Renewable Energy Resources HW 2

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ECE 552 Assignment 2

Ajit R Kanale, 200132821

February 5, 2017

1. Gas Turbine Cycle The Gas Turbine Cycle goes through Four Stages and two intermediate stages -
• Compressor Work Input Air entering the system. T1 = 300K, P1 = 100kP a is compressed to
T2 (unknown), P2 = 1M P a
• Regenerator Heating Compressed air heated using the exhaust from the Turbine, from (T2 , P2 )
to Tx = 623K, Px (unknown)
• Combustor The Air is heated from Tx = 623K to T3 = 1273K, P3 (unknown)
• Turbine Work The air turns the turbine and creates work, expanding the air from (T3 , P3 ) to
T4 (unknown), P4 = 100kP a
• Regenerator The turbine exhaust heats the incoming air. In the process, it cools from T4 to
Ty = 300K

(a) Compressor Work in kW: Wcomp = ṁC∆Tcomp

From the Ideal Gas Equation,

 k − 1
T2 P2 k
= where k = 1.4 f or diatomic gases
T1 P1
 k − 1
P2 k
=⇒ T2 = T1 = 300K ∗ 102/7 = 579.2K
=⇒ ∆Tcomp = 579.2K − 300K = 279.2K
T heref ore Wcomp = 5kg/s ∗ 1.005kJ/(kgK) ∗ 279.2K = 1402.98kW

(b) Compressor Exit Temperature = T2 = 579.2K

(c) Combustor Heat Added: Qin = ṁC∆Tcmbst

Qin = 5kg/s ∗ 1.005kJ/(kgK) ∗ (1273K − 623K)

Qin = 3.2662M W

(d) Regenerator Effectiveness

The Regenerator raises the temperature of the air by 623K −579.2K = 43.8K, hence fractionally
reducing Qin .
This is less because it does not improve the efficiency of the Overall Power Plant significantly. To
be effective, regenerators must add enough heat to noticeably reduce Qin and hence improve the
Power Plant Efficiency.

(e) Turbine Work

 k − 1
 
 
kRT3  P2 k

Wturbine = ṁ ∗ − 1 where R = 0.287kJ/(kgK)
k−1  P1 

1.4 ∗ 0.287kJ/(kgK) ∗ 1273K  2/7 

= 5kg/s 0.1 − 1
Wturbine = 3.082M W

(f) Net Work Done by the Power Plant = Wturbine − Wcomp = 3.082 − 1.403 = 1.679M W
Wnet 1.679M W
(g) Thermal Efficiency: ηth = 100% = = 51.41%
Qin 3.2662M W
T1 300
(h) Carnot Efficiency = 1 − =1− = 0.7643 = 76.43%
T3 1273
3600kJ/kW h 3600kJ/kW h
(i) Heat Rate = = = 7003.89kJ/kW h
ηth 0.5141
2. Cost of Electricity from Different Plants
The various factors are tabulated and the total cost is computed using the same formula for all fuels.
F C ∗ F CR
CoE = + (Cf ∗ HR + O&M ) ∗ C.F.


($/kW ) (10−6 M Btu/kW h) ($/kW h) ($/M Btu) (/yr) (%) ($/kW h)
Coal 2300 8750 0.004 2.50 0.167 0.7 0.0620
Gas (GT) 990 9300 0.004 6 0.167 0.2 0.0308
Gas (CC) 1300 6900 0.004 6 0.167 0.5 0.0475
Nuclear 4500 10500 0.004 0.6 0.167 0.85 0.0945
Wind 1600 0 0.004 0 0.167 0.4 0.0332

3. Power-Plant Optimization

(a) Screening Curves

Screening Curves follow the equation given below.

Annualized CoE = F C ∗ F CR + V C ∗ h

where F C = F ixedorCapitalCost, V C = V ariableCost and h = Top .

Hence, for the different fuels, the Screening Curve is defined below.
Coal CoEcoal = 150 + 0.025h
NG-CC CoEN G−CC = 100 + 0.04h
NG-GT CoEN G−GT = 50 + 0.08h
The above expressions are graphed below.

(b) Rating of the Power Plants
The Load Demand Curve is obtained from the graph provided.
y = 7000 − 0.342x (1)
The most economical fuel is found for different loads. The intersection points of the different
screening curves provide a cut-off for the fuel plants available.
The Screening Curves for NG-GT and NG-CC intersect at t1 = 1250 hrs/yr
The Screening curves for Coal and NG-CC intersect at t2 = 3333.33 hrs/yr The Load-sharing
can be done by considering a baseline supply using Coal, and the peaks being supplied by Natural
Gas Plants as required. Hence,
• All Demand more than 3333.33hrs/yr can be met by Coal Plants
• All demands between 1250hrs/yr and 3333.33hrs/yr can be met using Natural Gas (Com-
bined Cycle) Power Plants
• Peaks and Bursts lasting up to 1250hrs/yr can be met using Natural Gas (Gas Turbine)
Power Plants.
Using Equation 1 and computing the Energy Ratings, the Coal Power Plant can be rated at
5860M W . The NG-CC Power Plant can be rated at 6572.5 − 5860 = 712.5M W . The
NG-GT Power Plant can be rated at 7000 − 6572.5 = 427.5M W .
(c) Average Capacity Factor
Average Capacity Factor is defined by
T otal Energy P roduced
CFavg = ∗ 100%
T otal Energy at Rated Demand
Applying this Equation for the different power plants,

5860 ∗ 3333.33 + 0.5 ∗ (8760 − 3333.33) ∗ (5860 + 4000)

CFavg (Coal) = ∗ 100% = 90.17%
5860 ∗ 8760
0.5 ∗ (6572.5 − 5860) ∗ (1250 + 3333.33)
CFavg (N G − CC) = ∗ 100% = 26.16%
(6572.5 − 5860) ∗ 8760
0.5 ∗ (7000 − 6572.5) ∗ 1250
CFavg (N G − GT ) = ∗ 100% = 7.135%
(7000 − 6572.5) ∗ 8760
(d) MW Energy Generated
The Actual MW Energy Generated by each plant can be obtained by the formula

Energy = (Rated P ower) ∗ 8760hrs/yr ∗ CFavg

Substituting the values for different Power Plants in this expression,

ECoal = 5860M W ∗ 8760hrs/yr ∗ 0.9017 = 46287507.12M W hr/yr

EN G−CC = 712.5M W ∗ 8760hrs/yr ∗ 0.2616 = 1632776.4M W hr/yr
EN G−GT = 427.5M W ∗ 8760hrs/yr ∗ 0.07135 = 267198.615M W hr/yr

4. Energy Saving Windows

(a) NPV of Windows with a 30-yr lifespan

(1 + d)n − 1 1.1230 − 1
N P V = Savings ∗ − F C = 0.55 ∗ − 3 = $1.43/f t2
d(1 + d)n 0.12 ∗ 1.1230
(b) NPV of Windows with a 30-ry Lifespan with Saving Escalation
0 d−e
Let d = where d = discount rate, and e = escalation rate
(1 + d )n − 1 1.04730 − 1
N P V (with Escalation) = Savings ∗ 0 0 n − F C = 0.55 ∗ − 3 = $5.78/f t2
d (1 + d ) 0.047 ∗ 1.04730
5. PV Energy Savings
(a) Annual Savings Delivered by the PV
This is obtained by considering the peak demand savings along with the annual energy savings.

Savings = 60000kW h/yr ∗ $0.07/kW h + 25kW ∗ $9/kW − mnth ∗ 12mnth/yr = $6900/yr

(b) NPV of the Investment over 30 years

(1 + d)n − 1
N P V = Annual Savings ∗ − Initial Cost
d ∗ (1 + d)n
1.1230 − 1
= 6900 ∗ − 135000 = $(−79419.23)
0.12 ∗ 1.1230
(c) NPV of the Investment over 30 years with Price Escalation

0 d−e
Let d = where d = Discount Rate and e = Escalation Rate
(1 + d )n − 1
N P V = Annual Savings ∗ 0 − Initial Cost
d ∗ (1 + d0 )n
1.04730 − 1
= 6900 ∗ − 135000 = $(−36464.87)
0.047 ∗ 1.04730

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