• Aging is responsible for setting up services for the older residents of the community.
• Call Bus Time for information on bus schedules and other transit information.
Careerlink 570-822-1101
• Assists with your job search. Their services include resume workshops, free career
counseling, job search assistance, interview skills training, job fairs, computer
training, and free access to a computer lab.
• Case Management assists you in finding and accessing inpatient treatment for drug
or alcohol issues.
Helpline 570-829-1341
• Help Line is an information and referral service. Help Line maintains an active data
listing of over 400 local agencies, as well as over 16,000 additional regional, state
and national resources.
McKinney Clinic 570-825-0881
• The clinic provides medical services to individuals and families who are homeless in
Wilkes-Barre and Luzerne County.
• NEC is a community mental health center offering services for adults, adolescents,
and children experiencing behavioral and psychiatric difficulties.
• NPLS provides civil legal aid to low-income individuals so that people can know
their rights. Also offers free legal representation in non-criminal matters such as
eviction from housing, discrimination, family law, and consumer protection issues.
Pathstone 570-822-1234
• The PUC ensures safe and reliable utility service at reasonable rates and educates
consumers to make independent and informed utility choices.
St. Vincent De Paul Soup Kitchen 570-829-7796
• The soup kitchen serves meals to those experiencing poverty. Also has a clothing
distribution center.
• VRC provides services to victims of crime. These services include a 24-hour hotline,
support groups, counseling and advocacy for victims.
WIC 570-823-1516
• The WIC Nutrition Program helps pregnant women, new mothers, and children up
to age 5. Participants receive education on infant and child feeding, child
development information and assessments, and vouchers to purchase healthy foods
at grocery stores.
• WYAC offers support to people living with HIV/AIDS. Services include confidential,
client-centered case management, client advocacy, medication assistance, health
insurance support, transportation, and financial assistance for housing, doctor visits,
utilities, dental care, and etc.
• WYVAD provides treatment to those experiencing drug and alcohol addiction issues.
Services include outpatient counseling, family counseling, and
prevention/education programs.