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South Ultimate Showdown Open Scoring:: Awards

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South Ultimate Showdown Open Scoring:

Each category will have points assigned to it. At the end of the event, all player points will be added (with
weighted averages depending on the category) and will be used determine their overall scores. The
awards are as follows:

Tournament Champion: Most Wins. Then total points followed by total Battle points. If there are still ties,
most slay the warlords then first blood then line-breaker.

Best General: Player with the most battle points. If there are still ties, most slay the warlords then first
blood then line-breaker. If this is the same as the tournament champion, this will go to the runner-up.

Fan Favorite: Most sportsmanship points and Player’s choice.

Best Painted Army: Most Appearance points.

Loremasters Award: Winner(s) of the 40k quiz championships.

Battle Points 60%: 120 Total Points. (40 max per round)

If case of a sudden death, continue to play the game until the end of the 6th turn or the surviving player
wishes to end the game. This is so the surviving player can still score objectives. When the game ends,
tally up the score as if your opponent were still on the board. In case there are FLYERS or BUILDINGS still
in play, remove them from the field and count them as destroyed.

If a player concedes, the conceding player will forfeit all his battle points for that round. The surviving
player can choose continue to play the game until the end of the 6th turn or when the surviving player
wishes to end the game. Remove all of the conceding player’s units from the table and if kill points are
active, score as needed.

Players who did not submit their list on time will be deducted 10 points.

Sportsmanship 30%: 55 Total Points. Will be scored by the players. (See matrix below). Also, every player
will chose 1 favorite match which will add +5 points to the sportsmanship points of the voted player.

Each round, players will evaluate their opponent by the following or similar criteria:
Yes/No Score
Was your opponent prompt to report for the start of the round? 1
Did your opponent share their army list with you before the game? 1
Did your opponent come prepared to play and bring all required items to play (dice, 1
rulebooks, codices, pens, etc.)
Was your opponent consistent about game procedures, such as re-rolling cocked dice 6
or picking up failed dice rolls instead of successes?
Did your opponent appear to measure movement and assault distances accurately? 6
Did your opponent put forward a good faith effort to play at a timely pace and 6
complete the game in the allotted time?
Were rules issues that may have arisen during the game handled amicably by your 4
Was your opponent's army easy to understand with clear conversions or completely 3
Do you think your opponent built an army based on the theme of the relevant gaming 2
universe and supplied background for that army (as opposed to a force built purely
for winning with little or no regard to that army's established background)?
Would you voluntarily play this person again? 10

Appearance 10%: 50 Total Points. Will be scored by the judges. (See matrix below.)

Bare: No models are painted, proxies or conversions are not according to standards. Majority 0-10
of the models are not WYSIWYG. There are models that are unfinished.
Minimal: Some to a majority of the models are painted. With a few models unfinished. Proxies 11-20
and conversion varies from bad to good. Some models are WYSIWYG.
Basic: Majority of the models are painted. Good conversions, most models are WYSIWYG. 21-30
Table Top: Majority of the models are painted to an average standard. 31-40
Quality: Models are fully painted. To get a perfect score, the player must represent a truly 41-50
masterful work.
BONUS: Appearance is capped to 50 points but bonus points will be given to players who used +1-10
advanced techniques (free hand, showcase level painting skills, masterful blending, etc.) and
creative conversions. (Very good conversions, diorama level bases, etc,)

Warhammer 40k Quiz:

Before we start the event, for those who will attend early. We will have a short game wherein we will test
your knowledge of the game. Players can group themselves into at most 3 members. There will be 15
questions which will include topics from 40k lore and rules, the winner will get a special prize at the end
of the event. *Still thinking if may added points sa sportsmanship if nanalo.
Scenario 1: Breakthrough!!!
With both armies are on a stalemate, there is no choice but to push towards into the No-man’s land
between the two clashing armies.


Before the start of the game set up 3 objectives. The first objective should be at the center of the field.
Then form a line using the other two objectives be 18” away from the 1st objective (shown below). Players
roll off who deploys first as normal. The first player to finish deploying gets a +1 to the rolls when
determining who goes first.


Primary Objectives: At the end of each game turn, each objective in the middle is worth 2 points

At the end of the game if a player controls 3 middle objectives, add 20 points. 15 if a player controls 2
middle objectives and 10 if only 1.

If, at the end of the battle, you have at least one model within the enemy’s deployment zone, you score
1 victory point for each unit.

The game will end at the end of the 6th game turn.
Secondary Objectives: Slay the warlord, First Blood


Fog of War (1CP) – Activate at the start of your movement phase. Pick an objective marker that you
control. All INFANTRY units that is wholly within 6” of that objective marker counts as in cover until the
start of your next movement phase.

Trench-breakers (1CP) – Activate when a unit attacks during the shooting phase. Units being shot by the
selected unit cannot gain the benefit of cover when taking their saves. This effect lasts until the end of
your shooting phase.

Scenario 2: Night Encounter

As dawn approaches, two armies have met on the battlefield by chance and within earshot of one another.
Both sides scramble their forces in order to land the first blow.


Players roll off who goes first to deploy. The players then alternate in setting up 3 objectives each starting
with the player who won. (Standard objective placement rules apply). The player who lost the roll off
decides which side of the table he will use.

Primary Objectives: At the end of each game turn, each objective is worth 3 points

Each player scores 1 victory point for each enemy unit that is destroyed.

The game will end at the end of the 6th game turn.

Secondary Objectives: Slay the warlord, First Blood, Line-breaker

Special Rules:

Dawn Fight: During the first game turn, when rolling to hit in the shooting phase subtract 1 from your hit
rolls when shooting at units more than 24” away.


Target Sighted! (1CP) – Select an enemy unit. For the duration of your turn, your units can shoot at that
unit without penalties from Dawn Fight.

Scenario 3: Race to Victory!

Doom approaches, and you must seize victory before it descends. A plummeting meteorite, an onrushing
swarm or the detonation of a viral warhead; whatever the threat, you must beat it – and your opponent
– to the punch.


Players roll off who goes first to deploy. Starting with the player who won the roll, players should set up
4 objective markers outside their deployment zones. The player who lost the roll off decides which side
of the table he will use.

Primary Objectives: At the end of the game, each objective markers within your deployment zone is worth
5 points. If an objective marker is within 12” of your table edge, it is worth 10 points instead.

Each player scores 1 victory point for each enemy unit that is destroyed.

The game will end at the end of the 6th game turn.

Secondary Objectives: Slay the warlord, First Blood, Line-breaker

Special Rules:

Extraction Procedures – Each objective can be carried by any INFANTRY models. Relic rules are applied,
meaning the objective marker will be dropped if the carrying model dies or is somehow removed from
play. The objective marker cannot embark as well.


Last Chance (2CP) – Activate when a model who holds an objective is slain or runs away due to a failed
morale check. Before removing that model from the game roll a d6. On a 4+ that model can make an extra
move this turn but it can not advance. Remove the model afterwards. Unless the model can FLY, it can
still not move over other models or terrain. This stratagem can only be used once per game.

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