Influência Da Smear Layer TAREA
Influência Da Smear Layer TAREA
Influência Da Smear Layer TAREA
Objective. To determine the effect of dentin smear layers created by various abrasives on the adhesion of a self-etching primer (SE) and
total-etch (SB) bonding systems.
Methods. Polished human dentin disks were further abraded with 0.05 mm alumina slurry, 240-, 320- or 600-grit abrasive papers, # 245
carbide, # 250.9 F diamond or # 250.9 C diamond burs. Shear bond strength (SBS) was evaluated by single-plane lap shear, after bonding
with SE or SB and with a restorative composite. Smear layers were characterized by thickness, using SEM; surface roughness using AFM;
and reaction to the conditioners, based on the percentage of open tubules, using SEM.
Results. Overall, SBS was lower when SB was used than when SE was used. SBS decreased with increasing coarseness of the abrasive in
the SE group. Among burs, the carbide group had the highest SBS, and 320- and 240-grit papers had SBS close to the carbide group. Surface
roughness and smear layer thickness varied strongly with coarseness. After conditioning with SE primer, the tubule openness of specimens
abraded by carbide bur did not differ from 240- or 320-grit paper, but did differ from the 600-grit.
Significance. Even though affected by different surface preparation methods, SE yielded higher SBS than SB. The higher SBS and thin
smear layer of the carbide bur group, suggests its use when self-etching materials are used in vivo. Overall, the 320-grit abrasive paper
surface finish yielded results closer to that of the carbide bur and its use is recommended in vitro as a clinical simulator when using the SE
2003 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Self-etching primers; Smear layer; Burs; Abrasive papers; Dentin adhesion
1. Introduction this layer, allowing the direct contact of the resin with
partially demineralized dentin.
The smear layer has been defined as a layer of debris on Some studies [7,13,14], show no difference in bond
the surface of dental tissues created by cutting a tooth [1]. It strength of total-etch adhesive systems to different dentin
varies in thickness, roughness, density and degree of smear layers, probably because these systems completely
attachment to the underlying tooth structure according to remove smeared debris from the surface. Nevertheless, the
the surface preparation [2 – 8]. topography of the dentin surface after removal of the smear
As part of restorative procedures required by adhesive layer would reflect the coarseness of the abrasive and
dentistry, the smear layer must be removed, modified or coarser abrasives would have increased surface area. It
impregnated by the resin to allow for bonding between the would be reasonable to assume that this roughness
tooth and the restorative material [9 – 11]. The poor influences the bond strength of the adhesive agents [4,15].
performance of early dentin adhesive systems was thought The introduction of self-etching materials in which the
to occur because the smear layer was not removed, resulting acid conditioning step is eliminated by use of a primer
in bonding of the adhesive to the surface of the smeared containing an acidic monomer raises new questions. It has
debris [12], and not to the underlying dentin [1]. As a result, been stated that the self-etching primers, most likely due to
an acidic conditioner was introduced to dissolve and remove their intrinsic acidity, have the ability to permeate dentin
smears and impregnate the underlying dentin [16]. The
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ1-415-476-9119; fax: þ 1-415-476-0858. smear layer components are probably incorporated within
E-mail address: (G.W. Marshall Jr.). the bonding layers [17], since the dissolved matter is not
0109-5641/$ - see front matter 2003 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S.S.A. Oliveira et al. / Dental Materials 19 (2003) 758–767 759
rinsed away. Koibuchi et al. [18] demonstrated that this 0.05 mm alumina powder slurry (Buehler Micropolish,
hybridized smear layer has an effect on the bond strength of Buehler, Lake Bluff, IL), 600-, 320- and 240-grit SiO2
the self-etching materials and Ogata et al. [19] showed that abrasive papers (Carbimet Buehler-met, Buehler, Lake
different smear layers had different effects on the bond Bluff, IL). These preparation methods were classified by
strength of a self-etching primer to dentin. type and coarseness (0.05 mm alumina powder slurry -
Several studies have evaluated the importance of surface lowest coarseness; burs: carbide , fine diamond , coarse
preparation method on bond strength. [13,20] and have diamond; SiO2 papers: 600-grit , 320-grit , 240-grit).
attempted to define the most clinically relevant smear layer Before surface preparation, all samples were polished
preparation for use in in vitro tests. The preparation of the through 0.05 mm alumina powder slurry (Buehler Micro-
sample’s surface with a bur in vitro is complex and time polish, Buehler, Lake Bluff, IL) to create a baseline surface
consuming and may be difficult to standardize. [3,5 – 7] finish. All the surface preparations were performed with
Most in vitro bond strength studies prepare dentin surfaces water flow (25 ml/min).
with a 600-grit abrasive paper, even though they do not The smear layers created by the burs were prepared in a
indicate the clinical relevance of that surfacing procedure. device developed in our laboratory that firmly holds the bur
[21 – 26] Others treat tooth surfaces with 400-grit, [27,28] in a high-speed hand piece while moving the sample with a
320-grit, [29,30] or even 60-grit, [6] abrasive paper in vitro. constant load of 150 g. This load was found to be the mean
In order to perform clinically relevant research in dentin pressure exerted by most clinicians at the tip of the bur. [31]
adhesive systems in vitro, an increased understanding of the Each bur was used under constant water spray, to prepare a
smear layer is important so that relevant standards for maximum of 5 surfaces. Each sample prepared with paper
various approaches to dentin bonding can be developed. was abraded with one of the different grits, for 5 s with a
The first objective of this study was to establish a weight , 150 g, measured on a digital scale (Mettler PC-
standard in vitro method to create a smear layer that most 2000- Mettler Instruments Corp, NJ). Since it was difficult
closely mimics those produced by clinical burs. Secondly, with the rougher abrasive papers to maintain constant
we tested the hypotheses that, when a total-etch adhesive weight an effort was made to keep it between 100 and 300 g.
system is used, shear bond strength does not depend on the The adhesive and restorative materials used in this study
surface preparation method (specifically, the type or are listed in Table 1 along with the manufacturers
coarseness of the abrasive used to create a smear layer), compositions, batch numbers and codes. All were used
but when a self-etching primer is used shear bond strength following manufacturers directions.
does depend on these factors. Finally, we hope to better Four outcome variables were analyzed in two phases. We
understand how the self-etching materials interact with the examined the distribution of each outcome prior to analysis;
smear layer. all were analyzed on the natural scale. In phase A, we
analyzed the shear bond strength associated with different
surface preparation methods when bonded with Clearfil SE
2. Materials and methods bond (SE; Kuraray America, Inc. New York, NY) or Single
Bond Adhesive system (SB; 3M ESPE, St Paul, MN). We
The specimens used in this study were prepared from then identified the best clinical abrasive (bur) when the SE is
randomly selected human non-carious third molars. All the used (i.e. that associated with the highest shear bond
teeth were recently extracted (less than three months) from strength), and compared the paper abrasives with this bur to
patients needing extractions as part of their dental treatment identify the best in vitro abrasive (paper). In phase B, we
and as approved by the UCSF Committee on Human characterized the surface preparation methods according to
Research. They were gamma irradiated and refrigerated in the smear layers’ roughness, thickness, and reaction to
Hank’s balanced salt solution prior to use. For shear bond conditioners (Fig. 1). We theorized that the paper abra-
strength tests, teeth were sagittally sectioned into 2 sive(s) with the shear bond strength closest to that of the best
segments with a low-speed diamond saw (Buehler, Lake bur also would be closest with respect to characteristics of
Bluff IL, USA) and proximal surfaces were abraded to the smear layer, indirectly explaining the variation in shear
remove the enamel and expose the superficial dentin bond strength. Specifically, we hypothesized that shear bond
surface. For characterization of smear layers, dentin disks strength for the SE should be enhanced by a rough dentin
were sectioned from approximately the same depth surface, a thin smear layer, and increased tubule openness
(occlusal surface , 2 mm above the pulp horns) and a after application of the acidic primer.
smear layer on the occlusal side of each disk was prepared.
Smear layers were prepared with seven different surface 2.1. Bond strength
preparation methods: # 250.9 F fine diamond bur and #250.9
C coarse diamond bur (Premier Dental Products Co, Following smear layer preparation, each specimen was
Canada- batch numbers 166 and 176, respectively), #245 mounted in a single-plane lap shear device as described by
carbide plain fissure bur (Midwest-Des Plaines, IL- batch Watanabe et al, 1996; 1999. [30,32] A Mylar mask with a 3-
number 0086) all operated in a highspeed handpiece, mm diameter hole was placed on each prepared surface to
760 S.S.A. Oliveira et al. / Dental Materials 19 (2003) 758–767
Table 1
Restorative and adhesive materials
Single Bond Adhesive SB 35% phosphoric acid Bisphenol A diglycidyl ether dimethacrylate, OEU Adhesive system
system—3M St Paul, MN HEMA, dimethacrylate, solvent, water.
Clearfil SE Bond—Kuraray SE Primer- 10-MDP, HEMA, hydrophilic dimethacrylate, Primer-00101A Adhesive system
America, USA dl-Camphorquinone, N, N-diethanol-p-toluidine, water
Resin-10-MDP, Bis-GMA, HEMA, hydrophilic dimethacrylate, dl- Adhesive-00103A
Camphorquinone, N, N-diethanol-p-toluidine, Silanated colloidal silica.
Z-100—3M St Paul, MN Z100 Bisphenol A diglycidyl ether dimethacrylate; Silanated zirconium silica OKA Restorative material
synthetic mineral.
35% phosphoric PA 35% phosphoric acid diluted from 85% phosphoric acid 933812 Acid conditioner
acid—Fisher Scientific, USA
standardize the bonded area. One group, consisting of seven layers formed by the different abrasives and to determine the
different surface treatments (n ¼ 12 per treatment), was dependence of roughness on abrasive type and coarseness
tested with SE and an analogous group with SB. The level. Smear layer thickness and reaction to conditioners
adhesive systems were applied following manufacturers’ were analyzed in the same manner as smear layer roughness.
instructions and the composite was applied in 1 mm (1) Smear layer roughness (Root Mean Square rough-
increments. The intensity of the curing light was monitored ness, Rq) was measured using an atomic force microscope
periodically with a curing radiometer (acceptable range of (AFM—Digital Instruments—Nanoscope III, Santa Bar-
500 –600 mw/cm2) (Model 100, Demetron Research Cor- bara, CA, USA). All measurements were made in water to
poration, Danbury, CT, USA). Samples were stored for 24 h prevent sample dehydration. One 50 mm £ 50 mm image
at 37 8C and 100% humidity before testing. Shear bond was taken of each segment and the whole image was
strength was evaluated at a crosshead speed of 5 mm/min, measured for surface roughness, using the roughness
using a universal testing machine (Instron model 1122, analysis option from the AFM software (Nanoscope III,
Instron Corp., Canton, MA, USA). version 5.12r2. Digital Instruments. Santa Barbara, CA,
For each conditioner, we obtained the mean (standard USA).
deviation) shear bond strength by coarseness level (high, (2) Smear layer thickness was evaluated using a scanning
medium, low, extra low) and abrasive type (bur or paper,
electron microscope (SEM; ISI ABT SX-40A wet SEM,
slurry), and used ANOVA and Tukey’s studentized range
Topcon Instruments, Pleasanton, CA, USA). Immediately
test to compare the means as a function of these two factors.
after surface preparation and prior to segmentation, disks
The findings based on Tukey’s statistic were described via
letters identifying mean differences that were statistically
significant based on two-sided 0.05- level tests.
Failed samples were examined in the SEM at 25 £
magnification on the bonded surface, followed by 1000 –
2000 £ on the cross-section of the failed bonded area to
determine mode of failure.
were treated for SEM analysis. They were fixed in 2.5% 3. Results
glutaraldehyde in a 0.1 M sodium cacodylate buffer
(pH ¼ 7.4) for 12 h at 4 8C, rinsed with 0.2 M sodium 3.1. Bond strength test
cacodylate for one hour in three different baths, and rinsed
for one minute with deionized water. The disks were then Overall, shear bond strength was greater when SE was
dehydrated in ascending grades of ethanol to 100%, used (35.5 ^ 8.8 MPa) than when SB was used
transferred to HMDS and allowed to air-dry for 10 min. (21.8 ^ 7.3 MPa; P , 0:001). In the SB group, when
[33] Finally the disks were segmented and sputter-coated specimens abraded with 0.05 mm alumina slurry were
with 200 nm gold/palladium in a sputtering system included in the model, shear bond strength varied by both
(Hummer VII, Anatech Ltd, Alexandria, VA). One coarseness level ðP ¼ 0:039Þ and abrasive type ðP ¼
SEM image at 5000 £ was taken of the cross-section of 0:029Þ; however, when these specimens were excluded,
each segment, and the smear layer thickness was measured shear bond strength did not vary with either factor (model,
at ten equally spaced points along the smear layer surface, P ¼ 0:53).
using image analysis software (Ultrascan 2.1.1, Soft In the SE group, the mean shear bond strength (standard
Imaging Software, Kevex Sigma, Noran Instruments, Inc., deviation) was 35.5 (8.8) MPa. When specimens abraded
Madison, WI). Each segment was tilted 208 in each direction with 0.05 mm alumina slurry were included in the model,
to ensure that the smear layer width was measured shear bond strength varied by both coarseness level ðP ¼
accurately. 0:053Þ and abrasive type ðP ¼ 0:043Þ: When these speci-
(3) Smear layers’ reactions to the conditioners were mens were excluded, the statistical significance of both
analyzed on the SEM micrographs of the segment factors increased (P ¼ 0:005 and P ¼ 0:003; respectively).
surfaces. After surface abrasion and prior to segmenta- Regardless of abrasive type, shear bond strength decreased
tion, each conditioner was applied to 3 disk surfaces with increasing coarseness of the abrasive (Table 2) and was
(Fig. 1). The primer from SE was applied for 20 s and significantly lower when the coarsest abrasives were used
then air-dried with a gentle stream of air, following the (coarse diamond bur or 240-grit paper), according to
manufacturer’s instructions. These disks were immedi- Tukey’s test. Among the bur abrasives, the carbide bur
ately placed in 100% ethanol for 5 min to dissolve the yielded higher bond strength than either the fine diamond
monomer of the SE primer, and then soaked in de- bur [by 2.1 (95% CI, 2 2.9 –7.1) MPa] or the coarse
ionized water for 5 min to reverse any dehydration from diamond bur [by 7.3 MPa (95% CI, 2.2– 12.4) MPa]. Thus it
the ethanol. A prior study showed that this procedure was selected as the standard against which the paper
removed the monomer and reversed the effect of the abrasives were then compared. Although no paper abrasive
ethanol dehydration. [34] Phosphoric acid liquid was differed significantly from the carbide bur ðP ¼ 0:15Þ; the
applied to 3 other disks for 15 s with a brush and rinsed 320-grit paper and the 240-grit paper yielded shear bond
with deionized water for 10 s. The 35% phosphoric acid strengths within 0.5 MPa of the shear bond strength of the
used for this procedure was prepared by diluting 85% carbide bur (Table 2). Thus they appeared to offer better
phosphoric acid (Fisher Scientific, USA) with de-ionized simulations of the clinical bur than the 600-grit paper.
water, since the conditioner from the SB contains a silica Examination of the surfaces fractured during the shear
thickener, which leaves a precipitate that interfered with bond strength test showed a common cohesive failure
the surface analysis. The same ethanol and de-ionized through the adhesive layer for all abrasives except for the
water treatments were applied to these disks as were coarsest when used in conjunction with SE. In the latter
used after the SE treatment. All 6 disks were then treated cases (coarse diamond bur and 240-grit paper), residual
for SEM evaluation (as described above) and segmented smear layer appeared to remain on the de-bonded surfaces
before sputtering.
One 5000 £ SEM micrograph was taken per segment. Table 2
The numbers of tubules that were open, partially open, Abrasive and adhesive influence on shear bond strength (MPa)
plugged with smear layer or closed, were determined by
visual evaluation of the SEM micrographs for each surface Abrasive Mean shear bond strength
(std. dev.)a
treatment. Tubules were considered closed when the
structure of the peritubular dentin was not visible, whereas Type Coarseness Clearfil SE Single bond
plugged tubules were clogged below the surface, with the
Alumina slurry 0.05 mm Extra low 35.1 (13.8)A,B 17.0 (6.6)A
tubule structure and peritubular dentin visible. The extent of
Abrasive paper 600-grit Low 42.0 (7.5)A 25.4 (6.8)A
openness was coded as follows: 100% ¼ completely open, Abrasive paper 320-grit Medium 36.6 (7.6)A,B 21.7 (6.6)A
66% ¼ partially open, 33% ¼ plugged, 0% ¼ fully closed. Abrasive paper 240-grit High 35.7 (8.7)A,B 22.4 (9.0)A
In order to perform a segment-level analysis, the mean Bur Carbide Low 36.2 (5.3)A,B 22.0 (6.8)A
openness per segment was calculated (on average, there Bur Fine diamond Medium 34.1 (5.8)A,B 20.4 (7.9)A
Bur Coarse diamond High 28.9 (7.0)B 23.6 (6.2)A
were 9 tubules per segment) and analyzed using mixed-
effects models, as described above. a
The outcomes are significantly different if the superscript letters differ.
762 S.S.A. Oliveira et al. / Dental Materials 19 (2003) 758–767
Fig. 2. Fractured surfaces from shear bond strength samples from the Clearfil SE bond group. (a) 25 £ magnification SEM micrograph of the 600-grit abrasive
paper subgroup sample shows almost all the surface covered with adhesive (x), which suggests a mainly cohesive failure within the adhesive layer. (b) SEM
micrographs (25 £ magnification) of the coarse diamond bur subgroup sample show some areas (z) where there is no adhesive and failure appears to have
occurred below it. From the similarity with the surface around the bonded area, we can see that striations are the same in the area that was conditioned and the
dentin surface around it. These areas (z) appear not to have been conditioned and look just like the smear layer around it. Therefore we would consider this
failure to be cohesive within the smear layer.
(Fig. 2). Although demarcation between the bonded and further analysis. The correlation among segments within
unbonded areas was clear, it was apparent that the striations disks was low (0.05), enabling us to use segments as the
and smear layer are continuous across the bonded and units of analysis of surface roughness (n ¼ 45 segments; 9
unbonded areas. per abrasive).
Surface roughness varied strongly by coarseness level
3.2. Smear layer characteristics (median (range): Low, 347 (220 – 618) nm; Medium, 769
(479 – 1232) nm; and High, 726 (541 – 1389) nm;
We compared the smear layers created by three paper P , 0:001) but not by abrasive type (P ¼ 0:20). Of the
abrasives with the carbide bur with respect to three SiO2 papers, the 600-grit paper produced a surface rough-
characteristics of the smear layer: roughness of the dentin ness most similar to that of the carbide bur (difference,
surface, thickness of the smear layer, and reaction to the 158 ^ 91 nm; the 320-grit paper differed by
conditioner (by means of tubule openness). 280 ^ 113 nm).
Surface roughness. AFM measurements made of the Thickness of the smear layer. Smear layer thickness
surface roughness (Rq) for disks abraded with a coarse measurements for each segment were made by SEM
diamond bur exceeded 1000 nm, which was too large to analysis of the fractured segments (Fig. 1). Specimens
measure; hence no data were available for analysis. In disks treated with 0.05 mm alumina slurry were not analyzed
abraded with 0.05 mm alumina slurry, surface roughness because smear layers were too thin to measure. Since the
ranged from 16.8 –28.6 nm, whereas for other abrasives it correlation among segments within a given tooth was low
was 220 nm or higher (Table 3). Because the effect of (0.09) but the correlation among measurements per segment
0.05 mm alumina slurry on surface roughness was very was high (0.58), we averaged over the measurements within
different from the effects of other abrasives and this skewed each segment and used segments as the units of analysis of
the overall distribution; these samples were excluded from smear layer thickness (n ¼ 36 segments; 9 per abrasive).
Table 3
Smear layer characteristics produced by different abrasives
Type Coarseness Roughness (nm)a Thickness (mm) Smear layer reaction to the SE
primer.b (Tubule Openness; %)
Alumina slurry 0.05 mm Extra low 21.7 (3.3) N/A 66.0 (14.4)A
Abrasive paper 600-grit Low 267.7 (27.0)A 1.4 (0.2)A 48.8 (11.8)A,B
Abrasive paper 320-grit Medium 757.5 (80.3)B 2.0 (0.4)A,B 33.4 (17.2)C,B
Abrasive paper 240-grit High 821.2 (225.6)B 3.0 (0.7)C 16.4 (13.9)C
Bur Carbide Low 425.9 (94.6)A 1.8 (0.1)A,B 22.2 (17.8)C
Bur Fine diamond Medium 909.7 (92.2)B 2.0 (0.2)A,B 18.5 (13.0)C
Bur Coarse diamond High .1000 2.4 (1.1)C,B 15.5 (16.1)C
The outcomes are significantly different if the superscript letters differ. Abrasives without letters were excluded from the analysis.
The SB system had tubule openness of 100% for all abrasives.
S.S.A. Oliveira et al. / Dental Materials 19 (2003) 758–767 763
As was true for surface roughness, the thickness of the the data to segment-specific means, the overall mean tubule
smear layer increased significantly with the coarseness of openness was 32 ^ 23%.
the abrasive [median (range): Low, 1.6 (1.2 – 1.9) mm; Tubule openness decreased with increasing coarseness
Medium, 2.0 (1.5 – 2.6) mm; and High, 2.8 (1.6 – 4.5) mm. level and was lower among burs than among paper abrasives
P , 0:001)] but did not differ significantly by abrasive type (both, P , 0:001; Table 2 and Fig. 4). The tubule openness
(burs vs. papers; P ¼ 0:68). The thickness produced by the of specimens abraded with a carbide bur (22 ^ 18%) did not
carbide bur (1.76 ^ 0.13 mm; Table 3) was slightly more differ from those abraded with 240-grit or 320-grit paper,
than that of the 600-grit paper, by 0.36 ^ 0.17 mm, and but did differ from the level of 600-grit specimens (Table 3).
slightly less that of the 320-grit SiO 3 paper, by
0.22 ^ 0.32 mm.
Tubule openness. SEM micrographs of all smear layers 4. Discussion
treated with 35% phosphoric acid showed the tubules 100%
opened so that further analysis with this conditioner was not The self-etching materials were introduced to the dental
needed. Typical SEM micrographs for the effect of the SE market at a time when dentists desired easier and less
primer on smear layers created with various abrasives are technique-sensitive adhesive materials. Although these
shown in Fig. 3. When tubule openness (varying from 0% to qualities can be very appealing to clinicians, care should
100% open) was analyzed, low correlation among measure- be taken to evaluate how these new materials interact with
ments within segments (0.0006) would have enabled us to the dentin surface. Since the current self-etching materials
use tubules as the units of analysis. However, we averaged have higher pH values than the acids used with total-etch
the data within segments to make these the units of analysis adhesive systems, and the self-etching materials are not
(n ¼ 63 segments; 9 per abrasive), to approximate this rinsed away, the smear layer or its components are
analysis with the others in sample size and power. Overall, incorporated into the bonded layers.
the mean tubule openness for SE was 33 ^ 36%; 10% were With the methods used in this study we found that the
completely open, 21% were partially open, 30% were total-etch system (SB) completely removed the smear layer,
mostly closed, and 39% were fully closed. After reducing regardless of the abrasive used and that shear bond strength
Fig. 3. SEM micrographs of the reaction of the smear layer to the Clearfil SE primer treatment. (a) 600-grit smear layer; (b) 320-grit smear layer; (c) carbide bur
smear layer; (d) coarse diamond bur smear layer. Open tubules (O), partially opened tubules (PO), plugged tubules (P) and closed tubules (C), are indicated in
the images.
764 S.S.A. Oliveira et al. / Dental Materials 19 (2003) 758–767
Fig. 4. Reaction of the smear layers, by surface preparation method, to the primer of Clearfil SE Bond. Tubule openness decreased with increased coarseness
level and was lower among burs than paper abrasives (both, P , 0:001). The tubule openness was similar for specimens abraded with carbide bur, 240-grit or
320-grit paper.
for the SB system was not sensitive to the method used to hypothesis. Nonetheless, the shear bond strength results of
create the smear layer. This was not true for the SE system SE were, overall, significantly higher than those bonded
and the results confirmed the hypothesis that the method with SB. This was true despite the fact that SE was less
used to produce the smear layer affects the bond strength of effective in completely removing the smear layer. This
this system. challenges the general consensus that it is necessary to
The evaluation of the smear layer modification by the remove the smear layer in order to achieve high bond
primer showed a significant inverse association between strengths. [9] Preliminary work in our lab evaluated the
coarseness level and the tubule openness (Figs. 3 and 4). hybrid layer for the self-etching primer and total etch system
Thicker smear layers resulted in increased number of closed studied in this work. We found that the hybrid layer had a
tubules after SE treatment. substantially higher modulus for the self-etching system and
To determine if the rinsing step influenced the retention this may offer a possible explanation for the higher bond
of the smear layer on the dentin surface, an additional strengths found in this investigation. We hope a more
experiment was performed (Fig. 5) where dentin samples complete evaluation will confirm these findings in the near
with a smear layer created by a 240-grit abrasive paper future. On the other hand, it was reported [35] that the
(which gave the thickest smear layer; Table 3) were acid phosphoric acid used in these concentrations causes the
etched with SE primer for 20 s (Fig. 5 – a) and air dried for denaturation of the top layer of collagen, which could
5 s. These were compared with those etched with different explain its lower bond strength.
concentrations of phosphoric acid [0.13%, pH ¼ 2 (same as When SE was used, the carbide bur gave the thinnest
SE), Fig. 5b; 20%, pH ¼ 0.21, Fig. 5c; and 35%, smear layer of all the burs (Table 3), and it produced the
pH ¼ 2 0.28,Fig. 5d] for 15 s and rinsed with de-ionized highest bond strength among the bur groups (Table 2).
water for 10 s. The smear layer was successfully rinsed This finding emphasizes the importance of using, clinically, a
away after being etched with the acid only when 35 % bur that creates a thin smear layer when applying the current
phosphoric acid was used (Fig. 5d). This suggests that more SE materials as an adhesive system for bonded restorations.
diluted acids were not strong enough to etch through the In order to generate relevant data, laboratory testing
whole thickness of the 240-grit smear layers and that even should be performed on surfaces that closely resemble those
after rinsing part of the smear layer was still attached to the created under clinical conditions. According to our results
dentin surface. Pashley and Carvalho. [11] suggested that on the smear layer characteristics, the carbide bur group
the dentin smear layer interferes with the self-etching yielded smear layer thickness between those of 320- and
primer adhesion. Our results support this suggestion. 600-grit papers, and its roughness was closer to the 600-grit
Additionally, the decreased bond strength and increased paper. But when the adhesive system was used (shear bond
smear layer thickness with the coarseness of the abrasive strength and reaction to the conditioner), the smear layer
when the SE was used (Tables 2 and 3), and the presence of created by the carbide bur gave results that were similar to
smear layer on the de-bonded samples from the coarser the 320-grit smear layer or were in between those of the
abrasives in the SE group (Fig. 2), further support this 320- and 240-grit papers.
S.S.A. Oliveira et al. / Dental Materials 19 (2003) 758–767 765
Fig. 5. 240-grit abrasive paper smear layer samples etched with (a)—Clearfil SE primer (SE), and different concentrations of phosphoric acid: (b)—0.13%
(pH ¼ 2; similar to SE primer), (c)—20% (pH ¼ 0.21), and (d)—35% (pH ¼ 20.28). Only in (d) the smear layer was successfully rinsed away after being etched
with the acid. These pictures represent the inability of an acid with higher pH to etch through the thick smear layer created by the 240-grit abrasive paper.
An explanation for this difference could rely on the explained by our observation that although the 35%
difference between the two abrasive methods. Using a bur phosphoric acid removes the whole smear layer, the striated
may produce a denser smear layer than that produced by topography created by the dentin surface preparation
abrasive papers, which may affect the primer’s ability to remained intact (Fig. 6). It is reasonable to assume that by
etch through the smear layer. We found that, on average, the
thickness of smear layer did not vary by abrasive type, but
burs tended to have more closed tubules than the papers.
Thus openness may be more closely related to denseness of
smear layer. The suggestion that burs may leave a thinner
but denser smear layer than the sandpaper was discussed by
Tao et al. [14] If the 320-grit abrasive paper creates a less
compact smear layer than the carbide bur, this might
compensate for its slightly higher thickness, so that both
react similarly to the self-etching primer, as seen in the
results from the shear bond strength and reaction to the
conditioners. Regardless, within the limitations of our study,
the 320-grit paper yielded reactions to the conditioners
(shear bond strength and openness of tubules) that were
similar to those produced by the carbide bur. Thus the 320-
grit abrasive paper would be the most clinically relevant
SiO2 paper of the three we studied.
Even though in a previous study there was a similar result,
[36] it is still perplexing that in the shear bond strength tests
the lowest values were found for the 0.05 mm alumina group Fig. 6. Fine diamond bur smear layer treated with 35% aqueous phosphoric
with either SB or SE, even though it presented the thinnest acid. Although the surface is clean of smear, the striations due to the
smear layer with the most open tubules. This might be preparation were still evident.
766 S.S.A. Oliveira et al. / Dental Materials 19 (2003) 758–767
increasing the surface area, the bond strength would be diamond burs, the carbide bur yielded the highest shear
higher, since it would increase the true area of the surface bond strength and the thinnest smear layer. Therefore,
bonded by the resin. [37] Thus the lower surface area surface preparation for in vitro tests of this SE system
resulting from the 0.05 mm alumina slurry would probably should consider the use of an abrasive paper that creates a
give lower bond strengths in the SB group. For the SE group smear layer with similar characteristics to the carbide bur,
however, the smear layer thickness seems to play a major role which we believe to be the 320-grit SiO2 paper.
in the bond strength, as discussed above, so a balance
between roughness and thickness should be achieved in order
to produce higher bond strengths. Another, possible Acknowledgements
explanation for the low bond strength of the 0.05 mm
alumina group is that by highly polishing with an alumina Sofia Oliveira is supported by a PhD fellowship from the
powder slurry, we modify the surface in some way that Portuguese Ministry for Science and Technology, Praxis
interferes with bonding. Finally it should be noted that the XXI program. This study was supported by NIH/NIDCR
polished surfaces are of theoretical interest but are not Grant P0.1 DE09859.
relevant to clinical settings.
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