DO 003 s2018
DO 003 s2018
DO 003 s2018
11 0 JAN 2018
03 ~
Prepainted Metal Sheets
It has been the thrust of the Department to provide effective standard specifications in the
implementation of various infrastructure projects. In view of the need to set an upgraded
standard specification for ceiling, roofing and other ancillary systems, the attached
amendment to DPWH Standard Specification for Prepainted Metal Sheets, Item
1014 is hereby prescribed, for the guidance and compliance of all concerned.
This specification shall form part of the revised 1995 edition of the DPWH Standard
Specifications for Public Work Structures (Buildings, Ports and Harbors, Flood Control and
Drainage Structure and Water Supply Systems), Volume III, 1995 Edition.
Departrrent of Public Works and Highways
Secretary Office of the Secretary
14.1.2 FET/RGT
DPWH Standard Specification for
1014.1 Description
This item shall consist of furnishing all prepainted metal sheet materials, tools and
equipment, plant including labor required in undertaking the proper installation complete as
shown on the Plans and in accordance with this Specification.
All prepainted metal sheet and roofing accessories shall be oven baked painted true to
profiles indicated on the Plans as per approval of the Engineer.
Prepainted roofing sheets shall be fabricated from cold rolled galvanized iron sheets specially
tempered steel for extra strength and durability. It shall conform to the material
requirements defined in PNS 67:2014 Hot-dip Metallic-Coated Steel Sheets for Roofing -
Specification. Profile section in identifying the architectural moulded rib to be used is as
follows: Regular corrugated, Quad-rib, Tri-wave, Rib-wide, Twin-rib, and others. Desired
color shall be subject to the approval of the Architect/Engineer.
Gutters, Valleys, Flashings Hip and Ridge roll shall be fabricated from gauge 24 (0.600 mm
thick) cold-rolled plain galvanized iron sheets specially tempered steel. Profile section shall
be as indicated on the Plans. Fastening hardware shall be of galvanized iron straps, rivets or
]-bolts. G.!. straps are of 0.500 mm thick x 16 mm wide x 267 mm long (gauge 26 x 5/8" x
10-1/2") and standard rivets . .r
Base metal thickness shall correspond to the following gauge designation available locally as
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Before any installation work is commenced, the top face of the purlins should be checkedfor
proper alignment. Correct the alignment as necessaryin order to have the top faces of the
purlins on an even plane.
Fabricated metal sheets is cleaned and pretreated in preparation for painting. Surface
contaminants are removed using a suitable alkaline cleaner. The sheet is then pretreated
with a chromate pretreatment. The pretreatment is a uniform, continuous deposit applied in
a manner to provide excellent paint adhesion and corrosion resistance. A minimum of two
coats of paint are applied to both the face side and back side of the sheet. A corrosion
inhibitive primer and a top coat shall be used on the sheet. The primer is a uniform
continuous film, compatible with the subsequently applied top coat. It is applied to each
surface at a thickness specified by the paint manufacturer with a minimum of 0.2 mm thick.
Top coat thickness varies depending on paint type and end use. The face side top coat has
excellent long-term outdoor weathering characteristics.
Sheets shall be handled carefully to prevent damage to the paint coating. Lift all sheets or
sheet packs on to the roof frame with the overlapping down-turned edge facing towards the
side of the roof where installation will commence, otherwise sheets will have to be turned
end-to-end during installation.
The laying of the roofing panels should begin on the end of the building away from the
prevailing wind so that the side-lap seams face away from the prevailing wind-driven rain
thus providing additional security against water penetration. Start roofing installation by
placing the first sheet in position with the downturned edge in line with other building
elements and fastened to supports as recommended. Fasteners should have corrosion
resistance at least equivalent to the expected life of the base material. Placethe downturned
edge of the next sheet over the edge of the first sheet, to provide side lap and hold the side
lap firmly in place. Continue the same procedure for subsequent sheets until the whole
roofing area is covered and/or (Adopt installation procedure provided in the instruction
manual for each type of Architectural molded rib profile section). Prepainted metal sheet
should not come in direct contact with wet concrete. Concrete's high alkalinity attacks the
aluminum, causing the coating to peel. It shall also not be placed in contact with copper,
lead, or the water run-off. Electrochemical reaction between these elements and the
aluminum-zinc alloy coating will lead to premature corrosion of the coating. For walling
applications follow the procedure for roofing and allow a minimum end lap of 100 mm for
vertical walling. For panel lapping, requirements depend on the product installation guide of
Department Order No. 03 , Series of 2018
DPWH Standard Specification for
ITEM 1014 - Prepainted Metal Sheets
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a specific type of prepainted metal sheet as per approval of the Engineer. Provide sealant,
butyl tape or caulking along the lap edge to prevent any leaking. Specifications of the
sealant and butyl tape shall be as per manufacturer's recommendation per Engineers
Gutters, valleys, flashing ridge and hip rolls shall be fastened where indicated on the Plans
by self-tapping screws or galvanized iron straps and rivets. Always begin flashing installation
from bottom and work up, so that flashings are lapped on top of the lower flashings. This
will prevent moisture from leaking under the flashings and into the structure.
In case handling or transport consideration requires to use two (2) or more end tapped
sheets to provide full length coverage for the roof run, install each line of sheets from
bottom to top or from eave line to apex of roof framing. Provide 150 mm minimum end lap.
1014.3.6 Anchorage/Fastening
Prepainted steel roofing sheets shall be fastened to the wood purlins with standard length
G.!. straps, rivets or ]-bolts. For steel frame up to 4.5 mm thick use self-drilling screw No.
12 by 35 mm long hexagonal head with neoprene washer. For steel support up to 5 mm
thick or more use thread cutting screw No. 12 by 40 mm long hexagonal head with
neoprene washer. Side lap fastener use self-drilling screw No. riO by 16 mm long hexagonal
head with neoprene washer. Valley fastened to lumber and for walling use self-drilling wood
screw No. 12 by 25 mm long hexagonal head with neoprene washer. Valleys fastened to
steel supports use self-drilling screws hexagonal head with neoprene washer. Drill size is 5
mm diameter.
In cutting prepainted steel roofing sheets and accessories, place the exposed color side
down. Cutting shall be carried out on the ground and not over the top of other painted
roofing product. Power cutting or drilling to be done or carried out on prepainted products
already installed or laid in position, the area around holes or cuts shall be masked to shield
the paint from hot fillings.
Prepainted steel roofing, walling products and accessories should be delivered to the jobsite
in strapped bundles. Sheets and/or bundles shall be neatly stacked in the ground dry and if
left in the open it shall be protected by covering the stack materials with loose tarpauline.
Bundles should be stored above ground at a slight angle, to prevent water or condensation
build up between adjacent sheets. Removing installation debris and metal fines due to
drilling and cutting from the sheet surface and avoiding exposure of insulation to the
weather shall be practice at all times.
Department Order No. 0.3 I Series of 2018
DPWH Standard Specification for
ITEM 1014 - Prepainted Metal Sheets
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The work done under this item shall be measured by actual area covered or installed with
prepainted steel roofing and/or walling in square meters and accepted to the satisfaction of
the Engineer.
The area of prepainted steel roofing and/or walling in square meters as provided in Section
1014.4 shall be paid for at the unit bid or contract unit price which payment shall constitute
full compensation including labor, materials, tools and incidents necessary to complete this
1) Philippine National Standard (PNS) 67:2014 - Hot-dip Metallic-Coated Steel Sheets for Roofing-Specification
2) Bethlehem Data Sheet "Prepainted Galvalume Sheet
3) Fabral- Standard Details for Metal Roofing and Siding
4) Prepainted Galvalume Steel Fact Sheet
5) Majestic Steel USA