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Microtensile Bond Strength and Micromorphology of

Bur-cut Enamel Using Five Adhesive Systems

Alexandra Vinagrea / João Ramosb / Ana Messiasc / Fernando Marquesd /
Francisco Carameloe / António Mataf

Purpose: This study compared the microtensile bond strengths (μTBS) of two etch-and-rinse (ER) (OptiBond FL
[OBFL]; Prime & Bond NT [PBNT]) and three self-etching (SE) (Clearfil SE Bond [CSEB]; Xeno III [XIII]; Xeno V+
[XV+]) adhesives systems to bur-prepared human enamel considering active (AA) and passive (PA) application of
the self-etching systems.
Materials and Methods: Ninety-six enamel surfaces were prepared with a medium-grit diamond bur and ran-
domly allocated into 8 groups to receive adhesive restorations: G1: OBFL; G2: PBNT; G3: CSEB/PA; G4: CSEB/
AA; G5: XIII/PA; G6: XIII/AA; G7: XV+/PA; G8: XV+/AA. After composite buildup, samples were sectioned to
obtain a total of 279 bonded sticks (1 mm2) that were submitted to microtensile testing (μTBS; 0.5 mm/min)
after 24-h water storage (37ºC). Etching patterns and adhesive interfacial ultramorphology were also evaluated
with confocal laser scanning (CLSM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Data was analyzed with one-way
ANOVA (α = 0.05). Weibull probabilistic distribution was also determined.
Results: Regarding μTBS, both adhesive system and application mode yielded statistically significant differ-
ences (p < 0.05) among groups. ER adhesive systems together with CSEB/AA and XIII/PA recorded the highest
and statistically similar bond strength results. XV+ presented very low bond strength values, regardless of the
application mode. Among self-etching adhesives, CSEB produced significantly higher μTBS values when applied
actively. Qualitative evaluation by SEM and CLSM revealed substantial differences between groups both in adhe-
sive interfaces and enamel conditioning patterns.
Conclusions: ER and SE adhesive systems presented distinctive bond strengths to bur-cut enamel. The applica-
tion mode effect was adhesive dependent. Active application improved etching patterns and resin interfaces
Keywords: adhesive systems, microtensile bond strength, application mode, enamel, morphology.

J Adhes Dent 2015; 17: 107–116. Submitted for publication: 05.02.15; accepted for publication: 31.03.15
doi: 10.3290/j.jad.a34060

adhesion of composite resins to dental substrates.26,46

C urrently, etch-and-rinse and self-etching adhesive sys-
tems represent the two main strategies to promote Phosphoric acid continues to be the approach of choice
for optimization of enamel surface conditioning, 26
whereas the application of self-etching adhesive systems
a Guest Professor, Faculty of Medicine, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portu- in either prepared or unprepared enamel is still a contro-
gal. Concept, hypothesis, experimental design, performed the experiments in versial issue. Several studies report the unpredictability
partial fulfillment of requirements for a degree, wrote the manuscript. of the performance of self-etching adhesives in intact
b Auxiliary Professor, Faculty of Medicine, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Por- enamel, presenting evidence that previous mechanical
tugal. Concept, hypothesis, experimental design, contributed to discussion,
proofread the manuscript. preparation could potentiate the adhesion capacity of
these systems.10,15,24,27,33 Besides, some researchers
PhD Student, Faculty of Medicine, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal.
Performed statistical evaluation, proofread the manuscript. report that the type of instrumentation used to prepare
d Lecturer, Faculty of Medicine, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal. Per-
dental substrates could interfere with the performance
formed experiment, proofread the manuscript. of self-etching adhesives.5,21,37,48 Diamond bur prep-
e Auxiliary Professor, Faculty of Medicine, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Por- aration of cavities produces specific effects on enamel
tugal. Performed statistical evaluation, proofread the manuscript. surfaces, resulting in the formation of a thick and ir-
f Full Professor, School of Dental Medicine, Lisbon University, Lisbon, Portu- regular smear layer.21 Since enamel contains a high
gal. Proofread the manuscript. mineral fraction and larger hydroxyapatite crystals than
dentin, and because the demineralization potential of
Correspondence: Dr. Alexandra Vinagre, Faculty of Medicine, University of
Coimbra, Av. Bissaya Barreto, Blocos de Celas, 3000-075 Coimbra, Portugal. self-etching systems is more limited than that provided
Tel: +35-191-263-8914, Fax: +35-123-985-7777. e-mail: avinagre@fmed.uc.pt by phosphoric acid, it is possible that more hydrogen ions

Vol 17, No 2, 2015 107

Vinagre et al

released from the adhesive are neutralized by the enamel enamel was exposed. Prepared specimens were carefully
smear, limiting their interaction with the subsurface observed under a stereomicroscope at 20X magnification
enamel.6,21,36 These conditions could compromise the to ensure absence of dentin, cracks, or defects. Enamel
effectiveness of adhesion to ground enamel conditioned surfaces were then demarcated to outline the flattest pre-
by self-etching adhesives, particularly the least acidic pared area for bonding using a flowable blue light-curing
ones. Active application of self-etching adhesives seems resin (LC Block-Out Resin, Ultradent; South Jordan, UT,
to favor the interaction with substrates by improving bond USA), which also served to facilitate, a posteriori, the
strength.2,7,8,19,22,30,39,47 This is considered a simple identification of useful and eligible samples for testing.
and rapid technique to increase mixture entropy and An even number of buccal- and lingual-faced speci-
improve solvent evaporation before the light-curing step mens was randomly divided into groups according to the
by increasing the kinetics of the moieties.31 Moreover, adhesive system tested and protocol of application (AA
active rubbing application is thought to improve depth of – active application, or PA – passive application mode).
demineralization, infiltration, and chemical interaction as Twelve halves were used for each experimental group.
it promotes a more effective contact of monomers at the Two etch-and-rinse (OptiBond FL [OBFL] and Prime &
surface.7,8,19 Thus, an active application of self-etching Bond NT [PBNT]) and three self-etching adhesive systems
adhesive by rubbing it into ground enamel is expected to (Clearfil SE Bond [CSEB], Xeno III [XIII], and Xeno V+ [XV+])
produce significant improvements in bonding efficacy. were used in this study. Their composition and application
To date, no studies have evaluated the effect of differ- methods are described in Table 1.
ent application modes of self-etching adhesive systems to A single operator applied the adhesives according
bur-treated enamel surfaces on the bond strength and sur- to the specific group protocol. An LED light-curing unit
face micromorphology. The present study aimed to evalu- (Bluephase, Ivoclar Vivadent; Schaan, Liechtenstein) was
ate the resin-enamel bond strength of two etch-and-rinse set to the low power mode with a light intensity of 650
systems and three self-etching systems applied with dif- mW/cm2 and used throughout the adhesive application
ferent modes, either active or inactive, to bur-cut enamel, and restorative procedure. Following adhesive application,
and to examine the enamel surface micromorphology and a microhybrid resin composite (Esthet·X HD, A2, Dentsply
resin/enamel interfaces produced under the same condi- DeTrey; Konstanz, Germany) was used to create resin
tions. The null hypotheses tested in this study are that (1) composite buildups in three layers of 1.5 mm each. Each
no differences in bur-cut enamel bond strength are found layer was light cured for 20 s, followed by a final polymer-
between etch-and-rinse and self-etching bonding systems; ization of 60 s. The specimens were then stored at 100%
(2) surface application modes do not affect bur-cut enamel humidity at 37ºC for 24 h.
bond strength of self-etching adhesive systems.
Microtensile Bond Strength Test (μTBS)
After storage, specimens were sectioned horizontally with
MATERIALS AND METHODS a low-speed cutting saw (Accutom 50) perpendicular to
the adhesive/tooth interface under water cooling in order
Specimen Preparation to obtain three or four 1-mm parallel slices. The spaces
Forty-eight noncarious human molars were collected between slices were dried and filled with a light-body poly-
after patients’ informed consent, as approved by the vinylsiloxane (Aquasil Ultra XLV; Dentsply DeTrey; Kon-
Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Medicine, University stanz, Germany) for specimen stabilization prior to the
of Coimbra, Portugal (CE-001/2013). The teeth were next set of cuts. Then, specimens were sectioned verti-
cleaned of all surrounding soft tissues or debris and cally, dividing the horizontal parallel slices into sticks with
stored in a 10% buffered formalin solution (pH 7.0) at a cross-sectional area of approximately 1.00 ± 0.2 mm2.
room temperature for up to six months after extraction. Each specimen yielded a set of 3 to 6 useful sticks. The
All molars were sectioned mesiodistally parallel to the interface perimeter of all sticks was inspected under
long axis with a water-cooled diamond saw (Accutom 50, an optical microscope (Leica CLS 150 MR; Heerbrugg,
Struers; Ballerup, Denmark) in order to obtain two speci- Switzerland) set at 40X magnification to exclude those
mens per tooth. The buccal and lingual surfaces were with any kind of defect or failure. Additionally, each stick
carefully identified by labelling the corresponding tooth was measured with a digital caliper (Mitutoyo; Kawasaki,
and surface. Roots were then partially removed and pulp Japan) to determine the mean bonding area within each
debris detached from the remnant root canal pathway, group. All sticks were constantly stored in tap water.
ensuring sufficient retention for subsequent tooth em- For microtensile measurement, each stick was fixed
bedding. Each sample was individually embedded in an on a testing jig with a cyanoacrylate adhesive (Permabond
acrylic resin (Vertex, Vertex-Dental; Zeist, Netherlands) 735, Permabond International; Englewood, NJ, USA) and
for better handling, leaving the coronal portion above stressed at a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/min until fail-
the acrylic resin. ure in a specific device (Od04-Plus, Odeme Prod. Med.
All buccal and lingual enamel surfaces were flattened Odont.; Luzerna, SC, Brasil) linked to a universal testing
using a medium-grit (105 to 125 μm) diamond bur (G837- machine (Model AG-I, Shimadzu; Kyoto, Japan). The μTBS
314-018-8-ML, Diatech, Coltène Whaledent; Altstätten, values were expressed in MPa and were calculated by
Switzerland) for 5 s with a water-cooled high-speed tur- dividing the imposed force (N) at the time of fracture by
bine. For each sample, the maximum surface area of flat the bonded area (mm2). The occurrence of failure prior to

108 The Journal of Adhesive Dentistry

Vinagre et al

Table 1 Adhesive system: groups, composition and application mode

Group Material Composition and pH Application mode

batch No.
1 Optibond FL Etchant: 37.5% phosphoric acid (Kerr Gel Apply etchant for 15 s; rinse for 15 s; air dry for 5 s; scrub
(OBFL) Etchant) surface for 15 s with primer; gently air blow for 5 s; apply
Kerr; Orange, FL Primer: HEMA, GPDM, PAMA, ethanol, bonding agent; gently air blow for 3 s; light cure for 20 s
CA, USA water, CQ, BHT (pH ca 1.9)
FL Adhesive: bis-GMA, HEMA, GDMA, CQ,
4677483 ODMAB, filler (fumed silica, barium aluminobo-
rosilicate glass, disodium hexafluorosilicate),
coupling factor A174

2 Prime&Bond NT Etchant: 36% phosphoric acid (Conditioner 36) Apply etchant for 15 s; rinse for 15 s; air dry for 5 s; apply
(PBNT) Dentsply Adhesive: PENTA, UDMA, resin R5-62-1, T-resin adhesive on surface and wait 20 s; gently air blow for 5 s;
DeTrey; Kon- (cross-linking agent), D-resin (small hydrophilic light cure for 10 s; apply second coat; gently air blow for
stanz, Germany molecule), cetylamine hydrofluoride, acetone, 5 s; light cure for 10 s
butylated hydroxytoluene, 4-ethyl dimethyl ami-
1206000730 nobenzoate, silica nanofiller (pH ca 2.7)

3 Clearfill SE Bond Primer: 10- MDP, HEMA, hydrophilic aliphatic Passive Apply primer and leave undisturbed for 20 s;
(CSEB) dimethacrylate, CQ, DET, water (pH ca 2.1) (CSEB/PA) gently air blow for 5 s; apply bonding agent;
Kuraray Medical; gently air blow for 5 s; light cure for 10 s
Tokyo, Japan Bond: 10-MDP, bis-GMA, HEMA, hydrophobic (manufacturer’s directions)
aliphatic dimethacrylate, DET, silanated col-
4 041931 loidal silica Active Apply primer with a rubbing motion for 20 s;
(CSEB/AA) gently air blow for 5 s; apply bonding agent;
gently air blow for 5 s; light cure for 10 s

5 Xeno III Bottle A: HEMA, ethanol, purified water, BHT, Passive Mix liquids A and B for 5 s; apply adhesive
Dentsply DeTrey stabilizers, nanofiller (XIII /PA) on surface and leave undisturbed for 20 s;
gently air blow for 5 s; light cure for 10 s
1302000019 Bottle B: Pyro-EMA, PEM-F; UDMA, BHT, CQ, (manufacturer’s directions)
EPD (mixture pH < 1)
6 Active Mix liquids A and B for 5 s; apply adhesive
(XIII/AA) on surface and scrub it in a rubbing motion
for 20 s; gently air blow for 5 s; light cure
for 10 s

7 Xeno V + Bifunctional acrylic amides, acryloamido alcyl- Passive Apply adhesive on surface and leave undis-
Dentsply DeTrey sulfonic acid, “inverse” functionalized phos- (XV+/PA) turbed for 20 s; gently air blow for 5 s; light
phoric acid esters, camphorquinone, butylated cure for 10 s
1209000038 benzenediol, water, tert-butanol (pH ca 1.3)
8 Active Apply adhesive on surface and scrub it in a
(XV+/AA) rubbing motion for 20 s; gently air blow for 5 s;
light cure for 10 s (manufacturer’s directions)

Bis-GMA: bisphenol A diglycidyl methacrylate; BHT: butylhydroxytoluene; CQ: camphorquinone (photo-initiator); DET: N,N-diethanol p-toluidine; EPD: p-
dimethylamino ethyl benzoate; GDMA: glycerol dimethacrylate; GPDM: glycerol phosphate dimethacrylate; HEMA: 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate; MDP:
10-methacryloyloxydecyl dihydrogenphosphate; ODMAB: 2-(ethylhexyl)-4-(dimethylamino)benzoate; PAMA: phthalic acid monoethyl methacrylated; PEM-F:
pentamethacryloyloxyethyl cyclohexaphosphazene monofluoride; PENTA: dipentaerythritol pentaacrylate phosphate; pyro-EMA: tetramethacryloyloxyethyl pyro-
phosphate; UDMA: urethane dimethacrylate.

the actual testing was included in the calculation of the Surface Enamel Micromorphology
mean μTBS as 0 MPa, with an explicit note of the number Qualitative assessment of conditioning effects created
of such pre-testing failures (PTF) in each group. Figure 1 on bur-cut enamel by the different adhesive systems
shows a schematic diagram of tooth preparation, restor- and methodologies described for bond strength test-
ation, specimen sectioning, and subsequent testing. ing was conducted under scanning electron microscopy
After μTBS measurement, the fractured sticks were (SEM). Enamel samples were obtained from two large
evaluated under an optical microscope (Leica CLS 150 molars, previously bur-prepared on all their surfaces so
MR) set at 40X magnification to determine the failure that substrate homogeneity could be attained across
mode, which was classified as follows: cohesive failure groups. For purposes of comparison, one sample was
in enamel (CE), cohesive failure in composite resin (CR), always reserved with no treatment. Self-etching systems
adhesive (A), or mixed (M), when adhesive and cohesive were applied to enamel surfaces but not light cured, so
failures simultaneously occurred and cohesive failures that resin could be eliminated. For CSEB, only the primer
occupied more than 10% of the total area. was applied. Surfaces were rinsed with acetone for

Vol 17, No 2, 2015 109

Vinagre et al

components. The specimens were dehydrated in ascend-

ing concentrations of ethanol and then gold sputter-
coated prior to SEM observation (Hitachi S-4100, Hitachi)
at an acceleration voltage of 25 kV. Micrographs were
taken at magnifications of 800X and 2000X.

Statistical Analysis
Statistical analysis was performed with IBM SPSS Sta-
tistics 20.0 (SPSS; Chicago, IL, USA). One-way ANOVA
was used to compare means of microtensile bond
strength data between groups. Post-hoc pairwise com-
parisons were performed using the Games Howell
correction. The chi-square test was used to compare
between failure modes of the eight groups. The signifi-
cance level was set at α = 0.05. For each group, Weibull
distribution parameters were also determined using the
linear regression method at a 95% confidence level.
This analysis was performed using MATLAB R2012 (The
Mathworks; Natick, MA, USA).
Fig 1 Schematic diagram of specimen preparation. From top
left to bottom right: embedding 96 buccal and lingual surfaces;
grinding enamel with a diamond bur; outlining the flattest surface, RESULTS
bonding and restorative procedures; specimen preparation; sec-
tioning; resin-enamel bonded sticks; microtensile bond strength. A total of 276 specimens were available for microten-
sile testing. Descriptive statistics, the number of tested
specimens and pre-test failures (PTF) are depicted in
30 s, immersed in an acetone bath and sonicated con- Table 2. One-way ANOVA revealed statistically significant
tinuously for 15 min, followed by immersion for 10 min differences among groups (F[7, 105.213] = 333.636,
in a 95% ethanol solution and then 10 min more in a p < 0.01). Pairwise comparisons between groups indi-
100% ethanol solution. A 12-h acetone bath completed cated no significant differences among the mean μTBS
the dehydration process. For samples etched with 37% values of OBFL, PBNT, CSEB/AA, and XIII/PA, which re-
phosphoric acid, after the 15-s conditioning period, the corded the highest bond strength values. The interaction
acid was rinsed off with distilled water for 20 s and the between self-etching adhesive system and application
sample surface dehydrated similarly. Then all samples mode was only statistically significant for CSEB (CSEB/
were mounted on aluminum stubs, sputter coated with AA vs CSEB/PA, p < 0.01). For this adhesive, the ac-
gold-paladium (Polaron E-5000, Sputter-Coater, Polaron tive application mode demonstrated an increase in the
Equipment; Watford, UK), observed and photographed in mean of μTBS of 9.51 MPa (4.79-14.22, 95% CI). Re-
a scanning electron microscope (Hitachi S-4100, Hitachi; garding XIII, no significant differences in bond strength
Tokyo, Japan) at an acceleration voltage of 25 kV. In were observed between application modes, although a
order to standardize and compare, the micrographs were higher result variability was recorded for XIII/PA. CSEB/
taken at magnifications of 1000X and 5000X. PA showed significantly lower bond strength (p < 0.01)
Resin/Enamel Interfacial Micromorphology significantly higher bond strength (p < 0.01) than XV+.
Morphological observation of the resin/enamel inter- XV+ also revealed significant differences from all other
faces was performed in 4 additional samples of each of groups (p < 0.01), regardless of the application mode.
the 8 group combinations that were prepared as for the In fact, this adhesive system generated almost null bond
microtensile specimens, except that two to three grains strength values and numerous pre-test failures (PTF). As
of rhodamine B were added to the adhesive to provide a statistically significant differences were detected for both
fluorescent label. The teeth were sectioned longitudinally μTBS data between groups and application modes of self-
through the restoration, polished with 1200-, 2500-, and etching systems, both null hypotheses were rejected.
4000-grit silicone carbide paper under refrigeration and The results of the Weibull survival analysis are pre-
sonicated for 15 min. The fluorescent specimens were sented in Fig 2 and Table 3. Weibull analysis indicated
observed with a confocal laser scanning microscope the highest characteristic strength and Weibull modulus
(LSM 710, emission 561 nm, pass filter 570 nm; Carl for OBFL, PBNT, and CSEB/AA among all other groups.
Zeiss; Göttingen, Germany). Micrographs were taken at The failure pattern frequency and distribution can be
magnifications of 400X and 800X. The same specimens analysed in Table 4. Etch-and-rinse adhesives OBFL and
were then conditioned with a 37% phosphoric acid solu- PBNT followed a similar trend, in which mixed, adhesive,
tion for 10 s to remove the inorganic component and and enamel cohesive failure modes were more often de-
washed with distilled water. They were then immersed tected. For the self-etching adhesives XIII and CSEB in ei-
in a sodium hypochlorite solution to dissolve the organic ther application mode, failures were predominantly adhe-

110 The Journal of Adhesive Dentistry

Vinagre et al

Table 2 Descriptive statistics of bur-cut enamel μTBS as mean ± standard deviation for all groups

Group n Mean ± SD (MPa) Min (MPa) Max (MPa) PTF (n)

1: OBFL 33 26.86 ± 7.71a 12.02 39.84 0

2: PBNT 31 27.10 ± 7.17a 14.74 41.19 0

3: CSEB/PA 40 15.63 ± 6.51b 5.60 29.97 0

4: CSEB/AA 41 25.14 ± 7.11a,c 11.35 41.14 0

5: XIII/PA 35 22.65 ± 8.58a,c 9.03 43.62 0

6: XIII/AA 32 21.56 ± 4.28c 14.27 29.71 0

7: XV+/PA 36 2.38 ± 3.03d 0.00 12.26 14

8: XV+/AA 28 0.24 ± 0.62d 0.00 2.37 22

Means with different superscript letters indicate significant difference (p < 0.05). n: number of specimens; Min: lowest bond strength value; Max: highest
bond strength value; PTF: pretest failures. PA: passive application mode; AA: active application mode. OptiBond FL: OBFL; Prime & Bond NT: PBNT; Clearfil
SE Bond: CSEB; Xeno III: XIII; Xeno V+: XV+.



Probability of failure


0.5 OBFL
0.4 XV+/PS

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Fig 2 Weibull distribution: probabil-
Applied stress
ity of failure vs applied stress (MPa).

Table 3 Weibull modulus (m) and 95% confidence interval (CI) of m. characteristic strength (σ0) and 95% confi-
dence interval (CI) of σ0, and Weibull coefficient of correlation (r) of experimental groups

Group m m 95% CI σ0 σ0 95% CI r

1: OBFL 3.75 3.11; 4.88 29.60 26.17; 32.58 0.97

2: PBNT 3.14 2.83; 3.63 30.98 26.58; 36.24 0.52

3: CS:EB/PA 2.23 2.02; 2.55 18.50 15.14; 22.32 0.57

4: CSEB/AA 3.40 2.95; 4.08 28.20 24.93; 31.57 0.76

5: XIII/PA 2.59 2.29; 3.09 25.96 21.76; 30.59 0.69

6: XIII/AA 4.99 4.37; 6.03 23.62 21.39; 25.68 0.72

7: XV+/PA 1.18 0.95; 1.62 4.20 2.57; 6.08 0.94

8: XV+/AA 0.89 0.67; 1.43 1.30 0.38; 2.71 0.96

For group abbreviations, see Table 2.

Vol 17, No 2, 2015 111

Vinagre et al

Table 4 Distribution of the failure patterns of the experimental groups in absolute number of specimens (percentage)

Group 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Adhesive 9 (27.3) 7 (22.6) 18 (45) 20 (48.8) 14 (40) 15 (46.9) 22 (61.1) 6 (21.4)

Mixed 13 (39.4) 9 (29) 16 (40) 17 (41.5) 11 (31.4) 13 (40.6) 0 (0) 0 (0)

Cohesive in resin 3 (9.1) 1 (3.2) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0)

Cohesive in enamel 8 (24.2) 14 (45.2) 6 (15) 4 (9.8) 10 (28.6) 4 (12.5) 0 (0) 0 (0)

PTF 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 14 (38.9) 22 (78.6)

For group abbreviations, see Table 2.

sive or mixed. PTF were recorded only for XV+, all of which DISCUSSION
were adhesive, which indicated a significant association
between groups and failure pattern (χ2[28] = 223.76; Although clinical trials remain the gold standard in evalu-
p < 0.01). ating the performance of dental materials, useful clinical
The surface micromorphology of enamel rendered by bur data for each new individual product is difficult to obtain.
and conditioning with different adhesives is shown in Fig 3. Therefore, laboratory tests are still beneficial tools to
The SEM micrograph of enamel prepared with a 125-μm evaluate and explore methodologies concerning the use
diamond bur shows an irregular, rough surface covered with of dental adhesives. Within the bond testing literature,
a dense smear layer that prohibits identification of exposed every research group produces individualized datasets,
enamel prisms (Fig 3a). The etching pattern obtained with because of the many variables associated with this field;
phosphoric acid induced a clearer dissolution of enamel thus, caution is advisable when interpreting bonding data
prisms vs that found with self-etching systems. The enamel across separate studies.37,38 Because of the brittleness
surface appeared very porous, and numerous enamel crys- of the tissue, enamel microtensile specimens are intrinsi-
tallites could be observed (Fig 3b). Morphological changes cally more prone to failure.34 Nevertheless, this meth-
in enamel surfaces were more distinct when self-etching odology is frequently used, even for testing adhesion
adhesives were applied actively than passively. Neverthe- to enamel. Van Meerbeek et al45 proposed the use of
less, demineralization depth seems to be adhesive related. alginate or gypsum to fill up the space between the slabs
In specimens etched with passively applied CSEB or XIII, during microspecimen processing to better support the
smear layer debris and bur scratches can still be identified slabs during the second, 90-degree-turned cut. Due to
on enamel surfaces (Figs 3c and 3e). A few areas revealed better handling, extra-low viscosity polyvinylsiloxane was
a discrete degree of interprismatic demineralization, which used for space filling in the present study. Considering
can be better recognized at higher magnifications. No dis- that premature debonding only occurred in the group of
tinct morphological prismatic features were observed on the self-etching adhesive XV+ at such a high frequency, it
the enamel surface where XV+ was applied passively (Fig is probably due to an intrinsic problem of adhesive.
3 g). The enamel surface etched with actively applied CSEB For self-etching adhesives, some original protocol varia-
shows a mild interprismatic dissolution of surface crystal- tions have been proposed to improve their performance in
lites that create microporosities within enamel prisms (Fig both enamel and dentin in terms of conditioning time,28,47
3d). For actively applied XV+, a less distinct pattern was previous phosphoric acid etching,11,41 passive vs active
observed (Fig 3 h). In contrast, actively applied XIII seemed application mode,2,7,8,19,22,30,39,47 number of adhesive
to show a greater demineralization depth, mainly at inter- layers applied, or placement of a final, separate hydropho-
prismatic areas (Fig 3f). bic coating.1,32,42 In the present study, as expected, both
The resin/enamel interfaces obtained with SEM and etch-and-rinse systems yielded the highest bond strengths
fluorescence microscopy are shown in Fig 4. For both of the to bur-cut enamel. Nevertheless, they did not differ sig-
etch-and-rinse adhesives OBFL and PBNT a higher level of nificantly from those obtained for XIII regardless of the
inter- and intraprismatic resin penetration into demineral- application mode, or from CSEB when actively applied. In
ized enamel was observed, compared to the self-etching fact, in the present study, the active application mode only
adhesives, as confirmed by fluorescence images (Figs 4 increased enamel bond strength for the mild self-etching
and 5). CSEB/AA, CSEB/PA, or XIII/PA resin/enamel in- adhesive CSEB. In contrast, noticeable changes in enamel
terfaces showed a very thin hybridized layer with poorly surface micromorphology could be perceived when the ac-
defined resin tags (Figs 6 to 8). Nevertheless, actively ap- tive application mode was employed regardless of the self-
plied self-etching systems seemed to enhance monomer etching system studied. Generally, greater dissolution was
penetration (Figs 7 and 9). For XV+ in both application achieved, although to different degrees depending on the
modes, interfacial gaps were noticeable, probably related adhesive system, confirming that active application allows
to cohesive failures in the hybrid layer, as some enamel fresh acidic monomers to progressively reach the bottom
interprismatic penetration was evident (Figs 10 and 11). of the smear layer and interact with subsurface enamel,

112 The Journal of Adhesive Dentistry

Vinagre et al

Fig 3 Representative SEM photomicro-

graphs (magnification 5000X) of (a) a
bur-prepared enamel surface where sur-
face appears irregular and rough with
a thick smear layer that inhibits iden-
tification of exposed enamel rods; (b) a b
bur-prepared enamel surface conditioned
with 37% phosphoric acid showing a geo-
metrical, uniform and regular etching
pattern with a widespread removal of
apatite crystals, generating a classical
honeycomb configuration. A multitude
of deep intercrystallite pits could be ob-
served; (c) bur-prepared enamel surface
conditioned with CSEB/PA where globular
debris on the surface resembling dis-
crete signs of smear layer are present.
Cutting scratches are mostly seen and
an unclear and inhomogeneous etching c d
effect can be observed; (d) bur-prepared
enamel surface conditioned with CSEB/
AA exhibiting a superficial but regular
etching effect in which selective demin-
eralization of the interprismatic enamel
was preferential. Cutting scratches could
be identified; (e) bur-prepared enamel
surface conditioned with XIII/PA showing
a shallow, non-defined etching effect,
where cutting scratches could be easily
identified; (f) bur-prepared enamel sur-
face conditioned with XIII/AA with a well-
defined etching pattern, where substrate e f
was etched to a certain depth, resulting
in a “keyhole” configuration, in which
the etching of prism peripheries was
more clearly observed; (g) bur-prepared
enamel surface conditioned with XV+/
PA showing clear signs of smear layer
and cutting scratches. An indistinguish-
able etching effect could be observed; (h)
bur-prepared enamel surface conditioned
with XV+/AA revealing a slight, poorly de-
fined etching effect, in which occasional
prism periphery demineralization could be
observed. g h

leading to more aggressive demineralization. Thus, in the The CSEB adhesive system is a two-step self-etching
present investigation, a positive correlation could be found system that has become one of the most promising mater-
between the active mode of application and etching capac- ials regarding adhesion to dentin.9,33,44 In line with three-
ity of the self-etching systems, but this was not always step etch-and-rinse systems such as the OBFL system,
accompanied by improved enamel bond strengths. Similar this system is considered a benchmark in the adhesion
results were reported by other authors.2,22,39 However, field.45 However, the use of CSEB according to the man-
there was a great qualitative difference in the morphology ufacturer’s recommendation (passive mode) on bur-cut
of enamel surfaces conditioned by phosphoric acid and enamel led to low μTBS values in this study. The surface
self-etching adhesive systems, as shown in the SEM im- preparation method can significantly affect the nature of
ages. Phosphoric acid created the most regular and deep- the enamel smear layer; using a bur in clinical situations,
est etching pattern involving both inter- and intraprismatic a thicker, rougher surface is produced than that obtained
enamel, as previously reported.12,29 in the laboratory using SiC papers.21 It is hypothesized

Vol 17, No 2, 2015 113

Vinagre et al

Fig 4 SEM (left) and Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope Fig 5 SEM (left) and CLSM fluorescent (right) photographs
(CLSM) fluorescent (right) photographs of the enamel/resin in- of the enamel/resin interfaces in a cross-sectioned specimen
terfaces in a cross-sectioned specimen treated with OBFL where treated with PBNT where both inter- and intraprismatic adhesive
both inter- and intraprismatic adhesive penetration in demineral- penetration in demineralized enamel is evident.
ized enamel is evident.

Fig 6 SEM (left) and CLSM fluorescent (right) photographs Fig 7 SEM (left) and CLSM fluorescent (right) photographs
of the enamel/resin interfaces in a cross-sectioned specimen of the enamel/resin interfaces in a cross-sectioned specimen
treated with CSEB/PA showing a very shallow and superficial treated with CSEB/AA showing a shallow adhesive intaprismatic
adhesive penetration in demineralized enamel. penetration in demineralized enamel.

Fig 8 SEM (left) and CLSM fluorescent (right) photographs Fig 9 SEM (left) and CLSM fluorescent (right) photographs
of the enamel/resin interfaces in a cross-sectioned specimen of the enamel/resin interfaces in a cross-sectioned specimen
treated with XIII/PA showing a shallow and inhomogeneous treated with XIII/AA showing a shallow and consistent adhesive
adhesive intra- and interprismatic penetration in demineralized intra- and interprismatic penetration in demineralized enamel.

Fig 10 SEM (left) and CLSM fluorescent (right) photographs Fig 11 SEM (left) and CLSM fluorescent (right) photographs
of the enamel/resin interfaces in a cross-sectioned specimen of the enamel/resin interfaces in a cross-sectioned specimen
treated with XV+/PA showing an inconsistent adhesive penetra- treated with XV+/AA showing intra- and interprismatic adhesive
tion with an evident interfacial gap. penetration in demineralized enamel along with interfacial gap
formation indicating debonding beyond the adhesive layer.

114 The Journal of Adhesive Dentistry

Vinagre et al

that the compromised enamel bonding could to a cer- “inverse” functionalized phosphoric acid esters, bifunc-
tain extent be attributed to interference of bur debris tional acrylic amides, and tertiary butanol. These patented
smeared across enamel during cavity preparation, par- monomers are claimed to be more stable in aqueous acidic
ticularly with mild self-etching adhesives, such as CSEB, solution than are acrylic ester functions of methacrylates. In
as their demineralization capacity is limited.12,20,36 This addition, the methyl groups surrounding the alcohol group
was corroborated in this study, since its application in of tert-butanol would prevent an addition chemical reaction
the passive mode showed an enamel surface with persis- with the polymerizable acrylic groups, keeping this function
tent signs of smear layer, bur-cutting scratches, and an intact.23,35 Despite these potential advantages, several fac-
unclear and inhomogeneous etching effect. On the other tors can be pointed out for the failure observed in this study
hand, 24-h enamel bond strength of actively applied CSEB for the self-etching system XV+. The first is related to the
was found to be significantly higher than that obtained composition that, if equivalent to the predecessor Xeno
with the same adhesive system applied passively; the V, includes a high solvent (73  wt%) and low hydrophobic
increase of bond strength was about 10 MPa. In addition, (3 wt%) proportion, accounting for the highly hydrophilic be-
a more regular etching effect and more pronounced in- havior.13 The second is related to the absence of HEMA,
traprismatic resin penetration into demineralized enamel which can predispose to phase separation, requiring strong
was observed. These improved results support the active air drying of the adhesive before curing.40 Nonetheless,
application mode on bur-cut enamel for this particular ad- this procedure can lead to a critical reduction of adhesive
hesive system, as it can probably help increase the quan- layer thickness which, combined with the low hydrophobic
tity of hydrogen ions available at the surface, enhancing fraction and the presence of oxygen, reduces polymerization
the demineralization process and the penetration of the efficiency and, consequently, bonding effectiveness. More
primer into subsurface demineralized enamel.22 Further, studies should be performed to better understand the bond-
this procedure may potentiate chemical interaction with ing mechanism of this specific system and others like it,
underlying enamel by forming calcium phosphate salts as especially because simplified adhesives are being increas-
a result of the chemical bond of hydroxyapatite calcium ingly used in patients without any proof of clinical efficacy.
with the functional monomer 10-MDP.18,33 Previous studies have shown that ultramorphological
Active application of XIII did not reveal an increase in features on enamel depend mainly on the pH of the so-
enamel bond strengths values, as also reported by other lution.12,14,25 Instead, the composition and mechanical
authors.47 Also, when applied passively according to the properties of the adhesive layer achieved after curing may
manufacturer’s instructions and compared with CSEB, no contribute in a major way to the bond strength accom-
significant differences in ground enamel bond strengths plished for each specific material.16,43
were reported between those two systems, despite conflict-
ing reports of the superiority of XIII17,43 vs reported higher
bond strengths for CSEB.1,3 XIII is a strong two-component, CONCLUSIONS
one-step self-etching adhesive system, having a pH of the
mixture < 1 and the ability to moderately demineralize The results of the present study lead to the rejection of
enamel.12,43 Although agitation of XIII produced a more the null hypotheses. Both the adhesive system and the
defined etching pattern, the inherent demineralization ef- application method had a significant effect on the bond
fect of this system must be sufficient to promote adequate strengths to bur-prepared enamel. The etch-and-rinse
micromechanical retention of monomers. Nevertheless, adhesive systems OBFL and PBNT together with CSEB
less variability of μTBS values, a high Weibull modulus, used actively and XIII used passively exhibited the high-
and more defined interfacial morphological features were est and statistically similar bond strengths. XV+ showed
reported for XIII in the active application mode, which can significantly lower bond strengths compared to all other
indicate a more reliable and consistent adhesion ability. materials, regardless of the application mode. In respect
Moreover, when applied to dentin, significantly better im- to application mode, active application demonstrated a
mediate and long-term bond strengths were reported when significant and positive influence on CSEB bond strength.
this system was applied actively.7,19,30
The self-etching system XV+ yielded results that may
be cause for concern. Objectively, almost no enamel μTBS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
was measurable, regardless of application mode, since The authors would like to express their gratitude to Kerr, Kuraray
adhesive mechanically-induced or pre-testing failures read- Medical Inc, and Dentsply DeTrey for providing the materials used
ily occurred. XV+ is a HEMA-free, water-based one-bottle in this study.
self-etching adhesive that incorporates tert-butanol as a co-
solvent and is considered an intermediately strong system
with a pH around 1.3.4 Although limited research has been REFERENCES
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