Baranek Hydraulic Analysis
Baranek Hydraulic Analysis
Baranek Hydraulic Analysis
Petr Baránek, Jiří Koštek, (2) Vladimír Havlík,(3) Petr Ingeduld,
Aqua Procon s.r.o., Lazaretní 13, 600 00, Brno, Czech Republic
Czech Technical University., Thákurova 7, 166 29, Praha 6, Czech Republic
Hydroinform a.s.., Na vrších 5, 100 00, Praha 10, Czech Republic
(1) (2) (3)
Vyškov is a district city with app. 20,000 inhabitants. Its water distribution system
has been built since 1936 and nowadays represents nearly 100 km of pipeline with
diameter ranging between 50 and 500 mm. Dominant pipeline materials are cast
and PVC. There are four main water sources supplying the whole area. Great
terrain elevation results in high-pressure changes in a network that reach 7.5 bar.
This high pressure causes excess leakage in the network.
Evaluation of the existing water supply systems and the aim to meet future
requirements can be efficiently achieved by performing hydraulic analysis. The
objectives of the hydraulic analysis are focused on:
Development, calibration and verification of a mathematical model of water
distribution and supply network, simulation of different alternatives under steady
state and extended period conditions.
Dividing the existing water supply network into several pressure zones. This
should lead to optimum pressure distribution, and hence the decrease of water
losses and savings of electricity consumption required by pumping stations.
Proper use of simulation tools helps the engineer to foresee possible breakdown, to
plan rehabilitation program and to gain benefit from it, [5].
along with the following equations for each link (between nodes i and j) and each
node k:
hi - hj = f(Qij) (4)
Σi Qik - Σj Qkj - Qk = 0 (5)
ys = height of water stored at node s,
Qs = flow into storage node s,
Qij = flow in link connecting nodes i and j,
hi = hydraulic grade line elevation at node i (equal to elevation head plus pressure
and the known constants are:
As = cross-sectional area of storage node s (taken as infinite for reservoirs),
Es = elevation of node s,
Qk = flow consumed (+) or supplied (-) at node k,
f(Qij) = functional relation between head loss and flow in a link
The method used by EPANET to solve this system of equations is known as the
"gradient algorithm", Todini, E. and Pilati, S.(1987) [7], and has several attractive
features. First, the system of linear equations to be solved at each iteration of the
algorithm is sparse, symmetric, and positive-definite. This allows highly efficient
sparse matrix techniques to be used for their solution, George-Liu (1981). Second,
the method maintains flow continuity at all nodes after its first iteration. And third,
it can readily handle pumps and valves without having to change the structure of
the equation matrix when the status of these components changes.
ODULA's dynamic water quality simulator tracks the fate of a dissolved substance
flowing through the network over time. It uses the flows from the hydraulic
simulation to solve a conservation of mass equation for the substance within each
link connecting nodes i and j:
cij = concentration of substance in link i,j as a function of distance and time
(i.e., cij = cij(xij,t)),
xij = distance along link i,j,
Qij = flow rate in link i,j at time t,
Sij = cross-sectional area of link i,j,
θ(cij) = rate of reaction of constituent within link i,j,
kb = first-order bulk reaction rate constant,
c = substance concentration in bulk flow,
kf = mass transfer coefficient between bulk flow and pipe wall,
RH = hydraulic radius of pipe (pipe radius/2),
cw = substance concentration at the wall,
In addition to chemical transport, ODULA can also model the changes in age of
water over time throughout a network. To accomplish this, the program interprets
the variable c in Equation (6) as the age of water and sets the reaction term q(c) in
the equation to a constant value of 1.0. During the simulation, any new water
entering the network from reservoirs or source nodes enters with age of zero.
Water age provides a simple, non-specific measure of the overall quality of
delivered drinking water. When the model is run under constant hydraulic
conditions, the age of water at any node in the network can also be interpreted as
the time of travel to the node. ODULA can also track over time what percent of
water reaching any node in the network had its origin at a particular node. In this
case the variable c in Equation (6) becomes the percentage of flow from the node
in question and the reaction term is set to zero. The c-value of the source node is
kept at 100 percent throughout the duration of the simulation.
The basic data describing the water supply and distribution network was collected
in MAPA 2 geographical information system. Thematic maps were created in
MicroStation. This is namely:
Junction node X, Y and Z co-ordinates.
Pipe length, material, residential coefficient, list of pipe vertices, beginning and
ending junction node.
The data was imported into Vak Base, which is the general database system for
water distribution and sewer networks (HYDROINFORM a.s.), [3]. The data was
after completing and processing exported into the ODULA modelling package.
The mathematical model of the water distribution and supply network was build-up
in the ODULA modelling package from the base network data imported from the
VakBase information tool. The model was then extended by the detailed
description of hydraulic structures such as tanks, pumping stations and nodal
demand values and their time variation, Fig.1.
Fig.1. Computational scheme of the water supply network of Vyškov - ODULA modelling
Specifications covered tank size and elevation, minimum, maximum and initial
water depth, characteristics Q-H curves for pumping stations and the elevation of
the pumping station and/or water elevation in the water source.
The observation of the six main locations (two tanks and four pumping stations)
was performed by telemetry RADOM readings. The measured data was collected
over an extended period of time (24 hours with the time step of 15 minutes). The
total water demand was calculated as the difference between the water inflow
(tanks outflow, pumping stations delivery) and water transfer outside the network.
This total water demand was then used in nodal demand distribution. The nodal
demands were distributed by the method of reduced lengths, residential type
coefficient k1i assigned to each link, value of water consumer assigned to the
particular nodes and a total water demand is specified:
The recalculation takes into account a sum of water consumers Σoi and in
accordance with the weighted average method sets a particular demand qpi to each
link. The water demands of adjacent nodes are increased by 1/2 value of qpi.
Several large water users were selected and the flow metering was performed over
a period of 14 days by DATALOGGER. These readings were not done in the same
time, as there was a lack of flow meters.
The validity of water distribution and supply network modelling depends largely
on the accuracy of the input data. Models for steady-state applications can be
calibrated using multiple static flow and pressure observations collected at different
times of day under varying operational conditions. In addition, simulation models
for extended-period applications, such as Krnov water supply network, require
field data collected over an extended period (e.g., one to seven days). The first step
in calibrating a hydraulic model was to determine initial estimates of the primary
parameters, such as pipe roughness coefficients and demands to be assigned to
each junction node. This was done by executing the model using the estimated
parameter values and observed boundary conditions and then comparing the model
results with the results from actual field observations - data from pump station flow
meter readings and tank telemetry data, Fig.2.
Fig.2. Flow measurements obtained by RADOM
Steady state calibration was based upon a selected time level containing the most
important operating conditions including pumping stations. The model results and
the field observations were compared for the main network components:
Tanks: the difference between measured and calculated values in the Lhota and
Drnovice tanks varied from 0 to 13.7% of the total flow within some of the time
levels. The differences are probable caused by undefined water users.
Time series graphs of water inflows were created from the observed values in the
main network locations by the RADOM telemetry. Each time series consists of
successive multiplier values within the time step of 15 minutes related to the initial
flow value. Time series graphs of the main water users were also created from the
DATALOGGER readings. The total simulation time of each extended period
analysis was 24 hours.
Hydraulic simulations were focused on calibrating the network under the steady
state and extended period conditions, an analysis of multiple operational scenarios
and on water quality analysis of source tracing. Source tracing analyses was
performed in order what degree water from a given source blends with that from
other sources, and how the spatial pattern of this blending changes over time.
Water distribution and supply network was divided into three main pressure zones.
This division was achieved by disconnecting the adjacent pipes and creating the
independent networks. The mathematical model of the network was preliminary
split into three separate sub-models. Later on, the model schematisation of the total
network area allowed us to model three pressure zones within one simulation run.
Hydraulic analysis of new zones was performed with respect to the design water
demands. The estimate of the designed total water demand was based on the
following criterion:
The initial estimate was based on maximum daily demand observed by RADOM
readings within the period of 1996-1997.
The total water demand was divided into the new pressure zones based on the
results of the method of reduced pipe lengths and the ratio of the invoiced water for
each zone.
Each pressure zone water demand was corrected by the coefficient of future
development based on the increase of the industry, population and specific water
The simulation results were performed for the three pressure zones and carefully
evaluated. The design of the second and third pressure zone proved its expectations
while the first pressure zone had insufficient pressure distribution. New tank was
added to the network (it was the existing disconnected tank) and the simulation
runs were performed again, Fig.3. The required pressure values were reached
within the network, and only a small part of the network was supplied by AT-
station with the frequency regulation.
The simulation results were presented in the form of multiple horizontal plan plots,
longitudinal profile plots (either of which can be animated for extended period
simulations), and time series plots. ODULA automatically generates animation of
extended period simulations for both horizontal plan plots and profile plots,
including the creation of Microsoft AVI files. Animation of results is synchronised
within multiple active windows. This is highly efficient tool for displaying
extended period simulation results and showing the control linkage among the
network elements.
Longitudinal profile plots can be plotted along any user-selected route. For the
horizontal plan plot, contouring of analysis results was performed for the hydraulic
grade line, directional flow arrows were plotted alongside the pipes to show the
flow direction for any time step. Tabular printed reports were generated for the
simulation results directly from the database report generator.
The model results can be exported into GIS models such as MapInfo, Arc/View
and/or MicroStation Outlook and graphical output can be saved in DXF files. It is
possible to deliver the simulation results together with the ODULA Analyses
Viewer to the client. This option seems to be very promising for the results
The owner of Vyškov water supply and water distribution network has started
preparation of project documentation related to dividing the network into separate
pressure zones on the basis of hydraulic analysis results. Designed improvements
will bring benefits within the time period 1998-1999.