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75–90 (2002)


Ioan S ÂRBU and Francisc K ALMÁR

The ‘Politehnica’ University of Timişoara
1900 Timişoara, Piaţa Eforie, no. 4A, Romania
Tel: 40 0 56-192955; Fax: 40 0 56 193110
e-mail: ioan_sarbu@yahoo.com
Received: March 27, 2000


The paper approaches the optimization of looped networks supplied by direct pumping from one or
more node sources, according to demand variation. Traditionally, in pipe optimization, the objective
function is always focused on the cost criteria of network components. In this study an improved
nonlinear model is developed, which has the advantage of using not only cost criteria, but also energy
consumption, consumption of scarce resources, operating expenses etc. Discharge continuity at
nodes, energy conservation in loops and energy conservation along some paths between the pump
stations and the adequate ‘critical nodes’ are considered as constraints. This problem of nonlinear
programming with equality constraints finally turns into a system of nonlinear equations to be solved
by the ‘gradient method’. The nonlinear optimization model considers head losses or discharges
through pipes as variables to be optimized in order to establish the optimal diameters of pipes and
is coupled with a hydraulic analysis. The paper compares a nonlinear optimization model to some
others, such as the classic model of average economical velocities and Moshnin optimization model.
This shows the good performance of the new model. For different analyzed networks, the saving
of electrical energy, due to diminishing pressure losses and operation costs when applying the new
model, represents about 10 . . . 30%.
Keywords: water supply, distribution, looped networks, optimal design, nonlinear model.

1. Introduction

Distribution networks are an essential part of all water supply systems. The relia-
bility of supply is much greater in the case of looped networks. Distribution system
costs within any water supply scheme may be equal to or greater than 60% of the
entire cost of the project. Also, the energy consumed in a distribution network sup-
plied by pumping may exceed 60% of the total energy consumption of the system
Attempts should be made to reduce the cost and energy consumption of the
distribution system through optimization in analysis and design.
A water distribution network that includes pumps mounted in the pipes, pres-
sure reducing valves, and check-valves can be analyzed by several common methods
such as Hardy–Cross, linear theory, and Newton–Raphson.
Traditionally, pipe diameters are chosen according to the average economical
velocities (Hardy–Cross method) [6]. This procedure is cumbersome, uneconomi-
cal, and requires trials, seldom leading to an economical and technical optimum.

Linear programming is one of the common methods that has been used to
design water distribution systems, specially, in branched pipes systems. S ÂRBU
and B ORZA [15] approach distribution networks with concentrated outflows or
uniform outflow along the length of each pipe. In this method, pipe lengths are
considered variables to be optimized.
For optimizing the design of pipe network with closed loops that is a nonlinear
problem, the bulk transport function can be used as an objective function. Strictly,
this will not be the optimum for nonlinear flow rate – cost relationships, since
economy of scale is not introduced [17].
D IXIT and R AO [7] have used a method in which only the cost of pipes is
minimized. There are other analytical and numerical models which make use of
optimization of cost criteria [1], [3], [5], [12]. Some of these methods either require
more feasible variants, or do not include the case of looped networks supplied by
more sources and having pumps mounted in the pipes. On the other hand, all of
these optimization models consider quadratic turbulence regime of water flow.
In this study it is thought that water pumping is to be performed directly in
the network according to demand variation, by means of a complex automation
of pump stations, and that the distribution network does not have any impounding
reservoir (Fig. 1). This water pumping system is used especially for large dis-
tribution networks, situated on flat ground. The solution, even if it creates some
difficulty in operation, is flexible; if, after a while, the distribution system needs to
be further developed (new higher buildings are built), the pressure or water flow in
the network can be increased by changing the pumps and, subsequently, modifying
the network.

Fig. 1. Hydraulic scheme for supply of distribution network

The present paper develops a nonlinear model for optimal design of looped
networks supplied by direct pumping from one or more node sources, which has the
advantage of using not only cost criteria, but also energy consumption, consump-
tion of scarce resources, operating expenses etc. Also, this new model considers
the transitory or quadratic turbulence regime of water flow. The discharge conti-
nuity at nodes, energy conservation in loops, and energy conservation along some
paths between the pump stations and the adequate ‘critical nodes’ are considered as
constraints. The nonlinear optimization model considers head losses or discharges
through pipes as variables to be optimized in order to establish the optimal dia-

meters of pipes and is coupled with a hydraulic analysis. This model can serve as
guidelines to supplement existing procedures of network design.

2. Networks Design Optimization Criteria

Optimization of distribution network diameters considers a mono- or multicriterial

objective function. Cost or energy criteria may be used, simple or complex, which
considers the network cost, pumping energy cost, operating expenses, included
energy, consumed energy etc.
Newtork cost Cc is obtained by adding the costs of each compound pipe by
the relation:
Cc = (a + bDiαj )L i j , (1)
i j =1

where: T is the number of pipes in a network; a, b, α – cost parameters depending

on pipe material [16]; Di j , L i j – diameter and the length of pipe i j .
Pumping station cost C p , proportional to the installed power, is given by:
Cp = f σ Qp h i j + Ho , (2)
where: η is the efficiency of pumping station; f – installation cost of unit power;
σ – a factor greater than one
 which takes into account the installed reserve power;
Q p – pumped discharge; h i j – sum of head losses along a path between the
pump station and the critical node; Ho – geodesic and utilization component of the
pumping total dynamic head.
Pumping energy cost Ce is defined by:

9.81  12  
C e = We e = 730eτ k Q p h i j + Ho , (3)
η 1

where: We is the pumping energy; e – cost of electrical energy; τ = Tp /8760 –

pumping coefficient, which takes into account the effective number Tp of pumping
hours per year; κ – ratio between the average monthly discharge and the pumped
discharge [15].
Annual operating expenses Cex are given by:
Cex = p1 Cc + p2 C p + Ce , (4)
where p1 and p2 are represented by repair, maintenance and periodic testing part
for network pipes and pump stations respectively.
Annual total expenses Can are defined by the multicriterial function:
Can = βo (Cc + C p ) + Cex , (5)

where βo = 1/Tr is the amortization part for the operation period Tr .

Total updated expenses Cac are given by the multicriterial function:

(1 + βo )t − 1
Cac = Cc + C p + Cex (6)
βo (1 + βo )t
and is considered during the whole operation period (t = Tr ).
Network included energy Wc is defined by the binomial objective function of
the form (1), where a, b, α parameters have statistically corresponding determined
values [16].
Energetic consumption Wt represents the energy included in the pipes of the
network and the energy consumed in network exploitation during one year and is
expressed by:
Wt = (βo + p1 )Wc + We , (7)
where We is the pumping energy, having the expression determined from (3).
Taking into account relations (1). . .(7) and denoting:

(1 + βo )t − 1
ra = , (8)
βo (1 + βo )t
t t
ξ1 = ra p1 + ; ξ2 = ra p2 + , (9)
Tr Tr
ψ= f σ ξ2 + 730ra eτ k , (10)
η 1

a complex objective multicriterial function is determined, with the general form:

Fc = ξ1 (α + bDiαj )L i j +ψ Q p, j h i j + Ho , (11)
i j =1 j =1

where: t is the period for which the optimization criterion expressed by the objective
function is applied, having the value 1 or Tr ; N P – number of pump stations.
The general function (11) enables us to obtain a particular objective function
by particularization of the time parameter t and of the other economic and energetic
parameters, characteristic of the distribution system. For example, from t = 1,
ra = 1, e = 1, f = 0 the minimum energetic consumption criterion is obtained.
For networks supplied by pumping, the literature [1], [5], [12], [17] suggests
the use of minimum annual total expenses criterion (CAN), but choosing the optimal
diameters obtained in this way, the networks become uneconomical at some time
after construction, due to inflation.
Therefore, it is recommended the fore-mentioned criterion to be subject to
dynamization by using the criterion of total updated minimum expenses (CTA), the
former being in fact a specific case of the latter when the investment is realised

within a year; the operating expenses are the same from one year to another and
the expected life-time of the distribution system is high. In particular, the use of
energetical criteria different from cost criteria is recommendable.
Thus, another way to approach the problem which has a better validity in
time and the homogenization of the objective function is network dimensioning
according to minimum energetic consumption (WT).

3. Nonlinear Model of Optimization in Designing Distribution Networks

3.1. Functional Relationship Head Loss – Discharge for Pipes

The head loss is given by the Darcy–Weisbach functional relation:

8 Lij
hij = λi j r Q 2i j , (12)
π g Di j

where: r is an exponent having the value 5.0; g – acceleration of gravity; λi j

– friction factor of pipe i j which can be calculated using the Colebrook–White
formula; Q i j – discharge of the pipe i j .
√ In the case of the transitory turbulence regime of water flow (Moody criterion
Re λ/D is between 14 and 200), the friction factor λ is calculated with the
following explicit formula [2]:
√ C + C 2 + 16 λ p Re /D
λ= , (13)
2Re /D

in which:
 = −2 lg + 1.138, (14)
λp D
C = Re λ p + 8 λ p − 4, (15)
where: Re is Reynolds number; D – pipe diameter;  – absolute roughness of the
pipe wall; λ p – friction factor for quadratic turbulence regime of water flow.
Eq. (12) is difficult to use in the case of pipe networks and therefore it is
convenient to write it similar to the Chézy–Manning formula:
h i j = Ri j Q i j , (16)

where: Ri j = K L i j /Dirj is the hydraulic resistance of pipe i j ; β – exponent which

has values between 1.85 and 2 [16].

Specific consumption of energy for distribution of water wsd , in kWh/m3 , is

obtained by referring the hydraulic power dissipated in pipes to the sum of node
Ri j |Q i j |β+1
i j =1
wsd = 0.00272  , (17)
|q j |
j =1

where q j is the outflow at the node j .

3.2. Formulation of the Mathematical Model

The nonlinear optimization model (MON) allows the optimal designing of looped
networks by using one of the CAN, CTA or WT optimization criteria, expressed by
the objective function (11).
If the diameter Di j is expressed in relation (17) through the discharge and
head losses: β
1 −1 1
Di j = K r Q irj h i j r L irj , (18)
and in the objective function (11) the resulting expression is replaced, we have:

α − αr αr
Fc = ξ1 a + bK r Q i j h i j L i j L i j + ψ
Q p, j h i j + Ho (19)
i j =1 j =1

which is limited by the following constraints:

• discharge continuity at nodes:

Qi j + q j = 0 ( j = 1, . . . , N − N P) (20)
i= j

• energy conservation in loops:

εi j h i j − f m = 0 (m = 1, . . . , M) (21)
i j ∈m
i j =1

• energy conservation along some paths between the pump stations and ade-
quate ‘critical nodes’:

Z S P, j − εi j (h i j − H p,i j ) − Z o, j = 0 ( j = 1, . . . , N P) (22)
i j =1

in which: Q i j is the discharge through pipe i j , with the sign (+) when entering
node j and (−) when leaving it; qj – concentrated discharge at node j with the sign
(+) for node inflow and (−) for node outflow; hi j – head loss of the pipe i j ; εi j –
orientation of flow through the pipe, having the values (+1) or (−1) as the water
flow sense is the same as or opposite to the path sense of the loop m and (0) value
if i j ∈
/ m; f m – pressure head introduced by the potential elements of the loop m
[15]; M – number of independent loops (closed-loops and pseudo-loops); ZS P, j –
available piezometric head at the pump station S Pj ; H p,i j – pumping head of the
pump mounted in the pipe i j , for the discharge Qi j , approximated by parabolic
interpolation on the pump curve given by points [16]; Z o, j – piezometric head at
the critical node O j ; N T j – pipe number of a path S Pj − O j .
The optimization model (19). . .(22) represents a nonlinear programming prob-
lem, which results in a system of non-linear equations by applying the Lagrange
non-determined coefficients method. The Lagrange function  can be written as:
   


 = Fc + n  Qi j + q j  + m  εi j h i j − f m 
n=1 i= j m=1 i j ∈m
i=1 i j =1
 

+  j  Z S P, j − εi j (h i j − H p,i j ) − Z o, j  (23)
j =1 i j =1

in which n , m ,  j are Lagrange multipliers.

The optimal solution of the model described by the relations (19). . .(22) re-
quires that first order derivatives of function  by the variables yi ∈ {Q i j , h i j } and
multipliers n , m ,  j be equal to zero. By eliminating the multipliers n , m ,
 j , this system will come to a 2T + N P equations system with unknown variables
Q i j , h i j , Z S P, j , formed by:

a) N − N P nodal equations (20);

b) M loop equations (21);
c) N P functional equations (22);
d) N − N P energy-economy equations for nodes:

 N ψ
Q ∗i j = − A Q p, j ; for pumping nodes ( j = 1, . . . , N P)
i= j 0; for other nodes ( j = N P + 1, . . . , N − N P)
in which:
βα α+r
− α+r
Q ∗i j = Q i jr L i jr h i j r
, (25)
α α
A = ξ1 bK r ; (26)

e) M energy-economy equations for loops:

Hi∗j = 0 (m = 1, . . . , M) (27)
i j ∈m
i j =1

in which: βα−r
−α α+r
Hi∗j = h i j r L i jr Q i j r . (28)
Eqs. (24) can be expressed similarly with the discharge continuity equations, by
giving Q ∗i j the same sign as Qi j . Eqs. (27) are similar to the energy conservation
equations in the loops, by giving Hi∗j the same sign as hi j .
Generally, the (20), (21), (22), (24) and (27) equation system allows the
determination of variables Qi j and h i j , but we must also consider the existence of
the objective function’s extreme.
Second order derivatives of function Fc by h i j and Q i j are:

∂ 2 Fc α+r βα
− α+2r α+r
= AQ r
h r
L j ,
∂h i j
2 r i j i j i

∂ 2 Fc βα − r βα−2r − αr α+r
= β A Q r
h L ij .
∂ Q 2i j r ij ij

As Q i j ≥ 0 and h i j ≥ 0, and considering that for usual values of α [16], (α +r)/r >
0, it results that ∂ 2 Fc /∂h 2i j > 0. For practical values of α and β, (βα − r)/r < 0,
so it results that ∂2 Fc /∂ Q 2i j < 0.
Consequently, in all cases the objective function Fc has a convex-concave
form for its definition range, and, therefore, has no extreme. In order to establish
an extreme, we should specify a set of variables (Qi j or h i j ). Thus, if the flow
discharges in pipes are known, the values hi j are to be determined by minimizing
the objective function Fc . If only the head losses are the given values, the variables
Q i j are to be determined by maximizing the objective function Fc .
Considering variables hi j to be unknown, pipes discharges could be calcu-
lated in a variety of ways for Eqs. (20) to be satisfied; this, however, affects the
reliability and technical and economic-energetical conditions of the system. That
is why optimization of the flow discharges in pipes must be performed according
to the minimum bulk transport criterion [13], which takes into account the network
In this case, computation of the optimal design of looped networks must be
performed in the following stages:
• Establishment of optimal distribution for discharges through pipes, Qi j [15].
• Determination of head losses through pipes (hi j ) and piezometric heads at the
supply nodes (Z S P, j ), by solving the nonlinear equation system (21), (22),
(24) using the gradients method [11].

• Computation of optimal pipes diameters Di j using expression (18) and their

approximation to the closest commercial values.
• A new computation of the head losses using relation (12) or (16) and the
hydraulic equilibrium for pipes network using Hardy–Cross method.
If the head losses are the given values, the unknown variables Qi j are to be
determined by solving the equation system (20), (22), (27), and used to calculate
the optimal diameters in relation (18).
The piezometric heads Zn can be determined starting from a node of known
piezometric head. The residual pressure head Hn at the node n is calculated from
the relation:
Hn = Z n − Z Tn , (31)
where Z Tn is the elevation head at the node n.
For an optimal design, the piezometric line of a path of N Tj pipes, situated in
the same pressure zone, must represent a polygonal line which resembles as closely
as possible the optimal form expressed by the equation:
   βα  α+r +1
   
    NTj
   
  d  
Z n = Z S P, j −  1 − 1 − N T   hij , (32)
   j
 
   =1
Lij 
i j
 
i j =1

in which: Z n is piezometric head at the node n; d – distance between the node n

and the pump station S Pj .
The computer program OPNELIRA was designed [16] based on the nonlinear
optimization model. It was realized in the FORTRAN 5.1 programming language,
for IBM-PC compatible computers.

4. Numerical Application

The looped distribution network with the topology from Fig.2 is considered. It is
made of cast iron and is supplied with a discharge of 1.22 m3 /s, provided from two
pump stations (Q p,1 = 0.806 m3 /s, Q p,2 = 0.404 m3 /s). The following data are
known: pipe length Li j , in m, elevation head Z Tj , in m, and necessary pressure
H N j = 24 m H2 O.
Table 1. Hydraulic characteristics of the pipes
Pipe Li j Classic model (MVE) Moshnin model (MOM) Nonlinear model (MON)
i−j [m] Qi j Di j hi j Vi j Qi j Di j hi j Vi j Qi j Di j hi j Vi j
[m3 /s] [mm] [m] [m/s] [m3 /s] [mm] [m] [m/s] [m3 /s] [mm] [m] [m/s]
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
2–1 480 0.01372 150 2.370 0.78 0.01488 300 0.097 0.21 0.01715 200 0.838 0.55
3–2 560 0.04476 250 1.992 0.91 0.04467 400 0.221 0.36 0.04557 250 2.062 0.93
4–3 450 0.07719 300 1.812 1.09 0.07195 400 0.460 0.57 0.07005 350 0.682 0.73
5–4 410 0.10431 350 1.345 1.08 0.08931 350 1.316 0.93 0.08692 400 0.477 0.69
6–5 470 0.12616 350 2.235 1.31 0.07299 350 1.008 0.76 0.08514 350 1.039 0.89
12–6 380 0.15178 400 1.306 1.21 0.09861 350 1.487 1.03 0.11076 400 0.707 0.88
8–7 470 0.02729 200 2.010 0.87 0.01984 300 0.169 0.28 0.01934 200 1.034 0.62
9–8 540 0.06848 300 1.722 0.97 0.04405 350 0.422 0.46 0.03863 250 1.444 0.79


10–9 460 0.11621 350 1.864 1.21 0.06718 350 0.836 0.70 0.07668 350 0.830 0.80
11–10 515 0.16874 400 2.177 1.34 0.08398 350 1.462 0.87 0.10410 400 0.850 0.83
12–11 450 0.23271 500 1.133 1.19 0.13028 400 1.509 1.04 0.13969 450 0.720 0.88
32–12 350 0.42005 600 1.097 1.49 0.26445 500 1.472 1.35 0.28601 700 0.236 0.74
14–13 485 0.04911 250 2.066 1.00 0.02912 300 0.377 0.41 0.02019 200 1.159 0.64
15–14 545 0.11293 350 2.088 1.17 0.07325 400 0.578 0.58 0.07628 350 0.974 0.79
16–15 470 0.14540 450 0.812 0.91 0.07548 350 1.078 0.78 0.06911 350 0.694 0.72
17–16 180 0.19425 500 0.319 0.99 0.13865 400 0.684 1.10 0.14401 450 0.305 0.91
18–17 220 0.22695 500 0.527 1.16 0.15660 400 1.066 1.25 0.16457 450 0.484 1.04
32–18 500 0.27757 500 1.777 1.41 0.25322 500 1.928 1.29 0.26553 600 0.640 0.94
20–19 475 0.03088 200 2.582 0.98 0.05114 300 1.137 0.72 0.06085 350 0.549 0.63
21–20 530 0.08192 350 1.087 0.85 0.15016 450 1.260 0.94 0.14410 450 0.900 0.91
21–22 430 0.10602 350 1.456 1.10 0.03066 300 0.370 0.43 0.02680 300 0.226 0.38
22–23 550 0.05587 300 1.183 0.79 −0.04011 300 −0.810 0.57 −0.01985 250 −0.410 0.40
23–24 420 0.01337 150 1.973 0.76 −0.07448 350 −0.938 0.77 −0.05484 350 −0.397 0.57
31–24 300 0.00833 125 1.440 0.68 0.09618 400 0.548 0.77 0.07654 400 0.273 0.61
Table 1. (continued)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
26–25 490 0.03270 200 2.976 1.04 0.03873 300 0.673 0.55 0.03619 250 1.155 0.74
27–26 510 0.07723 300 2.056 1.09 0.07319 350 1.099 0.76 0.08074 400 0.515 0.64
27–28 440 0.03105 200 2.417 0.99 −0.02257 250 −0.542 0.46 −0.01942 250 −0.315 0.40
28–29 190 0.00791 125 0.825 0.64 −0.05624 300 −0.550 0.80 −0.05534 300 −0.401 0.78
30–29 250 0.00399 100 0.914 0.51 0.08290 350 0.691 0.86 0.07939 400 0.244 0.63
31–30 400 0.03376 250 0.824 0.69 0.13064 400 1.349 1.04 0.11834 450 0.464 0.74
32–31 340 0.07343 250 3.176 1.50 0.25816 600 0.516 0.91 0.22622 600 0.319 0.80
7–1 310 0.01009 125 2.154 0.82 0.00893 200 0.196 0.28 0.00666 125 0.969 0.54
8–2 300 0.00934 125 1.795 0.76 0.01059 200 0.268 0.34 0.01196 150 1.138 0.68


9–3 335 0.00811 125 1.526 0.66 0.01325 200 0.468 0.42 0.01605 200 0.516 0.51
10–4 320 0.00845 125 1.577 0.69 0.01821 200 0.843 0.58 0.01869 200 0.659 0.60
11–5 370 0.01582 150 2.408 0.90 0.05399 300 0.987 0.76 0.03946 250 1.031 0.80
13–7 340 0.01655 150 2.415 0.94 0.02285 300 0.162 0.32 0.02108 200 0.883 0.67
14–8 320 0.01728 150 2.470 0.98 0.03550 300 0.369 0.50 0.04179 250 0.996 0.85
15–9 345 0.01101 125 2.836 0.90 0.04076 300 0.525 0.58 0.02864 250 0.518 0.58
16–10 330 0.00489 100 1.784 0.62 0.05038 300 0.767 0.71 0.04025 300 0.377 0.57
18–11 340 0.00234 100 0.453 0.30 0.05818 300 1.053 0.82 0.05435 350 0.316 0.57
25–13 360 0.00315 100 0.842 0.40 0.02944 300 0.286 0.42 0.03661 250 0.867 0.75
26–14 350 0.00470 100 1.753 0.60 0.04261 300 0.582 0.60 0.03694 250 0.858 0.75
27–15 340 0.02977 200 1.721 0.95 0.08977 350 1.103 0.93 0.08705 400 0.397 0.69
16–28 330 0.00447 100 1.500 0.57 −0.02669 250 −0.568 0.54 −0.00482 250 −0.018 0.10
17–29 320 0.01101 125 2.632 0.90 −0.00375 125 −0.438 0.31 −0.00114 100 −0.112 0.15
18–30 370 0.00518 100 2.231 0.66 −0.00465 200 −0.064 0.15 0.00352 150 0.138 0.20
19–25 340 0.00632 100 3.009 0.81 0.02657 250 0.581 0.54 0.03628 250 0.805 0.74
20–26 330 0.01080 125 2.615 0.88 0.05878 300 1.044 0.83 0.04302 350 0.196 0.45
21–27 320 0.18657 400 1.646 1.49 0.18891 450 1.204 1.19 0.19690 500 0.582 1.00
22–28 320 0.01097 125 2.612 0.89 0.03159 300 0.292 0.45 0.00747 250 0.038 0.15
23–30 290 0.00453 100 1.353 0.58 −0.00360 150 −0.139 0.20 −0.00299 125 −0.199 0.24


Fig. 2. Scheme of the designed distribution network

A comparative study of network dimensioning is performed using the clas-

sic model of average economical velocities (MVE), Moshnin optimization model
(MOM) [1] and the nonlinear optimization model (MON) developed above.
Calculus was performed considering a transitory turbulence regime of wa-
ter flow and the optimization criterion used was that of minimum total updated
Results of the numerical solution performed by means of an IBM-PC PEN-
TIUM III computer, referring to the hydraulic characteristics of the pipes (discharge,
diameter, head loss, velocity) are presented in Table1. The significance of the (−)
sign of discharges and head losses in Table 1 is the change of flow sense in the
respective pipes with respect to the initial sense considered in Fig.2.
The piezometric heads at the node sources 32 and 21 computed using MON
are of 133.107 m and 131.941 m respectively. The piezometric heads at the adequate
critical nodes 1 and 13 have the values of 127.059 m and 127.853 m, respectively.
The residual pressure heads at all the nodes of the network are over 24 m.
In Fig. 3 there is a graphic representation, starting from the node source 32
to the critical node 1, on the path 32–18–17–16–15–14–13–7–1, the piezometric
lines being obtained by using the three mentioned models of computation, and
highlighting their deviation from the optimal theoretical form. Fig.3 also includes
the corresponding values of the objective function Fc , pumping energy We , as well
as specific energy consumption for water distribution wsd .
According to the performed study it was established that:

Fig. 3. Representation of piezometric lines along the path 32–18–17–16–15–14–13–7–1

• all the pipes of the network are functioning in a transitory turbulence regime
of water flow;
• there is a general increase of pipe diameters obtained by optimization models
(MOM, MON) with respect to MVE, because the classical model does not
take into account the minimum consumption of energy and the diversity of
economical parameters;
• in comparison with the results obtained by MVE, those obtained by opti-
mization models are more economical, a substantial reduction of specific
energy consumption for water distribution is achieved (MOM - 29.9%, MON

- 59.8%), as well as a reduction of pumping energy (MOM - 15.4%, MON

- 18.8%); at the same time the objective function has also smaller values
(MOM - 5.8%, MON - 6.6%);
• the optimal results obtained using MON are superior energetically to those
offered by MOM, leading to pumping energy savings of 3.7%;
• also, the application of MON has led to the minimum deviation from the
optimal form of the piezometric line, especially to a more uniform distribution
of the pumping energy, by elimination of a high level of available pressure
at some nodes. The smallest value of the specific energetic consumption,
namely that of 0.0047 kWh/m3 , also supports this assertion;
• reduction of the pressure in the distribution network achieved in this way,
is of major practical import, contributing to the diminishing of water losses
from the system.

5. Conclusions

The mathematical programming, as a fundamental procedure for optimizing the

structures in general, together with the graph theory and the increasing implica-
tion of computers in solving mathematical formulations have created conditions for
solving efficiently some optimization problems of design of water distribution net-
works. The different types of programming which exist (linear, nonlinear, whole,
geometric etc.) provide multiple possibilities for solving specific problems.
The computer program developed in this study, a very general and practical
one, offers the possibility of optimal design of water supply networks using multiple
criteria of optimization and considers the transitory or quadratic turbulence regime
of water flow. It has the advantage of using not only cost criteria, but also energy
consumption, consumption of scarce resources, and other criteria can be expressed
by simple options in the objective function (11). The optimization approach used
in this study does not require calculation of derivatives. This makes the method
more efficient and consequently helps the designer to get the best design of water
distribution systems with fewer efforts.
The nonlinear optimization model could be applied to any looped network,
when piezometric heads at pump stations must be determined. A more uniform
distribution of pumping energy is achieved so that head losses and parameters of
pump stations can be determined more precisely.
For different analyzed networks, the saving of electrical energy due to di-
minishing pressure losses and operation costs when applying this new optimization
model, represents about 10 . . . 30%, which is of great importance, considering the
general energy issues.


a, b, α – cost parameters of the pipes

Di j – diameter of pipe i j
d – distance between node n and the pump station S Pj
Fc – objective function
g – acceleration of gravity
Ho – geodesic and utilization component of the pumping total dynamic
Hn – residual pressure head at the node n
H p,i j – pumping head of the pump mounted in the pipe i j
hij – head loss of the pipe i j
Lij – length of pipe i j
M – number of independent loops
N – number of nodes in network
NP – number of pump stations
N Tj – pipe number of a path S Pj − O j
Q p, j – pumped discharge of pump station j
Qi j – discharge through pipe i j
qj – concentrated discharge at node j
Ri j – hydraulic resistance of pipe i j
Re – Reynolds number
T – number of pipes in network
Zn – piezometric head at the node n
Z o, j – piezometric head at the critical node Oj
Z S P, j – available piezometric head at the pump station S Pj
Z Tn – elevation head at the node n
β – exponent of discharge, which has values between 1.85 and 2
 – absolute roughness of the pipe wall
εi j – orientation of flow through pipe i j
ψ – economical-energetical factor
λi j – friction factor of pipe i j


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