Inductive Proximity Sensors PDF
Inductive Proximity Sensors PDF
Inductive Proximity Sensors PDF
Ring and Slot 871R Ring & 871S Slot Sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . page 2--201
Accessories Adaptors, Brackets, Covers, Caps, etc. . . . . . . page 2--207
Barriers & Isolators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 12--1
Features • Stainless steel face and barrel • Threaded, nickel-plated brass barrel • Threaded stainless steel barrel • Threaded stainless steel 316L
• Full mechanical seals (all-metal or plastic barrel • Cable or QD styles barrel
sensing models) • 360° visible LED • Short-circuit protection (DC models) • PPS (FDA Certified) plastic face
• ToughLinkt or PVC cable styles • Cable or quick-disconnect styles • Overload protection (DC models) • Standard and extended sensing
• Mini, micro or EAC micro QD styles • Short-circuit protection • Transient noise protection range
• Short-circuit protection • Overload protection • False pulse protection • Short circuit protection
• Overload protection • Transient noise protection • Reverse polarity protection (DC • Overload protection
• Transient noise protection • False pulse protection models) • False pulse protection
• False pulse protection • Reverse polarity protection • Reverse polarity protection
• Reverse polarity protection (DC
• Radio frequency interference
Available Models • DC 3-Wire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2--22 • DC 3-Wire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2--48 • DC 3-Wire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2--86 • DC 3-Wire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2--93
• DC 3-Wire Extended • DC 3-Wire • AC 2-Wire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2--88
Sensing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2--25 Short Barrel . . . . . . . . . . . . 2--52 • AC 2-Wire or 4-Wire
• DC 3-Wire Ferrous • DC 3-Wire Extended Ferrous Selective . . . . . . . . . 2--90
Selective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2--28 Sensing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2--56
• DC 3-Wire Nonferrous • DC 3-Wire
Selective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2--28 Short Barrel with
• DC 3-Wire Extended Sensing . . . . . . . . 2--60
Submersible . . . . . . . . . . . . 2--31 • DC 3-Wire Long Range . . . . . NEW
• DC 2-Wire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2--33 • DC 3-Wire
• DC 2-Wire Intrinsically Plastic Barrel . . . . . . . . . . . . 2--64
Safe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2--36 • DC 2-Wire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2--67
• AC/DC 2-Wire . . . . . . . . . . . 2--41 • DC 2-Wire QuadroPlex . . . . . 2--70
• AC/DC 2-Wire PLC • DC 4-Wire Complementary
Interfacer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2--44 Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2--72
• DeviceNett • AC 2-Wire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2--74
Sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . NO TAG • AC 2-Wire Extended Sensing 2--77
• AC/DC 2-Wire . . . . . . . . . . . 2--80
• AC/DC 2-Wire
Relay Output . . . . . . . . . . . . 2--83
Enclosure • Stainless steel face and barrel • NEMA 1, 2, 3, 4, 6P, 12, 13 IP67 • NEMA 1, 2, 3, 4, 12, 13 IP67 • NEMA 1, 2, 3, 3R, 4, 4X, 12, 13
• NEMA 1, 2, 3, 3R, 4, 4X, 6, 6P, 12, (IEC529) (IEC529) and IP67, IP68 and IP69K
13; IP67 (IEC529) • Nickel-plated brass barrel or plastic • 303 Stainless steel barrel
• 1200 psi (8270 kPa) washdown barrel, plastic face (PBT)
• IP69K (some models)
Additional Info • See page 2--21 • See page 2--47 • See page 2--85 • See page 2--93
Tubular Style Tubular Style Tubular Style Tubular Style Rectangular Style
• PTFE face/threaded PTFE-coated • PTFE face/threaded ptfe-coated • Thermoset plastic face/threaded • Plastic face/threaded nickel-plated • Plastic housing
brass barrel brass barrel copper barrel brass barrel
• Thermoset plastic face/ threaded • Plastic face/smooth nickel-plated
PTFE-coated brass barrel brass barrel
• Plastic face/threaded plastic
• Cable or QD styles • Weld field immunity • Micro and mini QD styles • Cable or QD styles • 5-position sensing head
• PTFE-coated brass barrel • Equal sensing • Copper barrel • Short-circuit protection • Rugged burn and weld-slag
• Weld field immunity • PTFE-coated brass barrel • Weld field immunity • Overload protection resistant housing on weld-field
• Short-circuit, false pulse, • Micro QD • Short-circuit, false pulse, • Transient noise protection immune models
overload, and transient noise • Short-circuit, false pulse, overload, and transient noise • False pulse protection • Mini and micro QD styles
protection overload, and transient noise protection • Reverse polarity protection • Weld field immunity (some
protection models)
• Equal sensing (some models)
• Short-circuit protection
• False pulse protection
• Overload protection
• Transient noise protection
• Reverse polarity protection (DC
• 12, 18, 30 mm • 12, 18, 30 mm • 12, 18, 30 mm • 3, 4, 5, 12, 18, 30 mm • 40 x 40 x 69 mm
• Weld Field Immune • DC 3-Wire Weld Field Immune . • Weld Field Immune • DC 3-Wire Small • DC 3-Wire . . . . . . . . . . . . 2--130
DC 3-Wire . . . . . . . . . . . . 2--98 2--104 DC 3-Wire . . . . . . . . . . . . 2--108 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . 2--114 • DC 4-Wire . . . . . . . . . . . . 2--133
• Weld Field Immune • Weld Field Immune • DC 3-Wire Extended • AC/DC 2-Wire . . . . . . . . . 2--134
AC 2-Wire . . . . . . . . . . . . 2--100 AC/DC 2-Wire . . . . . . . . . 2--110 Temperature Range . . . . . 2--117
• AC 2-Wire Full-
Featured . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2--119
• AC 2-Wire Plastic
Barrel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2--122
• NAMUR Intrinsically
Safe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2--124
• Analog Output . . . . . . . . . 2--127
• See page 2--97 • See page 2--104 • See page 2--107 • See page 2--113 • See page 2--129
Connections Flat Pack Style • Mini QD • Cable (STO or ToughLink™) • Cable (PVC)
• Cable • Micro QD • Mini QD • Pico QD
• Mini QD • Conduit/Terminal • Micro QD
• Micro QD • Conduit/Terminal
Block Style
• Micro QD
• Cable
Enclosure • NEMA 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 6P, 12 and 13, • NEMA 3, 4, 6, 12, 13, IP67 • NEMA 1, 2, 3, 4, 4X, 12, 13, IP65 • NEMA 4, IP67 (IEC529)
IP67 (IEC529), (IEC529) (IEC529) Plastic
1200 psi (8270 kPa) washdown Polyloy Self extinguishing glass-reinforced
• IP69K (some models) polyester body
Additional Info • See page 2--137 • See page 2--153 • See page 2--159 • See page 2--173
Features • Short-circuit protection • Superior LED visibility • Stainless steel probe with ceramic • Cable or micro QD style
• Overload protection • Weld-field immune face • Short-circuit protection
• Transient noise protection • Shielded construction • Low profile housing can be rotated • Reverse polarity protection
• False pulse protection • Short-circuit protection 304_ after installation without
• Reverse polarity protection (DC • Overload protection breaking pressure seal
models) • Transient noise protection • Shielded construction
• Stainless steel housing • False pulse protection • Weld-field immune
• Reverse polarity protection (DC • Short-circuit protection
models) • Overload protection
• Transient noise protection
• False pulse protection
• Reverse polarity protection (DC
Diameter • 76 x 38 x 59 mm • 47 x 18 x 18 mm • 64 x 48 x 37 mm installed • 12, 20, 50, and 100 mm
• 140 x 44.5 x 59 mm • 55 x 35 x 19 mm • 30 mm
• 47 x 18 x 24 mm
Available Models • Short-Range AC 2-Wire Inductive • DC 4-wire . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2--190 • DC 3-wire . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2--196 • 871R DC 3-Wire
Can . . 2--182 • AC/DC 5-wire . . . . . . . . . . 2--192 • AC/DC 2-wire . . . . . . . . . . 2--198 Ring Style . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2--202
• Long-Range AC 2-Wire Inductive • 871S DC 3-Wire
Can . . 2--182 Slot Style . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2--205
• Short-Range DC 4-Wire Inductive
Can . . 2--184
• Long-Range DC 4-Wire Inductive
Can . . 2--184
• Motion DC 4-Wire Inductive Can . .
Connections • Cable (PVC) • Micro QD • Mini QD • Cable (PVC)
• Mini QD • Micro QD • Micro QD
Enclosure • NEMA 1, 3, 4, 4X, 6, 6P, 12, 13, • IP67 • NEMA 1, 2, 3, 3R, 4, 6, 12, 13, • NEMA 4 IP67 (IEC529)
IP67 (IEC529), 1200 psi (8270 kPa) IP67 (IEC529)
Additional Info • See page 2--181 • See page 2--189 • See page 2--195 • See page 2--201
Active Face: Portion of the sensor from which the Isolation Voltage: Maximum rated voltage between Residual Voltage: The voltage across the sensor
electromagnetic field or ultrasonic pulse emanates. isolated outputs or input and output. output while energized and carrying maximum load
Axial Approach: The approach of the target with its Lateral Approach: The approach of the target current.
center maintained on the reference axis. perpendicular to the reference axis. Response Time: The sum of the time needed for a
Complementary Outputs: (N.O. & N.C.) A proximity Leakage Current: Current which flows through the string of electronic circuits to translate a change in
sensor that features both normally open and normally output when the output is in an “off” condition or light into a change of output status.
closed outputs, which can be used simultaneously. de-energized. This current is necessary to supply Reverse Polarity Protection: A circuit that uses a
Correction Factors: Suggested multiplication factors power to the electronics of the sensor. diode to avoid damage to the control in case the
taking into account variations in the target material LED (Light Emitting Diode): Semi-conductor that polarity of the power supply is accidentally reversed.
composition. When figuring actual sensing distance generates monochromatic light when current flows in Ripple: The variance between peak-to-peak values in
this factor should be multiplied with the nominal the conductive direction. An LED is the standard Light DC voltage. It is expressed in percentage of rated
sensing distance. Source for most photoelectric sensors. voltage.
Current Consumption: The current consumed by the Maximum Inrush Current: The maximum current Sensing Distance: The distance at which an
proximity switch when the output device is in the off level at which the proximity sensor can be operated approaching target activates (changes state of) the
condition. for a short period of time. proximity output.
Damping Material: Material which causes a decrease Maximum Load Current: The maximum current level Sensing Range: The sensing range is the distance
in the strength of the electromagnetic or electrical field at which the proximity sensor can be continuously within which the sensor will detect a target under
produced by the sensing coil. operated. fluctuations of temperature and voltage.
Differential Travel (Hysteresis): The distance Minimum Load Current: The minimum amount of Shielded: Sensor which can be flush mounted in
between the operating point and the release point. current required by the sensor to maintain reliable metal up to the plane of the active sensing face.
See Hysteresis. operation. Short Circuit Protection: (SCP) Sensor protected
Dual Output: Sensor which has two outputs which Nonferrous Metal: Any metal which does not contain from damage when a shorted condition exists for an
may be complementary or may be of a single type (i.e. iron. indefinite or defined period of time.
two normally open or two normally closed). Normally Closed: Output opens when an object is Sinking: See NPN.
Effective Operating Distance: (Sr) The operating detected in the active switching area. Sourcing: See PNP.
distance of an individual proximity switch measured at Normally Open: Output closes when an object is
stated temperature, voltage, and mounting condition. Switching Frequency: The maximum number of
detected in the active switching area. times per second the sensor can change state (ON
False Pulse: An undesired change in the state of the NPN: The sensor switches the load to the negative and OFF) usually expressed in Hertz (Hz). As
output of the proximity switch that lasts for more than terminal. The load should be connected between the measured in DIN EN 50010.
two milliseconds. sensor output and positive terminal. Target: Object which activates the sensor.
Flush Mounting: A shielded proximity sensor which Operating Distance, Assured: Between 0 and 81%
can be flush mounted in metal up to the plane of the Three-Wire Proximity Switch: An AC or DC
of the rated operating distance for inductive proximity proximity sensor with three leads, two of which supply
active sensing face. switches. power and a third that switches the load.
Free Zone: The area around the proximity switch Operating Distance, Rated: The operating distance
which must be kept free from any damping material. Two-Wire Proximity Switch: A proximity sensor
specified by the manufacturer and used as a reference which switches a load connected in series to the
Hysteresis: The difference, in percentage (%), of the value. Also known as nominal sensing distance. power supply. Power for the proximity switch is
nominal sensing distance between the operate (switch PNP: The sensor switches the load to the positive obtained through the load at all times.
on) and release point (switch off) when the target is terminal. The load should be connected between the
moving away from the sensors active face. Without Unshielded: Sensors which have longer sensing
sensor output and negative terminal. distances and a wider magnetic field but are sensitive
sufficient hysteresis a proximity sensor will “chatter”
(continuously switch on and off) when there is Programmable Output: (N.O. or N.C.) Output which to surrounding metal.
significant vibration applied to the target or sensor. can be changed from N.O. to N.C. or N.C. to N.O. by Voltage Drop: The maximum voltage drop across a
way of a switch or jumper wire. Also known as conducting sensor.
Isolated Output: An output that is optically separated selectable output.
from the input and other output and independent of the Weld Field Immunity: (WFI) The ability of a sensor
other output to a specified level. Repeatability: The variation of the effective operating not to false trigger in the presence of strong
distance measured at room temperature and constant electromagnetic fields.
supply voltage. It is expressed as a percentage of the
sensing distance.
Shielded Unshielded
+ +
Out Out
-- --
Connectors LED
2 1
3 4
2 3
Principles of Operation for Standard Target for The size and shape of the target may
Inductive Proximity Sensors Inductive Proximity Sensors also affect the sensing distance. The
following should be used as a general
guideline when correcting for the size
and shape of a target:
S Flat targets are preferable
Coil Oscillator Trigger Output
Circuit Circuit S Rounded targets may reduce the
Proximity Switch sensing distance
Inductive proximity sensors are
Motion Active Face
designed to operate by generating an 1 mm S Nonferrous materials usually reduce
electromagnetic field and detecting the the sensing distance for all-metal
eddy current losses generated when The active face of an inductive sensing models
ferrous and nonferrous metal target proximity switch is the surface where a
objects enter the field. The sensor S Targets smaller than the sensing
high-frequency electro-magnetic field
consists of a coil on a ferrite core, an face typically reduce the sensing
oscillator, a trigger-signal level detector distance
and an output circuit. As a metal object A standard target is a mild steel square,
one mm thick, with side lengths equal to S Targets larger than the sensing face
advances into the field, eddy currents may increase the sensing distance
are induced in the target. The result is a the diameter of the active face or three
loss of energy and a smaller amplitude times the nominal switching distance, S Foils may increase the sensing
of oscillation. The detector circuit then whichever is greater. distance
recognizes a specific change in
amplitude and generates a signal which Target Correction Factors for Hysteresis (Differential Travel)
will turn the solid-state output “ON” or Inductive Proximity Sensors
“OFF.” The difference between the operate and
To determine the sensing distance for the release points is called hysteresis or
Target Position materials other than the standard mild differential travel. The amount of target
steel, a correction factor is used. The travel required for release after
composition of the target has a large operation must be accounted for when
effect on sensing distance of inductive selecting target and sensor locations.
proximity sensors. If a target Hysteresis is needed to help prevent
constructed from one of the materials chattering (turning on and off rapidly)
listed is used, multiply the nominal when the sensor is subjected to shock
sensing distance by the correction and vibration or when the target is
factor listed in order to determine the stationary at the nominal sensing
Oscillator Response
nominal sensing distance for that target. distance.
Note that ferrous-selective sensors will
Vibration amplitudes must be smaller
not detect brass, aluminum or copper,
than the hysteresis band to avoid
while nonferrous selective sensors will
not detect steel or ferrous-type stainless
steels. Target
Motion Direction
The correction factors listed below can
be used as a general guideline. Switch Point
Output Voltage When Leaving
Common materials and their specific
Releasing Level correction factors are listed on each
Switch Point
Operating Level On product specification page. When Operating Hysteresis
(Nominal Sensing Range) x (Correction Approaching Distance
Output Off Off Factor) = Sensing Range.
Current ( l ) [kA]
field. This value is always dependent on the sensor.
target size, distance from sensing face, 20 Safe Zone
Perpendicular Mounting
speed of target and switch type. This
to the Current Line
indicates the maximum possible 10
number of switching operations per Current Line
second. The measuring method for 0 10 20 30 40 50
determining switching frequency with (0.5) (1.0) (1.5) (2.0) (2.5)
standard targets is specified by
IEC60947--5--2. Distance from Current Line (r) [mm (in.)]
Series Connected Sensors
Magnetic Field Sensors can be connected in series
Parallel Mounting with a load. For proper operation, the
Proximity Switch to the Current Line load voltage must be less than or equal
to the minimum supply voltage minus
Motion Sensor the voltage drops across the series-
Direction connected proximity sensors.
Targets of
Fe 360 or A570 Wiring Diagram for
Sn Grade 36 r
Series Connected Current
Sink Sensors (NPN)
+ --
m Current Line
PLC Wiring
K For PLC wiring information for Inductive
and Capacitive sensors, refer to
Wiring Diagram for publication 871--4.5, June 1996.
Parallel Connected
Current Source Sensors (PNP)
+ --
+ --
RG Load
Metal Metal
Shield Shield
Ferrite Core
Ferrite Core
Shielded construction includes a metal Unshielded sensors do not have
band which surrounds the ferrite core and this metal band.
coil arrangement.
d d d 3 Sn
d d
d 1.3dK
2d 1.8d
Tubular Style Extended Sensing (872C) Tubular Style Long Range Sensing (872C)
3 Sn 3 Sn 3 Sn Housing Diameter Dimension X
3d d
6.5 mm 1 mm
X 12 mm 2 mm
18 mm 4 mm
30 mm 6 mm
6 Sn 5d
2-- 12
Visit our website:
Preferred availability cat. nos. are printed in bold.
Inductive Proximity Sensors
Spacing Between Shielded Sensors (Flush-Mountable) and Nearby Metal Surfaces (continued)
Cube Style (871P VersaCube)
Active Face d d
Active Face d d
3 Sn
3d d 3 Sn
4d d
d 0.4d
Tubular Style Extended Sensing (872C) Tubular Style Long Range Sensing (872C)
6 Sn 6 Sn
Spacing Between Unshielded Sensors (Nonflush-Mountable) and Nearby Metal Surfaces (continued)
Cube Style (871P VersaCube)
Active Face
4dK d d
0.75d 0.75d
Side View
(amount of overhang)
6 Sn
Sensors for
Inductive Inductive
Vertical Position
Proximity Proximity Detection
Sensor Sensor
Metal Parts
Proximity Inductive
Sensor Saw Blade Returns for Proximity
Another Cut Sensor
Petroleum Industry—
Valve Position
Inductive proximity sensor used to detect a foil Ferrous selective inductive proximity sensor used to
seasoning bag inside of a cardboard container. sort ferrous and nonferrous can tops.
Inductive Bottle
Proximity Cap
Sensor 871Z Hole to
Metal Identify Weld
Can -- (Cathode)
+ (Anode)
On Line Parts Sorting Railroad Yard Position Sensing Coolant Resistant Sensing
7/ 4 in. Dia. Proximity
16 in. Sensors
2 in.
1″ 872C
8 in. Dia.
+ (Anode)
Insulation 871Z
Downslope -- (Cathode)
871TM Indicates
Transformer When Barrier Is
Pressure Sensor
Roll 871P
Detect Presence of
Bushing in Piston
A = Sensing Path
+ (Anode)
Check Parallelism
of Transversal Bar
with WFI Control
-- (Cathode)
871Z 871Z
Elevator Positioning
Rail Guide
2nd Floor
1st Floor
Rockwell Automation produces rail guide inductive proximity sensors for the positioning of elevator cars. These sensors offer
increased accuracy and longer life when compared to typical mechanical switches. They are a cost-effective solution for
lowering your repair costs and downtime. Contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or Allen-Bradley distributor for
a proximity sensor tailored to your requirements!
Load Current ≤200 mA
Capacitive Load ≤1 μF
Leakage Current ≤10 mA
Operating Voltage 10…30V DC
Voltage Drop ≤1V DC at 200 mA
871TM DC Cable Style Repeatability ≤10% at constant temperature
12, 18, 30 mm
Hysteresis 10% typical
False Pulse Protection Incorporated
Transient Noise Protection Incorporated
Reverse Polarity Protection Incorporated
Short Circuit Protection Incorporated (trigger at 340 mA typical)
Overload Protection Incorporated
Certifications UL Listed, CSA Certified, and CE Marked for all applicable directives
871TM DC Mini
Enclosure NEMA 1, 2, 3, 3R, 4, 4X, 6, 6P, 12, 13; IP67 (IEC529) all models;
Quick-Disconnect Style 1200 psi (8270 kPa) washdown; stainless steel face and barrel;
12, 18, 30 mm
ToughLink™ and micro connector versions are also rated IP69K (IEC 529)
Connections Cable: 2 m (6.5 ft) length
A2-- 3-conductor PVC
C2-- 3-conductor #22AWG ToughLink
H2-- 3-conductor #18 AWG ToughLink
Quick-Disconnect: 4-pin mini style
4-pin micro style
LED Red: Output Energized
Operating Temperature [C (F)] - 25…+70° (-- 13…+158°)
Shock 30 g, 11 ms
871TM DC Micro Vibration 55 Hz, 1 mm amplitude, 3 planes
Quick-Disconnect Style
12, 18, 30 mm
Correction Factors
Features Target Material Correction Factor
Steel 1.0
S 3-wire operation
Stainless Steel 0.9…1.0
S 3-conductor or 4-pin connection Brass 0.3…0.5
S 10…30V DC Aluminum 0.1…0.4
Product Selection
Cat. No.
Sensing Switching
Barrel Distance Output Frequency
Dia. [mm (in.)] Shielded Configuration [Hz] PVC Cable ToughLink™ Cable Mini QD Style Micro QD Style
NPN 871TM--DH2NN12--A2 871TM--DH2NN12--C2 871TM--DH2NN12--N4 871TM--DH2NN12--D4
2 (0.08) Y 75
PNP 871TM--DH2NP12--A2 871TM--DH2NP12--C2 871TM--DH2NP12--N4 871TM- DH2NP12- D4
NPN 871TM--DH4NN12--A2 871TM--DH4NN12--C2 871TM--DH4NN12--N4 871TM--DH4NN12--D4
4 (0.16) N 70
PNP 871TM--DH4NP12--A2 871TM--DH4NP12--C2 871TM--DH4NP12--N4 871TM- DH4NP12- D4
12 mm
NPN 871TM--DH2CN12--A2 871TM--DH2CN12--C2 871TM--DH2CN12--N4 871TM--DH2CN12--D4
2 (0.08) Y 75
PNP 871TM--DH2CP12--A2 871TM--DH2CP12--C2 871TM--DH2CP12--N4 871TM--DH2CP12--D4
NPN 871TM--DH4CN12--A2 871TM--DH4CN12--C2 871TM--DH4CN12--N4 871TM--DH4CN12--D4
4 (0.16) N 70
PNP 871TM--DH4CP12--A2 871TM--DH4CP12--C2 871TM--DH4CP12--N4 871TM--DH4CP12--D4
Recommended Standard QD Cordset (--6F = 1.8 m (6 ft), --2 = 2 m (6.5 ft)) 889N--F4AFC--6F 889D--F4AC--2
[mm (in.)]
Thread Size Shielded A B C D
Y 26.4 (1.04) 2.5 (0.10)
M12 X 1 12.0 (0.47) 49.8 (1.96)
N 19.5 (0.77) 9.4 (0.37)
Y 2.5 (0.10)
M18 X 1 18.0 (0.71) 55.4 (2.18) 41.7 (1.64)
N 14.5 (0.57)
Y 41.9 (1.65) 2.5 (0.10)
M30 X 1.5 30.0 (1.18) 57.9 (2.28)
N 39.4 (1.55) 18.0 (0.71)
Mini QD Style
A Normally Open or Normally Closed
LED NPN (Sinking) PNP (Sourcing)
C Load Load
B +
-- 10…30V DC + -- 10…30V DC +
[mm (in.)]
Thread Size Shielded A B C D
Y 25.4 (1.00) 2.5 (0.10)
M12 X 1 12.0 (0.47) 63.5 (2.50)
N 18.5 (0.73) 9.4 (0.37)
Y 35.1 (1.38) 2.5 (0.10)
M18 X 1 18.0 (0.71) 56.1 (2.21)
N 29.2 (1.15) 14.5 (0.57)
Y 41.9 (1.65) 2.5 (0.10)
M30 X 1.5 30.0 (1.18) 68.1 (2.68)
N 39.4 (1.55) 18.0 (0.71)
Micro QD Style
A Normally Open or Normally Closed
NPN (Sinking) PNP (Sourcing)
C Load
B -- +
-- +
M12 x 1 Load
10…30V DC
-- + -- 10…30V DC +
[mm (in.)]
Thread Size Shielded A B C D
Y 26.4 (1.04) 2.5 (0.10)
M12 X 1 12.0 (0.47) 61.0 (2.40)
N 28 (1.10) 9.4 (0.37)
Y 2.5 (0.10)
M18 X 1 18.0 (0.71) 65.0 (2.56) 41.7 (1.64)
N 14.5 (0.57)
Y 41.9 (1.65) 2.5 (0.10)
M30 X 1.5 30.0 (1.18) 66.3 (2.61)
N 39.4 (1.55) 18.0 (0.71)
Load Current ≤200 mA
Capacitive Load ≤1 μF
Leakage Current ≤0.1 mA
Operating Voltage 10…30V DC
Correction Factors
Target Material Correction Factor
Steel 1.0
Stainless Steel
(1 mm thick)
Brass 1.2
Aluminum 1.0
871TM DC Micro Copper 0.8
Quick-Disconnect Style
30 mm
S 3-wire operation
S 3-conductor, 4-pin connection
S 10…30V DC
S Short circuit, overload, false pulse,
reverse polarity, and transient noise
S Normally open or normally closed
S Equal sensing for both steel and
S cULus Listed and CE Marked for all
applicable directives IMPORTANT Due to the extended sensing capabilities of these
products, special mounting/installation considerations
may be necessary, please refer to publication
Product Selection
Cat. No.
Barrel Nominal Sensing Distance Output Max Switching
Dia. [mm (in.)] Shielded Configuration Frequency [Hz] PUR Cable Style Micro QD Style Pico QD Style
NPN 871TM--M3NN8--J2 871TM--M3NN8--D4 871TM--M3NN8--P3
3 (0.12) Y
PNP 871TM--M3NP8--J2 871TM--M3NP8--D4 871TM--M3NP8--P3
NPN 871TM--N6NN8--J2 871TM--N6NN8--D4 871TM--N6NN8--P3
6 (0.23) N
PNP 871TM--N6NP8--J2 871TM--N6NP8--D4 871TM--N6NP8--P3
8 mm ≤700
NPN 871TM--M3CN8--J2 871TM--M3CN8--D4 871TM--M3CN8--P3
3 (0.12) Y
PNP 871TM--M3CP8--J2 871TM--M3CP8--D4 871TM--M3CP8--P3
NPN 871TM--N6CN8--J2 871TM--N6CN8--D4 871TM--M6CN8--P3
6 (0.23) N
PNP 871TM--N6CP8--J2 871TM--N6CP8--D4 871TM--N6CP8--P3
Recommended standard QD cordset (--2 = 2 m (6.5 ft) PUR 889D--F4AC--2 889P--F3AB--2
Cat. No.
Barrel Nominal Sensing Distance Output Max Switching
Dia. [mm (in.)] Shielded Configuration Frequency [Hz] PUR Cable Style Micro QD Style
NPN 871TM--M6NN12--A2 871TM--M6NN12--D4
6 (0.23) Y
PNP 871TM--M6NP12--A2 871TM- M6NP12- D4
NPN 871TM--N10NN12--A2 871TM--N10NN12--D4
10 (0.39) N
PNP 871TM--N10NP12--A2 871TM- N10NP12- D4
12 mm 400
NPN 871TM--M6CN12--A2 871TM--M6CN12--D4
6 (0.23) Y
PNP 871TM--M6CP12--A2 871TM--M6CP12--D4
NPN 871TM--N10CN12--A2 871TM--N10CN12--D4
10 (0.39) N
PNP 871TM--N10CP12--A2 871TM--N10CP12--D4
NPN 871TM--M10NN18--A2 871TM--M10NN18--D4
10 (0.39) Y
PNP 871TM--M10NP18--A2 871TM- M10NP18- D4
NPN 871TM--N20NN18--A2 871TM--N20NN18--D4
20 (0.79) N
PNP 871TM--N20NP18--A2 871TM--N20NP18--D4
18 mm 200
NPN 871TM--M10CN18--A2 871TM--M10CN18--D4
10 (0.39) Y
PNP 871TM--M10CP18--A2 871TM--M10CP18--D4
NPN 871TM--N20CN18--A2 871TM--N20CN18--D4
20 (0.79) N
PNP 871TM--N20CP18--A2 871TM--N20CP18--D4
NPN 871TM--M20NN30--A2 871TM--M20NN30--D4
20 (0.79) Y
PNP 871TM--M20NP30--A2 871TM- M20NP30- D4
NPN 871TM--N40NN30--A2 871TM--N40NN30--D4
40 (1.57) N
PNP 871TM--N40NP30--A2 871TM--N40NP30--D4
30 mm 80
NPN 871TM--M20CN30--A2 871TM--M20CN30--D4
20 (0.79) Y
PNP 871TM--M20CP30--A2 871TM--M20CP30--D4
NPN 871TM--N40CN30--A2 871TM--N40CN30--D4
40 (1.57) N
PNP 871TM--N40CP30--A2 871TM--N40CP30--D4
Recommended Standard QD Cordset (--2 = 2 m (6.5 ft)) 889D--F4AC--2
[mm (in.)]
Thread Size Shielded A B C D
Y 45 (1.76) —
M8 X 1 8.0 (0.31) 45 (1.76)
N 41 (1.61) 4 (0.16)
Y 50 (1.96) —
M12 X 1 12.0 (0.47)
N 45 (1.77) 5 (0.19)
Y 50 (1.96) —
M18 X 1 18.0 (0.71) 50 (1.96)
N 43 (1.69) 7 (0.27)
Y 50 (1.96) —
M30 X 1.5 30.0 (1.18)
N 40 (1.57) 10 (0.39)
[mm (in.)]
Thread Size Shielded A B C D
Y 46 (1.81) —
M8 X 1 8.0 (0.31) 66 (2.59)
N 42 (1.65) 4 (0.16)
Y 41 (1.61) —
M12 X 1 12.0 (0.47) 60 (2.36)
N 36 (1.42) 5 (0.20)
Y 42.5 (1.67) —
M18 X 1 18.0 (0.71) 63.5 (2.5)
N 35.5 (1.40) 7 (0.28)
Y 42.5 (1.67) —
M30 X 1.5 30.0 (1.18) 63.5 (2.5)
N 32.5 (1.28) 10 (0.39)
Pico QD Style
Normally Open or Normally Closed
4 porthole A
LED indicators NPN (Sinking) PNP (Sourcing)
D -- +
C Load
+ 10…30V DC -- + 10…30V DC --
[mm (in.)]
Load Current ≤200 mA
Capacitive Load ≤1 μF
Leakage Current ≤10 mA
Operating Voltage 10…30 V DC
Voltage Drop ≤1V DC at 200 mA
871TM DC Cable Style Repeatability ≤10% at constant temperature
12, 18, 30 mm
Hysteresis 10% typical
False Pulse Protection Incorporated
Transient Noise Protection Incorporated
Reverse Polarity Protection Incorporated
Short Circuit Protection Incorporated (trigger at 340 mA typical)
Overload Protection Incorporated
871TM DC Mini Certifications UL Listed, CSA Certified, and CE Marked for all applicable directives
Quick-Disconnect Style (May not be available for some special order models.)
12, 18, 30 mm
Enclosure NEMA 1, 2, 3, 3R, 4, 4X, 6, 6P, 12, 13 IP67 (IEC529) all models;
1200 psi (8270 kPa) washdown; stainless steel face and barrel;
ToughLink™ and micro connector versions are also rated IP69K (IEC 529)
Connections Cable: 2 m (6.5 ft) length
A2-- 3-conductor PVC
C2--3-conductor #22 AWG ToughLink™
H2--3-conductor #18 AWG ToughLink
Quick-Disconnect: 4-pin mini style
4-pin micro style
871TM DC Micro
Quick-Disconnect Style LEDs Red: Output Energized
12, 18, 30 mm Green: Power/Short Circuit (flashing)—18 mm models only
Operating Temperature [C (F)] - 25…+70° (-- 13…+158°)
Features Shock 30 g, 11 ms
S 3-wire operation Vibration 55 Hz, 1 mm amplitude, 3 planes
Product Selection
Nominal Cat. No.
Sensing Output
Barrel Distance Configura- Switching Target
Dia. [mm (in.)] Shielded tion Freq. [Hz] Type PVC Cable ToughLink Cable Mini QD Style Micro QD Style
PNP 871TM--DF1NP12--A2 871TM--DF1NP12--C2 871TM--DF1NP12--N4 871TM--DF1NP12--D4
NPN 871TM--DF1NN12--A2 871TM--DF1NN12--C2 871TM--DF1NN12--N4 871TM--DF1NN12--D4
1 (0.04) Ferrous
PNP 871TM--DF1CP12--A2 871TM--DF1CP12--C2 871TM--DF1CP12--N4 871TM--DF1CP12--D4
NPN 871TM--DF1CN12--A2 871TM--DF1CN12--C2 871TM--DF1CN12--N4 871TM--DF1CN12--D4
12 mm 25
PNP — 871TM--DN2NP12--C2 871TM--DN2NP12--N4 871TM--DN2NP12--D4
NPN — 871TM--DN2NN12--C2 871TM--DN2NN12--N4 871TM--DN2NN12--D4
2 (0.08)
PNP rous — 871TM--DN2CP12--C2 871TM--DN2CP12--N4 871TM--DN2CP12--D4
NPN — 871TM--DN2CN12--C2 871TM--DN2CN12--N4 871TM--DN2CN12--D4
Recommended Standard QD Cordset (--6F = 1.8 m (6 ft), --2 = 2 m (6.5 ft)) 889N--F4AFC--6F 889D--F4AC--2
Available as a special order item. AC/DC models also available. Specifications and dimensions subject to change. Fifteen piece minimum order required. Consult your
local Rockwell Automation sales office or Allen-Bradley distributor for prices and lead times.
[mm (in.)]
Thread Size Shielded Target Type A B C D
M12 X 1 Ferrous and Nonferrous 12.0 (0.47) 51.0 (2.01) 27.5 (1.08) —
Ferrous 18.0 (0.71) 76.8 (3.02) 65.0 (2.56) —
M18 X 1 Y
Nonferrous 18.0 (0.71) 74.7 (2.94) 60.0 (2.36) 2.5 (0.10)
M30 X 1.5 Ferrous and Nonferrous 30.0 (1.18) 77.5 (3.05) 63.0 (2.48) 2.5 (0.10)
Mini QD Style
Normally Open or Normally Closed
A NPN (Sinking) PNP (Sourcing)
-- +
Load Load
C + --
7/8--16UN--2A -- 10…30V DC + -- 10…30V DC +
[mm (in.)]
Thread Size Shielded Target Type A B C D
M12 X 1 Ferrous and Nonferrous 12.0 (0.47) 61.3 (2.45) 30.4 (1.20) —
Ferrous 18.0 (0.71) 78.5 (3.14) 60.0 (2.40) —
M18 X 1 Y
Nonferrous 18.0 (0.71) 76.6 (3.02) 54.9 (2.16) 2.5 (0.10)
M30 X 1.5 Ferrous and Nonferrous 30.0 (1.18) 86.0 (3.39) 63.5 (2.50) 2.5 (0.10)
Micro QD Style
A Normally Open or Normally Closed
LEDs NPN (Sinking) PNP (Sourcing)
C -- +
-- Load +
10…30V DC
-- + -- 10…30V DC +
M12 x 1
[mm (in.)]
Thread Size Shielded Target Type A B C D
M12 X 1 Ferrous and Nonferrous 12.0 (0.47) 62.3 (2.45) 30.4 (1.20) 0.9 (0.04)
Y Ferrous 18.0 (0.71) 85.0 (3.35) 65.5 (2.58) 2.0 (0.08)
M18 X 1
Nonferrous 18.0 (0.71) 84.3 (3.32) 60.0 (2.36) 2.5 (0.10)
M30 X 1.5 Y Ferrous and Nonferrous 30.0 (1.18) 85.5 (3.37) 63.0 (2.48) 2.5 (0.10)
Load Current ≤200 mA
Capacitive Load ≤ 1μF
Leakage Current ≤10 mA
Operating Voltage 10…30V DC
Voltage Drop ≤1V DC at 200 mA
871TM DC Cable Style Repeatability ≤1% at constant temperature
18 mm
Hysteresis 10% typical
False Pulse Protection Incorporated
Transient Noise Protection Incorporated
S 3-wire operation Reverse Polarity Protection Incorporated
S 3-conductor or 4-pin connection Short Circuit Protection Incorporated (trigger at 340 mA typical)
S 10…30V DC Overload Protection Incorporated
S Short circuit, overload, false pulse, Certifications cULus Listed and CE Marked for all applicable directives
reverse polarity and transient noise Enclosure NEMA 1, 2, 3, 3R, 4, 4X, 6, 6P, 12, 13; IP68 (IEC529) and IP69K (IEC
protection 529); 1200 psi (8270 kPa) washdown; stainless steel face and barrel;
S Normally open or normally closed Connections Cable: 5 m (16.4 ft) length
output 3-conductor #18 AWG ToughLink
LED None
S cULus Listed and CE Marked for all
applicable directives Operating Temperature [C (F)] - 25…+70° (-- 13…+158°)
Shock 30 g, 11 ms
Vibration 55 Hz, 1 mm amplitude, 3 planes
Correction Factors
Target Material Correction Factor
Steel 1.0
Stainless Steel 0.9…1.0
Brass 0.3…0.5
Aluminum 0.1…0.4
Aluminum ≤0.020 Thick 0.9…1.1
Copper 0.4…0.6
Product Selection
Barrel Nominal Sensing Distance Output Switching Cat. No.
Diameter [mm (in.)] Shielded Configuration Frequency [Hz] Cable Style
NPN 871TM--DX14
5 (0.20) Y 60
PNP 871TM--DX15
NPN 871TM--DX16
8 (0.31) N 40
PNP 871TM--DX09
18 mm
NPN 871TM--DX17
5 (0.20) Y 60
PNP 871TM--DX18
NPN 871TM--DX19
8 (0.31) N 40
PNP 871TM--DX20
Note: These models are available as special order items. AC/DC and other DC models also available. Consult the factory for details.
[mm (in.)]
Load Current ≤25 mA
Minimum Load Current 2 mA
Leakage Current ≤0.9 mA
Operating Voltage 10…30V DC
871TM DC Cable Style Voltage Drop ≤8V
12, 18, 30 mm Repeatability 10% typical
Hysteresis 10% typical
False Pulse Protection Incorporated
Transient Noise Protection Incorporated
Reverse Polarity Protection Incorporated
Short Circuit Protection Incorporated
Overload Protection Incorporated
Certifications UL Listed, CSA Certified and CE Marked for all applicable directives
871TM DC Mini Enclosure NEMA 1, 2, 3, 3R, 4, 4X, 6P, 12, 13; IP67 (IEC 529) all models;
Quick-Disconnect Style 1200 psi (8270 kPa) washdown; stainless steel face and barrel;
12, 18, 30 mm ToughLink™ and micro connector versions are also rated IP69K (IEC 529)
Connections Cable: 2 m (6.5 ft) length
A2—2-conductor #22 AWG PVC
C2—2-conductor #22 AWG ToughLink
H2—2-conductor #18 AWG ToughLink
Quick-Disconnect: 4-pin mini style
4-pin micro style
LED Red: Output energized
871TM DC Micro
Quick-Disconnect Style Operating Temperature [C (F)] - 25…+70° (-- 13…+158°)
12, 18, 30 mm Shock 30 g,11 ms
Vibration 55 Hz, 1 mm amplitude, 3 planes
S 2-wire operation Correction Factors
S 2-conductor or 4-pin connection Target Material Correction Factor
S 10…30V DC Steel 1.0
Stainless Steel 0.9…1.0
S Normally open or normally closed
Brass 0.3…0.5
Aluminum 0.1…0.4
S Short circuit, overload, false pulse, Aluminum ≤0.020 Thick 0.9…1.1
reverse polarity, and transient noise
Copper 0.4…0.6
S UL Listed, CSA Certified and CE
Marked for all applicable directives
Product Selection
Sensing Switching Cat. No.
Barrel Distance Output Frequency
Dia. [mm (in.)] Shielded Configuration [Hz] PVC Cable ToughLink™ Cable Mini QD Style Micro QD Style
2 (0.08) Y 871TM--DH2NE12--A2 871TM--DH2NE12--C2 871TM--DH2NE12--N4 871TM- DH2NE12- D4
N.O. 75
4 (0.16) N 871TM--DH4NE12--A2 871TM--DH4NE12--C2 871TM--DH4NE12--N4 871TM--DH4NE12--D4
12 mm
2 (0.08) Y 871TM--DH2CE12--A2 871TM--DH2CE12--C2 871TM--DH2CE12--N4 871TM--DH2CE12--D4
N.C. 70
4 (0.16) N 871TM--DH4CE12--A2 871TM--DH4CE12--C2 871TM--DH4CE12--N4 871TM--DH4CE12--D4
5 (0.20) Y 871TM--DH5NE18--A2 871TM--DH5NE18--H2 871TM--DH5NE18--N4 871TM--DH5NE18--D4
N.O. 60
8 (0.31) N 871TM--DH8NE18--A2 871TM--DH8NE18--H2 871TM--DH8NE18--N4 871TM--DH8NE18--D4
18 mm
5 (0.20) Y 871TM--DH5CE18--A2 871TM--DH5CE18--H2 871TM--DH5CE18--N4 871TM--DH5CE18--D4
N.C. 40
8 (0.31) N 871TM--DH8CE18--A2 871TM--DH8CE18--H2 871TM--DH8CE18--N4 871TM--DH8CE18--D4
10 (0.39) Y 871TM--DH10NE30--A2 871TM--DH10NE30--H2 871TM--DH10NE30--N4 871TM--DH10NE30-D4
N.O. 40
15 (0.59) N 871TM--DH15NE30--A2 871TM--DH15NE30--H2 871TM--DH15NE30--N4 871TM--DH15NE30-D4
30 mm
10 (0.39) Y 871TM--DH10CE30--A2 871TM--DH10CE30--H2 871TM--DH10CE30--N4 871TM--DH10CE30--D4
N.C. 30
15 (0.59) N 871TM--DH15CE30--A2 871TM--DH15CE30--H2 871TM--DH15CE30--N4 871TM--DH15CE30--D4
Recommended Standard QD Cordset (--6F = 1.8 m (6 ft), --2 = 2 m (6.5 ft)) 889N--F4AFC--6F 889D--F4AC--2
Load Load
Brown Blue Brown Blue
[mm (in.)]
Thread Size Shielded A B C D
Y 26.4 (1.04) 2.5 (0.10)
M12 X 1 12.0 (0.47) 49.8 (1.96)
N 19.5 (0.77) 9.4 (0.37)
Y 2.5 (0.10)
M18 X 1 18.0 (0.71) 55.4 (2.18) 41.7 (1.64)
N 14.5 (0.57)
Y 41.9 (1.65) 2.5 (0.10)
M30 X 1.5 30.0 (1.18) 57.9 (2.28)
N 39.4 (1.55) 18.0 (0.71)
C -- +
10…30V DC
Note: Load can be switched to pin 2.
[mm (in.)]
Thread Size Shielded A B C D
Y 25.4 (1.00) 2.5 (0.10)
M12 X 1 12.0 (0.47) 63.5 (2.50)
N 18.5 (0.73) 9.4 (0.37)
Y 35.1 (1.38) 2.5 (0.10)
M18 X 1 18.0 (0.71) 56.1 (2.21)
N 29.2 (1.15) 14.5 (0.57)
Y 41.9 (1.65) 2.5 (0.10)
M30 X 1.5 30.0 (1.18) 68.1 (2.68)
N 39.4 (1.55) 18.0 (0.71)
C + --
10…30V DC
M12 x 1 Note: Load can be switched to pin 3.
[mm (in.)]
Thread Size Shielded A B C D
Y 26.4 (1.04) 2.5 (0.10)
M12 X 1 12.0 (0.47) 61.0 (2.40)
N 19.6 (0.77) 9.4 (0.37)
Y 2.5 (0.10)
M18 X 1 18.0 (0.71) 65.0 (2.56) 41.7 (1.64)
N 14.5 (0.57)
Y 41.9 (1.65) 2.5 (0.10)
M30 X 1.5 30.0 (1.18) 66.3 (2.61)
N 39.4 (1.55) 18.0 (0.71)
Outputs Normally Open
Max. Load Current 25 mA
Min. Load Current 2 mA
Leakage Current <1.0 mA
871TM Intrinsically Safe
Cable Style Operating Voltage 10…31.5V DC
Voltage Drop <8V DC
Repeatability 10% typical
Hysteresis 10% typical
Reverse Polarity Protection Incorporated
871TM Intrinsically Safe
Micro Quick-Disconnect Style False Pulse Protection Incorporated
Transient Noise Protection Incorporated
Description Short Circuit Protection Incorporated
Entity Parameters
Sensor Barrier
Imax 130 mA ≥ It
parameters must be
Pmax 1.25 W ≥ Pt
adhered to.
Ci 0 μF ≤ Ca
Li 0 mH ≤ La
Product Selection
Cat. No.
Nominal Sensing
Barrel Distance Output Switching ToughLinkt
Dia. [mm (in.)] Shielded Configuration Frequency [Hz] PVC Cable Cable Micro QD Style
2 (0.08) Y 871TM--DR2NE12--A2 871TM--DR2NE12--C2 871TM--DR2NE12--D4
12 mm 75
4 (0.16) N 871TM--DR4NE12--A2 871TM--DR4NE12--C2 871TM--DR4NE12--D4
2 m (6.5 ft)
[mm (in.)]
Thread Size Shielded A B C D
Y 38.4 (1.51) 2.5 (0.10)
M12 x 1 12.0 (0.47) 72.1 (2.84)
N 31.5 (1.24) 9.4 (0.37)
M12 x 1
[mm (in.)]
Power Supply
Inductive Proximity Zener Diode Barriers
& Load Circuits
871TM--DR Series
Barrier Bus 24V DC Nom.
(Pin 3) A-B #897H--S214 26V DC max
Brown Power Supply (+)
3 1
Sinking PLC
( -- )
Supply Return
871TM--DR Series
Operating parameters must be adhered to.
Barrier Bus Sourcing PLC 24V DC Nom.
A-B #897H--S233 Input Power 26V DC max
Brown (Pin 3) Supply (+)
3 1
Sourcing PLC
(Pin 4) 4 2
Supply Return
( -- )
Earth Ground
(less than 1 ohm)
Brown (Pin 3)
(Pin 4)
These parameters must be adhered to.
12 mm 18 & 30 mm
Load Current 5…200 mA 5…250 mA
Inrush Current (1 cycle) ≤2 A ≤4 A
Leakage Current ≤1.9 mA @ 120V AC
Operating Voltage 20…250V AC/DC
871TM AC/DC Cable Style Voltage Drop ≤10V @ 5…200 mA ≤10V @ 5…250 mA
12, 18, 30 mm Repeatability ≤10% at constant temperature
Hysteresis 7% typical
False Pulse Protection Incorporated
Transient Noise Protection Incorporated
Short-Circuit Protection Trigger @ 5 A typical Trigger @ 8 A typical
Overload Protection Trigger @ 260 mA typical Trigger @ 320 mA typical
871TM AC/DC Mini Certifications UL Listed, CSA Certified and CE Marked for all applicable directives
Quick-Disconnect Style Enclosure NEMA 1, 2, 3, 3R, 4, 4X, 6, 6P, 12, 13 IP67 (IEC 529) all models;
12, 18, 30 mm 1200 psi (8270 kPa) washdown; stainless steel face and barrel;
ToughLink™ and micro connector versions are also rated IP69K (IEC 529)
Connections Cable: 2 m (6.5 ft) length
A2—2-conductor #22 AWG PVC
C2—2-conductor #22 AWG ToughLink
H2—3-conductor #18 AWG ToughLink
871TM AC/DC Micro Quick-Disconnect: 3-pin mini style
3-pin micro style
Quick-Disconnect Style
4-pin EAC micro style
12, 18, 30 mm
LEDs Red: Output energized
Green: Power
Short circuit: Red and green flashing
Operating Temperature [C (F)] - 25…+70° (-- 13…+158°)
Shock 30 g,11 ms
871TM AC/DC EAC Micro Vibration 55 Hz, 1 mm amplitude, 3 planes
Quick-Disconnect Style
12 mm
Correction Factors
Target Material Correction Factor
Steel 1.0
S 2-wire operation Stainless Steel 0.9…1.0
S 2-conductor, 3-conductor, 3-pin or Brass 0.3…0.5
4-pin connection Aluminum 0.1…0.4
S 20…250V AC/DC Aluminum ≤0.020 Thick 0.9…1.1
Copper 0.4…0.6
S Normally open or normally closed
S Short-circuit, false pulse, overload,
and transient noise protection
S UL Listed, CSA Certified and CE
Marked for all applicable directives
Product Selection
Sensing Cat. No.
Distance Output Switching
Barrel [mm Config- Frequency ToughLink™ EAC Micro
Dia. (in.)] Shielded uration [Hz] PVC Cable Cable Mini QD Style Micro QD Style QD Style
N.O. 35 871TM--B3N12--A2 871TM--B3N12--C2 871TM--B3N12--N3 871TM- B3N12- R3 —
3 (0.12) Y
N.C. 30 871TM--B3C12--A2 871TM--B3C12--C2 871TM--B3C12--N3 871TM--B3C12--R3 —
12 mm
N.O. 20 871TM--B4N12--A2 871TM--B4N12--C2 871TM--B4N12--N3 871TM- B4N12- R3 871TM--B4N12--B4
4 (0.16) N
N.C. 15 871TM--B4C12--A2 871TM--B4C12--C2 871TM--B4C12--N3 871TM--B4C12--R3 —
N.O. 20 871TM- B5N18- A2 871TM- B5N18- H2 871TM- B5N18- N3 871TM- B5N18- R3 —
5 (0.20) Y
N.C. 15 871TM--B5C18--A2 871TM--B5C18--H2 871TM--B5C18--N3 871TM--B5C18--R3 —
18 mm
N.O. 15 871TM--B8N18--A2 871TM- B8N18- H2 871TM- B8N18- N3 871TM- B8N18- R3 —
8 (0.31) N
N.C. 12 871TM--B8C18--A2 871TM--B8C18--H2 871TM--B8C18--N3 871TM--B8C18--R3 —
N.O. 15 871TM- B10N30- A2 871TM--B10N30--H2 871TM- B10N30- N3 871TM- B10N30- R3 —
10 (0.39) Y
N.C. 12 871TM--B10C30--A2 871TM--B10C30--H2 871TM--B10C30--N3 871TM--B10C30--R3 —
30 mm
N.O. 12 871TM- B15N30- A2 871TM- B15N30- H2 871TM- B15N30- N3 871TM- B15N30- R3 —
15 (0.59) N
N.C. 10 871TM--B15C30--A2 871TM--B15C30--H2 871TM--B15C30--N3 871TM--B15C30--R3 —
Recommended Standard QD Cordset (--6F = 1.8 m (6 ft), --2 = 2 m (6.5 ft)) 889N--F3AFC--6F 889R--F3ECA--2 889B--F3AC--2
Green Green
[mm (in.)]
Thread Size Shielded A B C D
Y 38.4 (1.51) 2.5 (0.10)
M12 x 1 12.0 (0.47) 72.1 (2.84)
N 31.5 (1.24) 9.4 (0.37)
Y 60.0 (2.36) 2.5 (0.10)
M18 x 1 18.0 (0.71) 74.7 (2.94)
N 48.2 (1.90) 14.4 (0.56)
Y 61.3 (2.41) 2.5 (0.10)
M30 x 1.5 30.0 (1.18) 77.2 (3.04)
N 41.6 (1.64) 17.9 (0.70)
7/8--16UN--2A Note 1: No ground pin on 12 mm. Attach housing to
Note 2: Load can be switched to pin 3.
[mm (in.)]
Thread Size Shielded A B C D
Y 37.8 (1.49) 2.5 (0.10)
M12 X 1 12.0 (0.47) 85.6 (3.37)
N 31.7 (1.25) 9.4 (0.37)
Y 54.9 (2.16) 2.5 (0.10)
M18 X 1 18.0 (0.71) 76.6 (3.02)
N 43.1 (1.70) 14.4 (0.56)
Y 61.3 (2.41) 2.5 (0.10)
M30 X 1.5 30.0 (1.18) 86.4 (3.40)
N 41.6 (1.64) 17.9 (0.70)
B Note 1: No ground pin on 12 mm. Attach housing to
1/2--20 UNF--2A ground.
Note 2: Load can be switched to pin 2.
[mm (in.)]
Thread Size Shielded A B C D
Y 12.0 (0.47) 87.3 (3.44) 38.4 (1.51) 2.5 (0.10)
M12 X 1
N 12.0 (0.47) 87.3 (3.44) 31.5 (1.24) 9.4 (0.37)
M12 x 1 Note 1: No ground pin. Attach housing to ground.
Note 2: Load can be switched to pin 2.
[mm (in.)]
Thread Size Shielded A B C D
M12 X 1 N 12.0 (0.47) 83.0 (3.27) 31.7 (1.25) 9.4 (0.37)
Load Current 2…25 mA
Leakage Current ≤0.9 mA at 24V DC
≤1.7 mA at 20…120V AC/DC;
≤2.5 mA at 121…250V AC/DC
Operating Voltage 20…250V AC/DC
871TM AC/DC Cable Style Voltage Drop ≤8V at 25 mA DC
12, 18, 30 mm ≤10V at 25 mA AC
Repeatability 10% typical
Hysteresis 10% typical
False Pulse Protection Incorporated
Transient Noise Protection Incorporated
Radio Frequency Protection 10V per meter
Frequency range 20…1000MHz
871TM AC/DC Mini
Quick-Disconnect Style Certifications UL Listed, CSA Certified and CE Marked for all applicable directives
12, 18, 30 mm Enclosure NEMA 1, 2, 3, 3R, 4, 4X, 6, 6P, 12, 13, IP67 (IEC 529) all models;
1200 psi (8270 kPa) washdown; stainless steel face and barrel;
ToughLink™ and micro connector versions are also rated IP69K (IEC 529)
Connections Cable: 2 m (6.5 ft) length
A2—2-conductor #22 AWG PVC
C2—2-conductor #22 AWG ToughLink
H2—2-conductor #18 AWG ToughLink
Quick-Disconnect: 3-pin mini style
3-pin micro style
4-pin EAC micro style
871TM AC/DC Micro
LED Red: Output energized
Quick-Disconnect Style
12, 18, 30 mm Operating Temperature [C (F)] - 25…+70° (-- 13…+158°)
Shock 30 g, 11 ms
Vibration 55 Hz, 1 mm amplitude, 3 planes
Correction Factors
Product Selection
Cat. No.
Distance Output Switching
Barrel [mm Config- Frequency ToughLinkt EAC Micro
Dia. (in.)] Shielded uration [Hz] PVC Cable Cable Mini QD Style Micro QD Style QD Style
2 (0.08) Y 75 871TM--BH2N12--A2 871TM--BH2N12--C2 871TM--BH2N12--N3 871TM- BH2N12- R3 871TM--BH2N12--B4
12 mm N.O.
4 (0.16) N 35 871TM--BH4N12--A2 871TM--BH4N12--C2 871TM--BH4N12--N3 871TM- BH4N12- R3 —
Recommended Standard QD Cordset (--6F = 1.8 m (6 ft), --2 = 2 m (6.5 ft)) 889N--F3AFC--6F 889R--F3ECA--2 889B--F3AC--2
Note: Normally closed models available as special order items. Fifteen piece minimum order required. Consult your local Rockwell
Automation sales office or Allen-Bradley distributor for prices and lead times.
A Note 1: Attach housing to ground.
Note 2: Load can be switched to brown wire.
[mm (in.)]
Thread Size Shielded A B C D
Y 26.4 (1.04) 2.5 (0.10)
M12 X 1 12.0 (0.47) 49.8 (1.96)
N 19.5 (0.77) 9.4 (0.37)
Y 2.5 (0.10)
M18 X 1 18.0 (0.71) 55.4 (2.18) 41.7 (1.64)
N 14.5 (0.57)
Y 41.9 (1.65) 2.5 (0.10)
M30 X 1.5 30.0 (1.18) 57.9 (2.28)
N 39.4 (1.55) 18.0 (0.71)
Note 1: Attach housing to ground.
7/8--16UN--2A Note 2: Load can be switched to pin 3.
[mm (in.)]
Thread Size Shielded A B C D
Y 25.4 (1.00) 2.5 (0.10)
M12 X 1 12.0 (0.47) 63.5 (2.50)
N 18.5 (0.73) 9.4 (0.37)
Y 35.1 (1.38) 2.5 (0.10)
M18 X 1 18.0 (0.71) 56.1 (2.21)
N 29.2 (1.15) 14.5 (0.57)
Y 41.9 (1.65) 2.5 (0.10)
M30 X 1.5 30.0 (1.18) 68.1 (2.68)
N 39.4 (1.55) 18.0 (0.71)
B Note 1: Attach housing to ground.
1/2--20 UNF--2A Note 2: Load can be switched to pin 2.
[mm (in.)]
Thread Size Shielded A B C D
Y 26.4 (1.04) 2.5 (0.10)
M12 X 1 12.0 (0.47) 61.0 (2.40)
N 19.6 (0.77) 9.4 (0.37)
Y 2.5 (0.10)
M18 X 1 18.0 (0.71) 65.0 (2.56) 41.7 (1.64)
N 14.5 (0.57)
Y 41.9 (1.65) 2.5 (0.10)
M30 X 1.5 30.0 (1.18) 66.3 (2.61)
N 39.4 (1.55) 18.0 (0.71)
[mm (in.)]
Thread Size Shielded A B C D
M12 X 1 Y 12.0 (0.47) 61.0 (2.40) 26.4 (1.04) 2.5 (0.10)
General Information
Torque Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . page 2--225
Conversion Chart . . . . . . . . . page 14--6
Load Current ≤200 mA
Leakage Current ≤10 μA
Operating Voltage 10…30V DC
Voltage Drop
Repeatability ≤5%
Hysteresis ≤10% typical
DC Micro Quick-Disconnect Style
8, 12, 18, 30 mm False pulse on power, transient noise, reverse polarity, short circuit,
Protection Type
and overload
Certifications cULus Listed and CE Marked for all applicable directives
Enclosure Type Rating NEMA 1, 2, 3, 4, 6P, 12, 13, IP 67 (IEC 529)
Nickel-plated brass barrel, plastic face (PBT)
Housing Material
Optional stainless steel 304 barrel, plastic face (PBT)
Cable: 2 m (6.5 ft), 5 m (16.4 ft), 10 m (32.8 ft) length, 4.4 mm (0.175
Connections in) diameter; 3-conductor #26 AWG PVC or PUR; Quick-Disconnect:
4-pin mini, 4-pin micro or 3-pin pico style
Quick Selection
Correction Factors
Target Material Correction Factors
DC Mini Quick-Disconnect Style Steel 1.0
18, 30 mm
Stainless Steel 0.7…0.8
Brass 0.4…0.5
Aluminum 0.3…0.4
Copper 0.2…0.3
mini connectors
Available in 2, 5, and 10 m cable lengths
(2 m standard)
10…30V DC
Normally open or normally closed
Reverse polarity, short circuit, overload,
false pulse, and transient noise protection
cULus Listed and CE Marked for all
applicable directives
New Visit our website:
Preferred availability cat. nos. are printed in bold.
872C_CT_WorldProx 7/26/2011 4:26 PM Page 2-49
Product Selection
Nominal Cat. No.
Barrel Sensing Switching
Diameter Distance Output Frequency
[mm] [mm (in.)] Shielded Configuration [Hz] Cable Style Mini QD Style Micro QD Style Pico QD Style
NPN 872C-MM1NN7-E2 ⎯ ⎯ 872C-MM1NN7-P3
PNP 872C-MM1NP7-E2 ⎯ ⎯ 872C-MM1NP7-P3
6.5 2 (0.08) Yes 2000
NPN 872C-MM1CN7-E2 ⎯ ⎯ 872C-MM1CN7-P3
PNP 872C-MM1CP7-E2 ⎯ ⎯ 872C-MM1CP7-P3
NPN 872C-D2NN8-E2 ⎯ 872C-D2NN8-D4 872C-D2NN8-P3
PNP 872C-D2NP8-E2 ⎯ 872C-D2NP8-D4 872C-D2NP8-P3
2 (0.08) Yes
NPN 872C-D2CN8-E2 ⎯ 872C-D2CN8-D4 872C-D2CN8-P3
PNP 872C-D2CP8-E2 ⎯ 872C-D2CP8-D4 872C-D2CP8-P3
8 2500
NPN 872C-D3NN8-E2 ⎯ 872C-D3NN8-D4 872C-D3NN8-P3
PNP 872C-D3NP8-E2 ⎯ 872C-D3NP8-D4 872C-D3NP8-P3
3 (0.12) No
NPN 872C-D3CN8-E2 ⎯ 872C-D3CN8-D4 872C-D3CN8-P3
Quick Selection
PNP 872C-D3CP8-E2 ⎯ 872C-D3CP8-D4 872C-D3CP8-P3
NPN 872C-D3NN12-E2 ⎯ 872C-D3NN12-D4 872C-D3NN12-P3
PNP 872C-D3NP12-E2 ⎯ 872C-D3NP12-D4 872C-D3NP12-P3
3 (0.12) Yes
NPN 872C-D3CN12-E2 ⎯ 872C-D3CN12-D4 872C-D3CN12-P3
PNP 872C-D3CP12-E2 ⎯ 872C-D3CP12-D4 872C-D3CP12-P3
12 1300
NPN 872C-D4NN12-E2 ⎯ 872C-D4NN12-D4 872C-D4NN12-P3
PNP 872C-D4NP12-E2 ⎯ 872C-D4NP12-D4 872C-D4NP12-P3
4 (0.16) No
NPN 872C-D4CN12-E2 ⎯ 872C-D4CN12-D4 872C-D4CN12-P3
PNP 872C-D4CP12-E2 ⎯ 872C-D4CP12-D4 872C-D4CP12-P3
NPN 872C-D5NN18-E2 872C-D5NN18-N4 872C-D5NN18-D4 872C-D5NN18-P3
PNP 872C-D5NP18-E2 872C-D5NP18-N4 872C-D5NP18-D4 872C-D5NP18-P3
5 (0.2) Yes
NPN 872C-D5CN18-E2 872C-D5CP18-N4 872C-D5CN18-D4 872C-D5CN18-P3
PNP 872C-D5CP18-E2 872C-D5CP18-N4 872C-D5CP18-D4 872C-D5CP18-P3
18 1500
NPN 872C-D8NN18-E2 872C-D8NN18-N4 872C-D8NN18-D4 872C-D8NN18-P3
PNP 872C-D8NP18-E2 872C-D8NP18-N4 872C-D8NP18-D4 872C-D8NP18-P3
8 (0.31) No
NPN 872C-D8CN18-E2 872C-D8CN18-N4 872C-D8CN18-D4 872C-D8CN18-P3
PNP 872C-D8CP18-E2 872C-D8CP18-N4 872C-D8CP18-D4 872C-D8CP18-P3
NPN 872C-D10NN30-E2 872C-D10NN30-N4 872C-D10NN30-D4 ⎯
PNP 872C-D10NP30-E2 872C-D10NP30-N4 872C-D10NP30-D4 ⎯
10 (0.39) Yes
NPN 872C-D10CN30-E2 872C-D10CN30-N4 872C-D10CN30-D4 ⎯
PNP 872C-D10CP30-E2 872C-D10CP30-N4 872C-D10CP30-N4 ⎯
30 1000
NPN 872C-D15NN30-E2 872C-D15NN30-N4 872C-D15NN30-D4 ⎯
Connection Systems
PNP 872C-D15NP30-E2 872C-D15NP30-N4 872C-D15NP30-D4 ⎯
15 (0.59) No
PNP 872C-D15CN30-E2 872C-D15CN30-N4 872C-D15CN30-D4 ⎯
PNP 872C-D15CP30-E2 872C-D15CP30-N4 872C-D15CP30-D4 ⎯
Recommended mating cable, 2 m (6.5 ft). See the On-Machine
Connectivity catalog for details and additional lengths. ⎯ 889N-F4AFC-6F 889D-F4AFC-2 889P-F3AB-2
Cat. no. listed is for a standard nickel-plated brass barrel. For a stainless steel barrel, add a T to the cat. no. Example: Cat. No. 872C-D4NN12-E2 becomes
Cat. No. 872CT-D4NN12-E2.
Note: Preferred availability designation in table above applies to nickel-plated brass model only.
2m E2 J2
5m E5 J5
10 m E10 J10
D + - + - 10…30V DC + -
10…30V DC 10…30V DC Brown 10…30V DC
360° Visible Brown Brown + - Blue Brown + -
C + -
LED B Load Load Load
+ - Blue
Load Black Black Black
Blue Blue
2 m (6.5 ft)
mm (inches)
Thread Size Barrel Type Smooth Diameter Shielded A B (max) C (min) D (max)
— 6.5 Y 6.50 (0.26) 33.0 (1.30) — —
Quick Selection
Y 32.8 (1.29) —
M8 x 1 — 8.00 (0.31) 30.2 (1.19)
N 36.8 (1.45) 4.10 (0.16)
Y 50.8 (2.00) —
M12 x 1 — 12.0 (0.47) 46.7 (1.84)
Nickel-plated N 58.9 (2.32) 8.10 (0.32)
brass and
stainless steel Y 50.8 (2.00) —
M18 x 1 — 18.0 (0.71) 46.7 (1.84)
N 63.0 (2.48) 12.2 (0.48)
Y 50.8 (2.00) —
M30 x 1 — 30.0 (1.18) 47.7 (1.88)
N 63.0 (2.48) 12.2 (0.48)
Mini QD Style
Normally Open or Normally Closed
4 porthole A
NPN (Sinking) PNP (Sourcing)
LED indicators
D +
1 4 Load Load 1 4
C 2 3 + –
2 3
– 10…30V DC + – 10…30V DC +
mm (inches)
Connection Systems
New Visit our website:
Preferred availability cat. nos. are printed in bold.
872C_CT_WorldProx 7/26/2011 4:26 PM Page 2-51
LED indicators D – +
2 2 Load Load
3 1 3 1 2 + – 2
4 4 3 1 3 1
C Load 4 4
– +
B Load
– +
M12 x 1 + – +
– – +
– +
mm (inches)
Thread Size Barrel Type Shielded A B (max) C (min) D (max)
Y 58.7 (2.31) —
M8 x 1 8.00 (0.31) 27.7 (1.09)
N 62.7 (2.47) 4.00 (0.16)
Y 64.3 (2.53) —
Quick Selection
M12 x 1 12.0 (0.47) 38.1 (1.50)
Nickel-plated brass N 72.4 (2.85) 8.10 (0.32)
and stainless steel Y 64.3 (2.53) —
M18 x 1 18.0 (0.71) 38.1 (1.50)
N 76.5 (3.01) 12.2 (0.48)
Y 64.3 (2.53) —
M30 X 1.5 30.0 (1.18) 47.75 (1.88)
N 76.5 (3.01) 12.2 (0.48)
Pico QD Style
Normally Open or Normally Closed
4 porthole NPN (Sinking) PNP (Sourcing)
LED indicators
D – +
Load Load
+ –
10…30V DC 10…30V DC
+ – + –
mm (inches)
Thread Size Barrel Type Smooth Diameter Shielded A B (max) C (min) D (max)
— 6.5 Y 6.50 (0.26) 49.0 (1.93) — —
Y 49.5 (1.95) —
M8 x 1 — 8.00 (0.31) 34.0 (1.34)
N 53.6 (2.11) 4.10 (0.16)
Connection Systems
Nickel-plated Y 63.5 (2.50) —
M12 x 1 brass and — 12.0 (0.47) 47.5 (1.87)
stainless steel N 71.6 (2.82) 8.10 (0.32)
Y 63.5 (2.50) —
M18 x 1 — 18.0 (0.71) 47.5 (1.87)
N 75.7 (2.98) 12.2 (0.48)
Load Current ≤200 mA
Leakage Current ≤10 μA
Operating Voltage 10…30V DC
Voltage Drop
Repeatability ≤5%
Hysteresis ≤10% typical
DC Micro Quick-Disconnect Style
8, 12, 18, 30 mm False pulse on power, transient noise, reverse polarity, short circuit,
Protection Type
and overload
Certifications UL Listed and CE Marked for all applicable directives
Enclosure Type Rating NEMA 1, 2, 3, 4, 6P, 12, 13, IP 67 (IEC 529)
Nickel-plated brass barrel, plastic face (PBT);
Housing Material
Optional stainless steel 304 barrel, plastic face (PBT)
Cable: 2 m (6.5 ft), 5 m (16.4 ft), 10 m (32.8 ft) length, 4.4 mm (0.175
Connections in) diameter; 3-conductor #26 AWG PVC or PUR; Quick-Disconnect:
4-pin mini, 4-pin micro or 3-pin pico style
Quick Selection
Correction Factors
DC Mini Quick-Disconnect Style
18, 30 mm Target Material Correction Factors
Steel 1.0
Stainless Steel 0.7…0.8
Brass 0.4…0.5
Aluminum 0.3…0.4
Copper 0.2…0.3
DC Cable Style
8, 12, 18, 30 mm QD Cordsets and Accessories
Description Page No.
Features Other Cordsets Available 8-2
3 wire operation Terminal Chambers 8-2
3 conductor PVC or PUR cable jacket Mounting Brackets 2-210…2-214
(PVC standard)
End Caps 2-220
3 or 4 pin connection for pico, micro,
Connection Systems
Product Selection
Nominal Cat. No.
Barrel Sensing Switching
Diameter Distance Frequency
[mm] [mm (in.)] Shielded Output Configuration [Hz] Cable Style Mini QD Style Micro QD Style Pico QD Style
NPN 872C-DH2NN8-E2 ⎯ 872C-DH2NN8-D4 872C-DH2NN8-P3
PNP 872C-DH2NP8-E2 ⎯ 872C-DH2NP8-D4 872C-DH2NP8-P3
2 (0.08) Yes
NPN 872C-DH2CN8-E2 ⎯ 872C-DH2CN8-D4 872C-DH2CN8-P3
PNP 872C-DH2CP8-E2 ⎯ 872C-DH2CP8-D4 872C-DH2CP8-P3
8 2500
NPN 872C-DH3NN8-E2 ⎯ 872C-DH3NN8-D4 872C-DH3NN8-P3
PNP 872C-DH3NP8-E2 ⎯ 872C-DH3NP8-D4 872C-DH3NP8-P3
3 (0.12) No
NPN 872C-DH3CN8-E2 ⎯ 872C-DH3CN8-D4 872C-DH3CN8-P3
PNP 872C-DH3CP8-E2 ⎯ 872C-DH3CP8-D4 872C-DH3CP8-P3
NPN 872C-DH3NN12-E2 ⎯ 872C-DH3NN12-D4 872C-DH3NN12-P3
PNP 872C-DH3NP12-E2 ⎯ 872C-DH3NP12-D4 872C-DH3NP12-P3
3 (0.12) Yes
NPN 872C-DH3CN12-E2 ⎯ 872C-DH3CN12-D4 872C-DH3CN12-P3
Quick Selection
PNP 872C-DH3CP12-E2 ⎯ 872C-DH3CP12-D4 872C-DH3CP12-P3
12 1300
NPN 872C-DH4NN12-E2 ⎯ 872C-DH4NN12-D4 872C-DH4NN12-P3
PNP 872C-DH4NP12-E2 ⎯ 872C-DH4NP12-D4 872C-DH4NP12-P3
4 (0.16) No
NPN 872C-DH4CN12-E2 ⎯ 872C-DH4CN12-D4 872C-DH4CN12-P3
PNP 872C-DH4CP12-E2 ⎯ 872C-DH4CP12-D4 872C-DH4CP12-P3
NPN 872C-DH5NN18-E2 872C-DH5NN18-N4 872C-DH5NN18-D4 872C-DH5NN18-P3
PNP 872C-DH5NP18-E2 872C-DH5NP18-N4 872C-DH5NP18-D4 872C-DH5NP18-P3
5 (0.2) Yes
NPN 872C-DH5CN18-E2 872C-DH5CN18-N4 872C-DH5CN18-D4 872C-DH5CP18-P3
PNP 872C-DH5CP18-E2 872C-DH5CP18-N4 872C-DH5CP18-D4 872C-DH5CN18-P3
18 1500
NPN 872C-DH8NN18-E2 872C-DH8NN18-N4 872C-DH8NN18-D4 872C-DH8NN18-P3
PNP 872C-DH8NP18-E2 872C-DH8NP18-N4 872C-DH8NP18-D4 872C-DH8NP18-P3
8 (0.32) No
NPN 872C-DH8CN18-E2 872C-DH8CN18-N4 872C-DH8CN18-D4 872C-DH8CN18-P3
PNP 872C-DH8CP18-E2 872C-DH8CP18-N4 872C-DH8CP18-D4 872C-DH8CP18-P3
NPN 872C-DH10NN30-E2 872C-DH10NN30-N4 872C-DH10NN30-D4 ⎯
PNP 872C-DH10NP30-E2 872C-DH10NP30-N4 872C-DH10NP30-D4 ⎯
10 (0.39) Yes
NPN 872C-DH10CN30-E2 872C-DH10CN30-N4 872C-DH10CN30-D4 ⎯
PNP 872C-DH10CP30-E2 872C-DH10CP30-N4 872C-DH10CP30-D4 ⎯
30 1000
NPN 872C-DH15NN30-E2 872C-DH15NN30-N4 872C-DH15NN30-D4 ⎯
PNP 872C-DH15NP30-E2 872C-DH15NP30-N4 872C-DH15NP30-D4 ⎯
15 (0.59) No
NPN 872C-DH15CN30-E2 872C-DH15CN30-N4 872C-DH15CN30-D4 ⎯
PNP 872C-DH15CP30-E2 872C-DH15CP30-N4 872C-DH15CP30-D4 ⎯
Recommended mating cable, 2 m (6.5 ft). (See On-Machine
Connectivity catalog for details and additional lengths). ⎯ 889N-F4AFC-6F 889D-F4AC-2 889P-F3AB-2
Connection Systems
Cat. no. listed is for a standard nickel-plated brass barrel. For a stainless steel barrel, add a T to the cat. no. Example: Cat. No. 872C-DH4NP12-E2 becomes
Cat. No. 872CT-DH4NP12-E2.
Note: Preferred availability designation in table above applies to nickel-plated brass model only.
Cable Options
E2 at the end of cat. no. designates PVC cable 2 m in length. Replace E2 with E5 or E10 for 5 or 10 m length. For polyurethane cable replace
E2 with J2, J5, or J10 for 2, 5, or 10 m length.
Cable Length PVC PUR
2m E2 J2
5m E5 J5
10 m E10 J10
D 10…30V DC
10…30V DC 10…30V DC Brown 10…30V DC
360° Visible Brown Brown + - Blue Brown + -
C + -
LED B Load Load Load
+ - Blue
Load Black Black Black
Blue Blue
2 m (6.5 ft)
mm (inches)
Thread Size Barrel Type Shielded A B (max) C (min) D (max)
Y 26.7 (1.05) —
M8 x 1 8.00 (0.31) 24.1 (0.95)
Quick Selection
Mini QD Style
Normally Open or Normally Closed
4 porthole A
NPN (Sinking) PNP (Sourcing)
LED indicators
D +
1 4 Load Load 1 4
C 2 3 + –
2 3
– 10…30V DC + – +
Connection Systems
10…30V DC
mm (inches)
Thread Size Barrel Type Shielded A B (max) C (min) D (max)
Nickel-plated brass Y 47.5 (1.87) —
M18 x 1 18.0 (0.71) 24.2 (0.95)
and stainless steel N 59.7 (2.35) 12.2 (0.48)
Y 47.5 (1.87) —
Nickel-plated brass 26.4 (1.04)
N 59.7 (2.35) 12.2 (0.48)
M30 X 1.5 30.0 (1.18)
Y 50.8 (2.00) —
Stainless steel 34.3 (1.35)
N 63.0 (2.48) 12.2 (0.48)
LED indicators D – +
2 2 Load Load
3 1 3 1 2 + – 2
4 4 3 1 3 1
C Load 4 4
– +
B Load
– +
M12 x 1 + – +
– – +
– +
mm (inches)
Thread Size Barrel Type Shielded A B (max) C (min) D (max)
Y 45.2 (1.78) —
M8 x 1 8.00 (0.31) 20.1 (0.79)
Nickel-plated brass N 49.3 (1.94) 4.10 (0.16)
and stainless steel Y 48.3 (1.90) —
Quick Selection
M12 x 1 12.0 (0.47) 27.4 (1.08)
N 56.4 (2.22) 8.10 (0.32)
Y 49.5 (1.95) —
Nickel-plated brass 26.4 (1.04)
N 61.7 (2.43) 12.2 (0.48)
M18 x 1 18.0 (0.71)
Y 48.3 (1.90) —
Stainless steel 31.8 (1.25)
N 60.5 (2.38) 12.2 (0.48)
Nickel-plated brass Y 50.8 (2.00) —
M30 X 1.5 30.0 (1.18) 31.8 (1.25)
and stainless steel N 63.2 (2.49) 12.2 (0.48)
Pico QD Style
Normally Open or Normally Closed
4 porthole NPN (Sinking) PNP (Sourcing)
LED indicators
D – +
Load Load
+ –
10…30V DC 10…30V DC
Connection Systems
+ – + –
mm (inches)
Thread Size Barrel Type Shielded A B (max) C (min) D (max)
Y 44.5 (1.75) —
M8 x 1 8.00 (0.31) 29.0 (1.14)
N 48.5 (1.91) 4.10 (0.16)
Nickel-plated brass Y 45.2 (1.78) —
M12 x 1 12.0 (0.47) 29.2 (1.15)
and stainless steel N 53.3 (2.10) 8.10 (0.32)
Y 47.5 (1.87) —
M18 x 1 18.0 (0.71) 31.5 (1.24)
N 59.7 (2.35) 12.2 (0.48)
Load Current ≤200 mA
Leakage Current ≤10 μA
Operating Voltage 10…30V DC
Voltage Drop
Repeatability ≤5%
Hysteresis ≤10% typical
DC Micro Quick-Disconnect Style
8, 12, 18, 30 mm False pulse on power, transient noise, reverse polarity, short circuit,
Protection Type
and overload
Certifications cULus Listed and CE Marked for all applicable directives
Enclosure Type Rating NEMA 1, 2, 3, 4, 6P, 12, 13, IP 67 (IEC 529)
Nickel-plated brass barrel, plastic face (PBT)
Housing Material
Optional stainless steel 304 barrel, plastic face (PBT)
Cable: 2 m (6.5 ft), 5 m (16.4 ft), 10 m (32.8 ft) length, 4.4 mm (0.175
Connections in) diameter; 3-conductor #26 AWG PVC or PUR; Quick-Disconnect:
4-pin mini, 4-pin micro or 3-pin pico style
Quick Selection
Correction Factors
DC Mini Quick-Disconnect Style Target Material Correction Factors
18, 30 mm
Steel 1.0
Stainless Steel 0.7…0.8
Brass 0.5…0.6
Aluminum 0.5…0.6
Copper 0.4…0.5
mini connectors
Available in 2, 5, and 10 m cable lengths
(2 m standard)
10…30V DC
Normally open or normally closed
Reverse polarity, short circuit, overload,
false pulse, and transient noise protection
cULus Listed and CE Marked for all
applicable directives
Product Selection
Nominal Cat. No.
Barrel Sensing Switching
Diameter Distance Frequency
[mm] [mm (in.)] Shielded Output Configuration [Hz] Cable Style Mini QD Style Micro QD Style Pico QD Style
NPN 872C-M3NN8-E2 — 872C-M3NN8-D4 872C-M3NN8-P3
PNP 872C-M3NP8-E2 — 872C-M3NP8-D4 872C-M3NP8-P3
3 (0.12) Yes
NPN 872C-M3CN8-E2 — 872C-M3CN8-D4 872C-M3CN8-P3
PNP 872C-M3CP8-E2 — 872C-M3CP8-D4 872C-M3CP8-P3
8 2500
NPN 872C-N4NN8-E2 — 872C-N4NN8-D4 872C-N4NN8-P3
PNP 872C-N4NP8-E2 — 872C-N4NP8-D4 872C-N4NP8-P3
4 (0.16) No
NPN 872C-N4CN8-E2 — 872C-N4CN8-D4 872C-N4CN8-P3
PNP 872C-N4CP8-E2 — 872C-N4CP8-D4 872C-N4CP8-P3
NPN 872C-M4NN12-E2 — 872C-M4NN12-D4 872C-M4NN12-P3
PNP 872C-M4NP12-E2 — 872C-M4NP12-D4 872C-M4NP12-P3
4 (0.16) Yes
NPN 872C-M4CN12-E2 — 872C-M4CN12-D4 872C-M4CN12-P3
Quick Selection
PNP 872C-M4CP12-E2 — 872C-M4CP12-D4 872C-M4CP12-P3
12 1300
NPN 872C-N8NN12-E2 — 872C-N8NN12-D4 872C-N8NN12-P3
PNP 872C-N8NP12-E2 — 872C-N8NP12-D4 872C-N8NP12-P3
8 (0.31) No
NPN 872C-N8CN12-E2 — 872C-N8CN12-D4 872C-N8CN12-P3
PNP 872C-N8CP12-E2 — 872C-N8CP12-D4 872C-N8CP12-P3
NPN 872C-M8NN18-E2 872C-M8NN18-N4 872C-M8NN18-D4 872C-M8NN18-P3
PNP 872C-M8NP18-E2 872C-M8NP18-N4 872C-M8NP18-D4 872C-M8NP18-P3
8 (0.31) Yes
NPN 872C-M8CN18-E2 872C-M8CN18-N4 872C-M8CN18-D4 872C-M8CN18-P3
PNP 872C-M8CP18-E2 872C-M8CP18-N4 872C-M8CP18-D4 872C-M8CP18-P3
18 1500
NPN 872C-N12NN18-E2 872C-N12NN18-N4 872C-N12NN18-D4 872C-N12NN18-P3
PNP 872C-N12NP18-E2 872C-N12NP18-N4 872C-N12NP18-D4 872C-N12NP18-P3
12 (0.47) No
NPN 872C-N12CN18-E2 872C-N12CN18-N4 872C-N12CN18-D4 872C-N12CN18-P3
PNP 872C-N12CP18-E2 872C-N12CP18-N4 872C-N12CP18-D4 872C-N12CP18-P3
NPN 872C-M15NN30-E2 872C-M15NN30-N4 872C-M15NN30-D4 ⎯
PNP 872C-M15NP30-E2 872C-M15NP30-N4 872C-M15NP30-D4 ⎯
15 (0.59) Yes
NPN 872C-M15CN30-E2 872C-M15CN30-N4 872C-M15CN30-D4 ⎯
PNP 872C-M15CP30-E2 872C-M15CP30-N4 872C-M15CP30-D4 ⎯
30 1000
NPN 872C-N20NN30-E2 872C-N20NN30-N4 872C-N20NN30-D4 ⎯
PNP 872C-N20NP30-E2 872C-N20NP30-N4 872C-N20NP30-D4 ⎯
20 (0.79) No
NPN 872C-N20CN30-E2 872C-N20CN30-N4 872C-N20CN30-D4 ⎯
PNP 872C-N20CP30-E2 872C-N20CP30-N4 872C-N20CP30-D4 ⎯
Recommended mating cable, 2 m (6.5 ft). See the On-Machine
Connectivity catalog for details and additional lengths. ⎯ 889N-F4AFC-6F 889D-F4AFC-2 889P-F3AB-2
Connection Systems
Cat. no. listed is for a standard nickel-plated brass barrel. For a stainless steel barrel, add a T to the cat. no. Example: Cat. No. 872C-M3NN8-E2 becomes
Cat. No. 872CT-M3NN8-E2.
Note: Preferred availability designation in table above applies to nickel-plated brass model only.
Cable Options
E2 at the end of cat. no. designates PVC cable 2 m in length. Replace E2 with E5 or E10 for 5 or 10 m length. For polyurethane cable replace
E2 with J2, J5, or J10 for 2, 5, or 10 m length.
Cable Length PVC PUR
2m E2 J2
5m E5 J5
10 m E10 J10
D 10…30V DC
10…30V DC 10…30V DC Brown 10…30V DC
360° Visible Brown Brown + - Blue Brown + -
C + -
LED B Load Load Load
+ - Blue
Load Black Black Black
Blue Blue
2 m (6.5 ft)
mm (inches)
Thread Size Barrel Type Smooth Diameter Shielded A B (max) C (min) D (max)
Y 32.8 (1.29) —
M8 x 1 — 8.00 (0.31) 30.2 (1.19)
Quick Selection
Mini QD Style
Normally Open or Normally Closed
4 porthole A
NPN (Sinking) PNP (Sourcing)
LED indicators
D +
1 4 Load Load 1 4
C 2 3 + –
2 3
– 10…30V DC + – +
Connection Systems
10…30V DC
mm (inches)
Thread Size Barrel Type Shielded A B (max) C (min) D (max)
Nickel-plated brass Y 63.5 (2.50) —
M18 x 1 18.0 (0.71) 35.1 (1.38)
and stainless steel N 75.7 (2.98) 12.2 (0.48)
Y 63.5 (2.50) —
Nickel-plated brass 38.1 (1.50)
N 75.7 (2.98) 12.2 (0.48)
M30 X 1.5 30.0 (1.18)
Y 64.3 (2.53) —
Stainless steel 47.8 (1.88)
N 76.5 (3.01) 12.2 (0.48)
LED indicators 2 2 Load Load
3 1 3 1 2 + – 2
4 4 3 1 3 1
C Load 4 4
– +
B Load
– +
M12 x 1 + – +
– – +
– +
mm (inches)
Thread Size Barrel Type Shielded A B (max) C (min) D (max)
Y 58.7 (2.31) —
M8 x 1 8.00 (0.31) 27.7 (1.09)
N 62.7 (2.47) 4.00 (0.16)
Y 64.3 (2.53) —
M12 x 1 12.0 (0.47) 38.1 (1.50)
Quick Selection
Nickel-plated brass N 72.4 (2.85) 8.10 (0.32)
and stainless steel Y 64.3 (2.53) —
M18 x 1 18.0 (0.71) 38.1 (1.50)
N 76.5 (3.01) 12.2 (0.48)
Y 64.3 (2.53) —
M30 X 1.5 30.0 (1.18) 47.75 (1.88)
N 76.5 (3.01) 12.2 (0.48)
Pico QD Style
Normally Open or Normally Closed
4 porthole NPN (Sinking) PNP (Sourcing)
LED indicators
D – +
Load Load
+ –
10…30V DC 10…30V DC
Connection Systems
+ – + –
mm (inches)
Thread Size Barrel Type Smooth Diameter Shielded A B (max) C (min) D (max)
Y 49.5 (1.95) —
M8 x 1 — 8.00 (0.31) 34.0 (1.34)
N 53.6 (2.11) 4.10 (0.16)
Nickel-plated Y 63.5 (2.50) —
M12 x 1 brass and — 12.0 (0.47) 47.5 (1.87)
stainless steel N 71.6 (2.82) 8.10 (0.32)
Y 63.5 (2.50) —
M18 x 1 — 18.0 (0.71) 47.5 (1.87)
N 75.7 (2.98) 12.2 (0.48)
Load Current ≤200 mA
Leakage Current ≤10 μA
Operating Voltage 10…30V DC
Voltage Drop
Repeatability ≤5%
Hysteresis ≤10% typical
DC Micro Quick-Disconnect Style
8, 12, 18, 30 mm False pulse on power, transient noise, reverse polarity, short circuit,
Protection Type
and overload
Certifications cULus Listed and CE Marked for all applicable directives
Enclosure Type Rating NEMA 1, 2, 3, 4, 6P, 12, 13, IP 67 (IEC 529)
Nickel-plated brass barrel, plastic face (PBT);
Housing Material
Optional stainless steel 304 barrel, plastic face (PBT)
Cable: 2 m (6.5 ft), 5 m (16.4 ft), 10 m (32.8 ft) length, 4.4 mm (0.175
Connections in) diameter; 3-conductor #26 AWG PVC or PUR; Quick-Disconnect:
4-pin mini, 4-pin micro or 3-pin pico style
Quick Selection
Correction Factors
DC Mini Quick-Disconnect Style
18, 30 mm Target Material Correction Factors
Steel 1.0
Stainless Steel 0.7…0.8
Brass 0.4…0.5
Aluminum 0.3…0.4
Copper 0.2…0.3
Product Selection
Nominal Cat. No.
Barrel Sensing Switching
Diameter Distance Output Frequency
[mm] [mm (in.)] Shielded Configuration [Hz] Cable Style Mini QD Style Micro QD Style Pico QD Style
NPN 872C-MH3NN8-P3 ⎯ 872C-MH3NN8-D4 872C-MH3NN8-P3
PNP 872C-MH3NP8-E2 ⎯ 872C-MH3NP8-D4 872C-MH3NP8-P3
3 (0.12) Yes
NPN 872C-MH3CN8-E2 ⎯ 872C-MH3CN8-D4 872C-MH3CN8-P3
PNP 872C-MH3CP8-E2 ⎯ 872C-MH3CP8-D4 872C-MH3CP8-P3
8 2500
NPN 872C-NH4NN8-E2 ⎯ 872C-NH4NN8-D4 872C-NH4NN8-P3
PNP 872C-NH4NP8-E2 ⎯ 872C-NH4NP8-D4 872C-NH4NP8-P3
4 (0.16) No
NPN 872C-NH4CN8-E2 ⎯ 872C-NH4CN8-D4 872C-NH4CN8-P3
PNP 872C-NH4CP8-E2 ⎯ 872C-NH4CP8-D4 872C-NH4CP8-P3
NPN 872C-MH4NN12-E2 ⎯ 872C-MH4NN12-D4 872C-MH4NN12-P3
PNP 872C-MH4NP12-E2 ⎯ 872C-MH4NP12-D4 872C-MH4NP12-P3
4 (0.16) Yes
NPN 872C-MH4CN12-E2 ⎯ 872C-MH4CN12-D4 872C-MH4CN12-P3
Quick Selection
PNP 872C-MH4CP12-E2 ⎯ 872C-MH4CP12-D4 872C-MH4CP12-P3
12 1300
NPN 872C-NH8NN12-E2 ⎯ 872C-NH8NN12-D4 872C-NH8NN12-P3
PNP 872C-NH8NP12-E2 ⎯ 872C-NH8NP12-D4 872C-NH8NP12-P3
8 (0.32) No
NPN 872C-NH8CN12-E2 ⎯ 872C-NH8CN12-D4 872C-NH8CN12-P3
PNP 872C-NH8CP12-E2 ⎯ 872C-NH8CP12-D4 872C-NH8CP12-P3
NPN 872C-MH8NN18-E2 872C-MH8NN18-N4 872C-MH8NN18-D4 872C-MH8NN18-P3
PNP 872C-MH8NP18-E2 872C-MH8NP18-N4 872C-MH8NP18-D4 872C-MH8NP18-P3
8 (0.32) Yes
NPN 872C-MH8CN18-E2 872C-MH8CN18-N4 872C-MH8CN18-D4 872C-MH8CN18-P3
PNP 872C-MH8CP18-E2 872C-MH8CP18-N4 872C-MH8CP18-D4 872C-MH8CP18-P3
18 1500
NPN 872C-NH12NN18-E2 872C-NH12NN18-N4 872C-NH12NN18-D4 872C-NH12NN18-P3
PNP 872C-NH12NP18-E2 872C-NH12NP18-N4 872C-NH12NP18-D4 872C-NH12NP18-P3
12 (0.47) No
NPN 872C-NH12CN18-E2 872C-NH12CN18-N4 872C-NH12CN18-D4 872C-NH12CN18-P3
PNP 872C-NH12CP18-E2 872C-NH12CP18-N4 872C-NH12CP18-D4 872C-NH12CP18-P3
NPN 872C-MH15NN30-E2 872C-MH15NN30-N4 872C-MH15NN30-D4 ⎯
PNP 872C-MH15NP30-E2 872C-MH15NP30-N4 872C-MH15NP30-D4 ⎯
15 (0.59) Yes
NPN 872C-MH15CN30-E2 872C-MH15CN30-N4 872C-MH15CN30-D4 ⎯
PNP 872C-MH15CP30-E2 872C-MH15CP30-N4 872C-MH15CP30-D4 ⎯
30 1000
NPN 872C-NH20NN30-E2 872C-NH20NN30-N4 872C-NH20NN30-D4 ⎯
PNP 872C-NH20NP30-E2 872C-NH20NP30-N4 872C-NH20NP30-D4 ⎯
20 (0.79) No
NPN 872C-NH20CN30-E2 872C-NH20CN30-N4 872C-NH20CN30-D4 ⎯
PNP 872C-NH20CP30-E2 872C-NH20CP30-N4 872C-NH20CP30-D4 ⎯
Recommended mating cable, 2 m (6.5 ft). (See On-Machine
Connectivity catalog for details and additional lengths). ⎯ 889N-F4AFC-6F 889D-F4AC-2 889P-F3AB-2
Connection Systems
Cat. no. listed is for a standard nickel-plated brass barrel. For a stainless steel barrel, add a T to the cat. no. Example: Cat. No. 872C-MH3NN8-P3 becomes
Cat. No. 872CT-MH3NN8-P3.
Note: Preferred availability designation in table above applies to nickel-plated brass model only.
Cable Options
E2 at the end of cat. no. designates PVC cable 2 m in length. Replace E2 with E5 or E10 for 5 or 10 m length. For polyurethane cable replace
E2 with J2, J5, or J10 for 2, 5, or 10 m length.
Cable Length PVC PUR
2m E2 J2
5m E5 J5
10 m E10 J10
D 10…30V DC
10…30V DC 10…30V DC Brown 10…30V DC
360° Visible Brown Brown + - Blue Brown + -
C + -
LED B Load Load Load
+ - Blue
Load Black Black Black
Blue Blue
2 m (6.5 ft)
mm (inches)
Thread Size Barrel Type Shielded A B (max) C (min) D (max)
Y 26.7 (1.05) —
M8 x 1 8.00 (0.31) 24.1 (0.95)
Quick Selection
Mini QD Style
Normally Open or Normally Closed
4 porthole A
NPN (Sinking) PNP (Sourcing)
LED indicators
D +
1 4 Load Load 1 4
C 2 3 + –
2 3
– 10…30V DC + – +
Connection Systems
10…30V DC
mm (inches)
Thread Size Barrel Type Shielded A B (max) C (min) D (max)
Nickel-plated brass Y 47.5 (1.87) —
M18 x 1 18.0 (0.71) 24.2 (0.95)
and stainless steel N 59.7 (2.35) 12.2 (0.48)
Y 47.5 (1.87) —
Nickel-plated brass 26.4 (1.04)
N 59.7 (2.35) 12.2 (0.48)
M30 X 1.5 30.0 (1.18)
Y 50.8 (2.00) —
Stainless steel 34.3 (1.35)
N 63.0 (2.48) 12.2 (0.48)
LED indicators 2 2 Load Load
3 1 3 1 2 + – 2
4 4 3 1 3 1
C Load 4 4
– +
B Load
– +
M12 x 1 + – +
– – +
– +
mm (inches)
Thread Size Barrel Type Shielded A B (max) C (min) D (max)
Y 45.2 (1.78) —
M8 x 1 8.00 (0.31) 20.1 (0.79)
Nickel-plated brass N 49.3 (1.94) 4.10 (0.16)
and stainless steel Y 48.3 (1.90) —
M12 x 1 12.0 (0.47) 27.4 (1.08)
Quick Selection
N 56.4 (2.22) 8.10 (0.32)
Y 49.5 (1.95) —
Nickel-plated brass 26.4 (1.04)
N 61.7 (2.43) 12.2 (0.48)
M18 x 1 18.0 (0.71)
Y 48.3 (1.90) —
Stainless steel 31.8 (1.25)
N 60.5 (2.38) 12.2 (0.48)
Nickel-plated brass Y 50.8 (2.00) —
M30 X 1.5 30.0 (1.18) 31.8 (1.25)
and stainless steel N 63.2 (2.49) 12.2 (0.48)
Pico QD Style
Normally Open or Normally Closed
4 porthole NPN (Sinking) PNP (Sourcing)
LED indicators
D – +
Load Load
+ –
10…30V DC 10…30V DC
Connection Systems
+ – + –
mm (inches)
Thread Size Barrel Type Shielded A B (max) C (min) D (max)
Y 44.5 (1.75) —
M8 x 1 8.00 (0.31) 29.0 (1.14)
N 48.5 (1.91) 4.10 (0.16)
Nickel-plated brass Y 45.2 (1.78) —
M12 x 1 12.0 (0.47) 29.2 (1.15)
and stainless steel N 53.3 (2.10) 8.10 (0.32)
Y 47.5 (1.87) —
M18 x 1 18.0 (0.71) 31.5 (1.24)
N 59.7 (2.35) 12.2 (0.48)
Load Current, DC, Max. ≤200 mA
Leakage Current ≤0.1 mA
Operating voltage range 10…30V DC
Sensor Voltage Drop ≤2V
872C DC Micro Style Repeatability ≤5%
6.5, 8, 12, 18, and 30 mm Hysteresis 10% typical
Reverse Polarity Protection Incorporated
Transient Noise Protection Incorporated
Short Circuit Protection Incorporated
Overload Protection Incorporated
False Pulse Protection Incorporated
872C DC Pico Style
6.5 & 8 mm Certifications cULus Listed and CE Marked for all applicable directives
NEMA 1, 2, 3, 4, 6P, 12, 13, IP67 (IEC 529)
Enclosure Type Rating
Chrome-plated brass barrel, plastic face (PBT)
Quick Selection
Quick-disconnect: 4-pin micro style
Features Connections
3-pin pico style
Up to three times the sensing range of LED Amber: output energized, 360° visibility
standard range inductive proximity
Operating Temperature [C (F)] -25…+70 ° (-13…+158 °)
Shock 30 g, 11 ms
3- or 4-pin connection for pico and micro
connectors Vibration 55 Hz, 1 mm amplitude, 3 planes
10…30V DC
Normally open output
Correction Factors QD Cordsets and Accessories
IP67 enclosure rating
Reverse polarity, short circuit, overload, Target Material Correction Factors Description Page No.
false pulse, and transient noise protection Steel 1.0 Other Cordsets
cULus Listed and CE Marked for all Stainless Steel 0.6…0.8
applicable directives Brass 0.3…0.6 Terminal Chambers 8-2
Aluminum 0.3…0.5 Mounting Brackets 2-210…2-214
Copper 0.2…0.5 End Caps 2-220
IMPORTANT Special mounting and Mounting Nuts 2-221…2-222
installation considerations
may be necessary due to
the long-range sensing
capabilities of these
products. The Introduction
and Application section of
the catalog should be used
as a guideline. Please refer
to pages 2-12 and 2-14.
Connection Systems
Product Selection
Nominal Sensing Output Switching Frequency Cat. No.
Barrel Diameter [mm] Distance [mm (in.)] Shielded Configuration (Hz) Micro QD Style Pico QD Style
NPN 872C-M3NN7-D4 872C-M3NN7-P3
6.5 3 (0.12) Yes N.O. 1000
PNP 872C-M3NP7-D4 872C-M3NP7-P3
NPN 872C-M22NN30-D4 ⎯
22 (0.86) Yes N.O. 200
PNP 872C-M22NP30-D4 ⎯
NPN 872C-N40NN30-D4 ⎯
40 (1.57) No N.O. 100
PNP 872C-N40NP30-D4 ⎯
Recommended standard QD cordset (-6F = 1.8 m (6 ft), -2 = 2 m (6.5 ft)) 889D-F4AC-2 889P-F3AB-2
C 3 1 + -
3 1
B - + - +
Micro QD Style
Normally Open
A NPN (Sinking) PNP (Sourcing)
4 porthole
LED indicators D
2 1 2 1
C 3 4 - Load + 3 4
- +
B -
M12 x 1 - +
Y 40 (1.57) —
M12 x 1 — 12 (0.47) 60 (2.36)
N 35.3 (1.38) 5.7 (0.22)
Y 42 (1.65) —
M18 x 1 — 18 (0.71) 63.5 (2.5)
N 32 (1.25) 10 (0.39)
Y 52 (2.04) —
M30 X 1.5 — 30 (1.18) 73.5 (2.89)
N 42 (1.65) 10 (0.39)
Load Current ≤200 mA
Leakage Current ≤10 mA
Operating Voltage 10…30V DC
Product Selection
Nominal Sensing Output Switching Frequency Cat. No.
Barrel Diameter [mm] Distance [mm (in.)] Shielded Configuration (Hz) Cable Style Micro QD Style
NPN 872CP-D3NN12-E2 872CP-D3NN12-D4
PNP 872CP-D3NP12-E2 872CP-D3NP12-D4
3 (0.12) Yes
NPN 872CP-D3CN12-E2 872CP-D3CN12-D4
PNP 872CP-D3CP12-E2 872CP-D3CP12-D4
NPN 872CP-D4NN12-E2 872CP-D4NN12-D4
PNP 872CP-D4NP12-E2 872CP-D4NP12-D4
4 (0.16) No
NPN 872CP-D4CN12-E2 872CP-D4CN12-D4
PNP 872CP-D4CP12-E2 872CP-D4CP12-D4
NPN 872CP-D5NN18-E2 872CP-D5NN18-D4
PNP 872CP-D5NP18-E2 872CP-D5NP18-D4
5 (0.2) Yes
NPN 872CP-D5CN18-E2 872CP-D5CN18-D4
PNP 872CP-D5CP18-E2 872CP-D5CP18-D4
Quick Selection
18 2000
NPN 872CP-D8NN18-E2 872CP-D8NN18-D4
PNP 872CP-D8NP18-E2 872CP-D8NP18-D4
8 (0.31) No
NPN 872CP-D8CN18-E2 872CP-D8CN18-D4
PNP 872CP-D8CP18-E2 872CP-D8CP18-D4
NPN 872CP-D10NN30-E2 872CP-D10NN30-D4
PNP 872CP-D10NP30-E2 872CP-D10NP30-D4
10 (0.39) Yes
NPN 872CP-D10CN30-E2 872CP-D10CN30-D4
PNP 872CP-D10CP30-E2 872CP-D10CP30-D4
NPN 872CP-D15NN30-E2 872CP-D15NN30-D4
PNP 872CP-D15NP30-E2 872CP-D15NP30-D4
15 (0.59) No
NPN 872CP-D15CN30-E2 872CP-D15CN30-D4
PNP 872CP-D15CP30-E2 872CP-D15CP30-D4
Recommended standard QD cordset (-6F = 1.8 m (6 ft), -2 = 2 m (6.5 ft)) ⎯ 889D-F4AC-2
Cable Options: E2 at the end of cat. no. designates PVC cable 2 m in length. Replace E2 with E5 or E10 for 5 or 10 m
length. For polyurethane cable replace E2 with J2, J5, or J10 for 2, 5, or 10 m length.
Cable Length PVC PUR
2m E2 J2
5m E5 J5
10 m E10 J10
Connection Systems
D 10…30V DC
10…30V DC 10…30V DC Brown 10…30V DC
360° Visible Brown Brown + - Blue Brown + -
C + -
LED B Load Load Load
+ - Blue
Load Black Black Black
Blue Blue
2 m (6.5 ft)
mm (inches)
Thread Size Shielded A B (max) C (min) D (max)
Quick Selection
Micro QD Style
A Normally Open Normally Closed
NPN (Sinking) PNP (Sourcing) NPN (Sinking) PNP (Sourcing)
4 porthole D – +
LED indicators 2 2 Load Load
3 1 3 1 2 + – 2
4 Load 4 3 1 3 1
– + 4 4
B – +
UNF-2A – + – +
– + – +
mm (inches)
Thread Size Shielded A B (max) C (min) D (max)
M12 x 1 12.0 (0.47) 64.3 (2.53) 41.4 (1.63)
M18 x 1 18.0 (0.71) 2.00 (0.08)
71.3 (2.80) 46.2 (1.82)
M30 X 1.5 30.0 (1.18)
Connection Systems
Load Current ≤200 mA
Leakage Current ≤10 mA
Operating Voltage 10…30V DC
≤1.8V all models
Voltage Drop
872CP DC Cable Style
12, 18, 30 mm Repeatability ≤5%
Hysteresis ≤10% typical
Transient noise protection, reverse polarity protection, short circuit
Protection Type
protection, overload protection, false pulse protection
Certifications cULus Listed and CE Marked for all applicable directives
872CP DC Micro Quick Disconnect Style Enclosure Type Rating NEMA 1, 2, 3, 4, 4X, 6P, 12, 13; IP67 (IEC 529)
12, 18, 30 mm Housing Material Plastic barrel (Valox)
Quick Selection
10…30V DC LED Amber: output energized, 360° visibility
Normally open or normally closed output Operating Temperature [C (F)],
-25…+70 ° (-13…+158 °)
Transient noise, short circuit, and reverse Min
polarity protection Shock 30 g, 11 ms
Cable and micro quick disconnect models Vibration 55 Hz, 1 mm amplitude, 3 planes
cULus Listed and CE Marked for all
applicable directives Correction Factors
Target Material Correction Factors
Steel 1.0
Stainless Steel 0.7…0.8
Brass 0.4…0.5
Aluminum 0.3…0.4
Copper 0.3…0.4
QD Cordsets and Accessories
Description Page No.
Other Cordsets Available 8-2
Terminal Chambers 8-2
Mounting Brackets 2-210…2-214
End Caps 2-220
Mounting Nuts 2-221…2-222
Connection Systems
Product Selection
Nominal Sensing Output Switching Frequency Cat. No.
Barrel Diameter [mm] Distance [mm (in.)] Shielded Configuration (Hz) Cable Style Micro QD Style
NPN 872CP-M4NN12-E2 872CP-M4NN12-D4
PNP 872CP-M4NP12-E2 872CP-M4NP12-D4
4 (0.16) Yes
NPN 872CP-M4CN12-E2 872CP-M4CN12-D4
PNP 872CP-M4CP12-E2 872CP-M4CP12-D4
NPN 872CP-N8NN12-E2 872CP-N8NN12-D4
PNP 872CP-N8NP12-E2 872CP-N8NP12-D4
8 (0.31) No
NPN 872CP-N8CN12-E2 872CP-N8CN12-D4
PNP 872CP-N8CP12-E2 872CP-N8CP12-D4
NPN 872CP-M8NN18-E2 872CP-M8NN18-D4
PNP 872CP-M8NP18-E2 872CP-M8NP18-D4
8 (0.31) Yes
NPN 872CP-M8CN18-E2 872CP-M8CN18-D4
PNP 872CP-M8CP18-E2 872CP-M8CP18-D4
Quick Selection
18 2000
NPN 872CP-N12NN18-E2 872CP-N12NN18-D4
PNP 872CP-N12NP18-E2 872CP-N12NP18-D4
12 (0.47) No
NPN 872CP-N12CN18-E2 872CP-N12CN18-D4
PNP 872CP-N12CP18-E2 872CP-N12CP18-D4
NPN 872CP-M15NN30-E2 872CP-M15NN30-D4
PNP 872CP-M15NP30-E2 872CP-M15NP30-D4
15 (0.59) Yes
NPN 872CP-M15CN30-E2 872CP-M15CN30-D4
PNP 872CP-M15CP30-E2 872CP-M15CP30-D4
NPN 872CP-N20NN30-E2 872CP-N20NN30-D4
PNP 872CP-N20NP30-E2 872CP-N20NP30-D4
20 (0.79) No
NPN 872CP-N20CN30-E2 872CP-N20CN30-D4
PNP 872CP-N20CP30-E2 872CP-N20CP30-D4
Recommended standard QD cordset (-6F = 1.8 m (6 ft), -2 = 2 m (6.5 ft)) ⎯ 889D-F4AC-2
Cable Options: E2 at the end of cat. no. designates PVC cable 2 m in length. Replace E2 with E5 or E10 for 5 or 10 m
length. For polyurethane cable replace E2 with J2, J5, or J10 for 2, 5, or 10 m length.
Cable Length PVC PUR
2m E2 J2
5m E5 J5
10 m E10 J10
Connection Systems
D 10…30V DC
10…30V DC 10…30V DC Brown 10…30V DC
360° Visible Brown Brown + - Blue Brown + -
C + -
LED B Load Load Load
+ - Blue
Load Black Black Black
Blue Blue
2 m (6.5 ft)
mm (inches)
Thread Size Shielded A B (max) C (min) D (max)
M12 x 1 12.0 (0.47) 44.7 (1.76)
Quick Selection
M18 x 1 18.0 (0.71) 51.6 (2.03) 2.0 (0.08)
46.2 (1.82)
M30 x 1.5 30.0 (1.18)
Micro QD Style
A Normally Open Normally Closed
NPN (Sinking) PNP (Sourcing) NPN (Sinking) PNP (Sourcing)
4 porthole D – +
LED indicators 2 2 Load Load
3 1 3 1 2 + – 2
4 Load 4 3 1 3 1
– + 4 4
1/2-20 B – +
UNF-2A – + – +
– + – +
mm (inches)
Thread Size Shielded A B (max) C (min) D (max)
M12 x 1 12.0 (0.47) 64.3 (2.53) 41.4 (1.63)
M18 x 1 18.0 (0.71) 2.00 (0.08)
71.3 (2.8) 46.2 (1.82)
Connection Systems
M30 X 1.5 30.0 (1.18)
Load Current ≤100 mA
Minimum Load Current 5 mA
Leakage Current ≤0.9 mA
Operating Voltage 10…30V DC
872C DC Cable Style Voltage Drop ≤6V
12, 18, 30 mm Repeatability ≤2%
Hysteresis 10% typical
Reverse Polarity Protection Incorporated
Transient Noise Protection Incorporated
Short Circuit Protection Incorporated
872C DC Micro Overload Protection Incorporated
Quick-Disconnect Style False Pulse Protection Incorporated
12, 18, 30 mm
Certfications cULus Listed and CE Marked for all applicable directives
Enclosure NEMA 1, 2, 3, 4, 6P, 12, 13 IP67 (IEC529)
Features Nickel-plated brass barrel, plastic face (PBT)
S 2-wire operation Connections Cable: 2 m (6.5 ft) length, 4.4 mm (0.175 in.) diameter,
2-conductor #26 AWG PVC
S 2-conductor or 4-pin connection Quick-Disconnect: 4-pin micro style
S 10…30V DC LED Red: Output energized, 360° visibility
S Normally open or normally closed Operating Temperature [C (F)] - 25…+70° (-- 13…+158°)
output Shock 30 g, 11 ms
S Reverse polarity, short circuit, Vibration 55 Hz, 1 mm amplitude, 3 planes
overload, false pulse, and transient
noise protection Correction Factors
S cULus Listed and CE Marked for all Target Material Correction Factor
applicable directives Steel 1.0
Stainless Steel 0.7…0.8
Brass 0.4…0.5
Aluminum 0.3…0.4
Copper 0.2…0.3
Product Selection
Barrel Nominal Sensing Distance Output Switching Cat. No.
Diameter [mm (in.)] Shielded Configuration Frequency [Hz] Cable Style Micro QD Style
N.O. 872C-- D3NE12-- A2 872C-- D3NE12-- D4
3 (0.12) Y
N.C. 872C-- D3CE12-- A2 872C-- D3CE12-- D4
12 mm 2000
N.O. 872C-- D4NE12-- A2 872C-- D4NE12-- D4
4 (0.16) N
N.C. 872C-- D4CE12-- A2 872C-- D4CE12-- D4
N.O. 872C-- D5NE18-- A2 872C-- D5NE18-- D4
5 (0.20) Y
N.C. 872C-- D5CE18-- A2 872C-- D5CE18-- D4
18 mm 1000
N.O. 872C-- D8NE18-- A2 872C-- D8NE18-- D4
8 (0.31) N
N.C. 872C-- D8CE18-- A2 872C-- D8CE18-- D4
N.O. 872C-- D10NE30-- A2 872C-- D10NE30-- D4
10 (0.39) Y
N.C. 872C-- D10CE30-- A2 872C-- D10CE30-- D4
30 mm 500
N.O. 872C-- D15NE30-- A2 872C-- D15NE30-- D4
15 (0.59) N
N.C. 872C-- D15CE30-- A2 872C-- D15CE30-- D4
Recommended standard QD cordset (-- 2 = 2 m (6.5 ft)) 889D-- F4AC-- 2
[mm (in.)]
Thread Size Shielded A B (max) C (min) D (max)
Y 50.8 (2.00) —
M12 X 1 12 (0.47)
N 58.7 (2.31) 7.9 (0.31)
Y 50.8 (2.00) —
M18 X 1 18 (0.71) 46.7 (1.84)
N 63.0 (2.48) 12.2 (0.48)
Y 50.8 (2.00) —
M30 X 1.5 30 (1.18)
N 63.0 (2.48) 12.2 (0.48)
[mm (in.)]
Thread Size Shielded A B (max) C (min) D (max)
Y 65.0 (2.56) —
M12 X 1 12.0 (0.47)
N 72.4 (2.85) 7.9 (0.31)
38.1 (1.50)
Y 65.0 (2.56) —
M18 X 1 18.0 (0.71)
N 76.5 (3.01) 12.2 (0.48)
Y 65.0 (2.56) —
M30 X 1.5 30.0 (1.18) 46.7 (1.84)
N 76.5 (3.01) 12.2 (0.48)
Barrel Diameter 12 mm 18 mm & 30 mm
Load Current 100 mA 200 mA
Minimum Load Current 5 mA
872C DC Micro Leakage Current ≤1 mA
Quick-Disconnect Style
12, 18, 30 mm Operating Voltage 10…30V DC
Voltage Drop ≤6V @ 100 mA ≤6.5V @ 200 mA
≤6.0V @ 100 mA
Repeatability ≤10% at constant temperature
S 2-wire operation Hysteresis 10% typical
S 4-pin connection Transient Noise Protection Incorporated
S 10…30V DC Short Circuit Protection Incorporated
S Normally open or normally closed Overload Protection Incorporated
output False Pulse Protection Incorporated
S Short circuit, overload, false pulse, Certfications cULus Listed and CE Marked for all applicable directives
and transient noise protection Enclosure NEMA 1, 2, 3, 4, 6P, 12, 13 IP67 (IEC529)
S cULus Listed and CE Marked for all Nickel-plated brass barrel, plastic face (PBT)
applicable directives Connections Quick-Disconnect: 4-pin micro style
LED Red: Output energized, 360° visibility
Operating Temperature [C (F)] - 25…+70° (-- 13…+158°)
Shock 30 g, 11 ms
Vibration 55 Hz, 1 mm amplitude, 3 planes
Correction Factors
Target Material Correction Factor
Steel 1.0
Stainless Steel 0.7…0.8
Brass 0.4…0.5
Aluminum 0.3…0.4
Copper 0.2…0.3
Product Selection
Switching Cat. No.
Barrel Nominal Sensing Distance Output
Diameter [mm (in.)] Configuration Frequency [Hz] Micro QD Style
3 (0.12) Y 872C-- M3Q12-- D4
12 mm 2000
4 (0.16) N 872C-- N4Q12-- D4
[mm (in.)]
Wiring Diagrams
Normally Open Normally Closed Normally Open Normally Closed
Sourcing Output Sourcing Output Sinking Output Sinking Output
+ -- -- +
Load Load
-- + + --
Load Load
10…30V DC 10…30V DC 10…30V DC 10…30V DC
-- + + -- -- + + --
Load Current ≤200 mA
Leakage Current ≤10 mA
Operating Voltage 10…30V DC
Voltage Drop ≤1.6V
Repeatability ≤8%
Hysteresis ≤10% typical
False Pulse Protection Incorporated
872C DC Cable Style
12, 18, 30 mm Transient Noise Protection Incorporated
Reverse Polarity Protection Incorporated
Short Circuit Protection Incorporated
Overload Protection Incorporated
Certfications UL Listed, cUL Certified and CE Marked for all applicable directives
Enclosure NEMA 1, 2, 3, 4, 6P, 12, 13, IP67 (IEC 529); Nickel-plated brass barrel
872C DC Micro
Quick-Disconnect Style Connections Cable: 2 m (6.5 ft) length
12, 18, 30 mm 4-conductor PVC
Quick-Disconnect: 4-pin micro style
LED Red: Output Energized, 360_ visibility
Operating Temperature [C (F)] - 25…+70° (-- 13…+158°)
S 4-wire operation
Shock 30 g, 11 ms
S 4-conductor or 4-pin connection Vibration 55 Hz, 1 mm amplitude, 3 planes
S 10…30V DC
S Complementary normally open and Correction Factors
normally closed outputs Target Material Correction Factor
S Short circuit, false pulse, reverse Steel 1.0
polarity, overload and transient noise Stainless Steel 0.7…0.8
protection Brass 0.4…0.5
S UL Listed, cUL Certified and CE Aluminum 0.3…0.4
Marked for all applicable directives Copper 0.2…0.3
Product Selection
[mm (in.)]
Thread Size Shielded A B C
M12 X 1 Y 12.0 (0.47)
M18 X 1 Y 18.0 (0.71) 50.8 (2.00) 46.7 (1.84)
M30 X 1.5 Y 30.0 (1.18)
Micro QD Style
Complementary Normally Open and Normally Closed
A PNP (Sourcing)
4 porthole +
D N.C.
LED indicators
C --
B + N.O. --
M12 x 1 Load
-- 10…30V DC +
[mm (in.)]
Thread Size Shielded A B C
M12 X 1 Y 12.0 (0.47)
38.1 (1.50)
M18 X 1 Y 18.0 (0.71) 65.0 (2.56)
M30 X 1.5 Y 30.0 (1.18) 48.7 (1.88)
8 mm 12, 18, 30 mm
Load Current 100 mA max ≤300 mA
Minimum Load Current 5 mA
Inrush Current (1 cycle) ≤2 A
Leakage Current ≤2 mA
872C AC Cable Style Operating Voltage 20…240V AC 20…250V AC
8 mm
Voltage Drop ≤5V
Repeatability ≤5%
Hysteresis 15% ≤15% typical
False Pulse Protection Incorporated
Transient Noise Protection Incorporated
Overload Protection Incorporated
Certfications cULus Listed and CE Marked for all applicable directives
Enclosure NEMA 1, 2, 3, 4, 12, 13 IP67 (IEC 529)
872C AC Cable Style Nickel-plated brass barrel
12, 18, 30 mm Connections Cable: 2 m (6.5 ft) length
3-conductor PVC
Quick-Disconnect: 3-pin micro style
3-pin mini style
LED Red: Output Energized, 360° visibility
Operating Temperature [C (F)] - 25…+70° (-- 13…+158°)
Shock 30 g, 11 ms
Vibration 55 Hz, 1 mm amplitude, 3 planes
872C AC Mini
Quick-Disconnect Style
18, 30 mm
Correction Factors
Target Material Correction Factor
Steel 1.0
Stainless Steel 0.9
Brass 0.5
Aluminum 0.45
Copper 0.4
872C AC Micro
Quick-Disconnect Style
12, 18, 30 mm
QD Cordsets and Accessories
Features Description Page Number
Product Selection
Brown Brown
2m Blue Blue
Load Load
(6.5 ft)
Green/Yellow Green/Yellow
NOTE: Load can be switched to brown wire.
[mm (in.)]
Thread Size Shielded A B C D
Y 8.0 (0.32) 47.0 (1.85) 36.0 (1.42) —
M8 X 1
N 6.0 (0.24) 47.0 (1.85) 36.0 (1.42) 6.0 (0.24)
Y 60.0 (2.36) —
M12 X 1 12.0 (0.47) 70.0 (2.76)
N 54.0 (2.13) 6.0 (0.24)
Y 50.0 (1.96) —
M18 X 1 18.0 (0.71) 60.0 (2.36)
N 42.0 (1.65) 8.0 (0.31)
Y 50.0 (1.96) —
M30 X 1.5 30.0 (1.18) 60.0 (2.36)
N 38.0 (1.50) 12.0 (0.47)
B Load
Note: Load can be switched to pin 3.
[mm (in.)]
[mm (in.)]
Load Current ≤300 mA
Minimum Load Current 2 mA
Inrush Current (1 cycle) ≤2 A
Leakage Current ≤1.7 mA
Operating Voltage 20…250V AC
Voltage Drop ≤11V @ 10 mA, ≤7V @ 300 mA
872C AC Cable Style
12, 18, 30 mm Repeatability ≤5%
Hysteresis ≤10% typical
False Pulse Protection Incorporated
Transient Noise Protection Incorporated
Overload Protection Incorporated
Certfications cULus Listed and CE Marked for all applicable directives
Enclosure NEMA 1, 2, 3, 4, 12, 13 IP67 (IEC 529)
Nickel-plated brass barrel
872C AC Mini Connections Cable: 2 m (6.5 ft) length
Quick-Disconnect Style 3-conductor PVC
18, 30 mm Quick-Disconnect: 3-pin micro style
3-pin mini style
LED Red: Output Energized, 360° visibility
Operating Temperature [C (F)] - 25…+70° (-- 13…+158°)
Shock 30 g, 11 ms
Vibration 55 Hz, 1 mm amplitude, 3 planes
872C AC Micro
Correction Factors
Quick-Disconnect Style
12, 18, 30 mm Target Material Correction Factor
Steel 1.0
Features Stainless Steel 0.9
S 2-wire operation Brass 0.5
Aluminum 0.45
S 3-conductor or 3-pin connection
Copper 0.4
S 20…250V AC
S Normally open or normally closed
output QD Cordsets and Accessories
S False pulse, transient noise, and Description Page Number
overload protection Other Cordsets Available 8-- 2
S cULus Listed and CE Marked for all Terminal Chambers 8-- 2
applicable directives Mounting Brackets 2-- 210…2-- 214
End Caps 2-- 220
Mounting Nuts 2-- 221…2-- 222
Product Selection
Brown Brown
2m Blue Blue
Load Load
(6.5 ft)
Green/Yellow Green/Yellow
NOTE: Load can be switched to brown wire.
[mm (in.)]
Thread Size Shielded A B C D
Y 60.0 (2.36) —
M12 X 1 12.0 (0.47) 70.0 (2.76)
N 54.0 (2.13) 6.0 (0.24)
Y 50.0 (1.96) —
M18 X 1 18.0 (0.71) 60.0 (2.36)
N 42.0 (1.65) 8.0 (0.31)
Y 50.0 (1.96) —
M30 X 1.5 30.0 (1.18) 60.0 (2.36)
N 38.0 (1.50) 12.0 (0.47)
B Load
Note: Load can be switched to pin 3.
[mm (in.)]
[mm (in.)]
12 mm 18 & 30 mm
Load Current 300 mA 350 mA
Minimum Load Current 2 mA
Inrush Current (1 cycle) ≤2A
Leakage Current ≤1.7 mA @ 120V and ≤1.9 mA @ 250V
Operating Voltage 20…250V AC/DC
872C AC/DC Cable Style Voltage Drop ≤5V
12, 18, 30 mm
Repeatability ≤5%
Hysteresis ≤10% typical
False Pulse Protection Incorporated
Transient Noise Protection Incorporated
Short Circuit Protection Incorporated
Overload Protection Incorporated
872C AC/DC Micro
Certfications cULus Listed and CE Marked for all applicable directives
Quick-Disconnect Style
12, 18, 30 mm Enclosure NEMA 1, 2, 3, 4, 12, 13 IP67 (IEC 529)
Nickel-plated brass barrel
Connections Cable: 2 m (6.5 ft) length
Features 3-conductor PVC
S 2-wire operation Quick-Disconnect: 3-pin micro style
3-pin mini style
S 3-conductor or 3-pin connection
LED Red: output energized, 360° visibility
S 20…250V AC/DC Operating Temperature [C (F)] - 25…+70° (-- 13…+158°)
S Normally open or normally closed Shock and Vibration 30 g, 10…55 Hz
S False pulse, transient noise, short Correction Factors
circuit, and overload protection
Target Material Correction Factor
S cULus Listed and CE Marked for all Steel 1.0
applicable directives
Stainless Steel 0.9
Brass 0.5
Aluminum 0.4
Copper 0.4
Product Selection
2m Blue
(6.5 ft)
NOTE: Load can be switched to brown wire.
[mm (in.)]
Thread Size Shielded A B C D
Y 60.0 (2.36) —
M12 X 1 12.0 (0.47) 70.0 (2.76)
N 54.0 (2.13) 6.0 (0.24)
Y 50.0 (1.96) —
M18 X 1 18.0 (0.71) 60.0 (2.36)
N 42.0 (1.65) 8.0 (0.31)
Y 50.0 (1.96) —
M30 X 1.5 30.0 (1.18) 60.0 (2.36)
N 38.0 (1.50) 12.0 (0.47)
[mm (in.)]
Load Current Switched Power, Max 84 W or 900V A
Switched Current, Max 3 amps SPDT
Switched Voltage, Max 28V DC or 300V AC
Relay Life 20,000,000 operations (no load),
100,000 operations (full load)
Operating Voltage 30…132V AC/DC
Repeatability ≤10% at constant temperature
Hysteresis 10% typical
872C AC/DC Cable Style
False Pulse Protection Incorporated
30 mm
Transient Noise Protection Incorporated
Reverse Polarity Protection Incorporated
Certfications cULua Listed and CE Marked for all applicable directives
S High output current capability—up to
Enclosure NEMA 1, 2, 3, 3R 4, 4X, 6, 6P, 12, 13, IP67 (IEC 529);
Nickel-plated brass barrel
S N.O. and N.C. contacts in the same Connections Cable: 2 m (6.5 ft) length
unit 5-conductor 22 AWG PVC cable
S Isolated outputs LED Red: Output Energized, 360_ visibility
S 360_ LED Operating Temperature [C (F)] - 25…+70° (-- 13…+158°)
Shock 30 g, 11 ms
S 30…132V AC/DC supply voltage
Vibration 55 Hz, 1 mm amplitude, 3 planes
S Reverse polarity protection (DC)
S Circuit protected against industrial
noise and transients Correction Factors
Product Selection
Barrel Nominal Sensing Distance Output Switching
Diameter [mm (in.)] Shielded Configuration Frequency [Hz] Cat. No.
10 (0.39) Y 872C-- B10BR30-- E2
30 mm SPDT Relay 100
15 (0.59) N 872C-- B15BR30-- E2
2 m (6.5 ft)
[mm (in.)]
12 mm 18 mm
Load Current ≤300 mA ≤400 mA
Leakage Current ≤10 mA
Operating Voltage 10…30V DC
Voltage Drop ≤1V
871T DC Cable Style Repeatability ≤10%
12, 18 mm
Hysteresis ≤10% typical
False Pulse Protection Incorporated
Transient Noise Protection Incorporated
Reverse Polarity Protection Incorporated
Short Circuit Protection Incorporated
Overload Protection Incorporated
Certifications UL Listed, CSA Certified and CE Marked for all applicable directives
Enclosure NEMA 1, 2, 3, 4, 12 and 13 IP67 (IEC529)
871T DC Mini 303 Stainless steel barrel
Quick-Disconnect Style
18 mm Connections Cable: 3 m (10 ft) length
3-conductor PVC
Quick-Disconnect: 4-pin mini style
Features LED Red: Output Energized
S 3-wire operation Operating Temperature [C (F)] - 40…+70° (-- 40…+158°)
S 3-conductor or 4-pin connection
S 10…30V DC Correction Factors
S Normally open output Target Material Correction Factors
S Short circuit, overload, false pulse, Steel 1.0
reverse polarity and transient noise Stainless Steel 0.7…0.9
protection Brass 0.3…0.5
S UL Listed, CSA Certified and CE Aluminum 0.3…0.4
Marked for all applicable directives Copper 0.3…0.4
Product Selection
Cat. No.
Barrel Nominal Sensing Distance Output Switching
Diameter [mm (in.)] Shielded Configuration Frequency [Hz] Cable Style Mini QD Style
NPN 871T-- R2A12 —
2 (0.08) Y 2000
PNP 871T-- L2A12 —
12 mm N.O.
NPN 871T-- R4B12 —
4 (0.16) N 1000
PNP 871T- L4B12 —
NPN 871T-- R5 A18 871T-- R5J18
5 (0.20) Y 1000
PNP 871T-- L5 A18 871T-- L5J18
18 mm N.O.
NPN 871T- R8B18 871T-- R8K18
8 (0.31) N 500
PNP 871T-- L8B18 871T-- L8K18
Recommended Standard QD Cordset (-- 6F = 1.8 m (6 ft)) 889N-- F4AFC-- 6F
[mm (in.)]
Thread Size Shielded A B C D
Y 53.8 (2.12) 0.8 (0.03)
M12 X 1 12.0 (0.47) 80.0 (3.15)
N 46.5 (1.83) 8.1 (0.32)
Y 81.5 (3.21) 55.6 (2.19) 0.8 (0.03)
M18 X 1 18.0 (0.71)
N 81.3 (3.20) 43.7 (1.72) 12.3 (0.48)
-- 10…30V DC + -- 10…30V DC +
[mm (in.)]
Thread Size Shielded A B C D
Y 96.9 (3.81) 51.9 (2.04) 0.8 (0.03)
M18 X 1 18.0 (0.71)
N 96.9 (3.81) 40.4 (1.59) 12.3 (0.48)
12 mm 18 mm
Load Current ≤300 mA ≤500 mA
Inrush Current (1 cycle) ≤3 A ≤5 A
Leakage Current ≤1.5 mA
Supply Current (minimum) 5 mA
871T AC Cable Style Operating Voltage 20…132V AC
12, 18 mm
Voltage Drop 6.5V AC at 500 mA, 10V AC at 20 mA (RMS)
Repeatability ≤10%
Hysteresis ≤10% typical
False Pulse Protection Incorporated
Transient Noise Protection Incorporated
Certifications UL Listed, CSA Certified and CE Marked for all applicable directives
Enclosure NEMA 1, 2, 3, 4, 12 and 13 IP67 (IEC529)
303 Stainless steel barrel
871T AC Mini
Quick-Disconnect Style Connections Cable: 3 m (10 ft) length
18 mm 12 mm—2 conductor PVC
18 mm—3 conductor PVC
Quick-Disconnect: 3-pin mini style
Features LED Red: Output Energized (none on 87IT-- G5Q18FT)
S 2-wire operation Operating Temperature [C (F)] - 40…+70° (-- 40…+158°)
S 2-conductor, 3-conductor, or 3-pin Shock 30 g, 11 ms
connection Vibration 55 Hz, 1 mm amplitude, 3 planes
S 20…132V AC
Correction Factors
S False pulse and transient noise
protection Target Material Correction Factors
Product Selection
Blue Blue
3 m (10 ft) Load Load
Green Green
[mm (in.)]
Thread Size Shielded A B C D
Y 53.8 (2.12) 0.8 (0.03)
M12 X 1 12.0 (0.47) 80.0 (3.15)
N 46.5 (1.83) 8.1 (0.32)
Y 81.5 (3.21) 55.6 (2.19) 0.8 (0.03)
M18 X 1 18.0 (0.71)
N 81.3 (3.20) 43.7 (1.72) 12.3 (0.48)
[mm (in.)]
Thread Size Shielded A B C D
Y 51.9 (2.04) 0.8 (0.03)
M18 X 1 18.0 (0.71) 96.9 (3.81)
N 40.4 (1.59) 12.3 (0.48)
Load Current ≤500 mA
Inrush Current (1 cycle) ≤5 A
Supply Current (minimum) 5 mA
Leakage Current ≤1.7 mA
871T AC Cable Style Operating Voltage 20…132V AC
18 mm
Voltage Drop N.O. output: 6.5V AC at 500 mA, 10V AC at 20 mA (RMS)
N.C. output: 1.7V AC at 500 mA (RMS)
Isolation Voltage 800V AC (output to output); 1500V AC (output to housing)
Repeatability ≤10%
Hysteresis ≤10% typical
False Pulse Protection Incorporated (Delay on power-up ≤100 ms)
871T AC Mini Incorporated
Transient Noise Protection
Quick-Disconnect Style
18 mm Certifications CE Marked for all applicable directives
Enclosure NEMA 3, 4, 12 and 13, IP67 (IEC529)
Stainless steel face and barrel
Connections Cable: 3.6 m (12 ft) length
S 2-wire or 4-wire operation 5-conductor PVC
Quick-Disconnect: 5-pin mini style
S 20…132V AC 3-pin mini style
S Normally open or complementary LEDs Red: Output Energized
(N.O. and N.C.) outputs Green: Power
S Ferrous selective sensing Ambient Temperature [C (F)] - 0…+70° (+32…+158°)
Product Selection
Switching Cat. No.
Barrel Nominal Sensing Distance Output
Diameter [mm (in.)] Shielded Configuration Frequency [Hz] Cable Style Mini QD 3-pin Style Mini QD 5-pin Style
3 (0.12) 871T-- A3 A18FE-- 12 — 871T-- A3J18FE
N.O. and N.C.
18 mm 5 (0.20) Y 10 871T-- A5 A18FE-- 12 — 871T-- A5J18FE
3 (0.12) N.O. — 871T-- AX01 —
Recommended Standard QD Cordset (-- 6F = 1.8 m (6 ft)) 889N-- F3AFC-- 6F 889N-- F5AFC-- 6F
1. N.O. output must be wired for operation. N.C. output is optional.
2. N.O. load can be switched to white wire.
3. N.C. load can be switched to red wire.
[mm (in.)]
Thread Size A B C D Cat. No.
104.1 (4.10) 53.3 (2.10) 871T- A3 A18FE- 12
M18x1 18.0 (0.71) 20.3 (0.80)
101.6 (4.00) 50.8 (2.00) 871T- A5 A18FE- 12
Load Ground
A N.O. Output
D N.C. Output
C Load
[mm (in.)]
Thread Size A B C D Cat. No.
871T- AX01
104.1 (4.10) 53.3 (2.10)
M18x1 18.0 (0.71) 20.3 (0.80) 871T- A3J18FE
101.6 (4.00) 50.8 (2.00) 871T- A5J18FE
Load Current ≤200 mA
Leakage Current ≤15 mA
Operating Voltage 10…30V DC
Voltage Drop ≤2.0V
Repeatability ≤5%
Hysteresis ≤10% typical
False Pulse Protection Incorporated
Transient Noise Protection Incorporated
871TS DC Micro
Reverse Polarity Protection Incorporated
Quick-Disconnect Style
12, 18 mm Short Circuit Protection Incorporated
Overload Protection Incorporated
Features Certfications cULus Listed and CE Marked for all applicable directives
Enclosure NEMA 1, 2, 3, 3R, 4, 4X, 6, 6P, 12, 13, IP67, IP68 and IP69K;
S 4-wire operation (complementary
stainless steel 316L, PPS (FDA Certified) plastic face
normally open and normallly closed
outputs) Connections Quick-Disconnect: 4-pin micro style
Product Selection
Cat. No.
Barrel Nominal Sensing Distance Output Switching
Diameter [mm (in.)] Shielded Configuration Frequency [Hz] Micro QD Style
NPN 871TS-- D2BN12-- D4
2 (0.08) Y 2000
PNP 871TS-- D2BP12-- D4
NPN 871TS-- M4BN12-- D4
4 (0.16) Y 2000
PNP 871TS-- M4BP12-- D4
12 mm N.O. and N.C.
NPN 871TS-- D4BN12-- D4
4 (0.16) N 2000
PNP 871TS-- D4BP12-- D4
NPN 871TS-- N8BN12-- D4
8 (0.31) N 2000
PNP 871TS-- N8BP12-- D4
NPN 871TS-- D5BN18-- D4
5 (0.20) Y 1500
PNP 871TS-- D5BP18-- D4
NPN 871TS-- M8BN18-- D4
8 (0.31) Y 1500
PNP 871TS-- M8BP18-- D4
18 mm N.O. and N.C.
NPN 871TS-- D8BN18-- D4
8 (0.31) N 1500
PNP 871TS-- D8BP18-- D4
NPN 871TS-- N12BN18-- D4
12 (0.47) N 1500
PNP 871TS-- N12BP18-- D4
Recommended standard QD cordset (-- 2 = 2 m (6.5 ft)) 889D-- F4AC-- 2
D + N.C.
C --
B + N.O. --
M12 x 1 Load
-- 10…30V DC +
[mm (in.)]
Thread Size Shielded A B C D
M12 X 1 Y 12.0 (0.47) 65.0 (2.56) 38.1 (1.50) —
M12 X 1 N 12.0 (0.47) 65.0 (2.56) 32.5 (1.28) 6.5 (0.26)
M18 X 1 Y 18.0 (0.71) 63.0 (2.48) 34.5 (1.36) —
M18 X 1 N 18.0 (0.71) 63.0 (2.48) 26.5 (1.04) 8.0 (0.31)
Load Current ≤200 mA
Minimum Load Current 1 mA
Leakage Current ≤10 μΑ
Operating Voltage 10…30V DC
Voltage Drop ≤2.4V
871Z DC Mini Repeatability ≤10%
Quick-Disconnect Style Hysteresis ≤15% typical
18, 30 mm
False Pulse Protection Incorporated
Transient Noise Protection Incorporated
Reverse Polarity Protection Incorporated
Short Circuit Protection Incorporated
Overload Protection Incorporated
Weld Field Immunity 20,000 A at 1 inch
Certifications CE Marked for all applicable directives
Enclosure NEMA 1, 2, 3, 4, 12 and 13, IP67 (IEC529)
871Z DC Micro PTFE coated brass barrel
Quick-Disconnect Style
12, 18, 30 mm Connections Quick-Disconnect:4-pin mini style
4-pin micro style
LED Red: Output Energized
Operating Temperature [C (F)] - 25…+70° (-- 13…+158°)
S 3-wire operation Shock 30 g, 11 ms
S 3-conductor or 4-pin connection Vibration 55 Hz, 1 mm amplitude, 3 planes
S 10…30V DC
S Weld field immunity Correction Factors
Product Selection
Switching Cat. No.
Barrel Nominal Sensing Distance Output
Diameter [mm (in.)] Configuration Frequency [Hz] Mini QD Style Micro QD Style
12 mm 2 (0.08) Y N.O. PNP 15 — 871Z- DW2NP12- D4
18 mm 5 (0.20) Y N.O. PNP 15 871Z-- DW5NP18-- N4 871Z- DW5NP18- D4
30 mm 10 (0.39) Y N.O. PNP 15 871Z-- DW10NP30-- N4 871Z-- DW10NP30-- D4
Recommended Standard QD Cordset (-- 6F = 1.8 m (6 ft), - 2 = 2 m (6.5 ft)) 889N-- F4AFC-- 6F 889D-- F4WE-- 2
C --
7/8--16UNF--2A -- 10…30V DC +
[mm (in.)]
Micro QD Style
A Normally Open
PNP (Sourcing)
-- +
B Load
M12 X 1 10…30V DC
-- +
[mm (in.)]
12 mm 18 & 30 mm
Load Current 5…200 mA 5…250 mA
Inrush Current (1 cycle) ≤2 A ≤4 A
Leakage Current ≤1.9 mA @ 120V AC
Operating Voltage 20…250V AC/DC
Voltage Drop ≤10V @ 5…200 mA ≤10V @ 5…250 mA
871Z AC/DC Mini Repeatability ≤10% at constant temperature
Quick-Disconnect Style Hysteresis 7% typical
12, 18, 30 mm
False Pulse Protection Incorporated
Transient Noise Protection Incorporated
Short Circuit Protection Incorporated, Incorporated,
trigger @ 5 A typical trigger @ 8 A typical
Overload Protection Incorporated, Incorporated,
trigger @ 260 mA typical trigger @ 320 mA typical
Weld Field Immunity 20,000A at 1 inch
871Z AC/DC Micro Reverse Polarity Incorporated
Quick-Disconnect Style Protection (DC output)
12, 18, 30 mm Certifications UL Listed, CSA Certified and CE Marked for all applicable directives
Enclosure NEMA 1, 2, 3, 3R, 4, 4X, 6, 6P, 12, 13, IP67 (IEC529)
Features PTFE coated housing
S 2-wire operation Connections Cable: 2 m (6.5 ft) length
C2 —2 conductor #22 AWG ToughLink™
S 2-conductor, 3-conductor, or 3-pin H2—3 conductor #18 AWG ToughLink
connection Quick-Disconnect:3-pin micro style
3-pin mini style
S 20…250V AC/DC
LEDs Red: Output energized Red: Flashing short circuit/
S Normally open or normally closed Green: Power overload
output Operating Temperature [C (F)] - 25…+70° (-- 13…+158°)
S Weld field immunity Shock 30 g, 11 ms
S Short circuit, false pulse, overload, Vibration 55 Hz, 1 mm amplitude, 3 planes
and transient noise protection
S UL Listed, CSA Certified and CE Correction Factors
Marked for all applicable directives Target Material Correction Factor
Steel 1.0
Stainless Steel 0.7…0.8
Brass 0.4…0.5
Aluminum 0.3…0.4
Copper 0.3…0.4
Product Selection
Cat. No.
Barrel Nominal Sensing Distance Output Switching
Diameter [mm (in.)] Shielded Configuration Frequency [Hz] Cable Style Mini QD Style Micro QD Style
N.O. 30 — 871Z-- BW2N12-- N3 871Z-- BW2N12-- R3
2 (0.08) Y
N.C. 20 — 871Z-- BW2C12-- N3 871Z-- BW2C12-- R3
12 mm
N.O. 30 — 871Z-- BW4N12-- N3 871Z-- BW4N12-- R3
4 (0.16) N
N.C. 20 — 871Z-- BW4C12-- N3 871Z-- BW4C12-- R3
Recommended Standard QD Cordset (-- 6F = 1.8 m (6 ft), - 2 = 2 m (6.5 ft)) 889N-- F3AFC-- 6F 889R-- F3WEA-- 2
12 mm models utilize the same outer and inner jacket materials, but are not SOOW--A rated.
Note: This Allen-Bradley Weld Field Immune proximity sensor is also available with additional weld slag resistant material on
the sensing face. Consult your local Rockwell Automation sales office or Allen-Bradley distributor for details.
Note: Rear portion of barrel left uncoated for ground contact on 12 mm models.
[mm (in.)]
Note: Rear portion of barrel left uncoated for ground contact Note 1: No ground pin on 12 mm. Attach housing to ground.
on 12 mm models. Note 2: Load can be switched to pin 2.
[mm (in.)]
Micro QD Style
Normally Open or Normally Closed
LEDs Ground
2 3 Load
Note: Rear portion of barrel left uncoated for ground contact Note 1: No ground pin on 12 mm. Attach housing to ground.
on 12 mm models. Note 2: Load can be switched to pin 2.
[mm (in.)]
Thread Size Shielded A B C D
Y 46.7 (1.85)
M12 X 1 12.0 (0.47) 90.1 (3.55)
N 39.7 (1.56)
Y 61.6 (2.43) 0.8 (0.03)
M18 X 1 18.0 (0.71) 83.5 (3.29)
N 48.9 (1.93)
M30 X 1.5 Y 30.0 (1.18) 86.0 (3.38) 64.3 (2.53)
Load Current ≤200 mA
Minimum Load Current 1 mA
Leakage Current <0.08 mA
Operating Voltage 10…30V DC
Voltage Drop ≤2.5V
871ZT DC Micro Repeatability ≤5% typical
Quick-Disconnect Style Hysteresis ≤10% typical
12, 18, 30 mm
False Pulse Protection Incorporated
Transient Noise Protection Incorporated
Reverse Polarity Protection Incorporated
S 3-wire operation
Short Circuit Protection Incorporated
S 4-pin micro quick-disconnect Overload Protection Incorporated
S 10…30V DC Weld Field Immunity Up to 1260 Gauss (M5)
S Weld field immunity Certifications cULus Listed and CE Marked for all applicable directives
S Weld-slag resistant PTFE coated Enclosure IP67 (IEC 529)
brass barrel and face PTFE coated brass barrel
Connections Quick-Disconnect: 4-pin micro style
S Equal sensing for all metals
LED 360_ LED visibility; Orange: Target Present
S Normally open output
Operating Temperature [C (F)] - 25…+70° (-- 13…+158°)
S Reverse polarity, short circuit, Shock 30 g, 11 ms
overload, false pulse and transient
Vibration 55 Hz, 1 mm amplitude, 3 planes
noise protection
S cULus Listed and CE Marked for all
applicable directives
Correction Factors
Target Material Correction Factor
Steel 1.0
Stainless Steel 0.9-- 1.1
Brass 0.9-- 1.1
Aluminum 0.9-- 1.1
Copper 0.9-- 1.1
Product Selection
Cat. No.
Nominal Sensing Switching Frequency
Barrel Diameter Distance [mm (in.)] Shielded Outout Configuration [Hz] Micro QD Style
3 (0.12) Y 2000 871ZT-- MB3NP12-- D4
12 mm
8 (0.31) N 2000 871ZT-- NB8NP12-- D4
5 (0.20) Y 2500 871ZT-- MB5NP18-- D4
18 mm N.O. PNP
12 (0.47) N 2500 871ZT-- NB12NP18-- D4
10 (0.39) Y 600 871ZT-- MB10NP30-- D4
30 mm
20 (0.79) N 1000 871ZT-- NB20NP30-- D4
Recommended Standard QD Cordset (-- 6F = 1.8 m (6 ft), - 2 = 2 m (6.5 ft)) 889D-- F4WE-- 2
LED indicators
C -- +
M12 x 1 10…30V DC
-- +
Load Current ≤200 mA
Minimum Load Current 1 mA
Leakage Current ≤10 μA
Operating Voltage 10…30V DC
Voltage Drop ≤2.4V
Repeatability ≤10%
871ZC DC Micro Hysteresis 10% typical
Quick-Disconnect Style False Pulse Protection Incorporated
12, 18, 30 mm
Transient Noise Protection Incorporated
Reverse Polarity Protection Incorporated
Short Circuit Protection Incorporated
S 360_ LED Overload Protection Incorporated
S Copper barrel Weld Field Immunity 20,000 A at 1 inch
S Weld field immunity Certifications UL Listed, cUL Certified and CE Marked for all applicable directives
S 3-wire operation Enclosure NEMA 1, 2, 3, 4, 12 and 13, IP67 (IEC529)
Copper barrel, thermoset plastic face
S 4-pin micro QD connection
Connections Quick-Disconnect: 4-pin micro style
S 10…30V DC LED Red: Target Present
S Normally open output Operating Temperature [C (F)] - 25…+70° (-- 13…+158°)
S Reverse polarity, short circuit, Shock 30 g, 11 ms
overload, false pulse and transient Vibration 55 Hz, 1 mm amplitude, 3 planes
noise protection
S Optional ToughCoat finish on sensor Correction Factors
Target Material Correction Factor
S UL Listed, cUL Certified and CE
Steel 1.0
Marked for all applicable directives
Stainless Steel 0.7…0.8
Brass 0.4…0.5
Aluminum 0.3…0.4
Copper 0.3…0.4
Product Selection
Switching Cat. No.
Barrel Nominal Sensing Distance ToughCoat Output
Diameter [mm (in.)] Shielded Finish Configuration Frequency [Hz] Micro QD Style
Uncoated 871ZC-- MW2NP12-- D4
2 (0.07) Y
12 mm Face Only 871ZC-- MV2NP12-- D4
4 (0.15) N Uncoated 871ZC-- NW4NP12-- D4
Uncoated 871ZC-- MW5NP18-- D4
5 (0.19) Y
Face Only 871ZC-- MV5NP18-- D4
18 mm N.O. PNP 15
8 (0.31) Uncoated 871ZC-- NW8NP18-- D4
15 (0.59) Uncoated 871ZC-- NW15NP18-- D4
Uncoated 871ZC-- MW10NP30-- D4
10 (0.39) Y
30 mm Face Only 871ZC-- MV10NP30-- D4
15 (0.59) N Uncoated 871ZC-- NW15NP30-- D4
Recommended standard QD cordset (-- 2 = 2 m (6.5 ft)) 889D-- F4WE-- 2
B -- +
M12 x 1 Load
10…30V DC
-- +
[mm (in.)]
12 mm 18 & 30 mm
Load Current 5…200 mA 5…250 mA
Inrush Current (1 cycle) ≤2 A ≤4 A
Leakage Current ≤1.9 mA @ 120V AC
Operating Voltage 20…250V AC/DC
Voltage Drop ≤10V @ 5…200 mA ≤10V @ 5…250 mA
Repeatability ≤10% at constant temperature
Hysteresis 7% typical
False Pulse Protection Incorporated
871ZC AC/DC Mini Transient Noise Protection Incorporated
Quick-Disconnect Style Short Circuit Protection Incorporated, Incorporated,
12, 18, 30 mm trigger @ 5 A typical trigger @ 8 A typical
Overload Protection Incorporated, Incorporated,
Features trigger @ 260 mA typical trigger @ 320 mA typical
S 2-wire operation Weld Field Immunity 20,000A @ 1 inch
Product Selection
Cat. No.
Barrel Nominal Sensing Distance ToughCoat Output Switching
Diameter [mm (in.)] Shielded Finish Configuration Frequency [Hz] Mini QD Style Micro QD Style
Uncoated N.O. 30 871ZC-- BW2N12-- N3 871ZC-- BW2N12-- R3
B Load
[mm (in.)]
Micro QD Style
Normally Open or Normally Closed
LEDs Ground
D 1
2 3
Note 1: No ground pin on 12 mm. Attach housing to ground.
Note 2: Load can be switched to pin 2.
[mm (in.)]
General Information
Torque Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . page 2--225
Conversion Chart . . . . . . . . . page 14--6
Barrel Diameter 3 mm Smooth Barrel and 4 mm Smooth Barrel and
4 mm Threaded Barrel 5 mm Threaded Barrel
871C DC Cable Style Load Current ≤100 mA ≤200 mA
Smooth Barrel ≤0.1 mA
Leakage Current
3, 4 mm
Operating Voltage 10…30V DC
Voltage Drop ≤2.5V
Repeatability ≤5%
Hysteresis 15% typical
False Pulse Protection Incorporated
Transient Noise Protection Incorporated
871C DC Pico Style 3-Pin 6 inch Lead
Smooth Barrel Reverse Polarity Protection Incorporated
4, 5 mm Short Circuit Protection Incorporated
Certifications cULus Listed and CE Marked for all applicable directives
Enclosure NEMA 1, 2, 3, 4, 12, 13 IP67 (cable only) IP65 (qd only) (IEC529);
Stainless steel barrel
Connections Cable: 2 m (6.5 ft) length Cable: 2 m (6.5 ft) length
871C DC Cable Style 3-conductor PUR 3-conductor PVC
Threaded Barrel Quick-Disconnect: 3-pin pico style Quick-Disconnect: 3-pin pico style
4, 5 mm 3-- pin pico on
6 in. lead
LED Red or Yellow: Output energized
Operating Temperature [C (F)] - 25…+70° (-- 13…+158°)
871C DC Cable Style
Shock 30 g, 11 ms
Smooth Barrel
4 mm Vibration 55 Hz, 1 mm amplitude, 3 planes
Correction Factors
871C DC Pico Quick-Disconnect Target Material Correction Factor
Style Threaded Barrel Steel 1.0
5 mm
Stainless Steel 0.7…0.8
Brass 0.4…0.5
Features Aluminum 0.3…0.4
S 3-wire operation Copper 0.3…0.4
S 3-conductor, 3-pin pico or 3-pin pico
on 6 inch lead
S 10…30V DC
S Normally open
S False pulse, transient noise, reverse
polarity and short circuit protections
S cULus Listed and CE Marked for all
applicable directives (except for
3 mm models)
Product Selection
Sensing Cat. No.
Barrel Barrel Distance Output Switching
Dia. Type [mm (in.)] Shielded Configuration Frequency [Hz] Cable Style Pico QD Style Pico with Lead Style
NPN 871C-- DM1NN3-- E2 — 871C-- DM1NN3-- AP3
0.6 (0.02) 5000
PNP 871C- DM1NP3- E2 — 871C-- DM1NP3-- AP3
3 Smooth
NPN 871C-- MM1NN3-- E2 — 871C-- MM1NN3-- AP3
1 (0.04) 3000
PNP 871C-- MM1NP3-- E2 — 871C-- MM1NP3-- AP3
NPN 871C-- D1NN4-- E2 — 871C-- D1NN4-- AP3
0.8 (0.03) 5000
PNP 871C- D1NP4- E2 — 871C-- D1NP4-- AP3
NPN 871C-- M1NN4-- E2 — 871C-- M1NN4-- AP3
1 (0.04) 3000
PNP 871C-- M1NP4-- E2 — 871C-- M1NP4-- AP3
4 Y N.O.
NPN 871C-- DM1NN4-- E2 871C-- DM1NN4-- P3 —
0.8 (0.03) 5000
PNP 871C- DM1NP4- E2 871C-- DM1NP4-- P3 871C-- DM1NP4-- AP3
NPN 871C-- MM2NN4-- E2 871C-- MM2NN4-- P3 —
1.5 (0.06) 3000
PNP 871C-- MM2NP4-- E2 871C-- MM2NP4-- P3 —
NPN 871C-- D1NN5-- E2 871C-- D1NN5-- P3 —
1 (0.04) 5000
PNP 871C- D1NP5- E2 871C- D1NP5- P3 —
5 Threaded
NPN 871C-- M2NN5-- E2 871C-- M2NN5-- P3 —
1.5 (0.06) 3000
PNP 871C-- M2NP5-- E2 871C-- M2NP5-- P3 —
Recommended cordset 889P-- F3AB-- 2
[mm (in.)]
Pico QD Style
A Normally Open
D PNP (Sourcing) NPN (Sinking)
-- +
C Load
B B +
[mm (in.)]
[mm (in.)]
Load Current 1…200 mA
Leakage Current ≤10 mA
Operating Voltage 10…30V DC
Voltage Drop ≤2.4V
Repeatability ≤10%
871C DC Cable Style Hysteresis ≤15% typical
12, 18, 30 mm
False Pulse Protection Incorporated
Transient Noise Protection Incorporated
Reverse Polarity Protection Incorporated
Short Circuit Protection Incorporated
Overload Protection Incorporated
Certifications CE Marked for all applicable directives
Enclosure NEMA 1, 2, 3, 4, 12, 13, IP67 (IEC529 )
871C DC Micro
Nickel-plated brass barrel
Quick-Disconnect Style
12, 18, 30 mm Connections Cable: 2 m (6.5 ft) length
3-conductor PUR
Quick-Disconnect: 4-pin micro style
Description LED Orange: Output Energized
Bulletin 871C inductive proximity Operating Temperature [C (F)] - 40…+100° (-- 40…+212°)
sensors are self-contained, solid state
Shock 30 g, 11 ms
devices designed for most industrial
applications where it is required to Vibration 55 Hz, 1 mm amplitude, 3 planes
sense the presence of metal objects
without touching them. These special Features
extended temperature models are ideal Correction Factors
S 3-wire operation Target Material Correction Factor
for industrial environments where
temperatures can reach as high as S 3-conductor or 4-pin connection Steel 1.0
212_F (100_C) or as low as --40_F S 10…30V DC Stainless Steel 0.9
(--40_C). They are available for current
source (PNP) operation with a normally S Extended temperature range Brass 0.5
open output. S Normally open output Aluminum 0.45
Each switch has a plastic face and a Copper 0.4
S Short circuit, false pulse, reverse
nickel-plated brass housing which meet polarity, overload and transient noise
NEMA 1, 2, 3, 4, 12, 13 and IP67
(IEC529) enclosure standards. The
electronic circuitry is potted for S CE Marked for all applicable
protection against shock, vibration, and directives
These sensors are available in 12, 18,
and 30 mm diameters. Connection
options include: 2 m (6.5 ft) PUR cable
or micro quick-disconnect (4 pin,
1 keyway).
Product Selection
Barrel Nominal Sensing Distance Output Switching Cat. No.
Diameter [mm (in.)] Shielded Configuration Frequency [Hz] Cable Style Micro QD Style
2 (0.08) Y 2000 871C-- DT2NP12-- U2 871C-- DT2NP12-- D4
12 mm N.O. PNP
4 (0.16) N 1000 871C-- DT4NP12-- U2 871C-- DT4NP12-- D4
5 (0.20) Y 1000 871C-- DT5NP18-- U2 871C-- DT5NP18-- D4
18 mm N.O. PNP
8 (0.31) N 500 871C-- DT8NP18-- U2 871C-- DT8NP18-- D4
10 (0.39) Y 500 871C-- DT10NP30-- U2 871C-- DT10NP30-- D4
30 mm N.O. PNP
15 (0.59) N 300 871C-- DT15NP30-- U2 871C-- DT15NP30-- D4
Recommended standard QD cordset (-- 2 = 2 m (6.5 ft)) 889D-- F4AC-- 2
Brown + --
C Load
A B Black
D Blue
[mm (in.)]
Thread Size Shielded A B C D
Y 40.0 (1.57) —
M12 X 1 12.0 (0.47)
N 34.0 (1.34) 6.0 (0.24)
Y 40.0 (1.57) —
M18 X 1 18.0 (0.71) 40.0 (1.57)
N 32.0 (1.26) 8.0 (0.31)
Y 40.0 (1.57) —
M30 X 1.5 30.0 (1.18)
N 28.0 (1.12) 12.0 (0.47)
Micro QD Style
A Normally Open
PNP (Sourcing)
2 1
C 3 4
M12 X 1 -- Load +
10…30V DC
-- +
[mm (in.)]
Thread Size Shielded A B C D
Y 40.0 (1.57) —
M12 X 1 12.0 (0.47)
N 34.0 (1.34) 6.0 (0.24)
Y 40.0 (1.57) —
M18 X 1 18.0 (0.71) 60.0 (2.36)
N 32.0 (1.26) 8.0 (0.31)
Y 40.0 (1.57) —
M30 X 1.5 30.0 (1.18)
N 28.0 (1.10) 12.0 (0.47)
Barrel Diameter 12 mm 18 and 30 mm
Load Current 5…200 mA 5…250 mA
Minimum Load Current 5 mA
Inrush Current (1 cycle) ≤2 A ≤4 A
Leakage Current ≤1.9 mA @ 120V AC
871C AC Cable Style
18, 30 mm Operating Voltage 20…250V AC
Voltage Drop ≤10V @ 5…200 mA, ≤10V @ 5…250 mA
Repeatability ≤10% at constant temperature
Hysteresis 10% typical
False Pulse Protection Incorporated
Transient Noise Protection Incorporated
Short Circuit Protection Incorporated
Overload Protection Incorporated, trigger at 250 mA typical Incorporated, trigger at 320 mA typical
871C AC Mini
Certifications UL Listed, CSA Certified and CE Marked for all applicable directives
Quick-Disconnect Style
12, 18, 30 mm Enclosure NEMA 1, 2, 3, 3R, 4, 4X, 6, 6P, 12, 13 IP67 (IEC529)
Nickel plated brass barrel
Connections Cable: 2 m (6.5 ft) length
2-conductor PVC
Quick Disconnect: 3-pin micro style
3-pin mini style
Product Selection
Cat. No.
Barrel Nominal Sensing Distance Output Switching
Diameter [mm (in.)] Shielded Configuration Frequency [Hz] Cable Style Mini QD Style Micro QD Style
Recommended standard QD cordset (-- 6F = 1.8 m (6 ft), - 2 = 2 m (6.5 ft)) 889N-- F3AFC-- 6F 889R-- F3ECA-- 2
Note: Load can be switched to brown wire.
[mm (in.)]
Mini QD Style
A Normally Open or Normally Closed
D Ground
Note 1: No ground wire on 12 mm. Attach housing to
Note 2: Load can be switched to pin 3.
[mm (in.)]
Thread Size A B C D
M12 X 1 12.0 (0.47) 93.45 (3.68) 46.08 (1.81)
M18 X 1 18.0 (0.71) 75.82 (2.99) 53.92 (2.12) —
M30 X 1.5 30.0 (1.18) 86.66 (3.41) 64.31 (2.53)
Micro QD Style
A Normally Open or Normally Closed
D Ground
2 3 Load
1/2--20UNF--2A Note 1: No ground wire on 12 mm. Attach housing to ground.
Note 2: Load can be switched to pin 2.
[mm (in.)]
Thread Size A B C D
M12 X 1 12.0 (0.47) 90.42 (3.56) 46.99 (1.85)
M18 X 1 18.0 (0.71) 83.54 (3.29) 61.6 (2.43) —
M30 X 1.5 30.0 (1.18) 86.00 (3.39) 64.31 (2.53)
Barrel Diameter 18 mm 30 mm
Load Current ≤180 mA ≤300 mA
Inrush Current (1 cycle) ≤1 A ≤3 A
Leakage Current ≤.1.7 mA
Operating Voltage 24…250V AC
Voltage Drop ≤11V
871C AC Cable Style Hysteresis ≤20% typical
18, 30 mm Transient Noise Protection Incorporated
Certifications CE Marked for all applicable directives
Features Enclosure NEMA 1, 2, 3, 4, 4X, 12, 13 IP67 (IEC529)
S 2-wire operation Plastic barrel
Product Selection
Switching Cat. No.
Barrel Nominal Sensing Distance Output
Diameter [mm (in.)] Shielded Configuration Frequency [Hz] Cable Style
N.O. 871C-- C5S18
5 (0.20) Y
N.C. 871C-- D5S18
18 mm
N.O. 871C- C8R18
8 (0.31) N
N.C. 871C-- D8R18
N.O. 871C-- C10S30
10 (0.39) Y
N.C. 871C-- D10S30
30 mm
N.O. 871C- C15R30
15 (0.59) N
N.C. 871C-- D15R30
Description Page Number
Terminal Chambers 8-- 2
Mounting Brackets 2-- 210…2-- 214
End Caps 2-- 220
Mounting Nuts 2-- 221…2-- 222
Blue Blue
2 m (6.5 ft) Load Load
[mm (in.)]
Thread Size Shielded
M18 X 1 18.0 (0.71) 81.0 (3.19)
61.0 (2.40) 2.0 (0.08)
M30 X 1.5 30.0 (1.18) 81.0 (3.19)
Unshielded proximity sensors require a metal-free zone around the sensing face. Any metal immediately opposite the sensing face should be no closer than
three times the rated nominal sensing distance of the sensor.
Outputs NAMUR (conforms to DIN 19 234)
Load Current Target Present <1 mA
871C NAMUR Load Current Target Absent >3 mA
Cable Style Operating Voltage 5…15V DC (8.2V DC nom., Ri = 1 kohm, DIN 19 234)
8, 12, 18, 30 mm
Ripple Voltage <5%
Repeatability <10%
Hysteresis 10% typical
Reverse Polarity Protection Incorporated
False Pulse Protection Realized in amplifier
Micro Quick-Disconnect Style Transient Noise Protection Realized in amplifier
8, 12, 18, 30 mm Short Circuit Protection Realized in amplifier
Overload Protection Realized in amplifier
Description Enclosure NEMA 4, IP67 (IEC529)
Product Selection
Cat. No.
Barrel Nominal Sensing Distance Output Switching
Diameter [mm (in.)] Shielded Configuration Frequency [Hz] Cable Style Micro QD Style
1 (0.03) Y 2000 871C-- DH1M8-- A2 871C-- DH1M8-- D4
8 mm
2 (0.06) N 1000 871C-- DH2M8-- A2 871C-- DH2M8-- D4
2 (0.08) Y 2000 871C-- DH2M12-- A2 871C-- DH2M12-- D4
12 mm
4 (0.16) N NAMUR 1000 871C-- DH4M12-- A2 871C-- DH4M12-- D4
5 (0.20) Y DIN 19 234 1000 871C-- DH5M18-- A2 871C-- DH5M18-- D4
18 mm
8 (0.31) N 500 871C-- DH8M18-- A2 871C-- DH8M18-- D4
10 (0.39) Y 500 871C-- DH10M30-- A2 871C-- DH10M30-- D4
30 mm
15 (0.59) N 300 871C-- DH15M30-- A2 871C-- DH15M30-- D4
Recommended standard QD cordset (-- 2 = 2 m (6.5 ft)) 889D-- F4AC-- 2
Intrinsically Safe wiring labels 897H--L1 or 897H--L2 must be applied every 7.6 m (25 ft).
[mm (in.)]
[mm (in.)]
12 mm 18 mm 30 mm
Analog Output 0…10V Sourcing
Load Current 5 mA
Operating Voltage 18…30V DC
Repeatability ≤1%
Ripple 10%
871C Cable Style Slew Rate 1.0V/ms 0.7V/ms 0.1V/ms
12, 18, 30 mm
∆ Output / ∆ Distance 0.25 mm/V 0.375 mm/V 0.875 mm/V
Linearity Tolerance 6.25%
Description Temperature Tolerance ±0.3V
Bulletin 871C inductive proximity Transient Noise Protection Incorporated
sensors are self-contained, solid-state
Reverse Polarity Protection Incorporated
devices designed to sense the
presence of metal objects without Short Circuit Protection Incorporated
touching them. This special version Overload Protection Incorporated
provides a 0…10V sourcing analog Enclosure NEMA 1, 2, 3, 4, 12, 13; IP67 (IEC529), Nickel-plated brass barrel, plastic
output proportional to the sensing face (PBT)
distance. Certifications CE Marked for all applicable directives
This device is enclosed by a plastic Connections Cable: 2 m (6.5 ft) length
face and a nickel-plated brass housing 3 conductor PVC
which meets NEMA 1, 2, 3, 4, 12, 13 LED None
and IP67 (IEC529) enclosure Operating Temperature [C (F)] - 25…+70_ (-- 13…+158_)
standards. The electronic circuitry is
Shock 30 g, 11 ms
potted for protection against shock,
vibration and contamination. Vibration 55 Hz, 1 mm amplitude, 3 planes
Product Selection
Linear Sensing Distance Output Switching
Barrel Diameter [mm (in.)] Shielded Configuration Frequency [Hz] Cat. No.
12 mm 0.5…2.5 (0.02…0.10) Y Analog Voltage Sourcing 100 871C-- D3AP12-- E2
18 mm 1…4 (0.04…0.16) Y Analog Voltage Sourcing 100 871C-- D4AP18-- E2
30 mm 7…14 (0.27…0.55) N Analog Voltage Sourcing 30 871C-- D14AP30-- E2
(6.5 ft)
[mm (in.)]
Thread Size A B C
12 mm 12 (0.47)
18 mm 18 (0.71) 70 (2.75) 80 (3.15)
30 mm 30 (1.18)
Wiring Diagrams
12 mm 18 mm 30 mm
+ Brown + Brown + Brown
Analog Analog Analog
Black Black Black
Load 18…30V DC Load 18…30V DC Load 18…30V DC
Nominal Output
12 mm 18 mm 30 mm
9V 9V 9V
1V 1V 1V
0.5 mm 2.5 mm 1 mm 4 mm 7 mm 14 mm
Distance to Target Distance to Target Distance to Target
General Purpose Weld Field Immune
Load Current ≤200 mA ≤200 mA
Leakage Current ≤10 μA ≤10 μA
Operating Voltage 10…60V DC 10…60V DC
Voltage Drop <2.5V @ 200 mA <2.5V @ 200 mA
Repeatability ≤5% ≤10% of effective operating distance
871P DC
Micro Quick-Disconnect Style Hysteresis 5% typical 12% typical
False Pulse Protection Incorporated Incorporated
Transient Noise Protection Incorporated Incorporated
Short Circuit Protection Incorporated Incorporated
Overload Protection Incorporated Incorporated
Reverse Polarity Protection Incorporated Incorporated
Weld Field Immunity N/A 1000 Gauss
Connections Quick-Disconnect: 4-pin mini style Quick-Disconnect: 4-pin mini style
871P DC Mini
4-pin micro style 4-pin micro style
Quick-Disconnect Style
Certifications UL Listed, cUL Certified and CE Marked for all applicable directives
Enclosure NEMA 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 6P, 12, 13; IP67 (IEC 529), 1200 psi (8270 kPa)
Features washdown; Plastic body, zinc base; micro connector versions also meet
S New rugged housing IP69K (IEC 529)
LED Orange: Output Energized
S Weld field immune models Green: Power
S ToughCoat Finish resists Operating Temperature [C (F)] - 25…+70_ (-- 13…+158_)
weld-splatter accumulation
Shock 30 g, 11 ms
S Convenient mounting base Vibration 55 Hz, 1 mm amplitude, 3 planes
S 3-wire operation
S 4-pin connection Correction Factors
S 10…60V DC Target Material Correction Factor
S Normally open or normally closed Steel 1.0
Stainless Steel 0.7…0.8
S Short circuit, overload, false pulse, Brass 0.4…0.5
transient noise, and reverse polarity
protection Aluminum 0.3…0.4
Copper 0.2…0.3
S UL Listed, cUL Certified and CE
Marked for all applicable directives
Product Selection
Cat. No.
Head Weld Field Nominal Sensing Distance Output Switching
Size Immune [mm (in.)] Shielded Configuration Frequency [Hz] Mini QD Style Micro QD Style
PNP 871P-- D20NP40-- N4 871P- D20NP40- D4
NPN 871P-- D20NN40-- N4 871P-- D20NN40-- D4
20 (0.79) Y
PNP 871P-- D20CP40-- N4 871P-- D20CP40-- D4
NPN 871P-- D20CN40-- N4 871P-- D20CN40-- D4
N 100
PNP 871P-- D40NP40-- N4 871P- D40NP40- D4
NPN 871P-- D40NN40-- N4 871P-- D40NN40-- D4
40 (1.57) N
PNP 871P-- D40CP40-- N4 871P-- D40CP40-- D4
NPN 871P-- D40CN40-- N4 871P-- D40CN40-- D4
PNP 871P-- DW15NP40-- N4 871P-- DW15NP40-- D4
NPN 871P-- DW15NN40-- N4 871P-- DW15NN40-- D4
40 mm 15 (0.59)
Y PNP 871P-- DW15CP40-- N4 871P-- DW15CP40-- D4
NPN 871P-- DW15CN40-- N4 871P-- DW15CN40-- D4
30.0 (1.18) (1.82) 46.2
30.0 (1.18)
2 Places (1.82)
2 Places
7.3 (0.29) x 5.3 (0.21) (1.11) 28.2
7.3 (0.29) x 5.3 (0.21)
Mounting Slots (1.11)
Mounting Slots 4 Places
4 Places
With retrofit adaptor, distance from face to mounting holes becomes 60.0 (2.36).
With retrofit adaptor, spacing between mounting holes becomes 20.0 (0.79).
Wiring Diagrams
Mini QD Style Micro QD Style
Normally Open or Normally Closed Normally Open or Normally Closed
NPN (Sinking) NPN (Sinking)
Load Load
-- +
-- 10…60V DC +
-- 10…60V DC +
-- Load +
-- 10…60V DC + -- 10…60V DC +
Unit must be mounted to a grounded metal frame or grounded via field wiring lug per NEC
requirements. Recommended grounding lug is available in Allen-Bradley mounting kit
Load Current ≤200 mA
Inrush Current (1 cylce) ≤2A
Leakage Current ≤80 μΑ
Operating Voltage 10…30V DC
Voltage Drop <2.5V
Repeatability ≤5%
Hysteresis 12% typical
Short Circuit Protection Incorporated
Reverse Polarity Protection Incorporated
Certifications cULus Listed and CE Marked for all applicable directives
S New rugged housing Shock and Vibration 5 g, 30…55 Hz per IEC60947-- 5-- 2
Product Selection
Weld Field Nominal Sensing Distance Output Switching
Head Size Immune [mm (in.)] Shielded Configuration Frequency [Hz] Cat. No.
15 (0.59) Y 400 871P-- MW15BP40LD4
40 mm Y N.O. and N.C.
35 (1.37) N 200 871P-- NW35BP40LD4
Recommended Standard QD Cordset (-- 2 = 2 m (6.5 ft)) 889D-- F4WE-- 2
62.0 + N.C.
(2.44) Load
40.0 --
M12 x 1
+ N.O. --
10…30V DC
-- +
30.0 (1.18)
5.3 (0.21)
Mounting Slots
These special 871P VersaCube are now being offered with ToughCoat Finish on the sensor face and three sides. This is a proprietary epoxy-based materi-
al which resists the adhesion and accumulation of weld-slag particles thereby improving and extending sensor performance.
General Purpose Weld Field Immune
Load Current 2…100 mA 2…300 mA
Inrush Current (1 cycle) ≤2A ≤2A
Leakage Current ≤1.5 mA @ 20V ≤1.5 mA@20V
≤1.7 mA @ 120V ≤1.7 mA@120V
≤2.0 mA @ 250V ≤2.0 mA@250V
871P AC/DC General Purpose
Micro Quick-Disconnect Style Operating Voltage 20…250V AC/DC 20-- 250V AC/DC
Voltage Drop <10V <10V
Features Repeatability ≤10% of effective operating distance ≤10% of effective operating distance
Hysteresis 12% typical 12% typical
S New rugged housing
False Pulse Protection Incorporated Incorporated
S Burn and weld-slag resistant body on
weld field immune models Transient Noise Protection Incorporated Incorporated
Short Circuit Protection Incorporated Incorporated
S Convenient mounting base
Overload Protection Incorporated Incorporated
S 2-wire operation
Weld-Field Immunity N/A 1000 Gauss
S 3-pin connection Certifications UL Listed, cUL Certified and CE Marked for all applicable directives
S 20…250V AC/DC Enclosure NEMA 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 6P, 12, 13; IP67 (IEC529), 1200 psi (8270 kPa)
S Normally open or normally closed washdown; Plastic body, zinc base; micro connector versions also
meet IP69K (IEC 529)
Connections Quick-Disconnect: 3-pin mini style
S Weld-field immune models 3-pin micro style
S Short circuit, overload, false pulse, LED Red: Output Energized
and transient noise protection Green: Power (short circuit if flashing)
S UL Listed, cUL Certified and CE Operating Temperature - 25…+70_ (-- 13…+158_)
Marked for all applicable directives Shock 30 g, 11 ms
Vibration 55 Hz, 1 mm amplitude, 3 planes
Correction Factors
Target Material Correction Factor
Steel 1.0
Stainless Steel 0.7…0.8
Brass 0.4…0.5
Aluminum 0.3…0.4
Copper 0.2…0.3
Product Selection
Cat. No.
Head Weld Field Nominal Sensing Distance Output Switching
Size Immune [mm (in.)] Shielded Configuration Frequency [Hz] Mini QD Style Micro QD Style
N.O. 871P-- B20N40-- N3 871P- B20N40- R3
20 (0.79) Y 30
N.C. 871P-- B20C40-- N3 871P-- B20C40-- R3
N.O. 871P-- B40N40-- N3 871P- B40N40- R3
40 (1.57) N 20
N.C. 871P-- B40C40-- N3 871P-- B40C40-- R3
40 mm
N.O. 871P-- BW15N40-- N3 871P-- BW15N40-- R3
15 (0.59) Y 30
N.C. 871P-- BW15C40-- N3 871P-- BW15C40-- R3
N.O. 871P-- BW25N40-- N3 871P-- BW25N40-- R3
25 (0.98) N 20
N.C. 871P-- BW25C40-- N3 871P-- BW25C40-- R3
Recommended Standard QD Cordset (-- 6F = 1.8 m (6 ft), - 2 = 2 m (6.5 ft)) 889N-- F3AFC-- 6F 889R-- F3ECA-- 2
Assured operating distance for general purpose unshielded models is 0…33 mm (0…1.3 in.).
30.0 (1.18) (1.82) 46.2
30.0 (1.18)
2 Places (1.82)
2 Places
7.3 (0.29) x 5.3 (0.21) (1.11) 28.2
7.3 (0.29) x 5.3 (0.21)
Mounting Slots (1.11)
Mounting Slots 4 Places
4 Places
With retrofit adaptor, distance from face to mounting holes becomes 60.0 (2.36).
With retrofit adaptor, spacing between mounting holes becomes 20.0 (0.79).
Wiring Diagrams
Mini QD Style Micro QD Style
Normally Open or Normally Closed Normally Open or Normally Closed
Ground Ground
Note: Load can be switched to pin 3. Note: Load can be switched to pin 2.
Unit must be mounted to a grounded metal frame or grounded via field wiring lug per NEC
requirements. Recommended grounding lug is available in Allen-Bradley mounting kit
871A--PKIT. This kit is included with all weld field immune models.
Load Current ≤200 mA
Minimum Load Current 1 mA
Leakage Current ≤10 μΑ
Operating Voltage 10…30V DC
Voltage Drop ≤2.5V
Repeatability ≤2%
871F DC Cable Style Hysteresis ≤5% typical
False Pulse Protection Incorporated
Transient Noise Protection Incorporated
Reverse Polarity Protection Incorporated
Short Circuit Protection Incorporated
Overload Protection Incorporated
Certifications UL Listed, cUL Certified and CE Marked for all applicable all directives
Enclosure NEMA 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 6P, 12 and 13, IP67 (IEC529),
1200 psi (8270 kPa) washdown; Housing material: ValoxR; micro
connector versions also meet IP69K (IEC529)
871F DC Mini Connections Cable: 2 m (6.5 ft) length
Quick-Disconnect Style 4-conductor #22 AWG ToughLinkt
Quick Disconnect: 4-pin mini style
4-pin micro style
Conduit Opening: 1/2-- 14 NPT thread, PG13.5 thread
LEDs Green: Power
Orange: Output Energized
Operating Temperature [C (F)] - 25…+70° (-- 13…+158°)
Shock 30 g, 11 ms
Vibration 55 Hz, 1 mm amplitude, 3 planes
Correction Factors
871F DC Micro Target Material Correction Factor
Quick-Disconnect Style
Steel 1.0
Stainless Steel 0.7…0.8
Brass 0.4…0.5
S 4-wire operation
Aluminum 0.3…0.4
S 4-pin, 4-conductor or 4-terminal Copper 0.2…0.3
S 10…30V DC
S Complementary normally open and
normally closed outputs
S False pulse, transient noise, reverse
polarity, short circuit and overload
S UL Listed, cUL Certified and CE
Marked for all applicable directives
S DIN rail mounting option on
quick-disconnect and cable models
Product Selection
Sensing Cat. No.
Distance Output Switching
Head [mm Configura- Frequency ToughLinkt Conduit 1/2
Size (in.)] Shielded tion [Hz] Cable Mini QD Style Micro QD Style NPT Conduit PG13.5
50 PNP 871F--P50BP80--H2 871F--P50BP80--N4 871F--P50BP80--D4 871F--P50BP80--T4 871F--P50BP80--Q4
(1.97) Y N.O.
83 NPN 871F--P50BN80--H2 871F--P50BN80--N4 871F--P50BN80--D4 871F--P50BN80--T4 871F--P50BN80--Q4
and 100
(3.27) PNP 871F--N65BP80--H2 871F--N65BP80--N4 871F--N65BP80--D4 871F--N65BP80--T4 871F--N65BP80--Q4
65 (2.56) N
NPN 871F--N65BN80--H2 871F--N65BN80--N4 871F--N65BN80--D4 871F--N65BN80--T4 871F--N65BN80--Q4
Recommended Standard QD Cordset (--6F = 1.8 m (6 ft), --2 = 2 m (6.5 ft)) 889N--F4AFC--6F 889D--F4AC--2 — —
Must be fully embedded in mild steel to achieve maximum sensing distance.
Mini QD Style
Complementary Normally Open and Normally Closed Outputs
PNP (Sourcing)
65.0 -- N.C. +
(2.56) 83.0 Load
65.0 (3.27) -- N.O. +
LEDs Load
10…30V DC
40.0 (1.57) -- +
NPN (Sinking)
-- N.O. +
94.0 (3.70) Load
(0.63) 6.0 116.0 -- N.C. +
(4.57) Load
10…30V DC
-- +
Conduit Style 1/2in NPT Complementary Normally Open and Normally Closed Outputs
PNP (Sourcing)
65.0 83.0
65.0 +
(2.56) (3.27) + N.O. --
(2.56) T1 T4
Load 10…30V DC
T2 + N.C. --
44.0 (1.73) --
NPN (Sinking)
T1 +
-- N.O. +
94.0 (3.70) T2 T4
Conduit Opening Load
1/2in--14NPT Load 10…30V DC
Internal Thread T5
6.0 -- N.C. +
Conduit Style PG13.5 Complementary Normally Open and Normally Closed Outputs
PNP (Sourcing)
83.0 +
65.0 (3.27) + N.O. --
65.0 T1 T4
(2.56) Load
Load 10…30V DC
T2 + N.C. --
44.0 (1.73) NPN (Sinking)
T1 +
-- N.O. +
T2 T4 Load
94.0 (3.70)
Conduit Opening Load 10…30V DC
PG13.5 T5
-- N.C. +
Internal Thread 6.0
(0.24) --
Load Current ≤200 mA
Minimum Load Current 1 mA
Leakage Current ≤10 μΑ
Operating Voltage 10…30V DC
Voltage Drop ≤2.5V
Repeatability ≤5%
Hysteresis ≤5% typical
871F DC Mini False Pulse Protection Incorporated
Quick-Disconnect Style Transient Noise Protection Incorporated
Reverse Polarity Protection Incorporated
Short Circuit Protection Incorporated
Overload Protection Incorporated
Weld Field Immunity 1600 Gauss
Certifications UL Listed, cUL Certified and CE Marked for all applicable all directives
Enclosure NEMA 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 6P, 12 and 13, IP67 (IEC529),
1200 psi (8270 kPa) washdown; Housing material: ValoxR; micro
connector versions also meet IP69K (IEC529)
Connections Quick Disconnect: 4-pin mini style
4-pin micro style
871F DC Micro
Quick-Disconnect Style LEDs Green: Power
Orange: Output Energized
Operating Temperature [C (F)] - 25…+70° (-- 13…+158°)
Shock 5g
S 4-wire operation
Vibration 55 Hz, 1 mm amplitude, 3 planes
S 4-pin, 4-conductor or 4-terminal
Correction Factors
S 10…30V DC
Target Material Correction Factor
S Complementary normally open and
Steel 1.0
normally closed outputs
Stainless Steel 0.7…0.8
S False pulse, transient noise, reverse
Brass 0.4…0.5
polarity, short circuit and overload
protection Aluminum 0.3…0.4
Product Selection
Cat. No.
Nominal Sensing Distance Output Switching
Head Size [mm (in.)] Shielded Configuration Frequency [Hz] Mini QD Style Micro QD Style
PNP 871F-- PW40BP80-- N4 871F-- PW40BP80-- D4
40 (1.57) K Y N.O.
83 NPN 871F-- PW40BN80-- N4 871F-- PW40BN80-- D4
and 15
(3.27) PNP 871F-- NW50BP80-- N4 871F-- NW50BP80-- D4
50 (1.97) N
NPN 871F-- NW50BN80-- N4 871F-- NW50BN80-- D4
Recommended Standard QD Cordset (-- 6F = 1.8 m (6 ft), - 2 = 2 m (6.5 ft)) 889N-- F4AFC-- 6F 889D-- F4WE-- 2
Must be fully embedded in mild steel to achieve maximum sensing distance.
10…30V DC
-- +
NPN (Sinking)
94.0 (3.70) -- N.C. +
6.0 (0.24) Load
13.0 (0.51)
-- +
10…30V DC
-- +
Load Current ≤100 mA
Minimum Load Current 5 mA
Leakage Current ≤1.7 mA @ 120V; ≤2.0 mA @ 250V
Operating Voltage 20…250V AC/DC
Voltage Drop ≤10V
Repeatability ≤5%
Hysteresis ≤10% typical
871F AC/DC Cable Style
False Pulse Protection Incorporated
Transient Noise Protection Incorporated
Short Circuit Protection Incorporated
Overload Protection Incorporated
Certifications UL Listed, cUL Certified and CE Marked for all applicable all directives
Enclosure NEMA 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 6P, 12 and 13, IP67 (IEC529),
1200 psi (8270 kPa) washdown; Housing material: ValoxR; micro
connector versions also meet IP69K (IEC529)
Connections Quick Disconnect: 3-pin mini style
3-pin micro style
871F AC/DC Mini Cable: 2 m (6.5 ft)
Quick-Disconnect Style 2 conductor #22 AWG ToughLinkt
Conduit Opening: 1/2-- 14NPT thread, PG 13.5 thread
LEDs Green: Power
Orange: Output Energized
Operating Temperature [C (F)] - 25…+70° (-- 13…+158°)
Shock 30 g, 11 ms
Vibration 55 Hz, 1 mm amplitude, 3 planes
Correction Factors
Target Material Correction Factor
871F AC/DC Micro
Quick-Disconnect Style Steel 1.0
Stainless Steel 0.7…0.8
Features Brass 0.4…0.5
S 2-wire operation
Aluminum 0.3…0.4
S 2 conductor, 2 terminal, or 3-pin
Copper 0.2…0.3
S 20…250V AC/DC
S False pulse, transient noise, short
circuit and overload protection
S UL Listed, cUL Certified and CE
Marked for all applicable directives
S DIN rail mounting option on
quick-disconnect and cable models
Selection Guide
Nominal Cat. No.
Sensing Output Switching
Head Distance Configura- Frequency ToughLinkt
Size [mm (in.)] Shielded tion [Hz] Cable Mini QD Style Micro QD Style Conduit 1/2 NPT Conduit PG13.5
83 50 (1.97) Y 871F-- R50N80-- C2 871F-- R50N80-- N3 871F-- R50N80-- R3 871F-- R50N80-- T2 871F-- R50N80-- Q2
(3.27) N.O. 10
65 (2.56) N 871F-- K65N80-- C2 871F-- K65N80-- N3 871F-- K65N80-- R3 871F-- K65N80-- T2 871F-- K65N80-- Q2
Recommended Standard QD Cordset (-- 6F = 1.8 m (6 ft), - 2 = 2 m (6.5 ft)) 889N-- F3AFC-- 6F 889R-- F3ECA-- 2 — —
50 mm when fully embedded in mild steel as shown
Mini QD Style
Normally Open
65.0 (3.27) Ground
40.0 (1.57)
Micro QD Style
(2.56) 83.0
65.0 (3.27) Normally Open
40.0 (1.57)
T2 T3
44.0 (1.73) Load
65.0 (3.27)
(2.56) Normally Open
T2 T3
44.0 (1.73)
Load Current ≤100 mA
Minimum Load Current 5 mA
Leakage Current ≤1.7 mA @ 120V; ≤2.0 mA @ 250V
Operating Voltage 20…250V AC/DC
Voltage Drop ≤10V
Repeatability ≤5%
Hysteresis 10% typical
Product Selection
Nominal Sensing Distance Output Switching Cat. No.
Head Size [mm (in.)] Shielded Configuration Frequency [Hz] Micro QD Style
40 (1.57) Y N.O. 10 871F-- JW40N80-- R3
83 (3.27)
50 (1.97) N N.O. 10 871F-- KW50N80-- R3
Recommended Standard QD Cordset (-- 2 = 2 m (6.5 ft)) 889R-- F3WEA-- 2
40 mm when fully embedded in mild steel as shown
40.0 (1.57)
Load Current ≤400 mA
Minimum Load Current 3 mA
Inrush Current (1 cycle) ≤8 A
Leakage Current ≤1.5 mA
Operating Voltage 20…250V AC/DC
Voltage Drop ≤5V
Repeatability ≤10%
Hysteresis ≤15% typical
871F AC/DC Mini and Micro Short Circuit Protection Incorporated
Quick-Disconnect Style
False Pulse Protection Incorporated
Transient Noise Protection Incorporated
Weld Field Immunity 20,000A at 1 inch
Bulletin 871F inductive proximity Certifications CE Marked for all applicable directives
sensors are self-contained, solid-state
devices designed to sense the Enclosure NEMA 4 and 13, IP67 (IEC529)
Aluminum body, PTFE sensing area
presence of ferrous and nonferrous
metal objects without touching them. Connections Quick-Disconnect: 3-pin mini style
These special weld-field immune 3-pin micro style
models are ideal for welding LEDs Green: Power
environments and other applications Orange: Output Energized
where large magnetic fields are present. Operating Temperature [C (F)] - 25…+70° (-- 13…+158°)
They are rated for reliable operation at
Shock 30 g, 11 ms
a 1in distance from a current in line
carrying 20,000A. Vibration 55 Hz, 1 mm amplitude, 3 planes
S 3-pin connection
S 20…250V AC/DC
S Normally open output
S Weld field immune
S Short circuit, false pulse and
transient noise protection
S CE Marked for all applicable
Product Selection
Cat. No.
Head Nominal Sensing Distance Output Switching
Size [mm (in.)] Shielded Configuration Frequency [Hz] Mini QD Style Micro QD Style
50 20 (0.79) Y N.O. 15 871F-- BW20N50-- N3 871F-- BW20N50-- R3
Recommended Standard QD Cordset (-- 2 = 2 m (6.5 ft), - 6F = 1.8 m (6 ft)) 889N-- F3AFC-- 6F 889R-- F3WEA-- 2
40.0 Load
40.0 (1.57)
40.0 (1.57) (1.57) Note: Load can be switched to
pin 3.
50.0 (1.97) LEDs
(1.97) 61.0
Micro QD Style
Normally Open
1/2-20UNF-2A Load
Note: Load can be switched to
40.0 pin 2.
40.0 (1.57)
40.0 (1.57) (1.57)
50.0 (1.97) LEDs
(1.97) 61.0
Load Current ≤400 mA
Minimum Load Current 1 mA
Leakage Current ≤10 μΑ
Operating Voltage 10…30V DC
Voltage Drop ≤2.4V
Repeatability ≤10%
Hysteresis ≤15% typical
871F DC Cable Style
False Pulse Protection Incorporated
Transient Noise Protection Incorporated
Reverse Polarity Protection Incorporated
Short Circuit Protection Incorporated
Overload Protection Incorporated
Certifications CE Marked for all applicable directives
Enclosure NEMA 1, 2, 3, 4, 12, 13, IP67 (IEC529)
Aluminum Body
Connections Cable: 2 m (6.5 ft) length
3-conductor PVC
871F DC Micro Quick-Disconnect: 4-pin micro style
Quick-Disconnect Style
LED Orange: Output Energized
Operating Temperature [C (F)] - 25…+70° (-- 13…+158°)
Shock 30 g, 11 ms
S 3-wire operation
Vibration 55 Hz, 1 mm amplitude, 3 planes
S 3-conductor or 4-pin connection
S 10…30V DC Correction Factors
S Normally open output Target Material Correction Factor
S False pulse, transient noise, reverse Steel 1.0
polarity, short circuit and overload Stainless Steel 0.7…0.8
protection Brass 0.4…0.5
S CE Marked for all applicable Aluminum 0.3…0.4
directives Copper 0.2…0.3
Product Selection
Cat. No.
Nominal Sensing Distance Output Switching
Head Size [mm (in.)] Shielded Configuration Frequency [Hz] Cable Style Micro QD Style
NPN 871F-- D70NN50-- E2 871F-- D70NN50-- D4
50 70 (2.76) N N.O. 300
PNP 871F-- D70NP50-- E2 871F-- D70NP50-- D4
100.0 M12 x 1
Sensing 100.0 (3.94)
Area (3.94) 2m Area
(6.5 ft)
6.5 6.5
(0.26) (0.26)
40.0 40.0
(1.57) (1.57)
115.0 115.0
(4.53) (4.53)
35.0 35.0
(1.38) Sensing Distance (1.38) Sensing Distance
50.0 50.0
Adjustment Potentiometer (1.97) Adjustment Potentiometer
Wiring Diagrams
Cable Style Micro QD Style
Normally Open Normally Open
NPN (Sinking) NPN (Sinking)
+ --
10…30V DC
Brown -- +
+ -- Blue
Black 10…30V DC
-- +
Brown + --
Black -- +
Blue -- 10…30V DC +
871L Models 872L Models
Load Current ≤400 mA ≤120 mA
Leakage Current ≤10 μΑ ≤10 μΑ
Operating Voltage 10…60V DC 10…30V DC
Voltage Drop ≤2.4V ≤2.5V
Repeatability ≤5% ≤5%
871L & 872L DC
Hysteresis ≤20% typical ≤20% typical
Mini Quick-Disconnect Style
False Pulse Protection Incorporated Incorporated
Transient Noise Protection Incorporated Incorporated
Reverse Polarity Protection Incorporated Incorporated
Short Circuit Protection Incorporated Incorporated
Overload Protection Incorporated Incorporated
Certifications cULus and CE Marked for all applicable directives
Enclosure NEMA 3, 4, 6, 12, 13, IP67 (IEC 529)
871L & 872L DC Connections Quick-Disconnect: 4-pin mini style
Micro Quick-Disconnect Style 4-pin micro style
Conduit Opening: 1/2-14 NPT internal thread with screw terminals
LEDs Green: Power (Blinks in SCP/Overload) Green: Power (Blinks in
Orange: Output Energized SCP/Overload)
Red: Alignment Indicator Orange: Output Energized
Operating Temperature [C (F)] - 25…70° (-- 13…+158°)
Shock 30 g, 11 ms
Vibration 55 Hz, 1 mm amplitude, 3 planes
Correction Factors
871L & 872L DC
Conduit Style Target Material Correction Factor
Steel 1.0
Features Stainless Steel 0.7…0.8
S 3-wire operation Brass 0.4…0.5
Product Selection
7/8-16UN-2A M12 X 1
7.3 7.3 7.3
(0.29) 60.0
30.0 (0.29) 60.0 (0.29) 60.0
(2.36) 30.0 30.0
(1.18) (2.36) (2.36)
15.9 (1.18) (1.18)
Note: Head can be rotated in 22.5° increments to provide 16 side-sensing positions or rotated for top-sensing.
Wiring Diagram
Conduit Style Mini QD Style Micro QD Style
Normally Open Normally Open or Normally Closed Normally Open or Normally Closed
NPN (Sinking) PNP (Sourcing) NPN (Sinking) NPN (Sinking)
+ -- + --
10…60V DC 10…60V DC
T1 --
T1 + --
+ -- T3 Load Load
Load T2 Load
T2 + -- +
Normally Closed
-- 10…60V DC + -- 10…60V DC +
NPN (Sinking) PNP (Sourcing)
+ -- + -- PNP (Sourcing)
10…60V DC 10…60V DC PNP (Sourcing)
T1 + --
+ -- T3 Load +
Load T2 T2
-- +
-- 10…60V DC +
-- 10…60V DC +
871L Models 872L Models
Load Current ≤400 mA ≤500 mA
Minimum Load Current 2 mA 2 mA
Inrush Current (1 cycle) ≤8 A ≤8 A
Leakage Current ≤2 mA ≤2 mA
Operating Voltage 20…250V AC/DC 20-250V AC
871L AC/DC & 872L AC Voltage Drop ≤5V ≤5V
Mini Quick-Disconnect Style Repeatability ≤5% ≤5%
Hysteresis ≤20% ≤20%
False Pulse Protection Incorporated Incorporated
Transient Noise Protection Incorporated Incorporated
Certifications cULus and CE Marked for all applicable directives
Enclosure NEMA 3, 4, 6, 12, 13, IP65 (IEC 529)
Connections Quick Disconnect: 3-pin mini style
3-pin micro style
871L AC/DC & 872L AC Conduit Opening: 1/2-14 NPT internal thread with screw terminals
Micro Quick-Disconnect Style LEDs Green: Power (Blinks in SCP/Overload)
Orange: Output Energized
Operating Temperature [C (F)] - 25…+70° (-- 13…+158°)
Shock 30 g, 11 ms
Vibration 55 Hz, 1 mm amplitude, 3 planes
Correction Factors
Target Material Correction Factor
Steel 1.0
871L AC/DC & 872L AC
Conduit Style Stainless Steel 0.7…0.8
Brass 0.4…0.5
Features Aluminum 0.3…0.4
S 2-wire operation Copper 0.2…0.3
S 2-terminal or 3-pin connection
S 20…250V AC/DC on 871L models
S 20…250V AC on 872L models
S Switch selectable normally open or
normally closed output on 871L
S Normally open or normally closed
output programmable via jumper on
872L models
S False pulse, transient noise, and
overload protection
S cULus and CE Marked for all
applicable directives
Product Selection
Wiring Diagram
Conduit Style Mini QD Style Micro QD Style
Normally Open Normally Open or Normally Closed Normally Open or Normally Closed
T1 T2
Load Load
Normally Closed
Note: Load can be switched to pin 3. Note: Load can be switched to pin 2.
T1 T2
Load Current AC 4…25 mA; DC 2…25 mA
Leakage Current ≤1.7 mA at 132V, ≤2.5 mA at 250V
Operating Voltage 20…250V AC/DC
Voltage Drop ≤10V
Repeatability ≤10% typical
Hysteresis ≤10% typical
802PR AC/DC Transient Noise Protection Incorporated
Cable Style Short Circuit Protection Incorporated
Overload Protection Incorporated
False Pulse Protection Incorporated
Radio Frequency Protection 10V per meter; frequency range 20…1000 MHz
Certifications UL Listed, CSA Certified and CE Marked for all applicable directives
Enclosure NEMA 1, 2, 3, 4, 4X, 12, 13, IP65 (IEC529)
Self extinguishing glass-reinforced polyester body
Connections Cable: 2.4 m (8 ft) length
2-conductor ToughLink™
802PR AC/DC Mini Quick-Disconnect: 3-pin micro style
Quick-Disconnect Style 3-pin mini style
Conduit Opening or
Conduit Coupler: Internal thread with screw terminals
(use #18-- 14 AWG wire)
LEDs Green: Power; Red: Output energized (both on in SCP/Overload)
Operating Temperature [C (F)] - 25…+75° (-- 13…+167°)
Shock 30 g, 11 ms
Vibration 55 Hz, 1 mm amplitude, 3 planes
Corrosion resistant models
Product Selection
Sensing Nominal Sensing Distance Output Switching Cable Length Corrosion Cat. No.
Direction [mm (in.)] Shielded Configuration Frequency [Hz] [m (ft)] Resistant Cable Style
Y 802PR-- XBAM1-- 08
2.5 (8)
N 802PR-- LBAM1-- 08
Side 17 (0.67) Y N.O. 20
Y 802PR-- XBAM1-- 12
3.6 (12)
N 802PR-- LBAM1-- 12
Y 802PR-- XBAR1-- 08
2.5 (8)
N 802PR-- LBAR1-- 08
Top 17 (0.67) Y N.O. 20
Y 802PR-- XBAR1-- 12
3.6 (12)
N 802PR-- LBAR1-- 12
Description Page Number
Terminal Chambers 8-- 2
Wiring Diagram
Normally Open
Product Selection
Sensing Nominal Sensing Distance Output Switching Cat. No.
Direction [mm (in.)] Shielded Configuration Frequency [Hz] Mini QD Style
Side 802PR-- LBAE1
17 (0.67) Y N.O. 20
Top 802PR-- LBAK1
Recommended Standard QD Cordset Required (-- 6F = 1.8 m (6 ft)) 889N-- F3AFC-- 6F
Rear Mounting
109.0 Hole Pattern 60.0
(4.34) Front View (2.34)
131.0 Two #10-32
(5.16) Tapped Holes
9.5 (0.38) Deep
7/8-16UN 30.0
Note: Side sensing model heads can be turned in 90_ increments to accommodate 4 side sensing positions.
Wiring Diagram
Normally Open
Product Selection
Sensing Nominal Sensing Distance Output Switching Cat. No.
Direction [mm (in.)] Shielded Configuration Frequency [Hz] Micro QD Style
Side 802PR-- LBAC1
17 (0.67) Y N.O. 20
Top 802PR-- LBAF1
Recommended Standard QD Cordset Required (-- 2 = 2 m (6.5 ft)) 889R-- F3ECA-- 2
Rear Mounting
109.0 Hole Pattern 60.0
(4.34) Front View (2.34)
131.0 Two #10-32
1/2-20UNF-2A (5.16) Tapped Holes
9.5 (0.38) Deep
Note: Side sensing model heads can be turned in 90_ increments to accommodate 4 side sensing positions.
Wiring Diagram
Normally Open
2 3 Load
Product Selection
Sensing Nominal Sensing Distance Output Switching Corrosion Connection Cat. No.
Direction mm (inches) Shielded Configuration Frequency [Hz] Resistant Type Conduit Style
Y 802PR-- XBAB1
1/2 in.-- 14NPT
N 802PR-- LBAB1
Side 17 (0.67) Y N.O. 20 Y 802PR-- XBAB1-- S6
ISO 20-- 1.5
N 802PR-- LBAB1-- S6
N Conduit Coupler 802PR-- LBAA1
Y 802PR-- XBAH1
1/2 in.-- 14NPT
N 802PR- LBAH1
Top 17 (0.67) Y N.O. 20 Y 802PR-- XBAH1-- S6
ISO 20-- 1.5
N 802PR-- LBAH1-- S6
N Conduit Coupler 802PR-- LBAJ1
(1.63) 41.0 Front Mounting Hole
26.0 (1.63) Pattern 60.0
(1.02) Front View (2.34)
6.0 (0.23) Two Holes for #10 or
Dia. Holes LEDs
M5 Screws
Front Mounting
U.S. (1 5/32 in. x 2 11/32 in.) 42.0 30.0
DIN 30 x 60 (1.66) (1.16)
Rear Mounting
1/2-14 NPTX0.5 in. Deep Hole Pattern 60.0
or Front View (2.34)
ISO 20--1.5 X 12.5 mm 109.0 Two #10-32
Deep (4.34) Tapped Holes
Inside Threads 117.0 9.5 (0.38) Deep
(4.63) (LB Version only)
Conduit Coupler
1 in. Hub
1/2-14 NPT
Inside Threads 15.0
16.0 (0.59)
Note: Side sensing model heads can be turned in 90_ increments to accommodate 4 side sensing positions.
Wiring Diagram
Normally Open
Load Current AC: 4…25 mA DC: 2…25 mA
Leakage Current ≤1.7 mA at 132V, ≤2.5 mA at 250V
Operating Voltage 20…250V AC/DC
Voltage Drop ≤10V
Repeatability ≤10% typical
Hysteresis ≤10% typical
Transient Noise Protection Incorporated
802PR AC/DC Short Circuit Protection Incorporated
Conduit Style
Overload Protection Incorporated
False Pulse Protection Incorporated
Radio Frequency Protection ≤10V per meter
S 2-wire operation Frequency range 20…1000 MHz
S 2-terminal connection Certifications UL Listed, CSA Certified and Factory Mutual Approved
S 20…250V AC/DC (for solid state Enclosure NEMA 1, 2, 3, 4, 12, 13 IP65 (IEC529)
Division 2
inputs) Class I: Groups A, B, C & D;
S Normally open output Class II: Groups F & G;
Class III: All groups
S Short circuit, overload, false pulse, Self-extinguishing glass-reinforced polyester body
RFI, and transient noise protection Conduit Coupler: 1/2-- 14 NPT internal thread with screw terminals use
S Hazardous location rating (#18-- 14 AWG wire)
Correction Factors
Target Material Correction Factor
Steel 1.0
Stainless Steel 0.9
Brass 0.8
Aluminum 0.75
Copper 0.7
Product Selection
Sensing Nominal Sensing Distance Output Switching Cat. No.
Direction [mm (in.)] Shielded Configuration Frequency [Hz] Conduit Style
Side 802PR-- LBAA3
17 (0.67) Y N.O. 20
Top 802PR-- LBAJ3
(1.61) 41.0 Front Mounting Hole
26.0 (1.61) Pattern 60.0
(1.02) Front View (2.36)
6.0 (0.24) Two Holes for #10 or
Dia. Holes LEDs
M5 Screws
Front Mounting 42.0
U.S. (1 5/32 in. x 2 11/32 in.) 30.0
(1.65) (1.18)
DIN 30 x 60
Rear Mounting
Hole Pattern 60.0
Front View (2.36)
109.0 Two #10-32
(4.29) Tapped Holes
Conduit Coupler 1in 124.0 9.5 (.375) Deep
Hub 1/2-14 NPT (4.88)
Inside Threads 30.0
16.0 (1.18)
(0.63) 15.0
Note: Side-sensing model heads can be turned in 90_ increments to accommodate 4 side-sensing positions.
Wiring Diagram
Load Current ≤1 A at +40°C linearly derated to 0.5 A at 75°C
Inrush Current ≤10 A/1 s
Supply Current (minimum) 25 mA
Leakage Current ≤3.5 mA (60…132V AC); ≤6.5 mA (102…132V AC)
Operating Voltage 60…132V AC or 102…132V AC
Product Selection
Nominal Switching
Sensing Sensing Distance Voltage Output Corrosion Frequency Cable Length Cat. No.
Direction [mm (in.)] Shielded Range Configuration Resistant [Hz] [ft] Cable Style
8 802PR-- LABM2-08
12 802PR-- LABM2-12
8 802PR-- LABR2-08
12 802PR-- LABR2-12
60…132V AC 20
8 802PR-- LACM2-08
12 802PR-- LACM2-12
Selectable N
8 802PR-- LACR2-08
12 802PR-- LACR2-12
13 (0.51) Y
8 802PR-- LAAM1-08
12 802PR-- LAAM1-12
8 802PR-- LAAR1-08
12 802PR-- LAAR1-12
102-- 132V AC N.O. 16
8 802PR-- XAAM1-08
12 802PR-- XAAM1-12
8 802PR-- XAAR1-08
12 802PR-- XAAR1-12
Preset to N.O. at factory.
Preset to N.C. at factory.
Note 1: Side sensing model heads can be turned in 90° increments to accommodate 4 side sensing positions.
Note 2: Low voltage models have 2 LEDs.
Product Selection
Sensing Nominal Sensing Distance Output Switching Cat. No.
Direction [mm (in.)] Configuration Voltage Range Frequency [Hz] Mini QD Style
Side 802PR-LABE2
Top 802PR-LABK2
60…132V AC 20
Side 802PR-LACE2
13 (0.51) Y Selectable
Top 802PR-LACK2
Side 802PR-LAAE1
N.O. 102…132V AC 16
Top 802PR-LAAK1
Recommended Standard QD Cordset Required (-- 6F = 1.8 m (6 ft)) 889N-- F3AFC-- 6F
Preset to N.O. at factory.
Preset to N.C. at factory.
Note 1: Side sensing model heads can be turned in 90_ increments to accommodate 4 side sensing positions.
Note 2: Low voltage models have 2 LEDs.
Product Selection
Nominal Sensing
Sensing Distance Output Corrosion Voltage Switching Cat. No.
Direction [mm (in.)] Shielded Configuration Resistant Range Freq. [Hz] Connection Conduit Style
Conduit Coupler 802PR-LABA2
Threaded 1/2-- 14 NPT 802PR-LABB2
Conduit Coupler 802PR-LABJ2
Threaded 1/2-- 14 NPT 802PR-LABH2
60…132V AC 20
Conduit Coupler 802PR-LACA2
Threaded 1/2-- 14 NPT 802PR-LACB2
Selectable N
Conduit Coupler 802PR-LACJ2
Top 13 (0.51) Y
Threaded 1/2-- 14 NPT 802PR-LACH2
Conduit Coupler 802PR-LAAA1
Threaded 1/2-- 14 NPT 802PR-LAAB1
102…132V Conduit Coupler 802PR-LAAJ1
Top N.O. 16
AC Threaded 1/2-- 14 NPT 802PR-LAAH1
Side Threaded 1/2-- 14 NPT 802PR-XAAB1
Top Threaded 1/2-- 14 NPT 802PR-XAAH1
Preset to N.O. at factory.
Preset to N.C. at factory.
To order ISO 20--1.5 add ‘--S6’ to cat. no.
1/2-14 NPT
or ISO 20--1.5 Rear Mounting
Inside Threads 109.0 117.0 Hole Pattern
Threaded (4.34) (4.63) Front View 60.0
Conduit Opening Two #10-32 (2.34)
Tapped Holes
16.0 9.5 (0.38) Deep
(LA Version Only)
Wiring Diagram
Normally Open Normally Closed
Terminal Terminal
1 1
Load Load
Terminal Terminal
2 2
Load Current 1 A at +40°C linearly derated to 0.5 A at 75°C
Inrush Current ≤10 A/1 s
Supply Current 25 mA min.
Leakage Current ≤6.5 mA
Operating Voltage 102…132V AC
Voltage Drop ≤8.5V
Repeatability ≤.025 mm
802PR AC Hysteresis 15% maximum
Conduit Style False Pulse Protection Incorporated
Transient Noise Protection Incorporated
Features Certifications UL Listed, CSA Certified and FM Approved
S 2-wire operation Enclosure NEMA 1, 2, 3, 4, 12, 13 IP65 (IEC529)
Division 2
S 2-terminal connection Class I: Groups A, B, C & D;
S 102…132V AC Class II: Groups F & G;
Class III: All groups
S Hazardous location rating Self-extinguishing glass reinforced polyester body
S High output (1A) Connection Conduit Coupler: 1/2-- 14 NPT internal thread with screw terminals
use (#18-- 14 AWG wire)
S Normally open output
LED Red: Output Energized
S Transient noise and false pulse Operating Temperature [C (F)] - 25…+75° (-- 13…+167°)
Shock 30 g, 11 ms
S UL Listed, CSA Certified and Factory Vibration 55 Hz, 1 mm amplitude, 3 planes
Mutual Approved
Correction Factors
Target Material Correction Factor
Steel 1.0
Stainless Steel 0.80…0.85
Brass 0.50…0.55
Aluminum 0.45…0.50
Copper 0.40…0.45
Product Selection
Sensing Nominal Sensing Distance Output Switching Cat. No.
Direction [mm (in.)] Shielded Configuration Frequency [Hz] Conduit Style
Side 802PR-- LAAA3
13 (0.51) Y N.O. 16
Top 802PR-- LAAJ3
Rear Mounting
Conduit Coupler Hole Pattern 59.5
1in Hub 110.3 Front View (2.34)
1/2-14 NPT (4.34) Two #10-32
Inside Threads Tapped Holes
9.5 (0.375) Deep
16.0 29.4
(0.63) 15.0 (1.16)
Note: Side sensing model heads can be turned in 90_ increments to accommodate 4 side sensing positions.
Wiring Diagram
Normally Open
Terminal Terminal
1 2
Load Current ≤200 mA
Leakage Current ≤1 mA
Operating Voltage 10…30V DC
871FM DC Cable
Voltage Drop ≤2.4V
M5 Square
Repeatability ≤10%
Hysteresis 12% typical
Reverse Polarity Protection Incorporated
Short Circuit Protection Incorporated
Overload Protection Incorporated
Certifications cULus Listed and CE Marked for all applicable directives
871FM DC Cable
M8 Square Enclosure IP 67, Chrome-plated brass housing, plastic sensing face
Connections 8 mm: PVC cable style/3-pin pico on 6 inch lead or pico QD style
Features 5 mm: PUR cable style/3-pin pico on 6 inch lead or pico QD style
LED Orange: Output energized
S 3-conductor, 3-pin pico or 3-pin pico
on 6 inch lead connection Operating Temperature [C (F)] - 25…+70° (32…+158°)
Shock EN 60947-- 5-- 2; 7.4.1
S Convenient flush mounting
Vibration EN 60947-- 5-- 2; 7.4.2
S 10…30V DC
S Normally open Correction Factors
S Reverse polarity, short circuit, and Target Material Correction Factors
overload protection
Steel 1.0
S Side sensing Stainless Steel 0.85
S 2 mounting screws included Brass 0.64
S cULus Listed and CE Marked for all Aluminum 0.55
applicable directives Copper 0.51
Product Selection
Switching Cat. No.
Housing Nominal Sensing Output Frequency
Diameter Distance [mm (in.)] Shielded Configuration [Hz] Cable Style Pico Style Leaded Pico Style
0.8 (0.03) NPN 5,000 871FM-- M1NN5-- E2 — 871FM-- M1NN5-- AP3
0.8 (0.03) PNP 5,000 871FM-- M1NP5-- E2 — 871FM-- M1NP5-- AP3
5 mm
1.5 (0.06) NPN 3,000 871FM-- M2NN5-- E2 — 871FM-- M2NN5-- AP3
1.5 (0.06) PNP 3,000 871FM- M2NP5- E2 — 871FM-- M2NP5-- AP3
2.0 (0.08) NPN 3,000 871FM-- M2NN8-- E2 871FM-- M2NN8-- P3 —
2.0 (0.08) PNP 3,000 871FM- M2NP8- E2 871FM-- M2NP8-- P3 —
8 mm
3.0 (.12) NPN 1,000 871FM-- N3NN8-- E2 871FM-- N3NN8-- P3 —
3.0 (.12) PNP 1,000 871FM-- N3NP8-- E2 871FM-- N3NP8-- P3 —
Recommended standard QD cordset (-- 2 = 2 m (6.5 ft)) 889P-- F3AB-- 2 889P-- F3AB-- 2
mm (inches)
Housing Diameter A B C D E
5 mm 5.0 (0.2) 15 (0.59) 22 (0.87) 3 (0.12) 14 (0.55)
8 mm 8.0 (0.31) 37 (1.46) 35 (1.38) 5 (0.2) 20 (0.79)
mm (inches)
Housing Diameter A B C D E F
5 mm 5.0 (0.2) 25 (0.98) 22 (0.87) 3 (0.12) 14 (0.55) 150 (6)
mm (inches)
Housing Diameter A B C D E
8 mm 8.0 (0.31) 50 (1.97) 45 (1.77) 5 (0.2) 20 (0.79)
28 x 16 x 11 mm 40 x 26 x 12 mm 25 x 50 x 10 mm 31 x 18 x 10 mm
Supply Current <11 mA <11 mA <8 mA 10 mA
Load Current ≤200 mA ≤200 mA ≤200 mA 50 mA @ 12V DC
100 mA @ 24V DC
Leakage Current <100 μA <100 μA <100 μA ≤100 μA
871FM DC Cable Style
Operating Voltage 10…30V DC 10…30V DC 10…24V DC 10…30V DC
28 x 16 x 11 mm 871FM DC Pico
Quick-Disconnect Style Voltage Drop ≤1.8V ≤1.8V ≤2.5V ≤1V
28 x 16 x 11 mm Repeatability ≤5%
Hysteresis 10% typical
False Pulse Protection Incorporated
Transient Noise Protection Incorporated
Reverse Polarity Protection Incorporated
Short Circuit Protection Incorporated
Overload Protection Incorporated
Certifications CE Marked for all applicable directives
871FM DC Cable Style Enclosure NEMA 4, IP67 (IEC 529)
40 x 26 x 12 mm Plastic
Connections Cable: 2 m (6.5 ft) length
3-conductor PVC
Quick-Disconnect: 3-pin pico style
LED Yellow: Output Energized Red: Output Energized
871FM DC Pico
Operating Temperature [C (F)] - 25…+70° (-- 13…+158°)
Quick-Disconnect Style
40 x 26 x 12 mm Shock 30 g, 11 ms 50 g (Approx)
Vibration 55 Hz, 1 mm amplitude, 3 planes 10…55Hz @ 1…5 mm
Product Selection
Cat. No.
Sensing Nominal Sensing Distance Output Switching
Sensor Size Direction [mm (in.)] Shielded Configuration Frequency [Hz] Cable Style Pico QD Style
NPN 871FM--D5NN25--E2 —
PNP 871FM--D5NP25--E2 871FM--D5NP25--P3
5 (0.20) Y 500
PNP 871FM--D5CP25--E2 —
25 x 50 x 10 N.C.
NPN 871FM--D5CN25--E2 —
Face NPN 871FM--D8NN25--E2 —
8 (0.31) PNP 871FM--D8NP25--E2 871FM--D8NP25--P3
N N.C. PNP 200 871FM--D8CP25--E2 —
31 x 18 x
5 (0.20) N.O. PNP 871FM--D5NP10--E2 —
Recommended Standard QD Cordset (--2 = 2 m (6.5 ft)) 889P--F3AB--2
Normally Closed
(0.12) PNP (Sourcing)
LED + --
10…30V DC
Brown + --
10.5 Black
(0.41) Blue
Unshielded Cable & Pico QD & Shielded Cable Style Cable Style
Shielded Pico QD Style 25 x 50 x 10 mm Normally Open
25 x 50 x 10 mm 4
4 NPN (Sinking)
PNP (Sourcing)
7.3 (0.29) (0.16) + -- --
7.3 (0.29) (0.16) Dia. 10…60V DC 10…60V DC
Dia. 10 Brown + --
10 (0.39) + -- Load
Blue Black
(0.39) Load Black
4.3 (0.17) 3
4.3 (0.17) 3 (0.12)
Dia. (0.12) Dia. Normally Closed
LED NPN (Sinking) PNP (Sourcing)
+ -- + --
10…60V DC 10…60V DC
15 Brown
15 25 Brown + --
25 (0.59) + -- Blue
(0.59) (0.98) Black Load
(0.98) Load
Black Blue
10 8
10 8 (0.39) (0.31)
Pico QD Style
(0.39) (0.31) 50
50 PNP (Sourcing)
+ 10…60V DC --
28 x 16 x 11 mm 40 x 26 x 12 mm
Load Current ≤100 mA ≤180 mA
Minimum Load Current 4 mA
Leakage Current <2 mA
871FM AC Cable Style Operating Voltage 90…250V AC
28 x 16 x 11 mm Voltage Drop ≤15V
Repeatability ≤5%
Hysteresis 10% typical
False Pulse Protection Incorporated
Transient Noise Protection Incorporated
Certifications CE Marked for all applicable directives
Enclosure NEMA 4, IP67 (IEC 529)
Connections Cable: 2 m (6.5 ft) length
871FM AC Cable Style 2-conductor PVC
40 x 26 x 12 mm
LED Orange: Output Energized
Operating Temperature [C (F)] - 25…+70° (-- 13…+158°)
Features Shock 30 g, 11 ms
S 2-wire operation Vibration 55 Hz, 1 mm amplitude, 3 planes
S 2-conductor connection
S 90…250V AC Correction Factors
Target Material Correction Factor
S Normally open or normally closed
output Steel 1.0
Stainless Steel 0.85
S False pulse and transient noise
protection Brass 0.55
Aluminum 0.50
S CE Marked for all applicable
directives Copper 0.45
Product Selection
Sensing Nominal Sensing Distance Output Switching Cat. No.
Sensor Size Direction [mm (in.)] Shielded Configuration Frequency [Hz] Cable Style
28 x 16 x 11 mm 2 (0.08) Y N.O. 871FM- A2N11- A2
Side 10
40 x 26 x 12 mm 4 (0.16) N N.O. 871FM- A4N12- A2
LED (0.12)
40 x 26 x 12 mm 4
4 Black
40 16
(1.57) M3
(0.63) Note: Load can be switched to black wire.
(0.16) 6
12 5
26 (0.20)
(0.47) (1.02)
Mounting Hole 6
Dimensions (0.24) Dia.
(0.13) Dia.
Outputs Normally Open
Load Current 300 mA
Minimum Load Current 15 mA
Leakage Current <1.5 mA
Inrush Current <5 A (20 ms)
Operating Voltage 30…150V AC RMS
871P AC Short-Range Line Frequency 40…60 Hz
76 x 36 x 58 mm Voltage Drop <15V @ 300 mA
Repeatability ≤2%
Features Hysteresis 10% typical
S 2-wire operation False Pulse Protection Incorporated
S 3-conductor connection Transient Noise Protection Incorporated
Product Selection
Nominal Sensing Distance Output Switching Cat. No.
Style Container Sizes mm (in.) Shielded Configuration Frequency [Hz] Mini QD Style
Steel: 19 mm (0.75 in.)
Short 202-- 401 871P- AC19N76- N3
Aluminum: 13 mm (0.50 in.)
Y N.O. 25
Steel: 29 mm (1.15 in.)
Long 202-- 704 871P- AC29N140- N3
Aluminum: 15 mm (0.60 in.)
Recommended Standard QD Cordset (-- 6F = 1.8 m (6 ft)) 889N- F3AFC- 6F
QD Cordsets
Description Page Number
Other Cordsets Available 8-- 2
Terminal Chambers 8-- 2
70.6 58.67
(2.78) (2.31)
Note: Load can be switched to pin 2.
35.05 38.1
(1.38) (1.50)
70.6 58.67
(2.78) (2.31) Note: Load can be switched to pin 2.
(1.38) 44.45
Outputs Normally Open NPN and PNP
Load Current 300 mA
Operating Voltage 10…30V DC
Operating Current 25 mA (off), 55 mA (on)
Voltage Drop ≤2.5V
Repeatability ≤2%
871P DC Short Range Hysteresis 3…15%
76 x 36 x 58 mm False Pulse Protection Incorporated
Transient Noise Protection Incorporated
Short Circuit Protection Incorporated
Features Overload Protection Incorporated
S 4-conductor plus shield or 4-pin mini Reverse Polarity Protection Incorporated
connection Enclosure NEMA 1, 3, 4, 4X, 6, 6P, 12, 13, IP67 (IEC 529), 1200 psi (8270 kPa)
S 10…30V DC washdown
Connections A2: 2 m shielded PVC jacketed cable, 4-wire, #22 AWG, 1/2 in. NPT
S Normally open NPN and PNP
N4: 4-pin mini quick-disconnect
LEDs Red: Output energized
S Short- and long-range models
Operating Temperature [C (F)] - 20…+70_ (0…+160_)
S Stainless steel housing Housing Material Stainless steel, plastic face
S 1200 psi (8270 kPa) washdown Mounting 2 stainless steel studs
S False pulse, transient noise, reverse
polarity, short circuit, and overload
Product Selection
Cat. No.
Container Nominal Sensing Distance Output Switching
Style Sizes [mm (in.)] Shielded Configuration Frequency [Hz] Cable Style Mini QD Style
Steel: 19 (0.75)
Short 202-- 401 871P-- DC19NB76-- A2 871P-- DC19NB76-- N4
Aluminum: 13 (0.50)
Normally Open
Y 35
Steel: 29 (1.15) NPN and PNP
Long 202-- 704 871P-- DC29NB140-- A2 871P-- DC29NB140-- N4
Aluminum: 15 (0.60)
Recommended Standard QD Cordset (-- 6F = 1.8 m (6 ft)) 889N-- F4AFC-- 6F
QD Cordsets
Description Page Number
Other Cordsets Available 8-- 2
Terminal Chambers 8-- 2
76.45 (2.78) 58.67
(3.01) 58.67 39.62 (2.31)
39.62 (2.31) (1.56)
35.05 44.45
35.05 44.45 (1.38) (1.75)
(1.38) (1.75) 140
140 (5.50)
Wiring Diagram
Cable Style Mini QD Style
+ -- --
10…30V DC
NPN (Sink) + -- 10…30V DC
White Black (Source) Load
Load + -- +
+ -- ATTENTION Red and black wires
Load NPN
Red --Load
PNP (Source) (Sink)
must be connected -- +
for proper operation.
Outputs Normally Open NPN and PNP
Load Current 300 mA
Operating Voltage 10…30V DC
Operating Current 25 mA (off), 55 mA (on)
Voltage Drop ≤2.5V
Repeatability ≤2%
Hysteresis 3…15%
871P DC Motion Style
140 x 45 x 58 mm Output Time Delay 0.5 s after motion stops
False Pulse Protection Incorporated
Features Transient Noise Protection Incorporated
Short Circuit Protection Incorporated
S 4-conductor plus shield or 4-pin mini
connection Overload Protection Incorporated
Product Selection
Cat. No.
Container Nominal Presence Sensing Nominal Motion Sensing Output
Sizes Distance [mm (in.)] Distance [mm (in.)] Shielded Configuration Cable Style Mini QD Style
Steel: 29 (1.15) Steel: 19 (0.75) Normally Open
202-- 704 Y 871P-- DD29NB140-- A2 871P-- DD29NB140-- N4
Aluminum: 15 (0.60) Aluminum: 13 (0.50) NPN and PNP
Recommended Standard QD Cordset (-- 6F = 1.8 m (6 ft)) 889N-- F4AFC-- 6F
QD Cordsets
Description Page Number
Other Cordsets Available 8-- 2
Terminal Chambers 8-- 2
Mini QD Style
1/4--20 x 0.63
2 Places --
+ -- 10…30V DC
70.6 Load
58.67 (Source)
(2.78) +
39.62 (2.31)
(1.56) NPN
35.05 44.45 -- +
(1.38) (1.75)
Load Current 150 mA max
Leakage Current <10 μA
Operating Voltage 10…30V DC
Voltage Drop <2.5V
Repeatability <2%
Hysteresis 5% typical
False Pulse Protection Incorporated
Transient Noise Protection Incorporated
Short Circuit Protection Incorporated
871D DC Overload Protection Incorporated
100, 165, 200 mm Weld Field Immunity 1600 Gauss
Certifications UL Listed, cUL Certified and CE Marked for all applicable directives
Features Enclosure IP67
S 2 normally open outputs Connections 4-pin micro quick-disconnect
S Superior LED visibility LED Green: power; orange: S1 output; red: S2 output
Operating Temperature [C (F)] - 25…+70_ (-- 13…+158_)
S 10…30V DC
Shock 30 g, 11 ms
S Weld field immune
Vibration 55 Hz, 1 mm amplitude, 3 planes
S Short circuit, overload, false pulse,
reverse polarity, and transient noise
S Standard 100, 165, and 200 mm lead
length for chicklets
S Special 40 mm one lead and
100 mm second lead
S Small or large chicklet sizes
S Impact resistant housing
S 4-pin micro quick-disconnect
S UL Listed, cUL Certified and CE
Marked for all applicable directives
Product Selection
Nominal Sensing Output Switching Lead Length
Distance [mm (in.)] Shielded Configuration Frequency [Hz] [mm (in.)] Chicklet Size Cat. No.
Large 871D-- MW2GP100A-- D4
100 (3.94) Small 871D-- MW2GP100B-- D4
Cylindrical 871D-- MW2GP100C-- D4
Large 871D-- MW2GP165A-- D4
165 (6.50)
2 (0.08) Y 2 N.O. PNP Outputs 15 Small 871D-- MW2GP165B-- D4
Large 871D-- MW2GP200A-- D4
40 (S1)/100 (S2)
Small 871D-- MW2GP200B-- D4
Large 871D-- MW2GP40A-- D4
40 (S1)/100 (S2)
Small 871D-- MW2GP40B-- D4
Recommended standard QD cordset (-- 2 = 2 m (6.5 ft)) 889D-- F4AC-- 2
Special length of cable leads, one is 40 mm and the second is 100 mm.
46.9 17.7
(1.85) (0.70)
6.5 9 7.8
6.60 (0.26)
(0.25) (0.35) (0.31)
20 12.2
(0.79) (0.48)
15.5 (0.61)
(2.3) Dia. 8.38 13.0
(0.33) (0.51) 2.0 (0.07)
17 (0.67)
5.33 (0.21)
Wiring Diagram
Normally Open Output
PNP (Sourcing)
-- +
Load 2 1
3 4
-- +
Load S1
-- 10…30V DC +
Load Current 100 mA max
Inrush Current (1 cycle) ≤2 A (1 cycle)
Leakage Current <1.7 mA
Operating Voltage 20…150V AC/DC
Voltage Drop <10V
Repeatability <2%
Hysteresis 5% typical
False Pulse Protection Incorporated
Transient Noise Protection Incorporated
Short Circuit Protection Incorporated
Overload Protection Incorporated
Weld Field Immunity 1600 Gauss
871D AC/DC Certifications UL Listed, cUL Certified and CE Marked for all applicable directives
100, 165, 200 mm Enclosure IP67
Connections 5-pin AC micro quick-disconnect
LED 2 green: power S1 and S2; red: S1 output; orange: S2 output
Operating Temperature [C (F)] - 25…+70_ (-- 13…+158_)
Shock 30 g, 11 ms
Vibration 55 Hz, 1 mm amplitude, 3 planes
S 2 normally open outputs
S 20…150V AC/DC
S Weld field immune
S Short circuit, overload, false pulse,
and transient noise protection
S Standard 100, 165, and 200 mm lead
length for chicklets
S Special 40 mm one lead and
100 mm second lead
S Small or large chicklet sizes
S Impact resistant housing
S 5-pin micro quick-disconnect
S UL Listed, cUL Certified and CE
Marked for all applicable directives
Product Selection
Nominal Sensing Output Switching Lead Length
Sensor Distance [mm (in.)] Shielded Configuration Frequency (Hz) [mm (in.)] Chicklet Size Cat. No.
Large 871D-- JW2G100A-- R5
100 (3.94)
Small 871D-- JW2G100B-- R5
Large 871D-- JW2G165A-- R5
2 (0.08) Y 2 N.O. Outputs 20 165 (6.50)
Small 871D-- JW2G165B-- R5
Large 871D-- JW2G200A-- R5
200 (7.88)
Small 871D-- JW2G200B-- R5
Large 871D-- JW2G40A-- R5
2 (0.08) Y 2 N.O. Outputs 20 200 (7.88)
Small 871D-- JW2G40B-- R5
Large 871D-- JK2G100A-- R5
100 (3.94)
Small 871D-- JK2G100B-- R5
Large 871D-- JK2G165A-- R5
Compact 2 (0.08) Y 2 N.O. Outputs 20 165 (6.50)
Small 871D-- JK2G165B-- R5
Large 871D-- JK2G200A-- R5
200 (7.88)
Small 871D-- JK2G200B-- R5
Recommended standard QD cordset (-- 2 = 2 m (6.5 ft)) 889R-- F5AEA-- 2
Special length of cable leads, one is 40 mm and the second is 100 mm.
8.64 (0.34) 12.2
17.2 35
(0.68) (1.38)
58.4 15.5
(2.3) Dia. (0.61)
50.8 17
Side View 22.6
(0.20) Dia. (0.67)
(0.89) 13.0
19 (0.23)
(0.75) 5.33 (0.21) 2.0 (0.07)
(0.37) 18.0
17.7 3
S2 4 S2
4 2
Load 2
(0.7) 5 1
5 1
5.0 S1 Load
(0.2) 23.49 (0.93)
Note: Load can be switched to pin 1 (S1) and pin 2 (S2).
Outputs Normally Open
Max. Load Current <200 mA
Leakage Current < 80 μA
Operating Voltage 10…30VDC
Voltage Drop < 2.5V DC @ 200 mA
Switching Frequency 10 Hz
Repeatability 5% typical
Hysteresis 15% typical
871D DC Mini Reverse Polarity Protection Incorporated
Quick-Disconnect Style False Pulse Protection Incorporated
12 mm
Transient Noise Protection Incorporated
Short Circuit Protection Incorporated
Overload Protection Incorporated
Weld Field Immunity 20,000 A at 1 inch
Certifications UL Listed, cUL Certified for Canada and CE Marked for all applicable
Enclosure NEMA 1, 2, 3, 3R, 4, 6, 12, 13, IP67 (IEC 529)
Connections Quick Disconnect: 4-pin mini style
4-pin micro style
LED Green: Power; Orange: Output
Operating Temperature [C (F)] - 25…70_ (-- 13…158_)
871D DC Micro Shock 30 g, 11 ms
Quick-Disconnect Style
Vibration 55 Hz, 1 mm amplitude, 3 planes
12 mm
Housing Material Machined aluminum
Probe Material Stainless steel, ceramic face
Non-- activated Current Draw ≤10 mA
S Rugged low profile housing
Activated Current Draw ≤18 mA
S 3-wire operation
S Housing 304_ rotatable during
installation without breaking pressure
S 10…30V DC
S Normally open output
S Weld-field immune
S Short circuit, overload, false pulse,
transient noise, and reverse polarity
S UL Listed, cUL Certified for Canada
and CE Marked for all applicable
Product Selection
Cat. No.s
Barrel Nominal Sensing Distance Output Probe Length
Dia. [mm (in.)] Shielded Configuration [mm (in.)] Mini QD Micro QD
26.0 (1.025) 871D-- DW2NP260-- N4 871D- DW2NP260- D4
31.7 (1.250) 871D-- DW2NP317-- N4 871D-- DW2NP317-- D4
52.4 (2.062) 871D-- DW2NP524-- N4 871D-- DW2NP524-- D4
12 mm 2 (0.08) Y N.O.
73.0 (2.875) 871D-- DW2NP730-- N4 871D-- DW2NP730-- D4
95.9 (3.775) 871D-- DW2NP959-- N4 871D-- DW2NP959-- D4
115.9 (4.560) 871D-- DW2NP1159-- N4 871D-- DW2NP1159-- D4
Recommended standard QD cordset (-- 6F = 1.8 m (6 ft), - 2 = 2 m (6.5 ft)) 889N-- F4AFC-- 6F 889D-- F4AC-- 2
2mm Set Screw M12 x 1
Tightening Torque 1--1.5 Nm (0.3)
L* = Probe length (see table above)
Outputs Normally Open
Load Current 5…400 mA
Inrush Current (1 cycle) < 3 A (t < 20 msec)
Leakage Current < 1.7 mA @ 120V AC
Operating Voltage 20…250V AC/DC
Voltage Drop < 6V at 400 mA
Switching Frequency 50 Hz
Repeatability 5% typical
Product Selection
Cat. No.
Barrel Nominal Sensing Distance Output Probe Length
Dia. [mm (in.)] Shielded Configuration [mm (in.)] Mini QD Micro QD
26.0 (1.025) 871D-- BW2N260-- N3 871D-- BW2N260-- R3
31.7 (1.250) 871D-- BW2N317-- N3 871D-- BW2N317-- R3
52.4 (2.062) 871D- BW2N524- N3 871D-- BW2N524-- R3
12mm 2 (0.08) Y N.O.
73.0 (2.875) 871D-- BW2N730-- N3 871D-- BW2N730-- R3
95.9 (3.775) 871D-- BW2N959-- N3 871D-- BW2N959-- R3
115.9 (4.560) 871D-- BW2N1159-- N3 871D-- BW2N1159-- R3
Recommended standard QD cordset (-- 6F = 1.8m (6ft), - 2 = 2 m (6.5 ft)) 889N-- F3AFC-- 6F 889R-- F3ECA-- 2
48 (1.9) Ground
35 (1.4) 1/4 in.--20UNC x 3/4 in. 37
25 Grade 8 screw (1.5)
2 mm Set Screw 8
Tightening Torque 1…1.5 Nm (0.3)
L = Probe Length (see table above) 7/8 in.--16 UN
2 mm Set Screw 1/2 in.--20 UNF--2A
Tightening Torque 1…1.5 Nm (0.3)
L = Probe Length (see table above)
Load Current ≤200 mA
Leakage Current ≤10 μA
Operating Voltage 10…30V DC
Voltage Drop ≤2.4V
Repeatability ≤2%
Hysteresis 10% typical
871R DC Cable Style
12, 20 mm Reverse Polarity Protection Incorporated
Transient Noise Protection Incorporated
Short Circuit Protection Incorporated
Overload Protection Incorporated
False Pulse Protection Incorporated
Certificationss CE Marked for all applicable directives
Enclosure NEMA 4 IP67 (IEC 529)
Connections Cable: 2 m (6.5 ft) length
871R DC Micro 3-conductor #26 AWG PVC
Quick-Disconnect Style Quick-Disconnect: 4-pin micro style
50 mm
LED Red: Output energized
Operating Temperature [C (F)] - 25…+70° (-- 13…+158°)
Shock and Vibration 5 g, 10…55 Hz
871R DC Micro
Quick-Disconnect Style
100 mm
S 3-wire operation
S 3-conductor, 4-pin micro QD style
S 10…30V DC
S Reverse polarity, short circuit,
overload, false pulse, and transient
noise protection
S CE Marked for all applicable
Product Selection
Cat. No.
Ring Minimum Ball Size Output Switching
Diameter [mm (in.)] Configuration Frequency [Hz] Cable Style Micro QD Style
12 mm 2.5 (0.10) 800 871R-- D12NP39-- E2 —
20 mm 6 (0.24) 1000 871R-- D20NP73-- E2 —
PNP 871R-- D50NP90-- D4
50 mm 3 (0.12)
N.O. NPN 871R-- D50NN90-- D4
and 500 —
N.C. PNP 871R-- D100NP120-- D4
100 mm 8 (0.31)
NPN 871R-- D100NN120-- D4
Recommended Standard QD Cordset (-- 6F = 1.8 m (6 ft), - 2 = 2 m (6.5 ft)) 889D-- F4AC-- 2
QD Cordsets
Description Page Number
Other Cordsets Available 8-- 2
Terminal Chambers 8-- 2
39 20 Brown +
(1.54) (0.79)
Black A/Out
12 Blue --
90 80 50 + N.O. --
(3.54) (3.15) (1.96) Load
-- 10…30V DC +
+ N.C.
135 100 Load
(5.31) (3.94) --
+ N.O. --
-- 10…30V DC +
8.9 120 (4.72)
(1.4) 8 (0.35)
(0.32) 166 (6.54)
Load Current ≤200 mA
Leakage Current ≤10 μA
Operating Voltage 18…30V DC
Voltage Drop ≤2.4V
Repeatability ≤2%
871R DC Cable Style Hysteresis 15% typical
30 mm Slot Gap
Transient Noise Protection Incorporated
False Pulse Protection Incorporated
Certificationss CE Marked for all applicable directives
S 3-wire operation Enclosure NEMA 4 IP65 (IEC 529)
S 3-conductor Connections Cable: 2 m (6.5 ft) length
S 18…30V DC 3-conductor #26 AWG PVC
LED None
S False pulse and transient noise
protection Operating Temperature [C (F)] - 25…+70° (-- 13…+158°F)
S CE Marked for all applicable Shock and Vibration 5 g, 10…55 Hz
Product Selection
Cat. No.
Output Switching Operating
Slot Gap Configuration Frequency [Hz] Frequency [KHz] Cable Style
75 871S-- D20NP30-- E2
30 mm N.O. PNP 500
110 871S-- DX20NP30-- E2
QD Cordsets
Description Page Number
Terminal Chambers 8-- 2
95.7 Blue
Brown +
6.5 Black A/Out
(0.26) Blue --
Accessories General Information Plastic and PTFE end caps and covers
provide additional protection to sensors
Banking Screw Adaptors . page 2--208 Torque Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . page 2--225 from abrasion corrosion, chemicals,
Conduit Adaptors . . . . . . . . page 2--209 other weld slag and debris.
Description Sensor wells allow for quick and easy
Mounting Brackets,
Spring Return Style . . . . . . page 2--210 A large variety of accessories are mounting of capacitive sensors in tanks
available for use with Rockwell and silos for level detection. Sight-glass
Mounting Brackets, Automation/Allen-Bradley products mount sensor brackets allow
Quick-Change Style . . . . . . page 2--211 offering convenience in mounting and convenient and simple mounting of
applying proximity sensors. capacitive sensors to sight tubes for
Mounting Brackets, level detection.
Snap Clamp Style . . . . . . . page 2--212 Conduit adaptors allow easy connection
of most threaded-barrel models to a All threaded-barrel sensors are shipped
Mounting Brackets, with mounting nuts and lock washers.
conduit line. Banking screw adaptors
Swivel/Tilt Style . . . . . . . . . page 2--212 Replacement hardware is available if
provide a mechanical interface to
Mounting Brackets, applications allowing a proximity sensor these become lost or damaged.
Right Angle Style . . . . . . . . page 2--213 to be utilized as a mechanical stop
Mounting Brackets,
Clamp Style . . . . . . . . . . . . page 2--214 Our clamp, swivel/tilt, and right-angle
brackets are designed for convenient
Mounting Bracket, mounting and adjustable positioning of
Can Sensor Style . . . . . . . . page 2--215 tubular-style proximity sensors.
Mounting Kit, Quick-change sensor mounting
VersaCube Sensors . . . . . page 2--216 brackets are designed to allow quick
and simple sensor replacement without
Mounting Bracket, Limit Switch Style, readjustment. The spring return
VersaCube . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 2--217 mounting bracket and end caps help to
protect your sensor from damage due
PTFE Covers VersaCube . page 2--218
to collisions.
PTFE End Caps . . . . . . . . . page 2--219 VersaCube mounting hardware
End Caps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 2--220 provides superior mounting stability and
convenience when retrofitting
Mounting Nuts . . . . . . . . . . page 2--221 rectangular or limit switch style
Lock Washers . . . . . . . . . . . page 2--223 proximity sensors.
Spacer Kits . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 2--224
C (Hex)
Allowable Force)
(Thread Depth)
Typical Application
12, 18, 30 mm
Tube Tube
Diameter [mm (in.)] Thread Size Approximate Dimensions [mm (in.)] Cat. No.
48.8 (1.92) 25.4 (1.00)
12 (0.47) M12 x 1 (1.33) 871C-N13
1/2--14 NPT
Inside Thread
14.2 (0.56)
18 (0.71) M18 x 1 (1.54) 871C-N19
1/2--14 NPT
Inside Thread
19.8 (0.78)
30 (1.18) M30 x 1.5 (2.03) 871C-N31
1/2--14 NPT
Inside Thread
31.8 (1.25)
53.0 (2.07) 25.4 (1.00)
10 mm (0.39 in.) C
Sensing End
10 mm
2 PL
Note: Each spring return mounting bracket is supplied with two mounting nuts.
Typical Application
The snap-clamp style mounting bracket
for tubular inductive proximity sensors
provides easy, tool-free installation for
12 and 18 mm barrel diameters. This
plastic bracket allows fast, simple
installation and removal of the sensor,
and is ideal for general purpose
Diameter A B C D E F G Cat. No.
12 mm 25.3 (0.99) 22.1 (0.87) 39.9 (1.57) 35.5 (1.4) 22.0 (0.87) 8.1 (0.32) 12 mm 871A-- SCBP12
18 mm 30.5 (1.2) 22.9 (0.9) 42.9 (1.69) 39.6 (1.56) 26.0 (1.02) 11.2 (0.44) 18 mm 871A-- SCBP18
Note: Each swivel/tilt mounting bracket is supplied with two screws and two locking nuts.
Proximity Tube
Diameter [mm in.] Approximate Dimensions [mm (in.)] Material Cat. No.
31.8 (1.25)
11.9 7.14
(0.46) (0.28) Zinc-Plated
8.74 871A-- BRN8
(0.34) Steel
8 (0.31) 15.9
9.35 25.4
(0.37) (.625)
90° 1.78
Stainless Steel 871A-- BRS8
8.74 5.54
(0.31) (0.21)
34.8 (1.37)
14.3 7.92
(0.56) (0.31) Zinc-Plated
12.7 871A-- BRN12
(0.50) Steel
12 (0.047) 19.1
12.7 38.1
(0.50) (1.50)
90° 1.78
(0.07) 9.53
Stainless Steel 871A-- BRS12
13.9 5.54
(0.55) (0.21)
34.8 (1.37)
14.3 7.92
(0.56) (0.31) Zinc-Plated
18 (0.071) 19.1 871A-- BRN18
(0.75) Steel
Also for use with 44.5
the 871A-- BXN8 (1.75)
or 871A-- BXS8 15.9 50.8
Spring Return 90°
Brackets (0.07) 9.53
Stainless Steel 871A-- BRS18
19.1 5.54
(0.75) (0.21)
34.8 (1.37)
14.3 7.92
(0.56) (0.31) Zinc-Plated
22.2 871A-- BRN22
For use with (0.87) Steel
871A-- BXN12 or 44.5
871A-- BXS12 50.8
15.9 (2.00)
Spring Return (0.62) (1.00)
Brackets 90° 1.78
Stainless Steel 871A-- BRS22
17.4 5.54
(0.68) (0.21)
44.5 (1.75)
20.6 10.3
(0.81) (0.40) Zinc-Plated
30 (1.18) 30.5 871A-- BRN30
(1.18) Steel
Also for use with 57.2
the 871A-- BXN18 63.5
or 871A-- BXS18 19.1 (2.50) 34.8
(0.75) (1.37)
Spring Return 90°
Brackets (0.08) 11.2
Stainless Steel 871A-- BRS30
23.0 7.14
(0.90) (0.28)
50.8 (2.00)
25.4 12.7
(1.00) (0.50) Zinc-Plated
47.5 871A-- BRN47
For use with (1.87) Steel
871A-- BXN30 or (2.50)
871A-- BXS30 88.9
19.1 (3.50)
Spring Return (0.75)
Brackets 3.05
(0.12) 12.7
Stainless Steel 871A-- BRS47
38.1 7.14
(1.50) (0.28)
Bracket 7
Dia. of
Proximity D G
2.4 Dia. (0.09)
F (0.67)
(2 Plcs) 9
E 9 9
(0.35) (0.35)
3.2 Dia.
A (0.13)
11.2 35.1
(0.44) (1.38)
40.0 30.0 17 20
(1.58) (1.18) (0.67) (0.78)
Typical Application
10--32 x 1 in.
Mounting Screws
Ground Lug and
Binding Screw
The limit switch style mounting bracket
(871A--PKITLS) has the same
mounting pattern as limit switch style
proximity sensors. It provides superior
mounting stability and convenience
when retrofitting a limit switch style
proximity sensor with a VersaCube.
59.4 (2.34)
29.9 39.6
(1.18) (1.56)
Typical Application
10--32 x 1 in.
Bracket Screws
These PTFE covers are designed to
protect the VersaCube from weld slag
and other debris.
44.4 (1.75)
44.4 (1.75)
41.9 44.4
(1.65) (1.75)
Internal Slot
for LEDs
PTFE end caps protect tubular
proximity sensors from abrasion,
corrosion, chemical exposure, weld
slag, and other debris.
8, 12, 18, 30 mm
Sensor Diameter A B C D Cat. No.
8 mm M8 x 1 9.6 (0.38) 10.8 (0.43) 0.50 (0.02) 871A-- KUT8
12 mm M12 x 1 15.0 (0.60) 14.8 (0.58) 0.89 (0.035) 871A-- KUT12
18 mm M18 x 1 18.8 (0.70) 24.4 (0.96) 1.27 (0.05) 871A-- KUT18
30 mm M30 x 1.5 23.0 (0.90) 38.1 (1.50) 2.03 (0.08) 871A-- KUT30
8, 12, 18, 30 mm
Plastic deflecting caps are designed to cap is simply threaded onto the front of allows the sensor and spring bracket to
be utilized with spring return brackets the proximity sensor. The 30° slope retract when a lateral collision occurs.
when lateral collisions might occur. The
Target B
(Thickness) Spring Return
A E Mounting Bracket
D (Ref.)
Sensor Diameter A B C D E Cat. No.
8 mm 5.1 (0.20) 15.1 (0.59) 0.25 (0.01) 9.51 (0.37) 871A-- KPU8
12 mm 6.4 (0.25) 22.9 (0.90) 10.0 (0.39) 871A-- KPU12
17.3 (0.68)
18 mm 31.4 (1.34) 0.89 (0.04) 871A-- KPU18
8.0 (0.31)
30 mm 44.5 (1.75) 20.0 (0.79) 12.7 (0.50) 871A-- KPU30
8, 12, 18, 30 mm
Tube Diameter Thread Size
[mm (in.)] ISO Metric Approximate Dimensions [mm (in.)] Cat. No.
8 (0.31) M8 x 1
4 (0.59)
12 (0.47) M12 x 1
871A-- NBT12
19.6 PTFE-Coated
18 (0.71) M18 x 1
871A-- NBT18
27.7 PTFE-Coated
30 (1.18) M30 x 1.5
871A-- NBT30
Stainless Steel
Tube Diameter Thread Size
[mm (in.)] ISO Metric Approximate Dimensions [mm (in.)] Cat. No.
17 (0.67)
19.6 (0.77)
4 (0.16)
24 (0.94)
36 (1.42)
Tube Diameter Thread Size
[mm (in.)] ISO Metric Approximate Dimensions [mm (in.)] Cat. No.
17 (0.67)
19.6 (0.77)
4 (0.16)
24 (0.94)
36 (1.42)
8, 12, 18, 30 mm
Selection Guide
Spacer kits are available for use with (4.00 in.). Using sensor length resulting from sensor and spacer
871D in-port tubular position sensors for 871D--DW2NP1159--D4 and spacer combination should be carefully
nonstandard tubular probe lengths. 871A--S1427 results in a probe length considered to ensure proper clearance
Example from chart below: Sensor of 101.5 mm (3.998 in.). Any difference in application.
probe length required is 101.6 mm between desired probe length and
Sensor Cat. No. 871D-- xxxxx260-- xx 871D-- xxxxx317-- xx 871D-- xxxxx524-- xx 871D-- xxxxx730-- xx 871D-- xxxxx959-- xx 871D-- xxxxx1159-- xx
Probe Length
[mm (in.)]
Spacer 26.0 (1.025) 31.7 (1.250) 52.4 (2.062) 73.0 (2.875) 95.9 (3.775) 115.9 (4.560)
Spacer Kit Height
Cat. No. [mm (in.)]
871A-- S478 4.78 (0.188) 21.26 (0.837) 26.97 (1.062) 47.60 (1.874) 68.25 (2.687) 91.11 (3.587) 111.05 (4.372)
871A-- S572 5.72 (0.225) 20.32 (0.800) 26.04 (1.025) 46.66 (1.837) 67.31 (2.650) 90.17 (3.550) 110.11 (4.335)
871A-- S780 7.80 (0.307) 18.24 (0.718) 23.95 (0.943) 44.58 (1.755) 65.23 (2.568) 88.09 (3.468) 108.03 (4.253)
871A-- S945 9.45 (0.372) 16.59 (0.653) 22.30 (0.878) 42.93 (1.690) 63.58 (2.503) 86.44 (3.403) 106.38 (4.188)
871A-- S953 9.53 (0.375) 16.51 (0.650) 22.23 (0.875) 42.85 (1.687) 63.50 (2.500) 86.36 (3.400) 106.30 (4.185)
871A-- S1270 12.70 (0.500) 13.34 (0.525) 19.05 (0.750) 39.67 (1.562) 60.33 (2.375) 83.19 (3.275) 103.12 (4.060)
871A-- S1382 13.82 (0.544) 12.22 (0.481) 17.93 (0.706) 38.56 (1.518) 59.21 (2.331) 82.07 (3.231) 102.01 (4.016)
871A-- S1427 14.27 (0.562) 11.76 (0.463) 17.48 (0.688) 38.10 (1.500) 58.75 (2.313) 81.61 (3.213) 101.55 (3.998)
871A-- S1524 15.24 (0.600) 10.80 (0.425) 16.51 (0.650) 37.13 (1.462) 57.79 (2.275) 80.65 (3.175) 100.58 (3.960)
871A-- S1737 17.37 (0.684) 8.66 (0.341) 14.38 (0.566) 35.00 (1.378) 55.65 (2.191) 78.51 (3.091) 98.45 (3.876)
871A-- S1809 18.09 (0.712) 7.95 (0.313) 13.67 (0.538) 34.29 (1.350) 54.94 (2.163) 77.80 (3.063) 97.74 (3.848)
871A-- S2057 20.57 (0.810) 5.46 (0.215) 11.18 (0.440) 31.80 (1.252) 52.45 (2.065) 75.31 (2.965) 95.25 (3.750)
871A-- S2380 23.80 (0.937) 2.24 (0.088) 7.95 (0.313) 28.58 (1.125) 49.23 (1.938) 72.09 (2.838) 92.02 (3.623)
3.25 (0.13)
15.5 22
50.8 (0.61) 35
13.5 (0.87)
(2.0) Dia. (1.38)
(0.53) Dia.
2.05 (0.08)
6.7 (0.26) L ±0.02
Bulletin 871C/872C
“A” Length Remainder of Thread Length
Torque N•m Torque N•m
Diameter Shielded A [mm (in.)] (in•lbs) Turns (in•lbs) Turns
8 mm Y 4.6 (0.18) 1.7 (15) 1 1/2 2.8 (25) 1 1/2
Y 11.7 (0.46)
12 mm 4.0 (35) 1/4 9.6 (85) 1/2
N 5.6 (0.22)
Y 13.7 (0.54)
18 mm 11.3 (100) 1/3 19.8 (175) 1/2
N 5.6 (0.22)
30 mm Y/N - 33.9 (300) 1/8 33.9 (300) 1/8
Bulletin 871T
“A” Length Remainder of Thread Length
Torque N•m Torque N•m
Diameter Shielded A [mm (in.)] (in•lbs) Turns (in•lbs) Turns
Y 11.7 (0.46)
12 mm 9.0 (80) 2/3 14.1 (125) 3/4
N 5.6 (0.22)
Y 13.7 (0.54)
18 mm 19.8 (175) 1/2 28.3 (250) 2/3
N 5.6 (0.22)
Bulletin 871TM
Diameter Shielded Torque N•m (in•lbs) Turns
12 mm 14.1 (125) 3/4
18 mm 28.3 (250) 2/3
30 mm 33.9 (300) 1/8
Bulletin 871Z
Remainder of Thread Length
Bulletin 871ZC
Remainder of Thread Length