Pid Control For Boiler

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Question no.

Backward differencing method:
𝑈(𝑠) 𝑠 + 𝑎
𝐶(𝑠) = =
𝐸(𝑠) 𝑠 + 𝑏

Simplifying the above equation, we get:

𝑠𝑈(𝑠) + 𝑏𝑈(𝑠) = 𝑠𝐸(𝑠) + 𝑎𝐸(𝑠)
By taking the inverse Laplace:
𝑑𝑢(𝑡) 𝑑𝑒(𝑡)
+ 𝑏𝑢(𝑡) = + 𝑎𝑒(𝑡)
𝑑𝑡 𝑑𝑡
Applying the Euler’s backward differentiation, we get:
𝑢(𝑘) − 𝑢(𝑘 − 1) 𝑒(𝑘) − 𝑒(𝑘 − 1)
+ 𝑏𝑢(𝑘) = + 𝑎𝑒(𝑘)
𝑢(𝑘) − 𝑢(𝑘 − 1 + 𝑇𝑏𝑢(𝑘)) 𝑒(𝑘) − 𝑒(𝑘 − 1) + 𝑇𝑎𝑒(𝑘)
After simplification of the above equation:
(1 + 𝑏𝑇)𝑢(𝑘) = 𝑢(𝑘 − 1) − 𝑒(𝑘 − 1) + 𝑒(𝑘)(1 + 𝑎𝑇)
1 1 1 + 𝑎𝑇
𝑢(𝑘) = 𝑢(𝑘 − 1) − 𝑒(𝑘 − 1) + 𝑒(𝑘)
(1 + 𝑏𝑇) (1 + 𝑏𝑇) (1 + 𝑏𝑇)
By putting 𝑘 = 𝑘 + 1 (next sample of digital signal):
1 1 1 + 𝑎𝑇
𝑢(𝑘 + 1) = 𝑢(𝑘) − 𝑒(𝑘) + 𝑒(𝑘 + 1)
(1 + 𝑏𝑇) (1 + 𝑏𝑇) (1 + 𝑏𝑇)

Hence it is proved that, the backward difference method results in digital implementation of
Question no. 02
Continuous time representation of system using
Part (a): Forward differencing implementation
The forward differencing implementation of equation
1 1 1 + 𝑎𝑇
𝑢(𝑘 + 1) = 𝑢(𝑘) − 𝑒(𝑘) + 𝑒(𝑘 + 1)
(1 + 𝑏𝑇) (1 + 𝑏𝑇) (1 + 𝑏𝑇)
is done in MATLAB Simulink and the is shown in figure 1:

Figure 1: Forward difference implementation in Simulink

The step response of figure 1 with sample time of 0.001 𝑠𝑒𝑐, 0.01 sec and 157 𝑚𝑠𝑒𝑐 is shown in figure
2 to figure 4 respectively.
Figure 2: Step response of figure 1 with Ts=0.001 s:

Figure 3: Step response of figure 1 with Ts=0.01 s

Figure 4: Step response of figure 1 with Ts=157 ms

Part (a): Forward differencing implementation

The backward differencing implementation of equation
1 1 1 + 𝑎𝑇
𝑢(𝑘) = 𝑢(𝑘 − 1) − 𝑒(𝑘 − 1) + 𝑒(𝑘)
(1 + 𝑏𝑇) (1 + 𝑏𝑇) (1 + 𝑏𝑇)
is done in MATLAB Simulink and the is shown in figure 5:

Figure 5: Backward difference implementation in Simulink

The step response of figure 5 with sample time of 0.001 𝑠𝑒𝑐, 0.01 sec and 157 𝑚𝑠𝑒𝑐 is shown in figure
6 to figure 8 respectively.

Figure 6: Step response of figure 5 with Ts=0.001 s

Figure 7: Step response of figure 5 with Ts=0.01 s

Figure 8: Step response of figure 5 with Ts=157 m s

It can be observed from the step responses of figure 1 and figure 5 at different sample times that,
by reducing the sample time, discrete system becomes a good approximation of continuous system.
By increasing the sample time, the approximation becomes very poor and ultimately the false
approximation of continuous system.

Question 03
Problem A-6-19
Part (1): Open loop transfer function
10(𝑠 + 𝑎)
𝐺(𝑠) =
𝑠(𝑠 + 1)(𝑠 + 8)
Part (2):
Closed loop characteristics equation:
𝑠 3 + 9𝑠 2 + 19𝑠 + 10𝑎 = 0
Part (3):
Simulink diagram:

Figure 9: Simulink diagram

Part (4):
Root locus:
%% problem 6-19
K1=tf(1,[1 8]);
G1=tf(10,[1 1 0]);

grid on

Figure 10: Root locus of figure 9

Part (5)-(7)
Value of a:

hold on
grid on
title('Step response')

Figure 11: Step response of figure 9

Question 04
Problem A-6-20
Part (1): Open loop transfer function
𝐺(𝑠) =
𝑠(𝑠 + 1 + 10𝑘)

Part (2):
Closed loop transfer function:
𝐺𝑐 (𝑠) =
𝑠(𝑠 + 1 + 10𝑘)
𝑠(𝑠 + 1 + 10𝑘)
After simplification:
𝐺𝑐(𝑠) =
𝑠2 + 𝑠(1 + 10𝑘) + 10

Part (3):
Closed loop characteristics equation:
𝑠 2 + 𝑠 + 10𝑘𝑠 + 10 = 0
Now, rearranging above equation:
1+ =0
𝑠2 + 𝑠 + 10
Taking 𝐾 = 10𝑘, we get:
1+ =0
𝑠2 + 𝑠 + 10
Part (4)-(6):
Simulink diagram:

Figure 12: Simulink diagram

Part (5)-(6):
%% problem 6-20
sys=tf(10,[1 1]);

CL20=feedback(CL20a*tf(1,[1 0]),1);
grid on
Figure 13: Root locus of figure 12

Step Response:
hold on
grid on
title('Step response')
ylim([0 1.2])
Figure 14: Step response of figure 12

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