Phage Therapy: The Escherichia Coli Experience: Review

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Microbiology (2005), 151, 2133–2140 DOI 10.1099/mic.0.


Review Phage therapy: the Escherichia coli experience

Harald Brüssow
Correspondence Nestlé Research Centre, CH-1000 Lausanne 26 Vers-chez-les-Blanc, Switzerland
Harald Brüssow
Phages have been proposed as natural antimicrobial agents to fight bacterial infections in
humans, in animals or in crops of agricultural importance. Phages have also been discussed as
hygiene measures in food production facilities and hospitals. These proposals have a long
history, but are currently going through a kind of renaissance as documented by a spate of
recent reviews. This review discusses the potential of phage therapy with a specific example,
namely Escherichia coli.

Why E. coli? (Babalova et al., 1968). More recently, British scientists

reported on the successful veterinary application of E. coli
The World Health Organization estimates that 5 million
phages in the 1980s (Smith & Huggins, 1982, 1983; Smith
children die each year as a consequence of acute diarrhoea
et al., 1987a, b) and phage therapy is now back in the head-
(Snyder & Merson, 1982). Escherichia coli is the cause of a
lines (Merril et al., 2003).
third of cases of childhood diarrhoea in developing and
threshold countries (Albert et al., 1995) and is also the most
Where to get the tools?
prominent cause of diarrhoea in travellers to developing
countries (Black, 1990). E. coli is also prominently asso- E. coli phages are commonly isolated from sewage, hospital
ciated with diarrhoea in pet and farm animals. Due to its waste water, polluted rivers and faecal samples of humans or
malleable genetic character, E. coli has one of the widest animals. A surprising morphological diversity of coliphages
spectra of disease of any bacterial species (Donnenberg, is isolated from such samples (Ackermann & Nguyen, 1983).
2002). The recent emergence of E. coli O157 as a major Stool samples from healthy subjects yielded mainly lambda-
food pathogen is a lively reminder of its dynamic charac- like Siphoviridae (Dhillon et al., 1976; Furuse et al., 1983),
ter. Furthermore, Shigella species, the cause of dysentery, while stools of diarrhoea patients gave predominantly
taxonomically constitute a subspecies of E. coli. T4-like Myoviridae (phages with contractile tails) (Furuse,
1987). However, different phages were also isolated from
In addition, effective treatment and prevention measures the same stool samples when using different indicator cells
are lacking for E. coli diarrhoea. The mainstay of treatment (Chibani-Chennoufi et al., 2004d). The mammalian gut
is oral rehydration (Bhan et al., 1994). This simple and seems to be the natural habitat of T4-like coliphages. Large
inexpensive measure has saved countless lives, but it does T4 collections have been compiled (Ackermann & Krisch,
not influence the natural course of disease and has no 1997) and were investigated for genome evolution by
intrinsic antibacterial activity. Antibiotic use is of doubtful Repoila et al. (1994). Important insights into the mechan-
value since resistance is widespread in E. coli, and vaccines ism of host cell recognition were gained from the genetic
are still in the early development phase (Savarino et al., analysis of the tail fibres that recognize outer-membrane
2002). Water and sanitation programmes could improve proteins such as OmpC as well as inner parts of the lipo-
the quality of drinking water, but are prohibitively expensive polysaccharide as cellular receptors. The comparison of the
for many developing countries. phage adhesins (gp37 in T4, gp38 in T2 phage) revealed a
patchwork of shared and unique protein segments. Recom-
Furthermore, there are good historical reasons to single bination between short regions of homology led to chimeric
out E. coli diarrhoea and Shigella dysentery for phage fibres and the acquisition of new host-range determinants
therapy. As early as 1919, Félix d’Hérelle, the co-discoverer (Tétart et al., 1998). Genetic engineering might thus offer
of phages, advocated their use for the treatment of bac- the possibility to extend the host range of a single master
terial diarrhoea (Summers, 1999, 2001). American pharma- T4-like phage. In fact, some coliphages use this strategy
ceutical companies sold phage-based therapy in the 1930s naturally: phage Mu inverts the orientation of the receptor-
(Duckworth, 1999). During World War II the German and interacting gene by a phage-encoded recombinase (Kamp
Soviet armies used phages against dysentery and the US et al., 1978), and Scholl et al. (2001) described a coliphage
army conducted classified research on it (Häusler, 2003). possessing two different tail fibre proteins that showed the
After the war the Eliava Phage Institute in Tbilisi, Georgia, combined host range of phages containing one or the other
conducted a well-designed field study in the 1960s that came protein. About 30 different O serotypes must be lysed to
close to the standards of a placebo-controlled clinical trial cover the majority of EPEC and ETEC strains worldwide

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(Robins-Browne, 1987; Goodridge et al., 2003). Cocktails exposed to the viable phage or phage DNA (Geier & Merril,
of several phages will be necessary to get sufficient breadth 1972; Merril et al., 1971). However, there is no indication
of host range and to reduce the probability of resistance that the complex series of processes involved in reproduc-
developing. ing phage T4 could be carried out in a eukaryotic cell, where
the whole machinery and regulatory mechanisms are very
Phage virulence factors different from those in bacteria. There are in general even
substantial limitations as to the range of bacteria in which
A number of important human bacterial pathogens owe infection with a given phage can occur.
their virulence factors to prophages integrated into the
bacterial genome (for recent reviews see Brüssow et al., 2004; Furthermore, geneticists have reported that minute amounts
Wagner & Waldor, 2002). This is also true for coliphages: of orally fed phage M13 DNA were taken up by the gut and
in the sequenced E. coli O157 strains prophages encode could even be integrated into the mouse chromosome
the major virulence factor, the Shiga-like toxin. Even the (Schubbert et al., 1997). This observation was not specific
‘academic’ phage lambda carries bor, which confers serum for phage DNA since plasmid DNA had the same fate
resistance to the lysogen (Barondess & Beckwith, 1990). A (Schubbert et al., 1998). It is difficult to comment on these
survey of phage and prophage genomes has revealed that intriguing data since the experiments have not been
mainly phages of the lambda-like genus of Siphoviridae repeated by any other group. With all the phages and
harbour proven or potential virulence factors (Boyd & bacteria constantly present in the human gut, one would
Brüssow, 2002; Canchaya et al., 2003). Many other genera think it would have been reported more often if this were
of coliphages can establish lysogeny, but only few have a common occurrence. Phage lambda or M13 is normally
actually been shown to contain established virulence found in 1–4 % of stool samples from humans (Schluederberg
genes. Nevertheless, to be on the safe side, temperate et al., 1980). About every third stool sample from diarrhoea
phages should not be selected for phage therapy. A priori, patients yielded a coliphage even though only two indicator
candidates for phage therapy should come from the group strains were being used in this particular study (Chibani-
of ‘professional virulent’ phages. The term ‘virulent’ is in Chennoufi et al., 2004d). This percentage was 70 % with
this context misleading since for phage biologists it means diarrhoea patients and 34 % with healthy controls when 10
obligate lytic phages as opposed to temperate phages. T4- indicator strains were used (Furuse, 1987).
like phages belong to this class and no sequenced member
carries known virulence genes (http://phage.bioc.tulane. Without knowing we constantly consume phages with our
edu/). These phages do not have integrases; they degrade fermented food in yogurt (Brüssow et al., 1994), sauerkraut
and recycle the bacterial host genome for their own DNA (Lu et al., 2003b), pickles (Lu et al., 2003a) or salami
synthesis and thus lack the molecular basis for coexistence (Chibani-Chennoufi et al., 2004c). From a clinical stand-
with the host (Karam, 1994). This property also reduces the point, phages appear to be innocuous. Oral coliphages
likelihood of in situ DNA transformation resulting from were given in controlled clinical tests to many thousands
phage lysis. Sequencing of the phages enables exclusion of of children and adults in the former Soviet Union –
undesired genes or known virulence factors. However, even apparently without major adverse effects (see below). We
in the case of T4, many genes lack known functions and conducted a small safety trial with adult volunteers who
database matches (Miller et al., 2003). This genetic ‘terra received a total of 108 p.f.u. T4 phage orally. The volunteers
incognita’ is even greater in T4-like coliphages (http:// did not report adverse events and the levels of two enzymes diagnostic for liver cell damage remained in the normal
range (Bruttin & Brüssow, 2005).
Safety issues
Industrial phage production
Several safety issues have been raised over the years with
respect to the therapeutic use of phages. Extensive recom- Problems of large-scale production of dysentery phages were
bination clearly goes on among T4-like phages, as one can addressed in a series of papers during the 1940s (Schade &
see by examining the relationships of various genes that Caroline, 1943, 1944a, b). Lyophilized phages were shown
have been sequenced (Repoila et al., 1994). However, one to be superior to liquid preparations. The advantages
does not see the same sort of reshuffling of modules included greater stability, decrease in bulk size and simpler
(i.e. groups of functionally related genes) as described for means of oral administration as pills. Repeated cycles of
lambdoid coliphages or dairy phages (Chibani-Chennoufi freezing and thawing were not linked to activity loss, while
et al., 2004b). Since no toxin genes have been found in the acidity below pH 3?5 decreased the phage activity sub-
T4-like phages, the issue of recombinants among T4-like stantially. Out of a large number of substances only egg
phages is not particularly relevant for phage therapy. yolk had some protective properties on the phage prepara-
tion. Under dry conditions the phage preparation resisted
Another issue concerns phage gene activity in mammalian temperatures at least up to 55 uC; at room temperature the
cells. For example, a galactose transferase gene incorpo- lyophilized phages were stable for at least 14 months. Even
rated into the phage lambda genome could be expressed as early crude preparations containing cellular debris of the
mRNA and translated as protein in human fibroblast cells lysed E. coli did not cause much adverse reaction when

2134 Microbiology 151

Phage therapy: the E. coli experience

applied orally, reflecting the relatively low sensitivity of in the presence of the target pathogen. Phage therapy is thus
the human gut to endotoxin. T4-like phages grown on a a unique medicine, which challenges current pharmaco-
sequenced strain of K-12 devoid of inducible prophages, kinetic concepts. Two types of phage therapy have been
virulence genes and the O side chain of LPS (Chibani- distinguished: passive (where the initial phage dose removes
Chennoufi et al., 2004d, e) maintained their broad host the pathogen) and active (where the effect is due to the
range against pathogenic E. coli, so therapeutic phage in vivo replication of the phage on the pathogen). In the
production could be carried out without biohazard con- latter case the phage behaves as a self-amplifying drug,
tainment conditions and in cheap media, providing an which leads to unfamiliar kinetic phenomena like treatment
affordable technology even where the burden of E. coli failure when combined with antibiotic therapy or when
infection is the highest. given too early and at too low a phage dose (Payne & Jansen,
2003). Some controversy concerns threshold phenomena.
Pharmacokinetics of oral phage: can oral phage In vitro experiments using T4 phage suggested that phage
reach its target cell? amplification did not occur below a critical threshold of 104
susceptible host cells per ml (Wiggins & Alexander, 1985).
When given orally to adult mice and without an antacid, The existence of such a threshold was recently disputed
doses as low as 103 p.f.u. T4 per ml drinking water led to (Kasman et al., 2002). The field is currently dominated by
detection of phage in the faeces. Increasing the oral phage the mathematical modelling of phage infections in test
concentration resulted in dose-dependent increases of tubes, which do not seem to reflect the in vivo situation of
faecal phages. When given at a dose of 104 p.f.u. T4 per phage transit in mice (Chibani-Chennoufi et al., 2004a, e)
ml or higher, phage appeared and disappeared from the and rats (Weld et al., 2004).
faeces with a time lag of 1 and 2 days, respectively (Chibani-
Chennoufi et al., 2004e). Human volunteers showed a very similar faecal phage
excretion pattern to mice (Bruttin & Brüssow, 2005). More
A series of elegant mouse experiments conducted in the than 10 % of the orally applied phage was recovered from
1940s revealed other remarkable pharmacological aspects the faeces. When the volunteers were put back on phage-free
of Shigella phages (Dubos et al., 1943). These experiments drinking water, faecal phage titres quickly dropped below
showed that phages can be carried to wherever they are the threshold of detection when no infective E. coli strain
needed – even across the blood–brain barrier – and multiply was present in the gut.
there (in the presence of an appropriate bacterial host),
at levels that are far higher than those in blood. When
105 phage were applied intraperitoneally about 102 phage Host specificity and collateral damage to the
arrived in the brain of control mice. When the experiments commensal biota?
were conducted with mice that were intra-cerebrally Antibiotics kill bacteria rather unspecifically and can there-
inoculated with Shigella, a massive increase of phage was fore lead to numerous side effects. In contrast, species speci-
observed in the brain to 109 phage after 8 h, indicating ficity is the rule for phages and is commonly quoted as one
amplification of phage in vivo in a tissue that is protected of the major assets of phage therapy. A polyvalent phage
by a tight barrier. When 109 phage were injected intra- refers to a virus that infects many strains within a bacterial
peritonally, phage appeared with titres up to 107 in the species. Many coliphages have been reported to also infect
blood, but began to fall hours after injection. Decades later other enterobacteria than E. coli. This has frequently been
it was shown that phages circulating in the blood were seen in the phages used therapeutically in Eastern Europe
sequestered in the spleen, but mutant phages with pro- and reported in many laboratories over the years.
longed circulation times could be easily obtained by serial
passages in mice (Merril et al., 1996). If the mice received In practical terms, the host specificity of coliphages is a
a Shigella strain that was not susceptible to the phage in major limitation for phage therapy, necessitating the use
vitro, the in vivo phage amplification was not observed of phage cocktails potentially causing problems for the
(Morton & Perez-Otero, 1945). In further experiments, commensal E. coli gut biota, which might suffer from oral
Morton & Engley (1945) demonstrated that the protective T4 phage exposure. However, mice exposed to an oral
effect of the phage could be diluted; limiting efficiency was four-phage cocktail did not experience a decline of their
reached at a 10 : 1 bacterium : phage injection dose. The commensal E. coli biota (Chibani-Chennoufi et al., 2004e).
treatment could be delayed for 3 h after bacterial challenge, Likewise human volunteers orally exposed to phage T4
and phage treatment could precede the bacterial challenge maintained their commensal E. coli population (Bruttin &
by 4 days and still prevent death. Heat-inactivated phage Brüssow, 2005).
had no effect on survival of mice under these conditions.
The authors described broad reactivity of the phages against Physiological aspects: starving E. coli are not a
Shigella strains; their general observation was a close corres- target
pondence between in vitro and in vivo lytic activity.
Most studies of T4 development have been conducted under
Phages represent a quickly diluted medicine in case of typical laboratory conditions (Abedon et al., 2003; Hadas
absence of the target bacterium and an amplifiable medicine et al., 1997). The ribosome number was the most important 2135
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factor determining the growth of the coliphage, followed by of defence (development of phage-resistant bacteria) and
limitations of the transcription and then the DNA synthesis counter-defence (phage populations from two transfers
apparatus (You et al., 2002). However, it was noted as long in the future showed consistently greater infectivity to bac-
as 10 years ago that laboratory growth conditions do not teria than contemporary phage) were observed (Buckling
correspond to those prevailing in the mammalian gut, the & Rainey, 2002). Comparable data have now also been
major habitat of T4 (Kutter et al., 1994). In the colon, E. coli obtained for E. coli and its phages. Over a 200 h experiment
has to grow under anaerobic conditions and it lacks the on the T2-like phage PP01 (Morita et al., 2002) with E. coli
enzymes to ferment the polysaccharides available there O157 in continuous culture (Mizoguchi et al., 2003), a
(Chang et al., 2004). E. coli is nutritionally a bystander of series of bacterial mutants was sequentially observed.
anaerobes like Bacteroides that dominate the human intesti- They differed in colony morphology, the nature of phage
nal biota. The relatively low concentration of commensal receptors OmpC and LPS, and phage susceptibility. Phage
E. coli in the intestine indicates that the competition for PP01 evolved by broadening its host range. The system
nutrients is high. In fact, E. coli from the intestinal lumen reached a coexistence of phage and bacteria, both at high
is starving and not dividing (Poulsen et al., 1995). An titre levels, and continued to evolve. The dynamics in
actively growing commensal E. coli population with coccoid these interacting systems were largely determined by the
morphology was found in mucosal microcolonies overlying trade-offs between resistance to phage (which is normally
the epithelial cells of the large intestine (Krogfelt et al., metabolically costly) and competitiveness with the parental
1993). It is not clear how these factors affect the ability of strain for limiting resources. Smith & Huggins (1982)
T4 to infect E. coli in vivo. Notably, T4 grows similarly arbitrarily targeted a virulence factor of E. coli like the
under aerobic and anaerobic laboratory conditions (Kutter K1 antigen with a K1-specific phage in vivo; a low number
et al., 1994). of phage-resistant E. coli strains were isolated from the
calf intestine, but due to the loss of the K1 antigen the
Resistance development: a practical or an strain had concomitantly lost its pathological potential in
academic issue? mice. Indeed, it might well turn out that the in vitro
A classical paper by the founders of phage biology started experiments are more of academic than of practical
with the sentences: ‘When a pure bacterial culture is interest since they do not account for the complexity of
attacked by a bacterial virus, the culture will clear after a phage–host interaction in the natural environment. In
few hours. However, after further incubation for a few the defined laboratory system, the only competitor for
hours, or sometimes days, growth of a bacterial variant the phage-resistant cell is its phage-susceptible ancestor
[is observed] which is resistant to the action of the virus’ cell, which is counter-selected in the presence of a phage.
(Luria & Delbrück, 1943). Was this already the death of In the wild, the phage-resistant clone must also compete
phage therapy in the eggshell? In fact, the interaction of with many other strains that do not feel this phage
bacteria and their bacteriophages became a cornerstone pressure. A microcosmos consisting of only two strains
in community ecology and evolution. It was extensively (E. coli and Salmonella) largely prevented the develop-
investigated with E. coli strain B and the phages of the T ment of the phage resistance phenotype (Harcombe & Bull,
series (for a recent review see Bohannan & Lenski, 2000). 2005).
In the T4–E. coli B system oscillations were observed in
the chemostat community that were induced by the com-
petition between phage-sensitive and phage-resistant bac- Food sanitation
teria, while evolution of T4 was not observed. In contrast,
At slaughter about 7 % of cattle harbour E. coli O157 in
phage T7 starts a co-evolutionary arms race. However,
their faeces, which then become a source for meat con-
the race is asymmetrical and favours the bacteria. Also
tamination. Several groups have explored the use of O157-
phage T2 can respond with extended host range mutants.
specific phage for food sanitation (Kudva et al., 1999;
Resistance to phage T5 apparently comes without a
O’Flynn et al., 2004). When meat was experimentally
metabolic cost to E. coli B; consequently, T5 quickly
becomes extinct, raising the question how this phage could contaminated with O157, high doses of phage were needed
survive in nature. to decrease the cell count in situ. Similar high phage titres
were needed to free chicken skin from Salmonella and
From a population-dynamic perspective, the interactions Campylobacter contaminations (Goode et al., 2003). The
between phages and bacteria are analogous to those of a high phage titres might reflect the diffusion-limitation of
predator and a prey. Quite detailed mathematical models phage–food pathogen encounters on a carcass surface,
have been developed for this interaction, and the population contaminated by only a low concentration of the pathogen.
and evolutionary dynamics relevant for phage therapy was Laboratory and ecological experiments have identified
recently reviewed (Levin & Bull, 2004). Serial passages of threshold concentrations below which phage infection
Pseudomonas fluorescens and its phage in the laboratory chains are frequently interrupted (Chibani-Chennoufi
showed that phages are not fundamentally constrained et al., 2004a; Wommack & Colwell, 2000). In vitro, O157
in their ability to co-evolve with bacteria. Long-term developed phage resistance with a 100-fold higher fre-
antagonistic co-evolution characterized by multiple cycles quency against Siphoviridae than against Myoviridae.

2136 Microbiology 151

Phage therapy: the E. coli experience

Animal studies were observed in most of the calves, but their titres gene-
Chickens. E. coli causes severe respiratory infections in rally remained low. Upon reinoculation into new calves, the
broiler chickens. In one study, phages were applied by mutant cells were less competitive than the parental strain.
aerosol spraying, followed by injection of 104 c.f.u. E. coli
In a second series of experiments, a low dose of phage
directly into the thoracic air sac (Huff et al., 2002).
(105 p.f.u.) was given to calves at the onset of diarrhoea
Aerosol containing 107 p.f.u. of two phages halved the
and animals were sacrificed in a time series. Phage counts
mortality when the challenge was done on the day of
as high as 1010 were observed during the first 12 h in the
phage spraying. When the dose of the phage was increased
posterior parts of the small intestine, followed by a decline
to 108 p.f.u. significant protection against infection was
at 24 h and a disappearance of phage at 40 h when the
still observed up to 3 days after phage spraying. Another
pathogenic bacterium could no longer be detected. Phage-
study documented efficacy of phage applied intramuscu-
resistant E. coli appeared during the experiment, but they
larly against lethal E. coli infections for chickens. When
had lost the K1 antigen, their major virulence factor.
phage and bacteria were given in equal numbers, no
morbidity was observed at all in chicken, but 100-fold Control of the diarrhoea by a low dose of phage
lower phage titres also conferred significant protection, (105 p.f.u.) given 6 h or 10 min before infection of the
demonstrating the in vivo multiplication of the phage. calves with E. coli was only achieved with phages showing
Intramuscularly administered phage also protected against a high in vitro bacterial lytic activity (Smith et al., 1987a).
intracranial E. coli infection. Phage therapy was even effec- With an extremely low dose of phage (102 p.f.u.), pro-
tive when given at the onset of clinical symptoms (Barrow phylaxis was only possible when given 10 min, but not
et al., 1998). 6 h before bacterial challenge. Within 5 h the phage had
multiplied up to 1011 p.f.u. in vivo, demonstrating an
Mice. In the 1980s Smith and Huggins conducted a impressive phage multiplication in vivo. Very small doses
careful series of phage therapy experiments in various of phage (down to 20 p.f.u.), given after the onset of
animals, which resumed the tradition of the mouse diarrhoea, still resulted in an amelioration of the disease.
experiments from the early 1940s. They started with a K1
E. coli meningitis mouse model (Smith & Huggins, 1982). Calves held in a room previously occupied by phage-
Low doses of phage, given intramuscularly, protected exposed calves could no longer be infected with the entero-
mice against a massive dose of pathogen applied in the pathogen, coming close to d’Hérelles’s initial idea of
opposite muscle at the same time. The anti-K1 phage was ‘infectious protection’ by phages. Also, spraying the litter
in vivo more efficient than a large number of antibiotics. of the calves in the room with a high or low dose of phage
Multiplication of the phage occurred in the animal, and (1010 or 106 p.f.u.) prevented an infection of the calves
phage was disseminated from the site of inoculation into with the pathogenic E. coli strain, applied either before or
the blood and the spleen, where it was sequestered. after transfer to the phage-inoculated room. When sub-
However, phage treatment could not be delayed for more stantial pathogen counts were measured in the faeces,
than 5 h after the pathogen challenge without loss of phage appeared with titres 10- to 100-fold higher than the
activity. Intramuscular phage also protected against intra- bacterial counts. Phage survived in the room for up to a
cerebral pathogen challenge. Only phages recognizing the year and at least 100 days longer than the pathogenic
K1 antigen were protective. Phages with high in vitro lytic bacteria, and was also more resistant to phenolic disin-
activity were also the most effective in conferring pro- fectants than the enteropathogen (Smith et al., 1987b).
tection in vivo. The results of Smith and Huggins were
reproduced recently (Bull et al., 2002). Phage was sensitive to a low pH in the abomasum of the
calves, but this problem could be solved by applying the
Calves. Subsequently, Smith and colleagues infected calves phage with the milk feed or shortly after feeding. Barrow
with a natural bovine enteropathogenic E. coli strain caus- et al. (1998) confirmed that intramuscular phage injection
ing high lethality. Convincing evidence for the efficacy in calves orally challenged with a K1+ E. coli delayed the
of phage therapy was obtained in an extremely carefully appearance of the bacterium in the faeces and the blood and
documented series of experiments (Smith & Huggins, lengthened the life span of the animals. Smith & Huggins
1982, 1983; Smith et al., 1987a, b). Diarrhoea could be pre- (1983) extended the phage therapy experiments to piglets
vented by phage given 1–8 h after infection. When phage and lambs and confirmed their results in these animals.
application was delayed until the onset of symptoms,
phage had no effect on diarrhoea, but still largely prevented
Efficacy trial in humans
death (Smith & Huggins, 1983). Phage titres increased in
the faeces over time, with a concomitant decrease in the In 1963 a total of 30 769 children (6 months to 7 years old)
enteropathogen counts. In sacrificed animals this observa- were enrolled in Tbilisi, Georgia, in an oral phage pro-
tion was confirmed at all anatomical levels of the gastro- phylaxis trial against bacterial dysentery. About half of
intestinal tract. Phage counts were 10-fold lower in the children living on one side of the streets received, once
mucosal scrapings than in the luminal content. Phage was every week, Shigella phages orally in a pressed tablet form,
not recovered from blood or spleen. Phage-resistant cells while children on the other side of the streets received a 2137
H. Brüssow

placebo. The children were followed for 109 days. Phage biology revolution. Why should E. coli not also lead us into
administration was associated with a 3?8-fold decrease in the future? We could take the best of the reductionist
dysentery incidence (1?8 vs 6?7 episodes per 1000 children approach (working with the simplest systems) and transfer
from treatment and placebo group, respectively). The it deliberately into the complexity of the gut of humans or
culture-confirmed incidence was decreased 2?6-fold by animals living in their natural ecological context. This would
phage application (0?7 vs 1?8 episodes, respectively). Phage ideally fit into the current trend towards systems biology.
exposure also decreased the incidence of any form of
diarrhoea (15 vs 45 episodes per 1000 children 6 to Much of the future of phage therapy will be determined
12 months old in treatment and placebo group, respec- by the attitudes of the health authorities, which have to
tively). This latter observation suggests a protective effect license the use of phages. Currently, we still have here a clash
of the anti-Shigella phage preparation against other sero- of cultures. The West, perhaps represented by the US Food
types of E. coli. Protective effects were most pronounced in and Drug Administration, seems to favour the use of a
children younger than 3 years. Note, however, that this single well-defined phage, while the secrets of the apparent
apparently well-designed study was only documented in a success in the East with phage therapy lay in phage cocktails.
75-line publication written in Russian containing a single Even individualized treatments for each patient were
table (Babalova et al., 1968). used in surgical settings based on large phage collections
and laboratory tests of phage sensitivity for the patient’s
The most detailed reports on phage therapy published in specific pathogen. However, ‘Intestiphage’ was a fixed mix
English are from Poland (Slopek et al., 1987), dealing with of a group of phages against E. coli and other entero-
cases of septicaemia (only some of these were caused by bacteria (Sukalvelidze & Kutter, 2005). It was made in
E. coli). The rate of success was greater than 90 %, includ- large quantity: 80 % of the 2 tonnes of phage-therapy
ing patients for whom antibiotic therapy was ineffective. products made in the 1980s were shipped off to the Soviet
Quite extensive double-blind phage prophylaxis and treat- army, where most was used without any particular pre-
ment trials were conducted with soldiers of the Red Army testing in the individual patients; much of it was pro-
in four different geographical areas of the Soviet Union phylactic. It is not yet clear how the best of both worlds can
during 1982–1983. The authors reported that the incidence be combined to the benefit of patients.
of dysentery was 10-fold less in the phage treatment as
compared to the control group. These studies were
insufficiently documented in the published Russian litera- Acknowledgements
ture for a rigorous evaluation of these trials to be done (for I thank Anne Bruttin for help in the preparation of the manuscript,
a review of the Soviet literature see Alisky et al., 1998; Chris Blake for critical reading, Thomas Häusler for drawing my
Sulakvelidze et al., 2001; Sulakvelidze & Kutter, 2005). attention to historical work conducted in the field of phage therapy and
an anonymous reviewer for many helpful comments.
Until quite recently academic phage researchers remained References
rather sceptical about the medical or agricultural use of Abedon, S. T., Hyman, P. & Thomas, C. (2003). Experimental
phages. The present literature survey does not paint a examination of bacteriophage latent-period evolution as a response
negative picture for the prospect of phage therapy against to bacterial availability. Appl Environ Microbiol 69, 7499–7506.
E. coli infections. However, one should refrain from over- Ackermann, H. W. & Krisch, H. M. (1997). A catalogue of T4-type
interpreting the available clinical evidence and hail phages bacteriophages. Arch Virol 142, 2329–2345.
as a panacea against bacterial infections in general. Too Ackermann, H. W. & Nguyen, T. M. (1983). Sewage coliphages studied
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