Lesson 27: Were They Home? Verbo To Be - Pasado Simple Negativo
Lesson 27: Were They Home? Verbo To Be - Pasado Simple Negativo
Lesson 27: Were They Home? Verbo To Be - Pasado Simple Negativo
Objetivo: emplear correctamente el verbo TO BE en pasado simple negativo para producir textos
sencillos sobre su entorno.
To be – negative form
El verbo «To Be» no necesita auxiliar para el presente y el Estructura de oración negativa:
pasado simple. Para formar oraciones negativas se debe Sujeto + was / were not + complemento
colocar el verbo en pasado y la palabra NOT. (Como no Verbo TO BE conjugado en pasado simple
necesita auxiliar, entonces ocupa el lugar de éste).
I was not happy about that decision.
You were not surprised.
She was not available yesterday.
He isn’t tired.
Last year, I was very sad because I was unemployed so I decided to change my life. I wasn’t sure
about what I could do, so I went to my best friend’s house in Miami. There, I spent some days at
the beach. I enjoyed those days. I also met new friends. I was happy. When I came home, I was
surprised to find my parents there. We ate out at an expensive restaurant and they gave me the
greatest news. They got a job for me. We were excited about it.
Last year, I was very sad because I was unemployed so I decided to change my life. I wasn’t sure
about what I could do, so I went to my best friend’s house in Miami. There, I spent some days at
the beach. I enjoyed those days. I also met new friends. I was happy. When I came home, I was
surprised to find my parents there. We ate out at an expensive restaurant and they gave me the
greatest news. They got a job for me. We were excited about it.
1. Why was Maritza sad? Maritza was sad because she was unemployed.
2. Was Maritza sure about changing her life? Yes, she was.
3. Where did Maritza go? She went to her best friend’s house in Miami.
4. Did she enjoy those days at the beach? Yes, she did.
- Ejemplo en español: cocina = “c” antes de “o”, sonido (k) y antes de “i”, sonido (s)
- Ejemplo en inglés: