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Relays 2


Substation And Switchyard Maintenance


Relays - Unit 2 is composed of a one-hour videotape presentation and an accompanying text. The
videotape program is divided into six segments, and the text corresponds to the tape in both
organization and basic content. The recommended sequence of instruction is as follows:

1. After the instructor's introductory remarks, read the segment objectives found in the
block at the beginning of the first segment.
2. Briefly discuss the segment objectives with the instructor and other class members.
3. View the first segment of videotape.
4. Read the text segment that corresponds to the first segment of videotape.
5. Answer the questions at the end of the text segment. Check your answers against the
answers given at the end of the unit.
6. Participate in a class discussion of the material in the segment. Ask any questions you
might have concerning the material in the videotape and the text, and note any additional
information given by the instructor.
7. Perform the student exercises provided in the Instructor's Guide, as directed by the
8. Before going on to the next segment, be sure that you understand the major concepts presented
and the answers to the text questions.
10. A quiz covering the material in the entire unit (all six segments) will be administered by
the instructor after the unit has been completed.
11. Additional instruction and testing may be given at the discretion of the instructor in
accordance with company requirements.

This recommended sequence may be modified slightly by your instructor due to scheduling or other
special considerations.

Section Title .......................................................................... Page

2.1 Introduction to Relays ................................................................................ 2.1-1
2.1.1 Relay Elements ..................................... ..................................................... 2.1-2 Plunger Element .........................................................................................
2.1-2 Clapper Element .................................... .................................................... Induction Disc Element ............................... .............................................. 2.1-4 Induction Cup Element ............................... ..................... 2.1-5 Solid-State Circuitry ................................ .................................................. 2.1-6
2.1.2 Basic Protective Relay Functions ..................... ......................................... 2.1-7 Overcurrent Relays ................................. ................................................... 2.1-7 Directional Overcurrent Relays ....................... .......................................... 2.1-8 Reclosing Relays .............................................................. 2.1-10 Voltage Relays ..................................... .....................................................
.................................................................................................................... 2.1-
11 Auxiliary Relays .................................... .......................... 2.1-12
2.2 Differential Relays .............................................................................2.2-1
2.2.1 Differential Relay Operation ......................... ....................................2.2-1
2.2.2 Current Backfeed and Differential Relay Operation ...... ...................2.2-5
2.2.3 Types of Differential Relays............................................................... 2.2-7 Differential Relay with an Induction Disc Element ...........................2.2-7 Differential Relay with Plunger Elements .............. ......... 2.2-10
2.3 Transfer Tripping ............................................................. 2.3-1
2.3.1 Function of Transfer Tripping ......................... ........2.3-1
2.3.2 Transfer Tripping Example ........................... 2.3-2
2.3.3 Communication Channels and Equipment .........................................2.3-4
2.4 Distance Relays ..................................................................................2.4-1
2.4.1 Function of Distance Relays .......................... ....................................2.4-1
2.4.2 Zoned Protection .............................................................................. 2.4-3
2.4.3 Construction and Operation of a Distance Relay ............................... 2.4-7
Section Title Page
2.5 Pilot Wire Relaying ................................. 2.5-1
2.5.1 Pilot Wire Relaying System Components and Operation ... 2.5-1
2.5.2 Pilot Wire Relay Components and Operation ............ 2.5-7
2.6 Breaker Failure Relaying ............................. 2.6-1 2.6.1
Breaker Failure Relaying System Components and
Operation.......................................... 2.6-2 2.6.2 Breaker
Failure Relay Components and Operation ....... 2.6-6
2.6.3 Timing Relay Components and Operation ............... 2.6-10
Figure Title Page
2.1-1. Relay with a Plunger Element ........................ 2.1-2
2.1-2. Relay with a Clapper Element ........................ 2.1-3
2.1-3. Relay with an Induction Disc Element .................. 2.1-4
2.1-4. Relay with an Induction Cup Element .................. 2.1-5
2.1-5. Relay That Uses Solid-State Circuitry ................. 2.1-6
2.1-6. Overcurrent Relay .................................. 2.1-7
2.1-7. Directional Overcurrent Relay ........................ 2.1-8
2.1-8. Three-Phase Directional Relay ...... ................. 2.1-9
2.1-9. Reclosing Relay .................................... 2.1-10
2.1-10. Voltage Relay ...................................... 2.1-11
2.1-11. Auxiliary Relay ..................................... 2.1-12
2.2-1. Differential Relay System ............................ 2.2-2
2.2-2. Normal Conditions .................................. 2.2-3
2.2-3. Fault Condition ..................................... 2.2-4
2.2-4. Two Substations Servicing the Same Load .............. 2.2-5
2.2-5. Current Backfeed ................................... 2.2-6
2.2-6. Differential Relay with an Induction Disc Element ....... 2.2-7
2.2-7. Main Parts of an Induction Disc Differential Relay ...... 2.2-8
2.2-8. Electromagnet of Induction Disc Differential Relay ...... 2.2-9
2.2-9. Differential Relay System Containing a Differential
Relay with Two Plunger Elements ..................... 2.2-10
2.2-10. Normal Conditions .................................. 2.2-11
2.2-11. Large Fault ..................................... . 2.2-13
2.2-12. Small Fault ......................................... 2.2-14
2.2-13. Differential Relay with Two Plunger Elements .......... 2.2-15
2.2-14. Filter Circuit Components ........................... 2.2-16
2.2-15. Surge Device ....................................... 2.2-17
Figure Title Page

2.3-1. Portion of a Transmission System ..................... 2.3-2

2.3-2. Fault Close to Substation "A" ......................... 2.3-3
2.3-3. Transfer Tripping Components ........................ 2.3-4
2.3-4. Transmitter and Receiver for Microwave Transfer
Tripping ........................................... 2.3-5
2.3-5. Coupling Capacitor Voltage Transformer (CCVT) ........ 2.3-6
2.3-6. Line Trap with CCVT ................................ 2.3-7
2.3-7. Microwave Tower and Antennas ....................... 2.3-8
2.3-8. Telephone Interface Panels ........................... 2.3-9
2.3-9. Fiber Optic Line ..................................... 2.3-10
2.4-1. Portion of a Transmission System ..................... 2.4-1
2.4-2. Fault Between Substations "B" and "C" ................. 2.4-2
2.4-3. "Zone 1" Protection ................................. 2.4-3
2.4-4. Multiple "Zone 1" Protection ......................... 2.4-3
2.4-5. Overlapping "Zone 1" Protection ...................... 2.4-4
2.4-6. "Zone 2" and "Zone 3" Protection from Substation "A" .... 2.4-5
2.4-7. Multiple Three-Zone Protection ....................... 2.4-5
2.4-8. Distance Relay ..................................... 2.4-7
2.4-9. Distance Relay Balance Beam Element and Current Coil . 2.4-8
2.4-10. Voltage Coils ....................................... 2.4-9
2.4-11. Tap Plug and Core Screw ............................. 2.4-10
2.4-12. Distance Relay Directional Unit ...................... 2.4-11
2.4-13. Distance Relay Timing Unit .......................... 2.4-12
2.5-1. Pilot Wire Relaying System .......................... 2.5-2
2.5-2. Pilot Wire Relays: Normal Conditions ................. 2.5-3
2.5-3. Pilot Wire Relays: Fault Condition .................... 2.5-3
2.5-4. Pilot Wire Relays: Response to a Fault ................ 2.5-4 2.5-5.
Pilot Wire Relays Functioning as Separate Overcurrent
Relays............................................. 2.5-5 2.5-6. Fault
Outside Protected Area ......................... 2.5-6
2.5-7. Pilot Wire Relay .................................... 2.5-7
2.5-8. Saturating Transformer .............................. 2.5-8 2.5-9.
Coil and Contact Assembly ........................... 2.5-9 iv
Figure Title Page
2.6-1. Primary Protective Relaying and Breaker Failure
Relaying Systems ................................... 2.6-2
2.6-2. Distance, Distance Auxiliary, and Breaker Failure
Relay Operation .................................... 2.6-3
2.6-3. Timing Relay Operation.............................. 2.6-4
2.6-4. Auxiliary Trip Relay Operation ....................... 2.6-5
2.6-5. Breaker Failure Relay Components .................... 2.6-6
2.6-6. Induction Cup Element ............................... 2.6-7
2.6-7. Clapper Element .................................... 2.6-8
2.6-8. Internal Auxiliary Relay ............................. 2.6-9
2.6-9. Timing Relay ....................................... 2.6-10
2.6-10. Timing Relay Components ............................ 2.6-11
2.6-11. Dial to Adjust Variable Resistor ....................... 2.6-12

An electric power system includes generators, power transformers, transmission lines, switchgear,
distribution circuits, and residential and business customer equipment. At any time, severe weather,
accidents, or other factors may cause part of the system to fail. If the system is not properly
protected, a failure can result in personal injuries and extensive equipment damage. One of the keys
to protecting equipment and personnel from failures is to use protective relays.

2.1 Introduction to Relays

Protective relays constantly monitor system conditions. When a problem occurs, the relays locate its
source and start a chain of events to isolate it. Many different types of protective relays are used in
electrical power systems. This program focuses primarily on relays that are used in transmission
systems. Distribution system relays are covered in the Relays - Unit 1 program.

There are many similarities between transmission system relays and distribution system relays. For
example, many of the elements and functions of relays that are used in distribution systems are
comparable to those of relays used in transmission systems. Therefore, this program begins with a
review of distribution system relay elements and functions.
2.1 Introduction to Relays (continued)

2.1.1 Relay Elements

In general, a relay can use one or more of the following elements: a plunger element, a
clapper element, an induction disc element, an induction cup element, and solid-state
circuitry. Plunger Element

A relay with a plunger element is shown in Figure 2.1-1. Input to a relay that has a ri°^o^-
element -- v magnetic field in a coil. When the inout chances beyond a predetermined
value, the magnetic field attracts the plunger into the coil to close the relay's contacts.
2.1 Introduction to Relays (continued)

In a relay that has a clapper element (Figure 2.1-2), input to the relay creates a magnetic field at
one end of an electromagnet. When the input changes beyond a desired value, the magnetic field
attracts a hinged plate to the electromagnet to close the relay's contacts.
2.11 Introduction to Relays (continued) Induction Disc Element

A relay with an induction disc element (Figure 2.1-3) has an electromagnet (not visible) that is
intersected by a metallic disc. Input to the relay creates a magnetic field in the electromagnet that cuts
through the disc, producing a torque on the disc. The torque is opposed by the tension of a restraining
spring. When input to the relay changes beyond a desired value, the torque overcomes the spring tension,
causing the disc to rotate and close the relay's contacts.
2.12 Introduction to Relays (continued)
9.1.1.Y L.3...m:.... Cup Element
The main parts of a relay with an induction cup element are illustrated in Figure
2.1-4. Input to a relay that uses an induction cup element creates magnetic fields at
the pole faces of several electromagnets. These magnetic fields create a torque on
the cup. When the input changes beyond a predetermined value, the torque
becomes great enough to rotate the cup and close the relay's contacts.
13.1 Introduction to Relays (continued) Solid-State Circuitry

The "element" in some relays is solid-state circuitry. Input to these relays is electronically
processed through the circuits. When the input changes beyond a desired value, the circuitry
provides an output signal. A relay that uses solid-state circuitry is shown in Figure 2.1-5.
2.14 Introduction to Relays (continued)

2.1.2 Basic Protective Relay Functions Overcurrent Relays

Overcurrent relays are typically used to protect distribution feeders from excessive current. For
example, when current on a distribution feeder increases above a predetermined value as the
result of a fault, an overcurrent relay will detect the increase and operate. An overcurrent relay is
pictured in Figure 2.1-6.
2.15 Introduction to Relays (continued)

21.2.2 Directional Overcurrent Relavs

Directional overcurrent relays are commonly used to protect system equipment from excessive
current flow in an undesirable direction. A directional overcurrent relay includes a directional
unit combined with an overcurrent unit (Figure 2.1-7). If current in the system flows in an
undesirable direction, the directional unit operates to complete a circuit for the overcurrent unit.
Then, if the current is higher than desirable, the overcurrent unit operates.
2.16 introduction to Relays (continued)

Sometimes, a three-phase directional relay (Figure 2.1-8) is used in connection with threesingle-
phase overcurrent relays. As with the directional overcurrent relay, when current flows in an
undesirable direction, the three-phase directional relay operates first. When the three-phase
directional relay operates, it completes circuits to the appropriate single-phase overcurrent relays.
Then it current is higher than desirable, the appropriate single-phase overcurrent relays operate.
2.17 Introduction to Relays (continued) Reclosing Relays

The function of a reclosing relay (Figure 2.1-9) is to reclose a circuit breaker after it has been
tripped open. Reclosing relays are often used in combination with overcurrent relays. For
example, a fault that occurs on a distribution circuit is often temporary. When the fault occurs,
an overcurrent relay typically trips a breaker to de-energize the circuit and isolate the fault.
Then a reclosing relay closes the breaker, sometimes immediately, to re-energize the circuit.
If the fault has cleared, service is re-established with minimal disturbance.
2.18 Introduction to Relays (continued)

[.1.t.4 voltage Relays

Voltage relays are commonly used to protect system and customer equipment from too
much voltage or too little voltage. Too much voltage (overvoltage) can damage electronic
components. Too little voltage (undervoltage) can cause motors to draw excessive current
and overheat. A voltage relay (Figure 2.1-10) can be set to detect and operate for either
lt d lt diti
2.19 Introduction to Relays (continued) Auxiliary Relays

Almost any protective relay can drive or be coordinated with an auxiliary relay. The
function of an auxiliary relay (Figure 2.1-11) is to assist a protective relay. For
example, if the contacts of a protective relay are not heavy enough to carry the larger
currents needed to trip circuit breakers, the protective relay could be used to trip an
auxiliary relay that is built to carry and interrupt the tripping current.

Some auxiliary relays have multiple contacts that allow the auxiliary relay to take the
signal from one protective relay and send it to several protective relays or circuit

Some auxiliary relays are used simply as counters. One application is to count the
number of times a reclosing relay operates.
2.1 introduction to Relays (continued)

2.1-1. Name five basic types of protective relay elements.
2.1-2. An overcurrent relay is typically used to protect distribution feeders from

2.1-3. A directional overcurrent relay protects system equipment from excessive current in an
______________________ direction.

2.1-4. A ________________________ relay, commonly used in combination with

overcurrent relays, is designed to close a circuit breaker after it has been
tripped open.

2.1-5. True or False. Voltage relays can be used to protect system and customer
equipment from too little or too much voltage.

2.1-6. A(n) ________________________ relay is often used with other protective

relays to help carry the large currents needed to trip circuit breakers.
RELAYS (continued)
2.2 Differential Relays

In many parts of a T & D system, a fault can have severe consequences. For
example, a fault inside a power transformer can quickly become a destructive
force. A fault on a transmission bus can knock out power to a large portion of
the system for a long time. In either of these situations, the time in which a fault
can cause severe and lasting damage is measured in fractions of a second. For
this reason, it is extremely important for relays to be able to quickly identify and
isolate a fault. The type of relay that is typically used to limit damage to
transformers and transmission buses is the differential relay.

2.2.1 Differential Relay Operation

A differential relay compares the current going to a transformer or bus with the
current leaving the transformer or bus. The relaying system is designed so that
during normal system operation, the currents that the relay sees should be equal.
However, when a fault occurs on the protected device, at least one of the currents
changes. The differential relay detects the difference and trips circuit breakers to
isolate the fault.
2.2 Differential Relays (continued)

Figure 2.2-1 is a simplified illustration of a differential relay system. The illustration represents
one phase of a three-phase system. Included are a source circuit, a bus, a load circuit, a circuit
breaker on each side of the bus, a current transformer on each side of the bus, and a differential

The main components of the relay illustrated in Figure 2.2-1 include two coils that are in
series with the current transformers, and one coil in parallel with the current transformers. The
two coils in series are called restraining coils, because they work to keep the relay contacts
open. Since the restraining coils are in series with the current transformers, current normally
flows through them. The coil in parallel with the current transformers is called an operating
coil, because it works to close the relay contacts. Since the operating coil is in parallel with
the current transformers, current does not normally flow through it.
2.2 Differential Relays (continued)

When conditions are normal (Figure 2.2-2), the current going to the bus is equal to the current
leaving the bus. The current in the relaying system flows through the current transformer
circuits and through the restraining coils. The current in the restraining coils keeps contacts in
the relay open
2.2 Differential Relays (continued)

When a fault occurs on the bus (Figure 2.2-3), current increases in the source circuit. As a
result, current in the source current-transformer (C-T) circuit also increases. When this
happens, the current in the source current-transformer circuit is greater than the current in the
load current-transformer circuit. The difference between the currents flows through the
operating coil of the relay. This current flow operates the relay and closes the relay contacts.
When the contacts close, trip signals will be sent to a circuit breaker on each side of the bus,
and the fault will be isolated.
2.2 Differential Relays (continued)

2.2.2 Current Backfeed and Differential Relay Operation

In some cases, when a fault occurs, current may backfeed from another source, through
the load circuit, to the fault. This situation is illustrated in Figure 2.2-4, which shows two
substations servicing the same load. When a fault occurs on the bus of one substation,
current may backfeed from the other substation, through the load circuit, to the fault.

For the arrangement represented in Figure 2.2-4, a differential relay system works a little
differently. Under normal conditions, the source current flowing to the bus is equal to the
load current leaving the bus. Current in the relay system flows through the current
transformer circuits and the restraining coils of the differential relay.
2.2 Differential Relays (continued)

When a fault occurs on the bus (Figure 2.2-5), current from the source circuit to the fault
increases, so current in the source current-transformer circuit also increases. In addition,
current in the load circuit changes direction and flows toward the fault, so current in the load
current-transformer circuit also changes direction. In this situation, the current in the source
current-transformer circuit is not only greater than the current in the load current-transformer
circuit, but the two currents oppose each other through the restraining coils of the relay. The
opposing currents combine and flow through the operating coil. This current flow through
the operating coil operates the relay and closes the relay contacts. When the contacts close,
signals will be sent to trip a circuit breaker on each side of the bus and isolate the fault.
2.2 Differential Relays (continued)

2.2.3 Types of Differential Relays

A number of different types of differential relays are used in T d: D systems. Two examples
are described in this section: one that uses an induction disc element and one that uses
plunger elements. Differential Relay with an Induction Disc Element

The differential relay represented in the preceding illustrations is shown in Figure 2.2-6. The
relay looks similar to an overcurrent relay.
28.2 Differential Relays (continued)

The __________ parts ~n of the cloy Figure 2.2-7) include an electromagnetic (.-
. r reliable . disc, a damping magnet, a moving contact, a fixed contact, a restraining
spring, and a time delay dial.
2.2 nifferential Relays (continued)

The main difference between the induction disc differential relay and an overcurrent relay is
in the electromagnet at the back of the relay (Figure 2.2-8). In the differential relay, the two
restraining coils are wound around one leg of the electromagnet and the operating coil is
wound around another.

Under normal conditions, current flows through the two restraining coils of the differential relay,
but it does not flow through the operating coil. The result is a torque that keeps the disc from
turning, and thus keeps the contacts open. When a fault occurs on the protected device, the
difference between the currents in the two restraining coils flows through the operating coil. The
current flow through the operating coil results in a torque that turns the disc, closing the relay
contacts. As a general rule, there are no pick-up current adjustments for this relay except for the
slight adjustment that can be made by changing the tension of a restraining spring. There is a dial
for time delay adjustment. However, because it is essential for a differential relay to isolate a fault
quickly, the delay is usually kept to a m minimun um.
2.2 Differential Relays (continued) Differential Relay with Plunger Elements

Another type of differential relay uses two plunger elements. Like other differential relays, it
responds to a difference in current, but its operation is different from that of the relay with the
induction disc element.

Figure 2.2-9 is a simplified illustration of a differential relay system with a differential relay that
uses two plunger elements. The illustration represents one phase of a three-phase system. Included
are a source circuit, a bus, a load circuit, a circuit breaker on each side of the bus, a current
transformer on each side of the bus, and a differential relay.
31.2 Differential Relays (continued)

The main components of the relay in this example include a voltage coil (plunger
element) with a filter circuit and a current coil (plunger element) with a surge device.
The filter circuit allows only a small amount of fault current to flow through the
voltage coil. The surge device prevents small amounts of fault current from flowing
through the current coil, but allows heavy fault current to flow through the coil.
Under normal conditions (Figure 2.2-10), the current going to the bus is equal to the
current leaving the bus. The current in the relaying system flows through the current-
transformer circuits. Because the filter circuit, the surge device, and the relay coils
are in parallel with the current-transformer circuits, current does not normally flow
through them.
32.2 Differential Relays (continued)

When a fault occurs on the bus, current increases in the source circuit and in the
source current-transformer circuit. Then, depending on the magnitude of the fault, the
difference in current between the source current-transformer circuit and the load
current-transformer circuit will flow through the filter circuit and the voltage coil, or
through the surge device and the current coil.

When the fault is large, as illustrated in Figure 2.2-11, the current in the source
circuit and the current in the source current-transformer circuit increase
significantly. Because the filter circuit can only carry a limited amount of current,
the excess current is allowed to flow to the surge device. The surge device instantly
conducts heavy current, allowing it to flow through the current coil. The current
flow through the current coil operates the relay so that signals will be sent to trip
the circuit breakers and isolate the fault. The total time it takes for heavy current to
flow through the surge device and the current coil to operate the relay is typically
yZ to 1 cycle, 1/60 of a second or less.
2.2 Differential Relays (continued)
2.2 Differential Relays (continued)

Figure 2.2-12 illustrates the system's response to a small fault. When a small fault
occurs, the source current and the current in the source current-transformer circuit
increase by only a small amount. As a result, the difference between the current in
the source current-transformer circuit and the current in the load current-transformer
circuit is small. The surge device prevents small amounts of fault current from
flowing through the current coil. However, the filter circuit, which carries light
current, produces voltage across the voltage coil. The voltage rises to its maximum
value in three to six cycles, which is a tenth of a second or less. When the rising
voltage exceeds a predetermined value, the relay operates to send signals that will
trip the circuit breakers and isolate the fault.
2.2 Differential Relays (continued)

TIC.. J:lfl-.Gnl IIlny a.N~c.a~iicJ iu Jw NIcwUII% illueuailuu> l~ ~Iluwn In Figure 2.2-

13. The plunger element on the left includes the voltage coil (hidden behind a nameplate).
The plunger element on the right includes the current coil (also hidden behind a nameplate).

The filter circuit associated with the voltage coil includes a reactor (Figure 2.2-14A), which is
essentially an induction coil, and capacitors (Figure 2.4-14B). Together, the reactor and the
capacitors carry light current and produce voltage across the voltage coil.
2.2 Differential Relays (continued)
2.2 Differential Relays (continued)

Tk~ '-IL-6' 'ua (Llu..bc clua..n<) ~pc.~t..a lit,, on ralu~. Tho reln~ contacts
close when the voltage input to the coil increases beyond a predetermined value and attracts the
plunger into the coil. The pickup voltage can be adjusted by moving the plunger into or out of
the coil.

The surge device associated with the current coil is shown in Figure 2.2-15. The surge device
allows heavy current to flow to the current coil, but it prevents light current from flowing to it.

The current coil operates like an overcurrent relay. The relay contacts close when current
increases beyond a predetermined value, and attracts the plunger into the coil. The pickup
current can be adjusted by moving the plunger.
2.2 Differential Relays (continued)
2.2-1. The type of relay that is typically used to limit damage to transformers and
transmission buses is a
2.2-2. True or False. A differential relay compares the current going to a protected
device with the current leaving the device.
2.2-3. (a) coils work to keep contacts in a Operating, Restraining
differential relay open, while (b) coils work (operating, restraining)
to keep the contacts closed.
2.2-4. True or False. A differential relay with an induction disc element operates
when current flows through its restraining coils.
2.2-5. Circle the correct answer.
A differential relay with two plunger elements a.
Responds only to large faults
b. Responds only to small faults
c. Responds to large faults and small faults in different ways
d. Responds to overcurrent conditions after a long time delay
2.2-6. A in a differential relay carries light (filter circuit, surge device)
current and produces voltage across a voltage coil.
2.2-7. A in a differential relay allows heavy filter circuit, surge device
current to flow to a current coil, but prevents light current from flowing to it.
2.2 Differential Relays (continued)

2.2-8. Circle the correct answer.

Which of the following are parts of the filter circuit in a differential relay?
a. Resistors b.
Capacitors c.
disc d. Reactor
e. All of the above
f. Only b and d
RELAYS (continued)
2.3 Transfer Tripping

2.3.1 Function of Transfer Tripping

Transfer tripping is a method of providing high-speed protection for transmission lines.

When transfer tripping is used, a relay in a given substation does two things in
response to a fault on a transmission line: (1) it trips breakers in the substation, and (2)
it sends a trip signal to a substation at the other end of the faulted line. Transfer
tripping is common in metropolitan areas where transmission lines are shorter and
high-speed protection is more crucial. In rural areas, where transmission lines are
longer, other, more economical means of protection are often used.
2.3 Transfer Tripping (continued)
2.3.2 Transfer Tripping Example

Figure 2.3-1 is a simplified illustration of a portion of a transmission system. Three

substations are represented, with transmission lines connecting them. Each
substation has a circuit breaker and a protective relay. The protective relay can be
any of a number of different relays.

The system represented in Figure 2.3-1 has been simplified for the purposes of
explaining transfer tripping. In many cases, substations are connected with more
than one source of power. In such cases, when a fault occurs on a transmission line,
fault current can flow to the fault from more than one source. To isolate the fault,
then, it is important for the relays at both ends of the faulted line to trip their
breakers simultaneously. If the relays at both ends of a faulted line operate
independently, the trips may not occur simultaneously.
2.3 Transfer Tripping (continued)

For example, Figure 2.3-2 illustrates a situation in which a fault has occurred in a
location that is close to substation "A" and farther away from substation "B." The
relay at substation "A" should immediately detect the fault and trip its circuit breaker
to disconnect the faulted line at substation "A." To isolate the fault, the relay at
substation "B" should also operate. However, because of the distance involved, the
relay at substation "B" may not detect the fault, or there may be a slight delay before
the fault is detected and the breaker is tripped.
2.3 Transfer Tripping (continued)

Because of the potential for damage from backfeed, any delays in isolating a faulted
line are undesirable. One way to isolate a transmission line instantly is by transferring a
trip signal from one substation to another. To do this, some additional components are
required. As indicated in Figure 2.3-3, these components are a transmitter, a receiver,
and a communication channel that links the relay in one substation with the relays in
the other substations

When transfer tripping is available, a fault that occurs close to substation "A" is
detected by the relay at substation "A," but the relay does more than just provide a trip
signal to the breaker in substation "A." The relay also provides a trip signal, through
the communication channel, that simultaneously trips the breaker at substation "B."

2.3.3 Communication Channels and Equipment

Various types of communication channels can be used for transfer tripping. Some of
the more common ones include a power line carrier, which involves sending trip
signals through the transmission line; microwaves; telephone lines; and fiber optic
2.3 Transfer Tripping (continued)

The equipment needed for transfer tripping depends partly on the communication channel
beine used. However. a transmitter and a .....i•.o. ... .,-~Iy :.. each substation where
transfer tripping is used. The transmitter (Figure 2.3-4A) enables a substation to send trip
signals. The receiver (Figure 2.3-SB) makes it possible to receive trip signals.
2.3 Transfer Tripping (continued)

In addition to transmitters and receivers, each communication channel uses specific equipment to
transfer trip signals from one station to another. For example, when a trip signal is transferred using
a power line carrier channel, the trip signal is coupled directly to the transmission line conductors.
The trip signal is put on the line at one location and removed at another location by a coupling
capacitor voltage transformer (CCVT). A typical CVVT is shown in Figure 2.3-5.
2.3 Transfer Tripping (continued)

A typical system that uses CCVT's operates as follows: when a protective relay at a substation
detects a fault, it operates to trip breakers in the substation. It also sends a signal to the transmitter,
which converts the local trip signal to a transfer trip signal. A CCVT in the same substation puts
the transfer trip signal on the faulted transmission line. The signal passes through the fault to the
substation at the other end of the line. At that substation, another CCVT takes the signal off the
line. A receiver then converts the signal to a local signal, which causes a protective relay to
operate and trip breakers that isolate the faulted line.

In addition to CCVT's, a carrier channel also uses line traps, or wave traps, as they are sometimes
called. A line trap (Figure 2.3-6) acts like a filter to prevent incoming transfer trip signals from
passing through a substation. Without a line trap, a transfer trip signal from one substation to a
second substation could pass through the second substation and cause relays in a third substation
to operate.
2.3 Transfer Tripping (continued)

When a microwave channel is used for transfer tripping, a microwave tower and antennas
(Figure 2.3-7) are used instead of CCVT's and line traps. Microwave antennas are used to send
and receive transfer trip signals by radio waves from one substation to another.
2.3 Transfer Tripping (continued)

Telephone lines can also be used for transfer tripping. When telephone lines are used, interface
panels (Figure 2.3-8) at the local substation convert the local trio signal to a telephone signal.
Interface panels at the remote substation convert the telephone signal back to a trip signal.
2.3 Transfer Tripping (continued)

A fiber optic channel uses a fiber optic line (Figure 2.3-9). When a fiber optic channel is
used for transfer tripping, interface panels at the local substation convert a local trip signal
to an optical signal. Interface panels at the remote substation convert the optical signal
back to a trip signal.

2.3-1. _____________________ is a method of providing high speed
protection for transmission lines.

2.3-2. True or False. When a fault occurs on a transmission line, fault current can
flow to the fault from more than one source.

2.3-3. Name four communication channels used for transfer tripping.

2.3 Transfer Tripping (continued)

2.3-4. Circle the answer that is wrong.

Components necessary for transfer tripping include
a a. Transmitter
b. Transformer c. Receiver d. Communication channel
2.3-5. A device used to couple a transfer trip signal directly to transmission
line conductors is a
2.3-6. work like filters on a carrier channel to prevent transfer trip signals
from passing through a substation.
RELAYS (continued)
2.4 Distance Relays

2.4.1 Function of Distance Relays

Another common method of providing high-speed protection for transmission lines is

the use of distance relays. A distance relay responds to the ratio of voltage to current on
the protected . line. For different distance relays, this voltage-tocurrent ratio may be
measured in the form of impedance, reactance, or admittance.

Figure 2.4-1 is a simplified illustration that is helpful in understanding how distance

relays are used. The illustration, which represents a portion of a transmission system,
includes three substations and the transmission lines that connect the substations. The
transmission lines represent one phase of a threephase system.
2.4 Distance Relays (continued)

The ratio of voltage to current for a fault at a given point on a transmission line is related to
distance. For example, in Figure 2.4-1, from substation "A," the voltage-to-current ratio for a
fault at point "1" is predictable within a reasonable range. The voltage-to-current ratio for a fault
at point "2" is also predictable. The ratio at point "2" is different from the ratio at point "1"
because point 11211 is a greater distance from substation "A."

The distance of any fault from a substation can be related to a voltage-to-current ratio. A distance
relay can be set for a specific voltage-to-current ratio so that it will operate for any fault within a
given distance from a substation.

The specific voltage-to-current ratio setting for a distance relay is affected by several
considerations. For example, a distance relay in substation "A" can be set for a voltage-to-current
ratio that would cause the relay to operate for a fault anywhere on the section of line between
substations "A" and "B." With this setting, however, the relay might trip for a fault near
substation "B" but between substations "B" and "C" (Figure 2.4-2). This type of relay operation is
undesirable, because the basic approach to transmission line protection is to isolate only the
section of line in which a fault occurs. For a fault between substations "B" and "C," a relay in
substation "B" should open a breaker in substation "B," and, possibly by transfer tripping, also
open a breaker in substation "C" to isolate the fault. If a distance relay in substation "A" operates,
it would isolate the section of line between substations "A" and "B," even though that section of
line does not have to be isolated to remove the fault from the system.
2.4 Distance Relays (continued)

2.4.2 Zoned Protection

To prevent undesirable operations, a distance relay is generally set to protect approximately 90% of
a line section. This protected section is typically referred to as "Zone 1" (Figure 2.4-3).

To protect line sections between substations, additional "Zone 1" sections can be set up (Figure
2.4-4). However, with this type of protection, approximately 10% of each line section is left
2.4 Distance Relays (continued)

A common way to provide complete protection for line sections is to use a distance relay in each
substation that provides "Zone 1" protection in the opposite direction (Figure 2.4-5). This
arrangement provides overlapping protection for each line section between substations.
2.4 Distance Relays (continued)

In addition to "Zone 1" protection, a distance relay may also provide "Zone 2" and "Zone 3"
protection. For example, as illustrated in Figure 2.4-6, "Zone 2" protection from substation "A"
covers the line section between substations "A" and "B," as well as part of the line section
between substations "B" and "C." "Zone 3" protection from substation "A" covers the line
sections between substations "A" and "B," substations "B" and "C," and part of the line section
beyond substation "C."
2.4 Distance Relays (continued)
"Zone 1" protection is usually instantaneous, while "Zone 2" and "Zone 3" protection are backup
protection. Backup protection is typically activated after a very brief time delay. For example, if the
fault indicated in Figure 2.4-7 is not immediately isolated by a "Zone 1" trip at substation "B," a
delayed "Zone 2" trip at both substation "A" and substation "B" will isolate two sections of the line. A
"Zone 2" trip at substation "A" will isolate the line section between substations "A" and "B," and a
"Zone 2" trip at substation "B" will isolate the line section between substations "B" and "C." If "Zone
2" protection fails, a delayed "Zone 3" trip will operate to isolate the fault.

"Zone 2" and "Zone 3" trips isolate more sections of line than just the section where a fault has
occurred. Ideally, a "Zone 1" trip will isolate the faulted section of line. However, if "Zone 1"
protection fails, it is better to isolate additional line sections than to let the fault remain.
2.4 Distance Relays (continued)

2.4.3 Construction and Operation of a Distance Relay

The distance relay shown in Figure 2.4-8 provides one zone of instantaneous protection and two zones of
time delay protection. Each zone of protection can be provided in a given direction. The relay has three
main portions: the "Zone I," "Zone 2," and "Zone 3" distance units; a directional unit; and a timing unit.
2.4 Distance Relays (continued)

In uda cwou.yl~, ti- three diatanaa ani" ara all of the "me basic construction. Each unit
has a balance beam element. A balance beam element (Figure 2.4-9) is similar to a clapper
element. It includes a beam with a pivot, a moving contact mounted on one end of the beam,
and a fixed contact just below the moving contact. Each distance unit also has a current coil
under the end of the beam that holds the moving contact. The current coil is energized by
current from a current transformer.
2.0 Distance Relays (continued)

Under the other end of the balance beam are two voltage coils (Figure 2.4-10). The voltage
coils for each distance unit are energized by voltage from a voltage transformer.

Under normal line conditions, the magnetic field in the voltage coils of each distance unit is
greater than the magnetic field in the current coil. This stronger magnetic field attracts the end
of the beam that is over the voltage coils, keeping the contacts open. When a fault occurs on
the protected transmission line, the magnetic field in the current coil increases, and overcomes
the magnetic field in the voltage coils. The magnetic field in the current coil attracts the end of
the beam that is over the current coil, closing the contacts.
2-4 Distance Relays (continued)

The voltage-to-current ratio at which a distance unit operates can be adjusted to change the distance
covered by a given zone of protection. This adjustment is made by moving a tap plug (Figure 2.4-
I1) to change the number of turns of the current coil that become energized, and by adjusting a core
screw (Figure 2.4-11) into or out of the coil.

The setting for the "Zone 3" distance unit is more sensitive than the setting for the "Zone 2"
and "Zone 1" distance units. The "Zone 2" setting is more sensitive than the "Zone 1" setting,
but less sensitive than the "Zone 3" setting. This means that for a "Zone 3" fault, only the
"Zone 3" unit will operate. For a "Zone 2" fault, both the "Zone 3" unit and the "Zone 2" unit
will operate. For a "Zone 1" fault, all three units will operate.
2.4 Distance Relays (continued)

When a fault occurs on a orotected tran%misGinn Imp, thr rnnTartc of •hn appropriate zone
distance units in the distance relay will close. However, in order for the distance relay to provide a
trip signal, both a distance unit and the directional unit must operate. The directional unit (Figure
2.4-12) is a basic induction cup element. It operates like a typical directional relay. When current
flows in a given direction, which can be called the tripping direction, the contacts for the directional
unit close instantly.
2.4 Distance Relays (continued)

In addition, whenever a fault occurs on a protected transmission line, the timing unit
operates. The timing unit (Figure 2.4-13) includes a small motor, a moving contact, and
"Zone Tl and "Zone 3" stationary contacts.

The general operation of the distance relay can be summarized as follows:

Will'. o fuel, w-- -.. L... .. •Lr. .A- t-l. ---- rl--e in the
tripping direction, three things happen: the contacts of the directional unit and the contacts of
the appropriate distance unit(s) close, and the timing unit starts. If the contacts for the "Zone
1" distance unit close, trip signals are immediately sent that open circuit breakers to isolate
the faulted line section.

If the "Zone 1" distance unit does not operate, but the "Zone 2" and "Zone 3" units do
operate, there is a delay before trip signals are sent to open circuit breakers. The delay is
provided by the timing unit. When the timing unit starts, its moving contact rotates until it
rolls over the "Zone 2" stationary contacts. When the moving contact and the stationary
contacts touch, trip signals are sent to open the appropriate breakers.
2.4 Distance Relays (continued)

If only the "Zone 3" distance unit operates, the timing unit's moving contact will roll over the
"Zone 2" stationary contacts without providing a trip signal. The moving contact continues to
rotate until it touches the "Zone 3" stationary contacts. When the moving contact and the
"Zone 3" stationary contacts touch, trip signals are sent to open the appropriate breakers. The
length of the time delay for both the "Zone 2" trip and the "Zone 3" trip can be changed by
repositioning the stationary contacts in the timing unit.

Although the distance relay used as an example in this section is typical of those in common
use, specific relay designs can vary. For example, instead of containing timing units and
directional units, some distance relays may be connected to separate timing and directional
relays. The principles of operation, however, are the same as those described.


2.4-1. Distance relays typically provide high-speed protection for


2.4-2. A distance relay responds to the ratio of (a) ____________________to

(b) ____________________ on a protected line.

2.4-3. True or False. Distance relays may be set to operate for any fault within a
given distance and for a fault in a given direction.

2.4-4. To prevent undesirable line isolation in response to a fault, distance relays

are often set to detect faults along specified sections of line called of

2.4-5. Circle the correct answer.

A distance relay typically provides _________________________
protection. a. Instantaneous
b. Backup (time-delayed)
c. No-fault
d. All of the above
Z4 Distance Relays (continued)
2.a-6. The distance relay shown lxaow has three main portions. Name them. a.
RELAYS (continued)
2.5 Pilot Wire Relaying

2.5.1 Pilot Wire Relaying System Components and Operation

Pilot wire relaying is similar to transfer tripping and to differential relaying. It is similar
to transfer tripping because pilot wire relays communicate between substations through
wires such as telephone lines. It is similar to differential relaying because pilot wire relays
respond to a difference in currents between two ends of a section of transmission line.

Essentially, pilot wire relays compare three-phase current at one end of a short
transmission line with three-phase current at the other end of the line. For short
transmission lines, current is relatively equal at both ends of the line. If currents are
unequal, or if they oppose each other, pilot wire relays operate.
2.5 Pilot Wire Relaying (continued)

The main components of a pilot wire relaying system are illustrated in simplified form
in Figure 2.5-1. The system includes two substations, which are connected by a three-
phase transmission line. Each substation contains a three-phase circuit breaker, three
current transformers, and a pilot wire relay. The relays in the two substations are
connected by pilot wires, which are conducting wires such as telephone lines.

Each pilot relay has the same components. These components include a sequence filter, a
saturating transformer, a restraint coil, and an operating coil. The sequence filter accepts
three-phase current inputs from the current transformers and converts them into single-
phase voltage outputs. The saturating transformer limits the voltage output that is impressed
on the pilot wires. The restraint coil works to keep contacts in the relay open, and the
operating coil works to close the relay contacts.
2.5 Pilot Wire Relaying (continued)

When transmission line conditions are normal (Figure 2.5-2), the voltages on the
pilot wires cause current to flow through the pilot wires and the restraint coils of
the relays. Because the operating coils are in parallel with the circuit, current does
not normally flow through them.

When a fault occurs on the protected transmission line (Figure 2.5-3), current on the
line reverses direction through the current transformers of one of the substations. As
a result, current in the pilot wire relay in that substation also changes direction, and
the currents from the relays in the two substations oppose each other in the pilot
2.5 Pilot Wire Relaying (continued)

Opposing currents in the pilot wires cause current to flow through the operating coils of both pilot
wire relays (Figure 2.5-4). When the current in the operating coil reaches a specific percentage of
the current in the restraint coils, each relay trips its circuit breaker. The circuit breakers open,
disconnecting the transmission line and isolating the fault.

If only one of the relays operates, that relay will trip its breaker. It also adds a transfer trip
signal on the pilot wire to ensure that the breaker opens at the other end of the line.

In some cases, there may be trouble with the pilot wires. For example, some weather
conditions can cause the pilot wires to open, or an automobile accident could knock down a
pole and take out part of the circuit. In such cases, the pilot wire relays serve as their own
backup by acting like separate overcurrent relays.
2.5 Pilot Wire Relaying (continued)

If a fault occurs while the pilot wires are open, as illustrated in Figure 2.5-5, current
cannot circulate through the pilot wires. Instead, it circulates through the relay circuits.
When current in the operating coils reaches a specific value, each relay will trip the
breaker at its end of the line section to isolate the fault.
2.5 Pilot Wire Relaying (continued)

A drawback of pilot wire relays acting like overcurrent relays is that if a fault occurs
outside of the protected section of transmission line (Figure 2.5-6), the resulting current
increase on the transmission line can cause the relays to trip their circuit breakers. This
results in isolating a section of line that it is not necessary to isolate in order to remove the
fault from the system. Therefore, open pilot wires should be repaired quickly so that the
pilot wire system can operate as it is designed to operate.
2.5 Pilot Wire Relaying (continued)

2.5.2 Pilot Wire Relay Components and Operation

The pilot wire relay represented in the preceding illustrations is shown in Figure 2.5-7.
Near the middle of the relay is the sequence filter, which converts three-phase current
inputs into a single-phase voltage output. Near the top of the relay is an assembly that
contains the restraint coil, the operating coil, and the contacts.
2.5 Pilot Wire Relaying (continued)

The saturating transformer is at the back of the relay (Figure 2.5-8). The
saturating transformer Inuits the voltage that is impressed on the pilot wires.
2.5 Pilot Wire Relaying (continued)

Figure 2.5-9 shows a closer view of the coil and contact assembly that was
identified in Figure 2.5-7. The restraint coil and the operating coil are wound on
the same center core of a magnetic frame. A leaf spring is fastened to the end of
the center core, and there is a moving contact on the end of the spring. A fixed
contact is mounted on the front of the magnetic frame, directly opposite the

During normal transmission line conditions, current in the restraint coil creates
a magnetic field in the magnetic frame. This magnetic field attracts the moving
contact in a direction that keeps the relay's contacts open.

When a fault occurs on the line, current that flows through the operating coil
changes the magnetic field. The moving contact is attracted in the opposite
direction, and the relay's contacts close. The amount of current needed to close
the contacts can be adjusted by moving shunts into or out of the magnetic
2.5 Pilot Wire Relaying (continued)

One of the advantages of pilot wire relaying is the speed at which it can work to isolate an
entire section of transmission line. However, pilot wire relaying is commonly limited to short
lines, a mile or so in length, because longer pilot wires generally have too much resistance
for accurate relay operation. To protect longer lines, other methods of high-speed relaying,
such as microwave transfer tripping, are generally used.
2.5-1. True or False. Pilot wire relays communicate between substations through
wires such as telephone line.
2.5-2. True or False. Pilot wire relays compare three-phase current at the two ends of
a short transmission line and operate only if the currents are equal.
2.5-3. Match each pilot wire relay component in Column A with the appropriate
function from Column B. Write the correct number in each blank.
Column A Column B
a. Operating coil (1) Converts three-phase
b. Restraint coil current inputs into
c. Saturating transformer single-phase voltage
d. Sequence filter outputs
(2) Works to keep contacts in
the relay open
(3) Works to keep contacts in
the relay closed
(4) Limits the voltage output
that is impressed on the
pilot wires
2.5 Pilot Wire Relaying (continued)

2.5-4. Under normal conditions, current flows through the pilot wires and the
coils of pilot wire relays. operating, restraint
2.5-5. When pilot wires become open, the pilot wire relays provide their own
backup by acting as relays.
RELAYS (continued)
2.6 Breaker Failure Relaying

A breaker failure relaying system is a system that detects a breaker's failure to

operate and then opens other breakers to isolate a fault. A breaker failure relaying
system can be used in a number of places in a substation. For example, it can
provide backup for circuit breakers that isolate a transformer or for a breaker that
isolates a transmission line.
2.6 Breaker Failure Relaying (continued)

2.6.1 Breaker Failure Relaying System Components and Operation

A breaker failure relaying system includes several relays, as indicated in Figure 2.6-1. Figure
2.6-1 is a simplified illustration of a transmission line with a primary protective relaying
system and a breaker failure relaying system. The primary protective relaying system includes
a potential transformer, a current transformer, a distance relay, a distance auxiliary relay, and a
circuit breaker. The breaker failure relaying system includes a current transformer, a breaker
failure relay, a timing relay and an auxiliary trip relay.
2.6 Breaker Failure Relaying (continued)

Normally, when a fault occurs on the transmission line (Figure 2.6-2), voltage and current
inputs to the distance relay cause the distance relay and its auxiliary relay to close their
contacts and send a trip signal to the circuit breaker. At the same time, current input to the
breaker failure relay causes the breaker failure relay to close two sets of contacts. One set
of contacts completes a circuit from the distance auxiliary relay to the timing relay. The
other set of contacts completes a circuit from the timing relay to the auxiliary trip relay.
When the distance auxiliary relay sends a trip signal to the circuit breaker, it also sends an
operating signal through the closed contacts of the breaker failure relay to the timing relay.
r I

If the breaker successfully trips and interrupts fault current, the distance relay, the
breaker failure relay, and the timing relay are all reset automatically. (In this
example, the distance auxiliary relay would be reset manually.)
2.6 Breaker Failure Relaying (continued)

If the breaker fails to interrupt the fault current, the timing relay times out and closes its
contacts. The timing relay then sends an operating signal through the closed contacts of the
breaker failure relay to the auxiliary trip relay (Figure 2.6-3).
2.6 Breaker Failure Relaying (continued)

The auxiliary trip relay closes multiple contacts (Figure 2.6-4), providing signals,
possibly by transfer trip, to open other breakers and isolate the fault.
2.6 Breaker Failure Relaying (continued)

2.6.2 Breaker Failure Relay Components and Operation

The breaker failure relay shown in Figure 2.6-5 has three main components: an induction cup element,
a clapper element, and an internal auxiliary relay with multiple contacts.
9.A RrraLnr Fvib.r~ n..o+ y:.. A (~.e~:....,-J)
he induction cup element (Figure 2.6-6) detects multiphase faults. It works like an overcurrent
relay. Normal line current results in a torque on the cup, but a restraining spring opposes the
torque and holds the contacts open. Fault current results in a torque on the cup that is strong
enough to overcome the force of the spring. As d result, the cup rotates, closing the contacts.
Pickup current, which is the current level needed to close the contacts, is determined by
adjusting the tension on the restraining spring.
2.6 Breaker Failure Relaying (continued)

Two o -pp- o.o..,a..< (Rleuro ]_6 ?) doco,_e~ ground faulec. In ~.c. ......
overcurrent relay. Normal line current has little ground current, so there is normally only
a weak magnetic field in the coil of the clapper element. The magnetic field is not strong
enough to attract the hinged plate. When a ground fault occurs, the ground fault current
results in a magnetic field that is strong enough to attract the hinged plate and close the
contacts. Pickup current is determined by moving a core screw into or out of the coil.
2.6 Breaker Failure Relaying (continued)

The internal auxiliary relay (Figure 2.6-8) is more commonly referred to as a telephone relay. It is
similar to a clapper element. The internal auxiliary relay contains the contacts for circuits to both the
timing relay and the auxiliary trip relay. When either of the multiphase or ground elements closes its
contacts, the internal auxiliary relay operates, closing contacts for the circuits to the timing relay and
the auxiliary trip relay.
2.6 Breaker Failure Relaying (continued)

2.6.3 Tiu~L% ICday Cwupuucuu Dual Ghclallun

An example of a timing relay that may be used in a breaker failure relaying system is shown in
Figure 2.6-9. The timing relay imposes a brief delay before tripping backup breakers. The delay
allows time for the primary relay to work.
2.6 Breaker Failure Relaying (continued)

Two main components of a timing relay are a timing element and an operating element.
The timing element can be a motor, or, as in the example shown in Figure 2.6-10, it can
be a solid-state timing circuit. The operating element is usually a telephone relay.

When the timing relay gets an operating signal, the timing element starts. For the
relay shown in Figure 2.6-10, this means that a capacitor begins building a
charge. If the operating signal is eliminated, the timing element resets. For the
relay circuit shown in Figure 2.6-10, this means that a capacitor is discharged to
return the timing circuit to normal.
2.6 Breaker Failure Relaying (continued)

If the operating signal is maintained until the timing element times out, the telephone
relay operates and closes its contacts. The closed contacts allow the timing relay to send
an operating signal through the breaker failure relay to the auxiliary trip relay, which, in
turn, trips other breakers. The amount of time delay that the timing relay provides can be
changed by adjusting a variable resistor (Figure 2.6-11).
2.6 Breaker Failure Relaying (continued)


2.6-1. A breaker failure relaying system detects a breaker's failure to operate

and then __________________ other breakers to isolate a fault.

2.6-2. Circle the correct answer.

A breaker failure relay system may be used as
a. A backup for circuit breakers that isolate a transformer
b. A backup for a breaker that isolates a transmission line
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above

2.6-3. True or False. A breaker failure relay may use an induction cup
element to detect multiphase faults and a clapper element to detect
ground faults.

2.6-4. A timing relay in a breaker failure relaying system provides a delay

to allow a ________________________ to work.

2.6-5. List two main components of a timing relay.

a. ______________________________
b. ______________________________
2.6 Breaker Failure Relaying (continued)

Refer to the following illustration of a primary protective relaying system and a

breaker failure relaying system to answer Questions 2.6-6 and 2.6-7.

2.6-6. Match each identification number in the illustration with the

appropriate relay in the list below. Write the correct number in each
a. Breaker failure relay
b. Timing relay
c. Auxiliary trip relay

2.6-7. Which three relays must close their contacts before the timing relay
can operate?
a. __________________________
b. __________________________
c. __________________________
RELAYS - UNIT Z (continued)
2.1-1. (These answers may be in any order.)
a. Plunger
b. Clapper c. Induction cup d.Induction disc
e. Solid-state circuitry
2.1-2. Excessive current
2.1-3. Undesirable 2.1-4.
Reclosing 2.1-5. True
2.1-6. Auxiliary 2.2-1.
Differential 2.2-2. True
2.2-3. a. Restraining b. Operating
2.2-4. False
2.2-5. c
2.2-6. Filter circuit
2.2-7. Surge device
2.2-8. f
RELAYS - UNIT 2 Answers (continued)

2.3-1. Transfer
tripping 2.3-2. True
2.3-3. (These answers may be in any order.)
a. Power line carrier b. Microwaves c. Telephone lines
d. Fiber optic lines
2.3-4. b
2.3-5. Coupling capacitor voltage transformer (CCVT)
2.3-6. Line traps, or wave traps
2.4-1. Transmission
lines 2.4-2. a. Voltage ' b.
Current 2.4-3. True
2.4-4. Zones 2.4-5.
2.4-6. a. Distance units
b. Directional unit
c. Timing unit
Answers (continued) 2.5-
1. True 2.5-2. False 2.5-3.
a. (3)
b. (2) c.
(4) d. (1)
2.5-4. Restraint 2.5-5.
Overcurrent 2.6-1. Opens 2.6-
2. c 2.6-3. True 2.6-4.
Primary relay
2.6-5. (These answers may be in either order.)
a. Timing element
b. Operating element
2.6-6. a. (1)
b. (2) c.
2.6-7. (These answers may be in any order.)
a. Distance relay
b. Distance auxiliary relay
c. Breaker failure relay
RELAYS - UNIT 2 (continued)
This glossary contains terms pertinent to the study of relays. The meanings of the terms are
given in that context.

Auxiliary relay - A type of relay that only operates when it

receives a signal from a protective relay.
Balance beam element - A relay element, similar to a clapper element,
that consists of a beam with a pivot, a
moving contact, and a fixed contact.
Breaker failure relay - A relay that detects a breaker's failure to
operate and then opens other breakers to
isolate a fault.
Clapper element - A relay element that operates when an
electromagnetic field attracts a hinged plate
to close contacts.
Communication channel - A pathway for sending and receiving
transfer trip signals.
Coupling capacitor voltage - A device used to put a transfer trip signal
transformer (CCVT) onto a line or remove a transfer trip signal
from a line.
Differential relay - A relay that compares current going to a
device with current leaving the device and
trips circuit breakers to isolate a fault under
undesirable conditions.
Directional overcurrent relay - An overcurrent relay unit and
a directional relay unit in a single case.
Distance relay - A relay that operates in response to a specific
ratio of voltage to current on a protected
transmission line.
Glossary (continued)

Fiber optic channel - A transfer trip communication channel in

which a trip signal is converted to an optical
signal and then reconverted to a trip signal
by interface panels.
Filter circuit - A device that allows only a small amount of
fault current to flow through a differential
relay voltage coil.
Induction cup element - A relay element that uses magnetic fields
created at the pole face of several
electromagnets to create a torque on a cup to
close contacts.
Induction disc element - A relay element that has
an electromagnet that is intersected by a
metallic disc.
Interface panel - A device used to convert trip signals to other
types of signals and back again during a
transfer trip.
Internal auxiliary relay - A relay that responds to the operation of
multiphase or ground elements to close
contacts; also called a telephone relay.
Line trap - A filter that prevents incoming transfer trip
signals from passing through a substation;
also called a wave trap.
Microwave channel - A transfer trip communication channel that
uses microwaves to send transfer trip signals
from one substation to another.
Operating coil - A component that works to close relay
Glossary (continued)

Overcurrent relay - A relay designed to operate when current is

higher than desirable in part of a T be D
Pickup current - The amount of current needed to close relay
Pickup voltage - The amount of voltage needed to attract a
plunger into a voltage coil to close a relay's
Pilot wire relay - A relay that compares three-phase
current at the ends of a short transmission
line and operates if the currents are unequal.
Pilot wires - Conducting wires, similar to telephone lines,
that connect pilot wire relays.
Plunger element - A relay element in which a magnetic field
attracts a plunger into a coil to close contacts.
Power line carrier channel - A transfer trip communication channel in
which transfer trip signals are sent over a
transmission line.
Protective relay - A relay designed to quickly detect and isolate
a fault.
Reactor - A part of a filter circuit in a given differential
relay that functions like an induction coil.
The reactor works with the filter circuit
capacitors to carry light current and produce
voltage across a voltage coil.
RELAYS - UNIT 2 Glossary (continued)

Reclosing relay - A relay designed to reclose a circuit breaker

after it has tripped.
Restraint coil - A component that works to keep the contacts
of a relay open.
Saturating transformer - A device in a pilot wire relay that limits the
voltage output that is impressed on the pilot
wires in a pilot wire relaying system.
Sequence filter - A device in a pilot wire relay that converts
three-phase current inputs into a single-phase
voltage output.
Solid-state circuit element - A relay element in which inputs
are electronically processed through
circuits to produce an output signal.
Surge device - In a differential relay, a device that blocks
small amounts of fault current, but allows
heavy amounts of fault current to flow
through the relay's current coil.
Timing relay - A relay that imposes a brief delay before
sending signals that cause breakers to trip.
Transfer tripping - A method of providing high-
speed protection for transmission lines by
tripping the breakers in one substation and
then sending a trip signal to the substation at
the other end of a faulted line.
Transmitter/receiver - A device used to send and receive transfer
trip signals.

Voltage relay - A relay designed to operate when voltage is

higher (overvoltage) or lower (undervoltage)
than desirable in part of a T & D system.
"Zone I" protection - The protection provided by a distance relay
for approximately 90% of a transmission line
"Zone 2" protection - A zone of backup fault
protection provided by a distance relay
that covers a line section beyond Zone 1.
"Zone 3" protection - A zone of backup fault
protection provided by a distance relay
that covers a line section beyond Zone 2.

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