostility to the
frustrations of everyday life - as the
The health cost of hostility character Basil Fawlty (above) famously did
in the classic television comedy series
Th type of negative th.inking that i Jinked mo t tr ngly to ill-health 'Fawlty Towers' - can actually increase the
- parti ularly heart di ea e - is ho tility. People \; ho are hostil complain chance of stress-related health problems.
a 1 t, are u piciou , get into a lot of arguments and always seem to put the
worst interpretation on other people' behaviour. P ychologi ts at the
Univer ity of Kan a rated 750 men for ho tilicy then followed their
pr gre over many year . They found that tho e with high ho tility core
were more likely to die prematurely. he ame tudy found that pe pie
who are ho tile are al o mor lik ly t lead unhealthy life tyle , being
prone to smoke, drink or use drugs.
A generally ho tile attitude al o ha a more FA . : Norman Vincent Peale, successful
direct effect on health, as it can lead to more
wear and tear n the central nervou y tern
author of The Power of Positive Thinking,
during tre . P ychologi ts gave a gr up a fru - was so disappointed with the first
tracing puzzle t solve (a devi e d igned to
manuscript of his book that he threw it in
elicit a mea urable ere re pon e). Tho e who
had previou ly admitted, via a que tionnaire, to the waste-paper basket - from where it was
being more ho tile and su piciou in their atti rescued by his more positive cleaning lady!
tude t other howed bigger increa e in blood
pre ure over the puzzle than tho e with a more positive attitude. ver a
lifetim , the urg in blood pre ure in respon e to normal daily fru -
trati n may well damage the arterie , perhaps etting the cene for heart
di ea e - alth ugh thi link ha not been on Ju ively pr v d .
l n contra t, po itive thinking involve a con tructive re pon e t life's
problem while keeping a en e of per pective. Po itiv think r are le
likely to feel fru trated, helple or overwhelmed by circum tance , and thi
can be very helpful in oping with the tres e of everyday life.
Stress is the body's reaction to the challenges and threats of the
world around us. Back in our evolutionary past, stress had real
survival value, enabling humans to flee from or combat threats
from wild animals and enemies. Stress can still be crucial in
an emergency, but usually our stress responses merely produce
wear and tear on the brain and body.
Fight or flight
A the name sugge t , the fight or
flight re p nsc equip you either to run
away fr m a threat or to tay and face it.
ither way, you n ed e tra energy, o a oon
a the thal, mu , the brain' relay tati n, is made
av are of the tre or by the erebral c rte ·, it puts
the ympathcti nervous s t ·m on red alert by end
ing a me . age to the adrenal gland . Th· adr ·nal p ur
ut t, chemical - adrenaline and noradrenaline - , hich
Stress can affect you throughout your and mobile phones, means that
life: children who are bullied at school opportunities for communication and
suffer enormous stress, and many older contact are now limitless. The average
people carry the burden of caring for a office worker is said to be exposed to
sick relative. However, it is stress at over 100 digitally transmitted messages
work that we hear the most about a day. This has led to many people
today. The main factors increasing job experiencing information overload. Also,
stress appear to be the rapid pace of mastering new technology presents
change and lack of control over work. unexpected problems and stresses for
people who had managed without these that allows little room for individual
Rapid pace of change tools for many years. input. Often, employees feel they are a
The concept of a 'job for life' is mere cog in a big machine, with little
disappearing in today's workplace, with lack of control personal value beyond their specific
a trend towards temporary and contract Dictated to by demanding superiors, task. However, some more enlightened
work. Some people respond well to the busy schedules and long, strict working employers are trying to reduce this kind
challenge, while others find the lack of hours, many people have little control of stress on their workers by offering
security frightening and stressful. over the work they do. People feel left training, inviting them to meetings,
Technological change, with the out of the decision-making process in allowing flexible working hours and
widespread use of computers, e-mail, companies with a hierarchical structure generally democratising the workplace.
increa e both your heart and breathing rate to ensure delivery f extra
glu o e and xygen to the mu Jes.Your blood cir ulation alter· t : blood
i diverted away fi- m the dige tive y tern, kidney
Identifying stressors
FACT FILE If you made a Ii t of all the things
that au e tre in y ur life, and
FOUR STRESS MYTHS then c mparcd it ith a Ii c made
1. All stress is bad for you. by a friend, it i likely that you
No. Without stress, we wouldn't would hare me tre e , while
be able to cope with life's other would be different. For
problems and challenges. We
example, you might b th be both
have to respond to changes in
ered by tran port problem , noi e
the world and that inevitably
involves some stress. Without and cro d , but maybe you tend to
stress in our lives, we would get tre ed by taking on too much
never feel the satisfaction of at w rk, wherea your friend might
overcoming problems and find it diffi ult to ope with the
mastering difficult challenges.
demand of family life. What is
2. Everyone gets stressed out tre ful for one per n may not be
by the same things - noise,
for omeone cl e.
traffic, overwork.
No. Although these stressors
Although it can be hard to pre
may well cause some annoyance dict which ituation and events
to most people, the extent of will a t a tres ors for different
the stress each person individual , it i I ar that even
experiences will be different. We inv lving major adju tmenc - uch
all respond to events in an
as moving home getting marri d,
individual way. Some people
adapt to certain kinds of stress
or changing jobs - tend to cause
and become used to it, while the greate t tre . In the 1960 , the
others find even the slightest U p ychologists · i hard Rahe
annoyance too much. and Thoma Holmes developed the
3. People who complain ial Readju tment Rating cale, Staying in control Air-traffic control is
about stress are just weak. in whi h th y a igned diffi rent life one of the most stressful jobs around today.
No. Research shows that stress
v nts a rating depending n how This is probably linked to the pressure of
has genuine effects on mental responsibility - a single mistake could be
and physical health. Excessive
much tres each produ ed (see
fatal for hundreds of passengers - and to the
stress should be dealt with pag 82).The value were m a ured way a routine situation can suddenly escalate
promptly before it creates in 'life change units' (L U ).A you into a crisis.
serious health problems. might expect, bereavement and
4. There is a stress epidemic divorce were high up the cale, but more urpri.ingly even positive event
today. uch a g ing on holiday and the birth of a child were rated as tre -pro
No. Humans have always ducing. Rahe and Holme argued that people who accumulated a high
suffered from stress. In fact, the
total of L U over a 12-m nth peri d were more likely to be ome ill.
stressors people faced in the
past were probably far greater Although there ha be n little hard evidence to upport thi theory, anyone
than they are today - at least in experiencing a high I vel of change i ertainly likely to feel ere ed.
the Western world - including Another way of looking at tressor i in terms of ha le ' - a term intro
hunger, war, serious overwork, duc d by the U tre expert Richard Lazaru in 19 4. Ha le ar daily
poor health and so on. People annoyan e - uch a lo ing things, or unwanted ocial obligation - that
today are more conscious of
can, over time, build up and have a corro ive effect on your phy i al and
stress as an issue - they hear
and read about stress far more, mental well-being.
and this has raised awareness. Unexpected tre or are oft n harder t handle than pr dictable tre .
A en e of being out of control make the body tre cir uits go into over-
P E R S O N A L I T Y A N D H E A LT H 79
drive. For example, during the Blitz in World War II, the German air for e
bombed central ondon every night. Yet according to a paper publi hed in
1942 in the medical journal The Lancet, the in idence of ulcer in central
London wa lower than in the uburb , sugge ·ting that the uncertainty of not
kn wing where the next bomb w uld drop au ed more tre s.
While it i widely believed that too much tre ha a bad effe t on health,
it ha be ·n h rd to prove a direct link between tre and pecific illne . But
it ecms likdy that may be that undue tre lead people int unhealthy
behaviour like m king drinking too much and overeating, and thi in turn
cau e health problem . Re ear h ha ho-. n that. d le ho e perience
a lot of tre are more likely to start making, and adults\ ho have given up
may lap e during a tre ful peri d.
Managing stress
Whatever the cau e, y u can learn to lower th tre burden n your elf.
annon and I e viewed the brain and b dy a a ma hine, re ponding pa -
ively to life' tre rs, but the m dern view of tre i 111 re d nami .
Richard azaru puts great empha i 011 the role of apprai al in tre man
agement. ir t of all, he ay , you hould a e the tre or t under tand wh, t
kind of threat it may po e to you. You may learn by experience, fi r i11 tance,
that a noisy neighbour will quieten d wn after half an h ur r o. Then you
h uld a e -. hat re ur cs you have t deal with the tre r. For example,
you could move to a part of the hou e where the noi e is Jes noticeable, or
arrange to be ut when the di rupti n i u ually at its w r t. What er
re pan e ou choose, taking ome control over a tre ful ituation reduce the
per eived tre .
-- - - --- - -
"R�f fAve4
ll*lllst COlll-119 to help him CDIIII
or unexpected IPl)l'Olda. Doctorl to terms with the trlUml of WII',
• 'llln'Ol8" type.
llways suffering from problems
for which no cla'
CIDllld bl found.
It is often said that life is what you make it, and there is some truth in this when it comes
to dealing with stressful events. The way we respond to life's ups and downs depends
very much on personality and experience, but everyone can learn to respond more
successfully to challenging and difficult circumstances.
The causes of stress vary from person to person, but there are certain events that
everyone is likely to find stressful. How we respond to such 'objective' stressors
depends on personality. Based on psychosocial research, the scale shown below
and the questionnaire opposite can help you to evaluate your likely stress level
and assess your coping style.
To assess your way of coping with stress, take a few moments to think
about the most stressful situation that you have experienced recently.
T his could be a situation that was difficult or troubling for you, either
because you felt distressed about what happened, or because you had
to use considerable effort to deal with it. Once you have an event in
mind, assess your coping style by responding to the statements below.
How to score
Add up your scores for questions 1, 2, 4, 6, 7.
Now add up your scores for questions 3, 5, 8, 9, 10.
If your score is higher for the first group of questions, then you tend to favour 'confrontative
coping•. If you scored more highly on the second lot of questions, then you are more likely to employ
'escape-avoidance' as a coping mechanism.
Confrontative coping is typified by positive efforts to alter the situation but involves some degree
of hostility and risk-taking. Escape-avoidance is based on wishful thinking and efforts to
escape or avoid the problem altogether.
Health can be very much affected by the social situations we experience and
the environment around us, as well as by our individual personalities. In particular,
home and work circumstances have a strong influence on whether people are able
to maintain healthy lives.
We are all individual , and it i through our direct a ociations with one another - whether
friends, relative , neighbour , work colleagues or health profe ional - that we can d the
mo t to help everyone maintain the be t po ible health. But looking at society as a whole can
help to reveal ources of health problems and how they can be dealt with by ocial mean .This
can contribute, for example, to how new homes are built, how office and other workplace
are run, and to identifying which group in ociety need extra support.
There seem no doubt that relative wealth and tatu in society has a dir ct ffect on
th. In general, people of lower ocio-econom.i tatu t nd to have higher rate
t disease, and there is mu h evidence that poverty is tr ful. Re earch on
on group carried out by Robert apol ky in the USA supports thi .
lsky found that baboons with a lower rank in the o ial group had higher
levels of the tress hormone corti ol - probably becau e they w r being
bo ed around by the hjgher-rank animals. They also had lower
levels of HDL (high-density lipoprotein) cholesterol - a state
that is linked to heart di e e becau e 'good' HDL chol terol
help to remove 'bad' (LDL) hole t rol from the blood.
Conditions in society
The relation between health and o iaJ status i not alway traightfor
ward, however. or example, a recent UK tudy howed that
middle-ranking iviJ servants in Br itain with little control over SUPPORT AND STRESS
their worl<l ad run a higher r isk of heart disea e than th ir uperi In a study to assess whether social
or - o far, o predictable. But the study al o howed that those ranked support can alleviate the stress
response, three groups of
below th m wer le tre sed: it eem ther may be a po ition of 'maxi
volunteers were asked to give a
mum tr ' in the work hierarchy. imilarly, several recent tudie have presentation - a standard way of
shown a higher frequen y of eating disorders ( uch as an r ia nervo a measuring stress. Those in one
and bulimia) in better-off section of ociety. The de ire to be thin, it group brought a friend along for
seems, i more corrunon among teenage girl from a wealthy background. support; people in the second
In ome level is just one part of a complex pi ture here: the family, ethnic group gave the presentation alone;
and the third group had to put up
background and media image are all major influen on how people see
with a aitic being present during
them elve . The mo t 'desirable' body shape depends on fa hion and cu1- the experience.
ture,and a well-rounded figu re has been thought the epitome of beauty in All the volunteers showed a rise
age and so ietie ther than our own. in blood pressure, revealing the
he conditions that ociety impo es on its members can sometime be stress involved. However, those
po itively beneficial. For example, over the last decade, there has been a with a friend showed the smallest
increase in blood pressure, while
widespread drive to redu e moking in public places and to make mo t
those who had to face a critic had
office moke-free environments. ome employers have introduced pro the biggest increase. Having
grammes to help staff to quit, or at least to ut down their cigarette support dearly helps to reduce the
consumption during working hours. Any initial re entrnent from mokers amount of stress experienced.
u ually disappears a people come to appreciate the health advantages both
for themselves and othe
ew would deny that there are benefits for health
and well-being to be found in developing
constructive ways of dealing with anxieties, or
learning to appreciate the pleasurable experiences that
life offers. This may seem like simple common sense,
yet it is not always clear how to go about enriching our
lives in this way. The key to change is in the mind.
We are surrounded by information about the health effects of what we do and what we eat.
Most foods have nutrition labels, packets of cigarettes carry health warnings, and even a
bottle of wine may include a message about the dangers of drinking alcohol. Making
reasonable decisions based on such advice is an important way to keep healthy.
Fruit, glorious fruit Only a small number of people actually manage to eat
the five daily portions of fruit and vegetables recommended for a healthy
diet. To help you increase your fruit intake, try thinking of it as the
ultimate convenience food - it comes in its own packaging, it's ready to
eat, and it's good for you. You could also seek out unusual fruits to
keep your fruit snacks interesting.
changes to your daily routine - such as
cycling or walking instead of driving the
car for short trips, and dimbing stairs 240
instead of using the lift - to reach your
goal. Minor changes like these can make
all the difference. The chart shows how
many calories various activities use up
(figures are for a person weighing 80
55kg/8 stone Sib). ACTIVITY
a ked whi h f the foll \ ing fi e g d health habits they practi ed: (1)
leeping even to eight hour a night; (2) not moking; (3) having no
more th n two al oholi drink a day; (4) taking regular exerci e· and (5)
being no more than 1 per cent overweight. Nine year on mortal EATING FISH FOR A
ity rat were ignificantly lo er for people foU wing all fi e healthy LONGER LIFE
habi .Tho e v ho practi ed two or le were three time more likely Eating fish reduces your risk of
to have died than tho e v ho practi ed four or five. Those who foll wed all developing a thrombotic stroke
(caused by a clot in a blood vessel
five had far fewer day of illne .
leading to the brain).
It cem it is definitely worth making an ffort t live a healthier In a US study, researchers
life tyle. However wheth r ou do o depend on many factor . ome assessed 80,000 women (aged
people do not like being told how they hould Ji e, parti ularly when it between 34 and 59) for 14 years.
c me to per nal matter like ex , al ohol They found that the more fish they
and diet. on equ ntly, do tor in the ate, the lower the risk of heart
disease. Compared to women who
UK have b en warned by health am
ate fish less than once a month,
paigncrs not to nag their patients to top those who had fish three times a
moking - one reminder a year i month had a seven per cent lower
enough, they ay. risk; a weekly fish meal gave a 22
It i never too late to adopt a per cent lower risk; two-four meals
healthier life tyle, and e en omebody per week had a 27 per cent lower
risk, while five times or more
who ha been overweight for many
resulted in a 52 per cent reduction.
year will benefit from a change of The beneficial effect derives
di t and me gentle exer i e. from the omega-3 fatty acids in
fish, which reduce the 'stickiness'
E ating for victory Changes in diet forced of blood platelets, making clotting
on the British public in World War II actually less likely. Oily fish such as herring,
produced an improvement in general health. trout, sardines and salmon contain
Fat and sugar were rationed, and people the highest amounts of these fats.
were encouraged to grow as many
vegetables as possible.
There is more to life than just having your basic survival needs met and more to health
than just the absence of illness. A sense of well-being, whatever your personal
circumstances, comes from a positive attitude and an appreciation of everyday pleasures.
'Quality f life' i a relatively new idea, but it i a on ept that doctors and
p ychol gi t are beginning to empha i e. Modern m djcin ha given us
more year of lifc, but often th e are marred by chroni illne , 1 neline
and loss of indcpenden e. Quality of lifc goe beyond phy i l h alth - it
take in p ychologica1 and emotional factor , too.
veryone know at lea t one per on who ha had bad luck in life or
i in p or health, and yet till een content. What i their e r t?
P y hologi ts have tudied uch people and attribute their vitality to
their ability to nurture their own en e of well-being.
The e people are passion
ate about the things they do,
whether it be work, rela
tion hip or hobbi . They
often have a robust
en e of humour,
and do not take
themsel too seri-
ou ly. Happy people
MUSIC AND WELL-BE/NS often look younger
A growing body of evidence than their years, and
suggests that music has beneficial may even be a little
effects for health. In the 19th eccentric - accord
century, physicians discovered that
ing to two tudi ,
music could affect heart rate and
eccentric people
blood pressure. In the earty 20th
century, doctors in the USA used
music in hospitals to help alleviate
pain. Various scientific studies
followed, and these showed that
music could influence mood,
prolong attention span, relieve
stress and stimulate imagination.
Music is very much a personal
taste, but research suggests that
the most natural tempo for a piece
of music is 80 beats a minute -
about the same as the average
human heart rate. This suggests
that music appeals by tuning in to
our natural body rhythms.
Marie and Sue were neighbours who following day. 'I don't know why you're
found themselves in hospital on the doing so much better thin I 1m,' Sue
same day for I routine operation. They complalned as Marie drew up a chair for
were admitted to the same ward and a chit. 'Must be the view from the
were glld of IICh other's company. window,' Marie jollad.
Marie's bed WIS l)r the window Ind she Though she didn't know It, Marie
could see a big patch of sky Incl the was right. Studies hive shown thlt
trees in I nearby perk. Sue's bed was patients who hive a plemnt view from
close to the corridor, furthest from the their hospltll Wlrd - of I Pirie. for
window. eumplt. with some trees or flowers -
The opendions were unMntful. l'9CIOVII' faster thin tllOII who hM I
Both women hid plenty of visitors Incl view of somethiig less attrac1M, lllal I
they reallved the Slffl8 madicll en. car part or bulldinll, or thole. Ille Sue,
However, Sue llllded men Plin who hM no view at Ill. Some holpitals
medicltlon Incl sleeping tablets ..... are now creltlng gardens In their
the Gplrltiori. Mll'il WIS out of bed the grounds with this In mind.
experiences. It is through our
senses that we learn to appreciate
the beauty of the world around
back from touching. Yet touching - of the will probably find that touching, stroking
non·sexual kind - between people can be or talking to it lowers feelings of stress.
-- �-
... .
r,...:' ' ·..
Giving your eyes something pleasant to focus tree - and watch it change through the
on enhances the quality of everyday life. In seasons. A few well-chosen pictures or
one experiment, people who were shown posters can make the inside of your
slides of attractive natural scenes home or your office much more
reported higher levels of positive stimulating. Developing your garden,
feelings, like friendliness and elation, however small, can also be a source of
than when they looked at drab urban visual pleasure. And you can bring
scenes. If your office looks out over a car nature into your home with flowers,
park, or the view from your living room is plants and even pebbles. Walking in
of a busy main road, try to position your seat your local park or countryside is
so that you can see something natural, like a beneficial too, and many studies
have shown that exposure to
sunlight improves mood.
Smell is probably the most underrated of our been proven to be even more effective at
senses. Humans can distinguish around putting the brain into a relaxed mode. Aromas
10,000 different odours - and because the can distract the mind from dwelling on
part of the brain that analyses odours is unpleasant thoughts. Smells can also evoke
intimately connected to emotional centres strong memories of positive emotions and
of the cortex, smell can really affect the happy events, helping us to relax and
way we feel. For instance, peppermint achieve beneficial physiological states
has long been valued as an aid to clear like decreased heart rate or lowered
thinking and recent research suggests blood pressure. Experiment with the
that a whiff of mint can motivate people aromas that you like - such as flowers and
• •
before exercise. People often associate incense - and find ways of incorporating
lavender with relaxation, but spiced apple has them into everyday life.
As most people know, food can be a regular and other spices produce a feeling of
source of pleasure and stimulation, and not pleasurable sensory stimulation. Chocolate,
just a refuelling exercise. There is certainly which is a favourite treat for many people,
no harm in treating yourself to some of stimulates endorphins and serotonin
your favourite foods every now and production in the brain, which brings on
again. Food and drink can be a great feelings of contentment. Crisp, fresh
pick-me-up - especially if you have the textures will perk you up, while comforting
added satisfaction of having cooked a carbohydrates will make you feel relaxed or
pleasing dish yourself. As recent sleepy. Whatever your favourite food, it
changes in British eating habits should stimulate your taste buds, creating
suggest, curries and other spicy food are a sense of enjoyment.
enjoyed by many people - chillies, peppers
. - '
.�. .. . ·�
M I N D W AY S TO H EA lT H 95
� HOW TO....
For thou pnple diapond with a • Begin by saying something like, 'You It is difficult to predict how people
urious I/Inns, it can bl hard to break know I went to the hospital for some will respond to the situation. In the
1111 n,ws to family and frlena. tests recently?' long term, they are likely to be resilient
Hown,r, it /1 best to ,et family 1uppott • Try not to deviate from the subject, and accepting, whatever their initial
u urly u po,,lble. Anyone di.,,,oud however uncomfortable you feel. reaction, but be prepared for those who
with a chronic condition mifhl find 111, • Do not be afraid to say how you are not supportive: for example, a friend
follow/116 point, helpful: feel - they will understand that this is may find the illness an unwelcome
• Be brave, and bring up the subject a difficult moment. reminder of mortality and start to avoid
yourself. • Non-verbal contact, such as holding you. However, most people will care and
• Make sure you have the person's full hands, a hug, or sitting together may will want to do all they can to help you
attention. help you communicate your feelings. through such a difficult time.
Most of us find that talking through problems with a friend will help us feel more relaxed
and clearer in our minds. The various forms of psychotherapy can be seen as more formal
versions of this type of communication offered by experienced professionals.
Talking to a professional
It may seem a sad r fle ti n on modern o iety that many pe pl have to
pay omeone to talk about their problems. urely a chat with a good
On the couch In a typical portrayal of friend, or an older and wiser family member, would be more helpful in a
psychotherapy, Woody Allen visits his analyst cr i i ? ocial upport i vital, of course, and it i kn wn to alleviate stre
in the film 'Annie Hall'. Some types of and keep u healthy. But sometimes a common-sense hat i not enough.
psychotherapy can take years, but more Anyon who has uffered from clinical depr sion or a phobia will know
recently developed forms can work faster that being told to 'pull yourself together' or 'ju t do it' by someone close
because they focus on tackling present
makes them feel wor e - however well-meant the advice. ften, friends
behaviour patterns and thoughts.
and family are too lo e to an individual and their prob! ms to offer objec
tive and useful guidance. A qualified therapi t, while he or he may be
receptive and friendly, will take a more obje rive view.
Group therapies
P ychotherapy i not alway one-to-one: for certain problem , group ther
apy i more effective. Sharing experienc in a group can be genuinely
beneficial. All too often, people are convinced that no-one understands
to ......
• Wlldl ,-, own NIPOI- - do
what it i like to have their problem, o when they di cover that other
JOU .... 'bind spot' wllen It hare their feelings, it i oft n a great relief. Peopl ufiering from seriou
comes to haing views diffll'
from ,our own? Do you. for
instanc:e, tense up or swltdl on
when 90ll'NIOlll .,. IOffllthlng JOU
disagree wlth?This can be a huge
blrrier to being • good llstlner.
• If JOU find � longing to
int.-rupt. try to rHOa1S on what Is
being Slid.
• Don't offer advice or opinions.
unless aslGld - even thin, think
carefully before JOU speak. 1ly to
be open-minded and .. the
problem from their perspectM.
Psychodynamic therapies focus on • Gestalt psychotherapy emphasises • Co-counselling involves an equal
the unconscious, while supportive integrating all aspects of experience, relationship between two people, who
therapies concentrate on conscious encouraging the patient to develop full take it in turns to talk and listen.
thou,ht processes. Some of the main awareness of the present moment.
forms practised include:
SUPPORTIVE THERAPIES • Group therapy is valuable where
PSYCHODYNAMIC THERAPIES • Cognitive therapy aims to replace interpersonal difficulties are a key part
• Freudian psychotherapy negative thought patterns with more of the problem.
(psychoanalysis) seeks to uncover logical and realistic ones. • Family therapy is used where
childhood sexual conflicts through the • Behavioural therapy focuses on therapy directed at just one member of
analysis of dreams. the immediate problem and the the family may not resolve matters.
• Jungian psychotherapy uses circumstances surrounding it. • Art therapy involves painting,
elements of mythology, symbols and • Rational-emotive therapy uses drawing or sculpture to express
dreams to probe the mind. logic, authority and persuasion to help emotions associated with a problem.
• Adlerian psychotherapy fosters the patient give up irrational ideas or • Neurolinguistic programming
self-confidence by overcoming feelings unreasonable expectations. (NLP) looks at how we experience the
of inferiority rooted in childhood. • Transactional analysis examines world and applies this knowledge to
• Kleinian psychotherapy focuses on the different roles a person plays in life alter behaviours that limit us.
early childhood experiences. (such as 'child', 'parent') and helps the • Life coaching involves a personal
• Humanistic psychotherapy person develop a more realistic, coach who will help the individual to
concentrates on spiritual growth constructive attitude. tackle specific problems. The coach
potential, looking forwards not back. • Counselling is often directed at discusses and monitors progress and
• Rogerian psychotherapy is client specific problems - such as sets goals.
centred and non-judgmental, and bereavement - and involves listening • Eclectic approaches combine
assumes the patient is best able to to clients and helping them to therapies to suit the individual's
deal with personal problems. understand their problems. character, circumstances and problem.
illne es may meet together under the direction of a nurse or social worker to di -
cu their concern . Family therapy is useful in dealing with childhood and
adole c nt b havioural problems, while couple therapy can help to untangle
the complexitie of a troubled relation hip.
F . Research has
o-counselling takes place between two p ople within
a group who take turn to be therapist and client. If a
per on develop an empathy with the co-coun elling shown that cognitive
therapy is as effective
partn r, the techniqu can be very helpful, without the
co t of a per onal therapist. But the partner mu t tick to
certain rule - no interrupting while the other per on as antidepressants in
i peaking, no giving advice and no pas ingjudgement -
and the e can be difficult to follow. Ob erve your elf when
relieving depression.
you are ne t Ii tening to a friend talk about hi or her
problem . How many time did you interrupt, perhaps to recount a similar
experience of your own?
Mo t people wilJ gain omething from a talking therapy. However for
therapy to be ucce ful, it i vital to match the typ of therapy to the per on
and the specific problem.
Psych logi t u e the term cognition' to refer to the information-proce ing ability of the
brain. ognition. enable. u t think, remember, analyse, learn and n gotiatc our way through
life. he way we experien. phy i al pain al o depend on ognitive fa tor . If it i a familiar
pain, for example, you might decide that it will pa oon., and by a e ing the pain in thi way
r duce your di tre s. Unpr ductiv way ofthinkjng ar re ponsible for a gr at deal of mental
uffering and even physical ill health. You may know omeone, for example who alway
draws negative con lu i n : if ome ne di agree with them, they alway a ume it is a per
sonal attack and wa tc time and energy worrying about it.
People with obsessive-compulsive gas has been turned off, which can be
disorder (OCD) are often ideal repeated so often they undermine the
candidates for cognitive therapy. They person's thoughts and actions.
are plagued by recurrent, unwanted Brain imaging studies have shown
thoughts (obsessions) that create a that there is a specific brain circuit that
state of perpetual nagging anxiety. In is normally active only when we are
attempting to deal with this, they performing routine tasks, such as
typically carry out various repetitive having a shower, making a cup of tea or
rituals (compulsions), which can locking the front door. Usually, this
consume so much time and energy circuit is turned on and off as needed,
that they seriously disrupt everyday but with OCD sufferers the circuit fires
life . The most common compulsions all the time. Treatment with cognitive
are hand-washing and checking rituals, therapy can calm this overactive circuit
such as checking to see whether the down to its normal cycle of activity.
The common image of an addict is of someone hooked on heroin or cocaine. But
most addicts will probably never have seen hard drugs. Alcohol, nicotine and
certain prescription drugs, as well as some types of activity, such as gambling
and even shopping, can all be addictive. Whatever the substance, addictions
can do wide-ranging damage to physical and mental health.
Even when affected by moking-related di ea e , ome mokers ju t cannot
overcome their addiction to nicotine. Heavy drinker can blight th ir live -
from relation hip problem to unfulfilled potential at work - through alcohol abu . In ome people,
the drive to keep con urning certain ub tance or to repeat certain type of behaviour i overwhelm
ing, even when the con equences are di a trou . But what drive thi elf-de tructive behaviour?
Treating addictions
There are various approa h to the treatment of
addiction. M di ation i ometime u ed to tr at ako
hol, nicotine, hopping and food addiction . Nicotine
pat he , for example, an help to w an om one off
cigarettes, while the drugAntabuse (disulfiram), which
i u ed to treat alcoholi m, replace the en ation of plea ure that the per on gets
from drinking with nau ea. However, fighting the physical addiction is ju t part of
th tory; mo t addicts need to I arn new attitud and pattern of behaviour if they
are to ucced in the long term. BehaviouraJ therapy can be very effective again t
addi tion . ne trategy involve rewarding the individual for reaching certain goal .
Above all, people hould not be puni hed for addiction , but encourag d to adopt
more po itive behaviour that provide the ame p ychologi al reward
without indulging the addiction.
To orercome an addiction 3. Resolving to stop The decision to situations associated with the addiction
successfully, there are a number of give up an addiction demands strong can be crucial in the early stages of
states that must be worked throu1h. resolution and must come overcoming it. In the longer term, a
1. Acknowledging the problem from the addicted person themselves. new perspective, attitude and lifestyle
Becoming aware of the addiction and Joining an appropriate group - from should develop.
acknowledging it is the first step Weightwatchers to Gamblers Anony 5. Keeping vigilant For many people,
towards recovery. mous - can help maintain the resolve the final stage of recovery is without
2. Building awareness A period of to beat the addiction. end. Keeping free from addiction
honest thinking about the effects of the 4. Changing behaviour Establishing becomes a lifetime process of
addiction and ways to beat it. different habits and activities to avoid reinforcing healthy new behaviours.
Fear is a part of everyday life. Although it may be unpleasant, it is a perfectly normal
and natural response to threats or danger. However, sometimes fear can become
uncontrollable and develop into a disabling phobia. Fortunately, many fears and
phobias can be effectively treated by psychotherapy and other techniques.
This is one of the most common
phobias, and involves the fear of
being alone in public places or in
an unfamiliar setting.
Hypnotherapy can help patients get through pelnful physical
examinations. An American doctor, Mic:hlel Nash, reported the
experience of a patient who had to have a blldder examination
every tlvee months for five years after the removal of a tumour.
He refused a general anaesthetic, and an epidural (a spinal
anaes1hettc) was considered medically dangerous. The first time the
patient was examined, he had to be held down as he struggled with
the pain, which was a distressing experience for all concerned. Dr
Nash decided to teach the patient seH-hypnosis. Before the second
examination, the patient took 60 seconds to prepare himself. Ten
minutes later, the examination was over and the patient reported
feeling none of the pain of the previous examination. And the six
people waiting to hold him down went for a coffee instead.
CREATE Professional therapists and counsellors use a wide range of
techniques to assist their clients. Many of these can be adapted as
self-help tools to help us identify mental and emotional difficulties
and work through them towards more constructive ways of feeling,
thinking and acting. Try these exercises as the first steps on the
road to self-analysis and awareness. Anyone with serious concerns
about mental health, should seek professional advice.
Humanistic therapy views every person as a unique Identify your ideal self
individual and aims to involve the client as actively In the following Q-sort exercise you should try to be
as possible in discovering his or her own ways of as honest about yourself as you can.
feeling and thinking ('client-centred therapy').
• Make your own set of Q-cards. You could use the qualities listed
The Q-sort method here or devise your own to create a pack consisting of 2�30 cards. To
'Q-sort cards' are used to help people find out which reduce the possibility of personal bias in your choice of qualities, you
areas of their personality to work on. These cards could do the exercise together with a friend, making one pack of Q
cards for both of you.
have personal qualities written on them, such as:
• Shuffle the Q-cards. Sort them into five piles, putting the cards that
• I am friendly describe you best into pile 1 and those that describe you least well into
• I am unfriendly pile 5. Grade the others into piles 2-4, using pile 3 as a 'neutral' pile
• My outlook is generally positive for traits that seem neither characteristic nor uncharacteristic. Note
• My outlook is generally negative down the qualities that you have placed in each pile. These form a
• I am usually tense picture of your 'self-concept' - how you see yourself.
• I am usually relaxed • Shuffle the cards again and repeat the exercise, but this time
• I put myself first imagine you are your 'ideal self' - the kind of person
• I put others first you would most like to be.
• I am decisive
• I am indecisive Your self-concept
• I am critical
Compare the two sets of results. The qualities of your
• I am generous
ideal self that are lacking from your self-concept
• I have a wide range of interests
• I have few interests represent areas to think about working on. You could
• I often see my friends begin by looking at those qualities in the first two
• I rarely see my friends piles of your ideal self which also appear just one or
• I am open about my feelings two piles below that in your self-concept.
• I conceal my feelings
Dreams often relate to our present preoccupations. Analyse your dreams
Analysing them can help us to clarify our concerns, At the end of the two weeks, read through your diary and
desires and fears. analyse your dreams as follows.
• Note any dreams that appear to be accounted for by your c:onsclous
Keeping a dream diary
waking experiences (for example, a dream of water following a visit to
Keep a daily diary of your dreams for a short period, the seaside).
say two weeks. As soon as possible after you wake in • Note any links between your dreams and your personal concerns.
the morning, make a note of: These links can be direct (you may dream about being iN or losing your
• The content of your dreams, including the people and places job) or indirect (if you are worried about failing an exam you may
who appear. dream of falling over). Alrf such dreams that recur are likely to
• Significant events in your life in the previous 24 hours. represent issues you should deal with most urgently.
• Significant concerns about your health, job, relationships and • Did you have any dreams that cannot be accounted for bJ your
so on in the previous 24 hours. waking experiences or concerns? They may express deep-seated or
even unconscious desires or fears - especially if they recur.
We are not normally aware of our bodies at work, although physiological factors such as
blood pressure, blood flow and heart rate affect our health. The therapeutic technique of
biofeedback provides conscious awareness of unconscious body states, and is a powerful
tool for learning to control stress-related conditions.
Biofeedback give. people the power t influence me a pe ts of their bodily fun tioning that
are of benefit to health. F r example, it is well known that high bl d pre ure i a ri k factor
for heart di ea e. Blood pres ure fJuctuates n tantly in an 24-h ur period, but we are not
normally aware f the e changes. U ing biofeedback, we an learn what it i that rai es blood
pre ure, and what we can do to bring it down again.
In fact, biofeedba k i a kind f learning proc , on i ting of three basi cages. in, the
ph iological function that ou want to ontrol i identified - uch a lowering kin temper
ature or blo d pr sur ·. e ond, the function needs to be c nverted into a ignal that i easy
to re ognise - su h a a m ving n ·edle on a meter, a Oa hing light or a ound that hange it
tone. In rder to me;i ure and ob erve any ariation in the signal, you need to be nne tcd
to , monitoring machine that ha either a vi ual di play ( uch a a mputer creen) or an
audible output. For example, a tone may be u ed to
indicate blood pr ure.A the pre ure falls o doe the
pitch of the tone. The third tage i reached when you
"I suffered from
A patient observes
feedback from his have learned hat it is that makes the ignal alter in the cold hands. Using
brainwaves on a direction you want - in other word , h w to con
computer screen. ciou I control our body' respon e. biofeedback, I learned
to warm them up by
Over a number of
sessions, he learns
to control his brain
activity. This can help The brainwave data is
Sensors on the
patient's head pick
imagining them in a bowl
of warm almond
with problems such transformed into a up brainwave data
computer game. By playing and feed it into the
as mood disorders the game, the patient
and migraine. modifies his brainwave
oil - lovely!
And it really
Shirley, 39
Doctors in the USA used biofeedback means of the 'reward' of a pleasant· IMPROVED PERFORMANCE
There is new evklenc:e that
to cure a woman of persistent sounding tone. After 34 one-hour
depression. She had been treated sessions, her depression had lifted.
biofeedback may have positive
using psychotherapy and A check-up six years later revealed
effects even when there is not a
antidepressants for over 12 years, but that there had been no recurrences -
specific medical problem. A team at
without success. Biofeedback (by an impressive result, since many
Imperial College London has
monitoring her brain activity in patients with depression do relapse.
succeeded in raising the
response to happy or sad film clips) Since then, a further 20 patients
performance of musicians at
enabled the woman to normalise her have tried the treatment, 18 of
London's Royal College of Music.
brain activity reaction to the clips by whom have improved.
The results suggested that
enhancing specific brain activity
patterns by biofeedback improves
hinking of h w y u felt about your neighbour when he took attention. After biofeedback
your parking pace, for example might mak your bl od-pre ure t ne training the students made fewer
impulsive mistalcas when
rise to a high-pit hed queal. Breathing more I wly and thinking about
performing, such as playing the
your forth oming holiday ma alter it to a plea ing hum. Ev ntually, you wrong note or coming in to the
will learn " hat mental trick work to make the de ired hange for y u piece too early.
vvithout needing the machine. The technique could also be
applied to enhance sporting
How biofeedback works skills. Biofeedback could be
used to improve a golfer's swing,
Biofeedba k be , me popular in the 1960 and ince then ha b en
tor example.
applied to a range of chroni di order , many f them tre -related. lt
began with , tud onducted at the Univer ity of aliforni, involv
ing people with epilep y. Re ear her Barry terman dis overed that
the brainv ave of pe pie on the verge f a eizure had an abnormally
high level of brain activity. he re ear her de i ed an intera tive com
puter game where the rccn image wa related to the level of brain
activity. By learning how to ontrol the image n er en, patient
learned to contr I and normali their own brain acti ity pattern . F r
example, one patient's image wa a ro ket and by rai ing it t the top
of the screen - u ing whatever mental trick worked be t - he found
he could norn1, Ii e the electrical acti ity of hi brain when it " a
highly a ti e and thereby avert a eizure. A variety of imilar te h
niquc are in u e today.
Using biofeedback
Biofeedback ha proved to be ucce ful in treating a wide ran
of condition , including high bl d pre ure, migraine and
R.aynaud's disea e - a circulatory problem in whi h bl
in the han con trice and cau e an a hing, Id en ation. Druxi m
(teeth-grinding) and temp romandibular joint (TMJ) di ord r,
where ten i n in the jaw produces evere facial pain are two tress
related condition that re pond weU to biofeedba k. In the U A,
biofeedba k (or neurofeedback a it i al o known) i bcin u d to
improve concentration among hyperactive children.
Stress is a short-term physiological
response that aids us in the face
of danger - which ,s hardly a
suitable state in which to live, or
even regularly spend time. Indeed,
too much stress is known to make
us vulnerable to ill-health. To
eliminate harmful stress from our
lives, we must learn how to put our
anxieties in perspective and, above
all how to relax.
e for relaxation
that we are o often 'on the go', there i
e left for reflection. hort period of qui t intro pection have
hown to reduce tre . They help you tay in tou h with your inn r
, and enable y u to put the tribulation of your life in perspective. By
nding fiv minute r more letting y ur emotion , whatever they are,
ub ide and thinking about what really matter to you, you will ome to
e that you have hoi e.You do not have t onform with other people'
opinion if you di agr e with them. hi belief in the overeignty of the
elf ' i a corner tone of modern approache to per onal fulfilment.
• Breathe in slowly and deeply through the nose to a count of 10, making
sure that the abdomen expands but the chest does not nse. Exhale through
the nose, slowly and completely, also to a count of 10. Repeat S-10 mes.
Counting through each cyde in a concentrated way waH help to quteten
your mind. You might also irnagme yourself Inhaling energy and calm, and
exhaling worry and tension. Repeat this several times a day.
How we stand, sit and move can have a protound effect on our well-being and
energy levels. Many common ailments, such as frequent heldaches or low back
pain, stem from muscular tension caused by bad posture. The most common
failings are slouching, rounded shoulders, arched back and tilted head. More and
more people are coming to believe, in line with Eastern thinking, that the body
has an optimum flow of energy (the Chinese call this energy 'chi'), and that any
blockage in the flow can disturb the harmony of body and mind. Improving
posture is the key to eradicating such problems. It can even help to alleviate
insomnia and depression.
• Good posture depends on the spine, which hould be lengthened and centred.
When standing, your weight should be spread evenly over both your feet, and
your shoulders level. Viewed from the side, there should be a straight line through
your ears, arms, hips and knees to your feet, and a gentle curve
in your lower back. When sitting, keep your knees slightly
lower than your hips: a wedge-shaped cushion can help.
All the following are taboo: slumping in a chair,
crossing your legs, and holding a telephone
receiver between chin and shoulder.
Muscle relaxation techniques such as tense-and-relax exercises and
stretching are simple to learn and can be practised at any time.
• Tense or clench each muscle tightly for 5-10 seconds, then release it
completely, being consciously aware of the muscle relaxing. Start with the
toes and move progressively up the body to your face and head. After each
tense-and-relax, imagine that the body part has become warm and fluid.
Visualise each element as flowing freely. With practice the exercise
becomes more effective and will induce relaxation more quickly. It can be
particularly useful in getting to sleep.
A classic relaxation technique is to visualise an
image or scene that fills you with peace - a bit like
running your own stress-busting movie in your mind.
• Find a quiet place and ensure you will not be
disturbed for at least 10 minutes.
Close your eyes and breathe
deeply, then conjure up a
favourite or idealised place -
perhaps a tropical beach, a city
park, even a golf course. Gradually
build up the details of the scene in
your mind - not only the sights
but also the sounds and smells. Be
aware of the weather - a cool breeze
or warm sun according to your
preference. Retreat to this
inner sanctuary whenever
you need to regain
peace of mind.
Yoga (a Sanskrit word that means 'yoke' or 'union') is an ancient Indian repertoire
of techniques integrating mind, body and spirit. It improves suppleness, digestion,
ciralllllon and relaxation. It can also heighten intuition and creativity. At a more
IIDIDUIICI level It provides a way to achieve enlightenment or self-realisation - in
•••*farm to forge a union of the Individual self with the 'universal self.
In the West Is Hatha Yoga, which aims first to cultivate
pastures, or •asanas', and then moves
MIM' ••-----The beneffls are physical,
Sleep and health
Most of us take sleep for granted, i,nless it starts to become elusive.
During sleep, your brain and body enter a state quite different from
being awake - it is not simply a case of 'switching off'. And tvhen
sleep is limited, the impact on health can be significant.
As a society, we probably sleep less now than at which to build glucose reserves, or to exercise little
any time in the past. Records show that, until the used brain circuits. Other suggestions include the
widespread availability of the electric light in the need to conserve energy - but in fact a body asleep
19th century, people slept for an average of nine continues to use up almost as many calories as it
hours a night. Today, the average is seven hours, does when awake. Whatever the precise reason for
and many people get by on less. But does sleep sleeping, it is agreed that it plays an important role
deprivation have an effect on health? We cannot in keeping us healthy.
survive indefinitely without sleep-11 days is the
record (people can go without food for far longer). "When I was a student, I'd sleep
Sleep, then, would appear to be essential, but there
is still no generally agreed account of why this is till midday at the weekends. But it
so. Some scientists think that sleep is necessary
t,ecause Gf the-body's need
change as you get older. Now I'm
time' In
alwa p by eid,# - and I don't
a o get me up "
Sometimes we miss out on sleep due to lack of
opportunity - the demands of a young family, for
example, or an overloaded social life on top of a busy
work schedule. But the quality of sleep itself might be
deficient and this can indicate another health problem.
because vital organs (brain and heart) are
intermittently deprived of oxygen. They are also prone
to daytime sleepiness, which can be dangerous if they
need to drive a vehicle.
Of course, insomnia can occur without any obvious
For example, people suffering from depression may cause. But becoming anxious about sleeping will only
wake up very early in the morning and be unable to cause worry and make us less able to sleep. For those
get back to sleep. Snoring, too, can be a sign of an people who worry that they are damaging their health
underlying problem called sleep apnoea. This is a through a lack of sleep, laboratory evidence has
temporary cessation of breathing, perhaps hundreds of revealed that insomniacs get more sleep than they
times a night. People who suffer from sleep apnoea are think. What seems like only half-an-hour's sleep over
more prone to stroke or heart disease, probably the whole night may, in fact, be nearer five hours.
Pain is simply the way we come to know about damage to the body's tissues, and
the feeling it produces differs according to how the brain interprets it. Our brains can
present the knowledge as anything from intensely unpleasant to just another piece of
sensory information. And we all have the ability to turn the first experience into the
second, whether by using drugs or altering our thinking.
erve di tributed around th body run up the pine and into the brain,
where they are regi tered on the omat en ory rte . It u ed to be
thought that p, in information imply travelled up th nerve pathway and
wa automatically fi It a pain on e it reached the brain, but now a more
omplic ted picnire ha emerged.
W hen you bang your hin your automatic re pon e i t rub it.
'Rubbin it better' work becau e th re eptor and nerve fibre that
tran mit pain me age lie close to tho e arrying en ati n u h a
warmth and plea ant tou h. If non-pain fibre next to a pain- arrying fibre
are timulated, the ign al from the pain nerve are blocked befor they are
con ciou ly regi tered.The pain blockade occurs becau e only one type of
n ation can be felt in th s me area of the body at the ame time.
The 'competiti n fi r on iou nes 'betv.reen painful and plea ant tirn
uli was fir t di covered in the 1960 b phy iologi ts Patrick Wall and
RonaJd Melzack. Their 'gate control' theory of pain proposed that there
wa a ' gate in the pinal rd \ hich allowed only one type of sen ation to
pa through it at a time. However, recent re earch ugge t that the gate
effect i in fact pr vided by the body' attention y tem.
Attention to pain
An area of the brain ailed the in
FACT: According to a US
gulate cortex, which lie in th Gallup poll 46 per cent
groove between the brain' tw
hemi phere , can turn attenti n
of women and 37 per
Defeating pain Acupuncture is thought to inward or outward . If methin cent of men experience
relieve pain by stimulating nerves that interfere
with the transmission of pain signals to the
threatening or ex iring i going
on the ingulate cortex wit he
pain on a daily basis,
brain - this is the 'pain blockade'.
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation
your attention away from your and 89 per cent of all
(TENS) also exploits this phenomenon. b dy and redu e any sen ation of
pain. Thi is one rea n why ol
adults experience pain
dier wounded in battle may feel no pain at the time, at least once a month.
a their mind are ccupied el ewhere. It has even
been reported that up to 20 per cent of peopl who
Of those in pain, only
undergo major urgery report feeling little or no pain half had visited a
fi r hour or day after the peration.
Prol nged evere pain, a may occur in a chronic
doctor in the previous
c ndition such a sciati a, an have a debilitating effect three years to seek help.
Meditation can help you dissociate technique works particularly well with dimensions and shape. When its form is
yourse« from pain. Enn ff Ifs there, migraine: if, for example, your migraine clear in your mind, imagine wrapping it
you don't han to suffer too much. is on the right side, focus on the left up in brown paper and tying some
Tiier, are many techniques, so side of your body, from the neck down. string around it. Then imagine taking
experiment to find which works bnt 3. Close your eyes and imagine you are this 'parcel' out of your body, and
for you. Here are four options: in some beautiful, peaceful place where placing it a long way away. Place it on
1. Concentrate on your breathing. Take there is no pain. the ground. Then walk away from it.
long, deep inhalations and focus on the 4. If a pain is so overwhelming that you These types of mind control may
feeling of each one. cannot focus on anything else, try a sound too simple to be effective, but
2. Focus on a part of the body distant little self-induced dissociation. Close with practice they really can work. If
from the pain: if the pain is in your your eyes, and imagine the pain as a you succeed, you will find that the
right side, focus on the left; if it's in physical object. Concentrate on exactly feeling of pain, although still there,
your head, focus on your feet. This where the pain is, measuring its ceases to bother you as much as before.
Pain thresholds
en itivity to pain differ from per on to per on and ukure to cultur .You can te t your pain
thr hold by holding y ur hand in freezing water. How I ng doe it take before it tarts to
hurt? And when does it become unbearable? Mo t people cannot manage more than two or
three rninut s. uch experiments have tend d t ugge t that women have lower thre hold
than men, but th findings are difficult to interpret - it may be that men are ocially condi
tioned to appear brave under uch circum tance , so they ch e t interpret certain timuli
a di comfort rather than pain. ther tudie how that Mediterranean people rep rt pain in
r pon e to a stimulus which northern European de cribe a merely unplea ant. Thi may
refle t a bi 1 gi al difference, or mer ly demon trate that ome cultures en ourage e 'pre ion
while others inhibit it.
"Taking morphine
doesn't stop the pain,
it just changes your
attitude towards it."
Maureen, 68. recovering from
a major operation
the denti t, and the attention will make the new experien e even m re
painful. In ca e like this p ych therapy may help to un over u h un on
cious expectation , and give the per on the ability to div rt their attention
from painful timuli in a future ituation.
Refi cu ing att ntion away from pain i a te hnique u ed by practition
er of y ga, for exampl , who are able to achieve uch feat of enduran e
a lying on a b d of nail or walking barefoot a r r d-hot coal . By
'retraining' their brain through m ditation, th y have managed to redu e
th ignifi ance of pain ignal to a point where they do not e penence
pain in the am way a an ordinary per on.
Pain medication
Although ur en ati n f pain i
very mu h dependent on our FACT FILE
expe tation mental tate and psy
chological make-up, there i much Painkillers, or anal1eslcs, are fever. It is also an effective anti
that can be d ne medi ally to help amoni the most commonly inflammatory. It may cause stomach
people deal with pain, both hort prescribed dru,s. irritation, so is best taken after food.
and long-ter m. There i a ,,; ide • Analgesics are classified into • Paracetamol is similar in effect to
range of pain-killing - or, more non-opioid - including over·the aspirin, and is often preferred -
counter remedies such as aspirin especially in older people - as it is
accurately, pain-relieving - drugs
and paracetamol - and opioid, less irritating to the stomach.
avail ble, whi h can be xtr mely
such as morphine. • Of the opioid analgesics, morphine
benefi ial in many ca e . The e is the most effective for severe pain,
• Generally, non-opioid analgesics
either act at the site of the pain, or are more suited for mild to moderate although nausea and vomiting are
act in the brain by interfering with muscle or joint pain. Opioid common side effects.
the pathway th, t bring pain to analgesics are usually used to combat • Other opioids include codeine,
on i u attenti n. The mo t uit moderate to severe pain, particularly which is effective for the short-term
able analgesi will depend on the when it is internal in origin. treatment of mild to moderate pain,
• Aspirin is used to treat headache, and diamorphine (heroin), a powerful
cau e and nature of the pain, but
acute pain, painful menstruation and narcotic drug.
if pain i per i tent or e ere, a
d t r' advice hould b ought.
Without pleasure, most of u would f el that our liv s w r
imme sur bly i ov rish d. But did you kno that th pursuit and
experi nee of p easur through 1ental or physic I stimulation can
actively nhanc h alt and w II-being? For some time dentists have
b n inv stig ting how our brains respond to p ea urable stimuli.
It i natural to enjoy lifi and we arc born wanting to exp rien e pica ure
- it i and alway ha been, a p werful motivator fi r human behaviour. In
fact, igmund r ud believ d that the pur uit of plea ure was all that mat
tered to babie and young children. A we grow into adul , we tend to be
more re trained, but we till pend a great deal of our time - both on-
ciou ly or uncon ciou ly - eeking out enj yment.
ociety normally place limit on the
degree to which the pur uit of pl.ea urc
i tol rated. The drive for modera
tion tern in part from a cultural
di appr val of elf-indulgen ,
bol tered by a wealth of evidence
of the detrimental effects n
health that too mu h of the
' r ng' sort of plea ure can have
on health - lives ruined through
al ohol or drug addicti n, fi r
example, or phy i al pr blem Pleasure pathways Neurotransmitters
u h a heart di ea e and high dopamine (red) and serotonin (blue) link
blood pre ure cau cd by over different areas of the brain in the pleasure
indulgence and m king. response.
• Li e5 pleasures
Pleasure is a matter of personal taste, because we all enjoJ' di
things, but it is also an experience we have in comnion that
part of the emotional vocabulary of all cultures. A genuinely ealthy
lifestyle is one which involves embracing pleasure, not rejecting it.
Most people engage in activities that they find enjoyment by moderating our
pleasurable - such as reading, listening to music, consumption of the things we enjoy.
taking holidays, or eating out. Such experiences help These mechanisms should not be confused
people to cope with the stresses of modern life and with conscious and culturally constructed feelings
improve psychological well-being. There are five of guilt, which can trigger stress hormones.
principal categories of activity that give us pleasure: This self-regulatory 'pleasure principle' helps
things that heighten enjoyment; things that counter us to sustain a balanced diet and prevents us
stress, anxiety or depression; social encounters, such from excessive consumption of pleasure foods, like
as meeting up to play sport; activities that are a chocolate. For such substances to remaift.nigbly
regular feature of everyday life that we might look enjoyable, they must be consumed infrequently as
forward to, such as a tea break; and those regulating 'treats' - if the pleasurable event is experienced too
arousal or mood changes, such as enjoying an often it becomes repetitive and loses its freshness.
alcoholic drink. Delaying gratification allows for greater expectancy,
which enhances the pleasure when it arrives.
Seeking pleasure Research suggests that feelings of
The pursuit of pleasure dictates much of what we pleasure are caused by the release
do in life. We are attracted to things, people and of endorphins in the brain. Some
situations that give us pleasure. For example, we addictive drugs work by locking
make choices about food and drink primarily for on to endorphin receptors in the
taste rather than nutrition. It is not surprising that brain, but it is of course healthier and safer to get
the pleasure state is linked with biologically an endorphin rush by means other than_....,,�
important behaviour, such as eating and sexual The work of psychologist Robert Offlllll
activity: it is of evolutionary importance that human that the happiest and healthieSt paoplf
experiences involving food and sex should produce who take pleasure in even the sirnotest
feelings of pleasure, which will make us more likely The strengthening of the body'n! M11iir11F;.S �-........
to seek out and repeat the experience. (Of course, responses that occurs as a result of
not all pleasurable acts are biologically important, experiencing pleasure suggests
and not all biologically important acts are that the enjoyment of life's
directly pleasurable.) small pleasures may have a
cumulative effect over a
egulati1 g pleasure longer period, which benefits
The level of sensory stimulation at which pleasure is health. Even fantasising
at its peak has been called the 'bliss point' by the about pleasurable things
Australian psychologist Robert McBride. Rather than can be useful. Happiness,
overindulging in a state of bliss, we possess in-built it seems, really is
regulatory mechanisms that help us to maximise our a state of mind.
he brain possesses a life-long capability to adapt
to new challenges and circumstances. This
chapter looks at ways of giving the brain its best
chance to retain its powers. During adult life, the
number of neurons in the brain slowly diminishes.
However, the connections between brain cells - which
provide the physical basis for everything we know, think,
feel and do - are constantly evolving. While these links
are made most rapidly when we are young, the brain
never stops refining its connections - strengthening old
ones and creating new ones as it learns from experience.
Although our brains become more complex during the course of our
lives - primarily by forming millions of connections between nerve
cells - most of the brain's structure is already present at birth. The
greatest change, and the most rapid growth, occurs in the first couple
of years of our lives.
At birth, after a normal nine-month ge tation, there are around the ame
number of neuron (nerve cells) pre ent in a baby' brain a there will be
in adulthood. Mo t of the e ell wrn not be replaced if they die, although
th re are a few exception . For example, the et of nerve cells in olved in
mell and ta te in the olfactory nerve are continuou ly replaced through-
out life. However, the number of neural connection betw en brain cell
i relatively mail at birth and it i not until a hild i around ix year of
age that the den ity of neural connection will be about the ame a in
adulthood. In thi way, the learning that take place in early childhood ha
a chance to hape the growing brain.
During the fir t year of life, there i a ma . ive increa e in the brain' ize.
By two year of age, the ize of th brain and the relative proportion of its
parts are ba ically the ame a tho e of an adult. The brain of a typical full
cerm infant weigh 350g (12oz) at birth; 1kg (2lb 4oz) at th end f the
fi t year; 1.2kg (21b 11oz) at age 6; ab ut 1.3kg (31b) at puberty; and about
1.Skg (3lb Soz) at adulth od. The virtual trebling of brain weight during
the fir t year i a growth rate unique to human , owing to the fa t that ail
human babie are born with relatively immature brain - if the brain was
any larger, the baby' head would be unable t pa through the m ther'
birth canaJ. The rapid increa e in ize i mainly due to three hanges: the
rowth of pre-e i ting neuron ; produ tion of the many upporting glial
cell between the neuron ; and a thickening of the heath (myelination)
around the axons that link neur n together.
Mental development
In early childho d, many important change ur 111 the brain that
explain the way we behave, remember and think about ur elve . In gen
eral, the proce of mental maturati n t rt in th more pnmmve
cru ture in the middle of the brain and continue upwards and outwards.
For example, young babie di play imple emotional rea tion owing to
a tivity in the limbic system (whi h i inv I ed in in tinct and mood), even
thou h they are not yet con iou of their motion . Ider babie develop
the ability to recogni e and under tand imple patial relation hip , uch a
when adults play 'peek-a-boo' - hiding an bject and urprising the baby
H E A L I N G T H E B R A I N 131
when it reappear . Thi occur when the parietal cort x (the outer, ide
ABE 13 part of th brain) bee me active. The frontal lobe al o become active
during the fir t year, o that a baby will tart to make imple deci ion ,
uch a choo ing between two toy .
""' ':'
- �;rr· "" . .. ' . �� ',-·----, �
-.., "11'4�.._ �""'��
' ..
..:.'/ · .. � · ·. ·.. .
. �·"i· . ...
.. .. . .
"It put Mum under so much may be compcn ated for by the formation from viable neuron
of new branche of nerve fibre and by the production of new
stress. It's like having ynap e . Thu , by learning new things and olvin problem we
another child to look after. can maintain or even improve brain fun ti n - new connections
are created whenever we learn omething ne'v , but if we do n t
Sometimes though you have timulate our brain the conne tion will become d pleted. A
.........,,,. --
., ....-
___ -"'
..... s. How old do yQII think other people
Do you usually see pictures in your mind's eye when you read
a book or listen to a piece of music?
Do you have a good sense of direction? DD
Do you find it easy to 'see' visual illusions?
You can improve your visual and spatial skills by:
• Doing the map reading on a long car journey or to somewhere new - see if
you can plan the route and navigate to your destination.
• Joining a sketching or life-drawing class and learning how to represent
what you see visually.
Can you tell whether your favourite artists are playing or
singing simply from their sound?
Do you find it easy to keep to the rhythm when dancing?
Can you remember the melodies of songs after just one or two hearings?
You can improve your musical and rhythmic skills by:
• Joining a music appreciation class.
• Learning to play a musical instrument, or joining a local choir - it won't matter
if your voice is not very strong as it will develop in time.
Do you often find yourself naturally seeing things from other
people's points of view?
Are you good at not giving away your feelings?
Do you find you can anticipate what people will say or do?
You can improve your interpersonal skills by:
• Trying to find different ways of understanding why someone
has behaved in a particular way - irrespective of its effect on you.
• Considering how your words or actions might affect someone.
Do you find you can usually explain how your own feelings arise?
INTRAPERSONAL SKILLS Do you find it easy to change yourself when you realise that change is
Do you especially like 'psychological' films or novels that focus on
people's motives and emotions?
You can improve your intrapersonal skills by:
• Sharing your reflections about yourself with someone who knows you well -
they may have a more objective viewpoint.
• Reading self·help books that focus on emotions such as anger or anxiety that
you eKperience frequently.
Throughout our lives, we encounter significant 'life events'. While every person is unique,
there are certain occurrences that will be experienced by nearly everyone - such as
forming close relationships, changing jobs and coming to terms with bereavement.
Reactions to such events can have a major bearing on mental well-being.
psychoanalyst Erik
Erikson, we all go
through eight stages
of psychosocial
development, each
stage involving a
central personal or
social relationship.
Erikson believed there
is much variation in
how people cope with
each stage, and that
this influences how
they cope with
subsequent stages. Age 0-1 Stage 1 is Age 2-3 Stage 2 is Age 4-5 Stage 3 is Age 6-12 Stage 4 is
characterised by trust characterised by characterised by characterised by industry and
in self and others. increasing independence. showing initiative. working hard. Social focuses:
Social focus: mother. Social focus: parents. Social focus: family. school, friends and home.
Age 13-19 Stage 5 is Age 20-30 Stage 6 is Age 30-60 Stage 7 is 60 + years Stage 8 is
characterised by the characterised by a commitment characterised by productivity characterised by the
development of identity. to intimacy. (for self and society). gaining of wisdom.
Social focus: peer group. Social focus: friendship. Social focus: household. Social focus: humanity.
Adolescence and adulthood: Erikson's stages 5-8
To cope with what life throws at us, we develop 'psychological defences' - patterns of
behaviour that can lessen our anxieties in response to what is going on. These defences
are often automatic and unconscious, but are vital in allowing us to get on with our lives.
7:JOam: DENIAL John skips breakfast 8:JOam: REGRESSION John is late for 1 OOpm· DISPLACEMENT Still upset by
and instead lights up his first cigarette of the work. He feels aggrieved at being told off, the dressing-down he received earlier on,
day. In refusing to acknowledge the long·term but rather than explaining why he was John snaps at his secretary. He has displaced
health consequences of his smoking, he delayed, he reacts by reverting to sullen, his bottled-up anger about his boss to a less
doesn't accept the reality of his situation. childish behaviour. threatening target.
H E A L I N G T H E B R A I N 139
Hiroshi Azuma, a Japanese someone shows the superior traits of
psychologist, has suggested using the self-control, tolerance and generosity).
advice from old Japanese proverbs to • TrUII tolerance Is to tolerate lhll
help accept things we cannot change or intolerable (some things that are
control. Examples include the following: 'intolerable' are facts of life).
• Willow trHs do not pt broken by By applying these principles at home,
piled up snow (being flexible prevents at work or in social situations, we could
us from being 'broken'). perhaps protect and improve our
• To loSII is to win (giving in to relationships with others.
much repr ion an be harmful, but mo t of the time, our mind are very good
at protectin u , enabling u to forget pa t even and 'move on'.
ther Freudian defence mechani m in Jude ublimation, pr �ection,
rationali ation and regres ion. ublimation i the redirecti n of unacceptable
th ughts r impul es into acceptable actions: for example, going t the gym or
digging the garden after an argument rather than venting the fru tration on
meone 1 . Projection i the mean by which a per on attribute their own
unplea ant thoughts or impul e to another individual - for example a parent
who i afraid f heigh rnight say to a child 'you w n't like that roller oa ter,
it will make you i k!', thu avoiding the potentially unplca ant experien e. In
rationali ation, threatening idea and explanation of behaviour are replaced by
non-threatening one - a per i t nt gambler might convince him elf he i
doing it to in money for hi family. Finally, r gre ion mean reverting to an
earlier stage of p ychol gical development when under tre - in other word ,
bee ming more child-like, uch a an older child tarting t a t younger when
a new baby rrive in order to get more of the parents' attention.
3:00pm RATIONALISATION Over coffee 6:00pm. SUBLIMATION After work, John 8:30pm: PROJECTION At a drinks party,
John tells a friend why he failed his driving heads for the sports centre. He uses his John feels socially awkward. He projects his
test the previous week. But his apparently anger and frustration over his unsatisfactory own negative feelings onto the other people
rational explanation does not give the real day at work to convincingly beat his there, and blames them for not wanting to
reason: he failed because he was unprepared. neighbour at squash. talk to him.
As we go through life, our brain can be physi ally affected by influen e fr m in ide and out
side the body. While the brain i equipped with prote tive me hani m ( ee page 146)
om ·time the e ar n t quite n ugh. ometime , too, brain do not get the be t tart in life,
a ertain geneti di eas (tho e pa ed on through the gene ) an affc t the brain. amage
to the brain au ed by genetic problems i often apparent at birth r in earl hildh d.
all uch damage i inherited: it 111, y be au ed by chan e mutation , r pr bl m in th way
the geneti material from perm and egg ombine at onception u h as in Down's syn
drome. When genetic di ea e are inh rited, it may b many years before the ymptoms are
noticed - a , for example in Huntington's disca e, which often d e n t appear until the
per on rcache the 3 or 40s. ome di ea es that au c neural damag may have a
genetic component but arc not dir ctly inherit d - for example, multiple s lc
ro I and AJzheimcr's di ca e.
Helllng ........... .
partkullr ........ Oii crlllini •
....... 1111Dr11M IIWinll..... D Is
............. whit elamenla
2.NEURAL you wish ID induda in ,u garden. This
DAMAGE OCCURS oflln ......... " coune. Oii Ille current
stale ",.... 9ll'dln and how n,ch
effort you wa to put into transforming
Damaged it. Here .. six elements that ,OU may
�------ axon wisll ID felbn.
Collateral sprouting
The surviving neuron
attracts an aKon branch 11lil 11111111111t ...- 1*1 GI Ille 11111111111
"°"' .. ..._.,...,.,
from a nearby undamaged ...., • illlllJ • nuld bea mctu.y
neuron h 1111 .......
,OU N1J fronl tlll l'llt GI Ill ...... to I -
Regenerative sprouting or blndl, perllrps blneltll I pergola.
The damaged aKon regrows
to hnk up with the next
........, GI I prden.1111 IOUlld GI Wlllr ls
IOOCNnl and ...., ... to ..... UIWlnlld IIClisel
Making reconnections After the death or injury of brain cells, new connections can be '"""ouaide 1111 prden.
made in two ways: a neuron can redirect its existing axon to a surviving neuron (regenerative
sprouting), or a neuron can grow an additional axon branch (collateral sprouting).
end ignal to other cell . When nerve ell are damaged, it i therefore
1111 collul In tllil 1*1 GI Ille oar- nuld be
blues, ....... .
w1i111. PIIIIII CIDUld lndudl .......... fsns,
po ible for other neurons to take o er their fun tion by tabli bing new lllgonils, llld.., ...... Rultlint .....
wil Clldl tlll breea llld 0-. I .......
conne tion . The quality of connection in the brain i crucial. When a nallnl ............ trees prowlde
slllde llld..., llelp to ...... alt surraunclillg
nerv cell end a ignal along it axon to another cell, the peed of the
ignal depend on the diameter f the axon and the thi kne of the
myelin heath that urrounds and insulate it. In a healthy per n, the
A wooden ardlwlly wil llllp to ...... 1111
peed of nerve nduction can be up to 220 mile per hour (350 km/h). CICllamc,lllift na fnllll 1111 l'llt GI 1111 garden.
However when th myelin heath i damaged, a occurs in M , then the An .-di Is I simple, elegant shape that
empt1sl111 lrlnslliall, llld passing tllrough
nerve ignals low down or may be prevented fr m rea hing their de ti it wil encourage ,OU to enter I IIIOrl rllDed
frame of mild.
nation altogether.
Glial cells: a supporting role Tum one pert of ,ac,r garden ii*> an aru for
growing herbs. Not only wil lllese be fragrant
Apart from the neuron , oth r ell in th brain - particularly th glial cells and useful for coolcing, but tiler can llso be used
- have an important upporting r le in keeping the brain functioning. lo lrelt various alments. For mmple, mint and
fennel lid digestion; camomile promotes restful
here are appr ximately ten times a many glial cell a neur n , and th y sleep and helps sldn problems; llld llwlncler and
l'OSeffllrY ease heldaclles.
are gr uped int different type , each with p cific function . ne type
form the myclin heath around axon , acting a in ulators to peed up
nerve ignal . Another type, the ma rophage, i parti ularly u eful when
In conlnlst lo Ille aru for quiet contemplltion,
damage occurs becau e it help remove the debri of dead cell . A third tllil is somewhere lo ut outside or erar1lill
type, the a trocyte , help to protect neuron by' panging up' any ex e ive friends. n cou1c1 be enhanced by 11y1ng • Pltio
for a table and cllei11 or building 11*11Q11,
or toxi hemi al , n ur ing that neuron have a healthy environmcnc. lf a or by lncludlng plants and flowers that hM
neuron is damaged, astro yce will in rea e in izc and number and rel a e stimulating colours sudl IS ,ellow pansies,
orange ffllrigolds, red-hot poters, scarlet
chemicals to aid neural growth and repair. dallllas and IIISlurtiums.
The idea of a healing garden is to create a haven of peace and beauty. The benefits of such a garden are
becoming increasingly recognised, as people realise that relaxation in a spiritually restful environment can
maintain mental well-being and even enhance recovery. The therapeutic effects of plants have been known
about for thousands of years, and modern-day healing gardens should be filled
with plants and flowers that stimulate the senses with their
fragrance and colour. With a little effort, any ordinary
garden can be transformed into a healing
garden. This is one possible design,
incorporating some of the features that
are believed to be beneficial.
New,,,,,.,,.,,,,,...• l#lpllf6 shown to enhance short-tenn memory, what the colour symbol ls while
llrOlr• rldl• to ,_ loll abl/llJn. improve movement control and help performing the corresponding
,,,,,,,,. ,,.,..,,, imlolrN t:Olollr impaired speech. movement in time to the rhythm.
ltCOfll/tlon, ltllllld Mid word Patients learn sequences of music A major advantage of rhythm
.,,.,,,;lalion, Mid •lWllfl. and movements, beginning with easy therapy is that it's fun, allowing the
rtlllt n -,,,.;, on � sequences and gradually inaelSing the brain to be dlallengecl In an enjoyable
complexity and speed. The therapist way. And it seems to wort: the all-round
Developed by a jazz drummer, and helps them to tollow the sequences, activity stimulates the growth of healthy
recognised by the Swedish medical using colotnd symbols that represent new connections, creating alternative
establishment, rhythm therapy has been cflfferent parts of the body. Patients say paths around damaged areas.
Physical protection
The main phy ical protection of the brain
i provided by the cranium , or kull,
which on i ts of cveral plate f bone
joined together. The e are typically only
a few millimetre thick but they u ually
provide ufficient protection again t day
to-day kno k and fall .
me a tivitie require extr physi al
protection for the brain. Helm ts help
to minim.i e the effects of forceful blow
to the head, whether the potential ri k
comes from riding a bi ycle or m tor
cy le, working on a on tru tion it , or
engaging in pastime uch a rock-climb-
ing. Mo t afety helmet today are made of
oft poly tyrene urroundcd by a rigid helJ
of pla tic or fibregla . A helmet . h uld be
replaced immediately aft r an ac ident, even if
there are no visible sign of damage. Protc tiv
helmets hould be w rn whenever there i a risk
Delicate structure The brain of physical injury, but there ar limit to th p tecti n they provide. ince
sits within the hard, protective the brain is fairly fluid in consistency, it can ea ily be damaged by being
covering of the skull. Other hak n within the kull, as often happen in road ac idents.
mechanisms that serve to shield
the brain from damage include
the meninges membranes and Chemical protection
cerebrospinal fluid. ature ha provided the brain with protection fr m many poi
hcmical in the form of the blood-brain barrier. his acts like a filter t
keep harmful ub tan c out of the brain and con i ts of glial cells (which
H EA L I N G T H E BR A I N 147
Biological protection
The brain and pinal ord are comp! tely urrounded
by three protective membrane layers called the
meninge , which are bathed in a clear watery liquid
called cerebrospina1 fluid.
D pite the prote tion offc red by th meninge and
the blood-brain barrier, th brain an till b infected Menin1itis is an inftlction by bacteria or viru1t1s Ill thtl
by bacteria and viru - the herpe simplex viru , for menin11s membranes surroundin1 thtl brain. n is
example. The e infection can cause inflammation of pottlntlal/y fatal and early dtllection is vital. The main
symptoms art1:
the brain (en ephaliti ), with typical ymptom f
• High temperature
h ada he, fever, izure peech diffi ultie , confu ion
• Severe headache
and even oma. Good hygiene 1nea ure - such a care • Stiff neck
ful hand-wa hing - help to prevent the pread of • Photophobia (extreme sensitivity to light)
infection from per on to per on, and modern drugs • Nausea and vomiting
an targ t pe ific infi cti n on e diagn sed.v redu e • A blotchy red skin rash that does not fade when a glass
th ri k of uch infi ction arising in the fir t place, tumbler is pressed against it (in bacterial meningitis only).
Anyone suffering from these symptoms - which can
health profes ionals recommend that all children
occur in any combination, and are not always all present -
receive vac ination for common infection such as should be treated as an emergency, requiring urgent
mea le , mump and rubella (German mea le ), all f hospital care.
whi h carry a ri k, albeit mall, of brain damage.
The brain has a delicate balance of complex chemicals
which can be altered by everyday substances, such
as caffeine, as well as by over-the-counter and
prescribed drugs. Some of these mind medicines are
beneficial, but they all need to be taken with due
care, whether they are natural or synthetic.
Conventional medicines
Medi ine that affe t th mind in Jude
"St John's wort
painkiller (analgesic ) and antidepre ant . has been shown
A. pirin (acetylsalicylic acid) was di covered in
1 53 in Germany, although imil. r plant-ba cd
many times to be
ub tan e have been u cd for centuries. Tod y, more effective than
it remain one of the afc t and m t effe ti e
drugs for relieving mild pain, although om placebo for mild to
people arc sen itive to its irritant action on the moderate depression, and
toma h. Paracetamol i often u ed a an
alternative painkiller to a pirin, mainly be au e as effective as standard
it i le irritating to the tomach. However i
main di advantage lie in the danger of
antidepressants. However,
verd sc, which can cause seriou irreversible safety is important."
liver damage. Wherea a pir in (and other n n
ster idal anti-inflammatory drugs) top pain Edzard Ernst, Professor of Complementary Medicine
H E A L I N G T H E B R A I N 149
impul e travelling from the ite of the injury to the brain, paracetamol reduce the
p rception of pain in the brain it elf. Like para etamol, more p tent painkill r
u h a morphine and other opioid drugs al work by h nging the w y we
think and feel about pain .
Mo t pe pl b om depre ed at ome time in their Jjve , e pecially after
bereavement or other lo , and thi i on idered t be a normal human reaction
which will heal in time. However ome people become lini lly depr ed for
n apparent rea on, and may benefit from pre cribed antidepr ants. Thes
drugs re]jev the major ympt m of depre sion, allowing the individual to
cope better and perhap benefit fr m p·ychol gical therapie· that may be
available in conjunction with the medicine. th r mind m di in include
anxiolyti , uch a the benzodiazepin' drug diazepam (Valium). The widely
pre ribed drug an all iate pecifi anxiety tate but dose mu t be kept I w
in order to redu e the po ibility f id effe ts.
Natural options
he t John' wort plant (Hypericu111 pc,forat11111) ha been u ed a a herbal rem dy for
depre ion sin e the time of the an ient Gre ks, who believed that it could driv out evil
pirit , and it i once again gajning in popularity. ative t urope and Asia, the plant ha
tiny leave , which contain oil glan , and five-petalled yell w flower . t J hn' wort al o ha
anti eptic and nti-inflammatory propertie , and i used in both hine e m di ine and
homeopathy. How v r, it hould be empha i ed that t John' wort i a potent ub tan e:
people hould alwa he k with th ir d tor before u ing it, e pe ially anyone taking
other medication and women wh are pregnant or br a t-f; eding.
Ever yone can expcri nee improvement in mental energy through exer
ci e, whether they arc normally active or not. If undertaken regularly,
exerci e appear to offer a u eful and practi al way for pe pie to redu e
anxiety. ne tudy in 199 I ked at the link between e. er i e and m d
by omparing male amateur athlete with men wh w re relatively
inactive. The results showed that, hortly after cxcrci e
essions, all the men reported increa ed mental vi our and
exhilaration; howe er only the athlete (who e er i ed
mu h m re) rep rted de rea e in an iety.
Benefits of exercise
Although it i well documented that e erci e an provide
mental b nent , it i n t alway cl ar h w or why thi happen .
F r example, it may imply be that e ·er i e diver ur attenti n away
from things that arc troubling u . n a physiological level, it may be that
increa ed phy icaJ activity cau e more blood to circulate around the brain,
both upplying e ential nutrients (in luding gen) and removing waste
produ ts ( uch a arbon dioxide). Re ear h ha e tabli bed that inciden e
of d pr ion may be due to a low level of the ncurotran mitter erotonin.
o instead of taking antidepres ant drugs u h a fluo etine (Prozac) to
increa e the am unt f erotonin available in the brain, regular e er i c
uld pr vide the er t nin bo t required.Thi i ne of the idea behind
a public health initiative in the UK kn wn a 'exerci e 11 pre cription'. Jn
thi cheme, people are given vouchers for acces to lei ure centre or
In the UK, seven out of every ten men and eight out of every ten women do not
take enough exercise to maintain their health. But for some people, exercise has
become so much part of their way of life that they no longer think consciously
about the health advantages of the activity. Researchers who studied people over
a six-month period found that once people got into the habit of taking exercise
regularly, the experience was self-reinforcing. This may mean that the mood
enhancing effects of exercise - once experienced - are the most important factor
in determining whether further exercise is taken, rather than the health benefits.
H E A L I N G T H E B R A I N 151
F CT: People
m rcased exual de ire. hi may b
becau e a workout can timu
who exercise regularly late the relea e of the
hor m ne te to ter ne,
generally experience less whi h in rea e, ex drive
tension fatigue, anxiety in both men and women.
Tryptophan is an essential amino acid and it is widely taken as a
natural, non-addictive antidepressant sleeping pill. This is because
tryptophan - along with vitamins 83 and 86 , and magnesium - is
used to make the important neurotransmitter serotonin, which aids
sleep. Tryptophan tablets take about an hour to work, so are often
taken in doses of SOOmg, along with the other supplements, an hour
before bedtime. Natural sources of tryptophan include bananas,
dates, peanuts and protein-rich foodstuffs such as eggs, cheese, milk,
fish and lean meat. This may be one reason why some people
instinctively like milky drinks before they go to bed. Tryptophan is also
believed to reduce anxiety, tension and sensitivity to pain.
and can cause too much sugar to be released into the bloodstream.
This sudden rise in blood sugar is countered by the release of insulin.
The brain is thus alternately flooded and starved of essential glucose,
which may lead to unpleasant and potentially dangerous symptoms,
including dizziness, anxiety, headaches, thirst, mental confusion
and sleepiness.
Benefits of vitamins
Vitamins are essential for many chemical reactions in the body, so
vitamin de iencies can cause illness. While all vitamins are necessary,
some are larly important for mental functions, especially the 8
vitamins. Vitamin 81 (thiamine) helps to make the neurotransmitter Full of goodness Avocados contain
acetylcholine, making it vital for maintaining an efficient nervous vitamins A, B and c. aswell as essential
system. Prolonged "encies of vitamin 81 can produce mental amino acids.
disturbances, and there is some evidence of 81 deficiency being
associated with lower levels of intelligence.
Supplements of vitamin 83 (niacin) can be effective for migraines Good fats Oily fish provides
and headaches, and it has been used to treat schizophrenia. 85 essential fatty acids, especially
(pantothenic acid) contributes to acetylcholine production and is omega-3, which helps prevent strokes.
believed to boost memory. Vitamin 85 is also required by the adrenal
glands, and so is sometimes known as an 'anti-stress vitamin'. Vitamin
812 is needed to make DNA and it helps to form the myelin sheath that
insulates nerves; 812 deficiency can cause mental disorders.
Dietary minerals
Many minerals are needed for a healthy brain. Minerals are derived
from the earth and so, like most vitamins, can be obtained directly
from plants or indirectly by eating meat. Calcium, usually associated
with healthy bones, is needed by nerves, muscles and blood, as is
magnesium. Potassium and sodium work together to maintain water
balance and nerve and muscle impulses. Since people often consume
too much sodium, they may need more potassium to counterbalance
this, from fruit (such as bananas),
vegetables and whole grains. Zinc -
one of the 'trace elements', minerals
that are essential in very small quantities
- is necessary for good mental functioning.
Extra zinc may be needed if people have too much
iron in their diet, or if zinc levels are depleted by
stress, alcohol or smoking. Other trace
elements needed by the brain include
manganese, copper and selenium.
YOUR BRAIN Do you regard mental arithmetic as something
you gladly left behind with your school days?
Everyone can afford a calculator nowadays,
The brain, like any other organ of the body, needs
but going back to using your head - or
regular exercise in order to function well and stay pencil and paper - for dealing
healthy. There are many activities in daily life that X with figures is a great mental
will keep you mentally fit and boost your exercise that anyone can do.
brainpower, whatever your age. Four areas of • When you next go to
mental activity that are particularly important o the supermarket, keep a
to all-round mental fitness are language and running total in your
number skills, reasoning and creativity. head of what your
shopping is going to
cost. To make this
easier, you can round
the cost of items up or down
to the nearest pound. Either
Do you like adding new words to your way, this will help you budget, as
vocabulary - or do you stick with familiar words well as providing a keep-fit
and phrases? Increasing your vocabulary is one of exercise for your brain.
the simplest and most effective ways to keep • If you're tempted by
mentally alert - and it's something that others will some of the points
notice as a sign of intelligence. If you get into the schemes that supermarkets
habit of looking up the meaning of new or
and other businesses use to keep your custom, do
unusual words, you'll soon become more precise in
your use of language generally. a quick calculation to see if you're really saving
money. For example, if the supermarket five miles
• Start by treating yourself to a good dictionary, you away offers you one point for every pound you
might like to buy one that gives the derivation of words, spend, and you need 100 points to get a pound
as well as their current meanings, as this will show you back, that means a £15 shopping bill will produce
where their original meaning comes from. only a 15 pence bonus - hardly worth the petrol.
• Check the meaning of words you think you • If you go abroad on holiday, you'll have ample
know - you may be surprised! As well as opportunity to keep your brain fit with
keeping your brain working, mental arithmetic. Try to find a quick
thinking more about your and easy way to estimate currency
choice of words will improve conversions. For example, if you are
your abilities as a communicator. visiting Spain and there are 250 pesetas
• Read books by more to the pound, you can convert from
literary authors, perhaps from pesetas to pounds by doubling the
an earlier period, as this will amount twice, then dividing the result by
gradually instil an intuitive 1000 (because 1000 divided by 2 twice
sense of good grammar. equals 250). Combining several simple
arithmetic operations like this is often
easier than carrying out one complex
one, so see if you can come up with your
own numerical strategies.
Dlood-brau1 barrier 146,147 hroni fangue syndrome (CFS) 57,67 scxual 39, 68
131ood pres,ure 17,66, 67 hroni 1llne 17 sublimation of , 139
ntroUing 111, 145 coping with 15. 9 95 uncon 1ous 38
fluctuaong 42.110 hron med, 11,e 43 Development.bram 30. I 3
lugh 17.59,94 1rnd1an cy le 41 · 3 O,abetes 145
A 131ood sugar 145. 152-3 lint n, 13,11 I D,agno,is 14, 66
Abdominal bre>thrng 16 llody rhy,hms 40,41 lonmger.Robert 57 breakmg the newi: 95
A «yl holinc 33, 153 and medicine 43 o-coun,ellmg 99 coping with 94
A upuncture 120 srt alio Cireadi•n cycle ogn111ve behavioural 1herapy 47, 63. D, m nd.J hn 95
Add,crion 102-3 Dondmg, mo1hcr-mfant 34.35.51 %: stt also ll hav,oural therapy; Diet 12.17. 22. 145
Ader,Rohen 50 Doxmg 141 Cogmtl\·c psychology 19 carboh) dratc I 02. 152-3
Adknan psych therapy 99 Dr:nn damage Cogmnve lhera py 9 -IOI • I 08: stt also fat 50. 4. 89, 145, 152, 153
Adrcn2line 76.n and ageing 132, 133, 140 ognitivc bchav,oural therapy fi•h 89
Ageing 131. 132, 133. 140 and die<141, 152-3 old-blooded annual 35 fruit a11d vegetable, , 153
Aggrc , n 57 genClic 140 Colds, beanng 51 h,b,c 88
Agoraph b,a 104 and mfection 141, 147 mplcmentary and alternauvc healthy 15, 152-3
All 95 rnjury 141. 146 medi inc (CAM) 15, 16 Jllnk food 88. 102-3
Alcohol 63, 75. 79. 145 prcvennng 141, 14 7,152-3 for depres,ion 148-9 nunerab 153
add,ro n 102. 10 repau of 140-2, 144-5 effectiveness of 16. 73 poor 57. 63
health rt k of • 9, 141, 147 scroke 14 ·5 for MS 141 protein 152
Alexander, Franz 56 and IOXlrlS 141,147 and placebo effe t 73 VllJllllll 141, 153
AJexandcr 1ech111quc 16, 17, I13 13ram deve lopment 30. I 3 onditioncd rcspon e 45, 46--47. 113 Dieting 35, 85. 88: srr also Eaung
Ab. Muhanunad 141 Bram funcoon 18. 20 ond1uon1ng cbsorder,; Weigh, los.,
J\hcrnative rned1 inc srr 111 depres.s,on 125 d.mi al (P-,vlovi,n) 44. 45 Disca,c srr lllne,s
mplement.Uy and ihenunve reprogran11111ng 101 1mmunr-system O Dmociarion (,8
medicine ( AM) 13ram henmphcrC\ 26. 27. 28, 29 un o� iou 46 from pai11 121, 122
A.lthenner's 31,94, 140, 146: ,,, Uram annmg 14. 15. I .20-21 1101ct 38, 97 D,vor e 136
alu, Dementia depr «ed panen 125 Doctor-panent n,bnon hip 13; "' •IJo
Am gdab 26, 27,32, 37.131 stroke v,clim 144,145 9 Thenpeuu rebnon hip
Anacsth�ia.hypnosis in 107 Oram stem 26, 27 D p>mmc 33,57, 121, 124
Ancient Greece 12,56, 68,74 IJrain <tructure 20. 2 27,28, 30, 31; Double-aspect ,heory 14
Anger 53,63; sr, also l losnlny set al,a erve ell Down's syndrome 140
Anhedonia 125: srr al,a Depre 1011 IJrain waves 16. 21 Dream analys, 97,109
Anorc,na n rvoSJ. s« ang d1 rders modifying 1 I 0. I1 I .69 Drugs 15
Anndepremnu 105, 14 . 149. 152 u� nnccr 52 94-95 addicuon I 02, 103
MA ls 149 Breastfeeding 35 analgc,,c 123, 148, 149
natural 14 9, 152 lln-,1l11ng an1i-inflam111atory 148, 149
SRls 125, 149 e er, 16. 17. 113. 115 behav,our-alt<rmg 20
tricydic 149 regulation of 26 and psy hosoc,al factors 84-85 ben1odi»epi11<"< 149
Anx1ery 63,137, 148 IJroca. Paul 18 reduction 125 and body rhy1hm 43
ondition d 45, 46.47 Droc2s area 131, 144 ounscllmg I 5, 97, 98, 99 ,II gal 75.125.141
and diet 153 Uru ism 111 ouple therapy 99 mood-altcrmg 148-9
dTccts on unmune system 52.53 IJuddhist Mcditanon 16, 114 rash helmets l 4Cr7 natural 123. 14 -9. 152
tr ,imem 96,98, 100, 104, 149 IJulmua srt Ealing di<0rder rcanv,ry 27.29, 99, 155 <ide cffecu of I .73
Appetite'" Desires: Hunger Uurn u1 66: srt also hrom fa1igue .T cans 21 lecpmg pills I 52
Aroma 93 syndronte srr also Anod,; Med1c111e
Aroma,hcrapy 73, 92
An 1herapy 99
Animus 31, 75
c ffcme 148
D,nger, rcspondmg to 26: stt al o Fight
or flight respon<e
D11almn LI,18
I w1bar, Helen 56
A rhma 57,75.107 ncer 52, 53, 73, 95 D,yhght ch,ngt., 40, 41, 43 E
Am:noon fighong 59,95 Defence,, p ycholog, al 80. I, 83, Eastern hcalmg systems 15, 16. 115 regulau n f 26. 27 psych ,hcrap for 97 138-9 Eaung cbsorder, 35, 5,9 : sn also
10 pain 12 I, 122, 123 mk factor< 8 l rmenna 51, 52, 132; su als.o D1cung; Food
«eking 46 trealmem 46 Al2.hc1mcr' d1�c�sc ccencnclly 90
span 132 anccr-prone per;on;a.liry 9 Oendme 32,33, 141 Eaema 57. 107
Autogeouc Lra1mng 17 .annabi 141 Dc111•l 13 Educau n 22
Axons 32,33,141,142 an non. w..J<er 56.76. 79 Dental 1rcaunent 46.47. 106 aduh 132, 140
Ayurwd.ic mcd.icme 15. 17 ard1o"a cular S)'Stfnt 58. 59; srt alsn Depcrsonah,anon 69 Flectroencephalography (EEC) 21
I!cart d1sNse: tr ke Depression 22.H.63. 97.137 mouonal mb,hty 60-63
B arcer ch ice 23 b1ofecdb>ek for I 11 Emouon 12
8:ach flower rrmed1n 17 Caring role 38.51, 91 drug tn-at11mm (, r 148-9, 152 creanng 32
!Jeck, A2ron T. I00, I arastrophismg 100. 113 and phy,1 •I 11ln 51, 52.59 expremng 26
I) hav1our ntr l nen u i.ystem srt ervou P')' holog,ral tre>nnenu for 45, 100. and ,lines< 5 53, 56,62
healthy 60,8 9 �ystem 116 nq,.,uve 53.59. 63, 75
h,gh-nsk 56.57, 63. crebcllum 26.27 <John's won for 148-9 Fmpry n t ,yndrome 137
modifymg 45, 60,63.122 Cerebral cortex 26.39, 132 ,ea,onal 43 nceph•lius 147
problem,.adol ent/ch,ldhood 47. C rebrum 26.27; scr al,o Uram 211d troke 144 ndocnnc sy rem 30, 31, 33; srr •l•o
99 hennsphere, sympt mi 125 Hormones
Behav,oural therapy 98, 99, 105:'" hanges. ere, of 77.78. 2, 136-7 Dereahsanon 69 Endorplun 33, 51. 73, 121. 126: m
also ognmvc bch•vioural therapy Charcot.Jcan-Marnn 68 D ane<, Rene 12. 13.14, I also Neuro1r·.1n rmtte-rs
Bchav,oumm 19 'hemotherapy 46 Deme, Energy babnre 17
lkhc .power of 70. 71. 73:'" also Chilli pepper, 35 ba.11 38. 39 Energy Oow 116
Pbcebo ffcct h1ropracti 15 conOicting 3 . 97 Envuomnent
Diofecdba k 17, 110--11 Chlolesterol 84 higher 38. 39 ad>pnng 10 26
Uhndn .hy,trrt al 69 hnstiani1y 13. 16 repres,cd 68 and hr�th 23.57.60. 8, 89;'" also
I N D EX 157
L,fesryle; arure/nunure dcb;tc cnvuonmenul anflucn cs 011 23. 57, K Menu] illnc 14, 15;sttalsohnx,cry;
Ep,lqxy 21 60, , 89 Kleuuan psychotherapy 99 Depression; 0; Phob1,s;
b, feedba k f. r 11 I genetic mOuences on 22, 23. 140 Kramer. Peter 125 ch,zophrem,
Ep,phcnomcnaltsm 14 Health p ych logis 15 Message sy tems stt Endocnne y,;tem;
nkson. Enk l 6 Heart atucks 42. 53, 77 L crvou.s tern
Ernst, Edurd 148 rcco\>-cnng from 95 Language 18, 27 Mcubolic me 17
Exercise 16 Heart disease 57, 75. 89 acqmsition 20. 131 bra1n 125
lxndits o 59, 63, 89.113, I 45 and hfesryle disorders 97 M,gramc 111. 153
breathing 16.17, 113, 115 and personality typ< 58, 59 improving 154 M1groti n 41
habu:s 57, 8. 89 psychosocial factor< 5 role of left and right hcmisphen, 29 Mmd 12
mcnul 133, 13 5, 140. I 54-5 su also ard1ov:1scubr s ystem and stroke 144, 145 higher limct1on of 19, 27.3 . 9
and sleep 119 Heart me, rcgubting 26 ugh«r 51, 53 as a machine 19
Stret hmg 113, 114 I ldping others 91 Lavie, Peretz 42 Mmd-body hnk 12-15. 26, 50
Exposure therap 45 HcndrL,.j1n11 29 Lazarus.R1ch•rd 78. 79 Mind-body pathways 26, 51-52
Extrover,,, n 3. 9, 60, 63 Herbal medmne 15. 17. 14 9 Learned helpl n 47, 59 Mindfulness 114
Ey,cnck. Hans 60 H1bcnut1011 41 Leisure 112.113 Mmdsct 23. 91, 100
H1ppocampus 26. V. 131 Lcucoton1y, 20 Momz, Egas 20
F I hppocratcs 18. 104 Life cho,ccs 57 Mood 130
Family therapy 99 llobb,es 90, 91 Life coachmg 99 altering 14 9
1--cn, O\'erc'.OIIUU� 10 5: Kt "lso llolm, approach 14, 15. 16-17 su also L,fe events 136-7 mb,ltry 63
Anxiety P y honcurounmunology L,fe mge< l 7 Jtt aho Em tion
I ,ght r flight response 32, 2, 56. 76. H Imes, Th ma, 82 Life after death 13 Mortality 13
77. 104. 113 Ii me IN 3 35 Life change um<> (L U ) 78.82 MRI annmg 21, 12
htne>s 12, 17, 89 Homer 12 L,f,....tyle 15, 16. 22, 23 Stroke VICtll11S 144. 145
bmn 134-5 Honn nc 30.31. 33 hanging 17, 63 stt olso IMI\I
Fie 1b1hry and bond,ng 35 and health 57. 60, 8, 89 Muluple lcro<is 2. 140, 141, 142
mental 139 growth 119 ternage Mus,c. hcal1h benefit of 90, 93, 126,
phys, .1 17 ex 39.132 unhealth • 75, 8 135
Fluoxcanc (l'rou ) 125. 149 �r also trc hormone-s l ight set Da) light hange, Myalg,c cnccphalomyclm (ME) 67
fMRI =nnmg 20. 21, 12 Hosnliry 53, 59, 75; stt also Anger Light tlierapy 43 Myelm sheath 32, 130. 141.142. l 3
Fontana, I avid I 15 Human Genome ProJcCt 22, 23 L1mb1c system 26, 27, 32.130
Food. cnJoymg 93, 127; stt also Diet I lununi,11 psychothcr.tpy 96, 98. 99. Lmenmg for pleasure 93 N
Fn,e-;assooauon 97 109 L, mung skill \18 ash, M1clucl l 07
fn,ud. ,gmund 18 Hung<r 35.3 Lobo, my.6-onul O exper11ncn 18
,nd conO, t 97 I IL,uun111on\ chse e 140 ung turc 14
,nd defence me ham m 138 H 'P<ra tiv1t I I I cap• 11 17 heahng power of 91, 92
and h) tena 56.57, 68 Hypertension stt UI pn,ssun,, h,gh d�.l.S(' /nurture debate 22, 23
and phobia I 04 HypcrvenuJauon 66 sr� also 'Breathing exercises pleasures f 91.92, 126
aud pursuit of pleasure 124 ll)'PllOthcrapy 106 7. 122 Lupus 50 Ncgat"" 1h111k111g 74. 75, 100. 101, 10
l·reud»n psychoanalys, 98. 99 Hypotluwnus 26. 27, 41. 132 Lmt 38 Ncr� dis 32.33, 130
l·ncndship 127; Stt also ·oc,al ,upport role in basic urgn 35, 38. 39 connecuom 32, 133. 141. 142. 145;
role in 1gh1/ll1ght 32, 77 M
G Hystma 56. 57, 6!H\9 M2gnea resonance 1111agmg s« MRI
,ag.,. Phineas 19 scmn111g
,all, Fran2 18 Magoetoencephalography (M G) 21
Gambling 102. 139 ldcnuty theory 14 MMrngc 136
amma-a111111obutync ac,d (GA UA) 33 l llness M,rriagc guuuncc 97
Garden. healing 142-3 :i U((' 16 Massage 15. 17. 73, 92 mamtainmg health of 153
Genes chrome 17 Matcnatism 14 peripheral (PNS) 30. 32. SI
and addict1on l 03 cop111g w,th 9 9 Mrd1ut1on see Drugs cural netw rk mod I
and health 22, 23. 140 d,agnos" 14. 66 Mcd1cmc eurofccdb•ck srt ll,ofecdback
and pcrso1nhty 22, 23 and emotion 50-53, 56. 62 conventional 13. 15, 14 9 curolrnguisu programnrn,g (NI i>)
c....ult psychotherapy 99 prcvcnnon ofl7, 141, 14 7, 152-3 Eastern 15, 16. I IS 99
'Ghost 111 1he nu h,nc' 14 p,ych somanc 6, 7. 97 ev,dcncc-bascd 14 cumm; Ht Nerve cells
Chai ell 142, 146 rec<>1,�11t1011 of 72-73 hcrb•l 15. 17. 14 9 eurotran untters 22, 33. 51, 124. 125:
Gluum:uc 33 signs 64. 6<> hohst,c 14. 15. 16-17 srt o/.so Accrylchohnc; Dopam111c;
Group therapy 98, 99 �yrnptom-.. 64 We<t<rn 13. 14, 16, 17 oradrenal1nc: croton1n
Growth horm 11es 119 Imm.1tcnahs111 14 stt als<1 Drug< 'feel-good' 53, 124, 125; sttalso
,,11lt 59 Immune syuem 50 Med,uuon I . 16. 112. 113.115 Endorph>n
boosting I. 53, 125. 126 Ayum:di 17 cwton, fqac 13
H and me,• 50 -53, S . 59 Buddhist 16 Nolle polluuou 79, 80
lbb1ts 48, 49 lnd1gest1011 57. 72 and pam control 122, 123 Noradmultnc 33. S.52. 76
ch.ing111g 4 . 49 lnfc 11 n< 51, 73 and type A bchavtour 59
hcal,hy 8 . 89 brain 141. 147 Mdatomn 42 0
undenundmg 49 h1Jury pttwnuon 14 7 Mcluck. Ronald 120 )bcs,ry 35, 89
Happmc« 125. 126 Insomnia set 'Jeep problems Memory 119 hildhood 8 75 ln1clhg.,11ce 132. 133, 153 and ageing 133 bses ivc- ompuhl\'c disorder ( I) )
and diet 153 Ou1d 140 devcl pment 131 63. IOI
Hr.d nyury 141. 146 lntrospccuon 19, 114 encoduig 27 Occasionahs111 14
Hc.1hng lntrovemon 23. 59, 60, (,3 loss 141. 144.145 Olds,Ja111e, 124
nund m 13. 16, 17, SO I muble bowel syndrome 73 of pam 37 Opti11lli111 67. 81, 138. 144
power of nature 9 I. 92 sex di{l'creoces 111 133 rg:, m 51
I tcm< 15, 16, 115 J Meningms 147 Orm<cm, Robert 80. 90, 125, 126
Ilealth Jung,an ther:ipy 98, 99 Mem..ll devdopmcnt srr Ur.un O<tcop,thy IS
dc6111t1on 15 Junk food , 102-3 drvclopmcnt Overbreathmg 6(,
vereatrng 79; Jtt a/Jo Enmg disorders Prevention. 17, 141, 14 7, en ry 1n£ rmauon 31 T
Qv,,rwc,ght ,er Obesity 152-3 S<-nsory pie.sum 91,92, 93. 125, 126 Talking therapy 52,96-99
O ytOCUl 9, 35, 51.121 l'roJect1on 139 rot nm 33.35. 124, 152 Tast(' aver'\1011, condmoned 46, 47· srt Fluoxeune ·xual behaviour 35, 51 Ttcth
p l'soriasi 107 Seylc. Hans 77.79 brushing 8
Pain 120-3 P, choanaJys,s I , 19.97, 98 haw,George Bernard 39 gnndmg 111
mcnd111g to 120-1,122. 123 Freudian 97, 98, 99. 100 h1atsu 92 Temperament 22, 23, 60
back 97 stt a/Jo P,ychothcrapy hopping addiction 103 Temper untrunu 47
of h,ldbirth 121 Psychodynam,c therapy 98.99 Shyn s 63 Temporo1mndibular JOllll (fMJ)
controlhng 37.107, 120, 121 Psychology kin can rr 8 disorder I I I
d1<roc1ati.on from 121, 122 cogmm·e 19 letp 89, 113, 118-19 Tension, muS<ular 16, 38, 59. 112
c,cpecm,on f M, 7 . 122, 12 obje ti,•e approa h to 19,45 gores 42 Testosu:rone I 19
inability to fed 37 Psy honeuro1mmt1n logy (I' I) 50-53 problem< 67, 116.119.14 .152 Thalamus 26. 27
jo1111 67 l'sychoph ,cal parallelism 14 lecp,ne<s 153 Theropeunc rclrnon,h,p 96, 97, 98
neuropathic 36.37 Psychosomanc ,lines e 56, 57.97 moking 75. 79 Th111km1, styles 74 75
and pl,cebo effect 73 Psychotherapy 15,96-99 add,cnon to I02.103 au10111otic 100, 101
senunon 31,3 37 set al<o Psycho,n•IY>" banmng 5 global 74
1hrc hold< 122 Puberty 132 and health 2nd health 75
Pamk,ller< str Analg«1cs Pumshmcm 46 qu1tung 47. 49.97, 107 m1crnal/cX1cmal 74
Parenthood I (....-7 Sobel, David O ng,d 74
l'aren1111g ,rylcs 22 Q Soc,,I phobia 1<1-1 ser al.)" eg,.1t1\.'t'/Po11uve tlunk111g
P,rk1mon ·, di<easc 31. 141 Q- rung 109 Social kill, 63. 135 Thmt 26. 35.38.153
Pavlov, Ivan 4 5, 46 Quaht) ofhfe 'XI Soc,al mu 4.85 Thoreau. Henry 114
Pe-air. ormm Vm em 75 Social upport nem rks 84,85,137 Thought
Pcnfidd.W ilder 20 R Solnudc 127 e111ergence f 12. 13
Perfrcn ru<in 58 Rahe.R,chard 2 Somatos nsory cortex 26. 27 free-:as ocuuon 97
Personaluy 19. 22 Rand 1111sed controlled maJs (R T ) Spa_,m ph,ha (,6 Tmnirus 64
(.,P('ncmc 1110uences on 22. 23 71, 72 pcech <tt Language Tm·dnes, 53. 67
and health 56-59, 63 RauonaJ-e111011w therapy 99 p1egd. David 59 Top-ti wn pnxes,mg (17
and lift<ryle 59 Rauorultuuon 139 pmal cord 26.36 Tou h.benefit of 92, 95
queiuonn,ure� 60--62 Raynaud' dJ,easc 11I 111JUry 95 Toxin�
and ,lrc�<!i 58 R,·asonmK power 100-1 Sp,rnuality 13.16 ,n the brain 141, 146-7
Personality traits/type, 58.59, 60, 61. improving 155 Sub,liry, emotional 6(� removal of 17
63 Reeve. Chrmophcr 31 'umin;t 17 Transarnonal anal} ,s 99
conformist 59 ReOexology 92 tem-cdl therapy 31 Tr;anscut;meou. ele Lrial nerve
eccrntnc 90 Regression 139 1orm;u1, l.larry 111 m111ula11on (f NS) 12()
cmononal/mblc (,0, 61, (12.63 Relaxauon 16.17. 53, 59, 91 ugm;u;a 67 Tr•um• 79
eMrown/111<rovcn 60, 62, 63 and canct'r 52 cn,ngth 17 childhood 104
hardy 1 mu< les 116 trc« 12, 17. 38 Trypc phan 152
hosule 53, 59,75 and pam 122 and bemg m control 77. 79.81. 84. Tumoun: src ..anccr
n,prcssor< 58 and phobias HIS 85, 113 Twrn scud,« 23
rcstl«s 38,59, 14�
risk-takmg 56, 57,63,88
�usp1ciou., 59
and sires., 112, 113, 114 17
1cch111ques 11 17
Religion srr pmroahry
chrome 80
habi11mion to 80
and healtl, 5(1-53, 76-79
Un erumry, me<s of 58,79
t0ugh/tendcr 60, 62, 63 ReprK\ion 68, 138, 139 ,dcnnfying 78 Unco" ious 18.26. 45, '18
type A. rype B 58. 59 Rest-acnv,ry cycle 42 ma.nage-mem 79 JCC'Ct:.S-111g I 06
rypc 59 Rcstle"C<ne<s 38. 59, 148 m •ths 7ll conduioning 46
Phantom lnnb 65 Rcnremem 1.n and rcb.xanon 112. 113,114 ronfl1e1 56.97
l'h,lo ph 12-14 Reward 46, 47 n,spon<e 10 59.75, 8(HlI t!emes 38
Phobia, 45. 63, 96, 104 Rhcunmo1d arthritis 95 and social <mu 84. 85 hab," 48
dnen,m�cion 105 Rh •thm therapy 145 "'· cpnb,hry 10 2J. 81 Unemploynu:nt 137
Lrea11111,1 105
PhrcnolO!(Y 18, 19
Pitu1ury i,:Jand 30,31. 33.77
Ri<k-,aking 56,57.63. 88
Roi;,·mn psy hothcrapy 99
Role model, I(�l
of uncena111ty 5 . 7'-J
anrl v1tam1n U 153
workload I 13
Valium 149
l'b ebo effe 1 70-73 R le, Gilbert 13, 14 Str«s hormone, .18,58 Vaso,·('gt'tJ.ttve ,yndroml" 67
"de effects 73
Pleasure 90. 124-5. 126-7
anti health 126
s t John', won 148-9
atlrcnalmc 76, 77
com,ol 52. SJ. 77.84. 85. 125
Stretch111g 11J. 114; '" a/Jo Yoga
V 1ma.h auon 117
V 1ta111111, 141. 153
Vo,ccs, hearing 12
mcmal 125 apolsky. Robert 84 rrokc 29.42 Volumary work 91
reg11b11ng 126
<eek111g 124. 126
•nery.heaJmg power of I.)1, 'J2
• luzophreni, 125, 153
overconung 141, 144-5
preventmg 88. 9.145 w
,,,,,,,,., 126 Sc,an , 120 ubl11na11on 38. 139 W,11, J>a1nck 120
<imple 125.126.127 ·,·asonal afft-ctive disorder ( AD) 43 ·ug,r ,ravmg I02 Weakness 67.68
survey 127 df-analy is I 08 9 ug1,,·,11on, power of 70. 71. 73; stt Weight loss, c un dbnK for 97 ·"' a/,c,
PN1 stt P,ychoneuro1nu11unology Self-blame 59 a/.<o Pla cbo effect D1e11ni;
Posmvc thinkm1, 74,75.91, 112 Self. are 15.42 upport group I 03: '"' also Group Well-berng 16.9V-')t.112.121
anJ 1111munt" sy�tem 53 'elf-concept 95. 109 therapy crea1111g 92 93.125.126
rewardmg 47 'elf-nm "'" IOI Suppornve therapy 98, 99 Wem1<k<' area 131
and sdf--e<tecm 63 Self-esteem 15.63,1.JS. 96 upradua nuc nude, (S ) 41.42 Work/pby balance 91. 113
Po<1tron en11ssion tomography (PE • If-fulfilment 114 ympathy 73
scans 20,21 'el f -healing 15 ym ptoms 64-6 7 y
l'ost-rraunun mes, disorder 71.J lf-h pnOSJ< I07 controlling 67 Yoga 16. 123
Posture 16, 17. 116; stt a/soAlex,nder elf-knowledge I 5, 38, 49 rccognmon of 72-73 bencfil< of 17, 117
1ech111quc;Y"h"' clf-prest"rV2UOII 26 ynaP'< 33 We)tern 17
Prayer I(,: m• a/Jo Med1m1on Sensanon-scekmg 56, 57 stt fllso Srretchmg