01 Reading Comprehension A1-A2 Ok

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Personal information

• Quite: muy o bastante

• Town: pueblo
• Lawyer: abogado / abogada
• Miss: extrañar
• Move: mudarse

2. Lee el texto y luego contesta las preguntas
“Hello! My first name is Pierre and my surname is Shaw. I am twenty-five
years old. I was born in Berlin but I live in a quite small town called Loutraki. It
is located in Greece. I live in a big apartment with my wife and my two
children. I have a daughter and a son. My daughter’s name is Susana; she is
three years old.
My son’s name is Paul; he’s three months old. My wife’s name is Emily; she is
Spanish. I am a lawyer and my wife is a pilot. We have lived in Greece for four
years. I love living here but my wife misses Barcelona a lot; her parents live
there. We are moving to Spain next year in October.”

1. What is the man’s last name? 4. Does Pierre like living in

a. Pierre Loutraki?
b. Shaw a. Yes, he does
2. Where does Pierre live? b. No, he doesn't
a. Berlin
b. Greece 5. Who lives in Barcelona?
3. How old is Pierre’s son? a. Pierre's parents.
a. He is 3 years old. b. Emily's father and mother.
b. He is 3 months old.
II. Present Progressive or Continuous
• Wonderful: maravilloso
• Dish: plato
• Hide-and-seek: el escondite, la o las escondidas (juego de niños)
• The elderly: ancianos
• Meaningful: significativo
• Laugh: reírse

2. Lee el texto y luego contesta las preguntas

Family Celebration in Ecuador

Hello this is Jack reporting from the Annual Family Celebration in Quito,
Ecuador. People are having a wonderful time. Most men are cooking a
traditional dish called Fanesca. Some women are playing hide-and-seek with
their children. The elderly are listening to old music and telling stories from the
I am here with Mario Velasco, the event organizer, and I want to ask him a
couple of questions:
Reporter: Mario, how long is the event?
Mario: Well, it started yesterday at 7 am and it’ll finish tomorrow at 9 pm with
a concert.
Reporter: Is this event meaningful for Ecuadorian families?
Mario: Yes, absolutely. Just look at the people. They are laughing, dancing or
just relaxing.
Reporter: Thank Mario for your time and for the event.
That is all for now. I am Jack Baker. Bye-bye.

1. How often does this celebration 4. How long is the event?

take place? a. one day
a. Once a month b. two days
b. Once a year c. three days
c. Every other year
5. Who is talking about the past?
2. What is “Fanesca”? a. The children
a. a typical Ecuadorian food b. The men
b. a game c. The old people
c. a kind of music
6. Who are Jack and Mario?
3. What are the children doing? a. Jack is a reporter and Mario is
they are eating. the person who organized the
a. They are playing. event
b. They are cooking. b. Jack is a tourist and Mario is
the event organizer
c. They are reporters

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