Report Develop A Change Management Strategy
Report Develop A Change Management Strategy
Report Develop A Change Management Strategy
Review of scenario
The firm named Fast Track Couriers has been in to the market since long and is a courier organization that
has always been operating within New South Wales for last 15 years. The primary business of the firm is
all related to delivering the medium towards large size parcels across the metropolitan Sydney. Currently
the firm wants to expand its market and aims towards two vital goals. They are:
Goal A: It is all about implementing a proper PDA otherwise GPS usage in the productivity function
upon truck fleet within first quarter of end of the financial year 2012.
Goal B: It is about Implementing one person per truck policy utilizing habitual lift gates within first
quarter of 2012 financial year.
Change Requirement The change will include many new people that is
several novel employees will be recruited which will
incur great cost for the firm. The main budget for
the implementing of this change strategy will
exclude the cost of novel trucks, technology as well
as lift gates and even lost productivity commencing
truckers is some $25,000. But this will be beneficial
as it is expected to grow the market share of the
firm by some 7.5% and even the benefit is
expected to be some (By and Macleod, 2009)
Cost of Changes The main budget for the implementing of this
change strategy will exclude the cost of novel
trucks, technology as well as lift gates and even
lost productivity commencing truckers is some
$25,000. Also the change will need inclusion of
some 8 novel trucks for enhancing the delivery
patter and decreasing the delivery time as well as
this will also incur cost for the firm as buying truck
will need heavy investment. Yet this will have extra
advantage on the firm. Small distribution outlets will
be also be positioned at the Maitland and
Goulburn, Nowra as well as Bathurst and also each
of them will be manned by about two staffs within
next 8 months. This will also include relocation of
some staffs or recruitment of new employees which
again would incur cost for the firm. Even building of
new hubs will bring in expense for the organization.
But through all this Fast Track will complete some
20% of the deliveries towards the regional
locations within next 3 years, this will help the firm
to attain what it has planned and thereby the whole
expense will be regained back by the firm.
Possible benefits of change 1. Implementation of GPS might enhance the
firm technologically
2. The GPS system will help the firm to track
its staffs all time and handle them more
3. The implementation of the eight new trucks
will bring in extra efficiency for the firm and
will enhance its delivery process.
4. Implementation of a system of one person
per truck will make many other staffs feel
free as the gate system will be made
5. Drivers might feel relaxed as they will not
have to load and unload the parcels
manually through automation of the gate
6. Employees might feel extra happy and
Assess the benefits against the costs and risks There is several risks related with the firm’s
investments as well as changes. They are:
1. In past it was seen that the employees
specially truck drivers have not
accepted changes within the firm and
has worked as hurdle for the
implementation of the change. This
might be a case in this situation as
2. There is very vast investment and
inclusion of money in the process of
implementation of this change, if
change does not works properly and is
a failure then the firm will have to suffer
a vast loss of both financial as well as
human resources.
3. Some old employees who might not
accept the change may tend to get de-
motivated and also might leave the
Risk Analysis
GPS implementation The employee indulged in the Will need recruitment of novel
process might prove to be a experts of software as well as
wrong selection hardware field and finding
such professional will not be
an easy task
Gate automation The drivers might feel they are The expert might feel difficult
being underestimated in implementation of this
One driver per truck The drivers who will be left It will not be an easy task to
surplus might become a convince the staffs
burden on the firm
Communication plan
Measuring success
The success rates are always analyzed for the future perspectives.
i. The format of the report: Every firm has a reporting method to maintain the changes that will occur
in the firm.
ii. When-Monthly or yearly basis.
iii. Several copies are maintained.
List of resources
Any change management task is not easy and includes several step and procedures. Its vital for nay firm
to move on a new path and that when it needs to handle so many staffs at same time. Thus the firm needs
to concentrate a lot on the facts and details regarding the change management and also indulge theories
related to the issue for attainment of better results. In a nutshell here are all the facts related to the case
that happened in the Fast track courier firm and the way in which the firm managed to handle the issues
and implement as well as communicate the change effectively.