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published: 22 April 2021

doi: 10.3389/fcimb.2021.639573

Rodent Models for the Study

of Soil-Transmitted Helminths:
A Proteomics Approach
Karen J. Montaño 1, Carmen Cuéllar 2 and Javier Sotillo 1*
1 Centro Nacional de Microbiologı´a, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid, Spain, 2 Departamento de Microbiologı´a y

Parasitologı´a, Facultad de Farmacia, Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain

Soil-transmitted helminths (STH) affect hundreds of millions worldwide and are some of
the most important neglected tropical diseases in terms of morbidity. Due to the difficulty
in studying STH human infections, rodent models have become increasingly used, mainly
because of their similarities in life cycle. Ascaris suum and Trichuris muris have been
proven appropriate and low maintenance models for the study of ascariasis and
Edited by:
Cinzia Cantacessi, trichuriasis. In the case of hookworms, despite most of the murine models do not fully
University of Cambridge, reproduce the life cycle of Necator americanus, their proteomic similarity makes them
United Kingdom
highly suitable for the development of novel vaccine candidates and for the study of
Reviewed by:
Bin Zhan,
hookworm biological features. Furthermore, these models have been helpful in elucidating
Baylor College of Medicine, some basic aspects of our immune system, and are currently being used by numerous
United States
researchers to develop novel molecules with immunomodulatory proteins. Herein we
Joseph F. Urban, Jr.,
United States Department of review the similarities in the proteomic composition between Nippostrongylus brasiliensis,
Agriculture, United States Heligmosomoides polygyrus bakeri and Trichuris muris and their respective human
John Pius Dalton,
National University of Ireland
counterpart with a focus on the vaccine candidates and immunomodulatory proteins
Galway, Ireland being currently studied.
Keywords: proteomics, soil-transmitted helminths (STHs), host-parasite interactions, Nippostrongylus brasiliensis,
Javier Sotillo
Heligmosomoides polygyrus, Trichuris muris, vaccines, immunomodulation

Specialty section:
This article was submitted to INTRODUCTION
Parasite and Host,
a section of the journal Infection by soil-transmitted helminths (STHs), some of the most common neglected tropical
Frontiers in Cellular and parasites in the world, affects mainly low and middle-income countries (Brooker, 2010). Indeed, it is
Infection Microbiology
considered that, globally, nearly 2 billion people are infected with STHs (Brooker, 2010; World
Received: 09 December 2020 Health Organization, 2012), and hookworm infection alone results in >4 million disability-adjusted
Accepted: 29 March 2021 life years lost annually (DALYs), as well as in significant economic losses (Bartsch et al., 2016).
Published: 22 April 2021
Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichuris trichiura, and hookworm (mainly Necator americanus and
Citation: Ancylostoma duodenale) are the most common species that infect humans (Jourdan et al., 2018).
Montaño KJ, Cuéllar C and Sotillo J
Although competent health care and wide use of available anthelmintic drugs are currently the main
(2021) Rodent Models for the Study of
Soil-Transmitted Helminths:
approaches for the elimination of most helminth infections, their efficacy varies and chemotherapy
A Proteomics Approach. does not prevent reinfection (Loukas et al., 2016); thus, it becomes necessary to continue our efforts
Front. Cell. Infect. Microbiol. 11:639573. to improve our understanding of these parasitic diseases. Due to the limited availability and
doi: 10.3389/fcimb.2021.639573 difficulty in obtaining parasite material, researchers have widely used different animal models that

Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology | www.frontiersin.org 1 April 2021 | Volume 11 | Article 639573
Montaño et al. Soil-Transmitted Helminths Rodent Models

share similarities in the life cycle, immune response elicited or humans (Loukas et al., 2016). It can also infect hamsters, where it
both with their human counterpart (Scott and Tanguay, 1994; develops patent infections (Alkazmi and Behnke, 2010), and can
Camberis et al., 2003). In this regard, rodent models are, by far, elicit acquired immunity, making it a suitable model for the
the most popular and frequently used animal models and have study of hookworm infections (Loukas et al., 2016) with the same
been helpful in characterizing many aspects of human limitations listed above.
helminth infection. N. brasiliensis, a rodent strongyle nematode widely used by
N. americanus, one of the most important STHs in terms of parasitologists, has a similar life cycle to N. americanus,
morbidity, can survive for decades in the small intestine of their including skin penetration, migration through the lungs and
human hosts (Loukas et al., 2016). While N. americanus is establishment in the small intestine of its host, although it is
notably common in most of Africa, southern China, Southeast rapidly eliminated and does not recapitulate the long-lasting
Asia and the Americas, A. duodenale is endemic in northern infections found with N. americanus (Camberis et al., 2003).
regions of India and China, in the Mediterranean region and in Furthermore, N. brasiliensis induces a Th2 type immune
North Africa. Furthermore, in some parts of Africa, China and response that manifests all the characteristics of a human
India, it is not unusual to observe mixed human infections with hookworm infection, including IgE production and
N. americanus and A. duodenale (Pullan et al., 2014). The life eosinophilia, which drive pathology in some allergic diseases
cycle of this group of nematodes is very complex, and involves (Nair and Herbert, 2016), as well as mastocytosis and mucus
free-living and parasitic stages as well as an intraorganic production (Camberis et al., 2003). Researchers have taken
migration in the definitive host. Hookworm eggs hatch in soil advantage of the similar life cycle and immunological
and released rhabditiform larvae moult twice before becoming responses between N. brasiliensis and N. americanus to
filariform and infective (iL3). iL3s penetrate the skin of the host conduct immunological studies (both systemic and mucosal)
and are carried through the bloodstream first to the heart and aimed at studying the mechanisms involved in human
then to lungs. Following exit from the alveolar capillaries, iL3s hookworm infections (Nair and Herbert, 2016).
ascend the bronchial tree to reach the pharynx and are Despite H. polygyrus bakeri does not infect through the skin
swallowed. Finally, hookworms complete their migration to the or migrate through the lungs (as it depends on oral ingestion of
small bowel, typically the distal jejunum, where immature L5 infective larvae), it has been extensively employed as a model for
hookworms attach themselves in position to feed and avoid human hookworm infections. Indeed, similarly to hookworms,
ejection by gut peristalsis (Loukas et al., 2016). H. polygyrus bakeri induces chronic intestinal infections in
Interestingly, a hamster model susceptible to N. americanus several mice strains, and the modified Th2 cell responses
is available; however, although adult worms can fully induced by infection (a Th2-like response linked with the
develop without the requirement of corticosteroids, this production of anti-inflammatory cytokines and Treg activity)
model was developed after decades of passaging through does not completely eliminate the parasites (Wells and Behnke,
immunosuppressed hamsters (Jian et al., 2003; Xiao et al., 2008), 1988; Maizels, 2005; Bungiro et al., 2008; Reynolds et al., 2012;
and the extent of adaptation and genomic and proteomic Nair and Herbert, 2016). Furthermore, the study of H. polygyrus
differences with worms obtained from the human host is yet to bakeri and N. brasiliensis infection in rodents has provided the
be determined. Indeed, worms obtained from hamsters are smaller immunology community with important information about the
in size, less fertile and infections do not last longer than a few humoral and cellular mechanisms involved in the induction and
months (Jian et al., 2003; Xiao et al., 2008), although they do elicit development of Th2 immune responses and their capacity in
a protective immunity similar to that observed in the related protecting against helminth infections (Ogilvie and Jones, 1971;
canine hookworm species Ancylostoma caninum. This model has Ishizaka et al., 1976; Urban et al., 1991; Camberis et al., 2003).
also proved useful for the screening of vaccine candidates and the In addition to hookworms, infection with whipworms
assessment of antihelminthic drugs (Xue et al., 2005; Xiao et al., (mainly T. trichiura) largely contributes to the pathological
2008; Xue et al., 2010; Zhan et al., 2010), however, the burden caused by STHs. More than 70 species of Trichuris
impossibility to use hamsters in some countries (e.g. Australia) (including worms of veterinary, scientific and human interest)
and the low availability of molecular biology reagents for hamsters have been described so far (Hurst and Else, 2013). All these
can make it challenging to work with. species were classified within clade I, which groups vertebrate-
Because of this, different animal models have been used to parasites from the order Trichocephalida together with insect
study hookworm-host interactions, including the related and plant-parasitic nematodes (Blaxter et al., 1998). Due to the
ancylostomatids A. caninum in dogs (Shepherd et al., 2018) difficulty in obtaining live worms from infected people and the
and A. ceylanicum in hamsters (Alkazmi and Behnke, 2010; impossibility of maintaining T. trichiura in the laboratory,
Traub, 2013), as well as the murine nematodes Nippostrongylus Trichuris muris has become a widely used laboratory model
brasiliensis and Heligmosomoides polygyrus bakeri (both being physiologically, morphologically, and antigenically similar
belonging to the Trichostrongyloidea superfamily), all part of to the human whipworm species (Grencis, 1993; Dixon et al.,
the clade V of nematodes. This clade contains members of the 2008). Indeed, the T. muris model has allowed researchers to
suborder Rhabditina with nematodes from the Strongylida and understand relevant features concerning immunity to gut-
other orders (Blaxter et al., 1998). A. ceylanicum infection is a dwelling nematode parasites as well as to gain a better
zoonotic disease, and can produce symptomatic infections in knowledge of the immune system (Hurst and Else, 2013).

Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology | www.frontiersin.org 2 April 2021 | Volume 11 | Article 639573
Montaño et al. Soil-Transmitted Helminths Rodent Models

Furthermore, the knowledge attained from this animal model provided useful information (Sotillo et al., 2017). In the case of
has been applied to better understand human Trichuriasis N. americanus, the first draft genome was published in 2014 (Tang
(Faulkner et al., 2002) and other intestinal helminth infections et al., 2014), and a more comprehensive genome version annotated
(Turner et al., 2003). using proteomic and transcriptomic data has recently been
Ascariasis, mainly caused by A. lumbricoides, affects over 800 published (Logan et al., 2020). Similarly, the genomes and
million people worldwide (Pullan et al., 2014). Similarly to what transcriptomes for the whipworms T. trichiura and T. muris
occurs with other STHs, it is highly challenging to obtain adult were published in 2014 (Foth et al., 2014). In the case of A.
worms, and model organisms have been developed (Holland, lumbricoides, the Parasite Genomics group at the Wellcome Trust
2013). The related species A. suum is a natural parasite of pigs; Sanger Institute performed genome predictions as part of the 50
however this animal model has not been widely used because of helminth genomes project (International Helminth Genomes
its cost, large size and difficult husbandry (Holland, 2013). This Consortium, 2019).
species was found to be able to infect mice and to follow a similar A similarity analysis between the predicted proteome from N.
infection behaviour as the one observed in its natural hosts americanus and other nematodes from the Ancylostomatidae
(Slotved et al., 1998), and further research identified mouse family as well as hookworm models and other nematodes (all
strains with different compatibility (e.g. the susceptible C57BL/ data downloaded from ParasiteWormBase v.14.0) shows that A.
6 and the resistant CBA/Ca strains), providing a convenient caninum, A. duodenale and A. ceylanicum proteins are, in
model to investigate the basis of Ascaris biology and for the general, more similar to N. americanus proteome (Figure 1).
development of vaccine candidates (Lewis et al., 2007; Deslyper This analysis also showed that despite N. brasiliensis and H.
et al., 2019). polygyrus bakeri do not belong to the Ancylostomatidae family
Despite the significant advantages of murine models in terms and are, thus, less related to hookworm, they share a high degree
of reproductive capacity, handling, and costs, there are other of similarity (>65%) in their proteome with N. americanus
models used for the study of helminth infections such as the pig (Figure 1), compared to other nematodes. Despite the
whipworm Trichuris suis, which pathophysiology is very similar limitations of analysing the proteins only at the amino acid
to that occurring in human infections (Dawson et al., 2020) or, as level, it is well accepted that proteins sharing over 40% (60% in
mentioned above, the dog hookworm A. caninum (Shepherd the case of enzymes) sequence identity might share similar
et al., 2018). Nevertheless, due to ethical considerations, complex functions (Rost, 1999; Tian and Skolnick, 2003).
logistics and cost, pig and dog models are less used in This is in agreement to what has been found recently, where
parasitological research and will not be the scope of this review. N. americanus and hookworm animal models contained a
The need to develop novel and effective treatments against similar number of predicted proteins encoded by their
STH is indisputable, and rodent models can provide important genomes, and proteins actively secreted by their adult stages
information. Understanding, not only the immunological, presented a similar protein family profile (Logan et al., 2020).
physiological, anatomical and metabolic similarities that each Indeed, from the 198 proteins secreted by N. americanus adult
model has, but also the proteomic and genomic similarities worms, 173 (>87%) contained homologs in the secretomes from
between all species is key for the design of appropriate control H. polygyrus bakeri, N. brasiliensis and A. caninum (Logan et al.,
approaches. In this review, we compare the available proteomic 2020). One of the most represented families in the secretomes of
data between STH of human importance and their murine model these adult worm species is the sperm-coating protein (SCP)-like
counterparts with a focus on the characterization of vaccine extracellular proteins, also called SCP/Tpx-1/Ag5/PR-1/Sc7
candidates and immunomodulatory molecules. This analysis (SCP/TAPS; Pfam accession number no. PF00188). A total of 51
provides the first step towards a rational selection of the most out of the 54 SCP/TAPS proteins found in the secretome of
appropriate model for the analysis of a particular protein N. americanus had homologs in H. polygyrus bakeri, N. brasiliensis
candidate; however, ideally, a combined approach integrating and A. caninum, which highlights the usefulness of using these
different transcriptomic, proteomic, lipidomic and metabolomic murine models to study this particular family of proteins. Despite
information will provide a more comprehensive picture of the a phylogenetic analysis showed N. americanus SCP/TAPS proteins
suitability of a particular model. cluster more with A. caninum proteins than with N. brasiliensis or
H. polygyrus bakeri, there are strong clade-specific similarities
(Logan et al., 2020), and the high degree of diversity in the
GENOMIC AND PROTEOMIC evolution of SCP/TAPS was speculated to be related to host-
INFORMATION FROM ANIMAL MODELS specific roles for this family of proteins (Logan et al., 2020).
Proteases (aspartyl-, cystein-, metallo- and serine-proteases)
During the last decades, one of the major caveats in the study of are also highly abundant in the secretome of N. americanus adult
host-hookworms interactions has been the lack of comprehensive worms (Logan et al., 2020), as well as the murine models
and thoroughly annotated genomic and proteomic databases. (Hewitson et al., 2011; Sotillo et al., 2014). A homology
However, in the recent years, the development of novel analysis showed that proteases secreted by N. americanus had,
sequencing platforms and more sensitive mass spectrometers, as in general, a higher degree of homology to those from the
well as different initiatives (i.e., 50 helminth genomes project; H. polygyrus bakeri and N. brasiliensis rather than A. caninum
https://www.sanger.ac.uk/science/collaboration/50hgp) have (Logan et al., 2020), which would make these models highly

Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology | www.frontiersin.org 3 April 2021 | Volume 11 | Article 639573
Montaño et al. Soil-Transmitted Helminths Rodent Models

Only two studies have attempted to characterize the proteins

secreted by T. muris, identifying 148 (Eichenberger et al., 2018b)
and 73 (Tritten et al., 2017) proteins, while in the case of T. suis
328 proteins were identified (Leroux et al., 2018). The lower
number of identified proteins in the mouse model in comparison
with T. suis could be a reflection of the more stringent database
search settings used. For instance, while Tritten et al. and
Eichenberger et al. included databases from the parasite and

FIGURE 1 | Percentage identity of Necator americanus predicted proteome

with the predicted proteins from different nematode species. The predicted
proteome from different species of hookworm, hookworm mouse models and
unrelated nematodes were compared against the predicted proteome from
N. americanus and plotted in a heatmap. All predicted proteomes were
downloaded from Parasite WormBase (v.14.0) and protein identity was
calculated using Blast. Colour represents the number of proteins within a
range of identity percentage.

suitable for the development of vaccine studies as discussed in

the next section.
Foth et al. sequenced and assembled the genome from both T.
trichiura and T. muris, and found that most Trichuris genes are
orthologs shared by both species (Foth et al., 2014). Furthermore,
predicted proteomes are highly similar, with over 5,000 proteins
having an average homology of 79% and only 2,350 and 3,817
proteins specific from T. trichiura and T. muris respectively,
which highlights the usefulness of the mouse model to study
human whipworm infections (Foth et al., 2014). An analysis of
FIGURE 2 | Percentage identity of Trichuris trichiura predicted proteome with
the similarity between the T. trichiura predicted proteome and
the predicted proteins from different nematode species. The predicted
other trichurids (i.e. T. suis and T. muris) as well as unrelated proteome from different species of trichurids and unrelated nematodes were
nematodes (all data downloaded from ParasiteWormBase v.14.0) compared against the predicted proteome from T. trichiura and plotted in a
confirms that proteins from both the pig and mouse models are heatmap. All predicted proteomes were downloaded from Parasite
highly similar to the human whipworm, and could be useful for WormBase (v.14.0) and protein identity was calculated using Blast. Colour
represents the number of proteins within a range of identity percentage.
the study of whipworm infections (Figure 2).

Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology | www.frontiersin.org 4 April 2021 | Volume 11 | Article 639573
Montaño et al. Soil-Transmitted Helminths Rodent Models

the host (to eliminate host-associated proteins) and only proteins Bungiro et al., 2008; Zhan et al., 2010), and A. ceylanicum has
identified with two or more peptides were used for further been proven a good model for selection of vaccine candidates
analysis, Leroux et al. only used a parasite database (no using bioinformatic and functional approaches (Wei et al., 2016),
contaminants were included in the search) and proteins providing important information for the development of
identified with only one peptide were considered as valid these candidates.
identifications (Tritten et al., 2017; Eichenberger et al., 2018b; Currently there are no licensed vaccines against human STH,
Leroux et al., 2018). It is noteworthy the low number of SCP/ and The Human Hookworm Vaccine initiative is, at present, the
TAPS proteins identified in the T. muris secretome compared to only vaccine for hookworm infection in clinical development.
parasites from clade V, which agrees with previous observations This vaccine contains two recombinant antigens, Na-GST-1 and
where this family of proteins is significantly expanded in clades Na-APR-1, both key enzymes involved in the capacity of
IVa and V but not in clade I (Wilbers et al., 2018; International hookworms to use host blood as source of nutrients (Hotez
Helminth Genomes Consortium, 2019). To elucidate the degree et al., 2013). Furthermore, challenge studies conducted in
of similarity between animal models and human whipworm laboratory animals have shown the capacity of Na-GST-1 and
infections, a comparative analysis of the secretomes from all Na-APR-1 to induce protective efficacy (Hotez et al., 2010; Hotez
three parasites would be of high interest, although the difficulty et al., 2013). Interestingly, both proteins have homologues in
in obtaining viable worms from the human host makes this type other hookworm and hookworm-like parasites, with the highest
of analysis currently very challenging. homology found with A. ceylanicum, A. caninum and A.
duodenale (Figures 3 and 4) as expected due to closeness of
species. Homology found with mice models such as H. polygyrus
DEVELOPMENT OF VACCINE bakeri and N. brasiliensis was also high, particularly for Na-
CANDIDATES IN MURINE MODELS APR-1, with >83% aminoacid identity in homologues from both
parasites (Figure 4). Interestingly, the percentage of identity
Since resistance to different antihelminthic drugs is being widely found with Trichuris spp. was ~60% while it was ~80% for
reported in human and animal nematodes, there is an urgent Ascaris spp., suggesting a key role of this enzyme in ascarids,
need for vaccines that could complement the current approach to most likely due to these parasites potentially being blood-feeders
helminth control. In this regard, the different rodent models used (Toh et al., 2010). This could be of interest when ranking
to study STHs could be of importance. Indeed, both hookworm and selecting potential candidates against Ascaris infection,
hamster models (N. americanus and A. ceylanicum) have been and a modified Na-APR-1 could be incorporated into a
used for the screening of vaccine candidates (Ghosh et al., 2006; pan-anthelminthic vaccine as discussed by other authors

FIGURE 3 | Similarity plot. Circos plot generated using Circoletto (Darzentas, 2010) showing the percentage of identity between Na-GST-1 and their homologues in
different rodent model nematodes. Only homologues with e-values < 1E-50 are shown. Protein names as per Parasite WormBase database (v.15) have been used
for comparison. ALUE, Ascaris lumbricoides; AgR, Ascaris suum; ANCCAN, Ancylostoma caninum; Acey, Ancylostoma ceylanicum; ANCDUO, Ancylostoma
duodenale; HPOL, Heligmosomoides polygyrus; NBR, Nippostrongylus brasiliensis; TMUE, Trichuris muris; TTRE, Trichuris trichiura.

Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology | www.frontiersin.org 5 April 2021 | Volume 11 | Article 639573
Montaño et al. Soil-Transmitted Helminths Rodent Models

FIGURE 4 | Similarity plot. Circos plot generated using Circoletto (Darzentas, 2010) showing the percentage of identity between Na-APR-1 and their homologues in
different rodent model nematodes. Only homologues with e-values < 1E-50 are shown. Protein names as per Parasite WormBase database (v.15) have been used
for comparison. ALUE, Ascaris lumbricoides; AgR, Ascaris suum; ANCCAN, Ancylostoma caninum; Acey, Ancylostoma ceylanicum; ANCDUO, Ancylostoma
duodenale; HPOL, Heligmosomoides polygyrus; NBR, Nippostrongylus brasiliensis; TMUE, Trichuris muris; TTRE, Trichuris trichiura.

(Zhan et al., 2014). In the case of Na-GST-1, >65% aminoacid different omic technologies is essential to obtain a more holistic
identity was found in different homologues from both mice picture of the biological problem.
models (Figure 3), while similarity with Ascaris spp. was It is also worth highlighting that different studies using
~50%, which hampers its use as a vaccine candidate in other experimental infection with helminths show that GST influences
nematodes as discussed below for Trichuris. the immune responses and cross-reactive allergy (Mitchell, 1989;
The high similarity found between both vaccine candidates and Smith, 1992; Brophy et al., 1995; Santiago et al., 2012).
their N. brasiliensis homologues has highlighted the conservation Furthermore, helminth and cockroach GST cross-react because
in the blood-feeding pathways with N. americanus (Bouchery of their noteworthy molecular and structural similarities, which
et al., 2018). Indeed, vaccination with both hookworm vaccine has led several authors to suggest that vaccine development should
candidates induced protection against N. brasiliensis in mice, take into account the potential impact of cross-reactivity with
which made authors suggest that N. brasiliensis is a suitable common allergens (Santiago et al., 2012). In this regard, it is also
model for vaccine identification and drug screening against necessary to consider the ability of vaccines to induce strong Th2
hookworms (Bouchery et al., 2018). On the other hand, the fact responses, remembering the case described by Diemert et al.
that H. polygyrus bakeri has homologues to these two proteins is (Diemert et al., 2012) where generalized urticarial reactions were
intriguingly, since this parasite is believed to feed on epithelial cells developed in several volunteers after vaccination with a single dose
and not on blood (Bansemir and Sukhdeo, 1994), and more of Na-ASP-2. These allergic reactions were linked to pre-existing
experiments should be done to ascertain the role of Na-APR-1 Na-ASP-2-specific IgE probably induced by previous infection
and Na-GST-1 homologues in this hookworm-like model. Indeed, with N. americanus (Diemert et al., 2012; Diemert et al., 2018).
vaccination with GST in a mouse model did not confer protection Different studies have used the N. brasiliensis rodent model to
against H. polygyrus bakeri, despite eliciting a significant humoral (i) discover new vaccine candidates that could be extrapolated to
response (Brophy et al., 1994). Thus, it is tempting to speculate human hookworm infections and (ii) develop novel
that GST might be a potential vaccine candidate only in blood- administration routes of known vaccine candidates to improve
feeding nematodes, whereas in non-hematophagous nematodes, their immunogenicity and reduce undesirable effects. Indeed,
where this protein is suggested to play a role only as a defence since N. brasiliensis has a highly conserved orthologue of Na-
mechanism against toxic substances (Smith, 1992), other APR-1 (Bartlett et al., 2020), Bartlet et al. designed a lipopeptide-
candidates must be tested. As mentioned earlier, >60% sequence based vaccine using a B cell epitope derived from Na-APR-1,
identity between two proteins usually results in similar functions; attached to a T helper epitope and administered it orally. In this
however, performing functionality studies and integrating study, several lipidated peptides were obtained and tested for

Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology | www.frontiersin.org 6 April 2021 | Volume 11 | Article 639573
Montaño et al. Soil-Transmitted Helminths Rodent Models

vaccine efficacy using the N. brasiliensis hookworm model potentially be developed against the human whipworm. Despite
(Bartlett et al., 2020). these results constitute a great advance in the quest for a vaccine
In previous studies, other researchers assessed the use of against T. trichiura, translation of these molecules into an
N. brasiliensis as a suitable model for testing vaccine effective treatment against the human whipworm will be
candidates for hookworm infections. Using recombinant challenging and further studies are needed.
acetylcholinesterase B (AChE “B”), the most abundant enzyme Furthermore, several authors reported the identification of a
isoform secreted by N. brasiliensis adult worms (Edwards et al., whey acidic protein in the ES products from T. muris, Tm-WAP
1971; Clare Blackburn and Selkirk, 1992), these authors reported (rTm-WAP49) (Briggs et al., 2018). In this study, the Tm-WAP
a level of protection in AChE-vaccinated animals and concluded protein was used to evaluate immunogenicity and protective
that AChE “B” could be considered as a suitable vaccine antigen, efficacy in a T. muris infection mice model and determined that
with intranasal delivery being the most effective (Ball et al., 2007). recombinant WAP protein (rTm-WAP49) induces strong
Furthermore, the activity of the recombinant enzyme and type 2 protective immunity (48% worm burden reduction).
subtypes of AChE in the somatic extract of N. brasiliensis These authors also confirmed Tm-WAP is a potent
could be inhibited by serum antibody (Ball et al., 2007); immunodominant antigen abundantly secreted by T. muris
however, despite the promising results, no further studies adult worms and that recombinant Tm-WAP does not elicit
pursued the development of a vaccine using this antigen-specific IgE response. Furthermore, in this study the
recombinant protein. immunogenicity of the protein expressed with a Na-GST-1-tag
Cystatins, a group of proteins with immunomodulatory (rTm-WAP-F8+Na-GST-1) was shown to be protective (38%
properties secreted by helminths, are implicated in several protection) in the susceptible AKR strain, although protection
biological and pathological processes such as antigen was related to the WAP fragment and not to the GST tag (Briggs
processing, protein catabolism, and inflammation (Hartmann et al., 2018), which could reflect the unessential requirement of
et al., 1997). Furthermore, cystatins have been identified in blood in the parasite’s feeding process and impact a potential
numerous parasite species including N. brasiliensis, where mice pan-nematode vaccine using this enzyme as discussed above.
immunized with recombinant nippocystatin became partially In the case of Ascaris, A. suum has been widely used to assess
resistant to infection, suggesting that N. brasiliensis might the protection efficacy of different recombinant proteins in a
evade the host defense system using this protease inhibitor mouse model of infection, and at least 5 candidates have been
(Dainichi et al., 2001), although no other studies have tried to characterized to date (i.e. As14,As16, As24, As37 and As-Enol-1),
develop this molecule into a vaccine candidate in N. brasiliensis all of them having direct homologs in A. lumbricoides (reviewed in
or other hookworms. (Zhan et al., 2014). While As-Enol-1 was developed as a DNA
Coakley et al. showed that extracellular vesicles (EVs) from vaccine, having 61% efficacy in terms of larval recovery (Chen
H. polygyrus bakeri are internalized by macrophages and can et al., 2012), As14,As16, As24 and As37 were tested in
suppress host macrophage activation and inhibit expression of recombinant form and elicited a significant protection against
the IL-33 receptor subunit ST2. Further, vaccination with EVs subsequent infection ranging from 58-69% (Tsuji et al., 2001; Tsuji
elicited a protective immunity against H. polygyrus bakeri et al., 2002; Tsuji et al., 2003; Islam et al., 2005). Despite As-GST-1
challenge in mice, suggesting EVs might play an important has been proposed as a potential candidate mainly due to its
role in vivo (Coakley et al., 2017). The similarity of the EV homology (>50%) to Na-GST-1 at the aminoacid level (Liebau
proteomes between H. polygyrus bakeri and N. americanus is yet et al., 1997), its high allergenicity will have an important impact for
to be determined since EVs from the human hookworm have not the design on an anti-Ascaris vaccine (Acevedo et al., 2013).
been characterized yet. Importantly, since A. lumbricoides feeds on the host’s luminal
T. muris is a well-established model for host immunity. content and not on blood, we might also speculate that this protein
Chronic infections using this model are obtained by a high- will not be part of the blood-feeding detoxification pathway, which
dose infection in the susceptible mouse strain AKR or by a low- might hamper its use as a vaccine, similarly to what occurs in
dose infection in C57BL/6 mice. Furthermore, this model is H. polygyrus bakeri as described above.
widely used for assessing the efficacy and immunogenicity of
vaccine antigen candidates against whipworm infections (Boes
and Helwigh, 2000; Hurst and Else, 2013). Indeed, vaccination USING MURINE MODELS FOR THE
with T. muris ES products has been shown to elicit protective DISCOVERY OF NOVEL
immunity in murine models (Jenkins and Wakelin, 1977; Jenkins IMMUNOMODULATORS
and Wakelin, 1983; Dixon et al., 2008; Dixon et al., 2010; Liu
et al., 2017). Furthermore, a recent study showed that Despite the significant harm caused by parasitic worms,
immunisation with T. muris ES proteins stimulates long-lasting numerous investigations have shown the faculty of helminths,
protection against a subsequent low dose infection, which and hookworms in particular, to modulate inflammation and
naturally results in chronic infections (Shears et al., 2018). In their potential to treat inflammatory diseases (Croese, 2006;
this study, 11 potential immunogenic proteins were identified, Feary et al., 2009; Croese et al., 2015). Indeed, different authors
including serpin, TCTP, GSCP and iPMG, all of which have have suggested that allergies and autoimmune disorders are a
direct homologues in T. trichiura (Shears et al., 2018) and could consequence of our altered and reduced exposure to infectious

Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology | www.frontiersin.org 7 April 2021 | Volume 11 | Article 639573
Montaño et al. Soil-Transmitted Helminths Rodent Models

antigens, including helminths (Wills-Karp et al., 2001; Alarmin Release Inhibitor) and HpBARI (H. polygyrus bakeri
Yazdanbakhsh, 2002; Rook, 2005; Maizels and Nussey, 2013). Binds Alarmin Receptor and Inhibits). Hp-TGM has been shown
Chronic hookworm infections are characterized by a robust and to drive Treg production in mice and humans by binding to the
enduring Th2 cell response, and infected individuals do not show mammalian TGF-b complex, despite it has no sequence
any signs of allergy and are, in fact, protected from developing homology to mammalian TGF-b (Johnston et al., 2017).
allergies (Scrivener et al., 2001). In the case of hookworm models, Furthermore, treatment with rHp-TGM increased the number
rodents develop similar Th2 responses as observed in humans, of Treg cells in draining lymph nodes at the site of graft
and different studies have demonstrated the role of secreted transplant in mice, resulting in delayed allograft rejection
proteins and other molecules in the immunomodulatory (Grainger et al., 2010; Johnston et al., 2017). HpARI is a
processes (Hewitson et al., 2009). Since the secretome of N. cytokine-binding protein that prevents alarmin release within
americanus was unknown until very recently (Logan et al., 2020), necrotic cells by binding directly to IL-33 and nuclear DNA
the scientific community has put the focus on the proteins (Osbourn et al., 2017; Chauché et al., 2020). Indeed, intranasally-
secreted by the rodent hookworms and other STHs for their administered rHpARI suppressed eosinophil responses and
potential therapeutic action against allergies and possibly other ILC2s in the lungs of mice following the exposure to
inflammatory and autoimmune diseases (Table 1) (van Riet Alternaria allergen, while it increases worm burden and
et al., 2007), including inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), type suppresses type 2 responses in N. brasiliensis-infected mice
1 diabetes, celiac disease and others (Helmby, 2015; Smallwood (Osbourn et al., 2017). It has also been shown that H.
et al., 2017). polygyrus bakeri can block the IL-33 pathway by blocking the
Human trials using live hookworm infections have been and cytokine and its receptor via both HpARI and HpBARI,
are currently in development, but present strong limitations and respectively (Vacca et al., 2020). The same authors also
challenges such as cost, reproducibility and ethical issues. identified a close homologue of HpBARI (HpBARI_Hom2),
Consequently, animal models are invaluable research tools that which binds and inhibits the human form of the IL-33
might provide new knowledge about the individual molecules receptor (Vacca et al., 2020). These discoveries highlight a
involved in the immunomodulatory processes. For instance, the potential use for the referred proteins in a wide variety of
41 kDa neutrophil inhibitory factor (NIF) and the tissue inflammatory settings, particularly in asthma (Chauché
inhibitors of metalloprotease Ac-TMP-2 (renamed as Ac-AIP- et al., 2020).
2) were characterised from A. caninum and have been shown to It is also remarkable that calreticulin from H. polygyrus bakeri
have important anti-inflammatory properties (Xu et al., 2000; has been shown to promote Th2 cell-responses but no further
Navarro et al., 2016). Similarly, a serine protease inhibitor from studies have explored into the immunomodulatory effects of this
T. suis (TsCEI), as well as the proteins triosephosphate isomerase molecule (Rzepecka et al., 2009).
and nucleoside diphosphate kinase have been shown to have Although cystatins have been used as vaccination targets,
important immunomodulatory properties (Rhoads et al., 2000; rHp-CPI from H. polygyrus bakeri is also capable to modulate the
Leroux et al., 2018). Other hookworm proteins and their activation and differentiation of bone-marrow-derived CD11c+
immunomodulatory roles have been reviewed elsewhere DC (BMDC), and to interfere with antigen and MHC-II
(Abuzeid et al., 2020; Ryan et al., 2020). molecule processing and Toll-like receptor signalling pathway,
The immunomodulatory role of H. polygyrus bakeri is resulting in functionally deficient dendritic cells that induce a
indisputable. This role has been attributed, among others, to suboptimal immune response in mouse models. (Sun
different secreted proteins, including three proteins that belong et al., 2013).
to the complement control protein (CCP) superfamily: Hp-TGM In addition to individual molecules, the recent characterization
(H. polygyrus bakeri TGF-b mimic), HpARI (H. polygyrus bakeri of EVs secreted by different nematodes has highlighted their

TABLE 1 | Immunomodulatory molecules expressed in the hookworm models Heligmosomoides polygyrus bakeri and Nippostrongylus brasiliensis.

Molecule and Specie Function Reference


Hp-TGM H. polygyrus bakeri Ligation of TGF-b receptor on T cells leading to induction of Treg cells (Grainger et al., 2010; Johnston
et al., 2017)
HpARI H. polygyrus bakeri Blocks human and mouse IL-33 (Osbourn et al., 2017; Chauché
et al., 2020)
HpBARI H. polygyrus bakeri Blocks the receptor of IL-33 (Vacca et al., 2020)
HpBARI_Hom2 H. polygyrus bakeri Blocks the receptor of IL-33 (Vacca et al., 2020)
Calreticulin H. polygyrus bakeri Promotes Th2 cell-responses by interacting with scavenger receptor A (Rzepecka et al., 2009)
EVs H. polygyrus bakeri Suppresses host macrophage activation and inhibits expression of the IL-33 (Buck et al., 2014; Coakley et al.,
receptor subunit ST2. 2017)
EVs N. brasiliensis Suppresses inflammatory cytokines and increases expression of IL-10 (Eichenberger et al., 2018a)
Cystatin (HpCPI) H. polygyrus bakeri Modulates differentiation and activation of BMDCs resulting in non-functional (Sun et al., 2013)
dendritic cells.

Hp-TGM, TGF-b mimic; HpARI, Alarmin release inhibitor; HpBARI, H. polygyrus Binds Alarmin Receptor and Inhibits; EVs, extracellular vesicles.

Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology | www.frontiersin.org 8 April 2021 | Volume 11 | Article 639573
Montaño et al. Soil-Transmitted Helminths Rodent Models

potential role as immunomodulators. Administration of AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS

H. polygyrus bakeri EVs reduced lung immunopathology by
modulating innate immunity via suppression of the early IL-33 KM, CC, and JS analyzed the data, wrote, and edited the
and the later type 2 (specially ILC2) allergic responses (Buck et al., manuscript. All authors contributed to the article and
2014). Furthermore, N. brasiliensis secreted EVs suppressed the approved the submitted version.
production and secretion of proinflammatory cytokines and
increased the expression of IL-10, protecting mice from T-cell-
dependent induced colitis (Eichenberger et al., 2018a).
In conclusion, the latest advances have highlighted the FUNDING
similarities between several human nematodes and their
JS is a Miguel Servet Fellow funded by Instituto de Salud Carlos
respective murine models at a genomic and proteomic level.
III (CP17III/00002, MPY 406/18 and MPY 504/19). The funders
These results highlight the suitability of these models, not only
had no role in study design, analysis, decision to publish, or
for the study of the immune responses associated to infection
preparation of the manuscript.
with STHs, but also, in some cases, for the development of new
vaccine candidates and immunomodulatory molecules.
However, further research should aim at integrating the
different available omic technologies (e.g. transcriptomic, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
proteomic, metabolomics and lipidomic, among others) to
obtain a more comprehensive picture of the biology of these We would like to thank Dr. Mark S. Pearson for carefully reading
worms and confidently validate candidate molecules. the manuscript and providing comments.

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