08 INVCBL-Emotional Physiological Control
08 INVCBL-Emotional Physiological Control
08 INVCBL-Emotional Physiological Control
Control Via Physiological www.auratransformation.org
Emotional Control Through State Change
❖ Masculine polarity
❖ Warrior-King (Male) vs. Dancing Lover (Female)
❖ “What’s a part of the dark side that you used to enjoy, that
honestly you miss, if you were honest? What were some things
you did when that dark side was there that felt good to you?”
❖ “When’s the last time you stepped up and faced something
intense and just dominated? When’s the last time?”
❖ The Mature Masculine does not mean giving up assertive, dominant,
powerful, strong, courageous Warrior-King. It means taking
Emotional Control of it.