MOPIA Training Manual Official Version
MOPIA Training Manual Official Version
MOPIA Training Manual Official Version
April, 2015
This Environmental Awareness Training Manual for Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS)
and Other Halocarbons is intended to be an instructional resource for persons requiring
certification in accordance with Manitoba’s Ozone Depleting Substances Management
Program as mandated under the Manitoba Ozone Depleting Substances and Other
Halocarbons Regulation 103/94.
This training manual is not a substitute for the Manitoba Ozone Depleting Substances
and Other Halocarbons Regulation (MR 103/94). While care has been taken to ensure
accuracy, all examples, illustrations and representations are for purposes of illustration or
instruction only. MOPIA is not responsible for errors or omissions contained herein and
no endorsement of products, companies or techniques are implied, but rather are used to
display or highlight for illustration and training purposes only.
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
Environmental awareness training and certification is required under the Manitoba Ozone
Depleting Substances and Other Halocarbons Regulation (MR 103/94). The focus of this
environmental awareness training manual and course instruction is on the reduction and
elimination of emissions of regulated refrigerants into the atmosphere.
The training manual has been designed as a technical resource for persons, technicians
and service personnel who have practical work experience or are involved in the purchase
of products or the handling or servicing of equipment containing or intended to contain
ozone depleting substances (ODS) or halocarbon alternatives, and require certification to
comply with Manitoba’s legislation. Persons from various industry sectors requiring
training and certification include, but are not limited to, mobile air conditioning
(domestic and agricultural), mobile refrigeration (trucking and transport), and residential,
commercial or industrial air conditioning or refrigeration stationary systems.
Persons who are trained and certified under MR 103/94 are encouraged to maintain their
awareness of current technology, codes, regulations and other relevant legislation on an
on-going basis. This training manual provides a variety of resources for further reference.
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
This training manual should be used as one element of supplementing knowledge within
one’s broader occupation or trade. Environmental awareness training and certification
does not recognize, license or imply persons as “trade qualified”. Apprenticeship and
trades training is separate from this training. In addition, Transportation of Dangerous
Goods (TDG) and Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS)
information is not addressed in any detail within this manual. However, when working
with ODS and other halocarbons, it is important to recognize and practice workplace,
health and safety-related procedures.
Your role in protecting the environment is important. As you further your career in the air
conditioning or refrigeration sector, take time to recognize that your actions may affect
many others.
Focus on Learning
The various chapters of this training manual has been specifically designed with a
number of supplementary features which provide the reader with additional study aids.
You are also encouraged to visit the appendix, at the end of this manual, to see any one of
the many website links. Features of the training manual include:
“Did you know” sections: these contain a number of interesting facts that have been
highlighted to provide additional information or reinforce core materials
Special interest boxes
Special chapter notes with supplemental website resource links.
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
Canada, along with the rest of the international community, determined that the severity
of this ozone issue required collective action to protect it from complete destruction.
Since 1989, the federal, provincial and territorial governments have been coordinating
efforts to develop and implement a clear, consistent and harmonized program under
Canada’s National Action Plan (NAP) which outlines how ozone depleting substances
(ODS) will be controlled, reduced and eliminated in Canada. The NAP has been updated
twice in 1998 and 2001, and is approved by the Canadian Council of Ministers of the
Environment (CCME).
A wide range of national, provincial, local and industry-led initiatives under the NAP
have been coordinated, developed and implemented throughout Canada. Comprehensive
regulatory frameworks have been established with ODS use phase-out dates and controls
on production and imports. In addition, extended producer responsibility initiatives have
been established for some sectors for the safe collection and disposal of surplus ODSs.
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), which are not ODS but greenhouse gases (GHG), are
prevented from being released into the environment. Manitoba’s program has a number
of objectives including legislation, regulation, environmental training and certification,
and industry and public outreach information.
In Manitoba, the Manitoba Ozone Protection Industry Association (MOPIA) has been
appointed under MR 103/94. MOPIA was established in 1994 and is a not-for-profit
industry stakeholder association. The Association collaborates with Manitoba
Conservation as a service provider to industry and the public to protect the stratospheric
ozone layer by providing atmospheric protection information and technical service
resources. MOPIA provides environmental awareness training and manages reporting,
certification and permitting requirements for trained service technicians, secondary
distributors and business owners/operators.
Nearly 90% of the earth’s ozone is located in the stratosphere, varying from 15 to 50
kilometres above the earth’s surface.
The stratospheric ozone layer is a fragile and life-sustaining layer screening out the sun’s
harmful ultraviolet radiation, which is a direct cause of skin cancer, eye cataracts and
weakened immune systems. It also affects the world’s ecosystems by reducing crop yields and
disrupting aquatic life.
Scientists have shown that chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and other ODS are responsible
for ozone layer destruction.
Common uses for ODS and other halocarbons include propellants, refrigerant gases,
sterilants, solvents and fire-extinguishing agents.
Ozone depletion is among one of the most significant environmental challenges of the
past century and will remain a high priority over the next 50 years.
CFCs and other ODS along with their replacements have been identified as significant
GHGs contributing to global warming and climate change.
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
Over a decade ago, Canada accounted for 2.5% of the world’s total production and use
of ODS. Manitoba accounted for a small proportion of the total Canadian use of ODS at less
than 2%.
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
MOPIA led the initial compilation of the content for this manual. A team of individuals
from industry, educational institutions and government further peer reviewed this edition
of Manitoba’s Environmental Awareness Training Program for ODS and Other
Halocarbons. In addition, this training manual was reviewed by the MOPIA Board of
Directors and submitted to Manitoba Conservation for adoption in Manitoba.
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
Table of Contents
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
Global Warming and Climate Change 52
Causes of Global Warming: Greenhouse Gases and the Greenhouse Effect 54
The Effects of Global Warming 57
Climate Change 58
Kyoto Protocol 58
Main Basket of Gases and the Global Warming Potential Index 59
Canada and the Kyoto Protocol 60
Chapter 4 Review Questions 61
Appendix 122
Hydrocarbons 122
Amendments to the Montreal Protocol 125
References 128
General Reading and Further Information 132
Manitoba ODS and Other Halocarbons Act and Regulation
Federal Code of Practice
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
Chapter 1
Environmental Significance
of Ozone Depletion
After studying this chapter, the training participant should be able to:
Ozone is created by natural processes in the earth’s atmosphere. The majority of the
earth’s ozone layer (90%) is primarily responsible for blocking out nearly 99% of the
sun’s high intensity ultraviolet (UV) radiation. The ozone layer resides in the stratosphere
at an altitude of 10-50 km above the earth’s surface, with the highest ozone concentration
being within the 15-30 km zone (Figure 1).
Ozone concentration is normally ten parts ozone per one million parts air, with the
thickness of the ozone layer varying on a worldwide basis. Ozone concentrations are
typically thinnest at the equator and gradually grow thicker towards the poles, but will
fluctuate depending upon the season.
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
Figure 1. The ozone layer
During winter, the ozone layer begins to increase in depth because of prevailing
stratospheric wind patterns known as the Brewer-Dobson Circulation. This phenomenon
sees the creation of ozone near the equator, which is transported to the polar regions by
stratospheric circulation and is deposited into the lower stratosphere. This effect creates
higher concentrations of ozone at the polar regions due to the accumulation of ozone at
the lower latitudes.
The highest concentrations of ozone at the North Pole occur during the northern spring (March
and April) with the opposite occurring at the South Pole where the lowest concentrations of
ozone are recorded during the southern spring (September and October). In North America,
ozone concentrations peak during the spring and slowly begin to fall over the course of the
summer. Ozone concentrations reach their lowest point in the fall and begin to rise during the
winter months.
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
A Dobson Unit is the most common unit used in ozone research to identify the
“thickness” of the ozone layer and is named after scientist GMB Dobson (Figure 2a). The
thickness of the ozone layer is expressed in Dobson Units (DUs), as it converts what the
“physical” thickness of the ozone layer would be if it was compressed to one atmosphere
pressure at 0oC.
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
Figure 2c. Dobson Units
The Dobson Ozone Spectrometer (Figures 2d and 2e) helps to measure the strength of the sun’s
UV rays on four different wavelengths - two in the UV-A range and two in the UV-C range. By
gauging the amount of UV-A reaching the earth, it gives scientists the ability to estimate and
compare the actual amount of UV-C that is also reaching the earth. Normally, all UV-C rays are
blocked out by ozone before reaching the earth’s surface. Therefore it can be assumed that if
there were no ozone layer, the relative amount of UV-A and UV-C would be almost identical. By
knowing the amount of UV-A and UV-C reaching the earth, scientists can determine precisely
how much ozone is contained within the stratosphere.
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
Figure 2e. Modern-day spectrometer
Ozone as a substance was first discovered in 1840 by the German scientist Christian
Friedrich Schönbein (Figure 3) who appropriately associated “ozien” (the Greek word for
smell) with ozone because of an unusual smell emitted during lightning storms. The odor,
which has nothing to do with ozone itself, comes from the liberation of electrons through
rapid chemical changes.
At very small concentrations (0.015 ppm) ozone has no detectable smell. However, when
concentrations increase (1 ppm) it has a sulphur dioxide or rotten egg-like odor. Typically ozone
is colourless in its gaseous state, but when cooled to -112 oC it transforms into a dark blue liquid
and at -193oC a dark blue solid. Ozone within the stratosphere was not discovered until 1913 by
two French physicists, Charles Falry and Henri Buisson.
Resource Links:
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
Environment Canada:
Map of Canada’s total ozone layer concentration
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
Figure 3. Christian Friedrich Schönbein
Stratospheric ozone is created when UV radiation strikes an oxygen molecule with two
oxygen atoms (O2) and separates them into individual atoms. These individual oxygen
atoms then unite with unbroken O2 to create ozone (O3). This-two step process is
illustrated in Figure 4a. Ozone molecules are highly unstable but are long-lived in the
stratosphere. When UV radiation hits the ozone molecule it splits it into an oxygen
molecule and a single oxygen atom, which continues the oxygen/ozone cycle. Therefore,
ozone is naturally created and destroyed on a constant basis and until recently, ozone
levels remained fairly stable. This intricate system was not fully understood until the
1930s with the work of British scientist Sidney Chapman (Figure 4b).
Science portrays the ozone layer developing as a result of the presence of oxygen in the earth’s
atmosphere. Primitive oceanic life forms, such as blue-green algae, began using the power of the
sun to separate molecules of water and carbon dioxide, rearranging them into new compounds
including oxygen, which was released into the atmosphere. This is commonly known as
photosynthesis. Before the development of the ozone layer, all life on earth was limited to the
oceans. However, ozone allowed life to flourish and emerge on land.
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
Figure 4a. Ozone creation process
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
Ozone Depletion: Theories
The theory of ozone depletion was first suggested in the mid-1960s when research began
to focus on the effects of water vapour and chlorine from rocket exhaust and supersonic
transport aircraft. In 1970 Dutch chemist Paul Crutzen (Figure 5a) began investigating
how chemical compounds, such as nitrogen oxide (NO), stimulated the destruction of
ozone molecules. Through his research he found that non-reactive nitrous oxide (N 2O),
which is produced naturally in soils by bacteria, ascends into the stratosphere where it is
separated by solar radiation into two reactive compounds – NO and nitrogen dioxide
(NO2). These newly-formed compounds, which remain fairly active in the stratosphere
for some time, were seen to react catalytically with ozone by separating it into molecular
oxygen (O2) and atomic oxygen (O). Despite having the entire scientific community
doubting his methods, Crutzen’s work directly paved the way for chemists Mario Molina
and F. Sherwood Rowland (Figures 5b and 5c).
During the 1970s, research into the effects of chlorine in the atmosphere was well
underway and by 1974 a theory linking ozone destruction to human-made sources of
chlorine (chlorofluorocarbons or CFCs) was published by Rowland and Molina in the
scientific journal Nature. They suggested that when CFCs are purged from air
conditioners, refrigerators and aerosol cans, these substances make their way up to the
stratosphere where UV rays separate the chlorine from the rest of the molecule. The
chlorine atom is free to bond with any oxygen molecule, thus effectively disturbing the
natural ozone cycle.
Their theory was met with harsh criticism, especially from industrial and automotive
sectors, as CFCs were seen as a necessity for society and there was still a great deal of
uncertainty behind the science of ozone depletion at the time. However, nearly ten years
later, their theory was proven by British scientist Joe Farman (Figure 5d) whose team
discovered a severely depleted layer of ozone, the “Ozone hole’ over the Antarctic South
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
Figure 5b
Figure 5a. Dr. Paul Crutzen Figure 5b. Dr. Mario Molina
The ozone destruction process (as outlined in Figures 6a and b) involves a catalytic
reaction cycle where a chain of chemical reactions occur that include the destruction of
countless ozone molecules and the survival and continuation of the original chlorine atom
that started the cycle. As a result, a single atom of chlorine can destroy hundreds of
thousands of ozone molecules in its lifetime before it is neutralized.
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
Ozone is destroyed when UV rays strike a CFC molecule in the stratosphere, breaking the
carbon-chlorine bond and thus freeing the chlorine atom. This atomic chlorine reacts
with an ozone molecule by breaking it apart, creating oxygen (O2) and chlorine monoxide
(ClO). When atomic oxygen bonds with the chlorine monoxide, the oxygen-chlorine
bond is broken and the chlorine atom is now free to continue the process of destroying
ozone molecules. ODS, such as CFCs, are very stable compounds and have a long
atmospheric lifetime (CFC-11: 55 years and CFC12: 140 years).
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
The Antarctic Ozone Hole and its Causes
The Antarctic ozone hole (Figure 7a), situated within the Antarctic stratosphere, is an area where
recent ozone levels have dwindled to nearly 33% of their pre-1975 values. The hole, which occurs
during the Antarctic spring (September-December), is caused by continental polar winds that
encircle Antarctica and create a polar vortex. This vortex is responsible for destroying up to 50%
of the lower stratospheric ozone. Although ozone depletion occurs through a chain reaction
process, the occurrence of polar stratospheric clouds will greatly enhance the rate at which
ozone can be destroyed. Extreme periods of cold during the Antarctic winter facilitate the
formation of these clouds, and in particular nitric acid or ice particles (generally referred to as
aerosols), which provide the perfect setting for chemical reactions to destroy ozone.
Sunlight is also a large factor in Antarctic ozone depletion. When the sun appears in the spring,
its 24-hour occurrence provides enough energy to drive photochemical reactions (Figure 7b).
The polar vortex and stratospheric clouds begin to dissipate near the end of spring (mid-
December) due to warmer temperatures. The infiltration of warm ozone-rich air transported
from equatorial regions helps to stop the trend of ozone depletion and allows the hole to “heal”
Figure 7a. Antarctic ozone-hole as seen on Sept. 24, 2006 – the ozone hole is
characterized by the dark purple region above representing between 200-225 DU.
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
Figure 7b. Stratospheric ozone depletion at the South Pole
From September 21-30, 2006 the ozone hole in the Antarctic polar region broke records for
both area and depth.
The average area of the ozone hole totaled 10.6 million square miles.
September 24, 2006 also set a record for the largest one-day diameter with an area of 11.4
million square miles (see Figure 7a).
In October 2006 Dobson Units plunged to 93 from 300 only three months before.
o Any ozone contained within an 8-13 mile region of this depleted zone was effectively
o Within this critical area, ozone was only measured to read a thickness of 1.2 DUs,
which plummeted from an average of 125 DUs only several months prior.
In September 2006 meteorological instruments recorded Antarctic temperatures to be 9°F
colder than yearly averages, which directly caused the hole to expand by 1.2-1.5 million
square miles.
The concentration of ODS in the troposphere (lower atmosphere) was estimated to have
peaked in 1995. It was also estimated that concentrations of ODS would have reached peak
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
levels in the Antarctic stratosphere in 2001. This is a direct result of the efforts of the
international community and the Montreal Protocol.
Since ODS levels have peaked, scientists predict that the overall size of the ozone hole will
begin to slowly decrease in area by approximately 0.1-0.2% over the next decade.
A study jointly produced by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the United
Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) entitled Assessment of Ozone Depletion (2006)
concluded that ozone recovery will be highlighted by annual variability – with full recovery
not expected until approximately 2065.
The World Meteorological Organization reported in October 2002 that the Antarctic ozone
hole had split into two smaller holes (Figure 7c). One occupied an area just west of the
southern tip of South America and the other near the southeast tip of Africa. Prior to the
split, the ozone hole for 2002 was the smallest one of the past decade (1992-2002), resulting
from warmer-than-average temperatures around the edge of the polar vortex.
Each hole was relatively small in size. However, they each contained a core with over 50%
of its ozone depleted. The African hole retained both its shape and strength, while the South
American hole grew considerably weak. The combined areas of the ozone hole only covered
a small portion of Antarctica.
The split ozone hole was attributed as a response to unusual meteorological conditions in
the Antarctic stratosphere.
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
Figure 7c. Split Antarctic ozone hole, 2002
1. Human Effects
Although only one of these wavelengths is of greatest concern to humanity - UV-B, the
primary cause of skin cancer - the reality is they all have the potential to damage living
tissue that significantly leads to the aging of skin. The detrimental effects resulting from
UV-A are negligible at best, but can contribute to skin wrinkling, DNA damage and in
extreme circumstances skin cancer. UV-A rays typically penetrate human skin the
deepest but, are not a known cause of sunburn. UV-C rays, which are extremely harmful
to humans, are completely screened out by the ozone layer at around 35 kilometres in
altitude. However, little attention is given to this form of radiation.
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
UV-B rays primarily cause sunburn, with excessive exposure leading to genetic damage and skin
cancer. Scientists and medical professionals agree that UV-B radiation is the direct cause of
three main types of skin cancer: basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and malignant
melanoma. A large number of the reported cases of skin cancer in Canada are basal and
squamous cell carcinomas (Figure 8a), which do not cause death because they do not metastasize
(spread) and are easily treated through routine surgery. Melanoma, on the other hand, is the
most serious but least common form of skin cancer. Symptoms of melanoma (Figure 8b) are
generally associated with the appearance of a mole that is linked to intense exposure to the sun.
These moles are usually characterized by discolourizations within the mole (black, brown, red,
blue or white), asymmetrical borders, or any enlargements in size. Unlike basal and squamous
cell carcinomas, melanoma is very likely to spread to other parts of the body and is virtually
incurable once it has metastasized. Early detection is key in this case as the timely removal of
moles in their early stages prevents the cancer from spreading. UV-B overexposure has also been
linked to eye damage, including the lens, cornea and conjunctiva problems and, to the creation of
eye cataracts (a clouding of the eye lens that leads to blindness).
Figure 8a. Basal and Squamous cell Figure 8b. Malignant melanoma
carcinomas to the face
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
Skin Cancer Facts
Water, sand, concrete and snow all have the potential to reflect and even intensify the
ultraviolet solar radiation, which causes skin cancer.
o Fresh snow 80% reflectivity
o Beach sand 15% reflectivity
Skin cancers will usually develop in areas that are most exposed to the sun, which include the
head, face, neck, hands and arms.
The most common method of removing melanoma skin cancer is through surgery, which
removes the cancer plus a small patch of surrounding skin – all under local anesthetic.
A variety of non-surgical procedures can be used for basal and squamous cell carcinomas.
Cryotherapy (liquid nitrogen to freeze and peel the cancer), scraping (curettage), burning
(cautery) or radiation treatment can be utilized.
The risk of skin cancer today is greater than it was 20 years ago.
Skin cancer is the second most common type of cancer amongst women.
People should reduce their sun exposure during the hours of 11a.m. and 4p.m. when the sun’s
rays are at their maximum strength.
People should apply 2 mg of sunscreen to each square centimetre of exposed skin (the
approximate equivalent of a teaspoon for each limb – with more generous portions for the
torso region).
The sunlight Canadians are exposed to is potent enough to cause skin cancer and premature
The number of newly-reported cases of skin cancer is expected to increase by 30% over the
previous decade.
It is expected that one in every seven Canadians will develop one of the three forms of skin
cancer in their lifetime.
The number of Canadians diagnosed this year with skin cancer could fill the equivalent of
four hockey arenas.
Over 50% of Canadians do not use any type of skin protection when they are exposed to the
sun’s rays and those who do use it do so incorrectly.
Since 2001 there has been an increase in the reported number of skin cancers from 70,000 to
76,000 per year. This is compared to 58,500 new cases reported in 1994.
Each year 374,000 Australians are diagnosed with one of the non-melanoma forms of skin
cancer, with nearly 360 people dying as a result.
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
Conversely, 8,800 Australians are diagnosed each year with melanoma, with nearly 1,000
dying as a result.
Out of all new cancers diagnosed in Australia each year, nearly 81% are skin cancers.
Every year doctors in Australia will remove approximately 720,000 lesions from Australians
because they are suspected skin cancers.
There is a time lag of approximately 10-30 years before the clinical development (i.e.,
appearance) of skin cancer. Therefore early detection is of the utmost importance.
There is no such thing as a “safe tan” as a tan indicates damage from the sun’s UV rays. The
brown colour produced by a tan is the release of a pigment called melanin, which is an
indication of skin damage, as it tries to block the sun’s damaging rays.
Sunburn will usually occur in conditions between 18-27 oC, because of the assumption that
UV are not strong on a cool day. Unfortunately this is not the case.
Nearly 90% of UV rays can penetrate cloud cover.
Overall, the total amount of UV radiation received by the earth will increase for each 1000-
metre increase in altitude.
Even under a half-metre of water, UV rays intensity is still a potent 40% of its land
Sufficient levels of vitamin D can be accumulated by simply sitting near or by a window or
spending short periods of time outdoors (often only two minutes is necessary).
Tanning beds and solariums are not a healthy alternative to outdoor sunbathing as the
amount of UV radiation emitted by tanning beds can be two to five times greater than natural
sunlight. A person under the age of 30, who uses a tanning bed more than ten times per year
is eight times as likely to develop life-threatening melanoma.
People who have pale skin and light-coloured eyes are most susceptible to burning and
development of skin cancer. People of darker complexion, who may tan easily and never
burn, can still develop skin cancer if they do not take any preventative measures to protect
their skin from UV rays.
2. Environmental Effects
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
UV-B rays can negatively impact terrestrial ecosystems by reducing crop yields, altering
species composition and competition, reducing the capacity for photosynthesis,
increasing the risk of disease and stunting growth. Similarly, aquatic studies have shown
that phytoplankton, which form the basis of most aquatic food chains, are highly sensitive
to increased levels of UV-B radiation as it reduces their mobility and ability to
photosynthesize. In addition to the natural environment, the built environment is also
susceptible to damage from UV light specifically polymer plastics. For instance,
polyvinyl chloride (PVC), typically found in window frames, can undergo a variety of
chemical changes including discolouration (yellowing) and loss of structural integrity,
which leads to cracking.
Phytoplankton, which are tiny microscopic algae, form the basis of the marine food chain.
Plankton is eaten by krill, which in turn feed Antarctic seals, penguins and whales.
A 16% increase in ozone destruction over the Antarctic would negatively impact
phytoplankton communities and could result in the loss of over seven million tons of fish per
It has been scientifically proven that UV-B radiation negatively affects Antarctic
microorganisms and it is predicted photosynthesis rates amongst phytoplankton will be
reduced by nearly 8.5% under the worst conditions.
UV radiation has detrimental effects towards the larvae of both starfish and sea urchins.
UV radiation has the potential to alter oceanic chemistry.
Pure water does not protect against UV radiation. A ray of UV-B radiation would have to
travel nearly half a kilometre before it is completely neutralized.
Natural waters may provide some defense against UV radiation in the form of dissolved
organic matter, which can shield aquatic organisms from UV-B radiation.
Standing water ecosystems are most susceptible to UV radiation damage as penetration can
occur up to several tens of metres in depth. However, turbid or moving water may limit UV
penetration up to 10-20 cm.
Some crops and tree species have shown to be UV-B sensitive and therefore will experience
some reductions in yield. Some crops and trees are now being genetically modified to be UV-
B resistant.
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
UV-B radiation has negligible effects on hair-covered animals (cats, dogs, goats, sheep,
cattle, etc.). However, they are susceptible to skin cancer where their flesh is exposed and
non-pigmented (mouth, nostrils, underbelly, etc.).
For most plants, only a small portion of UV-B radiation that strikes a leaf will actually be
absorbed in its tissue. As UV levels increase, the plant will produce more of the UV-
absorbing pigment.
Some organisms have the ability to adapt defense mechanisms towards increased UV levels,
such as pigment blockers in plants or additional layers of protective tissues.
It is believed that UV-B negatively affects plant life by altering photosynthesis, damaging
DNA, changing morphological characteristics and reducing overall productivity.
The UV Index
In 1992, Environment Canada scientists developed a system to predict and assess the
overall intensity of the sun’s UV rays based on day-to-day fluctuations in the ozone layer.
The index, as seen in Table 1, reads as follows:
Table 1
Range Value Action Required
0-2 Low Minimal Protection
3-5 Moderate Cover-up
6-7 High Protection Required
8-10 Very High Full Protection
11+ Extreme Avoid Sun Exposure
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
Chapter 1 Review Questions
2. Ozone is responsible for blocking out what percentage of the sun’s harmful ultraviolet
a. 20%
b. 75%
c. 90%
d. None of the above
3. The ozone layer resides 10-50 kilometres above the earth’s surface. Which zone has
the highest concentration of ozone?
a. 5-10 km
b. 15-30 km
c. 40-50 km
d. 50 km and above
4. Which one of the following statements regarding ozone concentrations is true?
a. Thinnest at the equator and thickest at the poles
b. Thickest at the equator and thinner at the poles
c. Ozone concentrations are uniform across the globe
d. None of these statements are true
5. True or false: the Dobson Unit is the least common unit used in ozone research to
identify the thickness of the ozone layer.
6. When ozone (the substance) was first discovered in 1840, the Greek word “ozien”
was quickly associated with it because it had an unusual…
a. Taste
b. Appearance
c. Sound
d. Smell
7. True or false: ozone is naturally being created and destroyed on a constant basis.
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
9. Ozone is destroyed when a single chlorine atom bonds with…
a. An ozone molecule
b. Another CFC molecule
c. Carbon dioxide
d. None of the above
10. True or false: one CFC molecule can destroy hundreds of thousands of ozone
molecules in its lifetime.
11. CFCs are very stable compounds in the stratosphere. What is the average atmospheric
lifespan for one molecule of CFC-12?
a. 50 years
b. 75 years
c. 5 months
d. 140 years
13. Which one of the following wavelengths of UV radiation is completely blocked out
by the ozone layer?
a. UV-A
b. UV-B
c. UV-C
d. Ozone completely blocks out all wavelengths of UV radiation
15. When the UV Index is 11 or higher (extreme), which of the following steps should a
person take to protect themselves against overexposure?
a. Avoid sun exposure
b. Stay indoors during peak exposure times
c. Cover all limbs and apply sunscreen if outdoor activity is necessary
d. All of the above
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
Chapter 2
Understanding Aspects of
ODS’s and Other
After studying this chapter, the training participant should be able to:
Each ozone depleting substance differs in its capacity to destroy ozone molecules, which
has prompted scientists to adopt a system where each ODS can be relatively compared to
one other. The ODP of an ODS is characterized by the amount of calculated ozone
column change as a result of emitting one unit of that gas into the atmosphere relative to
the depletion that is caused by a reference gas (CFC-11: ODP 1.0). This allows for
different ODS to be compared to each other using a common unit. For example, Halon
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
2402 (ODP 6.0) is six times more harmful to the ozone layer than CFC-11. Table 2
illustrates the ODP of some selected ODS’s, other halocarbons and hydrocarbons.
Table 2
ODS/Halocarbon Type Ozone Depletion Potential
CFC-11 1.0
CFC-12 1.0
CFC-113 0.8
CFC-114 1.0
CFC-115 0.6
Halon 1301 10.0
Halon 1211 3.0
Halon 2402 6.0
HCFC-22 0.055
HCFC-123 0.02
HFC-134a 0.00
Propane (R-290) 0.00
Certain Common Blended Refrigerants
R-502 blend of HCFC-22 and CFC-115 0.33
R-500 blend of HFC-152a and CFC-12 0.75
CFCs were some of the most commonly used ODS worldwide, as they were considered
to be nontoxic and nonflammable. They are also greenhouse gases and contribute to
climate change. CFCs contain atoms of carbon, chlorine and fluorine (Figure 9) and were
used as aerosol propellants, insulators (foam blowing), refrigerants, solvents and
All refrigerants, including CFCs, have their own unique labeling system to identify the
individual number of carbon, hydrogen, chlorine and fluorine atoms each type of
molecule has (more information on labeling is provided later on).
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
Figure 9. CFC molecule
CFCs first evolved in the 1930s as a safer alternative to the highly toxic gases of
ammonia (NH3), methyl chloride (CH3Cl) and sulfur dioxide (SO2) being used as
refrigerants since fatal explosions resulted from these substances.
Three large American companies - General Motors, General Electric and Dupont began
searching for a less toxic and highly stable replacement. In 1928, Thomas Midgley Jr. (Figure
10a) developed CFCs as a safer alternative and demonstrated this by inhaling a large lungful of
his new creation. General Motors and Dupont quickly marketed the product under the trade
name “Freon” (Figure 10b) and by 1935, approximately eight million refrigerators in the United
States were using CFCs. By 1960 their use had expanded to propellants in hair sprays and
medical inhalers, as well as, an alternative for automobile air conditioning systems (Figures 10 c
and 10d).
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
Figure 10a. Tom Midgley Jr. Figure 10b. Virgin CFC-12
CFC Usage
Dupont Canada, formerly the largest CFC producer in Canada, ceased production of
CFCs in 1993 – three full years before the mandatory phase-out under the Montreal
Protocol (as described in Chapter 4). Under Canadian federal law (the Ozone Depleting
Substances Regulations), after January 1, 1999 no person is permitted to manufacture or
import into Canada a product that contains a CFC, unless a special exemption is granted.
Despite strict regulations in Canada, the Montreal Protocol allowed for developing
countries to produce CFCs for a period of ten years after January 1, 1999 to meet the
basic domestic needs of that country. This has led to a black market for illegally obtained
CFCs (particularly CFC-12), which are smuggled from developing countries using a
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
number of creative methods, including mislabeling or hiding amongst legal chemicals. In
2004 one Canadian company was charged $25,000 for illegally importing 3,090 CFC-
containing bar fridges into Canada in 1999 (1.8 ounces of CFC-12 per fridge – a total of
158 kg CFC-12 imported).
Table 3 and Graph 1 illustrates industry usage of CFCs during periods of wide spread use
(i.e. 1970-1990s).
Table 3
Foam Blowing 30%
Stationary and domestic 22%
Refrigeration and A/C 7%
Mobile air conditioning 35%
Aerosols 1%
Other 5%
Graph 1
Foam Blowing
Stationary and Domestic
Refrigeration and A/C
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
2. Hydrochlorofluorocarbons – Restricted Usage
HCFCs were designated as one of the key replacements for CFCs under the Montreal
Protocol. Although not as harmful to the ozone layer as CFCs, HCFCs have a significant
global warming potential (GWP) that contributes to climate change. HCFCs are used
extensively in the refrigeration, air conditioning and foam blowing sectors, and most
commonly include HCFC-22 as a refrigerant and HCFC-141b as an insulator in foams.
In Canada, as prescribed by the Montreal Protocol, the production and consumption of all
HCFCs will be phased out by January 1, 2020, with the exception of HCFC-123 which
will be phased out by January 1, 2030. Table 4 highlights the phase-out schedule of
HCFCs. The latest adjustments were made at the 19 th Meeting of the Parties to the
Montreal Protocol in 2007.
Montreal United
Protocol Canada States
Date Action Date Action Date Action
January 1, 1996 Establish baseline for January 1, Baseline for consumption January 1, Baseline for consumption
domestic HCFC consumption 1996 established 1996 established
2.8% of 1989 CFC levels
100% of 1989 HCFC levels
January 1, 2004 Consumption reduced 35% January 1, Reduce consumption by 35% January 1, Production and import of
2004 2004 HCFC-141b banned
January 1, 2010 Consumption reduced 75% January 1, Reduce consumption by 75% January 1, No production and import
2010 - no new HCFC-22 2010 of HCFC-142b and HCFC-
equipment manufactured or 22 (in new equipment) - but
imported may be produced or
imported for existing
January 1, 2015 Consumption reduced 90% January 1, Reduce consumption by 90% January 1, No production or importing
2015 2015 of any HCFCs - except as
refrigerant in existing
January 1, 2020 Consumption reduced 95.5% January 1, Reduce consumption by January 1, No production and import
2020 95.5% - HCFC-123 imported 2020 of HCFC-142b and HCFC-
or manufactured until 2030 22
for use and service in chillers
January 1, 2030 No consumption of HCFCs January 1, HCFCs no longer permited to January 1, No production or import of
allowed 2030 be imported or manufactured 2030 any HCFCs
At future meetings of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol, one can anticipate further
attempts to accelerate the phase-out timetable for HCFCs, which may be a necessary
action needed to meet ozone protection, climate change and energy efficiency objectives.
An accelerated phase out of HCFCs would likely advance the replenishment of the
Antarctic ozone hole by 2055 and offset nearly 22 gigatons of CO 2 equivalence between
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
3. Hydrofluorocarbons – ODS Replacements
HFC-134a has expanded its role to other applications including sterilization, propellant
and insulator for foam blowing. Research over the past 15 years has shown that the
accumulation of HFCs in the atmosphere has been significant. HFC-134a is one of the
seven basket of gases under the Kyoto Protocol. HFCs in general are powerful
greenhouse gases with GWPs ranging from 140 (HFC-152a) to 11,700 (HFC-23)
compared to CO2 over a 100-year period. The overall performance of HFCs has also been
taken into question and has prompted some European countries to move towards other
environmentally friendly alternatives. Early indication is that HFC-based appliances
may be significant energy users and have poor performance records in higher temperature
situations compared to systems using hydrocarbons. Technology innovations in
engineering are likely to advance performance in future for the various alternative
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
Figure 11. Canister containing HFC-134a
SNAP was developed by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to
evaluate and regulate Class 1 (ODP > 0.2) and Class 2 (ODP < 0.2) substitutes for ODS
under the Clean Air Act. The purpose of the program is to smoothly transition from ODS
to alternatives that offer lower risks to human and environmental health. In the
refrigeration and air conditioning sector, HFC-134a has been identified as an acceptable
substitute for various CFC and HCFC new and retrofit applications including chillers,
industrial refrigeration and air conditioning, cold storage, automobile and mobile
transportation, and white goods. In addition, HFCs are being used within other sectors,
such as domestic appliances, foam blowing, cleaning solvents, aerosol propellants, and
fire and explosion protection.
These are natural, non-toxic, non-ozone depleting and low GWP replacements for CFCs,
HCFCs and HFCs. They are chemical compounds composed of hydrogen and carbon
atoms and have a very short atmospheric lifespan of only weeks to months where they
eventually break down into their component parts of carbon dioxide and water. Some
examples of hydrocarbons used as refrigerants or foam blowing agents include pentane,
butane, ethane and propane. These gases have been in use since the late 1800s and have
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
begun to re-emerge in new equipment manufacturing processes as concern over the
environment has grown significantly. Hydrocarbons have been used in a wide variety of
applications that include fuels, lubricants, plastics, chemicals and propellants.
Carbon Dioxide
Due to advances in technology, particularly the manufacture of thin and strong aluminum
tubing, carbon dioxide refrigerants have the potential as replacements for halocarbon-
based refrigerants. Despite being a global warming gas, releases of carbon dioxide would
be insignificant compared to the same amount of HFCs. Small lightweight systems, such
as portable air conditioners, are the most effective for carbon dioxide because the high
operating pressures let the refrigerant pass through small-diameter tubing, allowing for
the design of compact systems. In addition, the most significant property of carbon
dioxide as a refrigerant is the low critical temperature of 31.1oC.
Using carbon dioxide as a refrigerant is effectively a carbon neutral process, as the carbon
dioxide that is released into the atmosphere was obtained from the atmosphere. It is not like
using hydrocarbons which release carbon dioxide that has been trapped within the earth.
1. Halons
Halons are classified as bromated organic compounds, where one or more of the
hydrogen atoms have been replaced with a bromine atom. They are also known as
bromofluorocarbons. There are three main types of halons, including Halon-1211,
Halon-1301 and Halon-2402 with an atmospheric lifespan between 20-77 years. Halons
are typically used in fire suppression equipment (Figure 13) to extinguish electrical and
electronic-related fires (mainframe computers, aircraft circuitry, etc.). Of all known
ODS, halons have the greatest potential to destroy the ozone layer, with some being as
much as ten times more damaging to the ozone layer than CFC-11 or 12.
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
Figure 13. Halon fire extinguisher
Many computer room air conditioning service and maintenance procedures can
potentially trigger a false alarm condition due to the use of extremely sensitive smoke and
rate of temperature rise detectors. Maintenance personnel must coordinate their service
work with the computer room facility manager to prevent any possibility of an accidental
halon release. Computer-based facilities have very specific isolation protocols that must
be initiated before starting any type of maintenance work.
It is important to note that due to the longlife span of ODS, almost all the ODS, including
halons ever released into the atmosphere, are still in the stratosphere destroying ozone
and will continue to be there for many years to come.
2. Carbon Tetrachloride
In its early uses, carbon tetrachloride was applied as a dry-cleaning solvent, aerosol
propellant, refrigerant and in certain types of fire extinguishers. From 1940 onwards,
carbon tetrachloride was found to have severe health effects, as exposure to high doses of
the substance significantly affected the central nervous system, leading to comas and
possible death. Its use was eventually limited to pesticide applications. An outright ban
on its use was instituted in the United States and restricted in Canada. Carbon
tetrachloride was also used in the production of CFC-11 and CFC-12.
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
3. Methyl Chloroform
This chlorinated solvent was commonly used for cleaning circuit boards in the electronics
industry and as an aerosol propellant. The Montreal Protocol has since banned its use,
beginning in 1996.
4. Methyl Bromide
Sources of methyl bromide can be found in both natural and human activities. In a
natural setting, it can be found in the ocean where it is produced by algae and kelp, and
on land by certain types of plants. It is also used extensively in the agricultural industry
by combining methanol with hydrobromic acid (Figures 14a and 14b). Methyl bromide
is primarily used as a soil sterilant or fumigant to neutralize small pests and fungi. The
use of methyl bromide has been severely limited by the Montreal Protocol because of its
high ODP (60 times more powerful than chlorine). Only recently has it been granted
critical use exemption under the Montreal Protocol. Health effects related to methyl
bromide include nausea, headaches, convulsions, and in higher concentrations, death.
5. Sterilants
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
Figure 14a. Agricultural application of Figure 14b. Canisters of methyl bromide
methyl bromide
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
Chapter 2 Review Questions
1. True or false: ODS have been scientifically proven to deplete the ozone layer and
contribute to climate change.
4. During the prime-use period of CFCs, which industry sector accounted for the
greatest consumption of these substances?
a. Aerosols
b. Refrigeration and A/C
c. Foam Blowing
d. Mobile A/C
5. True or false: although HCFCs are somewhat safer for the ozone layer, they still
contribute to climate change.
8. What was the main reason behind developing the US EPA’s SNAP program?
a. To help transition to ODS alternatives with less risk to human and
environmental health
b. To introduce and test new ODS for the US market
c. The program would make it more difficult to smuggle CFCs into the US
d. To help the US reach its Kyoto targets and reduce CO2 emissions
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
9. The benefits of hydrocarbons include which of the following?
a. Low ODP and minimal global warming potential
b. Poses a short atmospheric lifespan
c. Are beginning to replace CFCs, HCFCs and HFCs
d. All of the above
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
Chapter 3
Regulatory Context for ODS
and Other Halocarbons
After studying this chapter, the training participant should be able to:
Scientific research on ozone depletion dates back to the mid 1960s and policymakers first
took action on the issue beginning with the Vienna Convention in 1985. This was the
first true international attempt at averting an environmental disaster before the situation
became uncontrollable. As a result, the Convention made it a requirement that
participating parties must take the most appropriate measures for protecting the
stratospheric ozone layer. This multinational attempt was facilitated in part by Mostalfa
Tolba, Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), who
sought a true international policy solution for ozone protection. On June 4, 1986 Canada
became the first country to ratify the Vienna Convention, and as a direct result Canada
was recognized as one of the global leaders in the development of the Montreal Protocol.
Montreal was subsequently selected in recognition of Canada’s commitment to the
Vienna Convention and its dedication to developing a Protocol to control ozone depletion.
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
CFC’s, HCFC’s) and three halons (see table page 37). The original Protocol, which was
initially signed by 24 nations on September 16, 1987, instructs developed nations that
CFC consumption (which is defined as production + imports – exports) must be
stabilized and/or frozen at 1986 levels one full year following the implementation of the
Protocol starting January 1, 1989 (CFCs) and January 1, 1992 (halons). Originally the
Protocol called for consumption of CFCs to be reduced by 20% as of 1993-94 and by
50% in 1998-99. All timetables instituted under the Protocol were for developed nations,
with developing countries given a grace period for compliance. The Protocol itself has
been designed so phase-out timetables can be adjusted or accelerated based on new
scientific or technological discoveries. In 2009, universal ratification was achieved with
196 nations ratifying the Montreal Protocol. However, not all nations have accepted the
various amendments to the Protocol.
Often times, practitioners of pollution prevention come under heavy scrutiny for not
accounting for the economic implications of pollution prevention. This was the case in the
mid-1980s, when scientific evidence linking ozone depletion to CFCs was uncertain and
economists asked, “Can the global community afford to discontinue the use of ODS?”
Despite heavy resistance to this scientific progress, the facts were accepted at face value, the
Protocol was signed, and the use of ODS was reduced.
Ten years later in 1997, for the tenth anniversary of the Protocol, Environment Canada
launched an independent economic review to assess the overall costs and benefits for the
reduction and phase-out of ODS.
Despite being only ten years into the Protocol, the findings were unanimous:
o There were significant net benefits towards human health, fisheries, agricultural
production and building material protection
o The technology boom created by the Protocol has had significant environmental
and economical benefits
o Every nation in the global community was receiving benefits.
Specific benefits of the Protocol, as seen by the prevention of further ozone destruction, are
as follows:
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
o By 2060, 19.1 million cases of non-melanoma skin cancer will have been avoided
o Nearly 1.5 million prevented cases of melanoma
o Approximately 333,500 prevented skin cancer deaths
o About 129 million avoided cases of eye cataracts
o $238 billion in benefits to the world fisheries due to the reduced risk of UV-B
damage to marine ecosystems
o The benefits to agricultural production will be $191 billion
o For the building industry, the study estimated that benefits towards the use of
polyvinyl chloride building materials (PVC) would be in excess of $30 billion.
Cost savings as a result of technological spinoffs were also examined:
o Aerosol spray manufacturers, by switching away from CFC-based propellants,
directly cut industry costs for propellant materials by as much as 80%.
The study estimated that the overall cost to society for the Protocol was or will be $230
billion over a control period of 1987-2060. In actuality, these costs are lower than what was
originally projected, due to technological breakthroughs where alternatives are actually
cheaper than the ODS they replaced. The benefits to the Protocol are nearly double this
amount, as the benefits far exceed its costs.
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
Federal-Provincial Responsibilities: Canada’s Ozone Layer
Protection Program
After signing the Montreal Protocol, Canada initiated the development of policies,
highlighting its commitment to the newly-signed international agreement. A federal
coordinated program was initiated involving both federal and provincial levels of
government, called the Federal-Provincial Working Group on Controls Harmonization
(FPWG). Each level of government – federal, provincial and territorial – are responsible
for implementing specific regulations in regards to controlling ODS.
Federal responsibilities focus on issues considered to be of national interest and include ensuring
the terms of the Montreal Protocol are implemented within Canada. Two regulations have been
developed under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA), which include placing
stringent controls on the consumption of ODS within Canada. The Ozone Depleting Substances
Regulations, 1998 ensures Canada is in full compliance with the terms stipulated under the
Montreal Protocol regarding ODS consumption and reporting. Also, the Federal Halocarbons
Regulations, 2003 regulates all halocarbon-containing equipment and systems on federal works
and undertakings. Changes to these regulations can easily be made to reflect any new
amendments to phase-out schedules under the Montreal Protocol. CEPA also contains several
Environmental Codes of Practice,♦ which provide best practices for pollution prevention and
reduction of atmospheric emissions of ODS. In the absence of regulations, the Codes of Practice
will be upheld in a court of law.
Provincial governments enact legislation and regulatory requirements, which stipulate first and
foremost the mandatory recovery, recycling, or disposal and destruction of ODS. They also
address labeling procedures for all ODS-containing equipment, environmental awareness
training for the refrigeration and air conditioning sector, and highlight best-practice repair
techniques for any and all ODS-containing equipment. In addition, they are also responsible for
regulating ODS leaks and discharges into the atmosphere.
The Environmental Code of Practice for the Elimination of Fluorocarbon Emissions from Refrigeration
and Air Conditioning Systems & the Environmental Code of Practice on Halons.
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
This coordinated approach to stratospheric ozone protection could not have been possible
without the Federal/Provincial Working Group on Controls Harmonization (FPWG), which
includes representatives from all provinces, territories and the federal government. Since
differences do occur between provincial regulations (in terms of methods and priorities), the task
of the working group is to maintain a harmonized approach to regulatory activities. In 1992, the
Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME) approved the first National Action
Plan (NAP) for Recovery, Recycling, and Reclamation of Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) prepared
by the FPWG. The 1992 NAP focused on the recovery, recycling, and reclamation of CFCs and
HCFCs within the refrigeration and air conditioning sectors.
Industry Leadership
In 1994, The Manitoba Ozone Protection Industry Association (MOPIA) was formed to
assist industry and administer components of the emerging regulatory compliance regime
in Manitoba. MOPIA is a collective body representing the various ODS industry sectors
throughout the province of Manitoba.
MOPIA has been designated to assist with certain components of MR 103/94. In addition,
MOPIA participates in outreach activities to provide a greater understanding (information
and assistance) of ODS’s and alternatives to stakeholders and the public.
MOPIA administers the provincial certified technician database, works and partners with
the various stakeholders and governments, the Enforcement Division of Manitoba
Conservation and any other parties with a direct interest in making this initiative succeed.
Several other related industry associations exist and function within Manitoba such as
RSES (, HRAI (, RACCA, BOMO and others. While not entirely focused
on ODS management, they function in part to offer their stakeholders support in ODS
and product awareness, training or related functions.
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
Chapter 3 Review Questions
1. Which convention paved the way for the development and adoption of an ozone
protection protocol?
a. Ramsar Convention
b. Vienna Convention
c. Bern Convention
d. Basel Convention
2. The Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer was originally
established to do what?
a. Phase out the use of CFCs and halons
b. Promote the further use of CFCs and halons
c. Find new uses for CFCs
d. Promote the use of ammonia and sulfur dioxide as safer alternatives to CFCs
3. True or false: developing nations were given a grace period to comply with the terms
of the Montreal Protocol.
4. At present (2011), how many nations are Parties to the Montreal Protocol?
a. 196
b. 2
c. 107
d. 75
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
Chapter 4
Climate Change, Global
Warming and the
Greenhouse Effect
After studying this chapter, the training participant should be able to:
Global warming refers to the actual increase in the average atmospheric and oceanic
temperatures in the recent decades. During the 20th century, the earth’s surface
temperature increased approximately 0.6oC +/- 0.2oC. Most scientific authorities attribute
this increase to human activities such as releasing carbon dioxide from the combustion of
fossil fuels, clearing of land for agriculture, and the use of halocarbons. Since 1979 land
temperatures have increased 0.25 oC per decade compared to 0.10 oC for aquatic
ecosystems. Research from NASA revealed that 2005 has been the warmest year on
record since the late 1800s which exceeded the previous record set in 1998 by several
hundredths of a degree Celsius. Figure 15 provides an illustrated synopsis of global
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
Figure 15. Global Warming
Ice thaws in the Northern Hemisphere are occurring nearly nine days earlier then they did
150 years ago and freezing in the fall happens ten days later.
Since record keeping was instituted in the mid-1800s, the 1990s was the warmest decade on
The hottest years on record have been 2005, 1998, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2001, and 1997.
It has been determined that in Alaska, Northwestern Canada and Western Russia
temperatures have risen 3-4oC over the past 50 years, which is double the global norm.
By the end of the 21st Century, the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
predicts that global temperatures will rise an additional 1.6-5.5 oC.
Arctic ice acts as a global air conditioner, but since 1978 the overall area of Arctic sea ice
has diminished by 9% per decade, in addition to thinning.
It is predicted the Arctic summer ice will disappear by the end of the 21 st century.
Between 1960 and 1998, the thickness of global sea ice has decreased by 40%.
If Greenland’s glacial ice was to melt, it holds enough trapped water to raise global ocean
levels by seven metres.
When established in 1910, Glacier National Park in Montana was home to over 150 glaciers;
only 30 reside now.
The snowcap at the peak of Mount Kilimanjaro (5,895 m) has been reduced by 80% since
1912 and is expected to disappear by 2020.
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
Globally, nearly 100 million people live within a distance of one kilometre from coastal
areas, and sea levels are expected to rise 10-89 cm over the next century.
As a result of increased carbon dioxide emissions, it is predicted that nearly a million of the
earth’s species (both plants and animals) could be headed towards extinction.
Polar bears are directly affected by global warming, as the bear’s main food sources - ringed
seals - are becoming increasingly less accessible. This is because they live off the ice of
Hudson Bay, which is now disappearing at rapid rates each year.
This decreases both the polar bears’ time and ability to hunt as they return to land in less
than acceptable conditions. The overall weight for males and females are down and females
are having fewer cubs; however, population decline has not yet occurred.
The ice season for Hudson Bay has been reduced by approximately three weeks over the past
20 years, which is directly attributed to global warming.
It is estimated that more than 700 million vehicles inhabit the world’s roadways.
Climate systems are affected through both internal (natural) and external (human)
processes. One of the main causes behind global warming is greenhouse gases (GHGs),
which are both an internal and external component of the atmosphere contributing to the
greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect (Figures 16a and 16b) is a naturally occurring
phenomenon whereby greenhouse gases (water vapour and carbon dioxide) prevent some
of the outgoing energy that is radiated from the earth’s surface from escaping into space.
GHGs retain heat energy much like the glass walls of a greenhouse. Without this natural
process the earth would be significantly colder than it currently is and life as we know it
would not be possible. Problems such as global warming begin to arise when
atmospheric concentrations of GHGs begin to increase.
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
Figure 16a. Greenhouse effect example #1
Greenhouse gases are only transparent to specific wavelengths of radiation. When the
sun’s radiation hits the earth, some of it is absorbed and then released at longer
wavelengths which the GHGs block from going into space, which causes the planet to
warm. Water vapour is the most abundant GHG and is responsible for 30-70% of the
greenhouse effect, with carbon dioxide contributing 10-30%, methane 5-10% and ozone
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
3-7%. Many scientists would agree that human-induced global warming is a product of
the Industrial Revolution. Since then carbon dioxide emissions have increased 30%,
methane 59% and nitrous oxide 15%, which has significantly increased the heat-trapping
capabilities of the greenhouse effect.
Carbon dioxide is primarily released into the atmosphere through the combustion of fossil
fuels (oil, coal and natural gas), solid wastes and wood products. Methane is emitted as a
result of production and transportation of coal, natural gas and oil. It also occurs from
decomposing organic wastes from landfills, the raising of livestock and rice paddy
farming. CFCs and other halocarbons are also powerful human made GHGs that are
effective heat absorbers (Figures 17a and 17b).
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
Figure 17b. Greenhouse gas example #2
A wide variety of anticipated human and environmental effects are expected to arise in the near
future as a result of global warming. An increase in temperature may lead to higher evaporation
rates and more precipitation, heavier rainfalls and greater erosion. In northern climates, melting
permafrost will accommodate a shift northwards of the treeline, but it may also place northern
boreal areas at higher risk for an increase in fire damage. Sea levels will also rise as a result of
melting polar icecaps, which will place many of the world’s large coastal cities at risk of flood
danger. South Atlantic hurricanes will occur with more frequency and intensity (i.e., Florida
2004, Hurricane Katrina 2005). Higher air temperatures will most likely increase the total
amount of ozone found in the lower atmosphere. Lower level ozone is seen as more of a
hindrance than a help as it now acts as a pollutant. Ground level ozone typically affects the
lungs and lung tissue, and people who suffer from asthma and other respiratory illnesses are at
greatest risk. The US EPA suggests that a warming of only 4 oF would increase ground level
ozone levels by 5%. Increased temperatures may also facilitate the spread of tropical diseases,
such as those transmitted by mosquitoes (malaria, yellow fever, etc.), because northern areas
would become much more suitable for living and breeding of these insects.
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
Climate Change
Climate change is the designation given to shifts in either global or regional climate over
time. Changes in climate are measured over various amounts of time and range from
decades to millions of years. These changes may be caused by both natural processes and
external forces (human activities).
For more on climate change, please visit Environment Canada’s Green Lane:
Kyoto Protocol
Much like the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, the Kyoto
Protocol is the international commitment to climate change and global warming. The
Protocol strengthens the global pledge to the United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate Change (UNFCCC). The Protocol was developed and then adopted at the Third
Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC in December 1997, which stipulates developed
nations must legally meet emissions reduction targets for 2000 and beyond. The
objective of the Protocol is to reverse the ever-increasing trend of GHG emissions into
the atmosphere by developed nations, which began during the Industrial Revolution.
A commitment was made by developed countries to jointly reduce the emissions of six key GHGs
by at least 5% through meeting group targets, which include:
Switzerland, Eastern Europe and European Union: -8%
United States: -7%
Canada, Hungary, Japan and Poland: -6%
Russia, New Zealand and Ukraine: stabilize emissions
Norway: +1%
Australia: +8%
Iceland: +10%
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
The Basket of Gases and the Global Warming Potential Index
The six main gases under the Kyoto Protocol include carbon dioxide (CO 2), methane
(CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), sulfur hexafluoride (SF6), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and
perfluorocarbons (PFCs).
Similar to the ODP index, each greenhouse gas is converted into an equivalent unit to
which all gases can be compared to - in this case, carbon dioxide. A Global Warming
Potential (GWP) Index was developed to assess the potential negative environmental
impact that individual gases have by measuring their heat trapping capabilities. The
ability of a GHG to contribute to overall climate change will depend on a host of factors,
including the amount of gas released, the gases’ relative atmospheric lifespan, and its
ability to absorb outgoing infrared radiation. The atmospheric lifetimes of carbon dioxide
and halocarbons will vary greatly, with some lasting longer than others. For example, in
a 100-year timespan since the simultaneous release of a single emission of carbon dioxide
and HFC, 0% of the HFC will be present in the atmosphere whereas 41% of the carbon
dioxide will remain (19% after 500 years). Thus, the GWP of a gas is determined by
assessing its ability to absorb infrared energy combined with the amount of the gas
present in the atmosphere and its atmospheric lifespan before it is neutralized.
Table 5
Gas Atmospheric Lifetime 100-year GWP
(years) (direct)
CO2 1
CFC-11 55 4,600
CFC-12 140 10,600
HCFC-22 13 1,700
HCFC-141b 11.4 700
HFC-134a 15.6 1,300
Propane Months <3
Isobutane Weeks <3
Cyclopentane Weeks <3
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
Canada and the Kyoto Protocol
Canada was one of the first jurisdictions to sign the Kyoto Protocol on April 29, 1998, with
ratification following four years later on December 17, 2002. By embracing the Protocol, the
federal government pledged to reduce Canada’s GHG emissions by 6% below 1990 levels by the
reporting period of 2008-2012. A three-tier strategy was proposed to accomplish emission
reductions by developing a system of incentives, regulations and tax measures. However, this
approach to reducing industrial GHG emissions has failed to produce results as our overall
emissions output has increased by 24% - a far cry from the 6% reduction pledged under Kyoto.
Currently no penalties exist for a country that has ratified the Kyoto Protocol but fails to meet its
reduction targets. Also, any country that has ratified the Protocol and wishes to withdraw may
do so simply by giving one year’s notice.
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
Chapter 4 Review Questions
2. Which of the following activities, if any, have been attributed to the rise in global
a. Burning of fossil fuels
b. Clearing of land for agriculture
c. Use of halocarbons
d. All of the above
3. True or false: climate systems are affected by both natural and external (human)
5. True or false: the addition of excess greenhouse gases into the atmosphere does not
contribute to global warming.
6. Which of the following is considered to be the most abundant greenhouse gas found
in the atmosphere today?
a. Carbon dioxide
b. CFCs
c. Ozone
d. Water vapour
7. Under the Kyoto Protocol, which nations must meet GHG emissions reduction
a. United States only
b. Developing nations (i.e. China, India, Kenya, etc.)
c. European Union (EU)
d. Developed nations (i.e. Canada, USA, Italy, etc.)
8. True or false: hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) are included as one of the six main gases
under the Kyoto Protocol.
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
Chapter 5
Refrigerants –
And Types
After studying Chapter 5, the training participant will be able to:
The Canadian government, as part of its international commitment to the Montreal
Protocol, has eliminated the importation, exportation, and production of certain types of
designated refrigerants and other ODS. In Manitoba, designated refrigerants are divided
into three classes: Class 1 (CFCs), Class 2 (HCFCs) and Class 3 (HFCs). Manitoba,
along with most other provinces and territories within Canada have mandated that
designated refrigerants be recovered, reclaimed, reused, recycled or destroyed. It is also
recommended that all refrigerants, designated and non-designated (hydrocarbons), be
treated as though they were designated. The practices and procedures in this text are
designed for use with all refrigerants.
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
Refrigerants were developed to meet the needs of the mechanical refrigeration industry.
One of the first refrigerants ever used was water. Water is a very effective refrigerant as
it will absorb 980 BTU/lb. of heat. By reducing water’s boiling point in a vacuum, it can
provide cooling temperatures at 4.5°C. The major disadvantage of water as a refrigerant
and the reason why it is no longer in use is because of the amount of vacuum required to
lower its boiling point (29” Hg). To maintain this low vacuum, systems required a high
degree of maintenance.
As the mechanical refrigeration industry grew and the need for efficient refrigerants
increased, ammonia and carbon dioxide were primarily used. However, due to their
unstable nature, in addition to several fatal accidents involving these substances, their use
was discontinued. The development of the automatic refrigerator created a need for
newer, stable refrigerants such as sulphur dioxide and methyl chloride. Sulphur dioxide
and methyl chloride were stable, non-explosive refrigerants, but are no longer used today
because of their toxicity. Later on, CFCs and more recently HCFCs and HFCs became
the most common types of refrigerants in use today.
Of all the early refrigerants developed, only ammonia remains as the choice refrigerant in
the manufacturing of ice used in arenas and ice-making plants. In order to understand the
differences in refrigerants, and more importantly, what makes them different, we must
study the chemical composition of the refrigerants themselves.
Refrigerants are chemical compounds in a liquid or gaseous state that absorb heat by
evaporating at low temperatures, and pressures and reject heat by condensing at high
temperatures and pressures. In air conditioning and refrigeration systems, refrigerants are
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
used to absorb heat from a space where it is not wanted (i.e. indoor environment) and
expel it to a neutral environment (i.e. usually outdoors). Any substance that experiences
a change in state from a liquid to a gas (or vice versa) can be used as a refrigerant in a
vapour/compression- type system.
Matter is anything that has weight and occupies space. Substances and materials are
forms of matter. Materials are types of matter that are manufactured or built. Substances
are types of matter that consist of component parts. In this text, we shall use the term
substances to describe matter, as we are dealing with the type of matter called refrigerants
and the components that make up refrigerants.
Atoms can be divided into smaller particles called neutrons, protons and electrons. The
atom is the smallest particle known and it is here that the story of matter begins. All
matter consists of atoms or a combination of atoms. Carbon is a substance because it is
matter and an element because all the atoms of carbon are of the same type.
There are various methods available to identify refrigerants. In this chapter, refrigerants
will be identified by their nomenclature, classification and type. Later, Chapter 7:
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
Handling Refrigerants will discuss how to properly identify refrigerants located in
equipment and containers.
Since the early 1970s, when it was first discovered that refrigerants were the root cause of
ozone destruction, the chemical make-up of refrigerants has been gaining increased
importance. As a result, the nomenclature, or numbering and lettering system used to
identify refrigerants, has changed. This change has resulted in the letter “R” in front of
the numerical designation of halocarbon refrigerants being replaced with the more
descriptive letters CFC for chlorofluorocarbon, HCFC for hydrochlorofluorocarbons and
HFC for hydrofluorocarbons. The numerical designation identifies the classification of
the refrigerant.
Per ASHRAE Standard 34-1992
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
A general rule is to add “90” to the CFC’s identification number, with the first digit representing
carbon, second hydrogen and third fluorine. Chlorine is calculated by Cl=2(C+1)-H-F. For
There are three types of refrigerants: single compound refrigerants, blended refrigerants
and mixed refrigerants. Refer to Manitoba Regulation 103/94 for a complete list of
prescribed substances under the following: class 1, class 2 and class 3.
The hydrocarbon family of refrigerants consists of, but is not limited to, methane, ethane
and propane. These refrigerants are called hydrocarbons because they are made up of
two elements: hydrogen and carbon. Hydrocarbons as refrigerants have good heat
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
transfer qualities, although they have flammable and explosive properties. Methane,
which is also a natural gas, is used widely as a heating fuel.
Halogenated Hydrocarbon
A halogenated hydrocarbon (halocarbon) usually contains one or more of the following
three halogens: fluorine, chlorine or bromine (hydrogen may or may not be present). To
create refrigerants, a process called halogenation is used. Halogenation means that one or
more of the hydrogen atoms have been removed and replaced with the same number of
chlorine, fluorine or bromine halogen atoms. The fluorocarbon family of refrigerants is
an example of halogenated hydrocarbons. Examples of these include perfluorocarbons
Fully halogenated
When all the hydrogen atoms are removed from a hydrocarbon and replaced with halogen
atoms, the refrigerant is said to be fully halogenated. All CFCs, including CFC-11 and
CFC-12, are considered fully halogenated refrigerants.
Partially halogenated
This occurs when at least one of the hydrogen atoms is not replaced with a halogen
compound and is then considered partially halogenated. All HCFC refrigerants are
considered partially halogenated, of which HCFC-22 and HCFC-123 are examples.
Fluorocarbons are synthetic refrigerants that are a subclassification of halocarbons.
These are produced by replacing one or more hydrogen atoms with fluorine.
Fluorocarbon refrigerants are further subdivided into chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs),
hydrogenated chlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) and hydrogenated fluorocarbons (HFCs).
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
CFCs are fully halogenated refrigerants that are made up of chlorine (Cl), fluorine (F)
and carbon (C). This group consists of refrigerants such as CFC-11, CFC-12, CFC-500
and CFC-502, and are also known as R-11, R-12, R-500 and R-502. Since CFCs have no
hydrogen, they are very stable refrigerants.
HCFCs are partially halogenated refrigerants made up of hydrogen (H), chlorine (Cl),
fluorine (F) and carbon (C). HCFC-22 (R-22) and HCFC-123 (R-123) are members of
this group. As HCFCs contain hydrogen, they are less stable than CFCs, have a much
shorter atmospheric lifespan and tend to break apart before they reach the stratosphere.
HCFC refrigerants also contain less chlorine than CFCs. Although HCFCs have only 2-
5% of the ozone depletion potential, they are still considered an ODS and will be phased
out. See phase-out schedule on page 37.
HFCs are also a partially halogenated refrigerant made up of hydrogen (H), fluorine (F)
and carbon (C). HFC-134a (R-134a) is a member of this group. HFCs do not contain
any chlorine, but are significant global warmers.
Following the phase-out of CFC refrigerants under the Montreal Protocol, the most
common replacements were HCFCs and later HFCs. Although the detrimental effects of
these substances towards the ozone layer are significantly reduced or eliminated, some do
pose a significant threat to global warming. Today HFC-134a is by far one of the most
popular replacement refrigerants on the market. However, its global warming potential is
1,300 times more powerful than carbon dioxide over a 100-year period. Therefore, these
replacement products are regulated as a class 3 substance under MR 103/94 and must be
managed the same way as CFC refrigerants to ensure environmental protection.
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
Refrigerant blends have evolved as research has progressed to find a suitable replacement
for CFC-12. A refrigerant blend is a mixture of refrigerants that has been developed to
imitate the pressure/temperature relationship similar to that of the original refrigerant.
There are three different types of refrigerant blends:
o Azeotropic
o Zeotropic
o Near-azeotropic
When refrigerants fractionate, they separate and change into different compositions.
Blends are made from several different refrigerants with different volatilities and when a
leak occurs, a greater amount of the more volatile refrigerant leaks out, changing the
blend and changing its performance. Many refrigeration specialists would not
recommend the use of blends because numerous service problems occur with their usage.
Refrigerants with high temperature glides must have their entire refrigerant charge
removed and replaced as a liquid.
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
Usage of Blends
Blends can either be HCFC or HFC-based, and in some cases a hydrocarbon may be used
as one of the components within the blend. When using a blend, it is important that the
ASHRAE refrigerant number is identified. Any refrigerant with a 400 designation will
almost always be a blend, such as R-401a, and are typically marketed as substitutes for
CFC-12. Some manufacturers will incorporate trademarks into their blends, giving the
user the impression they are direct “drop-in replacements” for CFC-12.
In reality, no such product exists as a direct “drop-in replacements” for CFC-12 and
refrigerant systems will always need retrofitting. Most blends and their lubricants are not
compatible with existing CFC-12 systems. Recharging a blend is also quite different than
recharging a single stream refrigerant, such as R-12.
Azeotropic Refrigerant
Azeotropic refrigerants are blended refrigerants with a temperature glide of zero. They
chemically combine together in such a way that they behave the same as a single
compound refrigerant. In the event that a refrigerant leaks, azeotropic refrigerants will
leak evenly. Examples of azeotropic refrigerants are R-500 and R-502.
Zeotropic Refrigerant
Zeotropic refrigerants behave as an azeotrope during “normal” operating conditions.
They have a temperature glide greater than 10. Zeotropic refrigerants have a tendency to
fractionate resulting in different leakage rates of the blended refrigerant. These
refrigerants must be removed and replaced in their liquid state. Zeotropic refrigerants are
in the 400 series classification (e.g. R-401a).
Near-azeotropic Refrigerant
Near-azeotropic refrigerants also behave as an azeotropic refrigerant during normal
operating conditions, with a temperature glide between 0 and 10. However, they still
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
retain some of their separate characteristics. Near-azeotropic refrigerants have a greater
tendency to fractionate or experience a change in composition than azeotrope
refrigerants. This results in different leakage rates of near-azeotropic refrigerants, and
most near-azeotropic will contain an HCFC in their blend.
Mixed refrigerants contain a non-prescribed blend of refrigerants. These usually occur
unintentionally when two or more refrigerants are combined or a refrigerant is
With the exception of ammonia, all refrigerants used today are halocarbons or blends
containing halocarbons.
1. Know the refrigerants you are working with. Knowledge of their physical and
chemical properties is essential to predicting their behaviour. Examine and
understand the material safety data sheet (MSDS) sheets of the substance which
describe some of the properties.
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
4. Keep the working area well ventilated.
5. Always use approved piping or tubing and, whenever possible, braze joints.
7. Avoid refrigerant contact with flames or other hot surfaces as some refrigerants
can become toxic and may decompose.
9. Never breathe in refrigerant vapours. Treat all refrigerants as if they are toxic.
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
Chapter 5 Review Questions
1. Which of the following was one of the first refrigerants ever used?
a. Ammonia
b. Sulfur dioxide
c. Water
d. CFCs
2. True or false: refrigerants are chemical compounds in a liquid or gaseous state that
absorb heat by evaporating at low temperatures and pressures, and reject heat by
condensing at high temperatures and pressures.
7. True or false: temperature glide is the temperature difference between the starting and
ending temperatures of a refrigerant phase change within a system, exclusive of any
sub-cooling or superheating.
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
8. Which one of the following statements is true?
a. Azeotropic refrigerants are blended refrigerants with a temperature glide of 0
b. During normal operating conditions, zeotropic refrigerants do not behave like
azeotropic refrigerants and have a temperature glide of less than 10
c. Near-azeotropic refrigerants have a temperature glide of greater than 10
d. None of the above statements are true
9. True or false: mixed refrigerants occur as a result of contamination and/or when two
or more refrigerants are mixed unintentionally?
10. Which one of the following is a general rule to follow when handling refrigerants?
a. Minimize open air ventilation to prevent contamination
b. Never pressure test a system, as it might reverse factory settings
c. Never breathe in refrigerant vapours and treat all refrigerants as toxic
d. Apply a flame to a refrigerant to test whether or not it is flammable
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
Chapter 6
Legislation and Regulatory
Compliance Issues
After studying this chapter, the training participant will be able to:
In Chapters 1 and 2, refrigerants, their chemical make-up, and the part that refrigerants
play in depleting the ozone layer and contributing to climate change have been discussed.
Furthermore, the role that governments and industry have played and continue to play in
the protection of the ozone layer was revealed. In this chapter, Environment Canada’s
Code of Practice for the Elimination of Fluorocarbon Emissions from Refrigeration and
Air Conditioning Systems and the Manitoba Ozone Depleting Substances Act and
Regulation are described.
To date, a number of critical objectives within the NAP have been achieved, including:
Cease production and importation of CFCs and ban their future use
Timelines established for the phase-out of HCFCs
Recovery and recycling of CFCs, HCFCs, HFCs and prohibiting their
intentional release
Mandatory environmental awareness “certification” training in all
Residential Domestic Appliances
Mobile Air Conditioning
Mobile Refrigeration
Heavy-duty Mobile Air Conditioning
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
Although not referenced directly as part of the MR 103/94 in Manitoba, the Code of
Practice has been adopted in part by several other provincial and territorial governments.
The Code of Practice provides a standardized method of practice for technicians working
in the various trade sectors and industries mentioned above.
The Code of Practice was revised and updated in 1996 to reflect a number of new
developments including new technologies, alternative refrigerants, Canada’s commitment
to pollution prevention, and the advancement of the goals and objectives of the NAP. In
addition, the Code was expanded to adapt best practice procedures for eliminating
emissions of both HCFCs and HFCs, and cautions about environmental and safety issues
related to the use of hydrocarbons and alternate substances.
Within the Code of Practice, a number of key issues are addressed and include but are not
limited to the following:
The Code of Practice was developed in active consultation with stakeholders from a
number of sectors including contractors, labourers, manufacturers, trade associations,
regulators, federal and provincial representatives, and environmental non-governmental
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
The Manitoba Ozone Depleting Substances Act was proclaimed into force by the
Manitoba Legislature in 1992. The Act recognizes that the escape of ODS is harmful to
the health of the public and the environment in Manitoba. The purpose of the Manitoba
Ozone Depleting Substances Act is to reduce and eventually eliminate the release of
ozone depleting substances and halocarbon replacements/alternatives into the
atmosphere. A schedule of fines for violators of the Act is listed below.
Upon the first offence for an individual, a fine not exceeding $50,000 or
imprisonment not exceeding six months or both.
Upon the second offence for an individual, a fine not exceeding $100,000 or
imprisonment not exceeding one year, or both.
For each day the offence occurs, from the day the person was charged, a fine not
exceeding $1,000 a day may be levied.
Upon the first offence for a corporation, a fine not exceeding $500,000.
Upon the second offence for a corporation, a fine not exceeding $1,000,000.
For each day the offence occurs, from the day the corporation was charged, a fine not
exceeding $10,000 a day may be levied.
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
In Manitoba, persons working with ODSs, halocarbons and regulated parts connected to
the closed refrigerant loop are required to follow the procedures set out in the Manitoba
Regulation 103/94. Persons working in other jurisdictions should become familiar with
requirements for the particular area. Across Canada, provincial, territorial and the federal
government have enacted specific legislation for ODS for their jurisdiction.
The following is a summary of some of the key components of the Manitoba Regulation.
All persons that purchase, use and handle regulated refrigerants or work on closed loop
systems must be certified under this regulation. Certified persons will be issued a wallet
certificate that must be renewed annually. MOPIA maintains the certification database
and issues annual renewals.
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
Releases prohibited
Installation service and repair of equipment
Use, disposal and storage of ozone depleting substances
Sales of ozone depleting substances and halocarbons
Trained service technicians and secondary distributors
Other general provisions
It is the responsibility of all persons to comply with the Regulation. A copy of the
complete text of the Regulation is included in this manual and must be consulted for the
purpose of interpretation and application of the law.
The following synopsis has been prepared to assist you in understanding Manitoba’s
regulatory requirements. It focus is with persons who handle refrigerants.
No person shall release or permit the release of a regulated substance into the
environment. The term, “permit” is interpreted as “having knowledge of”.
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
Refrigerant released from a designated purge system used on a sub-atmospheric
refrigeration system
Refrigerant released from a charge hose less than 36” in length.
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
You may contact MOPIA for a copy of the record data form or seek our guidance on
recording your refrigerant usage.
Types of Leaks
Leaks in refrigerant systems fall into two main types: inward leaks and outward leaks.
Refrigerant leaks, regardless of their type, require the use of a recovery method during
repair. Both refrigerant leaks and/or the service required to repair the leak will lead to a
release of refrigerant into the environment.
Inward Leaks
Inward leaks occur on refrigerant systems that operate at less than atmospheric pressure.
These sub-atmospheric systems draw air and moisture into the system, causing the
refrigerant to form an acidic solution. This eventually leads to oil breakdown, corrosion
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
of internal components and sludge formation. Sub-atmospheric chillers operate in a
vacuum resulting in air being drawn into the system. This air must be removed using a
purge unit. When air is vented from the purge unit, some refrigerant is vented to the
atmosphere along with the air. For this reason, a high-efficiency purge unit designed to
minimize the amount of refrigerant released is required (i.e. 0.01kg or air).
Outward Leaks
Outward leaks occur when refrigerant that is pressurized is allowed to escape from a
closed loop refrigerant system, sealed refrigerant component or closed refrigerant
container. Outward leaks result in refrigerant being released into the atmosphere which
causes environmental damage.
Dismantling Equipment
All equipment must be repaired immediately to make it leak free. When a refrigerant
leak exists and the equipment cannot be repaired immediately, the refrigerant must be
recovered and the equipment dismantled in a manner that will prevent operation of the
equipment. Damage to the equipment will result if the equipment operates without
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
Section 14: Addition of Contaminants Prohibited
When recovering a refrigerant, it is illegal to add, mix or dissolve a foreign material,
substance or waste that will make the refrigerant unacceptable for reclamation.
Mixed Refrigerants
Mixed refrigerants contain a blend of refrigerants not manufactured by a primary source
or producer. They usually occur as a result of an unintentional (accidental) mixing of
refrigerants during field work. Refrigerant containers must contain only one type of
Mixed refrigerants are unacceptable for reclamation for the following reasons:
They have a potentially adverse effect on the operation of refrigerant systems
They can lower the efficiency of the system and increase the cost of service
They can affect the compatibility of materials used in the refrigerant system
They may void the manufacturer’s warranty and reduce the life expectancy of the
They can increase service costs due to the high cost of destroying refrigerants.
Contaminated Refrigerants
Contaminated refrigerants are also a form of mixed refrigerant. They are considered to
be contaminated when they contain foreign materials or substances. Some example of
contaminants and contamination sources are:
Steel or copper filings not removed from the refrigerant system at the time of
installation or service
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
The oil film coating found inside new copper piping was not removed from the
refrigerant system at the time of installation or service.
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
have all of its refrigerant charge removed so it can no longer be used for its original
intended purpose. A label should be affixed to the equipment prior to the equipment
being disposed. This label states the refrigerant has been responsibly removed from the
equipment along with the technician’s certification number.
Removal of Oil
It is important to note that all lubricant must be removed from the refrigerant system before
disposal. To remove refrigerants from small hermetic compressors that do not have oil drains, it
is necessary to remove the compressor from the system to drain the lubricant. The best location
to remove the oil from the system is at the suction line of the compressor. When using this
procedure, a service technician can remove about 95% of the oil lubricant.
When draining oil from larger systems, the oil should be drained from several locations on the
The compressor crankcase
Low spots around the evaporator
Oil separations or suction accumulators.
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
Section 17: Return of Class 1, 2 or 3 Substances to Sellers
Any person entitled to purchase a Class 1, 2 or 3 substance may return that substance in
an appropriate container to any person who sells that same substance. The seller shall
accept for return any Class 1, 2 or 3 substance for storage until it can be delivered to a
manufacturer, recycler, reclaimer or for destruction (the seller must ensure one of these
actions occurs).
The record/form must be kept on file for a minimum of three years and made available to
an environment officer on request.
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
Section 18.1: Sale in Inappropriate Containers Prohibited
No person shall offer for sale or purchase a Class 1, 2 or 3 substance unless the product or
substance is contained in an appropriate container (designed and manufactured to be
To become a secondary distributor, the person, company or firm may apply for a permit
by filing an application and paying a $50 fee, renewable annually by January 1.
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
Section 24: Reporting a Release of a Class 1, 2 or 3 Substance
The release of any refrigerant, except for the special circumstances previously discussed
in this chapter, is prohibited in Manitoba. When 10 kg (22 lbs) or more of a refrigerant
are released, the owner, operator or person working on the equipment must report the
release immediately to an environment officer. The environment officer must be
provided with all information regarding the release or leakage of the refrigerant. The
above procedure applies to all releases 10 kg or over regardless of whether the release
was accidental or intentional. A Leak Report Form complete with reporting instructions
can be found in Appendix IV.
Equipment that contains a refrigerant must have a label permanently attached to it and
can include a manufacturer’s name plate. The name plate identifies, among other things,
the type of refrigerant and amount of charge the equipment contains. The name plate is
usually attached to the equipment at the time of manufacturing.
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
Labels are also required when equipment which contained a regulated refrigerant is
discarded and/or decommissioned under Section 16.
Employers and contractors in the business of installing and servicing equipment that
contains a refrigerant, must employ trained service technicians who are certified to
handle and use refrigerants. When employers or contractors hire another contractor to
install or service equipment containing a refrigerant, the hiring employer or contractor
must ensure that the hired contractor is a trained service technician or that he/she employs
trained service technicians certified to use and handle refrigerants.
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
Chapter 6 Review Questions
1. True or false: the National Action Plan was developed to help harmonize all levels of
government and facilitate the implementation of Canada’s Ozone Layer Protection
3. What best describes the purpose of the Manitoba Ozone Depleting Substances Act?
a. Promotes the sale and use of ODS in Manitoba
b. Looks to reduce and eventually eliminate the release of ODS into the
c. Permits the release of ODS into the atmosphere
d. Allows for the sale of ODS-based equipment in Manitoba
5. Under MR 103/94, who are the only persons allowed to work on refrigeration and air
conditioning equipment?
a. Trained and certified service technicians
b. MOPIA employees
c. Refrigeration and A/C instructors only
d. University professors
6. What must certified technicians always have with them at the jobsite when servicing
a. A licensed vehicle
b. A cellular phone
c. Specialized refrigerant recovery equipment and recovery tanks
d. There is no particular equipment that a certified technician requires on the job
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
7. When maintaining records, which one of the following should a certified technician
remember to record?
a. Time of day repair work occurred
b. Outside temperature at time of repair work
c. Type and amount of refrigerant charged, recharged or recovered from a system
d. Date of manufacture of the equipment being serviced
9. When disposing of an unwanted refrigerant, what should the certified technician do?
a. Release the refrigerant charge into the atmosphere, as it is the most cost
effective method of disposal
b. Return the recovered refrigerant in an approved container free of charge to the
wholesaler or distributor that originally sold the refrigerant
c. Contact the nearest hazardous waste facility
d. Deliver the recovery container to a local landfill
10. A person who has successfully completed the Environmental Awareness Training on
Ozone Depleting Substances and Other Halocarbons in Manitoba, is considered…
a. A certified trained service technician as per Manitoba Regulation 103/94
b. A recipient of a college degree
c. A LEED certified contractor or consultant
d. A person designated to install, repair, service all air conditioning equipment
11. What quantity of refrigerant must be released before a person must notify Manitoba
a. 50 kg
b. 10 kg (approx. 22 lbs)
c. 35 lbs
d. 1 tonne
12. Which of the following would require a certified technician to label a piece of
a. Any equipment containing a refrigerant
b. New equipment installations
c. Decommissioned or discarded equipment
d. All of the above examples would require a label
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
Chapter 7
After studying this chapter, the training participant will be able to:
Refrigerants are carefully selected and matched for each application and use. Heat
pumps, air conditioning and other types of refrigerant equipment are designed to operate
with refrigerants manufactured to provide safe and efficient equipment operation. In
some trades or occupations, such as residential air conditioning where one type of
refrigerant (HCFC-22) is used almost exclusively, this topic may not seem important. In
other areas where different types of refrigerants are used, safety hazards can occur when
refrigerants are mixed or the wrong refrigerant is used in the equipment.
The first step in the safe and proper handling of refrigerants is to identify the refrigerant.
Refrigerants are compressed gases and must be maintained within a closed loop system,
sealed component, or container to prevent them from being mixed with other refrigerants
or released into the environment.
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
When the type of refrigerant used in a unit is not known, the following procedure should
be used:
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
Check Colour-Coding
Refrigerants contained in their factory cylinders can be identified by a colour-coding
system. The following is a listing of the most frequently-used refrigerants and their
colour codes.
CFC-11 Orange
CFC-12 White
HCFC-22 Green
CFC-113 Purple
CFC-114 Dark Blue
R-500 Orchid
R-717 Silver
HFC-134 Light (sky) Blue
Reclaim Cylinders
Colour coding of reclaim cylinders is the same as for virgin refrigerants, with one
addition: they are painted yellow on the shoulder with the yellow paint extending 12”
down on the side.
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
Supplier labels
Supplier labels are provided by the refrigerant manufacturer and available from
wholesalers. Refrigerant manufacturers usually affix the supplier label to refrigerant
containers prior to shipping.
Workplace labels
Workplace labels are required when a refrigerant is decanted from a supplier’s labeled
refrigerant container into another approved container. Workplace labels are also required
on refrigerant containers that contain recycled or reclaimed refrigerant that will not be
reused on the same workday by the person who decanted the refrigerant. Decanted
refrigerant stored in a container and reused by the worker in the same day it was decanted
does not require a workplace label. Workplace labels must name the product, provide
safe handling instructions and have a statement on the label that indicates a Material
Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) is available.
There are three main types of refrigerant containers: drums, cylinders and absorption
1. Drums
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
Refrigerant manufacturer’s symbol
Drum Safety
Some safety considerations when handling drums are:
2. Cylinders
A cylinder is a vessel designed to contain, transport, dispense, recover and reclaim
refrigerants safely. Refrigerant cylinders are manufactured and designed to DOT
standards that withstand the normal pressures exerted by the refrigerant liquid/vapour
mixtures. Cylinders or any type of pressurized container designed to hold less than 10 kg
of refrigerant are not industry standard.
Non-recyclable (disposable)
Refillable and recyclable
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
Non-refillable cylinders are dispensing cylinders only. They are equipped with a one-
way valve that does not allow refilling. The cylinder is equipped with a ¼” SAE flared
outlet. This is a Compressed Gas Association (CGA) 165 connection specified for
refrigerant gases and is used voluntarily worldwide. The valve connected to the top of
the cylinder is a needle valve consisting of a body and valve stem, and is leak-free when
refrigerant is being dispensed. The cylinder valve outlet must be covered with the cap
supplied when not in use to keep out foreign materials. The cylinder is equipped with an
over-pressure safety device called a rupture disk.
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
of Dangerous Goods and Occupational Health and Safety Regulations. Refillable and
recyclable cylinders must be tested every five years.
MSDS must accompany the cylinder providing necessary product safety information.
The cylinders are equipped with a ¼” SAE flared outlet valve. This is a Compressed Gas
Association (CGA) 165 connection specified for refrigerant gases and is used voluntarily
worldwide. The valve is connected to the top of the cylinder. The valve design consists
of a body, two valve stems, and a liquid tube which extends into the bottom of the tank
and is designed to be leak-free when the refrigerant is being dispensed. The cylinder
valve outlet must be covered with the cap supplied when the cylinder is not in use to keep
out foreign materials. A fusible plug is a safety relief device that prevents over-
pressurizing of the cylinder.
Reclaimable cylinders are manufactured from high quality heavy gauge corrosion
resistant steel. They are designed to withstand continuous usage over many years.
Reclaimable cylinders have emerged as a result of current environmental regulations
regarding the safe recovery and containment of virgin and contaminated refrigerants.
Reclaimable cylinders are returned to the supplier who will send them to a reclamation
centre for reprocessing. The cylinder must have safety and product warning information
placed on it in accordance with the Transportation of Dangerous Goods and Occupational
Health and Safety Regulations. Reclaimable cylinders fall into the refillable category and
therefore must be tested every five years. Reclaimable cylinders are the only cylinders
that can be refilled without written permission from the refrigerant manufacturers
because these cylinders are approved for such use.
MSDS must accompany the cylinder providing necessary product safety information.
These cylinders can be used for dispensing, recycling and reclaiming as they are
equipped with a two-way valve that allows for the dispensing of recycled or reclaimed
refrigerant. Reclaimable cylinders are equipped with a standard (ACME) thread. The
valve is connected to the top of the cylinder. The valve design consists of a body, two
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
valve stems, and a liquid tube which extends to the bottom of the tank and is designed to
be leak-free when refrigerant is being dispensed, recycled or reclaimed. The cylinder
valve outlet must be kept covered with the cap supplied when not in use to keep out
foreign materials. A fusible plug safety relief device is used to prevent over-pressurizing
of the cylinder.
3. Absorption Cylinders
Absorption cylinder technology is based on the use of a synthetic filler material and the
principle of absorption. The absorption cylinder traps refrigerant vapours as they pass
through the synthetic filler material in the cylinder. The synthetic filler acts as a
molecular sieve absorbing refrigerant vapours. All non-condensable vapours are allowed
to escape.
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
Relief Valves
All cylinders must be equipped with an over-pressure safety relief device such as a
rupture disk or fusible plug. The spring-loaded relief valve is another type of over-
pressure safety relief device that is common to the commercial refrigerant sector. Relief
valves are designed to relieve vapour pressure only. These valves must never come into
contact with liquid refrigerant as the refrigerant expands faster than the relief valve’s
ability to bleed off the refrigerant vapour.
The rupture disk is a flangible disk typically welded into the cylinder shoulder. Should
the cylinder pressure exceed 340 psi., a coin will burst and the cylinder’s contents will
vent, preventing an explosion.
The fusible plug has a soft material with a low melting point. It is threaded into the
bottom of the cylinder. When temperatures exceed 130°F or 340 psi. pressure, it will
The spring-loaded relief valve is a loaded spring and seat valve set to open when the
pressure exceeds 340 psi. The pressure forces the spring to open lifting the valve from its
seat and venting the contents through the relief port.
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
With the return of reusable cylinders for the storing and removal of refrigerants between
equipment and storage or reclaiming sites, the potential for problems and accidents will
increase. From a small number of reusable cylinders used in North America in the 1990s,
the number has grown to more than several million.
Like all fluids contained in a pressurized cylinder, the liquid refrigerant will expand and
the gaseous refrigerant will increase in pressure as the temperature increases. All
pressurized vessels are potentially explosive. Anyone witnessing the results of a ruptured
cylinder knows the devastating force it unleashes. Returning to reusable cylinders
presents technicians with the very important safety issue of preventing the overfilling of
refrigerant cylinders when recovering refrigerant and the resulting personal injury,
property damage and financial liability. For more information, see Storage Guidelines
within the Code of Practice.
Overfilling Cylinders
There are three primary causes of a ruptured cylinder:
1. Overfilling
2. Misuse of relief valves
3. The false sense of security gained from the five-year mandatory certification of
Under certain conditions, liquid refrigerants will expand to a point where the cylinder can
no longer contain the pressure. Underwriters’ Laboratories of Canada (ULC) has
scientifically determined the maximum volume of refrigerant that can be safely stored in
a cold cylinder and later transferred to locations is 80%.
This expansion condition can exist when a cylinder is filled to a level above 90% of the
capacity of the cylinder in the cool of the morning. When temperatures are hot,
refrigerant can expand to completely fill the cylinder, causing the cylinder to rupture.
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
Overfilling can also occur when recovering refrigerants that contain oil. Oils are less
dense than refrigerant and therefore weigh less. Care should be taken to ensure that the
cylinder is filled to 70% of its capacity by weight.
Caution must be exercised to never overfill the cylinder with virgin refrigerant to more
than 80% of its weight by volume. When recovering refrigerant of an unknown quality,
such as contaminated refrigerant from a compressor burn-out, a good rule to follow is to
fill the cylinder to no more than 70% of its total volume by weight.
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
Preventive Measures
The best method of prevention is simply to never overfill reusable cylinders. To assist
the technician when recovering refrigerant into reusable cylinders, two types of shutoff
devices have been developed and approved.
The in-cylinder integral protection system has an 80% shutoff device (overfill protection
device) that physically measures the volume of liquid refrigerant in a cylinder to 80%,
whether it is a virgin refrigerant or blended with refrigerant oil.
Since these systems are highly reliable, shutoff devices have been incorporated by a
majority of refrigerant recovery equipment manufacturers. It must also be noted that this
equipment is designed to operate only with reusable cylinders equipped with integral
overfill sensors. The integrated sensor most commonly used is the float-type liquid level
switch. In addition to providing positive volumetric overfill protection, this device has
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
the advantage of being integral to the reusable recovery cylinder. Cylinders equipped
with this device are recognizable by a quick disconnect electrical terminal located near
the valve.
The overfill level switch, which is mounted within the empty cylinder, is
connected to the recovery equipment with a quick disconnect cord set.
When the refrigerant level in the cylinder reaches 80%, the float (which is an
integral part of the overfill level switch and has been rising with the level of the
recovered liquid refrigerant) opens the overfill level switch, automatically de-
energizing the recovery/recycling unit until the 80% full cylinder is replaced. .
Non-refillable cylinders are equipped with a one-way valve. They must never be used to
recover refrigerant or used as a storage cylinder for pressurized air. Non-refillable
cylinders are constructed of light gauge steel and are not approved for reclaiming
refrigerants or storing air under pressure.
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
Empty cylinders must have the heel recovered for safety and environmental reasons. A
cylinder containing a small amount of refrigerant is as dangerous as a full cylinder.
Empty cylinders must be evacuated prior to refilling.
Cylinder valves must be leak-free when in the closed position. If a refrigerant valve is
suspected of leaking, leak test the valve using a soap solution.
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
Never use a rusted or deteriorating cylinder. Return to wholesaler for disposal.
Always recover refrigerant immediately from an overfilled or leaking cylinder.
Do not remove or alter cylinder markings.
Do not tamper with safety devices on cylinders.
Do not fill refrigerant cylinders containing a virgin refrigerant more than 80% of
its capacity by weight.
Caution should be exercised when recovering contaminated refrigerant into a
cylinder as it weighs less by volume than virgin refrigerant.
A good rule to follow is to fill a cylinder that does not have overfill protection to
70% of its capacity when the refrigerant contains a lubricant or a refrigerant of
an unknown quality.
Always keep refrigerant cylinder secured in an upright position.
Store refrigerant cylinders and drums in a dry, ventilated warehouse or other enclosed
area away from heat, flame, corrosive chemicals or fumes, and explosives. Keep
containers out of direct sunlight, particularly in warm weather. Since refrigerants expand
when heated, they require head space in the top of the cylinder to allow for expansion.
Cylinders may be full of liquid at temperatures above 130°F. Never allow a cylinder to
get warmer than 125°F (51.7°C). Once the cylinder is full, any further rise in the
temperature can result in an abrupt rise in liquid pressure to extremely high levels –
enough to cause the cylinder to burst, resulting in serious personal injury.
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
Storage Area for Cylinders and Drums
Cylinders and drums should always be stored above dirt or damp floors to prevent
rusting. Use a platform or parallel rails to separate them from the damp floor. All
containers must be secured in place by means of a rack, chain or rope. This prevents
them from tipping, rolling or accidentally striking each other or any other object. Since
the cylinders and drums are colour-coded, it is easy to identify each refrigerant. Store
each refrigerant in a separate area. The storage area should be removed of corrosive
chemicals or fumes to avoid damage to threaded areas of the valve and cylinder.
“Recycle” means to reuse an ODS or other halocarbon that has been recovered from air
conditioning or refrigeration equipment in other equipment and has been restored to a
higher level of purity.
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
When reclaiming refrigerant from large air conditioners, a significant amount of time can
be saved by recovering, recycling or reclaiming the refrigerant in its liquid state.
Weigh and record the weight of the refrigerant reclaim cylinder on a note pad or
Remove any visible dirt or other foreign particles from the manifold gauge hose
ends and the valve. It is recommended that the hose ends of the manifold
gauges be equipped with check valves or quick couplers. These valves reduce
refrigerant emissions into the environment and provide protection against
refrigerant burns.
Connect the reclaim cylinder to the recover/reclaim hose located on the
Connect the low side manifold hose to the low side valve on the reclaim unit,
and the high side hose to the high side valve on the reclaim unit.
Purge the recovery/reclaim manifold hose connection by having the hose
connection loosely connected at the reclaim unit and reclaim cylinder. Crack
the high and low pressure valves at the manifold for about two seconds, then
close both valves. Tighten the hose connections at the reclaim unit and reclaim
cylinder. This is becoming an obsolete practice as check valves and quick
disconnect hose ends are becoming the new standard.
Open the low and high side valves on the manifold and open the reclaim
cylinder valve.
Start reclaim unit and recover refrigerant in either its vapour or liquid state to
the reclaim cylinder. Become familiar with your unit and the manufacturer’s
procedure on how to recover refrigerant.
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
During the reclaim procedure, constant monitoring of the weight or volume of
the refrigerant being recovered is essential. Care and caution must be
exercised at all times when filling cylinders. Never overfill a cylinder.
During the refrigerant recovery process, any components that are very cold or
frosty should be warmed by a heat gun. This ensures all the refrigerant is
removed and speeds up the process of recovery.
Monitor the cylinder pressure and continue to recover refrigerant until you have
recovered the entire refrigerant charge.
Ensure that the high and low side manifold valves, reclaim unit and reclaim
cylinder valves are closed. Remove the low pressure hose by applying pressure
against the hose connection to keep it seated while you unthread the knurled
Remove the high pressure hose by applying pressure against the hose
connection to keep it seated while you unthread the knurled nut.
With the reclaim unit and reclaim cylinder valves closed, apply pressure against
the hose connection to keep it seated while you are unthreading the knurled nut.
The refrigerant reclaim cylinder can now be labeled and shipped back to the
manufacturer or reprocessing facility.
When non-contaminated refrigerant is removed from the system and is to be
recycled back into the system, the recycling unit and reclaim cylinder can
remain attached to the system with all valves in their closed position. After
repairs have been made, the refrigerant can then be recharged back into the
When all refrigerant is reused/recycled and is the same refrigerant you removed
from the system, it is suggested practice to record this transaction in your
The air conditioner must be marked with the correct refrigerant charge for future
reference. As a trained certified technician under MR 103/94, you must ensure
the following has been recorded prior to leaving the job site:
i) The amount of refrigerant used
ii) The type of repair or service performed
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
iii) Date and location
iv) Whether an ozone depleting substance was removed, recovered, charged
or recharged
v) The type of ODS or other halocarbon.
A copy of the record must be left with the equipment owner or operator of the
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
Chapter 7 Review Questions
2. True or false: non-recyclable cylinders are no longer permitted by law and were only
used to dispense refrigerant.
3. Circle the best two answers that apply to why fully refillable and recyclable cylinders
have been reintroduced onto the market
a. Their design allows for continuous usage over many years
b. They are easier to lift than disposable cylinders
c. They are more environmentally friendly (i.e. less waste)
d. The steel used to manufacturer them is more abundant than steel used for
disposable cylinders
4. True or false: all cylinders must be equipped with an over-pressure safety relief
device such as a rupture disk or fusible plug.
6. How does the external independent protection system help to prevent cylinder
a. A scale visually indicating to the technician that the cylinder is 80% full
b. An attachment to the recovery equipment that indicates the cylinder has
reached 80% capacity
c. A scale shuts down the system when the cylinder is 80% full by weight
d. Both a and c
8. Which of the following are true in regards to storage/storage area for refrigerant
a. Store in cylinders in a dry, ventilated warehouse
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
b. Keep containers out of direct sunlight
c. Store cylinders above dirt or damp floors using a platform
d. All of the above are true in regards to storage or refrigerant cylinders
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
Chapter 8
After studying this chapter, the training participant will be able to:
General refrigerant control consists of the plans, practices and procedures used to prevent
or assist in preventing the release of refrigerants into the environment. The following
control principles, when applied, will reduce and in some instances eliminate refrigerant
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
The following are acceptable methods for controlling refrigerant emissions.
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
The effects of expansion and contraction can be neutralized by using any one or a
combination of the following:
Pipe supports that secure the location of the refrigerant lines and allow the
refrigerant line to move
Trombone bends
Flexible piping connections.
Air conditioning and refrigerating equipment have many moving mechanical parts such
as fans, motors and compressors. As a result, refrigeration equipment experience a
significant amount of vibration. To neutralize the effects of vibration, any one or a
combination of the following should be used:
Anti-vibration mounts
Vibration absorbing clamps
Flexible piping connections
Trombone bends.
Leakage Control
Refrigerant leakage control is obtained by the application of good work practices,
procedures and methods in a conscientious, concerned manner that results in quality
workmanship and reduced refrigerant leakage. To prevent refrigerant leaks from
occurring, the following work practices are suggested.
Perform routine maintenance on equipment. This will locate leaks early and
reduce refrigerant emissions that result from servicing of refrigeration
Perform routine leak checks.
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
Always recover, reuse, recycle and reclaim refrigerant.
Keep gland seals lubricated.
Use brazed joints on refrigerant lines wherever and whenever possible.
Protect the closed loop refrigerant system from metal to metal contact.
Ensure that gasket materials are compatible with the refrigerant being used.
Always perform a second check on mechanical fittings and valve seats before
leaving the job site.
Always replace the protective caps on valves.
On commercial systems, ensure the resettable relief valve is not set too low.
Always lubricate flared fittings with refrigerant oil for better tightness.
Use the least number of joints possible.
When checking for leaks only, use the approved leak test procedure.
Venting Prohibited
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
Approved Leak Testing Methods
Under MR 103/94, no person shall recharge or top up equipment that contains an ODS or
other halocarbon unless the person first conducts a leak test and permanently repairs the
identified leak. Technicians may choose one or more of the following leak test methods
to ensure a unit system will work effectively after any ODS is added following the
system’s repair. The following is the prescribed leak test procedure and a list of
acceptable leak testing methods recognized by Manitoba Conservation. They are subject
to change.
2. If the system has lost its charge and no longer contains a regulated refrigerant, it
must first be pressurized using dry nitrogen to a minimum of 150 psi (1034 kPa)
or such a pressure as not to rupture the system – for at least half an hour.
3. Use one of the appropriate method(s) indicated under “Acceptable Leak Testing
Methods” to detect the presence and location of the leak(s).
4. If no leak is detected after fully and thoroughly leak checking, you may
recharge the system with the appropriate or manufacturer designated refrigerant.
6. Once any remaining refrigerant has been recovered, repair or replace the
component or system.
7. Perform another leak test method to confirm that the leak has been repaired. If
any leaks are found, repeat #1-7 until all leaks have been repaired.
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
8. Evacuate the system in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommended
evacuation/dehydration levels. When the manufacturer’s information is
unavailable evacuate to 29.87 in Hg. (500 microns) and hold for a minimum of
ten minutes.
9. The system has now been evacuated and dehydrated. The system may now be
recharged in accordance with the manufacturers certified installation,
specifications and service manuals, and the Environmental Code of Practice for
the Elimination of Fluorocarbon Emissions from Refrigeration and Air
Conditioning Systems.
There are many different techniques for leak testing, with varying degrees of accuracy
depending on the system being tested. The following guidelines are acceptable procedure
for leak testing on various stationary refrigeration and air conditioning systems.
The following techniques have been recognized by Manitoba Conservation. The most
appropriate leak test method for the circumstance should be chosen and performed by a
MR 103/94 certified individual (“trained service technician”). The completing of a leak
test is not a guarantee against leaks in the future, and therefore is not meant to replace any
existing preventive maintenance program.
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
Standing vacuum test
Standing nitrogen pressure test
Note: Any additional leak testing technologies that are developed and find acceptance
within the refrigeration and air conditioning industry may become acceptable and added
to these guidelines. It is recommended that you periodically check with Manitoba
Conservation or MOPIA for the latest list of acceptable leak test procedures.
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
Chapter 8 Review Questions
1. True or false: expansion and contraction of refrigerant lines and equipment occurs
seasonally due to outdoor temperature extremes between summer and winter.
4. Identify the leak test procedure below that is not approved by the Minister of
a. Ultrasonic leak detection
b. Fluorescent dye leak detection
c. Clip and vent leak detection
d. Soap and bubble test
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
Research demonstrates that hydrocarbons can potentially reduce the overall energy
consumption of domestic and commercial appliances by up to 15%. This in turn can help
reduce the total equivalent warming impact (TEWI), which looks at the total emissions
associated with a refrigeration system for both the refrigerant and energy inputs needed to
run that system. When comparing identical systems that run hydrocarbons (HCs) to
hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), the TEWI for hydrocarbons will be significantly lower
because of the increased energy savings and lower GWP.
New research into the use of propane and butane as refrigerants began in 1992 as a result
of a partnership between leading hydrocarbon researchers and a German manufacturing
company, DKK Scharfenstein, facilitated by Greenpeace. As a result of this partnership,
Greenfreeze technology was created for domestic refrigeration systems as it utilizes
hydrocarbons for foam blowing and refrigerants. This new technology soon spread
across Germany and prompted tens of thousands of environmentally-conscious Germans
to preorder Greenfreeze refrigerators. Although most other home appliance
manufacturers publicly boasted that the concept of a hydrocarbon-based appliance would
ultimately fail, this was short-lived as they soon realized the benefits of environmentally-
friendly refrigerators.
Greenfreeze refrigerators utilize a special mixture of either propane (R290) and isobutene
(R60Oa), or pure isobutene as a refrigerant (30-70g). Since hydrocarbons have a special
thermodynamic property, only one-third of the refrigerant regularly needed in a CFC or
HFC-based appliance is used. For the blown foam insulation, cyclopentane is used, in
which its insulating properties have been favourably compared with CFC-11 and even
outperforms HCFC-141b in some measures.
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
In some applications, hydrocarbons such as propane and isobutene have proven to be an
effective replacement for CFCs and their alternatives in refrigeration systems, especially
in low or no-power situations. Highly efficient gas adsorption refrigerators, which are
powered by propane, require no electricity and have no moving parts. Many Greenfreeze
refrigerators that use isobutene may be up to 38% more energy efficient than their
halocarbon alternatives, as noted by Bosch-Siemens in their 1993 annual report where
they stated hydrocarbon-based appliances accumulated a 50% energy savings. Both
domestic and commercial refrigerators converted to hydrocarbons are at minimum 15%
more energy efficient than their halocarbon counterparts.
Although deemed environmentally friendly, hydrocarbon refrigerants have been met with
harsh criticism in both the United States and Canada because of flammability issues. In
the United States, it is illegal to replace CFC-12 refrigerants in vehicles older than 1994
with hydrocarbons, and hydrocarbons used in systems designed for R-134a will void the
air conditioning warranty. This is because leaking air conditioning systems charged with
hydrocarbons pose serious risks of fire or explosion under the hood of the car or inside
the passenger cabin. This is despite some products, such as hydrocarbons (see Figures
12a and 12b), being marketed as direct replacements. Currently 19 states and the District
of Columbia prohibit the use of hydrocarbons as a refrigerant in mobile air conditioning
systems. The Chair of the SAE Interior Climate Control Standards Committee states new
and existing air conditioning systems were not designed by manufacturers to
accommodate such a volatile substance similar to that used in the preparation of food on
outdoor grills. The US EPA has yet to find conclusive evidence that hydrocarbons are a
safe alternative to their non-flammable halocarbon alternatives, and thus have banned
them under the authority of the Clean Air Act. Furthermore, none of the major
automobile manufacturers or trade associations have fully endorsed the use of
hydrocarbons for use in mobile air conditioning systems.
Special Note: Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation (MPIC) recognizes the use of
HFC-134a only in mobile air conditioning systems. Using a refrigerant other than HFC-
134a in insured mobile air conditioning systems may have potential liability issues.
Check with MPIC first if you are using a refrigerant other than HFC-134a.
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
Figure 12a. RedTek Refrigerant Figure 12b. RedTek Retrofit Kit
Despite these reservations, Greenpeace has argued that the explosive risk associated with
hydrocarbons can be easily prevented through the implementation of safety measures
during the product design and production processes. The amount of actual hydrocarbon
in a Greenfreeze refrigerator is merely equal to two cigarette lighters, making the
likelihood of an explosion extremely minimal. It takes between 17-39g/cubic metres to
create a mixture potent enough to create an explosion. Therefore, in the event of a
refrigerant leak, an explosion would be nearly impossible as ignition sources are
inaccessible to the absorption of almost 50% of the hydrocarbon into the lubricating
mineral oil. As a result, the German safety and standards organization TUEV, has
approved hydrocarbon refrigerators as safe and tested for residential and commercial use,
which is also a valid mark throughout the European Union. Greenfreeze technology is
also being exported around the world and is prevalent in many areas including China,
India and Australia, where it played a prominent role in the 2000 Summer Olympic
Games in Sydney.
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
Original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) do not manufacture or design parts to operate
using hydrocarbons because each type of refrigerant operates at a different temperature
and pressures (i.e. CFCs low pressure, hydrocarbons higher pressure). The introduction
of hydrocarbons into an air conditioning system by an untrained or uncertified technician
can contaminate both the OEM parts and refrigerant/oils. Some OEMs may void the
warranty if hydrocarbons or non-designated refrigerants are used or detected in the
system. Furthermore, because of their volatile properties (flammable/explosive nature),
most untrained individuals can or will likely add more hydrocarbons to the system than
needed, so if there is a leak into the passenger compartment this may create the right
fuel/air combustion ratio to cause an explosion.
Although Manitoba has no formal regulation governing the use of hydrocarbons, it is best
to contact Manitoba Public Insurance (MPI) and equipment manufacturers for the latest
information regarding the use of hydrocarbons as a refrigerant alternative in mobile air
conditioning systems (as use may void or impact the warranty or insurance). Any person
utilizing hydrocarbon refrigerants must be trained and certified to handle regulated
refrigerants as retrofitting of systems may include the recovery of a regulated refrigerant.
Certain hydrocarbon companies may offer training specific for the proper use of their
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
the Protocol were also barred from trading these substances with non-party members.
A financial mechanism was also introduced (Article 10 of the Protocol), which
provided both financial and technical support for developing nations to help foster
compliance for their obligations under the Protocol. Finally, the amendment
established reporting guidelines for the production and consumption of HCFCs
(Annex C, Subgroup 1). The London Amendment was entered into force on August
10, 1992.
4. Beijing Amendment: The Beijing Amendment to the Montreal Protocol was proposed
at the Eleventh Meeting of the Parties in 1999. A freeze was placed on HCFC
production for January 1, 2004 for all developed countries and 2016 for developing
countries, with trade restrictions in place for 2004. It further restricted production
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
and consumption of bromochloromethane, which was a new ODS added to the list of
controlled substances for phase-out in 2002. The multilateral fund was also
replenished to the tune of US$440 million. The Beijing Amendment entered into
force February 25, 2002.
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
Wikipedia (2006)
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
Greenpeace (2007)
Canada’s Ozone Layer Protection Program a Summary—Montreal Protocol 1987-
1997. (1997). Environment Canada. p.8.
Andersen, Stephan O. & K Madhava Sarma. (2002). Protecting the Ozone Layer: The
United Nations History. Earthscan Publications Ltd: London.
Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment. (2001). National Action Plan for
the Environmental Control of Ozone-Depleting Substances (ODS) and their
Halocarbon Alternatives. Prepared by the Federal Provincial Working Group on
Ozone-Depleting Substances and Halocarbon Alternatives.
Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment. (2001). Canada’s Strategy to
Accelerate the Phase-Out of CFC and Halon Uses and to Dispose of the Surplus
Stocks. Prepared by the Federal Provincial Working Group on Ozone-Depleting
Substances and Halocarbon Alternatives
Section Review
World Wide Web
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
Factoid References
World Wide Web
Figure References
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
General Reading and Further Information
Manitoba Ozone Protection Industry Association
Environment Canada
Green Lane:
Natural Resources Canada:
Stratospheric Ozone:
Total Ozone Map:
Ozone and UV Index Forecast: forecasts.htm
UV Index:
National Geographic
Global Warming:
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual
Health Canada
Preventing Skin Cancer:
For the text of the B52 Code for Mechanical Refrigeration Code/Pressure Vessels
The Canadian Standards Association
Manitoba Environmental Awareness and Certification Training Manual