Condor V1.1c: Runoffgroove's Famous Cabinet Simulator
Condor V1.1c: Runoffgroove's Famous Cabinet Simulator
Condor V1.1c: Runoffgroove's Famous Cabinet Simulator
Runoffgroove’s famous cabinet simulator
All credit for the circuit goes to You will also find a lot of sound samples and documentation
on their website.
This is my attempt on an easy-to-use PCB for this great circuit. There are a lot of cabinet simulators out there but I
think the Condor is one of the best. And using the Marshall mod makes it very versatile.
Bill of materials
Device# Qty Value Comment
Resistors R2,R3, 6 22k
R4,R9 2 18k
R5 1 1M
R6,R7,R8,R10 4 100k
Capacitors C1 1 47u polarized elektro
C2,C3,C13,C16 4 22u polarized elektro
C4,C7,C8 3 47n film
C5,C10,C12 3 1n film
C6 1 6n8 film
C9,C11 2 3n9 film
C14 1 1n2 film
C15 1 8n2 film
Diodes D1 1 1N4001
Transistors Q1 1 2N547 JFET
Trimmer TRIM1 1 25k/50k 6mm
Pots GAIN 1 1k-lin 16mm right-angle print
VOL 1 10k-log 16mm right-angle print
ICs IC1,IC2 2 TL072
Other SW1 1 DPDT
Start populating the diode and resistors and solder them. Then IC sockets and capacitors. Put in ICs and transistor
last. You may want to socket the transistor as well.
If you are unable to source 3n9 capacitors. Use a Mylar 2n7 and a ceramic 1.2 in parallel (yes, they fit through one
hole) and you are there.
The board mounted pots need to go onto the other side of the board. Use
some (double-sided) tape to make sure the pot cases do not shorten any
pins that come through the board. As you solder them it is good practice to
apply some solder to the middle pin first, then pull it back or approx. 1mm
and let it harden. Then solder the other pins. This will align the pot
horizontally in a better way and avoid shortcuts of the wide pot pins and the
Don’t forget to clip of the small bracket before you mount the circuit.
We could measure this, but this time we will do it by ear. Turn the trimmer to the middle position, connect battery and
in/out. Set gain and volume to 12 o’clock. Play some notes. You may have distorted, high pitch sound. Turn the
trimpot right until the distortion goes away and some bass is coming through. If you have turned it too far (i.e. the
volume drops) turn it back left a little until you have a clear audio signal again.
That’s it.
PCBs based on runoffgroove circuits purchased from TH custom effects are intended for DIY / non-
commercial use only. Any commercial use whatsoever is forbidden. Please contact runoffgroove for further