The document discusses the musical scale and notes used in singing. It introduces the first three notes as Do, Re, Mi and explains their order. It then lists the seven notes of the musical scale - Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti - and provides a rhyme to associate each note with an image or idea to help remember the order. It repeats the rhyme three times, each time ending by bringing the singer back to the beginning note of Do.
The document discusses the musical scale and notes used in singing. It introduces the first three notes as Do, Re, Mi and explains their order. It then lists the seven notes of the musical scale - Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti - and provides a rhyme to associate each note with an image or idea to help remember the order. It repeats the rhyme three times, each time ending by bringing the singer back to the beginning note of Do.
The document discusses the musical scale and notes used in singing. It introduces the first three notes as Do, Re, Mi and explains their order. It then lists the seven notes of the musical scale - Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti - and provides a rhyme to associate each note with an image or idea to help remember the order. It repeats the rhyme three times, each time ending by bringing the singer back to the beginning note of Do.
The document discusses the musical scale and notes used in singing. It introduces the first three notes as Do, Re, Mi and explains their order. It then lists the seven notes of the musical scale - Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti - and provides a rhyme to associate each note with an image or idea to help remember the order. It repeats the rhyme three times, each time ending by bringing the singer back to the beginning note of Do.
When you read you begin with ABC When you sing you begin with Do, Re, Mi (Do, Re, Mi) Do, Re, Mi The first three notes just happen to be Do, Re, Mi, (Do, Re, Mi) Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti
Doe- A deer, a female deer
Ray- A drop of golden sun Me- A name I call myself Far- A long, long way to run Sew- A needle pulling thread La- A note to follow so Tea- A drink with jam and bread That will bring us back to Do, oh, oh, oh
Doe- A deer, a female deer
Ray- A drop of golden sun Me- A name I call myself Far- A long, long way to run Sew- A needle pulling thread La- A note to follow so Tea- A drink with jam and bread That will bring us back to…
Doe- A deer, a female deer
Ray- A drop of golden sun Me- A name I call myself Far- A long, long way to run Sew- A needle pulling thread La- A note to follow so Tea- A drink with jam and bread That will bring us back to… Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti So Do.