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Electrostatics: A. Electricity Charged Objects

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After studying this module, hopefully you can understand the concept of static electricity in general.
More specifically, you will:
 Describing the electrostatic force (Coulomb's Law) on a charge point.
 Describing the electric field on the charge point.
 Formulating electric potential energy and its relation with the style / electric field and electric
 Formulate working principles chip capacitor in parallel.

A. Electricity Charged objects

Mica rub into dry hair. Then bring it to the top mica pieces dry paper. What happened? It turns
out small pieces of paper had been attracted by the mica.

Furthermore, take two sheets of mica, and rub it into the fabric. Then bring the plastic. What
happened? It turns out the two plastic will repel. Why is this?

Friction between the mica with dry hair and plastic scrubbing with a cloth will cause the plastic
becomes electrically charged. A kind of electrical charge will repel, and not a kind of electric
charge will attract. Benjamin Franklin stated that there are two kinds of electric charge, the
electric charge of positive and negative electric charge.

An object is composed of tiny particles called atoms. Atoms consist of a nucleus of an atom and
the atomic shell. In the atomic nucleus are neutrons and protons are positively charged. In the
atomic shell electrons are negatively charged. If the inside of the atom number of electrons
(negatively charged particles) is equal to the number of protons (positively charged particles), it
is said to be neutral atoms. Conversely, if an object to be bothered by other things, the atomic
equilibrium may also be disrupted. That is, if the first plastic is in neutral, then harassed by the
hair, then the electrons will move to plastic hair. So the hair will negatively charged due to
excess electrons and positively charged plastic will be due to a shortage of electrons.

B. Coulomb's law

You already know that if two similar electrically charged objects brought near, then the two
items to be repulsive. And conversely, when two similar electrically charged objects not brought
near, then the two objects attract each other. Now, what is the magnitude of the force of
attraction or repulsion between two objects? What are the factors that affect how much force is
attraction or repulsion?

This question is answered by a physicist named Charles Coulomb based on experimental results
that have been done, which is known as Coulomb's Law.

"The magnitude of the force of attraction or repulsion between two electrically charged objects
is directly proportional to the load large objects, and inversely proportional to the square of the
distance between the two charges."

Mathematically expressed as:

Information :
F : Coulomb force (Newton, abbreviated N)
Q1 : Electric Charge unity (Coulomb, abbreviated as C)
Q2 : Second Electrostatic Discharge (Coulomb, abbreviated as C)
r : The distance between Q1 and Q2 (meters, abbreviated m)
k : The constant of proportionality (9  109 NM2 / C2)

The constant k in equation (4.1) related to the electrical permittivity of free space (0) And
satisfy the relationship:
If the value of 0 = 8.85 × 10-12 C2 / NM2 inserted into equation 4.2, then the value of the
constant of proportionality is obtained for k = 9 × 109 NM2 / C2.

When calculating style antarmuatan using Coulomb's law, ignore the sign charge (taken positive
sign only). Its direction depends on the type of cargo, if like charges repel, and if the charge is
not a kind of attraction. If there are some electric charge, then the force experienced by a charge
is a result of the forces at work (using the vector rule). Very small electrical charge is usually in
the range ofC (1 C equals 10-6 C). Coulomb force direction to the outside of the positive
charges and toward negative charge.

C. Electric field

electric fieldis a space or area around an electrical charge, which is influenced by the electric
force. Quantities used to express a strong electric field is called the electric field (E).

Direction of the electric field is the same as the direction of the electrical force, which is out of
positive charges and toward negative charge. Consider the following picture!

+ -

Figure 4.1. Direction of the electric field around the positive and negative charges.
Presence or absence of electrical charge in a region, usually tested by storing a positive test
charge in the area. If the test charge got style, meaning no electric field in the area. Conversely,
if the test charge is not got style, meaning no electric field in the area. When the test charge a

force, a strong electric field in the area defined as the force experienced great test charge divided
by the test charge. Mathematically:

Information :
E : Strong Electric Field (N / C)
q0 : Payload Test (C)
Q : Payload Source (C)
r : The distance between Q and q0 (m)
k : The constant of proportionality (NM2 / C2)

A strong electric field at a point due to some sources point charge is determined by summing all
the strong electric field vector generated by each charge, as was done to calculate the Coulomb
force on a charge by some other charge.

D. Electric potential

Another quantity associated with the presence of electric charge is the electric potential. Unlike
the electric force and the electric field, electric potential is a scalar quantity, which only has
value and does not have a direction.

To determine the electric potential at the point, consider the following picture!

B + F A

Figure 4.2, The effort required to move cargo from point A to point B.

Suppose there is an electric charge q trapped in the electric field of E On the charge of
electricity will clearly work force of F with the direction the direction E. To move q from A to
B, the effort required for W so against the force F. From the law of conservation of energy , the
work done to move the cargo load equal to the difference in electric potential energy at point A
and B. Or WAB = EP = EPB - EPA. Electric potential difference at point B to point A is
defined as the effort needed to move electric charge from point A to point B divided by a large
load being moved. Mathematically:

The potential at point B can be determined by making VA = 0. This can be done by connecting
point A to ground. Thus, from equation (4.4) obtained electric potential at point B:

Unit of electric potential and electric potential difference is Joule per Coulomb or Volt. The
positive charge is naturally move from high potential to low potential. And conversely, negative
charge moves from low potential to high potential. The potential difference is commonly known
as voltage.

The relationship between the electric potential to the electric field is:

Where d is the distance between points A and B (meters).

E. capacitors

Capacitors or capacitor is an electrical apparatus that has a function as a store charge or

electrical energy. Capacitors are widely used in electronic circuits as an energy reserve that can
be used when needed. Capacitors are generally composed of two plates or metal sheets are
placed parallel and adjacent to, but not touching, as shown in the following figure.


Figure 4.3, Chip capacitor in parallel.

Quantities are expressed capacitors ability to store charge or energy is called capacitance or
capacitor capacity. Capacitance value depends on the area and the medium in the capacitor itself.
The magnitude of a parallel-plate capacitor capacity expressed as:

Information :
C : Capacitor capacity (F)
0 : Electric permittivity (8,85 × 10-12 C2/Nm2)
K : Dielectric constant
A : Chip Size (m2)
d : The distance between pieces (m)

When the capacitor potential difference V, the capacitors contain content immediately. One plate
received a positive charge and the other a negative charge. The process of charging the capacitor is
generally short-lived and when the capacitor is fully charged, then there will be no flow of electric
current coming again. The amount of charge stored in a capacitor is proportional to the potential
difference V and mathematically written:

Meanwhile, the energy stored in the capacitor satisfies the equation:


C1 C2
Series capacitor circui
The magnitude of the combined capacity:

Potential difference:
Charge stored:

Figure 4.4. Capacitors Series circuit.


Parallel circuit capacitor
The magnitude of the combined capacity:

Potential difference: V
Charge stored:

Figure 4.5. Parallel capacitor circuit.

F. Task

1. There are four electric charge, namely A, B, C and D. Payload A charming B, B refuses C,
and C draw D. If D is positively charged, specify the type of load A, B and C!

2. Why plastic ruler that has been rubbed into dry hair can pull small pieces of paper? Explain

To answer the question numbers 3-7, note the following pictures!

30 cm

+20C -20C

3. Determine the magnitude and direction of the force acting on each charge!

4. If the distance is changed to two times from the beginning, what is the magnitude of
Coulomb force that happen?

5. If the distance is changed to a half times from the beginning, what is the magnitude of
Coulomb force that happen?

6. If the charges changed to + + 20C 40C, what is the magnitude of Coulomb force?

7. If the charges +20C was changed to -20C, what is the magnitude of Coulomb force? Is
the kind of style?

8. Two points P and Q respectively electrically charged +20C and -45C separated by a
distance of 50 cm from each other. Determine the electric field strength at point X located at
a distance of 40 cm from 30 cm from the P and Q!

9. To move a charge q by 1C from point A to point B takes effort 2 × 10-4 J. Determine the
magnitude of the VBA and VAB!

10. Two parallel plates by a potential difference of 20 V so that there is a homogeneous electric
field between plates. If the distance between the two plates 5 cm, specify:
a. A strong electric field between plates!
b. If q = 2.5C is stored in between the plates, the force experienced how the charge?

11. Three capacitors each 2F, 3F and 6F strung together series and connected to a 12 Volt
battery. Specify:
a. kapasitamsi third equivalent capacitor
b. charge stored on each capacitor
c. the voltage of each capacitor!

12. Large pieces of parallel capacitor is C. If the distance between pieces made 0.5 times its
original and made three times its original extent, what is the capacitance now?






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