Ncae Forms
Ncae Forms
Ncae Forms
Oath of Confidentiality
As part of the testing staff nationwide, tasked to receive, administer
and retrieve the Test Materials for the National Career Assessment Test (NCAE), I
hereby solemnly swear that I will strictly observe security measures to maintain the
confidentiality of said materials.
Received from:
Division Testing Coordinator
Received By:
Seat Plan
Row 1 Row 2 Row 3 Row 4 Row 5 Row 6
Green Yellow Green Yellow Green Yellow
Line 1 1 2 3 4 5 6
Line 2 7 8 9 10 11 12
Line 3 13 14 15 16 17 18
Line 4 19 20 21 22 23 24
Line 5 25 26 27 28 29 30
Bagumbayan Elementary School Compound
M. Naval St., Sipac-Almacen, Navotas City
An important factor that affects performance in a test is the psychological climate in the testing room. It is
important therefore that you be very pleasant during the test. Rapport must be established with the
examinees because they work better when they are relaxed and properly motivated.
The activities pertaining to the test have to do with pre-test, test proper and post-test. A checkbox is
provided before the number that indicates a major activity and before the boxed instructions to be read
aloud to the examinees. Put a check mark (/) inside the box after each activity/instruction has been
done/given. Follow the succeeding instructions strictly to ensure fair and standardized test administration.
Inspect the seating arrangement before instructing the examinees to enter the testing room. There should
be six rows of armchairs. The seats should be spaced far enough from each other to discourage
unnecessary talking among examinees.
To facilitate control of passing in and out of the room, only one door should be kept open.
Instruct the examinees to line up outside the room in alphabetical order of their surnames, male first,
followed by females.
Instruct them to enter the room also in alphabetical order. Let the first six examinees occupy the front line
first, then the second, until the last line, as shown below.
Signs the Test Materials Accounting Form as she/he receives the test materials from the Chief
Examiner/School Testing Coordinator and counts the test booklets and answer sheets without opening the
plastic bags containing them before proceeding to her/his assigned testing room.
Any discrepancy should be acted upon immediately and this should be reported in the Chief Examiner’s
Check if the examinees have lead pencil to use and a sheet of blank paper for computation.
Facilitates the recording of the Examinee Number and Test Booklet Number of the examinees in the
NETRC Form 2, Seat Plan;
Follows strictly the Examiner’s Handbook during test administration;
Keeps custody of all used and unused Test booklets;
Checks the contents of the ETRE before he/she seals it while still in the examination room.
Inspect the seating arrangement before instructing the examinees to enter the testing room.