Crisis Intervention Services Brochure

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The brochure provides information on various crisis intervention services available in Milwaukee County including the Crisis Line, Crisis Mobile Team, Crisis Assessment Response Team, Crisis Stabilization Houses, Psychiatric Crisis Services, Access Clinic, Geriatric Crisis Services, and Crisis Resource Centers.

Through the Crisis Line, individuals and family members facing a mental health or co-occurring crisis can speak with a mental health professional, access the Crisis Mobile Team for on-site assessment and stabilization, and be connected to community resources or referrals.

At PCS/Observation Unit, individuals brought during an emergency may receive crisis intervention, assessment and evaluation, access to medications/prescriptions if clinically indicated, extended observations as needed, and referrals to other mental health providers. PCS can also help determine if inpatient care is needed.


Brochure adapted from the Milwaukee County Behavioral Health Division Crisis Intervention Services Brochure
Police and Fire: 911
Crisis Line 414-257-7222
Hearing-impaired: 9-711
Child 414-220-7233
24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Adult 414-289-6660
Elder 414-289-6874 Individuals and family members who are facing a
Access Clinic: 414-257-7665 mental health or co-occurring crisis can speak
Community Consultation Line: 414-257-7797 with a mental health professional through our
Community Information Line: 414-773-0211 Crisis Line. Our specially trained staff helps
Residents can also dial 211 connect callers with community resources or
Crisis Line: 414-257-7222 referrals, provides over-the-phone assessment
Crisis Resource Center: and de-escalation, and assists law enforcement
414-539-4024, 5409 W. Villard St. and other agencies in helping individuals in crisis.
Through the Crisis Line, you have access to:
414-643-8778, 2057 S. 14th St.
Disability Rights Wisconsin: 414-773-4646
Crisis Mobile
Geriatric Crisis Services: 414-257-4729
When needed, our trained Crisis Mobile Team can
Mental Health America: 414-276-3122
go to the individual, who are 18 or older, to provide
Mobile Urgent Treatment Team (MUTT):
assessment, stabilization, and linkage to services
anywhere in the community. The Crisis Mobile
National Alliance of Mental Illness (NAMI):
Team is available with third-shift support provided
through our partnership with La Causa Inc.
Parent Helpline: 414-671-0566
Psychiatric Crisis Service: 414-257-7260
Three Party Petitions: 414-278-4302
Crisis Assessment Response Team (CART)
Warmline: 414-777-4729
Each Crisis Assessment Response Team (CART)
includes a trained clinician and a law enforcement
officer. Working side by side, they help connect
M&S Clinical Services: 414-263-6000
individuals in crisis with the resources needed to
2821 N. 4th St.
remain in the community. The CART program
Impact: 414-649-4380
started through BHDs partnership with the
6737 W Washington St. Suite 2225
Milwaukee Police Department and is now
Community Access to Recovery Services:
expanding to respond to mental health and suicide
414-257-8095, 9455 Watertown Plank Road
crises across Milwaukee County.

No one will be denied services due to Crisis Stabilization Houses

inability to pay. Milwaukee County When hospitalization is not needed, crisis
residents who provide full financial and stabilization houses can help keep the individual
insurance information and sign in crisis connected to the services and support
appropriate forms will be billed based they need in the community. Crisis stabilization
on the family's ability to pay. Your ability houses are appropriate for Milwaukee County
to pay is based upon Wisconsin's residents who are voluntarily willing to participate
administrative code: HFSI. in their recovery

Brochure adapted from the Milwaukee County Behavioral Health Division Crisis Intervention Services Brochure
The Crisis Line is Available 24/7 414-257-7222 | Hearing-impaired: 9-711


414-257-7260 | 9499 Watertown Plank Monday - Friday 1 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Road 24 hours a day, 7 days a week For individuals age 60+, dedicated geriatric
Personal crisis can happen at any time and psychiatric crisis intervention and stabilization
without warning. Psychiatric Crisis Services services are available on a mobile, outreach basis.
(PCS) is the only psychiatric emergency room A designated geriatric psychiatric nurse specialist is
in the state, and individuals brought to PCS also available to connect with people in need.
during an emergency may receive:
- Crisis intervention CRISIS RESOURCE CENTERS
- Assessment and evaluation 414-643-8778 | 2057 S. 14th St.
414-539-4024 | 5409 W. Villard St.
- Access to medications/prescriptions if clinically
24 hours a day, 7 days a week
indicated Through our partnership with the Milwaukee
- Extended observations as clinically needed Center for Independence Whole Health
- Referrals and care coordination with other Clinical Group, our two Crisis Resource
mental health providers Centers give people who may be experiencing
PCS can also help determine if an individual a mental health crisis a safe place to
who is facing a mental health or co-occurring voluntarily stay. The short-term crisis
crisis would benefit from inpatient care through stabilization services available include
the Behaviors Health Division or a community- professional assessment; medication access:
based provider. supportive services; recovery services; peer
support: and linkage to ongoing support,
services and community resources.
414-257-7665 | 9455 Watertown Plank Road
Monday - Friday 1 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
For uninsured Milwaukee County residents who are
Specializing in helping individuals with co-
facing a mental health or co-occurring crisis, our
occurring intellectual/developmental and mental
Access Clinic is here to help connect people to
health needs, this mobile team goes into the
great behavioral health and co-occurring care.
community to provide crisis response. Through
regardless of their ability to pay. Access Clinic
ongoing consultative services, the Community
services include:
Consultation Team (CC T) helps people
-Mental health and substance use assessment continue to enjoy a stable life in the community.
-Medication evaluation CCT also offers ongoing education services for
-Crisis counseling providers and support to the family members
-Referrals to appropriate outpatient clinics who care for people in need.
(mental health and substance use) and
Team Connect: Short-Team Follow Up
This program provides additional follow-up services and The Community Linkage and Stabilization
supports for individuals (18 years and older) who have Program (CLASP) is a unique, voluntary
been discharged from BHD's Psychiatric Crisis Services program that provides extended support and
(PCS)/observation unit or one of BHD's acute care units. services to individuals in recovery through the
Team Connect is designed to support and reduce the use of Certified Peer Specialists. Each Peer
risk of harm to individuals as they return to the Specialist is trained to share their experiences
community. The program also helps improve the link to and recovery with individuals in crisis to
ongoing care and provides connections to community empower people throughout the recovery
resources to promote overall wellness and reduces the process.
incidence of hospital readmission and visits to PCS.

Brochure adapted from the Milwaukee County Behavioral Health Division Crisis Intervention Services Brochure

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