Health-Safety-Risk-Assessment-Template 1
Health-Safety-Risk-Assessment-Template 1
Health-Safety-Risk-Assessment-Template 1
Use this template to document a risk assessment to manage health and safety hazards and risks.
For more details on the risk management process refer to, Managing Health and Safety Risks.
Note: For risk assessments with curriculum activities refer to: Managing Risks in School Curriculum Activities.
Insignificant Minor Moderate Major Critical
Almost Certain Medium Medium High Extreme Extreme
Sun exposure Low Students apply sunscreen before leaving the school grounds, this
will be re-applied during morning tea and lunch breaks. Everyone is
to be wearing a hat and standard school uniform to reduce exposure
to the sun.
Anaphalxis or allergic High Students with anaphalaxis and/or allergic reaction are identified and
reaction must carry their epi-pen on them throughout the trip. The teacher
and all adults involved must be aware of where these learners are at
all times.
weather Medium If weather is to change for worse, the teacher has identified shelters
along the journey at: Quota park, under shop awnings, the council
chambers Nambour, Main park in Kin Kin, and the community hall
1. Are the planned control measures sufficient and effective in minimising the level of risk?
2. Have there been any changes to the planned control measures?
3. Are further control measures required in future?