Arbitration and Conciliation Act
Arbitration and Conciliation Act
Arbitration and Conciliation Act
It is one of the oldest methods of settling civil disputes between two or more
persons by reference of the dispute to an independent and impartial third person,
called arbitrator Instead of litigating the matter in the usual way through the
courts, it saves time and expense It also avoids unnecessary technicalities and at
the same time ensures “Substantial justice within limits of the law”
ARBITRATION Arbitration is a domestic forum. It is a forum other than a
Court of law for determination of disputes and differences, after hearing both
the sides, in a judicial manner
ARBITRATION AGREEMENT It means an agreement by the parties to submit
to arbitration all or certain disputes which have arisen or which may arise
between them in respect of a defined legal relationship, whether contractual or
not A non contractual legal relationship for example may arise from a tort. E.g. ;
A agrees to supply 100 quintals of Dehra Dun rice to B. He supplies the rice but
B disputes about the quality of the rice. If they agree to refer the dispute to
arbitration, they will be referring an existing or present dispute
ADVANTAGES OF ARBITRATION Avoidance of publicity for the
proceedings are held in private Simplicity of procedure Avoidance of delay and
uncertainty involved in appeals Reduction of expenses in most cases Saving of
time Appointment of a person having the required technical qualification as
arbitrator Social efficiacy, the award of the arbitrator being the decision by the
consent of parties Candor (frankness) in presenting facts and figures
DISADVANTAGES OF ARBITRATION The arbitrator may be incompetent
Injustice may result from the informality of the procedure
ARBITRATOR The person who is appointed to determine differences and
disputes is called the arbitrator or arbitral tribunal The proceedings before him
is called arbitration proceedings The decision is called an AWARD
Appointment of Arbitrator :
Appointment of Arbitrator The parties can agree on a procedure for appointing
the arbitrator or arbitrators. If they are unable to agree, each party will appoint
one arbitrator and the two appointed arbitrators will appoint the third arbitrator
who will act as a presiding arbitrator. [section 11(3)]. the party can request
Chief Justice to appoint an arbitrator. [section 11(4)]. In case of international
commercial dispute, the application for appointment of arbitrator has to be made
to Chief Justice of India. In case of other domestic disputes, application has to
be made to Chief Justice of High Court within whose jurisdiction the parties are
However, in such case, application for setting aside arbitral award can be made
to Court. If the court agrees to the challenge, the arbitral award can be set aside.
Thus, even if the arbitrator does not accept the challenge to his appointment, the
other party cannot stall further arbitration proceedings by rushing to court. The
arbitration can continue and challenge can be made in Court only after arbitral
award is made.
Intervention by Court - :
Intervention by Court - One of the major defects of earlier arbitration law was
that the party could access court almost at every stage of arbitration - right from
appointment of arbitrator to implementation of final award. Thus, the defending
party could approach court at various stages and stall the proceedings. Now,
approach to court has been drastically curtailed. In some cases, if an objection is
raised by the party, the decision on that objection can be given by Arbitral
Tribunal itself. After the decision, the arbitration proceedings are continued and
the aggrieved party can approach Court only after Arbitral Award is made.
Appeal to court is now only on restricted grounds. Of course, Tribunal cannot
be given unlimited and uncontrolled powers and supervision of Courts cannot
be totally eliminated.
POWERS OF ARBITRATOR Administrative Assistance Jurisdiction Interim
measures Place of arbitration and language Hearing and written proceedings
Termination of proceedings Appointment of experts Court assistance in taking
evidence Correction of errors in ,and interpretation of, awards
DUTIES OF ARBITRATORS First duties – After receiving notice of
appoinment the arbitrator should see that his appointment in order.If it is not it
is to be put in order. Enter into the reference and make an award with in a
prescribed time. Act judicially and impartially Shall have no interest in the
subject matter of the dispute Disclose in writing any circumstances likely to
give rise to justifiable doubts as to his independence or impartiallty Shall not
misconduct himself or the proceedings in any way Encourage settlement of
dispute by mediation or conciliation or other proceeding Shall observe the rules
of natural justice Shall give a final award on the matters refer to him , unless he
is empowered to make several awards.
Arbitral Award - :
Arbitral Award - Decision of Arbitral Tribunal is termed as 'Arbitral Award'.
Arbitrator can decide the dispute ex aequo et bono (In justice and in good faith)
if both the parties expressly authorize him to do so. The decision of Arbitral
Tribunal will be by majority. The arbitral award shall be in writing and signed
by the members of the tribunal. The award must be in writing and signed by the
members of Arbitral Tribunal. It must state the reasons for the award unless the
parties have agreed that no reason for the award is to be given. The award
should be dated and place where it is made should be mentioned. Copy of award
should be given to each party. Tribunal can make interim award also.
(b) The court finds that- (i) The subject-matter of the dispute is not capable of
settlement by arbitration under the law for the time being in force, or (ii) The
arbitral award is in conflict with the public policy of India. An award is in
conflict with the public policy of India if the making of the award was induced
or affected by fraud or corruption. 25
Slide 26:
An application for setting aside may not be made after three months have
elapsed from the of the arbitral award On receipt of an application the court may
adjourn the proceedings for a period of time, in order to give the A.T. an
opportunity to take such action that will eliminate the grounds for setting aside
the arbitral award. 26
Slide 29:
Rejection if no reply: If the party initiating conciliation does not receive a reply
within 30 days from the date on which he sends the invitation, or within such
other period of time as specified in the invitation, he may elect to treat this as a
rejection of the invitation to conciliate and if he so elects, he shall inform in
writing the other party accordingly{sec.62(4)}.
Appointment of conciliators :
Appointment of conciliators In the conciliation proceedings with one
conciliator, the parties must agree on the name of a sole conciliator. In the
conciliation proceedings with two conciliator, each party may appoint one
conciliator. In the conciliator proceedings with three conciliator, each party may
appoint one conciliator and the parties may agree on the name of the third
conciliator who shall act as the presiding conciliator{sec64(1)}.
Role of conciliator(Sec.67) :
Role of conciliator(Sec.67) Assistance: The conciliator shall assist the parties in
an independent and impartial manner in their attempt to reach an amicable
settlement of their dispute.{sec.67(1)}.He shall be guided by principles of
objectivity, fairness and justice, giving among other things- the rights and
obligation of the parties, the usages of the trade concerned the circumstances
surroundings the dispute, including any previous business practices between the
parties {sec.67(2)}.
Slide 32:
Conduct of proceedings: the conciliator may conduct the conciliation
proceedings in such a manner as he considers appropriate, taking into account-
the circumstances of the case the wishes the parties may express, including any
request by a party that the conciliator hear oral statements the need for a speedy
settlement of the dispute{sec.67(3)}. Proposals for settlement of disputes: the
conciliator may, at any stage of the conciliation proceedings, make proposals
for a settlement of the disputes. Such proposals need not be in writing and need
not be accompanied by a statement of the reason{sec.67(4)}.
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Administrative assistance(sec.68): In order to facilitate the conduct of the
conciliation proceedings, the parties, or the conciliator with the consent of the
parties, may arrange for administrative assistance by a suitable instituion or
Slide 38:
Sharing of costs: the cost shall be borne equally by the parties unless the
settlement agreement provide for a different apportionment. all the other
expenses incurred by a party shall be borne by that party{sec.78(3)}.
Deposits(sec.79) Deposit of advance for the costs: The conciliator may direct
each party an equal amount as an advance for the costs of the conciliation which
he expects will be incurred{sec.79(1)}.further during the course of the
conciliation proceedings, the conciliator may direct supplementary deposits in
an equal amount from each party{sec.79(2)}.
Slide 39:
Default by parties: If the required deposits are not paid in full by both parties
within 30 days, the conciliator may suspend the proceedings or may make a
written declaration of termination of the proceedings to the parties, effective on
the date of the declaration{sec.79(3)} the conciliator shall render an accounting
to the parties of the deposits received and shall return any unexpended balance
to the parties{sec.79(4)}.